>FTL space-faring civilization. >conflicts over...

>FTL space-faring civilization
>conflicts over... grain


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  1. 4 months ago

    homies gotta eat

    • 4 months ago

      >have the technology to bend space itself
      >rely on pre-industrial agriculture

      And don't tell me it's just opression tactics and they throw the harvest into orbit or something, that makes it even more stupid.

      • 4 months ago

        We still rely on pre-industrial agriculture despite our immense technological advancements moron.

        • 4 months ago

          In the west, only for luxury purposes or as a hobby. 99% of yields come from Industrial agriculture.
          The 3rd world has some pre-Industrial agriculture, because it consists of pre-Industrial civilizations with post-Industrial features.
          Much of Africa is just cavemen running around with cellphones. The real world is a more bizarre sci-fi story than what these Hollywood hacks can imagine.

          • 4 months ago

            >The 3rd world has some pre-Industrial agriculture
            yet still over 1 billion brown and yellow people depend on ukrainian and russian extremely industrialised wheat production to survive

          • 4 months ago

            >Industrial agriculture.
            This is the main thing. Even if they are sensible and using planets instead of building giant space farms - why are they using animal labor and single row plows and the like?
            Did they raid an organic, artisan cheese farm planet?
            The farmers should at least be using combines and have massive terraformed plots under their control.
            The only thing that would make sense - and isnt mentioned in the movie at all so would be pure headcanon and making excuses for bad writing - would be to say that serf planets are denied advanced tech in order to make sure they cant revolt against the interstellar civs and armies.

            • 4 months ago

              I like that headcanon, if wish millionaire Hollywood screenwriters were a fraction as skilled as unemployed Cinemaphile anons...

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah the scale is all wrong but growing crops on planets would always be the most efficient way to do it beyond literal magic technology like matter replicators.

              • 4 months ago

                I can see space habitats being viable if you have enough space industry to make and expand them cheaply, and if fuel to dig stuff out of gravity wells is expensive.

                You start with a small o'neill cylinder, but if you can expand it even while it operates, than it's a perfectly viable alternative.

              • 4 months ago

                why in gods name would you be on a space habitat instead of going directly to the moon

                do you think the government will allow you to segregate yourself into space?

              • 4 months ago

                I mean that space habitats can be a viable alternative to growing crops on planets. I have no idea what you understood from my post.

              • 4 months ago

                I didn't even read it, and didn't read your reply

              • 4 months ago

                Even if you can do things like get the plants enough UV light and simulate gravity, every pound of food you produce and send away means a pound that has to be sent to the station. Not just fertilizers but water and CO2 as well. Its much better to just build the farm nearer to where you're getting those and most likely its going to be on the planet itself. There's tons of this stuff on Mars for example. Even if you can't grow crops on the surface of Mars you can still build the same structure you're proposing but on the surface. Now you can harvest water ice trapped in the surface and CO2 from the atmosphere.

            • 4 months ago

              >why are they using animal labor and single row plows and the like?

              Because these people aren't some government set up corpo-farm. They are a bunch of people without much money who purposely moved to the edge civilization to live a a better and peaceful life. Picture a futuristic version of the Mayflower. They left the comforts of civilization and had to start fresh with minimal supplies and trade.

              The military wasn't reliant on this moon either. They are just essentially collecting taxes to show they are the boss everywhere. The IRS doesn't give a shit if you are some peaceful farmer who owes just $100 in the boonies either, they get their cut.

        • 4 months ago

          This board is for people from 1st world countries only.

          • 4 months ago

            God I wish that were true

      • 4 months ago

        he's literally remaking seven samurai its not that deep

      • 4 months ago

        >And don't tell me it's just opression tactics
        "Don't you dare tell me the correct answer because I want to seethe over the stupid answer I arrived at!"

  2. 4 months ago

    This will be explained in the 7 hour long black and white 4:3 Snyder Ultimate Cut.

    • 4 months ago

      Znyder probably stumbled on one of those
      >what do they eat
      meme threads and took it at face value. Like Goerge R. R. Martin with the 'tax policy' but even more moronic.

      The villain is based on Stalin. Try reading the interviews.

      • 4 months ago

        If you want me to know something about the villain of your movie you should put it in your movie

        • 4 months ago

          Them looking like Soviet soldiers and punishing what seems to be farmers wasn't enough?

  3. 4 months ago

    Znyder probably stumbled on one of those
    >what do they eat
    meme threads and took it at face value. Like Goerge R. R. Martin with the 'tax policy' but even more moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      >haha, so those warhammer 40k dudes are like super advanced yet still have rural shit around?
      >oh yes, there was that old movie with those samurai dudes where the bad guys want to take the farmers' rice
      >ok hear me out, what if

  4. 4 months ago

    >having FTL means you don't need food
    okay, moron

    • 4 months ago

      Ah yes, let me just hurl this mountain-sized metal tube across interstellar distances to pick up half a ton of corn from some medieval farmers lmao

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      It means the means of producing food should be equally as advanced as FTL travel.

      Giant colonies of space farms.

      • 4 months ago

        >Giant colonies of space farms.
        Why do that, when you can just use planets?
        The only real problem with planets is that they are in a gravity well - which isnt a problem for this tech - and getting people to work them.
        They have stupid peasants to bully and enslave for that.

        • 4 months ago

          >Maybe just use planets, or even perhaps moons, for growing crops

          You mean.. like… exactly what’s in the movie?

          • 4 months ago

            Ciaphus Cain, Hero of the Imperium?

        • 4 months ago

          >Why do that, when you can just use planets?
          Planets have limited surface area
          With space stations you can have as much real estate (and perfectly climate controlled farmable real estate at that) as you want.

          • 4 months ago

            The amount of construction you would need to do to match the arable surface area of a good planet is stupidly massive.
            Why bother when there are already "spaceships" set up perfectly to grow all the food you could need?

            • 4 months ago

              spaceship agriculture allows you to exactly control the environment you grow your crops in and completely eliminate the threat of disease and weather to your crops.
              its very unlikely that an alien ecosystem could easily be adapted to your own agricultural products, you would probably spend a long time to fertilize the soil in the way you want to
              spaceships are a larger investment initially, but have a far bigger benefit. if you can comfortably travel at FTL and colonize other stars, planets themselves become a lot less useful, because you will be building space infrastructure anyways, so just build a few more space stations designated as farms

              • 4 months ago

                >exactly control the environment
                You mean have to micromanager every tiny thing down to the bacterial level. Life-bearing planets and moons are already set up to grow the food, no need to "control" them at all.
                Look at history and see how terrible it is to try and "control" agriculture in the long term.
                Your space farms will be stripped of nutrients in a few generations and you'll have to continually scoop up more resources from planets.
                Or you could just use the planets to grow your food.
                >you would probably spend a long time to fertilize the soil in the way you want to
                Almost half the time it would take to first build a giant location for the soil, and then have to fertilize it to be hospitable to what you desire.
                >but have a far bigger benefit
                The only benefits are that they can move, and they arent in gravity wells.
                We are shown very clearly that neither of these are issues for the group, so putting in that initial investment is a total waste and gets you no real added benefit.

            • 4 months ago

              >The amount of construction you would need to do to match the arable surface area of a good planet is stupidly massive.
              The hull of the station only has to be a few inches thick at most, it's not nearly as much material as you think.

              • 4 months ago

                >The hull of the station only has to be a few inches thick at most
                The farm you would be able to construct from the ship you are thinking would require constant resupply from a planet.
                You know what takes even LESS material?
                A planet.

    • 4 months ago

      I swear the eternal Snyder hater makes up dumber and dumber criticisms with each passing month.

    • 4 months ago

      It's like an US aircraft carrier bullying some random poor small village in bum frick nowhere country to supply them

    • 4 months ago

      >Can clearly move enormous amounts of mass across star systems
      >Can't grow crops on space stations for some inexplicable reason
      >Need one specific planet for growing crops

      • 4 months ago

        They've never been on that planet before, though.

  5. 4 months ago

    The bad guys says the rebels have been fricking with their food supply.

    • 4 months ago

      With the energy it takes to operate 1 interstellar gigavessel you could build enough orbital greenhouses to feed billions.
      I understand that they wanted something different from 'precious sci-fi resource' like spice or hardtoobtainium in the script, but they forgot to write it so it would make any sense at all.

      • 4 months ago

        They're space grains. Very hard to obtain.

        • 4 months ago

          See, right here's an easy script fix
          >homeworld elites want genuine tradwoman-grown moon wheat
          or whatever. Make it an off-hand one-liner by a disgruntled soldier.
          Hollywood script writers get paid 100ks and can't be bothered with the most basic shit.

      • 4 months ago

        Just shipping grain in from Agricultural Worlds would be way more efficient.
        The Virgin Urbanite cannot exist without the Chad Farmer.

      • 4 months ago

        >With the energy it takes to operate 1 interstellar gigavessel
        I mean if we're just pulling facts out our asses then actually they can only eat specific types of grain due to star poisoning from the ftl drives so the food they eat requires more energy to produce than ftl drives consume.

      • 4 months ago

        >With the energy it takes to operate 1 interstellar gigavessel you could build enough orbital greenhouses to feed billions.
        Where is that established? FTL is impossible IRL even with limitless energy, so the rules of FTL in a fictional story may as well be anything. Could be cheap and easy to do.

      • 4 months ago

        They haven't unlocked orbital greenhouses In the tech-tree

      • 4 months ago

        >With the energy it takes to operate 1 interstellar gigavessel you could build enough orbital greenhouses to feed billions.
        Nuclear reactors produce a ton of energy. That energy doesn't help you grow food

        Also the military didn't need this particular moon' food. They are just demonstrating their control of everything. How do people not get that?

  6. 4 months ago

    Hot girl.

  7. 4 months ago

    >FTL space-faring civilization
    >still the same racial propaganda as modern day ZOGworld
    immersion lost

  8. 4 months ago


  9. 4 months ago

    >slaves are still eating bread in the far future
    grim stuff

    • 4 months ago

      I wish I was eating bread today instead of glyphosate-infused microplastic loafes :/

      • 4 months ago

        >Buy flour
        >Buy yeast
        >Buy sugar
        >Buy salt
        >Google bread recipe
        >Follow that recipe
        If you can't be arsed to make homemade bread, you don't get to b***h about how shit your store bought bread is

  10. 4 months ago

    They think they are being clever by being so on the nose with their Seven Samurai "homage"

    • 4 months ago

      They probably just have severe contempt for their audience. Hollywood gigs are 100% favors and nepotism, so as a script writer the actual output you produce is completely irrelevant. It's only in technical fields like set-building, make-up and so on where your performance is correlated to your success.

  11. 4 months ago

    it's not about grain, it's about power

    • 4 months ago

      What the frick did I just say

      >have the technology to bend space itself
      >rely on pre-industrial agriculture

      And don't tell me it's just opression tactics and they throw the harvest into orbit or something, that makes it even more stupid.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >First you get the grain
      >Then you get the power

  12. 4 months ago

    You think people can live off of engine fuel?

  13. 4 months ago

    its shitty movie but not-wh40kcommissar guy wasnt there to fight over grain, he had intel about that farming community selling grain to rebels

    • 4 months ago

      So the farmers were just morons who didn't realize that grain would be a virtually worhless comomdity in an interstellar economy? Because they genuinely seem to believe that the empire wants (and needs) their grain.

  14. 4 months ago

    >here's the franchise that is gonna destroy star wars
    What were they thinking

  15. 4 months ago

    >be a technologically advanced species
    >lose the most powerful weapon in the universe because you can't remember which planet you left it on
    >send some goomba out with instructions to search every planet with 'people living there' because that's the only thing you can recall
    >apparently your ship doesn't record destinations
    I'm surprised he ever made it back home after he got BTFO. The writing for this was shit

    • 4 months ago

      Relax dude, he was fighting a million wars on a billion planets and he's a trillion years old. You forget things sometimes. Zeus is very strong.

  16. 4 months ago

    they are in a period of decadence in which they did stop understanding their technology

    warhammer 40k and the foundation features it

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Oh? So it would be equivalent to sailing a nuclear submarine to China to trade Black folk for silkworms or whatever.

      • 4 months ago

        It'd be like going from NYC to China in a nuclear submarine to steal a few bags of rice from a small town.

        I swear the eternal Snyder hater makes up dumber and dumber criticisms with each passing month.

        A space faring civilisation would at the very least be able to not depend on a tiny number of medieval peasants. It's like saying the US military is dependent on Hutterites. Even with our current technological level they could set up greenhouses on those spaceships or jus grow enough on a single planet full of industrial farms with a level of productivity that'll make bothering that village so ridiculous it wouldn't ever come up as a genuine proposal. It's like going to the Sentinel islands so you can harvest some coconuts...

        • 4 months ago

          >an overweight neet trying to say what would or wouldn't be able to happen in an epic space fantasy film with laser swords and robots, based on literally nothing
          That's so weird, I swear I don't remember asking for your autistic screechings?

    • 4 months ago

      40k has Agri worlds that mass produce grains

      • 4 months ago

        Grox are the most common stock animal, but apparently cattle and pigs still exist.
        Agri World's mostly feed the ridiculously overpopulated Hive Cities.

    • 4 months ago

      >Forgot how to plant seeds in the ground

    • 4 months ago

      Those ships must have really good autopilots.
      Imagine forgetting how to build greenhouses but casually traversing wormholes still.

    • 4 months ago

      The book, yes. The show, no. In the show it pure stupidity that is part Idiocracy, part size.

  17. 4 months ago

    because it's a remake of Seven Samurai and they didn't bother changing anything.

    • 4 months ago

      >hack snyder is so bad that he copy-pasted the entire Seven Samurai film right into the grain part

  18. 4 months ago

    I liked that the space soldiers had kingths armor faded by the centuries. Honestly the people from the props department are better storytellers than the script writers lol

    • 4 months ago

      So this is 100% a Warhammer 40k rippoff?

      • 4 months ago

        Legally Distinct Zack Snyder Original

      • 4 months ago

        Legally Distinct Zack Snyder Original

        Did Warhammer invent space fascists? I ask because nothing else in the whole movie seems to be Warhammer like at all beyond the Space Nazis. and that was take from this being a Star Wars riff.

        • 4 months ago
          • 4 months ago

            looks like a youtube parody video

            • 4 months ago

              Top-shelf cosplay I'd say, give them a little credit.

          • 4 months ago

            >knock off Comissar
            >knock off Imperial Guard
            >Knock of Mechanicus.
            Good work Snyder

            • 4 months ago

              >knock off imperial officer
              >knock off Mobile infantry
              >Knock of Technopriests
              You knowledge of sci-fi is staggeringly low. Everything in warhammer is either ripped off from heavy metal, dune or star wars.

              • 4 months ago

                Or other sci-fi like starship troopers and judge dredd
                It's incredible that warhammergays will go on and on and on about how xyz thing is ripped off from their plastic toys when warhammer itself is the real ripoff.

              • 4 months ago

                Zack Snyder is explicit about most of the things from Rebel Moon coming from Star Wars and specially Heavy Metal. Several moments were inspired by HM short stories.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah the difference is he's open about it while warhammergays seem to think that warhammer invented sci-fi and if you want to discuss sci-fi kino they come in to shill their goyslop.

              • 4 months ago

                Or other sci-fi like starship troopers and judge dredd
                It's incredible that warhammergays will go on and on and on about how xyz thing is ripped off from their plastic toys when warhammer itself is the real ripoff.

                provide one(1) reputable source that proves warhammer is a derivative work.

                go on, i'll wait

              • 4 months ago

                It's fricking hilarious that the warhammer creators knew they were creating "Everything: The Game" and their idiot fans can't peer past their fanboy goggles and put the gamepieces down long enough to read or watch the giant stack of SF novels and media it blatantly incorporated.

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                >Warhammer is notable for its "dark and gritty" background world, which reference a range of historical cultures, along with other fantasy settings, in particular Tolkien's Middle-earth. From Michael Moorwiener, its creators took the theme of "Chaos" as a force unceasingly attempting to tear the mortal world asunder.

                >The Warhammer world drew inspiration from Tolkien's Middle-earth, but also from Robert E. Howard (Conan the Barbarian) and Michael Moorwiener, as well as real-world history, particularly European history.

                So we can already confirm that the series is based on Tolkien, Moorwiener and Howard for just the original Warhammer games. By the time you get to 40k, you can easily see the influences of Herbert (a long-lived God Emperor) and Asimov (a failing empire with a loose grip on its frontiers). Go correct the Wikipedia article if you don't think this is "reputable" enough.

                Nothing new under the sun, kiddo.

              • 4 months ago

                40K is a broad setting with lots of different elements borrowed from other settings so that the 40K setting serves as a good basis for any game they want to sell. The Horus Heresy for example only exists in the lore because they needed a lore reason for why they were shipping a box set where the two armies shared identical units. Oh its actually from a civil war, the hugest and most epicest of civil wars! The Imperial Guard has a ton of variety in unit designs because they're all from different planets, which also happens to let you use your generic historical minis while playing the game. Those units aren't just Russian cossacks I stole from my dad, they're Arruzkian calvalry!

        • 4 months ago

          The production design above all else. The opening scene where the space soldiers roll into town could be an ifficial 40K short if you added some gothic spires to the space ship and tinkered the dialogue a bit.

      • 4 months ago


        Did Warhammer invent space fascists? I ask because nothing else in the whole movie seems to be Warhammer like at all beyond the Space Nazis. and that was take from this being a Star Wars riff.

        >Did Warhammer invent space fascists?

        The production design above all else. The opening scene where the space soldiers roll into town could be an ifficial 40K short if you added some gothic spires to the space ship and tinkered the dialogue a bit.

        Some elements in the movie reminding you of warhammer doesn't make it a "warhammer ripoff" especially when warhammer didn't even invent any of those elements

    • 4 months ago

      So this is 100% a Warhammer 40k rippoff?


      • 4 months ago

        >Some folks are born mande to wave the flag oooooh that red and blue wrench

      • 4 months ago

        How the frick did shit like this get approved? Did they even read the script before shitting this out?

        • 4 months ago

          >Did they even read the script before shitting this out?

  19. 4 months ago

    ...Why did they not sell their surplus for 3x market value? It was established that the colony was not related to rebels and only had 1 interaction with them via sales. Old guys bloodline should be culled for causing the conflict with his hesitation

    • 4 months ago

      They also forgot how to make an economy

      • 4 months ago

        It's Age of Empires economics:
        >300 grain
        >200 wood
        >100 stone
        to make a FTL capital ship.

  20. 4 months ago

    >FTL space-faring civilization
    >conflicts over... grain
    I'd watch Zak Snyder's Outer Worlds adaptation.

  21. 4 months ago

    yes. the plot is moronic. snyder shouldn't be allowed into a writing room.

    • 4 months ago

      Snyder shouldn't be allowed in any room. Especially in winter. See if his perceived intelligence keeps him warm

  22. 4 months ago

    I gave up after the first fight scene. The writing is just awful, genuinely awful. 5 seconds in he's telling us what's going on...the first thing a kid learns in school about storytelling is show, not tell but somehow that's gone over his head. It's just a dumb film written by an idiot who's loved by idiots. The only reason 300 and his DC films were somewhat coherent is thanks to the work put in by others before him to create the characters and stories he later butchered.
    I just love that his bot filled fanbase didn't even bother trying to defend this film. All the talk about how this would dethrone Star Wars only for it to fade in to obscurity in a heartbeat.

    • 4 months ago

      >the first thing a kid learns in school about storytelling is show, not tell but somehow that's gone over his head.
      People being too stupid to get most of the visual storytelling in BvS taught him otherwise.

      • 4 months ago

        Good Morning!

    • 4 months ago

      The average Indian has an IQ of 75, a voiceover exposition was the only viable choice given the movie's target demographic.

      • 4 months ago

        Rebel Moon was like in fourth place when it debuted among the Indians. This meme that Indians love Zack Snyder was never real. Indians love the MCU, if anything. You can see it because Kevin Feige purposely try to insert fan-service in several movies like Tony Stark dressed like an Indian.

        Meanwhile Rebel Moon was number 1 for weeks in places like Japan, UK, US, and Saudi Arabia.

        • 4 months ago

          The joke is that he pays them to say they like his stuff, not that they actually like it.

  23. 4 months ago

    >offers 3x market price for the grain
    >doesn't immediately take the deal
    most unrealistic part there isnt a farmer in the universe who wouldnt jump on that deal

    • 4 months ago

      Smarter to double dip by getting space subsidies for "destroying" your own crops and then selling your harvest on the space deepweb.

  24. 4 months ago

    homies gotta eat

  25. 4 months ago

    Still gotta eat. You WANT to live on bug paste and food processors?

  26. 4 months ago

    earl grey
    and for my evenings entertainment...
    2 and a half hours long

    • 4 months ago

      Good Morning! Please to have shitty action movie comouter thank you my bastard sar!

      • 4 months ago

        pajeets dont have time in the morning to watch movies

  27. 4 months ago

    >second rate imitation of seven samurai but over multiple movies crammed with second rate imitation of Star Wars and Warhammer

    I get that Snyder is a senile hack, but who the frick greenlit this? Someone decided to commit hundreds of millions of dollars to this patently moronic concept

    • 4 months ago

      Have you read the Sony email leaks? There were a bunch of threads at the time. Movie execs are utterly clueless morons. Every good or even mediocre movie that comes out is the results of passionate creatives fighting long, painful battles against them.

      • 4 months ago

        >Have you read the Sony email leaks
        No I haven't, link?

  28. 4 months ago

    >Space Nazis show up and offer you x3 the money for your grain
    >Decide to lie to their faces that you don't have any, even though the unharvested fields are literally within eyesight during the conversation
    Why am I supposed to care about some too stupid to live villagers?

    • 4 months ago

      The woman told them not to make a deal with the Empire. There's only so many times you can listen to a woman's advice and survive...

  29. 4 months ago

    They told us three things:

    They needed to feed their soldiers.
    The rebels lead by Cyborg guy has been attacking their food and weapon supply.
    They wanted to know if the moon - it's a moon, not a planet - farm has been feeding the rebels they are pursuing.
    They sure love to rape.

  30. 4 months ago

    why didn't they just eat the bugs

  31. 4 months ago

    Hey remember when warhammer just straight up ripped off an entire evil faction from a separate fantasy series and didn't even change the name or the logo?

  32. 4 months ago

    Tried to watch it today.

    It's not even fever dream bad, it's just regular bad.

  33. 4 months ago

    Zack Snyder said that the Imperium is now being lead by off-world mutts brought to Motherworld that don't understand nor care about the technology nor culture.

    >Regent Balisarius, who didn't grew up in that culture not is native from that world, is far more vicious than the Slain King ever was. According to Zack Snyder, "The regent Balsarius, he's much more like a dictator. Like, as [Joseph] Stalin was. He'd be happy to raze a planet just for its natural resources rather than be like 'Oh, we should like land and see what the people are like and maybe some of them can fight for us' and, you know, like 'Maybe we could assimilate their culture into ours'. Where before it was a much more sort of 18th-century imperialism, with old king being based on the Nicholas II who was the last Tsar of the Russian Empire, where now the modern Imperium is much more aggressive than -- that was aggressive before in its way, and now it's way worse."

    >Under the more dictatorial leadership of Balisarius, the Imperium also begins to decay culturally. While there was an appreciate for art and culture, shown in impressive stained glass windows and towering architecture, the Imperium begins to decay into a more utilitarian focus and a more brutalist aesthetic. According to Producer Deborah Snyder, "There's the notion that after the royal family's death, everything became, there wasn't any need for formalities or even upkeep anymore, or they didn't try and advance in any aspect, they just, they were war machines. So everything was very practical. And they let, you'll even see with the costumes, the way they looked and then the way they currently look, it's like they still have all the detail, but it's just not taken care of like it was when the king was alive. All of that kind of gets lost, that appreciation of the art of everything. "

    • 4 months ago

      Zack Snyder seems to have some weird hatred for Joseph Stalin.

      >According to Dechant, the film “is a battle between brutality and harmony.” As Admiral Noble ominously traverses the galaxy, he brings destruction to civilizations and entire worlds. Veldt contrasts the nihilism of the Imperium with its kindness and integration with nature. It’s a “place worth fighting for,” Dechant explained.
      >“They land in the village to say, ‘Listen, you guys will be our local food source while we’re tromping around this part of the galaxy. So how long till the harvest comes in?’ The villagers are pretty much stunned by the brutality, but they don’t realize what level the Mother World’s ready to go to,” Zack Snyder says.
      >“The Imperium comes down, and they want to take the women and take the children and they need more soldiers,” Deborah Snyder says. “They’re going to take their food. And [the villagers] go, ‘Look, we can bargain with them.’”
      >“This is also very close to our reality. Not so long ago in the 30s millions of Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a man-made famine engineered by the Soviet government of Joseph Stalin who was pushing for the mass industrialization of the entire empire.”
      >The Imperium is more inspired by Soviet aesthetics, particularly in the officers' uniforms, while the interior of the Imperium dreadnought, for example, isn’t designed for creature comforts but is strictly utilitarian

  34. 4 months ago

    why are we acting like they are the sole grain producers on that planet?

  35. 4 months ago

    >The the Dreadnoughts' bridge resembling a Soviet-era submarine featuring flat metal panels and full of lights and physical buttons complete with a descending periscope. Duchant says a lot of designs are inspired by 80s-era anime such as Transformers or Mobile Suit Gundam (sans the actual giant robots) where vehicles like tanks and ships are often chunkier with rounded edges. Ships designs also targeted simplicity. Duchant recalls drawing Star Wars ships as a child and says "Zack and I talked about... making sure that the shapes were simple enough that a 10-year-old can go, this is pretty cool, and start drawing in their notebook."

  36. 4 months ago

    >The Imperium has been in power hundreds, if not thousands of years going all the way back to the beginning of recorded history. In that time they developed advanced technology, towering architecture, and a massive army they used to conquer new planets and assimilate their cultures. As a colonialist empire they're hardly the "good guys," but with a rich royal tradition and a sense of nobility, the culture is more "civilized" and worlds that join the Imperium (voluntarily or not) benefit in some ways, as people have opportunity to gain their own status in the Imperium though participation in the military or through other means. Snyder claims this version of the Imperium was inspired by the ancient Russian Empire.
    >The royal family is guarded by a knightly order of robots, the Jimmies, who are programmed to protect and serve the king and await the arrival of the mythical Princess Issa, who was prophesied to bring peace to the galaxy. The Jimmies bear a lot of potent symbolism relating to the Imperium and the royal family on their elaborate armor, including the symbols of a snake, a chalice, and a wolf, all of which are prominent symbolism elsewhere in the movie as well.

    >In a Caesar-style assassination, the king was killed by someone in his inner circle and Regent Balisarius (Fra Fee) takes his place. Despite the coup, the "Slain King" is still held in a place of high regard. According to Ed Skrein, Admiral Atticus Noble is "a loyal representative of the slain king," but also loyal to Balisarius. The imagery of the Slain King is still prominent throughout the Imperium, even including their currency, which features an eagle on one side with the face of the slain king and a wolf on the other side. Imperium soldiers have similar imagery of an eagle and the Slain King

  37. 4 months ago

    >Motherworld lies at the heart of the Imperium, a decaying empire in the middle of a planetary system revolving around twin suns.
    >Moa is the Imperium throne world, a harsh environment full of sniping politicians and military machinations, and powered by arcane technologies.
    >Its rulers’ hunger for the galaxy’s resources only grows as they devour everything in their path.
    >On Motherworld, 1,886 kings ruled in unbroken succession. Until one day that succession was broken by off-worlders.
    >The radiant heir to the throne of Motherworld was prophesied to reset her crumbling, warlike kingdom. But her growing influence over her father disturbed the ruling class, and a group of senators — including the future Regent Balisarius — overthrew and murdered Issa and her father, bringing an end to the peaceful prophecy that surrounded her and the reign of the royal family.
    >Following the brutal assassination that wiped out the royal family, corrupt dignitaries claimed power. The slain king’s disarmament campaign was brought to a brutal halt, and in its place rose a new and unforgiving regime. The story of Rebel Moon picks up five years later…
    >Like the cosmic Wolf, the Imperium now prowls through the stars, gobbling up planets and resources. This ravenous appetite has outpaced the Imperium’s supply, leading to an endless hunt that leads them further and further away from Moa…

    • 4 months ago

      Weird how every bit of lore blames off-wolders for the Imperium turning to shit. Seems kinda prejudiced. What is Snyder even trying to say here?

  38. 4 months ago

    a homies gotta eat

  39. 4 months ago

    The need for wheat is actually super important lore-wise. I'm not even fricking with you about this. The novelization unironically spends 50 pages going on an autistic as frick spiel about just how important wheat is to the galaxy and how it is made, and everything. Moby Dick-tier autism. LMAO.

    • 4 months ago

      >food sources are unstable in our ftl galaxy
      what a shitty galaxy
      what's next
      >we sent our joint chiefs for a milkrun and to pick up some firewood to power our deathstar

      • 4 months ago

        RM being live action Rust would be hilarious.

  40. 4 months ago

    If it was "influenced" by 40k
    then these rebels will be riddled with heretics and chaos influence and xenos

    That might be a little too much "depth" to a story though
    Imagine the protagonists slowly realizing they are irredeemably damned

  41. 4 months ago

    why not get it from the source?

  42. 4 months ago

    Given that a FTL space ship is impossible to build from a practical standpoint. Whatever magical technology that is used for FTL may be efficient or cheap enough that shipping bulk quantities of food from one planet to another is economically viable.

    Real world a grain with ship 50k tons of wheat on board is worth $11 million USD which is enough to justify sending a ship from the US to the other side of the world.

    Sending food from an agricultural planet to a core world might be no different to using grain from the Midwest to feed people in Beijing.

  43. 4 months ago

    You know, i'd rather watch a show about the Imperium than whatever we got.

    >As a child, Kora’s life was spared by Balisarius, and off-worlder himself, and he adopted her as his own daughter.
    >Balisarius named her Arthelais and taught her the hard lessons of war.
    >Kora attended the Academy Militarium where she was stripped of her identity, gender and culture, and was remade in the image of her adoptive father.
    >At the age of 18, she was made an officer, given a command, and fought for the king under the banner of the army that murdered her family.
    >Following Kora’s military success, Balisarius engineered an appointment to act as Royal Seneschal and bodyguard to the king’s daughter, the Princess Issa.
    >Issa was called the Chalice, the Redeemer, the Lifesaver — a divine being born of flesh and blood who was said to have the power to restore life.
    >The galaxy’s faithful believe that Issa could usher in a new age of peace and compassion after years of war.
    >Issa’s benevolent influence over her once-fearsome father frightened his warmongering allies, and the ambitions of Balisarius overrode his loyalty to the king. The coup struck with fury, with Kora acting as the tip of the spear, and the world was forever changed.

  44. 4 months ago

    >general of entire; legion? Army group? Whatever the frick can fit in a single ship I suppose? Personally comes down onto the surface of the planet to personally talk to the leader of a single backwater farming village consisting of like 40 people and asks for enough grain to feed his entire army... not any of the major cities on the planet, which if anything like earth, should be in the hundreds. Not some planetary governor. So fricking moronic. Then he leaves like 10 guys with regular small arms to guard it. Not ro mention the back to back cliche scenes like; bar fight, retired soldier is forced to take up arms again when a girl is about to be raped, villain acts nice in tense meeting and ends up killing someone. Fricking movie is written by boomers.

  45. 4 months ago

    In the movie the Imperium have never been in that MOON, which is as far away from Motherworld as possible. So it makes sense that the spaceships might be running low on supplies, specially food. They exhausted themselves in the pursuit of the rebels.
    Though the rest of the movie also shows they weren't there by coincidence. They need the farming village had been feeding the rebels and that the rebels had a contact nearby. We see the orc boutyhunters taking the guy.

    • 4 months ago

      I want to see more about the orcs. Are there elves in this IP? Frick it, lets just recreate Bright in Space.

  46. 4 months ago

    Protip: Future wars on Earth would be fought over fresh water

    • 4 months ago

      Or flavored sparkling water.

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