Gen Z has no interest in Disney

Zoomers have little interest in Disney+, they are mostly just watching Netflix.
I thought nu-Star Wars and nu-Marvel were supposed to be for "modern audiences", why isn't modern audience watching them?

>Disney+ and Hulu are among the top streaming services, but have the lowest viewership among Gen Z viewers
>Netflix is the most popular streaming service among Gen Z, with 59% of their streaming time spent on it

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  1. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      did they not ask them if they had crunchyroll subs? Zoomers are weebs and they're moronic ones that don't know how to torrent off nyaa

      • 4 weeks ago

        Most western media companies are still in denial about the popularity of manga and anime among kids. You'd think an anime movie topping the 2020 box office would've been a wake up call, but no. They still refuse to acknowledge it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          so weird

        • 4 weeks ago

          They went all in on 3D animation 20 years ago and they bet the wrong horse. Rather than pivot, they will just keep attacking anime.

        • 3 weeks ago

          They’re in denial about the fact the have zero capacity to appeal to youth demographics, and they maintain that staunch denial because admitting it means Hollywood is dead and they’re all out of a job.

      • 4 weeks ago

        That's why Netflix is expanding its anime portfolio. I teach teenagers and any of the ones who "read" on their own volition just read manga on their tablets. More of them watch anime than any other consistent genre of media. A lot of them think that Youtubers are for kids/babies and that anime is more age-appropriate (ie not as long or boring as movies or prestige TV that millenials watch)

        • 3 weeks ago

          any hot teenagers

        • 3 weeks ago

          Anime is insanely popular for zoomers. There are hot stacies femgooning to Satoru Gojo and frat dudes watching Naruto and Konosuba.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Crunchy roll is cheap and worth it. Piracy can be defeated by convenience and a good price.

    • 4 weeks ago

      legit surprised

    • 4 weeks ago

      >netflix = netflix & chill
      >disney = manchildren and femcels

    • 4 weeks ago

      This adds up to 87%...

    • 4 weeks ago

      Zoomer here, I guarantee you that the netflix stat is just for couples fricking. I put on netflix every time I fricked my SEA monkey bedwench in high school, now I just pirate everything because I'm poor, but more importantly I refuse to give israelites and homosexuals money.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >fricking to netflix shows instead of music
        Why? So you can have a laugh track?

        • 3 weeks ago

          to mask the noise virgin-kun

          • 3 weeks ago

            Masking a woman's yawning as she waits for you to finish so she can collect her money and go home doesn't require Netflix.

            • 3 weeks ago

              anon, other anon was talking about banging a broad in high school, not a hooker as an adult

          • 3 weeks ago

            >illiterate anon strikes again
            Thanks for the input, moron.

            • 3 weeks ago


              • 3 weeks ago

                EOP should stay silent

              • 3 weeks ago

                I don't care about your excuses, moron.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >refuse to give israelites and homosexuals money
        >I put on Netflix every time I fricked

        • 3 weeks ago

          everyone gets netflix from mommy and daddy, do you think kids pay for things?

      • 3 weeks ago

        >I fricked my SEA monkey bedwench in high school

    • 4 weeks ago

      not counting youtube is a bit weird

    • 3 weeks ago


      Zoomers have little interest in Disney+, they are mostly just watching Netflix.
      I thought nu-Star Wars and nu-Marvel were supposed to be for "modern audiences", why isn't modern audience watching them?

      >Disney+ and Hulu are among the top streaming services, but have the lowest viewership among Gen Z viewers
      >Netflix is the most popular streaming service among Gen Z, with 59% of their streaming time spent on it

      What does disney make that would appeal to gen z?
      60% of their output is sequels and remakes of stuff that's decades old and will only appeal to millennials/gen x (if disney do it right that is).
      The other 40% is animated family films and princess shit that are made for parents who need 2 hours of sleep in a theatre.

    • 3 weeks ago

      This really surprises me. Netflix is fricking awful

    • 3 weeks ago

      Kind of shocking for Netflix being so far above the other streaming services with zoomers. I tend to just check what's on it from Google and pirate the series if I want.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I’m pretty sure that’s the breakdown for every age group, exzact for people with kids, then Disney goes higher.
      >Netflix is the most popular streaming service.
      Isn’t news regards

    • 3 weeks ago

      Because Netflix has older sitcoms like Friends, Saved by the bell, boy meets world, and Gilmore girls. Zoomers love those shows and there's hundreds of episodes for each because shows used to reliably push out 20+ episode seasons every year.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >watching lots of Netflix
    That's a lot worse.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I wouldn't say so. There's sure lot of crap but once a while something new and good shows up. Disney is 100% crap from stale IP with almost zero chance for anything new outside of established IP.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Their Korean stuff is good but I torrent it all anyway and it has next to nothing to do with Disney.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Netflix invested in Anime. I'd be willing to bet that's what the Zoomers are watching.

      • 4 weeks ago

        zoomers are watching livestreams and tiktoks

        • 4 weeks ago

          They're apparently watching something on Netflix. I don't know any zoomers, so I'm just guessing.

          No wonder they're the gayest and most trans generation of all time.

          I don't think the nips are as pozzed as we are.

          • 3 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        No wonder they're the gayest and most trans generation of all time.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Zoomer parents watch netflix. Zoomies have no money so they watch their parents netflix. Yes even the zoom zooms who have their own apartments.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Does Netflix have a breakdown of what people are watching?
        Why doesn't it?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Netflix is worse than Disney
      Absolutely not. Not like Netflix is a good thing, but this way Disney is dying and they aren't ruining The Sopranos by binging that. It's a win-win. Netflix won't last forever.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    please stop you're breaking disney's heart

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >Netflix is the most popular streaming service

  5. 4 weeks ago

    They were going to woo zoomers with Quibli, with kino shot in vertical. It didn't work so good either.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Probably because Netflix is the most normalBlack person service that tries to be everything to everyone. Kind of the McDonalds of streaming

  7. 4 weeks ago

    MCU is for millenials and Disney Wars has only ever been nostalgia bait, they haven't even tried to capture the zoomer market.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is it even for millennials anymore? It feels like most of them have aged out of this shit, and manchildren are not enough to prop up services that depend on subscribed counts.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Millenials are still the primary audience for the MCU but they're losing interest which is why Fiege is trying to nostalgia bait them back to theaters with Wolverine and Toby Spider-Man.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Disney has long been a little girls thing. Disney princesses are still absurdly popular with girls.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >> they havent even tried to capture the zoomer market

      Thats an absolute lie, the whole point of having a “new generation” of protagonists was to make SW last another 30 years with the younger generations carrying the torch. They never cared about old fans because they took them for granted.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >MCU is for millennials
      Is it? I feel like most people started to dump capeshit like 12 years ago when the first avengers movie came out because it was the point where you had to watch every single movie to understand the stupid story

      • 3 weeks ago

        It was but I think important context being left out is the original Iron Man came out 16 years ago where even your oldest millennial was mid 20's. So it was then but now, they are older and don't give a frick.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Zoomers watched the MCU movies but they have no interest in the Disney+ Marvel shows. The MCU was the Zoomer equivalent of Star Wars, but Zoomers have short attention spans and don’t care about the MCU anymore.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >they haven't even tried to capture the zoomer market.
      They have tried, with the wokeness injection in shows like Mando. They just failed at it

    • 3 weeks ago

      >they haven't even tried to capture the zoomer market.

      anon they put an ad in fricking fornite

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >Younger generation isn't tuning int but they are watching lots of Netflix.
    >tuning int

  9. 4 weeks ago

    I unsubscribed from Netflix when they released Cuties. Amazon Prime is the only streaming service I have now.

    • 4 weeks ago

      me too. and i don't even watch that.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Prime has way worse shit. You're still part of the problem

  10. 4 weeks ago


    >youth are rejecting cultural Marxism
    They're watching Black personflix moron, mainlining propaganda

  11. 4 weeks ago

    I didn't need a study to tell me that. I have 4 nephews who are the perfect age for this shit who absolutely do not care about anything Disney related and by extension barely anything from Hollywood. They love Mr. Beast, they love Minecraft, video games, twitch, YouTube, a bunch of other YouTube personalities/gaming channels I've never heard about and that's what all their friends are into.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Exact same shit with my kids. Occasionally they will show slight interest in the latest Pixar slop but quickly lose interest and never watch it.

      Also have your own kids. Stop saying "my nephews" and start saying "my sons"

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Also have your own kids. Stop saying "my nephews" and start saying "my sons"
        Why would anyone want sons that are consooming endless tiktok and youtube garbage?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Why would anyone want sons that are consooming endless tiktok and youtube garbage?
          You'd be the father, dipshit. You don't have to let them watch it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You sound like an uninvolved dad

      • 4 weeks ago

        Start beating your kids for me please

      • 3 weeks ago

        I too have been noticing anon people saying "my niece my nephew" more than "my son my daughter" and it's depressing.

        You sound like an uninvolved dad

        Love replies like this. Clearly what he said pissed you off but you have no retort just nonsense like this.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Also have your own kids. Stop saying "my nephews" and start saying "my sons"

        I'm working on it now, and when I have them they're banned from youtube/tiktok/any social crap until they're 10 or 12. They won't be allowed to talk to other people in vidya unless they know the person irl either.

  12. 4 weeks ago


    I agree, but when you post shit like this, it makes us seem autistic

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >I thought nu-Star Wars and nu-Marvel were supposed to be for "modern audiences", why isn't modern audience watching them?

    Cuz they put them in theaters and D+ when they don't use these services. The people in charge are old white men and old white women, who think that going to the theater is the default for the population but around 2008 the youngest people switched to internet content and it just got worse and worse from there.

    All that claptrap about making Captain Marvel or Rey Skywalker a "hero" for young girls was delusional wine aunts. Kids have no idea what Marvel or Star Wars is and are more likely to know big name streamers or Minecraft. The audience for Marvel-Disney was typically people over 25, esecially in the over 30 crowd. Sometimes they drag their kids but that's it.

    It's why all the merch isn't being bough too.

    >no way that a giant mega-corp can be that stupid.

    Yes, decisions are made by a handful they don't do proper market research, and the lower, middle, and upper management are morons.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kids buy Marvel and Star Wars skins in Fortnite

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Old white blah blah blah
      Lol shut the frick up you insufferable goon. You have nothing important or insightful to say and kids definitely know Marvel and Star Wars.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Old white blah blah blah
        >Lol shut the frick up you insufferable goon. You have nothing important or insightful to say and kids definitely know Marvel and Star Wars.
        t. israelite

    • 3 weeks ago

      white = israelite

    • 3 weeks ago

      >The people in charge are old white men and old white women
      Jews aren't white

      • 3 weeks ago

        Ashkenazi israelites are central European white people interpret with khazarian Turkish white israeli converts

        • 3 weeks ago

          No, they're desert people who are often mutted up with Europeans. They're still mutts and non-white

      • 3 weeks ago

        Jews are honorary aryans now just like Japanese. If Hitler had had to deal with the fetid mutant biomass of brown and black people that we deal with today, he would agree. Minor differences can be settled when the third world is fully depopulated.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I mean Gen Z has no interest in anything except fortnite and vaping so thats not really a shocker.

    Really curious to see what happens to these little homosexuals after tiktok gets banned

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hopefully they flood here

      • 4 weeks ago

        dear god why

        • 4 weeks ago

          Most of you are repetitive morons, you're no better than tablet zoomers. You deserve each other.

          • 4 weeks ago

            always love the homosexuals who come here with ego for some reason


    • 3 weeks ago

      They should be into vaping. Smoking for over a decade turned me into a L4D special infected. I can't just ignore there being fricked up shit coming out of my throat all the time making me choke and gurgle.

      • 3 weeks ago

        vaping is worse for you, it gives you popcorn lung in a few years while it might take half your life to develop cancer from smoking, if ever.

        • 3 weeks ago

          There's no proof of that.

          • 3 weeks ago

            not yet, but there will be. everyone I know that vapes has a distinctive cough and has aged very poorly. if anything, it can't be "better" than smoking, it is terrible for you.

            Oldtroon groids trying to pretend that turd of a movie is good because new = bad. Nobody said anything about Zendaya, but if you write off the movie because of that and then praise the fricking Lynch movie you're being blatantly moronic. Oldtroon die-off fricking when? If søylennials committed mass suicide the world would be improved. They are, after all, the ones who pushed Villeneuve to cast Zendaya.

            I'm 23, dunc sux

            • 3 weeks ago

              But those gay kids you are butt buddies with probably smoke besides vape. I switched to vaping from being an adult who smoked for over a decade and it's making my health improve.

              • 3 weeks ago

                they didn't smoke cigarettes, I don't hang out with homosexual vapists btw, I just knew them from work.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Nah he's right I've heard the cough from like 17 year old kids
                I really don't think it's any better for you than cigarettes

    • 3 weeks ago

      >except fortnite and vaping
      duno how many times I visit my tard nephew at the hospital because his lung is so fricked up from all the vaping bullshit and this homosexual is 17 years old. future is bleak for them.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    disney was counting on homosexual millenials and ruined all their franchises lmao
    now, not even genx, boomers, zoomies or alphas want their shit brand, just low economic power millenials with addictions and mental illness

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Dreamworks mogs HARD and always has.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    >"modern audiences"

    That just means out of touch Hollywood millenials. I don't think anyone really likes what Hollywood is doing these days.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I literally only used my gf's disney+ to watch the simpsons
    she doesn't pay for it anymore so i just went back to using kisscartoon

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >fat muslim superhero
    Who could be even remotely interested in watching that

  20. 4 weeks ago

    >cater to a demographic that doesn't care
    >shit on the fanbase repeatedly
    Disney is run by dunning kruger morons

  21. 4 weeks ago


    >blah blah blah commie bullshit
    Get new material.

    • 4 weeks ago


      >governments stages 9/11 killing their own citizens as a pretext for war

      >american citzens buried in cemetary for patriots, worms currently circling their eye sockets

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Israel did 9/11, why the frick would the US government want to waste its credibility and resources on a bunch of pointless wars in the middle east that didn't even give us oil? Only because they're israelite puppets.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Arabs did 9/11 but nice try, Magomed.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Arabs were just the patsy's, American and Israeli' intelligence were both in on it. Look up "the dancing Israelis"

            • 4 weeks ago

              I will look up 'How to deport Mehmet and his entire shitty extended family'.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nice deflection, you JIDF homosexuals stick out like a sore thumb

          • 4 weeks ago

            arabs called the israelites that worked in those towers and told them not to go to work that day?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >US Government
          you said Israel twice.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Shitting on zoomers all day when they actually don't watch that shit but millennial manchildren do lmaoo

    • 4 weeks ago

      Do they though? Seems to me that nobody is watching that trash.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Oversaturation, leading to no anticipation, leading to no excitement, leading to no interest

    • 4 weeks ago

      >we made TOO MUCH GOOD SHIT

      or everyone has gotten to the point where the disney brand itself is poisoned, because of how much shit they've made.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is true when it's oversaturation of pure shit. Quality control fell off a ledge.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    I still want to frick that paki slampig
    i love plump shortstack teens

  25. 4 weeks ago

    If you want zoomers and Gen Alphas to watch your content you don't need to make 3x shitty star wars movies

    You could just have Daisy Ridley stream herself playing fortnite for 6 hours and more young adults and kids would watch it. Star wars is something their parents care about, not them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Parents absolutely don't care about Star Wars.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >You could just have Daisy Ridley stream herself playing fortnite for 6 hours and more young adults and kids would watch it.
      I'd rather watch Rise of Skywalker on a loop for a week than watch someone play a fricking videogame.

      • 4 weeks ago

        i rather spend time on Cinemaphile, even after the site has sucked for years on end, rather than do either of those

    • 3 weeks ago

      you joke but if daisy ridley streamed herself playing video games she would 100% get more of an audience than she gets from movies especially if she dresses in a sexy outfit

  26. 4 weeks ago


    The Spirit of Anne Frank is coming back to kill the spirit of Hitler.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Jesus, Mary and Joseph did they really need that many fricking photos.

      • 4 weeks ago

        They were on sale

    • 4 weeks ago

      When is someone gonna use her for an AI porn model?

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's out there if you look.
        I made this in a few minutes with a simple prompt on a free site.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    Because it’s fanfic tier sloppa made by millennial or gen-x liberal morons. “Hello fellow kids! Aren’t black trannies rizz?”

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Yo, where is the Youtube celebrities at? Nah, get these Hollywood weirdos out of here.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    Good, Disney+ is by far the worst streaming service.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    They're making content that they want """""modern"""""" audiences to watch and internalize

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Does Disney+ have any anime? Or is it only Disney slop.

  32. 4 weeks ago


    >We fricked up our own countries! This is America's fault!

  33. 4 weeks ago

    gen z likes youtube style horror

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well they grew up on creepypastas so it kind of makes sense.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    Maybe because all those franchises suck ass now

  35. 4 weeks ago

    Weird, because zoomer Disney was the last time it was good.

    • 3 weeks ago

      millenials will spin this and say it was made for their generation (youngest of which was 15 in 2009)

      • 3 weeks ago

        I've noticed this too. People are now saying 2010s shit like Minecraft and Flappy Bird are "millennial". What the frick is up with that shit?

        • 3 weeks ago

          The cut-off is 2003 for me. They can claim what came before as theirs but afterwards the target audience for most of what we consider nostalgia bait now was gen z. Up until 2019, I'd say.

  36. 4 weeks ago

    Netflix is probably the only one more AIDS-ridden than Disneypoz, so it checks out.

  37. 4 weeks ago


    Incel slang has also become mainstream among zoomers it’s crazy. Shit like “based” and “maxxing” that you would only see on shtholes like here are now common zoomer vocab.

    • 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      >Incel slang
      Cinemaphile memes going mainstream has always been a thing, it's only worse now because there's more autists who use them irl

    • 4 weeks ago

      Anon spitting facts fr fr no cap mogging skibidi so he can rizzle livvy dunne in ohio mew 24/7

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah I used to only see shit about the Halo Effect and other lookism stuff on /LULZ/ and I haven't been there in almost a decade.
      Normie teenagers now are closer to the robot mindset.

      Zoomers are 24-28 now. You think they aren't fricking like rabbits?

      No. Most zoomer males haven't got shit for material assets, which is why attitudes embracing minimalism are gaining traction alongside while the increased "grindset" stuff is just the opposite extreme reaction.
      And with this contracting economy, young women are becoming more materialistically demanding, which in turn encourages even more minimalism and grinding depending on the man's own mindset and goals.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >gaining traction, while the increased

  38. 4 weeks ago

    Based zoomers. Disney, Stah Wahs, and Marvel all suck major wiener and always have.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    Disney+ has no prestige show. It's all slop

  40. 4 weeks ago

    Mr. Beast should save Marvel.

  41. 4 weeks ago

    Zoomers are either having sex or watching anime, never both though.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Zoomers are either having sex

      • 4 weeks ago

        Zoomers are 24-28 now. You think they aren't fricking like rabbits?

        • 4 weeks ago
          • 4 weeks ago

            Wow zoomers are so cool

          • 4 weeks ago

            hey zoomlette come tiktok dance on my dick

  42. 4 weeks ago

    but everything Disney has done over the last decade was for Gen Z, they shat on every other demo to appease them and this is the thanks they get.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    >I thought nu-Star Wars and nu-Marvel were supposed to be for "modern audiences"
    they are for manchildren millenials, the failed generation. my zoomer son is way cooler than me, zoomers won.

    • 4 weeks ago

      hi zoomer!

    • 4 weeks ago

      >manchildren millenials
      no no they are the ones being called toxic males for rejecting every modern remake.
      it was never for them.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    Modern audiences are way closer to /misc/ than to the LA liberals that Hollywood believes is their audience

    • 4 weeks ago

      No they aren't. They hate Israel for completely different reasons than /misc/.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The German government was recently looking into lower the voting age to 16 to defeat the far right because the young always vote left. They scrapped that idea once after they looked into it further because the majority of voters this would add would vote for the far right.

        • 4 weeks ago
  45. 4 weeks ago

    the kingdom hearts movie will save disney

  46. 4 weeks ago


    >white parasites play the victim and scream white genocide with a belly full of mcdonalds and shit

  47. 4 weeks ago

    The MCU and star wars have been completely diluted as franchises, there's no feeling of obligation to watch everything anymore, so people will only subscribe to D+ and go to the theaters for very specific projects that generate massive interest like deadpool 3, but things like young avengers, shang chi 2 or eternals 2, are completely dead projects, not to mention shows like ironheart or agatha that will most definitely break low viewership records.
    For star wars is even worse, since the sequels are dead weight, the whole franchise is depending on the prequels and honestly, only content creators care about the shows like ashoka or the acolyte at this point, everyone else has moved on.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >>only content creators care about the shows like ashoka or the acolyte at this point, everyone else has moved on.

      The content creators that care about these shows only care about shitting on them, not actually watching them for entertainment.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Zoomers and Gen Alpha are the least likely group to seek out something that is not used by everyone else. They all watch Wednesday on Netflix, they all watch the same tiktok and youtube shit, they all dress the same, look the same, think the same. Social media was a nuclear bomb on them.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Also have your own kids. Stop saying "my nephews" and start saying "my sons"
      Why would anyone want sons that are consooming endless tiktok and youtube garbage?

      >youtube shit
      >youtube garbage

      i am okay with GenZ watching Youtube, YT has better kino than most films, pic related, this 4 part mini-series blows Hollywood and Netflix out of the water.





  49. 4 weeks ago

    If Disney+ was a vault of all Disney content from the past up to the present, as they promised, I think it would be doing a lot better. Diving in to watch a bunch of old 50s cartoons on a rainy afternoon would get me to sign up for that alone.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >If Disney+ was a vault of all Disney content from the past up to the present, as they promised
      What haven't they put on there?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Off the top of my head, The Wuzzles or Fillmore, a lot of those old cartoons like I mentioned. You don't have to look too hard to see there's a lot missing.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    Gen Z doesn't like Star Wars and also doesn't have sex. Star Wars confirmed for sex-haver media.

  51. 4 weeks ago

    is the most popular streaming service among Gen Z, with 59% of their streaming time spent on it
    We'll see how that goes when ads kick in next month. I'm predicting a Pirating Renaissance. It's going to be like 2008 again.

  52. 4 weeks ago

    What the frick are zoomers watching on Netflix?

    • 4 weeks ago

      the office

  53. 4 weeks ago

    I remember when it came out, shills were out in full force claiming it was the netflix killer and how the mouse was going to buy HBO and shit. Lol, lmao

    • 4 weeks ago

      >they ain't gonna disney+ me.

  54. 4 weeks ago

    >Disney panders to zoomers
    >Statistically proven they're the lowest viewer demographic
    Will Disney finally stop the bullshit now that it's a proven fact they're pandering to people who literally don't watch them?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >making a bunch of woke crap that only manchildren and femcels watch is pandering to zoomers

  55. 4 weeks ago

    >Jack Black
    I hate this fricking sack of shit homosexual so much.

    • 4 weeks ago

      He's also a massive (in both senses) zionist.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah that's shitty too, but I hate him because he's in his fricking 50s still acting like it's the early 2000s. He still talks like the youth of that time. He literally peaked back then and won't move past it.
        That's also one of the reasons I can't stand Eminem either, and I liked both back in the 2000s

        • 4 weeks ago

          Good on you for seeing sense. I was never a fan but I remember him being big (in both senses) in the 2000s, and a lot of women around my age or slightly older are still quite fond of him for some reason.
          I think they think he's safe zaney or something.
          Or maybe he just makes them feel nostalgic with all the dated slang, idk.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah that's shitty too, but I hate him because he's in his fricking 50s still acting like it's the early 2000s. He still talks like the youth of that time. He literally peaked back then and won't move past it.
      That's also one of the reasons I can't stand Eminem either, and I liked both back in the 2000s

      Good on you for seeing sense. I was never a fan but I remember him being big (in both senses) in the 2000s, and a lot of women around my age or slightly older are still quite fond of him for some reason.
      I think they think he's safe zaney or something.
      Or maybe he just makes them feel nostalgic with all the dated slang, idk.

      You three sound like massive homosexuals. It's funny because only teenagers would have some b***hy opinions like that.

  56. 4 weeks ago

    "modern audience" doesn't exist.
    Or do they mean activists?

  57. 4 weeks ago


    It's spelled Lügenpresse, larping brownoid.

  58. 4 weeks ago

    Netflix is filled with hundreds of "comfy" 100 episode shows that zoomers love to replqy infinitely in the background

  59. 4 weeks ago

    Everyone loves rooting for the wienery white guy. Even shitskins love Tony Stark, James Bond, Han Solo, the list is endless. No one wants to see girl boss slop or Black person replacements for famous characters. Their arrogance and neuroticism has finally caught up with them, again.

  60. 4 weeks ago


    Normie tier liberal friends from California are now sending me 5 year old memes from here. The hate is palpable.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Normie tier liberal friends from California are now sending me 5 year old memes from here
      Tbf 5 year old memes from here are just 7 year old memes from reddit/tumblr/twitter/vine

      • 4 weeks ago

        Here's your (You)

  61. 4 weeks ago






    Glad the israelites will lose their power in our lifetime

  62. 4 weeks ago

    Modern audience means 60 year old women.

  63. 4 weeks ago


  64. 4 weeks ago

    Zoomers can't into torrents. Is like hacking the mainframe for them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This shit is actually true, I have a friend who is a med student at an Ivy League and I had to show him how to set up qbittorrent and find for it. Probably 75% of zoomers have never used a PC for anything, they do all their shit with their phones

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is this actually true? Im a older zoomer and everyone I know torrents shit. It's not even a hard thing to figure out. Of course the people I know are a bunch of leechers so if you want to say zoomers don't know torrent etiquette, you are probably right

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Im a older zoomer
        the difference in late 90s to early 2000s zoomers compared to the rest is insane, my sister is 5 years younger than me and I don't understand 99% of the shit she talks about, apparently Turkish quandale dingle is rizzing at a tiktok party

    • 4 weeks ago

      My sister is a software developer zoomer and she cant even figure out how find streaming sites never mind torrents

    • 4 weeks ago

      Thank God my dad taught me how to torrent when I was 12.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I'm a 2005 kiddie and I pirate most of my shit.
      Maybe my dad's knowledge rubbed off on me or something but it's weird how the average zoomer is technologically moronic despite growing up with so much of it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Zoomers are more inept with PCs than boomers are. Asking them to double click something scares and confuses them.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I don't think it's that they don't know. I think it's more likely they're afraid they could go to jail so they don't bother learning.

  65. 4 weeks ago

    >make gay shit for homosexuals
    >gayshitgays ignore it
    >normal people ignore it
    >continue making gay shit for homosexuals

    • 4 weeks ago

      they don't make it for homosexuals, they make it for other activists.
      homosexuals just make gross fanart out of it to fap

  66. 4 weeks ago


    Oh you touched a nerve. You touched a nerve. White people don't like that.

    always love the homosexuals who come here with ego for some reason


    >always love the homosexuals who come here with ego for some reason

    I don't get 'em either. Talking shit and in the same boat as everyone else, as if a different industry services them.

  67. 4 weeks ago

    Why do zoomers and zoomettes like this asiaticslop?


    • 4 weeks ago

      Because everything made in the west now is dogshit, ugly, pozzed and ideological

  68. 4 weeks ago


    Your pseud word salad of JBP buzzwords just so happens to be completely wrong. Support for communism is at an all time high among zoomers.

    • 4 weeks ago

      JBP sees himself a a anti-extremist force and the ‘far right’ sees him as a drug addicted boomer
      Nazis stands for National Socialists btw

      • 4 weeks ago

        Socialism is to the right of Communism. So it is still far right. The new generation is leftist, grandpa. Get with the times. You have nothing to lose but your chains.

  69. 4 weeks ago

    Most Zoomers still live with their parents as they can't afford their own homes. So they would be watching stuff on their parents Disney + accounts. Probably still do even if they've moved out, funny how Disney +haven't started their threatened crack down on shared accounts yet, but Netflix did and now have more Zoomers registered...

    • 4 weeks ago

      >funny how Disney +haven't started their threatened crack down on shared accounts yet, but Netflix did and now have more Zoomers registered...
      They have though, they introduced limits on how many devices one account can be on. The standard subscription is two but goes up to ten if you have a premium subscription. There was always a limit of ten devices so there was never the endless sharing issue netflix had.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Which doesn't stop zoomers using their parent's sub at all. Their parents probably have it on their main TV and that's it.

  70. 4 weeks ago

    I remember when Disney was wholesome. It's a real eye opener when you understand the same group of people that destroyed Disney is the same group that has murdered 40,000 men women and children in Gaza.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lol Satan works at Disney. He's making all the tv shows. He's locked me in a prison cell and has raped me before.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Was it the secret CIA prison inside the EPCOT sphere?

    • 4 weeks ago

      here's to 40,000 more

  71. 4 weeks ago

    Why is Gen Z so disturbingly antisemitic?

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's not disturbing me.

  72. 4 weeks ago

    >I thought nu-Star Wars and nu-Marvel were supposed to be for "modern audiences"
    The expression "modern audiences" means single angry 35 years old women.

  73. 4 weeks ago

    Then who are the modern audience they're supposed to be catering to now?

  74. 4 weeks ago

    >Zoomers have little interest in Disney
    Yeah no shit. Millennials don't give a frick about Disney as well. They have been producing flop after flop after flop for a long time. Those low effort live action nostalgia baits and all that shameless wokeness were more than enough to drive people away from them. I hope they collapse.
    >they are mostly just watching Netflix
    Netflix is the normie tier solution for morons who dont know or cannot pirate, and for lazy af people who want some background noise while they are scrolling on their phones.

  75. 4 weeks ago

    WTF I love gen Z now.

  76. 4 weeks ago

    What makes it hilarious is that they have already gone all in on the zoomers after ignoring Gen X and Y and nobody wants this shit.

  77. 4 weeks ago

    gen Z is old news.

  78. 4 weeks ago

    This is fantastic news. Frick Disney, they've ruined every IP they touch, they ushered in the era of Capeshit which pretty much destroyed the quality of movies across the board since everyone else tried to copy their dumb Capeshit quip-fest CGI horeshit way of making movies. I would love for Disney to become a relic of the past

  79. 3 weeks ago

    netflix won by simply being first, now people are too invested in the platform to quit

  80. 3 weeks ago

    Hollywood's lost credibility and the audience in general:
    >For the May1-19 corridor, domestic box office revenue is off nearly 20percent from last year and 50percent behind 2019. Year-to-date revenue is likewise hovering roughly 20percent behind 2023. “We knew it was going to be bad, but not this bad,” says a top studio executive of post-strike estimates predicting summer box office losses exceeding half a million dollars. “There was no alarm bell going off this year telling people the summer box office had started.”

  81. 3 weeks ago

    all the data we have shows zoomers don't care about star wars but morons will still mindlessly talk about how the sequels will have a comeback

  82. 3 weeks ago

    How did Netflix not only survive but outlast the flood of big-name streaming services?

    • 3 weeks ago

      it was there first

    • 3 weeks ago

      Being there first is massively important for online services. Look at all the failed websites that tried to compete against Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter but arrived afterwards.

  83. 3 weeks ago

    The zoomers in my college fricking cum and have autism seizure fits over capeshit, they love marvel.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Do you go to reddlt college? Capeshit is widely ridiculed by zoomers

  84. 3 weeks ago

    zoomers don't watch anything.

    they put something on in the background while they do otherstuff.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's crazy how that's been normalized
      >"oh that podcast isn't good but it's good background noise"
      >"I just use it to create noise I don't pay attention to as I work on other tasks because sitting in silence terrifies me"
      Yes zoomies this is bad because studio execs will take his as "we don't even have to try what little we try anymore just put random donkey sounds so the moronic zoomers can use as "background noise" for our show"

      • 3 weeks ago

        this is an IQ problem not a generational one. morons cannot comprehend their bleak situation so they try everything they can to tune it out

  85. 3 weeks ago

    Zoomers watch basedime and their favorite youtube creators, not pozzed billion dollar toy commercials like basedlennials.

  86. 3 weeks ago

    The entertainment industry has probably gone too far in nostalgiabaiting. There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
      >Dune is a 1984 American epic space opera film written and directed by David Lynch and based on the 1965 Frank Herbert novel Dune

      • 3 weeks ago

        As soon I saw that anon's post I knew some fat moron was gonna sperg out about the 80s movie. Nobody has heard of the shitty Lynch film, and if they have all they've heard is it's a piece of shit nobody watched. Dune is essentially a new IP for moviegoers.

        • 3 weeks ago

          And btw here's the part where you pretend that shart movie was a nisunderstood masterpiece to be contrarian, an opinion that you for some reason only developed after the mainstream success of the recent adaptation.

        • 3 weeks ago

          And btw here's the part where you pretend that shart movie was a nisunderstood masterpiece to be contrarian, an opinion that you for some reason only developed after the mainstream success of the recent adaptation.

          zendaya is ugly

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Nobody has heard of the shitty Lynch film
            >I never heard of it so no one ever heard of it
            typical zoomie brain

            It's a movie from the 80's so it's not new and refreshing which was anon's argument

            Oldtroon groids trying to pretend that turd of a movie is good because new = bad. Nobody said anything about Zendaya, but if you write off the movie because of that and then praise the fricking Lynch movie you're being blatantly moronic. Oldtroon die-off fricking when? If søylennials committed mass suicide the world would be improved. They are, after all, the ones who pushed Villeneuve to cast Zendaya.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >Oldtroon groids trying to pretend that turd of a movie is good
              Nice projection zoomie. I never said that. All I am saying is this statement
              >There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
              Is false. It's not know. It's more nostalgia and remaking baiting. Cope and seethe.

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's not nostalgia baiting because nobody has nostalgia about Lynch's Dune. The handful of people that watched that when it came out were not children and did not enjoy the experience.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >because nobody has nostalgia about Lynch's Dune
                >I never heard of it so no one ever heard of it
                typical zoomie brain

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's the only good Dune movie, fattie

                >uhmm I actually saw it and loved it for the true MASTERPIECE that it is and also everybody loved it back then. You're lying if you say it's always been considered a uniquitously panned box office disaster.
                >also for some reason I haven't mentioned this until the recent adaptation was announced
                >oh and I'm trans btw if that matters
                You gays do this with everything. When Villeneuve makes Dune Messiah you'll be talking about how he fell off since DUNC 2

              • 3 weeks ago

                >he's still going
                >he's still angrily strawmanning
                You were wrong. It's not new. You not knowing about doesn't mean others didn't. You lost zoomie and made a dumb statement.

              • 3 weeks ago

                You're right. I shouldn't have spoken in hyperbole, and for that I apologize. Let me fix my statement to be explicitly accurate:
                >Nobody has heard of the shitty Lynch film, and if they have all they've heard is it's a piece of shit nobody watched. Except for fat oldtroon morons who streamed it when the new adaptation was announced and decided they would base their contrarianism on it. They've actually always appreciated it and definitely have sex with women.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >You're right
                Glad you agree finally and we can move on zoomie

              • 3 weeks ago

                Have you been tested for autism?

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's not a new concept. They made a movie in the 80's.

              • 3 weeks ago

                They made a terrible movie that nobody saw

              • 3 weeks ago

                He made it clear in his original post that he knows it's an existing IP but that casual moviegoers don't, or just barely know of the book or 80s movie. Nobody has nostalgia for the 80s film, nobody watched it.

              • 3 weeks ago

                They made a terrible movie that nobody saw

                You said
                >There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                and you were wrong zoomie. You can accept that or we can do the last word dance for 2 hours your call

                the guy that typed this looks like the /misc/ poster that was arrested for threatening his local sheriff btw

                >/misc/ out of nowhere

              • 3 weeks ago

                But he wasn't wrong, you're just taking him literally because you're autistic. Nobody has denied the existence of the original novel and the two adaptations.

              • 3 weeks ago

                You were wrong. This statement you made is literally false
                >There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                It's a book and a movie from the 80's. You were wrong,

              • 3 weeks ago


                It's new to general audiences you stupid vanta black groid. Are you ESL? Is that what it is? It's called "hyperbole" you illiterate monkey. The only people who were familiar with the book or 80's movie were old sci-fi autists prior to Dunc. Which is apparently what you are + autistic which is why you're so offended at someone stating an obvious fact.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >This statement you made is literally false
                Autism lol.

                >It's new to general audiences
                >I never heard of it so no one ever heard of it
                typical zoomie brain

              • 3 weeks ago

                You are an autistic person.

              • 3 weeks ago


                The following statement you made is 100% false no matter how much semantics or backpedaling you push because you know you fricked up:
                's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                Your only hope is to go back in time and stop yourself from typing out something so moronicly false zoomie

              • 3 weeks ago

                >he's saying nobody's heard of it
                >but that's LITERALLY not true because I've heard of it
                We're dealing with a sub-80iq right now

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's not a false statement. It is new. They have never heard of it before.
                Kek he's not capable of processing abstractions.
                >but the book came out 60 years ago! it is LITCHERALLY not new


                >There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                Is a false statement. Sorry you fricked up zoomie.

              • 3 weeks ago

                ROFL he really doin the meme

                The following statement you made is 100% false no matter how much semantics or backpedaling you push because you know you fricked up:
                's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                Your only hope is to go back in time and stop yourself from typing out something so moronicly false zoomie

                How would you feel if you hadn't had breakfast this morning anon?

              • 3 weeks ago

                's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                You fricked up zoomie. That's on you not me.

              • 3 weeks ago

                But is new. General audiences were not familiar with the IP until Dunc 1 & 2.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Zooms don't love Dune tho

              • 3 weeks ago

                Yes the average person had not heard of Dune until DUNC came out moron

              • 3 weeks ago


                >It's new to general audiences
                >I never heard of it so no one ever heard of it
                typical zoomie brain

                Ok but you understand he does not mean literally every human right? It's a generalization.

              • 3 weeks ago

                This is not uncommon at all (especially among nonwhites). People like this have the same vote as you and me.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >This statement you made is literally false
                Autism lol.

              • 3 weeks ago

                What the frick is wrong with you moron
                >and you were wrong zoomie
                No I'm still right, nobody has heard of the shitty Lynch movie and you intentionally misinterpreting hyperbole doesn't change that

              • 3 weeks ago

                >moron is trying to insist that general audiences are extremely familiar with Lynch's 1984 Dune adaptation that was a critical and commercial failure
                You need to get some sunlight man. I can tell you have some kind of asperger's fixation on defending this movie for some reason but it's really not worth being this wrong

                >No I'm still right, nobody has heard of the shitty Lynch movie
                >I never heard of it so no one ever heard of it
                >accusing other of hyperbole

              • 3 weeks ago

                Do you think he's literally saying that no human being has ever heard of it at all ever? Are you fricking autistic?

              • 3 weeks ago

                The following statement you made is 100% false no matter how much semantics or backpedaling you push because you know you fricked up:
                's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                Your only hope is to go back in time and stop yourself from typing out something so moronicly false zoomie

              • 3 weeks ago

                I didn't say that, my first post was this

                As soon I saw that anon's post I knew some fat moron was gonna sperg out about the 80s movie. Nobody has heard of the shitty Lynch film, and if they have all they've heard is it's a piece of shit nobody watched. Dune is essentially a new IP for moviegoers.

                And btw, that post you're talking about IS correct. It IS new to them. Fricking moron.
                >uhh well it aint new to me!
                Nobody cares what's new to autists with niche sci fi interests you stupid homosexual. Nobody is talking about you, nobody cares about you ever.

              • 3 weeks ago

                That statement is true though, all the zoomers liked it because it was something different and not a remake/prequel/spinoff for nostalgia points

                Zoomers watched the MCU movies but they have no interest in the Disney+ Marvel shows. The MCU was the Zoomer equivalent of Star Wars, but Zoomers have short attention spans and don’t care about the MCU anymore.


                The following statement you made is 100% false no matter how much semantics or backpedaling you push because you know you fricked up:
                's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                Your only hope is to go back in time and stop yourself from typing out something so moronicly false zoomie

              • 3 weeks ago

                Except no because this

                Zoomers watched the MCU movies but they have no interest in the Disney+ Marvel shows. The MCU was the Zoomer equivalent of Star Wars, but Zoomers have short attention spans and don’t care about the MCU anymore.

                is wrong, zoomers hate the MCU because it's become unignorably shitty and low effort not "muh attention spans"

                The following statement you made is 100% false no matter how much semantics or backpedaling you push because you know you fricked up:
                's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                Your only hope is to go back in time and stop yourself from typing out something so moronicly false zoomie

                This is also moronic because it is new to 99.99% of people (if not more) because nobody saw the Lynch movie and the book is not written with the average person in mind. Majority of people don't read books anyway. For general audiences their first exposure to Dune is the Denis movie. That is absolutely correct. It's not like the book was a blockbuster like Harry Potter or Twilight with huge mainstream hype going in. And yes, nobody fricking saw Lynch's movie. I don't know you would even argue to the contrary.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
                Is a false statement. Sorry you fricked up zoomie.

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's not a false statement. It is new. They have never heard of it before.

                >he's saying nobody's heard of it
                >but that's LITERALLY not true because I've heard of it
                We're dealing with a sub-80iq right now

                Kek he's not capable of processing abstractions.
                >but the book came out 60 years ago! it is LITCHERALLY not new

              • 3 weeks ago

                That statement is true though, all the zoomers liked it because it was something different and not a remake/prequel/spinoff for nostalgia points

              • 3 weeks ago

                the guy that typed this looks like the /misc/ poster that was arrested for threatening his local sheriff btw

              • 3 weeks ago

                >It's not new.
                To general audiences it might as well be, the Lynch film was a disaster and the book is 60 years old and has a reputation for being difficult to get into. It's a niche sci-fi property that is now mainstream solely because of DUNC.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >To general audiences it might as well be
                >I never heard of it so no one ever heard of it
                typical zoomie brain

              • 3 weeks ago

                >moron is trying to insist that general audiences are extremely familiar with Lynch's 1984 Dune adaptation that was a critical and commercial failure
                You need to get some sunlight man. I can tell you have some kind of asperger's fixation on defending this movie for some reason but it's really not worth being this wrong

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's the only good Dune movie, fattie

            • 3 weeks ago

              Imagine defending modern slop out of generational spite.
              At least muh lenny alls have nostalgia and actually liked the slop that came out when they were young.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Nobody has heard of the shitty Lynch film
          >I never heard of it so no one ever heard of it
          typical zoomie brain

          >zoomers and Alphas know about the campy slop from my childhood or the 60 year old novel it's based on.
          Wrong, idiot.

          It's a movie from the 80's so it's not new and refreshing which was anon's argument

      • 3 weeks ago

        >zoomers and Alphas know about the campy slop from my childhood or the 60 year old novel it's based on.
        Wrong, idiot.

  87. 3 weeks ago

    >fill shows with political grandstanding aimed a millennials
    >why isn't Gen Z watching?

  88. 3 weeks ago

    i wanna cum in Iman's pussy if you catch my drift.

  89. 3 weeks ago

    Why do zoomers call jerking off gooning?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Redditlennials invented the term and used it unironically. It's used to mock them, we show each other r/gooncaves as shock humor

  90. 3 weeks ago

    what are they watching on netflix?

  91. 3 weeks ago

    I hope they try to combat this by introducing new marvel heroes to the MCU and make them the most blatant, out-of-touch caricatures of the quintessential mystery meat broccoli headed zoomers that they can make. Time to try New Mutants again.

  92. 3 weeks ago

    >classic disney was for families with young children
    >they ruined that with awful live action remakes
    >star was was for teens and adults
    >they ruined that with awful sequels
    >marvel was for teens
    >they ruined that with greed after endgame
    i'm sure disney has been sabotaged from within
    sleeper agents playing the long game, killing the company slowly

  93. 3 weeks ago

    If you're 40 years old or less you will witness the societal collapse of the west during your lifetime. Majority of male zoomers already have absolutely nothing to live for and for the next generations it will be even worse. I can't wait bros, the show will start in 10-20 years.

  94. 3 weeks ago

    >he's so angry that he got called out for not knowing about Dune being a book and movie he has resorted to angrily samegayging
    kek zoomies everyone

    • 3 weeks ago

      >He's so desperate after being called out for being incapable to grasp generalizations that he is now claiming that someone, at any point in this thread, did not know that the book and 80s film existed
      Point to the post where someone indicates this. We'll wait.

  95. 3 weeks ago

    Try replying to yourself and telling yourself what a great post that was anon that's a great trick zoomie

    • 3 weeks ago

      How would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning? Answer the question.

  96. 3 weeks ago

    >he's going all out all because he made a moronic false statement
    >The entertainment industry has probably gone too far in nostalgiabaiting. There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It is new. General audiences were unfamiliar with it prior to the Villeneuve movie. It's not nostalgia baiting because nobody's heard of it, it's also not a remake of the Lynch movie in the slightest. And even if it was, nobody would know or care, because nobody saw it.

  97. 3 weeks ago

    Shocking. Everything made in their lifetimes so far has been dog shit and zoomies don't have the attention span to watch the good older stuff.

  98. 3 weeks ago

    >It is new.
    >I never heard of it so no one ever heard of it
    typical zoomie brain

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Continues to prove himself incapable of grasping generalizations
      This is the funniest thread in a long time. How would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yeah no one had heard of it until Dunc. General audiences were unfamiliar with Dune.

    • 3 weeks ago

      LMAO you literally can't process abstractions and generalizations

      >he's saying nobody's heard of it
      >but that's LITERALLY not true because I've heard of it
      We're dealing with a sub-80iq right now

      This is too accurate I can't believe we have an actual moronic man here with us right now

    • 3 weeks ago

      General audiences hadn't heard of it. Do you disagree with this statement?

  99. 3 weeks ago

    >he keeps no u'ing me for shit he is literally doing
    typical zoomie brain

  100. 3 weeks ago

    >back to the cellphone samegayging

  101. 3 weeks ago

    >>The entertainment industry has probably gone too far in nostalgiabaiting. There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
    >shit i forget in the first sentence in the literal statement the word "nostalgiabaiting" was used and I can use that deflection
    Zoomies everyone

    • 3 weeks ago

      But it was new to audiences, they hadn't heard of it. You have to be trolling, there's no way you're actually this moronic.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Ok so let me break it down for you tardanon:
      >Book is a 60 year old niche sci-fi classic
      >notorious for being difficult to get into, has a limited but vocal fanbase despite being an acclaimed classic
      >David Lynch adapts it to film in the 80s, box office disaster, Lynch disavows it
      >even diehard fans can't defend all its flaws
      >SYFY channel adaptation
      >good and a cult classic but again very few people watched it, mostly just the existing Dune fanbase
      >Villeneuve announced adaptation with a big name actors split it into two parts
      >first has moderately successful box office, second is a runaway success
      >the Dune franchise is exposed to millions more people than would've known about it otherwise
      This is why it's new. It's not a revival of an old successful franchise, it's not a nostalgiabait movie for an existing fan base, it is the first moment in mainstream culture for a niche franchise that regular people have 0 familiarity with.

  102. 3 weeks ago

    >>The entertainment industry has probably gone too far in nostalgiabaiting. There's a reason why Zoomer love Dune because its actually something new.
    >literally is talking about nostalgia in his context
    >then brings up something he is claiming has no nostalgia which you were wrong about
    I know you want me to pretend that context isn't there and blows out your argument zoomie but it is there. That statement is false. Dune was a book and a movie and I accept your concession.

    • 3 weeks ago

      But it has no nostalgia associated with it? It has always been THE niche nerd franchise, the archetype of it. It has never been a mainstream success and the making a new adaptation was a huge risk. The 84 movie was a huge risk and iy fricking failed. As a GENERALIZATION no one is nostalgic about Lynch's Dune, it was inaccessible and confusing even for adults that saw it. Are you one of the 5 autists on the globe that has some kind of nostalgic feelings about Lynch's Dune? Fine, but that doesn't make the statement not correct and you're clinically moronic if you think it does.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Dune was a book and a movie and I accept your concession.
      It was a book and a movie with a notoriously small and niche fanbase. It is new to general audiences you fricking autist
      This has already been stated by others multiple times.

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      continue seeing

    • 3 weeks ago

      >That statement is false.
      >you want me to pretend that context isn't there and blows out your argument zoomie
      Except the context is that nobody had heard of it until Dunc

  103. 3 weeks ago

    Yea I accepted your concession we are good

    • 3 weeks ago

      Why do you parents allow an adult with Down's Syndrome access to the internet unrestricted?

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