Gaychads...we fricking won...

Gaychads...we fricking won...

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    Humiliation ritual.

  2. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago
  3. 1 month ago

    >and by "one" I mean my dick, it is for you.

  4. 1 month ago

    Wtf did that Sentinel blow his face off?

  5. 1 month ago

    >Women: you should express your feelings more
    >Man: I love my best friend (like a brother)

    • 1 month ago

      the guy on the OP is the series director and he is extremely gay irl

  6. 1 month ago

    Why would anyone be into Wolverine?
    He's an overly hairy manlet that stinks like cigar 24/7 and talks like a moron.
    Like shit man, even if you're a homosexual the X Men have way better options than him

    • 1 month ago

      >Nobody would be attracted to Wolverine
      This comment brought to you by crack cocaine.

      • 1 month ago

        Wolverine is 5’3”

        • 1 month ago

          I knew this was a female "opinion". This post confirms it.

    • 1 month ago

      he is the gay bear steryotype

    • 1 month ago

      Morph has a stank fetish and likes being knocked flat by the musk.

    • 1 month ago

      >Why would anyone be into Wolverine?
      Morph is literally just falling for the one person that shows him empathy.

    • 1 month ago

      Morph having a crush on Logan isn't the same as him and Logan being an item. If they have any integrity at all, they'll have Logan let Morph down gently, and say something like "Y'could do better than a hairy old troll like me."

      He's the Rough "I can Fix Him" type. It's a pretty common fantasy: tough exterior, vulnerable interior. Sometimes loses his temper but would never actually hurt an innocent person. Him being short is probably the only non-conventionally attractive thing about him.
      I do agree that his more odious side should be emphasized more though.

      • 1 month ago

        >Him being short is probably the only non-conventionally attractive thing about him.
        You forgot the ugly and hairy

        • 1 month ago

          I mean, I'm not into dudes so I wouldn't know, but as far as I can tell Logan's usually described as "ruggedly handsome" in the comics. He's not a chiseled beauty like Scott, but he's not supposed to be particularly gross looking either.
          As for hairy... look, some chicks dig that. It unironically used to be a sign of male sexuality, so much so that shaved chests were considered more "tame" in media, and then became more popular.

  7. 1 month ago

    >having to explain the incredibly obvious homosexualry

  8. 1 month ago

    Doesn't even have as many views as Andor.

  9. 1 month ago

    I think I speak for everyone when I say
    >EWwww stinko de maYooo

  10. 1 month ago

    >grown adults discussing the sexual relationships of fricking drawings
    that's it. kill us all. fricking kill us all right now. please kill us all. i'm tired. i'm fricking tired.

    • 1 month ago

      Start by killing yourself then

      • 1 month ago

        why is this a thing that grown people do with their time? this infuriates me. THEY SHOULD ALL FRICKING DIE

        • 1 month ago

          Y u mad tho

          • 1 month ago

            idk. i'm very sad and hurt over my oneitis rejecting me and i'm taking it out on this dumb bullshit,.

    • 1 month ago

      >meanwhile, (You) in the tranime threads:
      >Omg yes evangelion this is so profound this is nihilistic and like, nothing fricking matters oh my miyazaki doki doki wasabi holy guacamole

      • 1 month ago

        I don't know what the frick "evangelion" is.

        • 1 month ago

          sure, buddy.

          • 1 month ago

            i just looked it up, it's animayy lol. i don't watch that shit. like i don't watch cartoons like this gay shit .

            • 1 month ago

              Forgot to mention that I'm trans, not sure if that matters

  11. 1 month ago

    Logan is canonically a Christian

    • 1 month ago

      He'd also be canonically uncircumcised. Without his healing factor, the dude would have a constant UTI.

    • 1 month ago

      >Logan is canonically a Christian

      • 1 month ago

        Die, israelite.

  12. 1 month ago

    >morph can turn into psylocke or any female character you want, and will never get pregnant

    Chudsisters....forgive me.........

    • 1 month ago

      What if Morph could birth goo babies cast off from his own flesh though

  13. 1 month ago

    >hire women to write
    >they're all disgusting ao3 fujoshis
    >they try to force their gay headcanon ship between any two male characters that have any sort of banter

    Many such cases

  14. 1 month ago

    In the context of the universe I don't find this gay at all. Morph is literally genderless.

    • 1 month ago

      What does morph look like naked in his default form? Is it all smooth down there like an action figure?

  15. 1 month ago

    If they tried this shit with wolverine everyone would start burning down gay churches

    • 1 month ago

      It's literally not gay

  16. 1 month ago

    My boomer dad who likes marvelslop asked me to get him this, I heard Wolverine was gay so I was breaking his balls about it and he was insisting it's not true, and was all "I TOLD YOU" when wolverine wasn't gay in the first episode
    Anyway I titled it this in the shared folder and now it's even funnier

    I want wolverine to have crusty sex with a massive bear

  17. 1 month ago

    who? literally what? and why should i care?

    also OP has anal cancer

  18. 1 month ago

    I thought this woke crap is just a phase. an era. like the "hippie era". and it looks like it's not slowing down

  19. 1 month ago

    Why do people need to self-insert into every form of media?

    • 1 month ago

      Because alphabets see not being able to rub their gross fetishes on normal people's faces as oppression

  20. 1 month ago

    And this is why no one straight talks about this homosexual ass show. All you ever get is a generic
    >uhm, erm, uh...its good!
    Frick right off. Morph is a disgusting homosexual no one cared about and now he's center stage because of the homosexual writer. No thank you.

    • 1 month ago

      Unpopular opinion: I like that Morph got folded back into the team and healing is taking place. I think that's a great outcome for the shit he put up with. The whole pronouns thing though has GOT to fricking go.

      • 1 month ago

        >I like that Morph got folded back into the team and healing is taking place
        That's such a homosexual fricking sentence. I want nothing to do with you.

        • 1 month ago

          That's mean. Morph literally did nothing wrong. Don't misplace your rightful hatred of DEI and tumblr b***hes onto a character that literally was just a victim through not fault of his own.

          • 1 month ago

            I know, anon. You have a point. Morph is a victim. I should hate the people puppeteering him as opposed to just going
            >Ew dude frick this character forever!
            Characters can always be re-written and repackaged. That's their entire purpose. I hear where you're coming from. So specifically frick the homosexual piece of shit Xmen 97's incarnation of Morph and literally everything else.

  21. 1 month ago

    For him, meaning in his stead? WHOA DUDE, WHAT A TWIST GRAMMAR MAN.
    Kill millennials.

  22. 1 month ago

    From Christian catholic to full blown gay. They really did him dirty this time

  23. 1 month ago

    Morph isn't male, they literally change genders. Therefore, not gay

    • 1 month ago

      If they fold in the Exiles backstory, Morph was born as some fat glob of protoplasm that decided it'd be a little boy.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      So what you're saying is that he's trans AND valid?

  24. 1 month ago

    Wasn't this guy fired from X-men 97? Marvel didn't like him doing this stuff

    • 1 month ago

      Marvel hired him specifically because he was going to do homosexual shit like this. Then, magically, no one was fricking talking about the show because every guy heard Morph was a wienersucking homosexual homosexual and obvious self-insert for the writer. You only ever hear generic
      >oh, uh, it's good
      Posts and that's it. No clarification, no description...the Disney shills blew all of their load on trying to keep Star Wars from getting ratio'd by the internet that productions like an animated cartoon are super low on the priority. It isn't like this show is bringing interest back to the comics or funneling people back into comic shops. "YouTube grifters" with opinions that can be bought don't go into detail over it being bad nor good. Apathy is the worst fricking thing a show can induce in the population and having a gay creator go "I'm going to gay this show up by having Morph be front and center in the series! The guy with no background so I can throw all my gay baggage into him!"

      No thank you.

  25. 1 month ago

    Morph can morph into literally anyone. Imagine. 18 year old hillary clinton

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