>full 22-minute episode about gentrification in a Disney cartoon

>full 22-minute episode about gentrification in a Disney cartoon
Is this what western animation is coming to?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Can't watch in my country. Did she just get the dinosaur to smash it all up and revert it to a ghetto in the end, saving the day from gentrification?

    • 8 months ago

      >Moon Girl and the End of Wypipol

      two white scientist show up and want to sell the mayor devices that cancel out overly loud rap music so Moon Girl screams "BUT OUR CULTCHA" and then eviscerates them

  2. 8 months ago

    Whoever is responsible for squandering good art on this evil political drivel will have to answer to God.

    • 8 months ago

      I like Casey (and to a lesser extent Lunella's) designs but my god they might be the most obnoxious DTVA characters in years. A show about Mabel, Webby, and season 4 Star would be less tedious.

      This show feels like it got a shit ton of all the hype and budget that Hailey's On It and Kiff didn't, yet everyone seems to prefer those two shows to this (aside from woke self-hating white liberals on twitter of course).

      • 8 months ago

        >they might be the most obnoxious DTVA characters
        Why’s that?

        • 8 months ago

          Too demonstrative. Too annoying. Too ratchet.

          I suppose the intent is "THAT IS HOW 13 YEAR OLD GIRLS FROM DA HOOD ACT" so... too real?

          • 8 months ago

            I complained about this before because I read and enjoyed Lunella's original comic run and they just changed EVERYTHING about her to turn her into this black "yiissss I iz from da hood n shiiet" caricature.
            Lunella in the books was just Dexter from Dexter's Lab, her Mom was a prison counselor and her dad was a surgeon concerned about how withdrawn and unsociable she is. The closest things she had to friends was a white girl and some south american boy and she still didn't deign to talk to them much because she was haughty and wanted to be alone in her lab all the time and did not talk about her feelings.
            The show is basically racist with how much they had to change her to fit their vision of what "black" is to them. Dancing and hooting and swanging their pants down low to 2Pac. Wtf

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah she feels a bit too much but I thought that was me, I've been watching it lately, and certain things..
              >Non-binary/They/Them boy
              >Pride flags
              >Episode about black hair
              It just feels like it's made for a certain demographic, I like the hero and kid genius antics though.
              I'd frick Tai, he's a boy, dammit and I find it weird he was at a girl's sleepover.

      • 8 months ago

        The fact that the entire first season aired in two months didn’t help

      • 8 months ago

        >This show feels like it got a shit ton of all the hype and budget that Hailey's On It and Kiff didn't, yet everyone seems to prefer those two shows to this
        well no one off of the internet actually watches any dtvaslop besides maybe owl and amphibia

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not watching this, what's "evil" about it?

      • 8 months ago

        It's racist and the politics it spouts would hurt people if implemented.

    • 8 months ago

      When did skin color start becoming a personality?

      • 8 months ago

        When stereotypes and prejudices became a thing

  3. 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    Also in the season finale the villain's motivation is "whitey stole my ideas"

    • 8 months ago

      oh ma gaaawwd...it's just like how the evil whitey colonisers stole from our ancestor's selfless generosity and tricked them into becoming slaves and inventing electricity for them...

  5. 8 months ago

    victim complex thread

    • 8 months ago

      There is not a single post in this thread pretending to be a victim of anything. It is more likely you have a superiority complex.

  6. 8 months ago

    I remember when shills swore up and down this shit want woke.

    • 8 months ago

      they had to stop about the time Lunella's troony friend pronouns got mentioned and it spiralled down from there

      • 8 months ago

        The computer?

    • 8 months ago

      The pilot episode had Lunella's mom imply the Avengers don't help black people, and early on there was an episode that was clearly one of the writers having high school PTSD moment of Stacy calling her a nappy headed ho.

      Between this and The Proud Family: Total Oscar Death, why does Disney feel like they are unable to market a cartoon to black audiences without resorting to playing up stereotypes, identity politics and other subversive shit?

      • 8 months ago

        How much did you misread the episode and are you just this unbearable to people of all races?

  7. 8 months ago

    I preferred the one about how much she wanted to frick her own hair

  8. 8 months ago

    It's coming to my attention that Cinemaphile doesn't really know what gentrification is outside of vaguely thinking "white people come and improve the neighborhood" and not "Rich fricks come in and run everyone out".

    • 8 months ago

      The idea of “population migration” as regards gentrification has always had to do with how when the neighborhood’s economic value goes up and crime goes down and housing and resources become available, then the “migration” in question is always as they would put it “a shift in a neighborhood's racial or ethnic composition”, and as put in in plain words:
      just white people moving in and blacks moving out because none of them have jobs and none of them can rent out their suddenly much higher-value properties.

      It’s not everyone being run out like cartoons like this shit and South Park have probably “taught” you, it’s a shift in demographics because some races have a propensity to make a living and benefit from higher value properties and other races have a propensity to collect welfare checks and not benefit from it

    • 8 months ago

      >Show depicts rich c**ts buying and bribing their way through everything. Locals get upset.
      >Cinemaphile: Don't like it? Just move 🙂
      As an eurogay i can relate more to da hood here, than two rich outsiders coming in to maximize their profits with fake smiles. Kinda like how many local governments want to get rid of walkable space to make more parking spots.

      Are you implying gentrification is a good thing?

      Gentrification is a good thing. It sucks poorer people have to move, but it isn't the end of the world. It's a natural consequence of economic enrichment.
      The process is simple and an objective fact:
      >city is rich
      >city loses money
      >quality of life goes down
      >prices go down
      >poor people arrive
      >rich people leave
      >city is poor
      >city gains money
      >quality of life goes up
      >prices go up
      >rich people arrive
      >poor people leave
      >city is rich
      It's completely natural, healthy, and necessary if the city is ever to be a good place to live again. Artificially opposing it is bad for the economy and ultimately everyone involved. Arguments made towards the "character" and "history" of the impoverished area are copium at best and selfish deceit at worst.
      Also, it is dishonest to forget that a great number of the poor people also benefit from the enrichment in every conceivable way. They have access to better jobs, better goods and services, crime goes down, and their town becomes an overall better place. Anyone with a basic work ethic can take advantage of this opportunity. The amount of people who actually can't, instead of simply choosing not to, is miniscule. And while their deprivation deserves aid, it is not worth holding the entire city back for.

      There is no rational foundation for arguments against gentrification. The only people who deride it are the ignorant, unaffected, selfish, and self-righteous.

      • 8 months ago

        >Being a waggie in a local fruit shop or running a food stand
        >Being a waggie but Starbucks

        • 8 months ago

          >being a wagie in a local shop
          >$9 an hour
          >being a wagie but Starbucks
          >$15 an hour
          ~40% wage increase at the bottom of the ladder is the best you can come up with?
          Thanks for proving my point.

          • 8 months ago

            You know what else increases? The rent. Also bottom of the ladder is the point most people in poor-middle communities are. These people don't have studies so they can't apply to most new job positions gentrification brings.

            • 8 months ago

              I never understood this. What compels a landlord to raise rent when tenants stt earning more money?

              • 8 months ago

                Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

      • 8 months ago

        Gentrification will never be good because:
        >Rich people move in.
        >Poor people are forced out somewhere else.
        >Rich people move there too.
        >Poor people are forced out again.
        >Rich people move in another place.
        >Poor people are forced out once again.
        Here's a better idea: Solve the poverty problem. There are more poor people than rich people. You can't keep forcing everyone out for the minority. What are you going to do when the poor people are forced out everywhere? Kill them?

        • 8 months ago

          Is this a joke? Sorry if it is.
          If every city in the country becomes rich, then by the old metric there are no poor people anymore. Everyone appreciates upward, even the bottom of the barrel trash that don't deserve it. That's how financial enrichment works, it pulls everyone up whether they like it or not. Any economic history book will show you that there is never some roaming pocket of impoverished masses, everyone eventually settles down somewhere and gains wealth themselves. That's where the first group of rich people came from, long-term residents of upwardly mobile cities, and they only move when external factors compel them.

          You know what else increases? The rent. Also bottom of the ladder is the point most people in poor-middle communities are. These people don't have studies so they can't apply to most new job positions gentrification brings.

          >I do not want a 40% increase in income because it comes with a 20% increase in rent
          If you can't catch up you deserve to be pushed out. It's harsh, but that's how life gets better for everyone else. Always has been.

          • 8 months ago

            You're a real moron if you think it somehow makes everyone rich. If it was that simple, it wouldn't be such a problem in the first place. The only ones who benefit are those forcing themselves in, while everyone gets kicked out and forced to even shittier living arraignments before they're forced out of there too. Unless you're rich, you can get gentrified too any fricking year now.

            • 8 months ago

              Didn't you hear him? Everyone eventually gains wealth themselves and there are no poor people any more.

              • 8 months ago

                If only that were true. I would be begging to be gentrified everyday if that were the case and become rich.

      • 8 months ago

        This looks written by a 19th century factory owner

      • 8 months ago

        >. It sucks poorer people have to move
        They move to slums, and then the slums gets gentrification as well. Housing prices will be at the level where poor people can't afford anywhere to live. Where will they go then? The streets, and then people complain about all the homeless people and rather then providing them with housing they will instead push to make it illegal to be homeless

        • 8 months ago

          >illegal to be homeless
          Already basically is

      • 8 months ago

        I wish your uncle swallowed you, you sound like some rich kid who goes to the clubs in those poor neighborhoods way after gentrification because it's safe, but you say it's "cool".
        You do know after they have their fun for a decade or two, they frick off and the neighborhood is usually worse off, right?
        Of course you don't homosexual.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Show depicts rich c**ts buying and bribing their way through everything. Locals get upset.
    >Cinemaphile: Don't like it? Just move 🙂
    As an eurogay i can relate more to da hood here, than two rich outsiders coming in to maximize their profits with fake smiles. Kinda like how many local governments want to get rid of walkable space to make more parking spots.

  10. 8 months ago

    Are you implying gentrification is a good thing?

  11. 8 months ago

    for me it's Casey

    • 8 months ago

      Only good post itt

      • 8 months ago

        she has my heart

  12. 8 months ago

    >another jigaboo protagonist because muh inclusivity
    The new political climate does make cartoons worst.

    • 8 months ago

      I can tell that you've never been to East of Allen St from that post alone. The Lower East Side is mostly hispanics and blacks these days. Maybe you'll see a chink or two. You're kidding yourself if you thought they were going to make a the show about a pasty b***h in the LES.

  13. 8 months ago


  14. 8 months ago

    If poor people don't want to get gentrified, they should just own homes like rich people do.

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