G-Witch Rant

You can't discuss this show properly anywhere in this website. It always devolves into shippinghomosexualry, anti- and pro-yurihomosexualry, /misc/homosexualry, hatehomosexualry, or just general schizohomosexualry.
We can't have a single fricking thread about this show without it turning into a shitflinging competition. And now with all the Bandai stuff, the discourse has even turned for the worse.

Even now the only enjoyable thread about G-b***h that hasn't devolved into another apeshit contest on this board is the Mobile Suit one, and the fricking Felsi shitposting thread. Those are the only places where people seem to even have fun discussing it.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Mechs are cool, story is trash. Who gives a shit. It's like Iron Blood Orphans.

  2. 10 months ago

    It's a decent show(6/10) but I think it suffers from the narrow scope and an inability to properly balance it's shoujo romance drama with the cyberpunk sci-fi political intrigue.
    By the end of season 2 I realized they basically sidelined exploring setting and themes in more depth and only really concluded Suletta and Miorine's story.
    There's a lot left hanging, or just poorly resolved in a way that doesn't really feel intentional and more like they just wanted to have an ending with zero consequences.

    IMO the show would've been much much better if they had just completely ignored the war on earth and all that heavy political stuff and just stuck to the school drama and battling for Miorine's hand in marriage.
    They were not able to balance all these big ideas at all. And in the end didn't really end up saying anything that impressive or meaningful with them.

    The prologue was much better though. Kinda feels like this series version of Stargazer.

    • 10 months ago

      I agree. Asticassia was an interesting setting for a mecha Hogwarts. We had at least five factions that could have been explored more deeply. And since the story was based on the Tempest, it probably should have remained at that. DoF and SAL were not really necessary to add to the story. We already had Earthian and Spacian characters that could have been used to shine more light on the setting, and the main politics should have remained within Benerit itself.

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly I think the show would.will be seen in a better light if it got a sequel. It still managed to give us a complex setting, a wide cast of interesting secondary characters and good MS design with a background attached to them.
      Just give me G-witch Z: a new protagonist with his nakama, some old characters coming back but Suletta,Miorine and the Earth team out of the windows, they never had much to tell.
      Ad Stella is legit a fertile ground who could give us some great stuff.

      • 10 months ago

        I feels like some fans probably would go apeshit if Suletta/Miorine are not there, even if it would make sense in my view, beside for a single cameo episode showing they do not fight anymore.

        • 10 months ago

          They'd also flip out if their post WfM lives weren't 100 peachy.
          On a slightly related note it makes perfect sense for one of the Earthian kids who'd parents to follow the easily available evidence from Aerial in Quinnharbour to the Mercury family and kill wheelchair-ridden Prospera in revenge, but the ending is too saccharine to realise that

          • 10 months ago

            Not only that, I'm sure there are many pissed off Spacians as well. Not only businessmen, but also workers who lost their jobs. Seeing some kind of Spacian terrorists would be awesome.

            • 10 months ago

              Realistically Miorine would be stuck in legal hell for the rest of her life.
              At least Guel was mentioned to have been able to relocate his employees so maybe other companies were able to do that as well.

              • 10 months ago

                There's also the fact that SAL has been exposed to fund terrorism against its own citizens, maybe some Spacians are looking to undermine it.

      • 10 months ago

        I agree with you but much like SEED fans, G-Witch fans probably want to see their favorite characters return more than they want to see the setting developed with a new cast.

        • 10 months ago

          NTA but I've actually seen multiple posts on Cinemaphile from G-Witch fans who've expressed a wish that there would be an entirely new cast of characters, so there definitely are fans for that route.

          • 10 months ago

            Sure those people exist, but you also have to remember, we are talking about fanbase who throwing tantrum when Sunrise spend moat of the air time not on main pair

      • 10 months ago

        Nah. A sequel can add context, but it can't fix the plot.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean a lot of the intrigue comes from corporations hold proxy wars with eachother.
        With most of the cast being in charge of those corporations know you can't really make the corporation the villains anymore unless you want to make miorine and guel a warmongerer that is instigating wars to make a bigger profit

        • 10 months ago

          That would require moral complexity. Instead Miorine attempting to become an arms dealer is dismissed within seconds of her proposing it and her actual "woe is me what have I done" moment is caused by her being a complete and utter moron and going along with Prospera (gee remember when this character was distrusting of authority figures and sceptical of everything? I guess the writers didn't)

    • 10 months ago

      10/10 show b***h

    • 10 months ago

      I agree with you

      The show either needed to be longer to properly explore those ideas or just not have brought them up in the first place. Towards the second half it was clear they didn't have time to actually wrap any of it up in a satisfactory way.

      And it's a shame because the world of G-Witch is super cool and I wanted more

      • 10 months ago

        From the start it was clear they weren’t invested in writing out the world in a satisfying way. They had all the time they could need to properly set things up but the focus was on the wrong thing for a large part of the show.

        • 10 months ago

          The annoying thing is that both the family drama AND romance weren't fleshed out properly either, despite that being the main thing the show was focusing on.

          • 10 months ago

            If you want good family drama check out brain powerd. The human relationships and family drama are written well.

    • 10 months ago

      I feel like if the show was the normal 40-50 episodes it would have been a lot better.

      • 10 months ago

        The show was very good in my opinion, a solid 8 - but the pacing issues and lack of exploration of the whole setting was definitely an issue that holds it back from a better score, the episode count worked against this series. It needed a full 50 episodes.

        No. That's wrong. Remember the 3 episodes or Elan, Nika and Norea sitting around in a room? We would get more episodes of this random crap where the show didn't know what to do with all the characters they have, so they placed them in a literal side room.

        • 10 months ago

          Wow that sounds fantastic.

        • 10 months ago

          People think that "more episodes=better" automatically but don't think about the actual content of the story. Because its pretty obvious that there's a lot of parts where they don't know to do with most of its characters. Often it feels like it was theowing stuff at the wall ti see what might stick. Or the aforementioned plot dungeon.

          I want to compare it to another poorly paced anime, AMAIM from the previous year. AMAIM also had poor pacing, taking too long to do things early, but also spending whole episodes on plots that would be better relegated to a B plot, most notably the episode focused on relief work, especially when they only have so much episodes to work with. The difference though is that even though both shows didn't pace themselves well, AMAIM actually seemed to have a better idea if what it wanted to do with its cast. The end result is its final arc ended up being pretty solid. It does feel like it could have benefitted from more episodes to put more focus on some aspects, like the final arc getting more episodes. Though obviously, we have no guarantee extra eps would be used properly, and Amou's PTSD character arc doesn't need to take longer.

          • 10 months ago

            >People think that "more episodes=better" automatically but don't think about the actual content of the story. Because its pretty obvious that there's a lot of parts where they don't know to do with most of its characters. Often it feels like it was theowing stuff at the wall ti see what might stick. Or the aforementioned plot dungeon.

            Gunning for 50 episodes would have only been possible for stuff like more exploration of the world outside Asticassia and flashbacks (Suletta growing up in Mercury, Nortrette's death, and everything about Shadiq).

            Though because it was too late to do anything, we can only hope for a sequel that opts for a war story.

            • 10 months ago

              for 50 episodes would have only been possible for stuff like more exploration of the world outside Asticassia and flashbacks
              They would have just wasted more time on academy antics. The show clearly had no interested in anything other than Suletta and Miorne given how half assed the worldbuilding and character writing was and that has nothing to do with runtime because there's many shows that do so much in 13 episodes than WfM did with 24-25 episodes.

              • 10 months ago

                >The show clearly had no interested in anything other than Suletta and Miorne
                No they did have interest in exploring those, but they also botched any attempts to do those also. So many GuelxLauda fans were outraged how pointless the episode with him taking Schwartzette was and how that brother dynamic (oh surprise he's adopted last minute reveal) didn't pan out to anything. There so many fans wishing that instead of even bothering on these half-assed attempts they used all those bits to focus more on the main due of suletta and miorine because they also know that needed more actual developing screentime together.

              • 10 months ago

                >oh surprise he's adopted last minute reveal
                That was never a twist, we've know they were half siblings the moment their character sheets were released
                Guel X Lauda fans were always delusional and unable to separate brotherly love from sexual love

            • 10 months ago

              They didn't even explore the academy. What makes you think the hacks that couldn't even flesh out their only setting would actually explore anything else? It was never too late because they never even started.

            • 10 months ago

              >Though because it was too late to do anything
              It wasn't too late to do anything. This is something you people thinking more episodes would fix the problem but it can't. The problem was not the number of episodes, and the pacing didn't "suddenly" get bad in season 2. The problem was mindset of the people making it. The pacing in season 2 was the same as season 1, its just that meandering in season 1 means you have to pick up slack later. No one made them do it but themselves.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean, not your typical Gundam show, but hey, Build exists.

  3. 10 months ago

    Feels like nobody in the production was able to come to a consensus on what the frick they wanted to do with the show. It feels like three distinct camps on the production fought over making it a high-school action show, Yuri bait romance drama, and a political thriller. All those elements could work with eachother but you gotta reconcile them and hammer the story down before the last 6 episodes especially in a show only half the length of the previous AU. Whole things just confused.

  4. 10 months ago

    I think the show is genuinely terrible, one of the absolute worst in the franchise, so it gets the discourse it deserves

    • 10 months ago

      This. I'm not sure where people are getting the impression that she show is anything more than a 5/10, which is still a very generous rating for how confused, flat and empty the show was. It was about as well-written as Valvrave, but at least that shitshow was fun to watch.

      • 10 months ago

        VVV's worldbuilding was pretty neat and didn't feel as claustrophobic as the world in Witch.

        • 10 months ago

          I actually liked the feeling of claustrophobia in G-Witch season 1. Asticassia felt like a giant doll house, where kids were nothing but pawns for their parents' game. I think they should have focuded way more on the school for longer, and just drop the whole Earth storyline.

  5. 10 months ago

    I think it needs to die down a bit.
    It probably will be easier in the future, but for now, there's too many idiots, tourist and dramas.

    • 10 months ago

      Its pure ESG propaganda and gundam has been infested with tourists, midwits, and gay liberals now all thanks to bandai wanting to branch out


      um sweeite you only liked gundam through tourist AU shows on toonami. Go back to xitter based quattro

      • 10 months ago

        anon i'm not even american, Toonami doesn't exist here.

        • 10 months ago

          stop being an ESL seaBlack person then saying tourist is such a reactionary word

      • 10 months ago

        The first Gundam I watched was Zeta and it was on Crunchyroll back in 2011(12?).

        • 10 months ago

          >first gundam was zeta
          >in 2011 or 2012
          It was literally added just this year you moronic tourist thanks for outing yourself

          • 10 months ago

            It could be before crunchyroll starts removing pirated anime from their site

          • 10 months ago

            No, it was there (together with Wing, which I also watched for the first time). Unremastered, of course. I remember it clearly.

    • 10 months ago

      Probably this. We need to wait a couple of months for people to start having proper second-looks into it. The people who've marathoned this show after it finished have usually said it's about 6-7/10 as a whole, and found it way less offensive or hype than those with strong opinions on it.

  6. 10 months ago

    Its pure ESG propaganda and gundam has been infested with tourists, midwits, and gay liberals now all thanks to bandai wanting to branch out

    • 10 months ago


  7. 10 months ago

    Honestly i'm just tired of the newcomers who think they are superior from everyone, and the /misc/gays who scream about shit nobody usually cares with Gundam.

    For me, Suletta/Miorine is mediocre not because they are gay, but because they are simply not very good characters. And it's a shame because I can still see some of the potential.
    The only character who lived up to his potential in the show was Guel, who got true progression, lose, wins, and battles that felt much more imaginative than Suletta's "Beam-Spam and Gun-bits". for the entire show. Even Calibarn felt like wasted potential due to her style.

  8. 10 months ago

    Is this going to be looked back on as an oddity for it's short length? I feel like G-reco already is but people see it as a strange Tomino project so it makes some sense. And then it got the movies to make up for it.
    This one is just short... because.

    • 10 months ago

      Personally I don't think the execs had any faith in the project.

      • 10 months ago

        This just sounds like the people who worked on Witch from Mercury just really didn't want to actually make a Gundam series.

        • 10 months ago

          Must people working on gundam doesn't want to work on gundam

      • 10 months ago

        >The best episodes were the prologue and the Resistance vs Dominicus on Earth episode
        Wow what a surprise

    • 10 months ago

      Not really. Build Fighters was 25 episodes.
      Build Fighters Try was 25 episodes.
      Build Divers was 25, Re:Rise was 26.
      It's just the way production is nowadays. IBO is the odd one out, at the typical 50 episodes. Go figure.

      • 10 months ago

        You could've argued that was because build series was given less scope than the main titles.
        That said, plenty of popular mecha anime are in the 20s episode. Gundam isn't any less special than those shows, the writer just need to get his ass to move.
        Hell, a shitty low budget show like Back Arrow managed to tell a story about two kingdoms each with own history and gimmick, and they still managed to top it off with a lengthy action arc.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah and those aren't treated like normal Gundam AUs.

  9. 10 months ago

    The show was too short for its own good, mainline Gundam shows need around 50 episodes to really flesh out their ideas and settings. I'm actually worried the 24 episode format might become the norm for this franchise in the future.

    • 10 months ago

      24 episodes can work fine. But this show didn't pick up steam any faster than a 50 episode one.

      • 10 months ago

        If any of the longer mainline Gundam shows were cut down to 24 episodes, they would be a mess, or at least not nearly as good.

    • 10 months ago

      Is this going to be looked back on as an oddity for it's short length? I feel like G-reco already is but people see it as a strange Tomino project so it makes some sense. And then it got the movies to make up for it.
      This one is just short... because.

      Isn't the shorter episode format due to the current anime industry environment?

      • 10 months ago

        it's probably this. Most anime nowadays are 26 episodes, some even shorter.
        People prefer to wait now. it isn't like back then where 26 episodes and so was more of an oddity.

    • 10 months ago

      If any of the longer mainline Gundam shows were cut down to 24 episodes, they would be a mess, or at least not nearly as good.

      Gundam Build Fighters and Build Divers did just fine with 24/25 episodes and sequels that are almost standalone aside from setting sharing.

      Heck, Divers ReRise is functionally an entirely new setting just sharing the same world as Divers, but even if one didn't watch Divers, ReRise sets things up enough to not really have any questions about lore/tech in the original series.

      The issue with Witch is simply that the Director wanted to tell Space Utena in Hogwarts, while Bandai execs wanted some Gundam war drama in the background and a big war finale. Which just led to the last third being a whole cluster frick.

  10. 10 months ago

    >Prospera desperately trying to create a world where Eri can belong
    >Suletta/Mio create a company dedicated to showing the world gundam has a place in the world through prosthetics and medical applications
    And then the entire premise is completely ignore. I was fully expecting the ending being convincing Eri that she already has a place in the world and put her in a full body prosthetic considering the set up that was laid

    • 10 months ago

      The entire through line of the story is about attempting to create a body that can survive in space so that Eri can live normally since she's just data, and she turns into a keychain
      It's a thematic abortion on the highest level

      • 10 months ago

        I still don't know if I'm supposed to think that Ericht got a good end
        Being stuck on an ugly keychain for eternity sounds horrific

        • 10 months ago

          Of course you are, she's being sassy while happy music is playing! Never mind she's essentially a quadrapeligac with no senses besides sight and sound that has to be carried around everywhere

      • 10 months ago

        >that pic

    • 10 months ago

      The entire through line of the story is about attempting to create a body that can survive in space so that Eri can live normally since she's just data, and she turns into a keychain
      It's a thematic abortion on the highest level

      A anus-looking looking keychain was her end. Lmao.

  11. 10 months ago

    it's pretty funny how the Vanadis Heart manga actually explores much more what I thought Gwitch was going to be about : with the medical stuff and seeing how fricked the Earth is.

  12. 10 months ago

    It was an unmitigated disaster. I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best, even if S1 was a massively mixed bag with more lows than highs but it became very apparent half way through S2 that there was no saving it. And what did we get? A rushed, poorly written mess that spent more time aping Unicorn, 00 and AGE of all things while dropping every plot thread that wasn’t utterly vital to the main story (and even then there was important stuff that got set up and just never followed up on) so they could get shit over and done with as fast as possible. It’s very obvious that the staff were just writing this up as they went along and given how they abandoned the original setting basically on impulse to do a lesbian HS drama, we got a tonally confused, borderline incoherent mess of a show that pissed away any good will it had. And yet people ate it up anyway

    • 10 months ago

      >It’s very obvious that the staff were just writing this up as they went along and given how they abandoned the original setting basically on impulse to do a lesbian HS drama, we got a tonally confused, borderline incoherent mess of a show that pissed away any good will it had. And yet people ate it up anyway
      This is probably what really should get more attention, how they just threw out a plan on a whim after the first ep was done. That is the most telling thing about this and people try to make excuses with "muh 50 episodes, they had to cram them into half!" No, they just are moronic.

      • 10 months ago

        Honestly those delay in the middle of airing should been a red flag.
        Also i kinda notice that it seems Anime staff and Gunpla staff have a lot of miscommunication.
        From unused Aerial red eye or one mech that got gunpla but never showed up on show. The Jeturk Gundam delay is kinda reek of last minute rewriting

        • 10 months ago

          What was the kit that never appeared in the show?

          • 10 months ago

            Can't really remember the name but it was some grunt with weird sword and shield in one.
            It was one of the grunt that its gunpla released near the end of S1.

            • 10 months ago

              assume you mean this thing, which did actually appear in the show but its role was so small I totally forgot it even existed

      • 10 months ago

        I mean, 00 exist, and if we remove all the foreshadowing for future plotlines S1 could've worked standalone as a subversion for gundam as a symbol or something. Hell, it felt slow as shit. 26 episodes are plenty enough to tell a story.

  13. 10 months ago

    >there are 2 WfM bait threads on the front page
    Make it stop. Please. Make it stop.

  14. 10 months ago

    Female protagonist was the first red flag

    • 10 months ago

      There's already good gundam story with female protags

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      There's already good gundam story with female protags


      Its not that it having a female protagonist that was the red flag, but the fact that it needed to make sure people knew "first female protagonist in Gundam, guys!" for the advertising.

      You can have decent female protagonists, but when you need to draw attention to something like it, its probably not gonna be good.

      • 10 months ago

        I don’t even remember them pushing the FIRST FEMALE PROTAGONIST angle. That was done entirely by westoid journalists looking for clicks and engagement. She was definitely pushed in the marketing over the Gundam though

      • 10 months ago

        You are right, or at least you would be if you specified the "they". It was not bandai/sunrise, nor was it the actual production team going "muh first female mc", it was shitter tards and shitty journalists who dont actually watch anime.

    • 10 months ago

      First female protagonist and the curt thing you heard about her from fans is that she's a lesbian. A fricking big red flag in this today's climate.

    • 10 months ago

      they could actually make a more serious version of Cross Ange, slapped it with a Gundam label, and it'd be more coherent than WfM.
      WfM is just incompetency to the highest degree and the female protag isn't even the part of the problem.

      • 10 months ago

        Are you implying Cross Ange isn’t coherent?

    • 10 months ago

      I really need to read Ecole du Ciel at some point.

    • 10 months ago

      her being ugly and moronic didn't help at all.

      • 10 months ago

        >her being ugly
        Don't know how coomers thought Suletta is cute then

        • 10 months ago

          Something something "tanuki memes"

          • 10 months ago

            Fricking Tanukis

        • 10 months ago

          She looka adorable?

      • 10 months ago

        The main thing I dislike about her is the pool noodle ponytail

      • 10 months ago

        If you put other characters in wfm art style they’d look ugly too. Suletta’s issue is her color palette sucks and without her whacky features to set her apart, she looks like a moe blob. Unironically all the girls in the show sucked looks wise, only the adults and the boys got to have any kind of defining facial features that weren’t purely there to be used for meme faces.

        • 10 months ago

          If you got rid of teh eyelashes and depeened their voices they'd look and sound like prepubescent twinks. I thought suletta and miorine were yaoi couple before i took a second look at them.

  15. 10 months ago

    Yurigays, Twitter tards and polgays ruin all discussion as they are lacking in iq. The truth is the show is mediocre. Personally Im angry because I was looking forward to it and its disappointed me in many ways. The romance sucked ass, world building lwas lackluster and MC development was non existent. The show did something I specifically asked for (different mecha designs from different corps made by different artists). I wish it had better writers and directors.

  16. 10 months ago

    I don't understand how anyone can be so obsessed with the concept of a fictional underage lesbian romance to the point of overlooking and accepting the glaring and obvious issues with the show.

    Every-fricking-where this show is discussed is just a torrent of yuri brain rotted freaks circle jerking each other over how "cute" and "wholesome" they are. Suletta is barely a fricking character in her own show. The romance isn't even convincing or natural, it's literally just manifested by the absurd in universe logic of the show.

    Is this what Anime fans are like? I've only really stuck to the mainstream material but I've always been aware of the true otakus and their prioritization of aesthetics over quality and cohesive story telling. This feels like a show for those people.

    The level of copium I see these people engage in defending their boring garbage show is truly astonishing. "It's a slow burn", "Just wait until shit hits the fan in COUR two", the show was boring low stakes nonsensical garbage. Just because it has a progressive couple. that doesn't mean it's good.

    The show just doesn't' accomplish anything with the in-universe concepts and themes brought up throughout the series. Nothing is resolved in any way that would actually challenge the beliefs and motivations of the main players impacted by these technologies. All the problems literally fade away into non-existence.

  17. 10 months ago

    The first things that come into mind with other gundam shows:
    >Wing had a gundam with bird feathers, one with a scythe, one that was chinese etc
    >00 had Aliums
    >Victory had the revival of motorcycles from the middle ages
    >X had the satellite cannon and the mystery of DOME
    >Turn A had Turn A
    >Seed had people popping like water balloons
    WfM has... uh... nothing particularly iconic of it's own does it?

    • 10 months ago

      WFM has child bearing hips

      • 10 months ago

        The Aerial that is

  18. 10 months ago

    Never forget

    • 10 months ago

      >Break the heart of viewers again and again
      Can't disagree with that

    • 10 months ago

      >Break the heart of viewers again and again
      Can't disagree with that

      Frick off, Cinemaphile-tier vermin.

      • 10 months ago

        Put down the crack pipe and take your meds, anon

        • 10 months ago

          You're the one bringing western journo garbage here like a schizoid Cinemaphiletard, homosexual.

  19. 10 months ago

    I don't know why people care enough about this show to b***h about. It's probably the most mediocre Gundam show I've ever seen. There's nothing to like or hate, it's just boring and it exists.

    • 10 months ago

      That is precisely why it disappointed me
      At least IBO was entertainingly bad.

  20. 10 months ago

    i'm not the only person who doesn't remember the show having any fricking music at all right? was it that forgettable?

    • 10 months ago

      The only half memorable GM was the triumphant vocal track that plays whenever Suletta or Miorine do something you are supposed to find impressive

    • 10 months ago

      I only remember the main theme and the first 4 piano notes of el4n's theme.

    • 10 months ago

      Nope nothing, most shows have at least a few tracks that stand out, I honestly only remember one for Witch. For a random comparison, Zeta has at least 4, MSG has 5, Wing has like 8, even X had a few had a few and that shows ost wasn't that memorable outside the openings.

      • 10 months ago

        I miss 00

        • 10 months ago

          It's almost unfair to compare witch with 00, that shows soundtrack was fantastic, and probably the only one that can beat Wing.

      • 10 months ago

        All gundams have good to amazingly great OST, even the one everyone hates like IBO and destiny (destiny ost is sooo good). while g-witch has nothing at least decent music to offer. The whole soundtrack and sound design is awful

        • 10 months ago

          Nothing decent at least*

        • 10 months ago

          The majority of voices are fine but there's a few female characters' voices that try way too hard to be memorable and funny (Chuchu and the two leads)

          • 10 months ago

            I started out liking how spiteful ChuChu could sound when she got mad but it got annoying fast. Whoever voiced Sabina had a nice voice though

            • 10 months ago

              Chuchu feels like she gets significantly worse and less interesting as a character the less interested you are in memes about her.
              Because I found her pointless to grating as the show went on

              • 10 months ago

                Chuchu is victim of the lack of discourse in the narattive and must be "memeable".
                Her Spacian hatred shown promise, but she become victim of the fanbases meme

              • 10 months ago

                She's also held back by being tied to Nika, who went absolutely nowhere as a character

              • 10 months ago

                Sure she did. you tuned in every week to watch the shit get kicked out of her by infinitely more unlikable characters that have a bearing on the plot.

              • 10 months ago

                Chuchu is held back by being an obligatory Utena reference with nowhere to go in an adaptation of The Tempest.

    • 10 months ago

      No you’re right, I barely remember any of it. Outside of the openings and endings, the only part of the soundtrack I remember is the next episode card music. The rest just all just blends together into faux-Hans Zimmer trailer music and occasionally someone going WOAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOOO

    • 10 months ago

      I only remember the not Daredevil OST. The WOAHOOOOOO

  21. 10 months ago

    There is nothing to discuss.
    The plot was awful and a mess, mecha fights secondary, school pointless and Earthians useless.
    It was just a crazy b***h of a parent coping hard.

  22. 10 months ago

    There was plenty of sane input just after the final episode. No one cares to talk about it anymore except the mentally ill because there's already nothing left to talk about.

  23. 10 months ago

    It's gonna be one of those shows like NGE and Gurren Lagann where it's just gonna be tough having a discussion about it on /m/ due to how the show is viewed outside of /m/, I'll say I liked it overall and I love a lot of the suits but the ending was bad also the Michaelis is rad.

    • 10 months ago

      >NGE and Gurren Lagann
      You're really overselling the show if you compare it to those two even if you think both of those shows are shit.

      • 10 months ago

        did you even read the post you troglodyte? he didnt compare quality at all. fricking moron

        • 10 months ago

          I know, but comparing it two other good shows that gets shitposted due to how popular it is doesn't sit well with me.

  24. 10 months ago

    Or maybe the show isn't that appealing to the people that frequent this website. It was very nothingburger, and all the good parts were ruined by the development in the last few episodes.

  25. 10 months ago

    It was unironically too hollow and poorly executed both as a work of art and as a commercial product.
    >Every episode was meant to get you anticipating the next with a reveal or cliffhanger that gets resolved at the start of the next episode.
    >Occasional jarring shots of le ebin anime girl being hot on screen meant to get clipped and shared on twitter and generate fan art.
    >Girl MC, relationship drama, school setting, corporate conflict, conspiracy, identity plot twist, souls trapped in machine, cyberpunk, gundams, we are checking off so many hecking items of things kids like now days, the show will sell itself!
    >a TV show that delays itself multiple times causing issues with contracted TV slots, merchandise release dates, and obviously mismanaged work load for the staff.
    >some merchandise and their gimmicks were either shown once for the sake of it or were never shown at all in the show that was supposed to fricking advertise and promote it.
    >space alphabet agency? two MS armies coming out from no where to fight one another? fencing? the last shooting pose? sealed forbidden mobile suit? sudden brotherly feud? tomato DNA password? space laser? Unicorn homage? permet self destruct? permet ghosts? living keychain? psycho mantis? metal gear?
    perhaps the mistake that started it all
    >middle schoolers said gundam is too hard to get into? better throw out what we've got and throw some shit together real quick

    • 10 months ago

      schoolers said gundam is too hard to get into? better throw out what we've got and throw some shit together real quick

      Having learned that a month ago, along with how the production team avoided wars between nation-states because audiences don't feel connected to it (https://www.zeonic-republic.net/?page_id=9814), no one in Bandai Namco seems to think things through when it comes to Gundam.

    • 10 months ago

      >middle schoolers said gundam is too hard to get into? better throw out what we've got and throw some shit together real quick
      I'm beginning to doubt this story they told. I just really think the guy just didn't actually want to make a Gundam series even though thats what he was contracted to do and was looking for an excuse to make a completely different series.

  26. 10 months ago

    >You can't discuss this show properly anywhere in this website. It always devolves into shippinghomosexualry
    What do you expect when shipping is all it has going for it? This is the future Sunrise chose when they decided to pander to zoomers by making Gundam go full Fire Emblem:Three Houses.

    • 10 months ago

      Fire emblem three houses has more to talk about than the shipping wars, like edelgard flame wars.

      also for the people here, who do you think is going to be the one to post legit criticisms to places like reddit? an internet veteran that knows what they're getting into, or a newbie genuinely wanting to vent their frustrations and is completely unprepared for what they're about to unleash?

      also for all this talk about lesbians, how do lesbians feel about this show? any discourse from the /u/ board?

      • 10 months ago

        >implying actual lesbians are on /u/
        Silly anon, you know there are no real women on Cinemaphile besides the occasional fujo thread and /cgl/. All the “lesbians” on /u/ are transbians and incel straight men.

  27. 10 months ago

    I hate to break it to you but the discussion of WFM is never going to get less toxic. The show itself is toxic, made for toxic people. It has no positive qualities to speak of unless you're looking for that toxicity, and everyone with half a brain saw the trainwreck coming from episode 1 (not the prologue tho that was dope).

    • 10 months ago

      >The prologue with the interracial lesbian couple where one of them is a heavyset nigress dyke was dope
      You’re part of the problem.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't care what the relationships are as long as they don't make the whole show about a nonsensical system to push the leads together.

      • 10 months ago

        He’s from pol culture war is all he knows

  28. 10 months ago

    I think we can all agree our Lord's return was the best thing about the finale.

    • 10 months ago

      No, frick off.

    • 10 months ago

      At least it can't be worse than G-Witch

  29. 10 months ago

    I miss when people thought that Suletta was going to go schizo mode when people sung happy birthday

  30. 10 months ago

    Agreed, it sucks. At least there's still /u/ but it's slow over there and obviously there won't be lot of mecha discussion.
    We could have good threads in time but Bandai ruined everything now by giving ammo to the schizos anti yuri troons
    Frick discord schizo trannies with a pile bunker.

    • 10 months ago

      Your side has the schizos and trannies, homosexual

  31. 10 months ago

    Having followed the discourse on twitter, reddit, Cinemaphile, and /m/, I have come to the conclusion that the popularity of G-Witch, rather than point towards any sort of resurgence in mecha anime, instead indicates that the terminal state of the genre.

    By all accounts, G-Witch has succeeded DESPITE the traditional strengths of mecha anime (interesting settings, cool mechanical designs, incorporating plausible science into fiction, strong themes of war, society, and humanity's future, etc.) and INSTEAD gained success solely by having a lesbian couple as it's main characters. The presence of Yuri is not the problem. The fact that one factor, Yuri, is the sole driver of show's engagement, both positive and negative, is the problem.

    Gundam is too big to fail at this point but it still remains an effective barometer for the wider genre. If that is the case, then the mecha genre ceases to exist. Mecha is now a tertiary rather than primary element for a show's success if not an outright hindrance for popularity and relevance.

    >tldr; Chicks dig chicks, not giant robots

    • 10 months ago

      I'm going to beat you to death.

      • 10 months ago

        That is an appropriate response.

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly I think you're right. G-Witch lacks any redeeming qualities based in the mecha genre. The fact that its a major genre with yuri is what made it blow up one way or the other. But I think thats because people these days are too stupid to sympathize with war stories, rather than a straight drop in quality from the genre.

    • 10 months ago

      >G-Witch has succeeded DESPITE the traditional strengths of mecha anime (interesting settings, cool mechanical designs, incorporating plausible science into fiction, strong themes of war, society, and humanity's future, etc.) and INSTEAD gained success solely by having a lesbian couple as it's main characters. The presence of Yuri is not the problem.
      I mean it had some very strong conceots, but it did absolutely jackshit with it in order to focus on a terrible yuri romance.
      I mean I can't even blame anyone for not giving a shit about the mecha stuff, because the show clearly didn't either.

    • 10 months ago

      I hate you because you're right about this and I very much don't want you to be.

    • 10 months ago

      Its more of Otaku culture in general really, rather than just mecha.
      Like compared Kemono Friend 1 with Kemurikusa, both was by same director same style.
      But you have some people who said "i don't watch Kemurikusa because of male"
      I think we have reach need deep of waifugay rabbit hole to the point that male are no longer able to self insert themself with fictional character or too deep with coomsomerism

    • 10 months ago

      The problem is that no one who actually pays money cares about the yuri. G-Witch was a success because gunotas are fricking consoomers who'll buy kits of new designs no matter what. Waxing on about yuri and "engagement" doesn't mean anything because those homosexuals don't actually translate to money

    • 10 months ago

      >I have come to the conclusion that the popularity of G-Witch, rather than point towards any sort of resurgence in mecha anime, instead indicates that the terminal state of the genre
      Have faith in Armored Core 6 and FromSoft.

    • 10 months ago

      >INSTEAD gained success solely by having a lesbian couple as it's main characters
      I don't think you'd needed to wade through the internet to get that. This is why some minor mistake made by some editor blew up the way it did because it was about the reason people were brought in in the first place.

  32. 10 months ago

    Define hatehomosexualry? Does people not liking your show upset you that much?

    • 10 months ago

      OP here.
      No, absolutely not. It's fine if you dislike or even hate it. What I meant by hatehomosexualry is more a "derangement syndrome" about the show or certain aspects of it. You can't have a good discussion about the show or that certain aspect, because the other person has already chosen to hate it due to reasons unknown. For example, a yurigay that has chosen to hate a character like Guel will go apeshit about the topic, and not even consider why someone else might have liked him.

      • 10 months ago

        There's no one hating on Guel here though.

        • 10 months ago

          On Cinemaphile there absolutely were, and many probably still do on /u/

          • 10 months ago

            how bad is it on /u/? I mean in general regarding this series.

            • 10 months ago

              Some schizo was actually making a no-Guel cut

              • 10 months ago

                oh do tell. anyone making fun of them over there?

              • 10 months ago

                Someone should make a "Guel Focused cut" with almost the entire show in the pov of Guel, cut like it was an OVA.

                Two sides of the same coin.

              • 10 months ago

                Guel cut: borne out of appreciation for Guel and his journey
                No Guel cut: done out of spite and man hatred

            • 10 months ago

              For most of the spring, /u/ was actually a better place to discuss it than Cinemaphile due to rampant shitposting and better moderation. However, they do have their fair share of schizos, including the "No-Guel cut" schizo. Guel in general was hated by many, and during season 2, some started to believe in script change, which was meant to pander to oldgays by making Guel bigger. This is the reason for "No Guel Cut" existing.
              Right now, the Gundam thread on /u/ is mostly just talking about the Bandai thing.

          • 10 months ago

            Why do you care about those shitholes though? You should be more concerned about the reactionaries here.

            • 10 months ago

              because those guys are crazier at the moment and far more pissed off, therefore funnier

              • 10 months ago

                You are only making this board shittier and getting it closer and closer to the myriad of shithole boards on this site.

        • 10 months ago

          Someone should make a "Guel Focused cut" with almost the entire show in the pov of Guel, cut like it was an OVA.

  33. 10 months ago

    What is even special with G-Witch when the only thing going for it, the Yuri romance, so shallow and undeveloped that Suletta has more chemistry with other characters than with Miorine?

    • 10 months ago

      miorine had more chemistry with shaddiq than suletta

    • 10 months ago

      For me at least, I loved the focus on military-industrial complex, and how diverse the range of MS was. I also liked the politics within Benerit, and even the school setting was something my lizard brain was pleased with. I liked duels, and I wish there would have been more.

      • 10 months ago

        The duels where suletta always wins because she was overpowered as frick?

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, actually, because I liked their aesthetics and style a lot. Even though Suletta is OP in the end, she never is in the beginning. The duels showed the gimmicks and variety of design of each MS pretty well.

          • 10 months ago

            >she never is in the beginning
            >first fight with Aerial has Guel, supposedly the best pilot in the school conveniently miss every shot on a stationary target before Suletta presses a button and the bits instantly destroy his machine in seconds

            • 10 months ago

              That really hardly counts as a duel, so the first real fight is against Darilbalde

      • 10 months ago

        >I liked duels
        Duels turned to shit in episode 5 when Aerial casually turned off pharact's bits.
        I was sceptical about aerial starting out with bits which are endgame level tech in most shows, but between vimgpt and pharacts gundbits I thought it would kickstart a massive armsrace within the company, but just like everything else in the show nothing came of it and Aerial can just turn off or even highjack your machine whenever it struggles for even the slightest bit.

        • 10 months ago

          Episode 9 duel had none of that. Yes, Aerial was able to overpower Antidote by going into a higher Permet level, but otherwise, she still almost lost that duel and had to be saved by Chuchu's lucky shot.

          • 10 months ago

            >Episode 9 duel had none of that. Yes, Aerial was able to overpower

            • 10 months ago

              Instead of trying to worsen the quality of discussion, how about you type a proper post?

          • 10 months ago

            >make card game
            >one specific dragon deck is super OP
            >think strategically and make a dragonslayer deck that hard counters dragons, because you know your opponent is going to run that busted dragon deck
            >then it turns out that that specific dragon deck also has the ability to negate the anti-dragon abilities of the dragon slayer deck so that it can spam it's usual bullshit like always.
            >this is not bullshit and makes for an interesting game according to anon
            Naruhodo ne

            • 10 months ago

              Yes, because the fight itself was exciting, and the usual bullshittery wasn't what gave mc the victory.

              • 10 months ago

                >the usual bullshittery wasn't what gave mc the victory.
                It better because otherwise she would have solo'd the entire team on her own instead of soloing 4/5 on her own and it would make chuchu even more irrelevant than she already is.
                Just, because the writers could be even bigger hacks doesn't mean they aren't a bunch of hacks now.

      • 10 months ago

        None of them really get to shine at all though. The fact that theres a bajillion companies shilling their MS means most of them are going to be the standard grunt, and even then we barely see what differing design philosophies they have except for a single line about Peil suits being better at flight and Grassley using Antidote (which is useless and never even used for it's original ECM role)
        The montage at the start of season 2 was also dissapointing

    • 10 months ago

      Gwitch is an anime designed to stimulate the creation of fan art and and other secondary media rather than being a comprehensive story in and of itself. You only need to sell a framework to this sort of audience and they'll pay you for the privilege of building the house.

      • 10 months ago

        You can definitely tell the difference between this and Re:Rise, which came directly before it, which is much better written but didn't receive anywhere near as much fanart or media attention.

        • 10 months ago

          Stop reminding me about Re:Rise anon. Jesus Christ, the sheer difference in quality between “discussion” threads for both series is too depressing for me to come to terms with. Re:Rise is somehow more of a Gundam show than GWitch will ever be- and Re:Rise was only good for like half of its run.

      • 10 months ago

        this is also true, alongside

        Having followed the discourse on twitter, reddit, Cinemaphile, and /m/, I have come to the conclusion that the popularity of G-Witch, rather than point towards any sort of resurgence in mecha anime, instead indicates that the terminal state of the genre.

        By all accounts, G-Witch has succeeded DESPITE the traditional strengths of mecha anime (interesting settings, cool mechanical designs, incorporating plausible science into fiction, strong themes of war, society, and humanity's future, etc.) and INSTEAD gained success solely by having a lesbian couple as it's main characters. The presence of Yuri is not the problem. The fact that one factor, Yuri, is the sole driver of show's engagement, both positive and negative, is the problem.

        Gundam is too big to fail at this point but it still remains an effective barometer for the wider genre. If that is the case, then the mecha genre ceases to exist. Mecha is now a tertiary rather than primary element for a show's success if not an outright hindrance for popularity and relevance.

        >tldr; Chicks dig chicks, not giant robots

        I don't know quite how to describe it, but it almost felt similar to the pacing in One Piece, where Oda makes sure whenever they hit a new island to give everybody new clothes and show them off. Even though you could remove those parts from the story and nothing would change. The story pauses and its almost like Oda's saying "You want to draw fanart and make figures of these designs, right?' And people have noticed the difference in pacing between his earlier writings and the current stuff.

  34. 10 months ago

    G-Witch is the best AU since G though…

    • 10 months ago

      Do you just like 1 on 1 duels or something?

  35. 10 months ago

    The episode 9 duel is an abomination. Okouchi actually looked at the Rozen Zulu fight in Unicorn and thought "Wow! This is gold!"

  36. 10 months ago

    to anyone that can speak japanese...any detractors on that side of the ponda?

  37. 10 months ago

    I'm tired of this narrative that Guel was the actual hero of the show.
    He was garbage too.

    • 10 months ago

      I liked him

    • 10 months ago

      He’s wasted potential like the rest of the cast but he’s the least wasted tbh

    • 10 months ago

      His stuff is more interesting, but its obvious he only ended up best character by complete accident and his extremely forced fight with Lauda shows they really didn't have any idea what they were actually doing with him.

      Hes the best character, but hes still wasted potential.

  38. 10 months ago

    It's a boring show. And the curse of a boring show, is it's more interesting to talk about the meta surrounding the show, then the show itself.

  39. 10 months ago

    >Show ends
    >No show to perpetuate le SJW message, thus NPCs go look elsewhere
    >tons of unsold merch and Gunpla
    >Bandai wants to sell to China

    This is what happened. All the WfM fans won't buy HGUC's and other stuff because they're only ever going to support the "feminist Gundam", which is a worse variation of the original problem that plagued SEED/Destiny. But at least the SEED/Destiny fans have no allegiance to a certain political ideology, which would have them easily get to other gundam series.

    • 10 months ago

      >>tons of unsold merch and Gunpla
      Other than Shaddiq's, not really.

      wants to sell to China
      They've been selling to China for decades at this point, tourist.

      • 10 months ago
        Fllay Allster

        I believe you're the tourist, Tourist.

  40. 10 months ago

    The show was very good in my opinion, a solid 8 - but the pacing issues and lack of exploration of the whole setting was definitely an issue that holds it back from a better score, the episode count worked against this series. It needed a full 50 episodes.

    • 10 months ago

      >a solid 8
      I don't understand why people feel the need to tell us their IQ

      • 10 months ago

        I enjoyed thing.

    • 10 months ago

      What do you consider a 10?

  41. 10 months ago

    I think it'll be viewed in a considerably dimmer light once the shitposting dies down and the /misc/tard/lesbian defense forces move on.
    Mind you, I liked the show. It it's the first once since GBF to have grabbed my attention so and kept me excited for the next episodes week after week. Which makes me all the more angry at how they handled this. All the parts to a great whole were there, but it's as if they deliberately sabotaged putting them together in a satisfying way.
    Pretty much nobody got what they wanted from this show. MS design was fantastic, but fights were rare and choreography was lacking. There's a romance taking place front-and-center, but after a good start it starts hits all the moronic drama stumbling blocks. The protagonist actually has a personality, a backstory and a wide array of personal demons this time, but barely anything is ever done with that and the show practically insists on denying her agency all the way to the end. The side characters, the backstory, the ancap nightmare setting, the past and present wars are all presented as interesting hooks to explore but barely anything is ever done with it.
    One of the show's aspects I particularly liked was its "less is more" approach to exploring characters, you had to pay attention to subtler cues instead of listening to lengthy internal monologues for morons. But now that it's over and it's obvious how much of a mess this is, I wonder if they actually had anything to say in the first place.

    • 10 months ago

      Like others have said, this felt strongly like a show where the crew begged for 50 episodes and were shot down.

    • 10 months ago

      This is something that should really put the point on just how much people are trying to make excuses for Witch right now that really should be getting raked over more.

      Most people rightly acknowledges Gundam Seed Destiny as terrible. But it didn't start out terrible, and in fact had a very strong first few episodes. It only got terrible over time, particularly at the end.
      So why does Witch get the excuses and defense but not Destiny?

      Like others have said, this felt strongly like a show where the crew begged for 50 episodes and were shot down.

      No, I will not stop pointing out that they had plenty of time. Its only their own incompetence that caused the pacing issues.
      Because I am going to always point out that they had a completely different plan with a war and first episode already scripted and done that they threw away on a whim because they wanted to make a high school series. This is by their own admission.

      Plenty of anime can tell a coherent story in this many episodes.

      • 10 months ago

        I think it'll be viewed in a considerably dimmer light once the shitposting dies down and the /misc/tard/lesbian defense forces move on.
        Mind you, I liked the show. It it's the first once since GBF to have grabbed my attention so and kept me excited for the next episodes week after week. Which makes me all the more angry at how they handled this. All the parts to a great whole were there, but it's as if they deliberately sabotaged putting them together in a satisfying way.
        Pretty much nobody got what they wanted from this show. MS design was fantastic, but fights were rare and choreography was lacking. There's a romance taking place front-and-center, but after a good start it starts hits all the moronic drama stumbling blocks. The protagonist actually has a personality, a backstory and a wide array of personal demons this time, but barely anything is ever done with that and the show practically insists on denying her agency all the way to the end. The side characters, the backstory, the ancap nightmare setting, the past and present wars are all presented as interesting hooks to explore but barely anything is ever done with it.
        One of the show's aspects I particularly liked was its "less is more" approach to exploring characters, you had to pay attention to subtler cues instead of listening to lengthy internal monologues for morons. But now that it's over and it's obvious how much of a mess this is, I wonder if they actually had anything to say in the first place.

        >dimmer light
        >how much people are trying to make excuses for Witch right now that really should be getting raked over more
        This is a really good point. I honestly don't even know how much of the backlash is /misc/ related. This series was pushed HARD and then train wrecked. Then you take into consideration all of the spam-posting. It makes sense that people are tearing into it.

        • 10 months ago

          they're tearing into it now because bandai gave them the excuse.

    • 10 months ago

      >One of the show's aspects I particularly liked was its "less is more" approach to exploring characters, you had to pay attention to subtler cues instead of listening to lengthy internal monologues for morons.
      Does it ever occur to people that this wasn't actually the approach and that they are just projecting desires for a character? Because I genuinely think people are seeing things that aren't there, or at least weren't intentionally there.

      • 10 months ago

        I think some people are so mind broken about character development that they think there’s no in between from characters not being explored or characters over explaining themselves through monologue and exposition. Which is funny because WfM very clearly had characters say exactly what their deal was and leave it at that. Lest we forget Suletta had to directly day she changed and we had to listen to her monologue about her feelings when the show had already made an attempt at showing them. WfM took the approach of both. It had characters explain what they were in the beginning and never developed past that while the ones who did, outside of Guel, very clearly told the viewer at some point that they had changed. I miss when characters were put in situations where they were able to showcase themselves but nowadays those kinds of scenes are just turned into clippable moments to help promote the show instead of being for the characters.

        • 10 months ago

          >those kinds of scenes are just turned into clippable moments
          I genuinely have come to hate the "clip" mentality. The idea of turning scenes into short clips has caused untold damage to entertainment.

          • 10 months ago

            Don’t even get me started on how much it actively ruins the viewing experience. Every week needing to have a cute moment of Suletta or Miorine doing something funny and whacky so that people can shill the show on twitter sucked. It was so incredibly funny how Episode 15 probably ended up as one of the best but least watched episodes because it didn’t have a moment that could be memed on and it actually, for once, tried to take itself seriously without injecting a random scene to make you laugh and then returning to being 1000% serious. The fricking episode after Miorine dumps Suletta where the episode starts off with Miorine going “Gundamuuuu?” was just fricking insulting man. I wanted to take their breakup seriously but you start the episode like that and then later in it you go “oh but look, Suletta is so sad, please feel bad for her :(“ Frick off man. This show couldn’t decide if it wanted to be light hearted or super duper serious. Both sides can’t work like that when you’re using the same set of characters, hence why most gundams have a well established ensemble cast where they can switch up the roles without it being a jarring mess where characters end up feeling heartless or robotic because they just ignore things that just happened so the staff can meet the episode’s clip quota.

            • 10 months ago

              Episode 15 genuinely felt like another show. They even did the once standard gundam practice of showing a lot of the fodder pilot's emotive faces and them interacting for a line or two instead of them just being a faceless statistic like the guy who got squished or the fleets QZ evaporated. It's the little things

              • 10 months ago

                I think it’s worth noting that episode 15 is one of the few episodes in the run that Okouchi wasn’t involved with from a writing perspective and it was instead handled by someone else (the same guy who wrote episode 7 which isn’t exactly a big step up but still)

            • 10 months ago

              If i remember correctly there was the time when one of the trending topic on twitter was "where is Suletta/Miorine".
              I guess you were right

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah people had started saying that it was Suletta Sunday long before that so when the episode came up and there wasn’t a Suletta they got mad and started drawing a lot of fanart to make up for it which is like, I get missing the main character but that’s like if people got angry that Heero, Amuro, or Setsuna weren’t in one episode, it’s absolutely insane to think that a show should just cease functioning when the protagonist isn’t in the spotlight which is what a lot of them claimed happened.

        • 10 months ago

          >the show had already made an attempt at showing them
          People just want the show to actually center on suletta. Why did they even name her the mc when miorine is the one driving the plot with the most scenes dealing with prospera's machinations? It's like if code geass advertised kallen as the mc everywhere else when she's just lelouch's muscle at best.

          • 10 months ago

            You can have more than one main character. G-Witch wasn't even the first Gundam series to attempt it.

            • 10 months ago

              Except suletta doesn't feel like an important character at all. She's basically that crippled pilot from guilty crown.

            • 10 months ago

              Yes but in that case, you have to show why both of them deserve the role. Miorine is doing all of the work while Suletta pilots, problem is, she rarely has the chance to pilot outside of duels and training and she doesn’t move the plot forward by doing anything else. Mikazuki and Orga worked because Mika got ample chances to pilot while also being the one who interacted with the peace princess and dealt with the more simplistic themes of living life as a lowe class person. Orga meanwhile dealt with a lot of the strategic stuff and moved the plot along in that side. Mika was for lighthearted moments and piloting while Orga primarily moved the plot along which typically involved moving Mika around. The issue Miorine has is that when she moves the plot, it is usually entirely independent of Suletta which leaves Suletta with nothing to do and Suletta rarely gets scenes like Mika that show her more human side because so many of them are just her talking about Miorine and nothing else. Suletta as a character just isn’t explored well and she doesn’t question or try to learn much. The show also rarely presents her with opportunities to learn, like was the case with Mika, so she just stays stagnant outside of losing her stutter.

    • 10 months ago

      >the first once since GBF to have grabbed my attention so and kept me excited for the next episodes week after week.
      Its funny, because that exactly how I'd describe the show (at least in the earlier parts). Its just GBF but "def serious guys" with low stakes and all.

      >MS design

      >romance taking place front-and-center, but after a good start
      What you mean that extremely forced arranged marriage bullshit? You call that a good start?

      >protagonist actually has a personality, a backstory and a wide array of personal demons
      What are you talking about? Suletta's only personality trait is Moeblob.

      >this time
      You said the last show that engaged you was fricking build fighters. Very clearly known for its... protagonists with a backstory and wide array of personal demons

      >ancap nightmare setting
      its not ancap just because they refused to elaborate on the space government until the final episodes.

      >side characters, past and present wars
      are all incredibly boring and underdeveloped, with little room for improvement.

      >less is more approach to character development
      once again, the last show this guy liked was BUILD FIGHTERS

      • 10 months ago

        >I liked show A for doing X, therefore I can't like another show B for doing Y

      • 10 months ago

        Taste, or lack thereof.
        >You call that a good start?
        Yes, because it doesn't start with "love at first sight", there is actually some progress to be seen.
        >Suletta's only personality trait is Moeblob.
        If we assume that "moeblob" means "character I've decided I don't like". There is plenty to dig into there, far more than there was for Bellri and the murder manlet.
        >You said the last show that engaged you was fricking build fighters.
        Yes, because AGE was flaming trash, G-Reco was inane trash and IBO was boring trash. It says a lot about the state of the franchise when G-Witch is the first legitimately interesting mainline entry since the fricking 00.
        >its not ancap
        An industrial syndicate with its own private army sets system-wide policy on mobile suits and does whatever the frick it wants and the space government is an impotent spectator until said syndicate helpfully presents them with an opening. Not ancap at all.
        >are all incredibly boring and underdeveloped, with little room for improvement.
        Yes, I can see that you don't like the show

        • 10 months ago

          >G-Witch is the first legitimately interesting
          AGE and IBO are indeed terrible, but that doesn't make Witch interesting. Its just a different brand of terrible

        • 10 months ago

          >doesn't start with "love at first sight"
          Look I don't like love at first sight either, but you have to admit the arranged marriage thing is just as bad. Suletta goes from surprise to full endorsement of the arrangement in the course of an episode. That's not "progress" or romantic. That's a lazy shortcut instead of writing a real relationship.
          Can you think of a single time that Suletta got angry? The only emotions she was allowed to express were Sad, Determined, or Cute.
          > far more than there was for Bellri and the murder manlet
          I'll give you Bellri. But Mika had an actual character arc, far more than Suletta. He went from asexual autist obsessed only with the next victory to wanting to start a family and looking for a way off the ladder.
          >AGE was flaming trash, G-Reco was inane trash and IBO was boring trash
          WFM is absolutely batshit crazy trash. Literally nothing in the show makes any sense if you look at it for more than 2 seconds. Its an interesting trainwreck, if that's what you're into.
          >ancap stuff
          All of the stuff you mentioned is because they were making things up as they went along. A lack of planned and structured worldbuilding doesn't mean that the unintentional power vacuum = ancap

          • 10 months ago

            >Can you think of a single time that Suletta got angry?
            Shaddiq pissed her off twice in the span of one episode. If you're talking about angry enough to shoot to kill, then yeah, that would've been very interesting to see, but blame the writing for never landing her in such a situation. It would seem that Guel ate most of the stock protagonist suffering, although his subplot's resolution felt half-assed as well.
            She has a ton of issues resulting from her stunted development and the show does a passable jab of having her slowly grow out of them until S2.
            > He went from asexual autist obsessed only with the next victory to wanting to start a family and looking for a way off the ladder.
            It was seemingly the other way around, at the start it would seem that he's trying to grow out of murder manlet mode by taking an interest in things like farming or even learning to read, but that all gets thrown out further down the line because hurr Tekkadan must die, muh a tragedy.
            >Its an interesting trainwreck, if that's what you're into.
            Depends on definition of trainwreck. If we're talking so-bad-it's-good, then no, I enjoyed the show for its good parts. The bad ones just pissed me off.
            >All of the stuff you mentioned is because they were making things up as they went along.
            I'm pretty sure they had a finished script first, inserting shocking tweests because the audience correctly predicted something is a Western thing. They did a shit job, sure, but SAL was technically present as early as ep2.

        • 10 months ago

          >Yes, because it doesn't start with "love at first sight", there is actually some progress to be seen.
          But it pretty much is? Miorine is only ok with Suletta being her groom because she just met Suletta and quickly realized that she was someone she could keep in her pocket.
          >There is plenty to dig into there, far more than there was for Bellri and the murder manlet.
          The problem is, unlike those two, her show refuses to dig into it. I haven’t finished G-Reco so forgive me if I’m not entirely filled in but Bellri’s flaws are pretty apparent from the start and from where I paused, he seemed like he was still figuring things out for himself, though I will say the cast around him are a bit more developed than him and grow off oh his actions. Mikazuki, despite being a murder manlet, is presented as someone who does want to learn more and if he could, he actively shows what he would be doing outside of being a murder manlet. You don’t get inside of his head much and as a character, he’s straightforward but the point was he’d have Orga to bounce off of which he properly does on top of having Atra and Kudelia who he learns from as things progress. Suletta on the other hand, is just endlessly kind. She has her goals but we never see her work towards them. For example, Mika wants to be a farmhand so we see him doing work and learning to read and write so he can study up on that. Suletta wants to start a school but you never see her asking the business kids about the logistics if that or even working towards that goal because all she does is follow Miorine or Prospera or whoever has her leash at the moment. Mika’s flaws were what got everyone killed in the end, him never wanting to stop, Suletta’s flaws made Miorine mad at her for a bit or are just meant to be a charm point to make her endearing. She’s hardly a character to bounce off of like Bellri or a driven one like Mika. She just goes with the flow of whoever takes her leash.

          • 10 months ago

            i remember the moment Bellri kills his instructor and tries to futily excuse himself by blaming him for "resorting to using a transforming suit". it was jarring but very definitely human moment.

            • 10 months ago

              G-Reco is full of a lot of those kinds of bizarre autistic sounding statements that are actually pretty accurate to how people react and say stuff in real life

            • 10 months ago

              The thing with tomino shows is, his characters actually act realistically but the delivery is so fricking stupid. Like the first time bellri fired his photon torpedo, he was so frightened by its firepower but the va recites his lines like a child having his candy forcibly taken out.

              • 10 months ago

                Tomino is weird when it comes to voice direction. Romi Park told a story once where there’s a scene in Turn A where Loran gets kicked in the balls or something and she couldn’t read the line right so Tomino came into the booth and was like “no no no, this is how you do it” and then keeled over onto the floor and start moaning and writhing in pretend agony or something crazy like that.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, I think he's still in the "cartoon has to be wacky" mentality. I mean, sure, typical anime acting is nowhere close to reality but they don't speak like aliens either.

              • 10 months ago

                To be fair, Isnt Park Romi still new and just move from Korea at the time?

              • 10 months ago

                She’d worked with Tomino a few months prior on Brain Powerd anyway and she spoke fluent Japanese at the time obviously. She’s a woman, obviously, so the feeing of Loran getting whacked in the groin wasn’t going to be something she could replicate. I need to dig up the quote but she wasn’t delivering the SOUNDS (not the lines) that Tomino wanted so he came in like a raging bull and basically kicked himself in the dick to show her how it’s done

              • 10 months ago

                Right I was totally off but whatever, still a funny story:
                >’I would have to say that Mr. Tomino was a very, very passionate man and a very energetic person. Because when I was taping the voice for Loran in the first episode there’s this scene where he goes, “Everyone, come back to Earth!” And then during that moment I was in character over here…..but then, Mr. Tomino, bursting in the door, came in and said “Here! Over here! Here!” With that much energy, I felt he was a very enthusiastic person. In episode 2, there was a scene where Loran jumps off his vehicle but when he jumps off, he hits his “weakness” on a plane, I think it was. I was doing that moaning kind of voice. But then the guy voice actors around me were going saying “that’s not it, something’s a bit off there.” And I’m going “I don’t want to be told that by you guys!” but I tried to do something else regarding that. And then again, Mr. Tomino, bursting in through the door, said “That’s not it! Boys, when they get hit there, their pain, it’s a bigger pain but it goes away quickly! Do it!” When I did it like that he said “That! We’ll go with that.” That’s the kind of guy Tomino is.’

                I’ve also heard a story that Park would call him “dad” though their relationship was more mother-daughter (yes, in hindsight she said Tomino is like a mother) and apparently she would sit on his lap while he stroked her hair. Guy is fricking bonkers

            • 10 months ago

              Bellri definitely is like the opposite of Banana from what I could tell. Where Banana tries to push through despite everything, Bellri takes the easy route or just forces his way through and then makes excuses about how it’s not his fault later on. G-reco as a whole has some pretty difficult to understand characters and Bellri is definitely the kind of protagonist that’s weird in how differently he handles things compared to the people before him. Yeah they tried to make excuses but nowhere on the same level as him. Saying he has less to explore than Suletta is wild to me considering how he acts around different characters and just from moment to moment sometimes.

          • 10 months ago

            >She just goes with the flow of whoever takes her leash.
            I mean, that is kind of a point of her character and Shaddiq even calls her out on it. With her inferiority complex and being starved for acceptance, let alone affection, it's no wonder than even her "desires" are an implanted fake, especially when it turns out Prospera was the one who came up with her wishlist.
            Being a passive character like this isn't necessarily bad, but in a better-written show Suletta would have wizened up to being manipulated in a far better way than "I'm stopping mom because the space glowies told me to".

            • 10 months ago

              >Being a passive character like this isn't necessarily bad
              When it’s your protagonist and it takes the, 3/4ths of the run to even attempt to break out of it then it definitely is. Her issues and wishlist aren’t proper flaws because at no point are they ever issues. Her “issues” with affection don’t cause her to be a bad or clingy and overbearing friend, she’s actually incredibly normal. Her desires aren’t anything bad and actually do make her happy. Just because Prospera wrote them for her doesn’t mean they’re a bad thing. Nothing about Suletta is even really “fake” and if it was, there was no big change between it being fake and becoming real. She’s always been a good friend and dependable when it counted, the only issue it caused was with Miorine who wanted Suletta to be loyal to her and not Prospera.

          • 10 months ago

            >She just goes with the flow of whoever takes her leash.
            That's the moe ideal otaku hold. The perfect waifu.

            • 10 months ago

              Pretty much this. She’s the ideal waifu in terms of literally being a housewife who just does whatever her lover says and always puts herself second to them.

    • 10 months ago

      >you had to pay attention to subtler cues instead
      every "subtle clue" is something blaring right in the viewers face. The writers wrote this show for morons and that shows whenever it uncomfortably zooms into body language or makes constant on the nose parallels like "aerial kneels down when things are happy, now its kneeling again and it's dark!" The show has Suletta's backstory fed directly to her, and then 2 episodes later she gives practically the same unabridged backstory dump to her mystery gang because Okouichi knows the new audience Gwitch would attract is genuiniely autistic and moronic, not in the memey insult way but the actual socially and mentally incapable way
      >Suletta turns to the camera and says "wow i guess i am finally a real character developement!"

      • 10 months ago

        Glad to see that horrible image I whipped up in 5 minutes is getting use

      • 10 months ago

        >every "subtle clue" is something blaring right in the viewers face. The writers wrote this show for morons and that shows whenever it uncomfortably zooms into body language or makes constant on the nose parallels like "aerial kneels down when things are happy, now its kneeling again and it's dark!"
        And yet that is already a major storytelling breakthrough compared to IBO's characters just ranting to themselves about their elaborate plans.
        >Suletta turns to the camera and says "wow i guess i am finally a real character developement!"
        Final arc was shit, everyone knows that by now.

    • 10 months ago

      >But now that it's over and it's obvious how much of a mess this is, I wonder if they actually had anything to say in the first place.
      I think the thing that made wfm not feel like gundam to me was just that it had absolutely frick all to say. Any potential message it has it contradicts, there are no small side character moments that give you a widely applicable lesson in human nature or function, the characters in the show barely feel like people at all, it’s just like they didn’t know how to make a coherent message so they ended on the most bland note of kids being the future and adults needing to correct their mistakes without any additional flare that makes it any different from your run of the mill show. For as bad as it was, IBO at least had something to say about pushing things too far and knowing when to stop and it had a lot of small character interactions that at least tried to make them feel like people or explore certain differences between class. Miorine never interacting kindly with anyone outside of Suletta makes her feel incredibly bland while it makes Suletta feel like she’s just being used by someone who can’t form human connections. This wouldn’t be bad if Suletta tried to help Miorine makes friends that she could have even when Suletta wasn’t around but that wasn’t the case at all. There’s just nothing to gain from watching this show. No nice message or character interactions, it’s pretty much a clip show with a few mech fights and dead scenes in between that amount to absolutely nothing. They could have achieved a more coherent story if they’d stuck to just 12 episodes with how little many scenes meant in the grand scheme of things since it didn’t contribute to building the world or the characters.

      • 10 months ago

        >it’s just like they didn’t know how to make a coherent message so they ended on the most bland note of kids being the future and adults needing to correct their mistakes
        Correction: Adults don’t need to fix their mistakes or take responsibility. Shaddiq can do that

    • 10 months ago

      >Pretty much nobody got what they wanted from this show.
      True. Yurigays didn't get what they wanted, hetero romancegays didn't get what they wanted, actiongays got very little of what they wanted and both politics and charactergays have almost nothing to latch on to because the show was too short to make an impact. IBO was pretty garbage, but at least people still do and will continue to remember that ending. G-Witch doesn't even have that.

      Only general Gunplagays got what they wanted, but then they usually don't bother watching the slop Sunrise shits out. And they're here for everything as long as the kits are good. So why should Bandai focus on more G-Witch when they can focus on something like SNEED or 00 or even IBO, whose fanbases are still intact? It's crazy to think about, but maybe Ad Stella will go the way of Advanced Generation despite the initial sales being promising.

  42. 10 months ago

    Good thread. It’s really made me realise just how truly dogshit this show was and how utterly past defending it is.

  43. 10 months ago

    >Shaddiq pissed her off twice in the span of one episode
    Which one? I seriously can't remember Suletta getting mad. I can remember her sulking, or not liking something, but nothing I could identify as anger?
    >hurr Tekkadan must die, muh a tragedy
    I mean yah. That's the point its a "One last heist" story. Just because you didn't enjoy where the story was going doesn't mean that it never had a direction in the first place. IBO is at least consistent in that, unlike WFM.
    >SAL was technically present as early as ep2
    just because they dropped an organization name as opposition to beneritt doesn't mean they really knew what they were doing with it at that time.

    • 10 months ago

      NTA but the only time I remember her getting vaguely angry is when she tells Shaddiq that she’ll stand by Miorine and gives him what might be construed as a scowl though it’s the same face she pulls in episode one when she challenges Guel so that might also come off as being determined. I don’t know. That’s all I got

    • 10 months ago

      >just because they dropped an organization name as opposition to beneritt doesn't mean they really knew what they were doing with it at that time.
      Anytime people bring up that they were foreshadowed I want to roll my eyes because there’s a difference between saying a name in the beginning and actually developing them as a threat behind the scenes. The reason shit like Alejandro and Ribbons work as antagonists for the end of 00 S1 is because you see them developed throughout the show and you get to know where and how they’re involved little by little until it becomes apparent that they are a competent threat. SAL is like if you saw Alejandro and Ribbons once and then didn’t see them again until they had hacked into Veda and then appeared on the battle field. It would feel incredibly underbaked despite being “foreshadowed”.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean to steelman the other guy, they did talk to Miorine several times about getting information on the group. Its just that the people who talked to her happened to be double agents or something looking for evidence of their own wrongdoing in the final episodes.

        • 10 months ago

          What even was the fat Asian lady’s goal? Was she a double agent? For who exactly? Did she just not like the SAL leadership or was there more to it than that? What did she even plan to do with the info Belmeria gave her?

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah but that’s not really enough to properly build them up as a threat. There are moments where it could have been built up stronger but the show routinely cut away from those and the thing about big organizations like that is that while if they’re really well built out, they won’t need a face, with how WfM did it, they needed a consistent face early on for it to have meaning. And it would have been nice to see how they function outside of the tiny tidbits we got.

            The real answer is they needed a way to cuck out of Prospera being the final villain so Suletta never had to choose between Prospera and Miorine.

          • 10 months ago

            She wanted to stop the conflict and out the manipulators on both sides, the issue is that her plan as we saw could easily be silenced by just shooting her

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah but that’s not really enough to properly build them up as a threat. There are moments where it could have been built up stronger but the show routinely cut away from those and the thing about big organizations like that is that while if they’re really well built out, they won’t need a face, with how WfM did it, they needed a consistent face early on for it to have meaning. And it would have been nice to see how they function outside of the tiny tidbits we got.

    • 10 months ago

      First when she tells him to frick off after the greenhouse, then during the fight when she calls him out on his puritygayging bullshit.
      She's not foaming-at-the-mouth angry, but it would have been exceptionally weird for her to be given the stakes. Her expression of disdain was perfectly normal and in-character. Compare to say, Rumble Ring where she never expresses not even a bit of indignation at Sophie and Norea repeatedly attempting and eventually succeeding at murder before her eyes, that shit made no sense.

      • 10 months ago

        That's when those two dipshits tried to murder Nika, her friend, in cold blood right? and they admitted to her face right?

        • 10 months ago

          I like when Sophie says directly to her face she’s going to fricking kill Miorine and take her place and Suletta just doesn’t even react.

          • 10 months ago

            Yes, and her reaction made no sense. The duel challenge made no sense. Even these two trying to kill Nika made no sense in the first place because they'd be basically blowing their cover before doing what they came here for.

            Soooo what were the defenses you guys heard for that scene?

            • 10 months ago

              Surprisingly nothing regarding the ‘Sophie threatens to kill Miorine’. All the discussions I read online never mentioned it. I assume because the Rumble Ring took up most people’s attention but yeah in hindsight it was super bizarre

            • 10 months ago

              I haven't seen any, actually. Even Cinemaphile thought it was dumb back when it aired.
              If I had to invent some myself, I would try to play up the splatman incident affecting Suletta to the point that she's in blatant denial of a very real deadly threat right in front of her.

            • 10 months ago

              I've heard
              >its normal for gundam protagonists to see the good in antagonists
              >it doesn't matter that Suletta didn't react because she dealt with Sophie later so all is good in the end
              >Suletta being brainwashed excuses all character inconsistency because she's cuhrayzee

              • 10 months ago

                >>its normal for gundam protagonists to see the good in antagonists
                I don’t think even the most emotionally dead and stoic protagonists in gundam have had no reaction to someone threatening the people they care about. People keep calling Suletta a wife guy because she only talks about Miorine but the one moment where she could have proven she was one she just acts like she doesn’t care despite Miorine for the most part being the only thing she cares about. Maybe she just looked at the script and knew that anyone who posed a threat to Miorine was either going to die or suffer greatly so she didn’t need to do anything

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, and her reaction made no sense. The duel challenge made no sense. Even these two trying to kill Nika made no sense in the first place because they'd be basically blowing their cover before doing what they came here for.

      • 10 months ago

        Ehh I'll give it to you. The point is, shes not particularly emotive at the best of times, because the audience is only ever supposed to feel 3 things about her: proud, sad for, or affection.

  44. 10 months ago

    Bamco deserves all the shit after pushing homosexualry.
    Remove the bait and it is not even a memorable gundam show.

  45. 10 months ago

    >The first mainline female protagonist in Gundam is even less human than Mikazuchi

  46. 10 months ago

    >"interpretation" is a trigger word now

    • 10 months ago

      Reminder that only Fukuda and his deceased wife know the correct interpretation to Kira and Lacus' relationship.

  47. 10 months ago

    Is it just me, or is politics in non-UC Gundam getting weaker and weaker with each new entry? The peak of AU politics must be 00 - after that it's a steady decline.

    • 10 months ago

      IBO wasn’t that bad in terms of it’s politics, the political side just ended up being overshadowed by the clusterfrick of an ending, outside of that they actually showed the peace princess struggling to get what she wanted and the opposition making some compromises to save face instead of just being evil big bad all around.

    • 10 months ago

      Probably because 00's politics were too spicy for the time and gave Banrise cold feet.

      • 10 months ago

        Would explain why they have written out from Unicorn OVAs any mention of the terrorists in the prologue being Middle Easterners. Ironically, the deprived an entire group of representation as there is not a word in the adaptation that Banana has darker skin because of his Middle Eastern origin:
        >He had dark brown eyes and the skin color of someone with Middle Eastern blood. His long hair was the same color as his eyes, and it was rather smooth even if he didn’t take care of it.

        • 10 months ago

          Omg banagher is just like me

      • 10 months ago

        Ironically, AMAIM's politics at the end of its second season have become hilariously spicy given the situation IRL by making the Americans the bad guys and Chinese and Russians the good guys.

        • 10 months ago

          >by making the Americans the bad guys and Chinese and Russians the good guys.
          So true to real life

        • 10 months ago

          That's because Kyoukai Senki is not one their big moneymakers so it can say whatever the frick it wants.

  48. 10 months ago

    not gonna lie
    the first prologue episode peaked my interest but the show was so lame and boring. it was a fricking high school drama and I thought it was weird but then the show creators said the show was changed from a war drama to high school during production

    they could have made something good like Gundam 0080 but witch from mercury is just lame

    the gundam designs by JNTHED are amazing though. all other MS designs are so lame, I am sure they are not selling any model kits

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >the show creators said the show was changed from a war drama to high school during production
      The sad thing is that it worked. School settings = guaranteed success. That's why Code Geass stuck to its school setting all the way till the end.

      • 10 months ago

        code geass had the same episode of count in g-witch in its 1st season and did more with that. how well it did with that is up for debate however, but im pretty sure they're lying when they said g-witch was planned with the episode count in mind. unless the clipping mentality theory above is true, and by god it sounds more plausible the longer i think about it.

    • 10 months ago

      I liked how the prologue gundams gund-bits were basically primitive suicide bombers. Nice way of making it look like a natural predecessor to all the other gundams progressively more advanced bit shenanigans.

  49. 10 months ago

    WfM game like that Hogwarts game where you pick a House and then go through school life constantly picking duels and get upgrade parts by getting rep with all the different factions and getting better backing

  50. 10 months ago

    Uhhh where's the new season announcement?

  51. 10 months ago

    Reminder than Unicorn did as much with it's school setting in less than 10 minutes of screen time as GWitch, the "School Gundam" did in 24 episodes

    • 10 months ago

      I really wish it had been a proper Gundam set in a school. All the little tidbits you get from other entries shows how interesting the concept is but this wasn’t even gundam, it was just a love story with none of the additions that would make one a gundam outside of just the name,

    • 10 months ago

      >literally just exists so Banana can see Unicorn flying while giving a fast recap of WAR BAD
      >still gives us a manly teacher that dies protecting his students and civilians during the Londo Bell versus Kshat fight

  52. 10 months ago

    A lot has been said about the shitty world building but i literally rolled my eyes every time the word permet or datastorm came up. It felt like every time something happens some character has to look exasperated and say "permet-whatever". There is no consistency whatsoever. If they had called it literal magic everything woulld have made much more sense.
    What was all this quiet zero even about? Some instrumentality shit? Wtf is a datastorm. Why are people affected by it that aren't even piloting any permet shit. Why are there suddenly ghosts in the datastorm? I could understand if it's people that OD'd while piloting, but the mechsnic lesbians were shot to pieces, never even piloted a gundam. What the frick is a permet infection and why is is only dropped literally in the last episode? Shouldn't it be relevant if every piece of technology is based on permet that it might make you paraplegic? Especially if you try to sell it as medical tech? I feel like I thought more about the internal logic of the setting in the last 15 minutes than the writers in the last 2 years

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah I didn't understand why Prospera was suddenly a paraplegic
      Was it because of her GUND arm?

    • 10 months ago

      Most of the anime feels like it starts at episode 14
      >"Muh brainwashing" plot only actually moves out of set up by that point
      >Suletta only starts her self awareness "oh no I'm killing people!" Moment when Sophie OD's in front of her (didn't even have the balls for Suletta to actually be the one to kill her out of anger and regret it, spineless)
      >The first ACTUAL LESSON about how permet works and how important it is in Ad Stella happens after Suletta loses Aerial
      Okouchi's 2nd half curse manifests in strange ways

      • 10 months ago

        >>The first ACTUAL LESSON about how permet works and how important it is in Ad Stella happens after Suletta loses Aerial
        Thank you, i literally fellt like I'm taking crazy pills while watching. I legitimately wondered if I somehow skipped an episode where they explain what they're even talking about

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe I'm wrong but the duel with Shaddiq feels like filler. The first school shooting should have taken place in episode 9 at least.
        Also, there was way too much focus on the otome bait during the first cour. It's clear that the staff in the end was only interested in shipping seeing how today's event went but still.

        • 10 months ago

          What happened at today’s event?

          • 10 months ago

            Literally nothing. The only BIG THING they revealed was a short animation of Suletta and Miorine talking to the audience. One of them said the word “partner” and the crowd went fricking ballistic. That’s it. There was an advertisement for the Seed movie there though.

          • 10 months ago

            Literally nothing. The only BIG THING they revealed was a short animation of Suletta and Miorine talking to the audience. One of them said the word “partner” and the crowd went fricking ballistic. That’s it. There was an advertisement for the Seed movie there though.

            There was also P-Bandai Demi Garrison announced which is marginally more noteworthy news than anything else from that borefest.

            • 10 months ago

              So absolutely nothing of note happened then. Alright

          • 10 months ago

            Apparently the animators are selling a bandai-unafilliated g-witch artbook. Has any series had that before?

            • 10 months ago

              edit: apparently its a doujin? I thought that was like, porn or something but I guess not?

              • 10 months ago

                Doujin is literally just unofficial fan works.
                Its just heavly associated with porn

            • 10 months ago

              It depends on what’s in it and what it’s about. I’m not sure about animators but I know the main artists usually do a little something.

            • 10 months ago

              edit: apparently its a doujin? I thought that was like, porn or something but I guess not?

              >animators doing doujin of something they worked on

              Godannar definitely had this.

  53. 10 months ago

    I'm probably going to sound autistic but the characters simply didn't really acted like characters from Gundam would.
    This is seeing a bit in the 2010s Gundam shows and 00, but clearly not the level WFM does.

    WFM feels like a diet Gundam, and a diet mecha show overall, trying to be made for people who are not interested in the genre.
    This can actually work too as we can see with the masterpiece that is Turn A, but instead it feels very bland

    • 10 months ago

      >WFM feels like a diet Gundam, and a diet mecha show overall, trying to be made for people who are not interested in the genre.
      That was the exact point of it, to be a Gundam for people who didn't like Gundam, in this case the Yurigays.

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm probably going to sound autistic but the characters simply didn't really acted like characters from Gundam would.
      Pretentious you are being pretentious how would Gundam characters normally act like?
      Go on describe for the class

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Gets me every time. What the frick were they thinking?

          • 10 months ago

            No other Gundam character would have reacted like this. WfM is only unique in how inhumane and one note the characters are. How the frick do the characters in Narrative have more emotional range?

            • 10 months ago

              You’ve truly shit the bed when goddamn Mikazuki Augus would have more of a reaction

              • 10 months ago

                Decide to rewatch IBO and i was surprised how Mika was much more expressive than what i remembered, especially during S1.

              • 10 months ago

                the vast majority of IBO's "issues" are memes. I wish I could say the same for witch...

              • 10 months ago

                No, it really was that terribad

              • 10 months ago

                It was weird going back to watch it because people memed so hard on the animation being bad but outside of a few moments, it looked a lot better than I remembered. The suits and ships pretty much always looked cool and they did a good job of designing the world to look interesting and lived in. I really hate the fact that G-Witch was so bad it makes IBO look good in comparison. It somehow managed to do a better job at appealing to a lot of different groups all at once.

              • 10 months ago

                The difference is that IBO had at least one relatively new thought in its head while G-Witch had no new ideas at all but thought the old ideas were new ideas.
                Usually the MCs are victims of the war itself and not the military industrial complex so IBO had a somewhat fresh take of exploited workers and child soldiers controlled by PMCs. It's like half a new idea for the franchise, but still somewhat new.
                G-Witch threw a Puru at the EXAM system where everything runs on psycoframe and they all go to Anaheim's school for Federation pilots while the Anaheim stock exchange occasionally meets until Puru soredemos after Four comes back so they could believe in the sign of unicorn.

              • 10 months ago

                Also GN Particles because frick you

              • 10 months ago

                GN Particles are just Minovsky Particles but with psycoframe/psycommu aspects inherently built in. The original GN Drives were even made near Jupiter, which is where the UC Helium 3 fleet was stationed to get the fuel for minovsky reactors.

              • 10 months ago

                I know I’m just saying they also had to shoehorn in their own variant of magic particles with muh Datastorm and even then that’s just a poorly explain rip on Newtype heaven or wherever everyone fricks off too when they die. Point is WFM is one of the most creatively bankrupt shows in the franchise

            • 10 months ago

              The funniest part is that in this exact moment, mere seconds prior, she says something like “I’m sorry but I made a vow to stand by Miorine-san forever” and then that happens. She’s not even consistent in the same scene never mind episode to episode

          • 10 months ago

            this wouldn't be a problem if it was Suletta was ever called out for it, but from what i can only assume is an extreme writer oversight it's practically forgotten

  54. 10 months ago

    Everyone shut the frick up and rank them

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