Gaiman+Buckingham has finished Miracleman’s Silver Age, coming out this October

>"We're back! And after 30 years away it is both thrilling and terrifying," says Buckingham about the competition of 'The Silver Age.' "Neil and I have had these stories in our heads since 1989 so it is amazing to finally be on the verge of sharing them with our readers."
>"I have pushed myself to my limit to craft something special for these issues. Cinematic in approach, clean and elegant, drawing on the best of my own style but also paying homage to the exceptional talents of all who came before us, whose unique visions have shaped this ground-breaking series over 40 years, and the 1950's Marvelman foundations on which it was built."

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  1. 2 years ago

    so its confirmed right the long hiatus because of the conveluted copyright?

    • 2 years ago

      They didn’t mention it but legal issues was most likely the reason for the long hiatus.
      That and it was rumored Gaiman had to finish writing the story.

      • 2 years ago

        >That and it was rumored Gaiman had to finish writing the story.

        What was the last comic gaiman wrote anyway? Whatever happened to the cape crusader?

        • 2 years ago

          Norse Mythology, last year.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't think Gaiman was actually that involved in the comic. It seems like it was just P. Craig Russell adapting Gaiman's novel to comic form, I could be wrong though.

    • 2 years ago

      They didn’t mention it but legal issues was most likely the reason for the long hiatus.
      That and it was rumored Gaiman had to finish writing the story.

      Besides the issue with Neil apparently lying to everyone and having only a rough draft for the last half of the Silver Age/Dark Age, the two legal issues are rumored to be:

      1. Rick Veitch owns the likeness rights to Miraclewoman and Marvel initially only paid him off for the reprint rights to all existing material featuring her. Once they start making new material with her, they have to pay Veitch more money and Veitch, who doesn't like Marvel, was demanding a big payday to basically buy him off for his rights to her likeness for any future new stories.

      2. The second half of Silver Age would reference a planned mini-series about Miraclewoman that would have run while Miracleman #24-27 were being published due to the fact that by this point, Miracleman was being released so irregularly to the point of one issue coming out per year. Apparently because the mini-series was never published, it wasn't part of the buy-out deal Marvel engaged in when they acquired the franchise and because it features major plot points (Miraclewoman going evil and killing Miracleman's ex-wife) referenced in the Silver Age, there is fear the writer of the mini-series might sue and Marvel's been trying to figure out how much of the plot Neil can legally reference without getting sued/trying to secure ownership of the mini-series scripts.

      • 2 years ago

        >Neil apparently lying to everyone and having only a rough draft for the last half of the Silver Age/Dark Age

        Honestly feel kinda bad for Neil because I doubt he really cares that much, everyone's assumed this is some big unfinished masterpiece for him but its old work he probably has a hard time getting back in the mindset for, he barely does comics anymore. Todd thought he'd appease him with Miracleman 25 years ago, and even if it wasn't possible Neil didn't care anyway. But then Neil beat Todd legally, and Marvel got Miracleman, and everyone thought , "ok, now Neil HAS to write this book to get closure!"

      • 2 years ago

        > planned mini-series about Miraclewoman that would have run while Miracleman #24-27 were being published due to the fact that by this point, Miracleman was being released so irregularly to the point of one issue coming out per year. Apparently because the mini-series was never published, it wasn't part of the buy-out deal Marvel engaged in when they acquired the franchise and because it features major plot points (Miraclewoman going evil and killing Miracleman's ex-wife) referenced in the Silver Age, there is fear the writer of the mini-series might sue and Marvel's been trying to figure out how much of the plot Neil can legally reference without getting sued/trying to secure ownership of the mini-series scripts
        lol, wut
        One of the major plot points of silver age might have to be dropped because of one miniseries?

      • 2 years ago

        >Rick Veitch owns the likeness rights to Miraclewoman and Marvel initially only paid him off for the reprint rights to all existing material featuring her. Once they start making new material with her, they have to pay Veitch more money and Veitch, who doesn't like Marvel, was demanding a big payday to basically buy him off for his rights to her likeness for any future new stories.
        He deserves it. Veitch is one of the unsung geniuses in American comics. Give him millions, he’s earned it. Veitch should always be in the conversation when discussing Moore/Gaiman/Morrison/etc

  2. 2 years ago

    Moore omnibus when?? this might be the only other marvel comic I buy after Miller's Daredevil and Ennis' Punisher

    • 2 years ago

      Moore omnibus has already been confirmed to be happening this year

      • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    explains why they moved the release of the Omnibus I guess

  4. 2 years ago

    so good news?

  5. 2 years ago

    Buckingham has a very different style now than the one he had back then. Curious to see how it meshes with what he already did.

  6. 2 years ago

    I wonder if this can be considered the longest writer's block in the industry.

    • 2 years ago

      but the delay wasn't because of writer's block, was it? more like for copyrights bullshit

      • 2 years ago

        That was solved early on (although i don't know if they had other problems after that, but they were able to use the character back in 2019 so i guess not), Buckingham said he had completed his pages years ago.

  7. 2 years ago

    Let's hope it's good.

  8. 2 years ago

    So, what's gonna happen to Young Miracleman? Comes out as bi, or was Miraclewoman just flat-out wrong/lying the whole time?

    He does still have the sensibilities of a lad from the 50s, so it's hard to say how he'll respond either way.

    • 2 years ago

      >was Miraclewoman just flat-out wrong/lying the whole time
      Miraclewoman was a villain in the leak

    • 2 years ago

      The leak claims that Miraclewoman was trying to manipulate Young Miracleman snapping and going on a murderous gay panic style rampage via gaslighting Miracleman into making a homosexual pass at Young Miracleman (who's sole defining trait under Moore was that he was a very much hot blooded heterosexual guy who liked women).

      When that fails, Miraclewoman goes "frick it" and revives Kid Miracleman and KMM and MM have a fight that wipes out nearly all of the civilized world and that the Dark Age arc is Miracleman wandering about, seeing first hand the carnage his fight caused and how it's regressed humanity back to the primative dark ages in terms of how badly it fricked up the planet.

  9. 2 years ago

    >uh oh we milked Watchmen dry, wat do
    >I know let's ruin another historically significant character with our modern sensibilities
    "Kid Miracleman is actually a metaphor for Donald Trump"

  10. 2 years ago

    Was Young Miracleman actually gay in the Moore run and Gaiman retconned it or was Miraclewoman wrong all along?

  11. 2 years ago

    Someone recently storytimed Moore and Gaiman's runs

    Alan Moore
    Volume 1: A Dream of Flying


    Volume 2: The Red King Syndrome


    Volume 3: Olympus


    Neil Gaiman
    Volume 4: The Golden Age


    Volume 5: The Silver Age


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