Genndy talks about Unicorn: Warriors Eternal season 2

>The finale reveals that The Evil has changed all of time, with all eras bleeding into one another for essentially a canvas of chaos. When asked if a second season would exist in that current mess, or go back to time hopping, Tartakovsky jokes, “Yeah, I have no idea.”

>He then clarifies, “No, we definitely have an idea, but it’s like a Catch-22 in a way. Here,” he says about the last scene in the finale, “we could do whatever we want and that’s how we’ve set ourselves up. But then when you actually get into it, it’s like, ‘Oh, shit, now that we have an empty canvas, and we can do anything we really want, what do we actually do?’ It’s one of those things, where be careful what you wish for because now we have too many ideas. But at least what we have is a guiding and emotional direction.”

>Tartakovsky admits they changed a lot in the Season 1 writing to move away from just plot moves to focus instead on smaller character moments, and he’s happy with the team dynamics. He confirms Winston will stick around, and Emma Fairfax made the commitment to take the Warrior’s purpose as her own, so Melinda / Emma are now a new character. “They both exist harmoniously inside Emma’s body,” he says.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >Where does that leave the messy love affairs between Emma / Winston and Melinda / Edred? Tartakovsky says, “In a way, both Edred and Winston were kind of selfish because they’re just thinking, “Well, this is my girl. No, this is my girl!” But in actuality, Melinda and Emma have outgrown both of them, and their purpose is to be whole and to find herself. By the end, Edred kind of realizes that the person that he was in love with is gone. Moving forward, I’ll have to really figure out what the natural evolution of that is. It’s even fun to think about what if Edred meets somebody? Melinda could possibly be jealous,” he laughs.

    >Last but not least, Tartakovsky tees up changes to come with Seng. “He has real complexity because now that his connection to the cosmic realm has ended, what does that mean for him?”

    >Genndy says they now wait to hear if Unicorn: Warriors Eternal is renewed. “We’re in production on Primal [Season 3], and that’s going to be incredible,” he shares. “And I try never to think about [multiple projects], which are great problems to have. My life will look extremely busy, if it happens. And if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t.”

    • 11 months ago

      Glad my man Winston is sticking around

    • 11 months ago

      >It’s even fun to think about what if Edred meets somebody? Melinda could possibly be jealous,” he laughs.
      Nice, very nice.
      >Edred meets someone new
      >Melinda tries to end it in spite of refusing to throw Edred any affection while inside Emmelinda
      Interesting that Genndy indirectly confirms that Winston won the Emmelindabowl

      >>Last but not least, Tartakovsky tees up changes to come with Seng. “He has real complexity because now that his connection to the cosmic realm has ended, what does that mean for him?”
      Seng development? Now we're talking.

      • 11 months ago

        Was there ever any doubt WINston was going to win? Besides, Emmalinda is more Emma than Melinda anyway

      • 11 months ago

        He stated very clearly that Emmalinda outgrew both of them.

        • 11 months ago

          Genndy says that, but damn if she wasn't giving Winston a lot hope in final episodes. With Edred it's clear, but Emmelinda gave Winston a lot of attention for someone who outgrew him.

          • 11 months ago

            I bet you think every girl who smiles your way wants to frick you.

            • 11 months ago

              How original. Every girl? No.
              But Winston thinking his fiancée who does not to mind his being a werewolf and who rubbed his belly and giggled and then complimented his tail right before the last battle still likes him? Almost certainly.

              • 11 months ago

                >be human
                >your fiancee runs away from you and needs time to figure things out
                >turn into a dog
                >she instantly warms up to you again and even gets unusually physically affectionate with you
                What did Genndy mean by this?

              • 11 months ago

                You just know

            • 11 months ago

              He literally went "I want puppies!" and she didn't shoot him down.

            • 11 months ago

              How original. Every girl? No.
              But Winston thinking his fiancée who does not to mind his being a werewolf and who rubbed his belly and giggled and then complimented his tail right before the last battle still likes him? Almost certainly.

              I was thinking about this yesterday and I was like "oh god what if she actually just thinks of him as a dog now and not as a person she was in love with?".

              • 11 months ago

                If this is anything to go by then she probably does lol

        • 11 months ago

          Which is a vague and questionably meaningful statement.

    • 11 months ago

      >"What if Edred meets somebody else?"
      Hear me out

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks to the drawgay for doing my request btw

        • 11 months ago

          Fricking kek, best artist I've seen in a while.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks to the drawgay for doing my request btw

        They have more synergy than either of them do with Emma/Melinda, I say make it happen.

      • 11 months ago

        all be real, i was really banking on there being some bro moment with them this ep where they realize they both go "hey, both our wives our in danger, lets put aside out differences for the sake of saving the women we love"

    • 11 months ago

      >By the end, Edred kind of realizes that the person that he was in love with is gone
      How is Melinda gone? Emmalinda is a fusion, she's not the same as Melinda. Copernicus should still be able to suck Melinda out of Emma and put her in her original body (assuming that Merlin's got it somewhere).
      Melinda might have a different perspective on a lot of things after dealing with her identity confusion inside Emma's body. But once she's back to normal and without Emma's influence, she should at least be able to fully remember that she loves Edred.

      Why did Edred fall in love with Melinda, anyway? We saw them meet in an antagonistic way, we saw him choose her over his royal duties, we saw them being an established couple, but I still don't know what he ever saw in her. And what's the deal with that light and singing that Edred was talking about on the ship? Sounds like it played some kind of a role in them falling in love. But the way Edred describes it almost makes it sound like a magic spell, mind control, or something.

      • 11 months ago

        As soon as their mission is done, Melinda will be back, but it's not reasonable to have Edred wait for maybe years while Emmelinda carries on with Winston. If their relationship changes or is broken for good because of these things beyond their control, then so be it.
        >Why did Edred fall in love with Melinda, anyway?
        Maybe they will show more flashbacks next season. As far as I can guess, it'll be something about their shared loyalty and duty, general proximity, and Edred seeing through Melinda's harsh behavior.

        • 11 months ago

          >wait for maybe years
          Speaking of time passing, Edred and Winston have known each other for four years by now, right? They both lived that long inside the cosmic realm, fighting evil together while their love interests were gone. I kind of wonder whether that has affected their opinion of one another in any way at all.
          Knowing this series, they never had a discussion about anything important, and everything between them is still at the same status quo as it was four years ago.

          >Maybe they will show more flashbacks next season
          Maybe, but the show shouldn't be betting on that. When you're not sure whether you'll get another season, you need to make a self-contained story that still leaves enough room for continuation and gets people hyped for more. I don't think they managed to pull it off here. They left so many plot threads hanging and barely resolved anything.
          I guess they're gambling on people wanting another season so that they can finally get some answers. But I don't feel like another season would help anything. The show's been primarily suffering from unfocused writing. A problem like that can be fixed by changing the writers rather than giving the same guys more episodes.

          • 11 months ago

            >Speaking of time passing, Edred and Winston have known each other for four years by now, right? They both lived that long inside the cosmic realm, fighting evil together while their love interests were gone. I kind of wonder whether that has affected their opinion of one another in any way at all.
            God I wondered this too. I was like "they have to had talked together and gotten this all out of the way. Maybe Winston even ended up feeling really bad for Edred and they became friends" but like you I came to the conclusion that they didn't.

    • 11 months ago

      >yfw they play with Edred hooking up with the chick from the Reawakened duo

    • 11 months ago

      >In a way, both Edred and Winston were kind of selfish because they’re just thinking, “Well, this is my girl. No, this is my girl!” But in actuality, Melinda and Emma have outgrown both of them, and their purpose is to be whole and to find herself.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah that view was kind of dumb. Like they literally were their girls and they were their guys and then the screwy posession fricked things.

        Also outgrew nothing, Emmalinda is still super into Winston and Emma is now the more dominant in that

    • 11 months ago

      >that last part about Seng
      yeah now i want S2
      also lol Dimitrigays

      • 11 months ago

        I was really expecting the reawakened to throw a line about congratulating Dimitri for actually making it.
        Dimitrigays, it's really unicOVER

        • 11 months ago

          Since season 2 isn't coming anytime soon, maybe he'll notice the positive reception to Dimitri and consider giving him some focus... That's just a heavy cope on my end though

          • 11 months ago

            We need more Dimitri fanart so we can make this happen.

          • 11 months ago

            genndy’s going to have a meet and greet thing in a couple of weeks. some dimitrigay will no doubt ask about mitya-chan. trust me.

            • 11 months ago

              This art is so good, I would sacrifice my first born child for this to be/have been a actual interaction in the series.

              • 11 months ago

                dad wtf

              • 11 months ago

                Dimitribros we were robbed

            • 11 months ago

              Winston getting under Edreds skin fairly easily while the flipside has Dimitri driving Winston up the wall is a funny dynamic.

        • 11 months ago

          Copingf and sneeding so hard rn

          • 11 months ago

            His hair reminded me of Nikocado when I first saw him.

            Even wearing red clothing.

      • 11 months ago

        Right, we hardly get to get see unicorn work as a team let alone the characters interacting with each other, this problem definitely stems from trying to introduce more plot points. It was a lot of non-stop fighting with little room to breathe for something that's supposed to be character driven.
        >also lol Dimitrigays
        We lost so hard dimitribros...

        Copingf and sneeding so hard rn

        I will never forget him in all his 2 minutes of screentime.

        • 11 months ago

          rip in peace

        • 11 months ago

          he's dead, there's only edred now

      • 11 months ago

        >also lol Dimitrigays
        Poor Dimitri really got fricked over. The identity crisis of Emma and Melinda gets a lot of story focus, and Alfie briefly met Seng who explained a bit of the situation to him. Meanwhile, Edred has been using Dimitri's body and suppressing the guy's identity for four years. Has Dimitri's body aged at all, or is it different when it's an elf guy using his body?
        If the show gets another season and if Edred ever actually releases his host, Dimitri's totally out of the loop about everything that's been happening around him. Unless the warriors just revert everything the evil has done and the whole world goes back to the way it used to be.

        What happened in pic related, anyway? If Copernicus took Edred's soul out of that body, shouldn't the host have reverted back to Dimitri? Or are the hosts just stuck with the results of the physical transformation even after the warrior soul leaves them? Or is Dimitri's dormant soul embedded inside Edred's soul, and they both were blasted into Emma? Or do things work like this because frick you, it's the cosmic realm?
        Imagine if Dimitri did revert back to himself here, and just suddenly woke up in the cosmic realm with no clue about what's going on.

    • 11 months ago

      >But in actuality, Melinda and Emma have outgrown both of them, and their purpose is to be whole and to find herself.
      This is a weird thing to say when she's showing a bias towards Winston, which makes me think she actually doesn't take their relationship seriously anymore but she's navigating off of Emma's lingering fondness for him. I actually wonder if *Winston* could end up falling in love with someone else.

      • 11 months ago

        >she actually doesn't take their relationship seriously anymore but she's navigating off of Emma's lingering fondness for him.
        This is more cruel than Edred/Melinda because at least Edred didn't solely join Unicorn for his love interest. He is not going to take this as well as Edrimitri did.

        • 11 months ago

          >He is not going to take this as well as Edrimitri did.
          Ever since joining (which is granted has only been three episodes) Winston's whole personality has been "none of this bothers me :D" like Emmelinda breaking up with him might be his limit but I also wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be *that* flat of a character.

          • 11 months ago

            He didnt care because he was with Emma(linda) and was willing to do whatever he could to keep her or some aspect of her in his life. Dude immediately harnessed the power and control of a lycanthropy curse once he realized it meant he could help her with this battle stuff. Plus now he has technically had four years to get used to it

            • 11 months ago

              >Dude immediately harnessed the power and control of a lycanthropy curse once he realized it meant he could help her with this battle stuff. Plus now he has technically had four years to get used to it
              Yeah, this is what makes him boring. He hasn't had any struggles or obstacles to overcome. His laidback attitude about the weird shit around him hasn't bitten him in the ass, Emmelinda still likes him and he got an off screen time skip to help him get used to being a giant dog. It's like Genndy just saw the endgame of "let's add a werewolf to the group" without thinking of the actual character and Winston's suffered for it.

    • 11 months ago

      >what if Edred meets somebody?
      Yeah, me. Watch your back, Melinda.

    • 11 months ago

      says they now wait to hear if Unicorn: Warriors Eternal is renewed. “We’re in production on Primal [Season 3], and that’s going to be incredible,” he shares. “And I try never to think about [multiple projects], which are great problems to have. My life will look extremely busy, if it happens. And if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t.”
      its canned.

      • 11 months ago

        Maybe is for the better, it was kind of shit. I liked it but it was a bad show with barely a comprehensible story and a confusing character dynamic.

    • 11 months ago

      Had fun watching, hope they make another season. Felt more like a setup than anything else though.

    • 11 months ago

      >“And I try never to think about [multiple projects], which are great problems to have. My life will look extremely busy, if it happens. And if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t.”
      Wow, it's almost like he's literally working on multiple projects at the same time right now.

    • 11 months ago

      Interesting they he more or less confirmed Edred has moved on.

      I wonder what's the point in keeping Winston around tho if Emmalinda has outgrown them

      • 11 months ago

        Winston can have growth unrelated to his relationship status but it's most likely because he further adds to the League of Extraordinary Gentleman feel Genndy was aiming for, and for more relationship drama. Because Genndsy saying "Edred starts to fall for someone else, Emmalinda gets jealous" basically means it'll happen if the show gets renewed. And of course Winston would notice something like that.

        • 11 months ago

          >Genndsy saying "Edred starts to fall for someone else, Emmalinda gets jealous" basically means it'll happen if the show gets renewed.
          I hope this hot and cold shtick doesn't last too long. Either let them be together or break them apart for good; this shit gets old fast.

          • 11 months ago

            I think it'd be funny if Edred also pulled the "I've outgrown you" card tho

            • 11 months ago

              It'll be funny, but he really should shut the door for good.

    • 11 months ago


  2. 11 months ago

    >we could do whatever we want and that’s how we’ve set ourselves up. But then when you actually get into it, it’s like, ‘Oh, shit, now that we have an empty canvas, and we can do anything we really want, what do we actually do?’
    >Moving forward, I’ll have to really figure out what the natural evolution of that is
    Holy shit. I assumed the season was such a mess because they had some kind of a vision and a big picture planned. I thought they were thinking about future seasons too much, they got too busy setting up all the elements they needed to use in further seasons, and they lost focus of how it makes this season look.

    But if both this season and possible next seasons are just being made up as they go, that explains why the show was such an odd experience. It was like watching a stream of consciousness, or a dream. Story elements get introduced and forgotten, everything is mysterious and confusing to figure out, the characters never talk about things and explain how the world works.

    This show really doesn't deserve another season. But on the other hand, it might be entertaining to watch how much more bizarre it can get.

    • 11 months ago

      Well its more or less confirmed they tried to fit in as many ideas and concepts into one season which is, well both a good and bad thing judging by this.
      Bad because some of these ideas introduced in s1 really could've used some more fleshing out but it's done and over with it, they probably wont be properly expanded upon further or rather they should've been saved for that potential s2. Good because of the blank canvas thing, they could go anywhere with this.
      Personally I really do think the Steampunk, Victorian-Era London should've been kept as the setting for the most part for a more character driven show instead of just abandoning it for a chaotic world, maybe the evil taking over time shouldve been cut or been kept on a smaller scale because man does it feel rushed for it to all happen in the span of 2 episodes.

      >they got too busy setting up all the elements they needed to use in further seasons, and they lost focus of how it makes this season look.
      >Story elements get introduced and forgotten
      I felt this too, it's like they tried to get some out way and leave it as self contained story as much as they could while still leaving it open ended and resolving some conflict, which is understandable but it did so sloppily.

    • 11 months ago

      Its more likely Genndy had a bullet point list of locations, characters, and themes he wanted to hit and speedran them, not expecting a second season, but setting up a situation where he could do the same thing again. The plot and story beats connecting them matters less than getting to animate a fight between a wizard, a furry, and a bunch of robots.
      Its completely self indulgent but I don't hate it. After a career as gold as Genndy's, you should be allowed to kick back and jack off a little.

    • 11 months ago

      >But if both this season and possible next seasons are just being made up as they go, that explains why the show was such an odd experience. It was like watching a stream of consciousness, or a dream. Story elements get introduced and forgotten, everything is mysterious and confusing to figure out, the characters never talk about things and explain how the world works.
      Yeah Samurai Jack was kind of like that sometimes.

      • 11 months ago

        Samurai Jack was designed to be an endless adventure that would go on for as long as Gennady had ideas, and when he was done he could begin the final arc to end it.

        There's a broad plan with Unicorn, there's alot of room for improv, but there is a bible at its heart, I'm sure

    • 11 months ago

      Didnmt he wait 20 years to make this? And he didn't even think of a basic plot?

  3. 11 months ago

    Someone wake me up when we get the Primal continuation or his next new show.

  4. 11 months ago

    So why was best girl just ignored and treated as disposable?

    • 11 months ago

      Her shoes never fell off

  5. 11 months ago


    What’s SBT?

    • 11 months ago

      Symbionic Titan.

      • 11 months ago

        That was a good show.

  6. 11 months ago

    Hmm, this just makes me think that the creators were pretty wishy-washy overall with the direction of the show. Alot of this stuff mentioned in this interview wasn't really done well at all in the actual series and still feels flat.
    >from just plot moves to focus instead on smaller character moments
    >and he’s happy with the team dynamics
    I don't think they did a good job of either of those. Everything still feels undeveloped. I can't see a season 2 helping much since the foundation is so shaky.

    • 11 months ago

      Right, we hardly get to get see unicorn work as a team let alone the characters interacting with each other, this problem definitely stems from trying to introduce more plot points. It was a lot of non-stop fighting with little room to breathe for something that's supposed to be character driven.

      >that last part about Seng
      yeah now i want S2
      also lol Dimitrigays

      >also lol Dimitrigays
      We lost so hard dimitribros...

    • 11 months ago

      I saw an analysis in the other thread mentioning that the first three episodes or so are the most cohesive, and I think that’s because you really can feel those ones focusing more on plot. We criticized them at the time because the characters lacked chemistry, but I sorta miss them now.

      I do agree that it does not feel like the shift was “moving on to focus on character interactions.” Maybe that’s what technically happened, but it didn’t really pay off. Felt more like they moved on but didn’t really have a whole lot of focus at all, they were just chucking things in the pot.

  7. 11 months ago

    >winston will frick both emma and melinda

  8. 11 months ago

    it was a good run sisters, I'm gonna go lewd the elf while i wait for season 2

  9. 11 months ago

    I want to bed the giant 9-tailed fox.

  10. 11 months ago

    >show goes "wow we have teenage love drama! who will she choose??"
    >after one season the showrunner goes "yeah she's kind of over both of them. she likes the dog a bit more and will probably get jealous if the elf dates someone else tho."
    I think Winston and Edred deserve better lmao

    • 11 months ago

      It's kinda more tragic to me tbh. Emmelinda must exist to save the world, but it causes everyone pain. Let's say Winston and Edred find other people or each other, but when the job's done the entire situation will repeat when Melinda and Emma separate and their individual feelings come back.

    • 11 months ago

      Man it barely felt like a proper love triangle, I was hoping for more banter between Edred and Wisnton in the future but that doesn't seem to be the case.

      • 11 months ago

        to be fair to genndy i did paraphrase him saying the love triangle technically isn't over yet, the problem is more like emmelinda will possibly be the one responsible for prolonging it even though she, for now, isn't willing to commit to either one of them.

        • 11 months ago

          My problem is that I understand for most of the show Emmelinda is a new person and had to figure out who she is and her feelings, but Genndy stated that her big character arc was maturity. Part of that maturity should have been sitting down with both Edred and Winston and explaining she's a new person and is not into either one of them.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah she refused to talk to Edred about it until he gave up and she's just sort of dodging the question of what she and Winston are by going "haha technically I'm not Emma lol".

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah basically she’s BPD

    • 11 months ago

      I was rooting for this, and I still agree with you that the boys were mistreated. She didn’t even sit down and talk to either of them.

  11. 11 months ago

    >random elf on a revenge quest against unicorn tracks down the group
    >elf is a skilled warrior
    >pulls off hood to reveal it's Edred's elf bride
    >talking to her while she's captured makes Edred realize they were compatible after all

    • 11 months ago

      I think Edred's future new GF show be a cowgirl. Because yeehaw is cool.

  12. 11 months ago


    He probably doesn't want to get too attached after how Sym-Bionic Titan turned out. Coming up with a detailed multi-season plan is just asking to be punched in the gut since your show can be canceled at any time. Might as well just make it up as you go along

  13. 11 months ago

    I want Edred and Dimitri to fall in love.

  14. 11 months ago

    >The finale
    >This interview
    At this point I have no interest in a second season outside of being able to see Edred again. Frick this shitty show and Genndy for thinking it was still worth working on after a decade.

  15. 11 months ago

    It’s quite fair to say the plotting and character trajectories were pretty jumbled
    Hopefully a season 2 will come and by then the crew will have ruminated on a more elegant course

  16. 11 months ago

    We can still win

  17. 11 months ago

    edred's feet

    • 11 months ago

      Now the fox

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Why do you deny the fox feet 🙁

  18. 11 months ago

    Did the foxgirl end up having a huge ass?

    • 11 months ago

      It was never clarified either way

      all be real, i was really banking on there being some bro moment with them this ep where they realize they both go "hey, both our wives our in danger, lets put aside out differences for the sake of saving the women we love"

      Very disappointing that there as a potential for a good friendship and growth just for Genndy to go "it's over for both of them but only Edred's realized it".

      • 11 months ago

        hoping in a hypothetical season 2 they'll flash back through the 4 year time gap and we can see them bro it out. idk, an anon can dream

        • 11 months ago

          Bro is at his limit

      • 11 months ago

        The world may never know
        But it will always be true in my heart

        Eh pass on this show then.

    • 11 months ago

      The world may never know
      But it will always be true in my heart

  19. 11 months ago

    Dimitrisisters….. did we just lose?

  20. 11 months ago

    The ending kindof sucked, if this doesn't get a second season we're really just left with "everything got fricked over"
    I had fun watching the show though, that's what matters

    • 11 months ago

      We need a flag with both Winston and Edred on it looking sad to commemorate both of them losing

  21. 11 months ago

    Someone please start wrangling Gendy. He can't write anymore.

  22. 11 months ago

    Should I watch this show

    • 11 months ago

      It's only 10 episodes, it wouldn't hurt. It's very weird though.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's only 10 episodes, it wouldn't hurt.
        It hurts when his shows are cancelled in cliffhangers

  23. 11 months ago

    If I actually gave a shit about the story I would be pissed because at beast this is free form storytelling and at worse this is the worst most poorly though out story I've seen in a while.

    It feels like a child is making up a story in the spot changing ideas half way though, adding characters out of nowhere and going into weird tangents when they loose their train of though.


  24. 11 months ago

    when you think about it yuri actually won

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe. At this point Melinda warms up to anyone who is nice to her and understands her problems.

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        The age gap and the goth/pastel pink pairing kind of makes me want to draw something for them

      • 11 months ago

        >4d masturbation

      • 11 months ago

        I still don't understand why they gave her a moustache

        • 11 months ago

          You're talking about Melinda, right? I liked the more minimalist look she had in her first appearance too.

          • 11 months ago

            I feel like the art style radically shifted once they went from the long-ago period to the 'modern' period in the show tbh. I didn't like it.

            • 11 months ago

              I didn't think it was too bad but it was particularly noticeable on some characters like Merlin.

            • 11 months ago

              At the start it was obviously a deliberate shift from the "serious" style of the past to the more goofy Popeye style of the steampunk "present". What puzzles me is that the Popeye style gradually ends up bleeding back into flashbacks and stuff. The further you go along in the show, the more that the past adopts the same style as the present. Morgan and e-girl Melinda being in the Popeye style just felt kinda jarring.
              Maybe it's deliberate, some subtle way of demonstrating Emma and Melinda growing closer spiritually, but I truly think that's giving them too much credit. Rather, I would suspect that the prologue segment was animated way way before everything else and then the artists just became increasingly less fastidious about switching styles as production went along.
              Early old Melinda is perfection. The more she got Popeye-ified, the further she strayed from that original perfection. It sickens me.

              • 11 months ago

                >Maybe it's deliberate, some subtle way of demonstrating Emma and Melinda growing closer spiritually
                I initially thought this too, with the more warmer colors and rosy skintone as apposed to her pale and cool toned skin in her early appearance but you're probably right.

              • 11 months ago

                The show's just too inconsistent and incoherent for it to be believable that they were playing some subtle game with it.

              • 11 months ago

                That's definitely true, it makes all the more obvious what a missed opportunity a lot of it was.

              • 11 months ago

                >Early old Melinda is perfection. The more she got Popeye-ified, the further she strayed from that original perfection. It sickens me.
                Patrician taste. Early Melinda is perfection.

    • 11 months ago

      >Melinda won the Emmabowl
      >She's also thousands of years old so she got her /ll/ ship sailed aswell

  25. 11 months ago

    Is there a single show in existence that had its overall viewing experience improved by the inclusion of a love triangle?

    • 11 months ago

      mmmmm. no

  26. 11 months ago

    1: There will not be a season 2.
    2: In 10 years Cinemaphile will think this was the greatest shit ever and be furious that there isn't one.

  27. 11 months ago

    There were so many animation errors this episode and almost all of them were Edred

  28. 11 months ago

    i unironically thought the show was going to do some retarted fourth wall break bullshit when this came on

    • 11 months ago

      i think theyre foreshadowing it

    • 11 months ago

      I didn't catch the other production scrawls in previous episodes, but those numbers in the finale were too obvious to miss. Were they rushing to get these episodes finished and out the door or something?

  29. 11 months ago

    So are Melinda and Emma finally on good terms?

    • 11 months ago


  30. 11 months ago

    >Oh no! All of space and time are is dead or whatever
    >Even though we saw literally none of that happened before Emma touched the forest rock
    >There was an epic battle between the tiger guy and the evil!
    >We didn't see any of it
    >We never reached any conclusion between the decendents
    >We still don't know what the deal with the fox lady was or her relationship with Morgan
    >The whole "steal other people's lives" thing is never really brought up again in any meaningful way outside of Emma/Melinda
    >But wooooooo dinosaurs and spaceships
    I'm not gonna lie, this leaves me pretty dissapointed. And unlike SBT, or Samurai Jack, I really don't give a shit about a Season 2

  31. 11 months ago

    Sharing this neat little comic

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            >your son's body is possessed by the man who left you the altar
            sounds like the premise of a hentai

          • 11 months ago

            >son leaves for the human world
            >son flirts with human women
            >son gets possessed by the guy who left you for a human woman

            • 11 months ago

              That's rough, buddy

          • 11 months ago

            This makes me wish we got more of Aelwulf and the elf kingdom in general.

  32. 11 months ago

    L E G E N D A R Y

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        I liked them before, now I love them

        • 11 months ago

          They need head pats

        • 11 months ago

          I was honestly worried that they would be bitter and become villains. This was so much better.

    • 11 months ago

      I liked them before, now I love them

      They need head pats

      I think I liked them more than I did the main characters

  33. 11 months ago

    >never shown smiling
    >not even for her lover
    >only time she smiles is at her
    What did Melinda mean by this?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      tbh that was really sweet and well done. like it really feels like a hug of friendship and acceptance for the other. also holy shit og melinda is huge

    • 11 months ago

      call me autistic but cartoons need more positive female interactions like this tbh

      • 11 months ago

        You are autistic

        • 11 months ago

          you're a moid so you wouldnt understand

          • 11 months ago

            I'm a minimum orbit interception distance?

          • 11 months ago

            don't bother with the moronic scrote

            • 11 months ago

              He said to call him autistic, why am I the bad guy?

  34. 11 months ago

    This series's main fault is that it is not that well directed and that the pacing is bad. I kept fast-forwarding all the boring bits when the scenes started to drag out, of which there were too many.
    I hope that an eventual second season improves on that.

  35. 11 months ago

    Does symbionic titan have an ending or am I going to regret getting invested on it like clone wars season 2

    • 11 months ago

      >Does symbionic titan have an ending
      It has a season finale that doubles as a series finale, so that's how you know it's extra special fun 🙂

    • 11 months ago

      It has a "good" ending where they win what they were fighting against or something, it just left people wanting more.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks, if that's the case I might give it a try

        • 11 months ago

          It doesn't come close to wrapping up everything but it's not nearly as much of a cliffhanger as Unicorn or Primal's first seasons
          Definitely check it out though

          • 11 months ago

            Clone wars S2 fricked me up the most since the whole thing was a set-up for something that was never concluded

            • 11 months ago

              Eh, wot?
              You don't mean Genndywars, do you? That led into Revenge of the Sith. Did you just never see the movie?

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't know they were connected

              • 11 months ago

                homie how the frick. They LITERALLY show Palpatine getting kidnapped and Anakin and Obi-Wan being dispatched to rescue him

              • 11 months ago

                Yep. A lot of fans (myself included) prefer GenndyWars over CG wars because Genndy wars ends pretty much immediately before Revenge of the Sith starts and in no way contradicts the films. It also pretty cleanly fits in things like Anakin's knighthood, Padme conceiving the twins and C3PO turning golden. CG wars goes for an absurdly long amount of time for when it's supposed to take place and introduces dumb retcon shit like the existence of Ahsoka Tano or the Clone brain implants

              • 11 months ago

                On the other hand it also makes the jedi absurd.

    • 11 months ago

      it does not
      the season has a conclusion, but the actual overarching conflict never gets resolved

  36. 11 months ago

    winston/edred sisters we can still win

    • 11 months ago

      I wouldn't complain if Genndy went for it

  37. 11 months ago

    I wish I could've rubbed Wereston's belly.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        It should've been me, not her
        It's not fair

  38. 11 months ago

    >we got the homestuck ending

    • 11 months ago


  39. 11 months ago

    What the frick was that ending?

    • 11 months ago

      Cliffhanger for S2

      • 11 months ago

        There’s no S2

  40. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I agree, she has very little fetish art, if any at all.
      >t. someone else who wants female fox feet

      • 11 months ago

        It's not fair bros

  41. 11 months ago

    >Melinda and Merlin shocked that Morgana is the evil
    You... literally saw her turn into a green pulsing beast of fire, which is the evil you've been fighting the whole time? You literally said this was your fight to bear? I assumed they knew the whole time, what the frick, Melinda may have been a child but what's Merlin's excuse

    • 11 months ago

      >Melinda and Merlin shocked that Morgana is the evil
      That she's still alive and not dead, rather

      • 11 months ago

        That's not really made clear if they suspected or not, I had a hunch before she even turned into the fire that she would be the source, so I was waiting for a clear sign from any of the characters that they knew it was Morgana and it was never really made clear they did
        Also, you have been fighting the evil for centuries - you should have come to terms with the fact you were murdering her ages ago.
        Also why did having extra power make her go evil in the first place if the 'heart' version didn't want to hurt them
        Shit's dumb, show posed interesting questions and then answered none of them

        • 11 months ago

          >you should have come to terms with the fact you were murdering her ages ago.
          It's easier to think of killing Morgan like putting down a rabid dog rather than her being sentient, much less finding out she was forced to participate in evil.
          >Also why did having extra power make her go evil in the first place if the 'heart' version didn't want to hurt them
          That's what I'd like to know too. Merlin knew what Morgan suspected about their daughter's powers, but you'll notice it's suspicious he isn't telling shit. I guess it's up to Emma next season (if there is one) because she heard their fight and Melinda might not remember this detail.

    • 11 months ago

      They were surprised that Morgan was still alive. Also Merlin admitted he couldn't see the future past the point when they first confronted The Evil together, so he couldn't have foreseen this either.

    • 11 months ago

      I have to rewatch but I thought it looked more like the struggle between her and Melinda is what called the Evil forth and it used Morgan as a conduit and it sort of exploded her/actually just gobbled her up. The "fight to bear" was the fact that it was their fricking around with magic that created the Evil/summoned it.

  42. 11 months ago

    Do you think Edred and Winston explored each other's bodies during those 4 years?

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        We need a version with Wereston

        • 11 months ago

          Ok but I don't think it'll be as funny 🙁

          • 11 months ago

            It won't but if you use the shot of him on his back getting tummy rubs it might be cute 🙂

            • 11 months ago

              Okay here it is, for you anon.

              • 11 months ago


                >mind of a man in his mid 30s
                >body of a 12 year old
                >no more perpetual cosmic high
                Alfie is not going to be ok in the hypothetical next season.

                Yeah, provided Genndy addresses that. I worry that he'll reset.

              • 11 months ago

                Aw thank you

    • 11 months ago

      >It's your turn to pretend to be Emelinda!
      >Oh bugger all...

  43. 11 months ago

    Colored, thanks for suggesting these

    • 11 months ago

      it's nice to see some mira appreciation, she was pretty cool

    • 11 months ago

      Amazing stuff anon! You got a twitter or something? Ya take commissions?

      • 11 months ago

        i may gonna move away from twitter with the latest news, and thank you

        • 11 months ago

          >i may gonna move away from twitter with the latest news
          Ah what the frick is happening now

          • 11 months ago

            A temporary feature where you need an account just to browse the site now

            • 11 months ago

              Oh I just found out. Even if you have an account you can only read 600 tweets a day if you're unverified. What a fricking idiot.

  44. 11 months ago

    it's happening

    • 11 months ago

      >Your harsh cruel self is in conflict with your happy caring self and realize you are both the same person and so you put aside your differences and unite as one

      gay as frick positively

    • 11 months ago

      Beautiful, my only nitpick would be Emma should have had her beautiful long hair down... but other than that, perfection.

  45. 11 months ago

    So weird I went from simping for Edred to being fully in love with Winston, I went from hoping he died to get out of the way to being so happy he's a part of the group permanently. Shipping weakens my brain, I'm glad we're moving past it.

  46. 11 months ago

    gimme ideas to lewd the elf. may take a while hut im gonna do it

    • 11 months ago

      Edred bathing naked underneath a waterfall

    • 11 months ago

      Edred jacking off in the forest

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          That video will be on my CIA profile now

    • 11 months ago

      Edred taking a shit

    • 11 months ago

      this but edred and his brother

      • 11 months ago

        Why are elves so smug?

    • 11 months ago

      Edred in shibanari but the ropes are made of Melinda's whispy magic

    • 11 months ago

      edred getting belly rubs from were-winston

  47. 11 months ago

    I'm starting to become convinced Genndy cartoons are like the American Evangelion, mid as frick with fans who convinced themselves it's super deep and amazing

    • 11 months ago

      And I'm convinced you're a deranged homosexual who thinks more about Genndy than his actual fans

    • 11 months ago

      I've never thought Genndy's work was deep. I just appreciated his stylishness and idiosyncrasies. But UWE is just weird. Somehow, it simultaneously feels like Genndy's raw, unrefined brain drippings splashed onto the screen, yet it feels devoid of the Genndyisms that I actually like.

    • 11 months ago

      Who ever considered his work "deep"? His best stuff is wonderful in its visual aspects, which should not be underestimated as a form of art. Th best episodes of Samurai Jack and Primal are things I could watched hundred of times and never tire of.

  48. 11 months ago

    I've said stuff like this since the beginning, but this whole show feels like Genndy went on a bender in the office, churned out the outline for the whole season in one go, and then disappeared for the rest of the production. Meanwhile the staff treated his semi-coherent first draft as scripture, straining to fit every storyboard he gave them into the show and struggling to turn bullet point synopses into full episodes. It just all feels so undercooked.

    • 11 months ago

      I recognize that elf!

    • 11 months ago

      Yes it starts become really apparent they're just throwing to see what sticks around the time the gang is lured onto the boat along with the kraken showing up at the end.

    • 11 months ago

      >and then disappeared for the rest of the production.
      He's working on like 5 projects at the same time, isn't he? I wouldn't even be surprised if this were the case

    • 11 months ago

      I can't say I dislike it, but you do notice the animation flimsy disappears by EP 6.

      Guess Primal is really more of a passion project to Genndy than Unicorn is.

      Can't say I disliked it tho', only genuine complaint I have is Emma's voice acting. So out of tone

  49. 11 months ago

    >seng went back to be a kid

    fricking why

    • 11 months ago

      His astral form aged, his body didn't.

    • 11 months ago

      Because this was a midseason finale that took them so long to get to that it became the season finale instead.

    • 11 months ago

      His astral form aged, his body didn't.

      >mind of a man in his mid 30s
      >body of a 12 year old
      >no more perpetual cosmic high
      Alfie is not going to be ok in the hypothetical next season.

  50. 11 months ago

    >Alfie sees OG Seng in the cosmic realm early on
    >OG Seng fricks off to go check something out
    >Never shows up again, even when everyone goes to the cosmic realm

    • 11 months ago

      it wasnt literall you imbecile. he didnt go anywhere, they became one

      • 11 months ago

        God forbid they show any of the other hosts meaningfully interacting with their possessor except fricking Emma.

  51. 11 months ago

    happy pride

    • 11 months ago

      my fricking sides

    • 11 months ago

      Where is my furry on robot representation hmmmm

    • 11 months ago

      is liquid melinda's hairstyle based on that chick from gundam?

    • 11 months ago

      That's a really good Alfie.

    • 11 months ago


  52. 11 months ago

    These threads had alot of good OC/art, cheers to the drawgays.

    • 11 months ago

      Why’d you draw Betty Boop?

    • 11 months ago

      Damn I didn't even see the connections. Kudos to the artist!

  53. 11 months ago

    >Fricks up season 1 so badly the fandom is on suicide watch
    >Biggest complaint is that it tried to shove too many ideas in there and none of them had room to breathe
    >"Anyway, I have so many ideas for season 2!"

    • 11 months ago

      I recognize those quints while also disagreeing with the idea that I am on suicide watch wrt to this show

      • 11 months ago

        >I recognize those quints
        >remembers the screenshot
        My sides still hurt from this.

    • 11 months ago

      >suicide watch
      rather dramatic, I'd say we're closer to unimpressed with how it was handled without actively regretting watching it in the first place like Voltron or something

    • 11 months ago

      up season 1 so badly the fandom is on suicide watch
      complaint is that it tried to shove too many ideas in there and none of them had room to breathe
      >>"Anyway, I have so many ideas for season 2!"

      Thread should have ended with these quads of truth.

  54. 11 months ago

    I don’t like the ending at all. It starter about some warriors in a constant struggle, now is about Emma and her mother

  55. 11 months ago

    Just watch the final episode in a few hours ago. my God, the beginning of Emma explaining about how she want to Cosmic realm sound like she’s become a /x/ schizo

    • 11 months ago

      ngl i'm not entirely convinced emma's mentally sound anymore

      • 11 months ago

        >ngl i'm not entirely convinced emma's mentally sound anymore
        Me neither. Melinda is a helluva drug.

        • 11 months ago

          I seriously wanna know what the frick happened here. First off, how did Emma find a marker in the fricking bathroom

          Second off where was it ever implied that either Emma or Melinda we're super geniuses balancing advanced theoretical physics with magic bullshit. The only thing I can think of is Winston who is literally more of a plot device then an actual character

          Dont get me wrong I love the lad but his personality boils down to "Frick that Elf."

          • 11 months ago

            >First off, how did Emma find a marker in the fricking bathroom
            I think it's charcoal. Victorians were obsessed with that shit so IDK I'm sure they found a reason to keep a piece or two in their bathrooms.

            >Second off where was it ever implied that either Emma or Melinda we're super geniuses balancing advanced theoretical physics with magic bullshit. The only thing I can think of is Winston who is literally more of a plot device then an actual character
            Either Emma knew it before but she never had a reason to use it or it's influence from Melinda who was capable of doing shit like summong giant octopus from another dimension. There are women mayors and police officers in this show so gender norms are probably a little different from ours at the same time. Emma going to school and studying that sort of thing probably isn't unrealistic. It definitely did not come from Winston lol.

          • 11 months ago

            that's not a marker

        • 11 months ago

          I genuinely felt bad for her family. Stop and think about this for a second, they had an arranged wedding planned and all of a sudden a robot busts into the church and blasts weird cosmic radiation all over your daughter

          Now she thinks she's a different person and has super powers now. She comes back in hysterics only to frick off again only to come back again in even greater hysterics and its suddenly her parents fault for not getting it

          Man frick that into the Jacket.

          The amount of sympathy they're owed was low since they SAW her fly off themselves. I don't know how idealized Genndy's 1890 London is but chances are their idea of Emma being made well again was likely her being lobotomized. They're scared = understandable. Please scramble our daughter's brains until she stops talking about this thing we also saw but don't want to talk about = fricked up.

          ngl i'm not entirely convinced emma's mentally sound anymore


          >No Dedicated 2 Part Ep where Part 1 takes places in a padded room but since Emma is from the Protected Class her room is more like House Arrest then a room for an actual insane person

          Like yeah they'd keep her in a jacket but they're giving her the luxury crazy treatment

          Plot twist:
          >The Robot isn’t a real robot but a a Scottish druggie wearing a costume who spray drug fumes in the Emma wedding
          >most of the drugs were exposed to Emm
          >This begins Emma drug binge across London with the Fake “Robot”
          >She meet black orphan, Russian magician and other people and expose them to Melinda
          >where they planing characters from long fight against the evil who are actually meds
          >They go to the forest what a fool around with animals and meet the “elf people”
          >Eventually the binge end and Emma goes home
          >Emma wants to go back enough that she writing the entire bathroom wall from schizo rambling about the evil realm
          >Family call the Doctor and sent Emma into an insane asylum, where she could have her “adventures” to defeating “the evils”

        • 11 months ago

          Any Cinemaphileentists lurking? Does the math check out?

          • 11 months ago

            Anon, Emma is literally having her schizo babbling again.

            The only people who could understand are the /x/ schizos themselves

          • 11 months ago

            there's no math to check out, it's all basic properties or single make ups of bigger theorems. Basic shit like polinomials and some more advanced integrals and functions.

            That said, ACHTUALLY, some of this math didn't exist at the time period.

            • 11 months ago

              >That said, ACHTUALLY, some of this math didn't exist at the time period.
              Then it's from Melinda, who would have learned this from Merlin.

              • 11 months ago

                Well considering Otto figured out how to make steampunk AIs, it COULD exist in the time period.

        • 11 months ago

          >that little bit of boob at 0.09

          • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I genuinely felt bad for her family. Stop and think about this for a second, they had an arranged wedding planned and all of a sudden a robot busts into the church and blasts weird cosmic radiation all over your daughter

      Now she thinks she's a different person and has super powers now. She comes back in hysterics only to frick off again only to come back again in even greater hysterics and its suddenly her parents fault for not getting it

      Man frick that into the Jacket.

      • 11 months ago

        The amount of sympathy they're owed was low since they SAW her fly off themselves. I don't know how idealized Genndy's 1890 London is but chances are their idea of Emma being made well again was likely her being lobotomized. They're scared = understandable. Please scramble our daughter's brains until she stops talking about this thing we also saw but don't want to talk about = fricked up.

        • 11 months ago

          I doubt they'd easily jump to something so drastic

          Wasn't Genndy quoted as saying Unicorn was inspired by his kids growing up and becoming unrecognizable from the wee babies he'd always known them as? Idk if that came through the best in Emma's struggle, but I remember hearing something along those lines.

          Holy FRICK Emma's mom has some huge breasts

          • 11 months ago

            Two months later and I'm still ogling her big nose

        • 11 months ago

          Wasn't Genndy quoted as saying Unicorn was inspired by his kids growing up and becoming unrecognizable from the wee babies he'd always known them as? Idk if that came through the best in Emma's struggle, but I remember hearing something along those lines.

          >No Dedicated 2 Part Ep where Part 1 takes places in a padded room but since Emma is from the Protected Class her room is more like House Arrest then a room for an actual insane person

          Like yeah they'd keep her in a jacket but they're giving her the luxury crazy treatment

      • 11 months ago

        Wasn't Genndy quoted as saying Unicorn was inspired by his kids growing up and becoming unrecognizable from the wee babies he'd always known them as? Idk if that came through the best in Emma's struggle, but I remember hearing something along those lines.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, that's what he said.

          >Interviewer: What can you tell us about Unicorn: Warriors Eternal?

          >Genndy: Unicorn is basically about these heroes being reborn, and they’re solving a mystery of why they’re younger now and what has happened that’s different than [in] the past. They have fragments of their memories, and at the same time, they’re trying to find out who they are, especially Melinda, who now feels that she’s two people in one. It’s a giant metaphor for kinda coming of age or becoming a teenager, or becoming an adult.

          >It’s all that stuff where, you know, I have younger kids who have become teenagers, what if all of a sudden they became adult age […] ‘Wow, what happened to my daughter?’ You know, ‘What’s going on?’ And then they come back as my older son, 21, so it’s a lot of this character development stuff all wrapped into the super cool steampunk, Good versus Evil type of thing.

          >Interviewer: What made you want to tell this story here and now? It sounds like maybe parenthood played a part in it.

          >Genndy: I created it, like, I think, in 2002, initially. And it became, in the beginning, it was more about magic versus science or magic versus technology, right? Robots versus magic. And then through the years of development, and the failure of selling and buying and all that kind of stuff. That became less important and more cliche because we’ve seen the robots trying to take over the world, you know, sci-fi stuff many times, and would rise to the top was this character development.

          >And yeah, like you’re saying, myself, being a parent, and growing with my kids and seeing the changes. It felt like such an organic vehicle for those stories where you wake up, and all of a sudden, you’re two people, and how do you deal with that? You know, your old life now has no meaning, but it does, you know what I mean? And so the past and the future, and the present, all collide together.

          I don't think his ideas came through all that well either.

          • 11 months ago

            I've seen a couple times now secondary material saying the reincarnations being young is supposed to be important to the story, but it felt pretty immaterial. Emma and Dimitri were already basically adults and Alfie being a little kid is mostly just a vehicle for him goofing off.
            Though honestly, I couldn't tell you what the frick the themes of this show were supposed to be just from watching it.

            • 11 months ago

              try watching it again luv

              • 11 months ago

                I'd really rather not. Having to watch through the early episodes knowing that it doesn't really go anywhere sounds like torture.

          • 11 months ago

            >they’re solving a mystery of why they’re younger now and what has happened that’s different than [in] the past
            So why were the heroes younger now, anyway? When did any of the characters ever try to solve that mystery? Edred, Merlin and the fox briefly commented that something's gone wrong with the awakening, but I don't think the characters actually bothered to look into it.

            The apparent reason for the younger host bodies is that Copernicus sought out the warriors early because the fox dug him up, sure. But why did that happen? Who is the fox, what kind of an arrangement did she have with Otto, how did she know where to find Copernicus, what made her think that "this resurrection might be their last"? If the fox is dead, is she still relevant enough for any of these questions to be answered? Or did it just look like she died even though she didn't actually? Or did the ending create a new timeline where she might not be dead anymore?

            If the age of the hosts was such a problem, couldn't Copernicus have placed the souls into any random people ASAP rather than searching for some specific ones who were still too young? As we saw with Aelwulf, apparently he can suck out anyone's soul and put it inside anyone's body. Why did it have to be specifically Emma, Dimitri and Alfie? Do the writers have some kind of a justification planned and some kind of an idea on how exactly the whole thing works?

            I don't see how there was any kid-to-teen/teen-to-adult transformation here. The plot supposedly hinges on the host bodies being too young, and Emma gets suddenly turned into a Melinda hybrid, so I thought the idea was that she's the one who's growing up. However, even if Emma is presumably much younger than Melinda, she's still the one who keeps acting like the adult.

            • 11 months ago

              You ask too many questions. Just laugh at the Smurfs fighting Spooky Scary Skeletons and keep it moving, hombre.

              • 11 months ago

                >You ask too many questions.
                Anon, you've forgotten where you are right now.

            • 11 months ago

              There are no answers to these questions. The best I can think of is that Emma meeting kid Melinda and being the catalyst behind The Evil is a fixed point in time; therefore, Copernicus' frickup was fated to happen. A weak theory, but the only one I can make given the evidence.

  56. 11 months ago

    I’d honestly rather have the victorian england steampunk setting than that fricking ending

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah I'm disappointed we're losing that

    • 11 months ago

      Same. The S2 promised by that cliffhanger just seems like a total clusterfrick. I really do have to wonder if Genndy and Bachman genuinely thought this through.

    • 11 months ago

      The new setting while wild with possibilities complicates the hell out of any ending now if they fix things. By the time they fight again, people would have already met other people from different timelines and perhaps had babies, made friends with dinos, etc. They are going to run into the Samurai Jack time erase morality complex, and no matter what they decide now, things are screwed forever.

      • 11 months ago

        Is it a new timeline altogether or did the Evil just kind of break the timeline into pieces and then mush it together like trying to force puzzle pieces together? Is it more like a fricked up theme park?

        • 11 months ago

          No idea, but since living dinos were transposed, to me the world is more than a themepark. More like a hodgepodge of earth throughout the ages with any sample of living being within those ages too.

          • 11 months ago

            so its just Samurai Jack without aku and jack

      • 11 months ago

        >people would have already met other people from different timelines and perhaps had babies, made friends with dinos
        Had babies WITH dinos perhaps??

    • 11 months ago

      >have unique setting
      >end up just turning it into Samurai Jack 2.0

      Genndy pls

  57. 11 months ago

    Yeah well I won't be watching, not after that shitshow of an ending.

  58. 11 months ago

    Why the frick the Main Villain is called “The Evil”?
    Why not call me something else because seen “the evil” seems so ridiculous and just ass lazy named for the villain.

    That’s the reason why Aku is the love by everyone because he doesn’t have a lazy ass name or Genny didn’t want a new creative name

    • 11 months ago

      aku is literally just jap for bad/evil

    • 11 months ago

      Nevermind the uninspired name, I'd have liked to see them talk about what exactly this evil is and what does it want. Since Emmalinda didn't remember anything, there would've been a good reason to explain things to her. Like, is the evil a demon who possesses people? Is it the physical embodiment of everything wicked in the world? Is it the powers of Morgan and/or Melinda gone haywire? Are those powers some kind of a curse that these women are constantly fighting to keep under control? Do their powers have sentience? Why does the evil keep periodically returning? Can it be destroyed for good?
      My initial assumption at the flashback episode was "oh, I guess Morgan was overwhelmed by her own powers and she turned into an evil entity, so now Melinda has been fighting her own mother for all this time". But later it turned out that her presence inside the evil was intended to be a shocking surprise reveal rather than something one was supposed to immediately understand.

      What the frick did I unironically just watch? What a clusterfrick of a cartoon

      I find it fascinating. Genndy's been wanting to make this series for nearly 20 years, so I assumed he'd put a lot of thought into it. But it feels as if it was written by a child. The story meanders, and there are all sorts of issues with the characterization and the plot.
      If this is what he would really want to do when given a free reign, I guess that explains a lot about the ending of Samurai Jack and Primal's second season.

  59. 11 months ago

    Anyone know the artist that made these in another Unicorn thread? Do they have a blog?

    • 11 months ago

      Colored, thanks for suggesting these

      Amazing stuff anon! You got a twitter or something? Ya take commissions?

      I second the question, this is good stuff

  60. 11 months ago

    What the frick did I unironically just watch? What a clusterfrick of a cartoon

  61. 11 months ago

    what was that ending a lot of plot points really went nowhere specially otto somehow being in cahoots with the entity. I was expecting copernicus to be sabotage so he'd malfunction in retrieving the warriors souls

  62. 11 months ago

    Season 1 was a very rushed shitshow. It kept bringing up new plot points that end up abandoned and never explained.

    >The police chief discovers that magic is real after his confrontation with June, but nothing comes of it
    >We have no fricking idea what was June's deal, her motives or backstory and how she came to work with Otto, she's unceremoniously killed off and the Evil jumped onto Merlin
    >We also have nothing on Otto, just the fact that he's a genius inventor, but everything else including his connection to June is left unexplained and he's killed off-screen

    Season 1 really could've used more than 10 episode, this way it suffered from same crap as Samurai Jack season 5.

    • 11 months ago

      >could've used more than 10 episode
      People keep saying that every time a show gets a bungled ending, but ten episodes is more than enough to tell a coherent story. You just need to use the time well instead of getting sidetracked into subplots that don't ultimately matter. Like in Primal S2; you could've dropped Primal Theory so that you could devote a whole episode to the final fight. You could've made the ship arc shorter (or even cut it out entirely) because it didn't have any impact on the viking feud.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah this. The amount of episodes isn't the issue, it's what they choose to focus on. Less relationship drama means more time to focus on the dropped plot points like Otto, who definitely had more going on but ultimately left the impression that he only existed in the story to fix Copernicus and then die. This story somehow managed to go everywhere, and absolutely nowhere at the same time.

      • 11 months ago

        >You just need to use the time well instead of getting sidetracked into subplots that don't ultimately matter
        Starting to think maybe the cosmic realm time frickery should've been cut considering it was the second to last episode along with the problems it brought. It's presented as this big threat but really none of it matters in the sense that it doesn't build upon what was previously established in earlier episodes, it's kinda just thrown in and feels very disconnected.

        We are introduced to [s]Tony the Tiger[/s] Rakshasa but his brief addition feels pointless beyond his introduction in Merlin's retelling of events and ends up being so because he's dead by ep 10. His death happening off screen during a timeskip to save time only solidifies this, it's screentime that could have been better spent.

        The timeskip itself was unnecessary, the dynamic between the characters remains unchanged with the implication that those 4 years of experience smoothed out any problems Edred and Winston may have had and that's a stretch. Edred with his host, Winston's control over his curse, Alfie mentally matured, kinda takes the fun out of this being a reincarnation gone wrong.

        Having Emmalinda forcefully separated at the beginning of ep 9 rather than at the end would've been best. It allows for Emma-schizo/Reawakened shenanigans to happen earlier and leave time to resolve some hanging plot threads/tease them further.

        His hair reminded me of Nikocado when I first saw him.

        Even wearing red clothing.

        KEK I remember that comparison, he's even Slavic.

        • 11 months ago

          protip: ctrl+s

          • 11 months ago

            I've used spoiler tags before but I didnt realize my mistake until after I posted it but ty for the advice anon

  63. 11 months ago

    The ending felt more like what Star Vs finale came out as, in result of merging worlds that's left with no follow up.

  64. 11 months ago

    Big. Fat. Emma. Ass.

  65. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      This is what he took away from us

      • 11 months ago

        It still exsts in flashbacks

    • 11 months ago

      The memes of this show are so good. Haven't kekked this good at such a thing in a long time

    • 11 months ago

      I hope Edred stays shirtless for season 2 permanently

  66. 11 months ago

    >He confirms Winston will stick around, and Emma Fairfax made the commitment to take the Warrior’s purpose as her own, so Melinda / Emma are now a new character
    >“In a way, both Edred and Winston were kind of selfish because they’re just thinking, “Well, this is my girl. No, this is my girl!” But in actuality, Melinda and Emma have outgrown both of them,
    Honestly disappointing. The distinction between the warriors and their hosts offered a lot of potential, but this gives them an opportunity to just move past it entirely.
    It also means that both Edred and Winston have lost their wives, and it goes without saying that the idea that a man is "selfish" for being upset that the woman who just agreed to spend the rest of her life with him suddenly just can't is moronic.
    I have to wonder if this is Genndy reacting to backlash from Jashi or some input from the writing team

    • 11 months ago

      I'm of two minds about this because it does sort of sound like he's saying the love triangle isn't actually over, it's just in a state where everyone involved thinks it is but for different reasons. He even follows up with a potential scenario where Melinda gets jealous of Edred moving on. I do agree that saying this in an interview is bad and also makes Emmelinda look like a b***h, because for some reason she wouldn't talk to either of them about this. She just shut Edred out and got Winston's hopes up.
      >and it goes without saying that the idea that a man is "selfish" for being upset that the woman who just agreed to spend the rest of her life with him suddenly just can't is moronic
      It sounds more like he's saying they're selfish because of how their attitudes played out, not just because they both still wanted to be with their respective girl.

      • 11 months ago

        >It sounds more like he's saying they're selfish because of how their attitudes played out
        How does that work? From Wintson's perspective his fiancee was kidnapped by monsters and from Edred's his waifu has come over a bit mental.

        • 11 months ago

          >How does that work?
          Well, Edred leaving Emmelinda to fare for herself in the ghost ship because Melinda would be able to handle it on her own, for starters. Winston continuously ignoring that she wants him to stay away, too. The werewolf thing worked out but it's clear it was about Genndy wanting a werewolf in the group over wanting to make some sort of statement about Winston's character.

          • 11 months ago

            >not being selfish means doing what I want
            Women moment.

            • 11 months ago

              I agree that she's a b***h for not talking to them but I understand why by the end she wasn't really interested in maintaing a romantic relationship. There just should've been a few minute in the finale dedicated to her talking to them one-on-one.

              • 11 months ago

                She spent almost her whole life being in love with Winston so it's fricking weird for her to just lose interest like Genndy seems to be saying she did.

              • 11 months ago

                She was also in love with Edred for over a millennium. I don't think she's lost interest I think she's just reevaluating herself since she's quite literally an entirely new person.

              • 11 months ago

                >Emma committed suicide

  67. 11 months ago

    What other projects is he even working on at the moment? Primal S3 and Popeye are canned and Hotel Transylvania 6 isn’t going to happen.

    • 11 months ago

      Did Primal get nuked while I wasn't looking? Last time I checked (as in, a few weeks ago) S3 was in production. There's also a movie called Black Knight that we still know frick all about, and another movie called Fixed, about a dog who's about to get neutered or something.

    • 11 months ago

      What are you even saying? He's juggling multiple shit like

      Did Primal get nuked while I wasn't looking? Last time I checked (as in, a few weeks ago) S3 was in production. There's also a movie called Black Knight that we still know frick all about, and another movie called Fixed, about a dog who's about to get neutered or something.

      said. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he's not a big name in the industry.

      • 11 months ago

        >big name
        since when?

        • 11 months ago

          So you're not even going to try and pretend you're not moronic. Okay then.

  68. 11 months ago

    >But in actuality, Melinda and Emma have outgrown both of them, and their purpose is to be whole and to find herself.
    What the frick does that even mean?

    • 11 months ago

      She's in her Eat Pray Love phase

  69. 11 months ago

    I didn't like it and I am indifferent to the possibility of more seasons.

  70. 11 months ago

    Genndy continining his losing streak with romance plots. I wish he would go back to not attempting them.

    • 11 months ago

      Funnily enough the romance itself was hardly an issue with UWE

      Why is Emma even the main character? She's not very appealing. She spends almost the whole series being grumpy with everyone.

      I feel it would've helped if the other characters got a bit of the spotlight, the problem isn't so much as she is the protagonist but that she does everything. She shouldn't be the sole focus in a show where the concept is a messy reawakening with warriors souls in young hosts but she is and the squandered premise makes for a boring show in the end. We have hints that if it continues we'll see more of the others but this season should've been the foundation for their character.

      • 11 months ago

        >Funnily enough the romance itself was hardly an issue with UWE
        It was balls.

        • 11 months ago

          There was barely any romance though it's mostly Emmalinda shutting everyone out and getting mad. The pacing was more of an issue.

      • 11 months ago

        >Funnily enough the romance itself was hardly an issue with UWU

        • 11 months ago


  71. 11 months ago

    Why is Emma even the main character? She's not very appealing. She spends almost the whole series being grumpy with everyone.

  72. 11 months ago

    After just finishing it it felt like most of it was just spinning its wheels and could have just chosen to be breezier and simplier and it would have been better.

  73. 11 months ago

    >The Evil has changed everything!
    So did Emma's parents get erased from existance? Aflie's pals? Everyone and everything?

    • 11 months ago

      Potentially. Or they could have already existed or will come to exist in a completely different time period, which is effectively the same as being erased. Or they could have been altered into lizard people or something similarly kooky.

      This show is like a six year old playing pretend with multiple differently themed lego sets, and the finale is him smashing them down so that he can rebuild it again however he wants.

      • 11 months ago

        >This show is like a six year old playing pretend with multiple differently themed lego sets, and the finale is him smashing them down so that he can rebuild it again however he wants.
        I would honestly appreciate that sort of thing if this were an actual show about a kid playing with LEGO sets. Batshit insane LEGO wars are some of the most passionate stories the average human being will ever come up with.

        • 11 months ago

          The lego movie kinda covers that already doesn't it?

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah true, I think that's why I liked it. It felt very real even without the actual IRL scene. Never saw the second one, is it as good?

            • 11 months ago

              I wouldn't know, I haven't seen it either.

  74. 11 months ago

    >the police inspector never came back

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Fair enough, but then why did it spend so much fricking time on him? It spent like five minutes on him talking with the independant mayor of Londo who don't need no man and realizing but not following up on the sailor's story being extremely fishy (who was paid off by Otto, who also did no matter).

        The last time he appears, getting clowned on by the fox, he realizes he was wrong about the supernatural...and then the other shoe never drops.

        • 11 months ago

          >mayor of Londo who don't need no man
          That was his mom...

          • 11 months ago

            British pronounce mom and ma'am the same way, anon. Don't ask me why.

            • 11 months ago

              Maybe they don’t have a word for mom and they’ve just been calling their mothers ma’am all along.

          • 11 months ago

            I think “mum” is just how he pronounces “ma’am.”

  75. 11 months ago

    The female lead's identity seems so unstable I have no idea how her character(s?) were supposed to be developing. In episode 2 or 3 Emma refused to play along with Melinda, who was very harsh and demanding, and in episode 10 they hugged and cooperated, but I have no idea what's supposed to have happened in between except that mirror-Emma used pop-psych 101 to get Merlin to say "sorry".

  76. 11 months ago

    If you cut the bullshit out this could proabably have fit in a movie-length running time.

  77. 11 months ago

    If it's going to be an "anything goes" kind of series there is WAY too much moping and angsting.

  78. 11 months ago

    lewd things to edred's feet

    • 11 months ago

      Dmitri deserved better than to be a supporting character in a three team show. FFS the show is not called Emma and the Unicorn Warriors

      • 11 months ago

        Dimitri is dead get over it

    • 11 months ago

      Why not Emma's feet?

      • 11 months ago

        I'm p sure edred's are better

        • 11 months ago

          Why not Emma's feet?

          just wait for the beach episode you'll see

          • 11 months ago

            >Edred in booty shorts
            >Seng in one of those old-timey striped swimsuits
            >Emmelinda lifts the hem of her dress by five inches, exposing her ankles
            >Copernicus sinks
            >Winston doggy paddles

          • 11 months ago

            >beach episode
            >Genndy hinting at experimenting with different eras
            Emmelinda blushing while looking at a bikini and Edred being handed a speedo when?
            >inb4 Merlin comes out wearing one

  79. 11 months ago

    So kid Seng was just a weak comedy character? He's just gone now in favor of chad Seng? And what the frick happened to classic Seng who flew off into the cosimic realm in episode 2, depicted as a seperate being than kid Seng?

    • 11 months ago

      Rewatch the ending, adult Seng reverted back to his original state. Alfie/Seng might've spent 24 years in the cosmic realm, but time works differently in there. Once they got booted out to the normal world, he turned back into a kid again.

      Genndy said in the interview that there are
      >changes to come with Seng. “He has real complexity because now that his connection to the cosmic realm has ended, what does that mean for him?”
      I wasn't at first totally sure what he meant with that, but I guess he's referring to that line about how the evil drained and devoured all of the cosmic realm. If so, I suppose Seng's characterization might have some different direction in a hypothetical S2.

      • 11 months ago

        But all he did with his connection to the cosmic realm was ramble and ignore the mundane world.

        • 11 months ago

          And he fricked up and let The Evil into the Cosmic Realm, don’t forget that part.

    • 11 months ago

      Chad Seng was only aging in the cosmic realm, while the kid Seng body was still on earth. So he either went right back to being kid Seng when he returned at the end, or he is now chad Seng stuck in a kid body.

  80. 11 months ago

    Just got done watching episode 10 and I got to say. This show makes no fricking sense. I might make a thread about it later

    Why was the evil a fox woman? What's the deal with her being worried about her fate after failing to defeat the heroes on the ship?

    What was the point of Otto? Why was he even working with the Evil and why the betrayal? Why was he in the jungle? Am I suppose to take merlin seriously when he was possessed?

    What does the Evil even want to do? Everyone claims how it will destroy the world yet even when it devoured the cosmic realm it never happened, instead it just sat on its ass for 4 years dicking around with merlin and the gang?

    Why was it hinted that Melinda's powers were super dangerous yet nothing happened to her or her friends?

    • 11 months ago

      >Why was the evil a fox woman?
      the evil is a possessing spirit.
      >What's the deal with her being worried about her fate after failing to defeat the heroes on the ship?
      >What was the point of Otto?
      dexter reference, also to point out he has a greater role with merlin.
      >Why was he even working with the Evil and why the betrayal?
      eeeeeh working with a possessing demon is a stretch
      >Why was he in the jungle?
      spirits goal since merlin described him is to absorb more power
      >Am I suppose to take merlin seriously when he was possessed?
      merlin was in jail. probably happened then
      >What does the Evil even want to do?
      eat everything
      >Everyone claims how it will destroy the world yet even when it devoured the cosmic realm it never happened
      Bruh it literally destroyed the world.
      >nstead it just sat on its ass for 4 years dicking around with merlin and the gang?
      They couldn't do nothing without Melinda and time flows differently
      >Why was it hinted that Melinda's powers were super dangerous yet nothing happened to her or her friends?
      Because it's a secret ploy between Morgan and Merlin that hasn't been reveled, duh

      Fricking speedwatchers.

      • 11 months ago

        You're wrong about half of that and the rest is just "surely it'll be explained in season 2..." abject copium

        • 11 months ago

          I hope the “it’s for a future season” cope can die already, not just for UWE, but for every show that doesn’t answer 90% of its questions. Godzilla Singular Point did the same shit, just kept bringing up random things, focusing on them for a few seconds and discarding them never to be answered. And then the fans of the show (I don’t even know how someone could like that show) coped about how season two would answer everything and the naysayers would look stupid. It’s been two years and a season two hasn’t even been rumored.
          It’s just an excuse for lazy, rushed writing at this point.

          • 11 months ago

            I'd argue it depends on whether or not we have reason to think the answers will be forthcoming if there is more. In Titan we didn't know what was going on with Solomon and the Galactic Guardian Group, but she show clearly indicated that it considered that a story that was important to tell down the line. Similarly we didn't know what the frick happened to General Modula to turn him evil, but from the way the show kept reminding us that it was strange it seemed likely that we'd get an answer.
            With Warriors we met two apparently major antagonists, the Fox and Otto, who just frickin' died abruptly leaving all manner of questions behind, and the show just zoomed right past it leaving it abundantly clear that we were fools to expect explanations.

            Frick this show, to be honest. It was money, time, and talent squandered for animation masturbation that pretended to have a story but didn't.

            • 11 months ago

              b-but the old animation references…
              Clearly you just hate cartoons

            • 11 months ago

              DID the fox die… ?

              • 11 months ago

                There is no confirmation she's dead, but the show infers that after Fox got zapped, The Evil possessed Otto. Merlin being alive still confirms that a person doesn't have to die for The Evil to leave a body.

              • 11 months ago

                Very kissable lady.

            • 11 months ago

              >In Titan we didn't know what was going on with Solomon and the Galactic Guardian Group
              Really, I thought it was pretty self evident when you consider everything that Edward's rift gate prototype sent him to Earth, though he was maimed by it malfunctioning. He starts or infiltrates G3 and becomes its shadowy leader. That's why he tells Solomon to keep his distance and how he has the skills to not only repair but upgrade Octus

              • 11 months ago

                That's almost certainly what happened, but we didn't get confirmation. Which is the point. The revealed and hinted at just enough that fans can nod and go "I'm interested in seeing EXACTLY what happened, and confident it will be shown."
                With Titan we're not confident that even with another season we'll ever get answers. They've done nothing to make us feel like they care about explaining these things. The ending of season 1 may as well have been Genndy yelling "Forget what came before, it's time for a new adventure!" Yeah, frick you Genndy, this was as shit as Popeye was fun. And Popeye was FUN.

            • 11 months ago

              It was always odd to me that Genndy had previously described Symbionic Titan in an interview as a story that "wasn't really going anywhere" when it was setting up very clear plot threads, yet he's perfectly okay with writing this show that actually went nowhere, and at no point felt like he had an actual plan for it.
              Genndy legitimately just needs to go back to doing episodic shit, every time he tries overarching serialized plots it turns to shit at some point. I'm glad Primal S3 is going to be an anthology series.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      This is what I don't get, was Otto possessed by the evil all along? why did he tried to fix Coppernicus? why did he helped the warriors at all? why did he double cross the fox lady?

      >Why was the evil a fox woman?
      the evil is a possessing spirit.
      >What's the deal with her being worried about her fate after failing to defeat the heroes on the ship?
      >What was the point of Otto?
      dexter reference, also to point out he has a greater role with merlin.
      >Why was he even working with the Evil and why the betrayal?
      eeeeeh working with a possessing demon is a stretch
      >Why was he in the jungle?
      spirits goal since merlin described him is to absorb more power
      >Am I suppose to take merlin seriously when he was possessed?
      merlin was in jail. probably happened then
      >What does the Evil even want to do?
      eat everything
      >Everyone claims how it will destroy the world yet even when it devoured the cosmic realm it never happened
      Bruh it literally destroyed the world.
      >nstead it just sat on its ass for 4 years dicking around with merlin and the gang?
      They couldn't do nothing without Melinda and time flows differently
      >Why was it hinted that Melinda's powers were super dangerous yet nothing happened to her or her friends?
      Because it's a secret ploy between Morgan and Merlin that hasn't been reveled, duh

      Fricking speedwatchers.

      >the evil is a possessing spirit.
      Not until the very end do we see that thing possessing anyone, up until the second to last episode the evil only showed as a big energy monster.

      • 11 months ago

        >was Otto possessed by the evil all along? why did he tried to fix Coppernicus? why did he helped the warriors at all? why did he double cross the fox lady?
        cuz frick you that’s why

      • 11 months ago

        I don't think Otto could've been possessed all along because otherwise it'd mean that when he betrayed the fox woman, it was The Evil betraying The Evil, and that makes no sense. But no matter how I look at it, nothing makes sense anyway. This show was a clusterfrick.

        • 11 months ago

          Emma's thick, hairy bush.

        • 11 months ago

          I want to hold emma's hand so bad

        • 11 months ago

          Thats a perfect pic for this discussion.
          Otto has a literal death egg, I'm imaging him being an actual power hungry inventor that might have sided with the evil to get more power for himself.
          But if that is the case why does he tries to fix Copernicus? he should know the warriors would try to oppose him.
          Why betray the fox lady by snitching her with the police? He should know the police can't take her, if this was a 5d play to make the fox attack in the exact same moment the warrior where on his base it feels like there where too many variable that could go wrong with his plan. And we know that wasn't his plan since he only invited the warriors after they went to one of his repair shops to fix the robot and there is where he saw coppernicus.

          There is also all that happened in Merlin's flashback which could be complete bullshit since he was possessed all along.

          The best I can think off is that Otto was the evil all along, the fox lady was a random sorceress that worked with him and he gave her powers and betrayed when she failed her mission. And once Merlin was about to defeat him he jumped bodies. But that doesn't make sense either because then why would he not take the chance to fight the warriors when they where in his base? He had the element of surprise and they where one warrior down at that moment.

          • 11 months ago

            But why dig out Copernicas in the first place? Not just as Otto, but as Evil itself? He was good and dead, buried alive forever. The Evil would not just get drunk and blab out "Yeah, so there is this time traveling robot that blows all your tech out of the water. And I know where it is. What was I doing with my life again?"
            The Evil clearly wanted Copernicus out and about. But to what end? The 9 tail fox already had access to the cosmic realm, it would not shoot itself in the foot to risk the heroes get in her way.

            • 11 months ago

              >But why dig out Copernicas in the first place?
              Copernicus is a wily bastard, and they wanted to make sure he was dead before he had the chance to wake up Unicorn. A better question would be why did it take The Evil 1000+ years to think of this plan, and how does a supposedly mindless all consuming evil manage to think of a complex plan anyway?
              >The 9 tail fox already had access to the cosmic realm
              Apparently Seng is special in some way. If access to the cosmic realm was all there was to it, The Evil could have gotten in through Merlin too.

              • 11 months ago

                The fox attacked Seng in episode 3, and Edred in 6, with equal lethal intent.

                It doesn't need the unicorns for access to the cosmic realm. When it went through Merlin, it was more of an escape of opportunity, than an actual plan.

            • 11 months ago

              >The 9 tail fox already had access to the cosmic realm, it would not shoot itself in the foot to risk the heroes get in her way.
              I never thought of that but you are right, the fox already can access the cosmic realm, if she really was the evil she could have got there at any point.

          • 11 months ago

            Good points. I haven't thought of some of the issues you mentioned there.
            Otto seems to have spotted the Unicorn on his security cam and invited them in after that. Did he know about the Unicorn and their purpose at that point? Was he expecting them? Or was he unaware of who they are, but professionally curious about a strange robot that looked similar to his designs?

            But why dig out Copernicas in the first place? Not just as Otto, but as Evil itself? He was good and dead, buried alive forever. The Evil would not just get drunk and blab out "Yeah, so there is this time traveling robot that blows all your tech out of the water. And I know where it is. What was I doing with my life again?"
            The Evil clearly wanted Copernicus out and about. But to what end? The 9 tail fox already had access to the cosmic realm, it would not shoot itself in the foot to risk the heroes get in her way.

            In episode 2, the fox had that little speech where she said "it seems we've caused the very thing we tried to prevent. Unicorn has awakened once more". Her robots seem to have been trying to destroy Copernicus so that Unicorn can't awaken again.

            • 11 months ago

              Cut in the recut for that very reason. The whole sequence doesn't actually have a purpose and only further muddles Otto and whatever connection he has to the evil. All the "clues" about otto are like that.

              Someone clearly thought "but if the evil (that can take over bodies, even Merlin himself) just possessing the inventor would be confusing to the audience" and suddenly someone felt super smart at the foreshadowing. The evil jumping between bodies starting with the friendly inventor and taking over Merlin, then seng only after it's avatar was destroyed actually works. Otto also being evil for no reason (yet still inventing Copernicus in a future that no longer exists) just turns it all into a contrivance. I really don't get how they didn't give this writing another several passes.

              • 11 months ago

                >I really don't get how they didn't give this writing another several passes.
                There are some relevant interview quotes:

                >From Cartoon Network and Adult Swim, Netflix and HBO Max, the series went through multiple phases of pitching and pre-production, each one either thwarted by disinterest on part of studios or preexisting obligations to other projects. “I think there’s like, about four different versions of the show that have existed up to this point,” Bachman says. “It’s kind of like the team, it just keeps on getting reborn over and over.”

                >Tartakovsky: Starting this show in the early 2000s and then finally getting to do it 20 years later, there's been so much done. It's hard enough to do any kind of Fantasy or Sci-Fi without being cliche, without being redundant that somebody else did it. We found ourselves really changing a lot of it because in the original planning of stuff that I wanted to do, somebody else already did it in the 20 years. That's the frustrating part about it. I'm like, "Okay, well this is already cliche, this is already cliche. God damn it. What are we left with?" Then you start to figure it out and then it's all good because then something new and different and sometimes better comes out.

                So there were multiple drafts, and it sounds like the story used to be more simple and straight-forward in its earlier revisions. But they tried to avoid using stale old cliches in the story, and that's presumably why they went with all the weird narrative decisions instead.

              • 11 months ago

                So they got way too hung up on getting accused of “Simpsons did it!!!” and wound up making a mess that of course no one else would create.

              • 11 months ago

                the show itself was like the characters.... dying over and over until it became a soulless abomination

              • 11 months ago

                I don't think there was a clear script more like different pitches of the same basic idea, there is no fricking way this story wasn't made up as they went, is too loose and inconsistent be be an artistic choice.

              • 11 months ago

                It feels like there wasn't some sort of script editor around to sit down with Genndy and honestly tell him "hey man this is actually fricking stupid."
                He excels in art, but I'm wholly convinced at this point that SBT was only a coherent story because he had 2 other guys leading the project with him.

                >I really don't get how they didn't give this writing another several passes.
                There are some relevant interview quotes:

                >From Cartoon Network and Adult Swim, Netflix and HBO Max, the series went through multiple phases of pitching and pre-production, each one either thwarted by disinterest on part of studios or preexisting obligations to other projects. “I think there’s like, about four different versions of the show that have existed up to this point,” Bachman says. “It’s kind of like the team, it just keeps on getting reborn over and over.”

                >Tartakovsky: Starting this show in the early 2000s and then finally getting to do it 20 years later, there's been so much done. It's hard enough to do any kind of Fantasy or Sci-Fi without being cliche, without being redundant that somebody else did it. We found ourselves really changing a lot of it because in the original planning of stuff that I wanted to do, somebody else already did it in the 20 years. That's the frustrating part about it. I'm like, "Okay, well this is already cliche, this is already cliche. God damn it. What are we left with?" Then you start to figure it out and then it's all good because then something new and different and sometimes better comes out.

                So there were multiple drafts, and it sounds like the story used to be more simple and straight-forward in its earlier revisions. But they tried to avoid using stale old cliches in the story, and that's presumably why they went with all the weird narrative decisions instead.

                Ah, the good old "subverted expectations"

  81. 11 months ago

    I'm not even gonna watch Toonami tonight. There's gonna be a stream of One Piece: Film Red at midnight, and that's way more worth my time than a rerun marathon.

  82. 11 months ago

    So when Seng said the future had been changed did he or did he not mean the steampunk London which is obviously very much unlike its actual state in 1890?

    • 11 months ago

      Possibly. But I thought what he meant was that the timeline that the “original” Copernicus came from had been written over.

      Copernicus seems like he was probably built by Otto, and probably at a date a little past 1890, since Otto said Copernicus seems like a robot he would design but hadn’t had the idea for yet. So Merlin probably grabbed Copernicus from some other timeline’s 189X. But since Otto dies in “our” timeline, we know the events of our timeline make it so that Otto never gets around to designing “original” Copernicus. I think this is a direct result of something that happens early in the first episodes of the show, before Seng meets Alfie, though it’s hard to say exactly which event first sparks the chain that results in a new timeline.

    • 11 months ago

      >real life 1890 wasn’t steampunk
      Real life history also doesn’t have magic elves and werewolves and tigermen and wizards, so I’m not sure if it’s relevant to this cartoon’s universe.

      • 11 months ago

        >Real life history also doesn’t have magic elves and werewolves and tigermen and wizards,
        Don’t crush my dreams

      • 11 months ago

        Those things are hidden from normies, but London is overtly full of airships and robots.

      • 11 months ago

        If it was just steampunk London I would accept it as a fantasy setting, but when a character mentions almost right away that "the future has been changed", I am now expecting it to matter that this isn't a realistic version of 1980.

  83. 11 months ago

    >‘Oh, shit, now that we have an empty canvas, and we can do anything we really want, what do we actually do?
    you do what people would want to see you toaster

  84. 11 months ago

    what happened to the anon who said he'd sketch june way feet

    • 11 months ago

      Anon died on his way back to his home planet

      • 11 months ago


  85. 11 months ago

    So Genndy has no fricking clue what they’re doing with this series? And I was confused by that finale so I guess it checks out?

  86. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Hits different now that time is fricked up.

      • 11 months ago

        So does
        >The future has changed. But there’s still time.

        • 11 months ago

          When was that said again?

          • 11 months ago

            Episode 2 I think. Seng says it to Alfie.

  87. 11 months ago

    I have realized Genndy -really- has a thing for cute girl moments.

  88. 11 months ago

    can someone drop the mega for this poor soul?

    • 11 months ago

      • 11 months ago

        thank you so much

  89. 11 months ago
  90. 11 months ago

    it was a good run sisters, the elf lives on, see u during season two

    • 11 months ago

      >season two

    • 11 months ago

      see you on the other side, sister

  91. 11 months ago

    Would any of you change Winston’s diaper?

  92. 11 months ago

    So what was up with that Olive Oyl cameo?

    • 11 months ago

      Which one?

  93. 11 months ago

    So I'm confused. What was the story with The Fox and Otto?

    • 11 months ago

      We don't really know and we'll probably never find out.

      • 11 months ago

        No, I mean like were they working with the evil or possessed by it or what? Are they really dead?

        • 11 months ago

          We don't really know and we'll probably never find out.

          • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago

            I wish instead of a big time frickmess mashup the Evil breaking things caused a soft reset to an earlier point
            It wouldn't be ideal but it would let them return to characters that the season bafflingly just chose to toss out

            • 11 months ago

              Who fricking knows. They left the door open for doing fricking anything they want with that ending. It's like if Samurai Jack stretched out his initial fight with Aku across 10 episodes and then ended on him getting sent to the future.

            • 11 months ago

              >Implying we'll ever get more

  94. 11 months ago

    How did Genndy of all people manage to convince himself it was a good idea to gamble on another season?

    • 11 months ago

      Either he's incapable of learning from his mistakes or this was just a jerk off project while he focused on other stuff (despite all the talk about how he's been pitching this for 20 years or whatever). Honestly, might be both.

  95. 11 months ago

    >“Yeah, I have no idea.”
    Bravo Genndy

    • 11 months ago

      I feel like I've been trolled.

      • 11 months ago

        The real unicorn warriors were the friends we made along way

  96. 11 months ago

    She's so beautiful~

    • 11 months ago

      I absolutely love it when she's angry

      • 11 months ago

        She's so beautiful~

        >people find this attractive
        How the frick. Edred I can kind of get but how the frick is that thing good looking?

        • 11 months ago

          How CAN'T people find this attractive? Why are some of you guys such babies when it comes to a little stylization? Why do you hate cartoons?

          • 11 months ago

            >you don’t like what I like? YOU MUST HATE CARTOONS
            You’ve posted this before and it’s not nearly as good of a comeback as you think it is. What makes you think that people who don’t like Unicorn’s artstyle must hate the medium entirely? Cartoons are so varied that hating one style doesnt by any means indicate a hatred of them all. Is it because of Le Ebin old cartoon references?
            Also Emma looks like a baby headed homunculus

        • 11 months ago

          You ever had a crush on Betty Boop as a kid? Because essentially she's just her with longer hair, in a bodysuit

          • 11 months ago

            NTA, but I've never been attracted to Betty Boop despite being madly in love with Emma. Maybe it is the longer hair or the bodysuit, or maybe it's the constant pouty faces that get me so enamored. She's just so CUTE!

  97. 11 months ago

    Genndy show rating poll:

  98. 11 months ago

    Man I really wanna know what's going on with this show. It's a lot of good and interesting ideas, but it seems the execution of said ideas leaves something to be desired. The production text seems emblematic of this.
    Also Industrycuck if you respond to my post or reply with "This." I WILL find and frick your ass.

    • 11 months ago

      Scary Book Man famously once said you need to be able to smother your favorite ideas when they pose an issue to your story
      I don't know if it's due to this being some special old idea of his or what, but everything from the show itself to the interviews make it clear there wasn't any serious evaluation of what would work and what wouldn't, and no trimming of the script accordingly
      It's a shame, but oh well I still enjoyed it. Here's hoping what comes next, be it another season of Unicorn or not is something that can get that more critical eye during production

      Ditto to the in-advance "frick off, Industrycuck"

  99. 11 months ago

    how will i survive without him and is funny yet handsome face?

  100. 11 months ago

    >only 2 writers
    I almost feel sorry for all the skilled artists who brought this narrative mess to life, but I'm sure they didn't mind since it was such an honor to work on a Genndy project.

    Primal only worked because its story was more barebones and straightforward, so there was really no way to frick things up. That show relied entirely on its execution, whereas Unicorn was so complicated with its themes and characters that its pretty visuals couldn't save it.

    • 11 months ago

      Gendy is the kind of guy that needs boundaries either time while making shorts where story is light and gags are important, some producer forcing him to fit his ideas in a mold.

  101. 11 months ago

    >Final episode of the season
    >So fricking much still needs explaining
    >So many plot threads left hanging


  102. 11 months ago

    I like that the story makes no sense
    Makes it whimsical and the characterization saves it for me

    • 11 months ago

      >It's bad so it's good!
      Wow this is cope.

      • 11 months ago

        I mean
        I like that it makes no sense because I unironically like that it can do just about anything which makes it fun.
        In other words
        It's so wild that it's fun
        It's a fun wild ride
        So it's actually good to me

  103. 11 months ago

    now the seasons over what are the best quality rips to archive?
    >EDITH is Amazon
    >MADRiD is Adult Swim
    >NTb is HBOMax/Max
    NTb's HBOMax rips for eps 1-4 are the best quality but after the change to MAX the quality for it and everything on the service took a dive so I dunno which would be best after that. I'm leaning towards the Amazon rips cos now they have a higher bitrate than Max but no watermark like Adult Swim (which now also has a higher bitrate than Max as well which shows how far the service has fallen since the switch)

  104. 11 months ago

    Just another picture of old Melinda.
    Before the flashback episode I thought the grey skin was a cool homage to her inhuman heritage since I suspected the Merlin/Melinda connection right away.

  105. 11 months ago

    >a literal deus ex machina one sentence "what if all our souls formed voltron" saves da world, but now it's even wackier for "stakes" going forward
    >whole season just to set up for a status quo (fight through time and space with no pesky rules for storytelling or worldbuilding) for a series that is dead as frick and won't continue
    Why was this so bad? Nothing else Gendy has made is just openly incompetent like this. Absolutely frenetic pacing. Terrible editing. So much time wasted to do so little.

    Episode 10 how do they have the fricking balls to pull this bullshit with melinda's mom 5 seconds after she (emma) ran away from her actual mother and father, who is now dead or something because the ending broke reality for the wacky visual of land of the lost dinosaurs and pyramids and jets dogfighting. Why would you put two things that undercut each other in the same episode and think that's a good place to end on.

    You couldn't even recut this or save it in editing. There just isn't a story even being told. At best this is an "origin" to Emma getting in the proverbial fricking robot shinji, but episode 10 so thoroughly breaks everything people assumed was being set up about emma/melinda and the moral-philosophical concerns of body hijacking. She's just now emma, championing melindas cause/acting like morgana is her mom(GG actual mom, enjoy dinosaur planet) while dogpilled for winston. What the frick. Who thought this was in a state fit to animate.

    • 11 months ago

      >Why was this so bad?
      Perhaps you and other people ITT feel this way because few important questions were answered this season, yet the plot keeps pushing forward generating more and more questions. Then there's the fact that season 2, which might answer some questions and make the characters feel the repercussions of their actions, is not or may never be greenlit. You feel like half a story is being told, and then that story ends abruptly leaving you with a huge WTF.

      • 11 months ago

        >the plot
        >pushing forward
        >season 2
        >well akktually it's your own fault for caring
        No part of this worked on any level and that isn't the viewers fault

    • 11 months ago

      >whole season just to set up for a status quo (fight through time and space with no pesky rules for storytelling or worldbuilding)
      This should have been acomplished in a 90-minute series opener like Samurai Jack. Taking 10 episode 10 to do (or 9 if you don't count the Elfland digression) was a bad idea

      • 11 months ago

        >Taking 10 episode 10 to do (or 9 if you don't count the Elfland digression) was a bad idea
        Honestly hiring an actually good co-writer who knows what they're doing beats wanting to take multiple seasons to explain something for me.

  106. 11 months ago

    Emma is VERY CUTE in her pink pajamas.

  107. 11 months ago

    They killed the Rakshasa offscreen... twice.
    That's not a new character.
    That's Leomon.

    • 11 months ago

      >Can I copy your homework?

      It`ll be funny if he comes back and gets killed again

  108. 11 months ago

    recutanon from the old threads
    >might take another crack at it
    Probably going to forgoe the episode format and fit it to a ~90-120 minute movie if I can.

    Because holy frick, what the hell happened to this series. At least I know I can cut even more extraneous things that had zero payoff. The elf betrayal is the one side narrative with enough footage and arc development to turn into something if interleaved instead of bunched up at the end. Core narrative of emma piecing together the plot, then helping melinda learn "it's not her fault" before the final fight might be cobbleable into something watchable. And I do have an idea on how to leave the show on an ending that isn't this one. Emma getting tossed out of the spirit world and back to her house (moved to after all the spirits merge and the "kill me" refusal) then cut to black hard cliffhanger. I mean at least it isn't dinosaurs.

    • 11 months ago

      >Probably going to forgoe the episode format and fit it to a ~90-120 minute movie if I can
      Looking forward to it anon

    • 11 months ago

      >Probably going to forgoe the episode format and fit it to a ~90-120 minute movie if I can
      Looking forward to it anon

      rendered a pt1 that ends with episode 6 and actually completes a first arc. Right around 90 minutes with them defeating the fox. Whole thing will probably be in that 2:20:00 to 2:40:00 range because episode 7-10 is 90 minutes of raw footage. Shit to do IRL so the second half might be a day or two.

      Right after this part is the train sequence where they ask the first real questions of "what the frick is going on" but this one ends on the melinda revelation stuff and reads like emma had an actual arc to learning the what and why of the things that are happening, then finally getting with the fricking program. We'll see if the second half and ending segments can be salvaged into fricking anything, but this is actually a complete narrative arc in a time format they could have easily done.

      It's pretty disappointing to realize that Unicorn could have worked if they had trimmed the fat and told what story there is more conventionally. The sheer amount of bloat just kills any impact to the relationship melodrama or emma's central struggle. It comes together "ok" when treated like an animated movie instead of trying to milk 10 episodes out of such a thin premise.

    • 11 months ago

      rendered a pt1 that ends with episode 6 and actually completes a first arc. Right around 90 minutes with them defeating the fox. Whole thing will probably be in that 2:20:00 to 2:40:00 range because episode 7-10 is 90 minutes of raw footage. Shit to do IRL so the second half might be a day or two.

      Right after this part is the train sequence where they ask the first real questions of "what the frick is going on" but this one ends on the melinda revelation stuff and reads like emma had an actual arc to learning the what and why of the things that are happening, then finally getting with the fricking program. We'll see if the second half and ending segments can be salvaged into fricking anything, but this is actually a complete narrative arc in a time format they could have easily done.

      It's pretty disappointing to realize that Unicorn could have worked if they had trimmed the fat and told what story there is more conventionally. The sheer amount of bloat just kills any impact to the relationship melodrama or emma's central struggle. It comes together "ok" when treated like an animated movie instead of trying to milk 10 episodes out of such a thin premise.

      Interesting idea, anon! I will wake it later!

  109. 11 months ago

    >Emma spends the first 3-4 episodes trying to be seperate from Melinda
    >Accepts her predicament offscreen
    >Is extremely upset that she's returned home and back to her old self in the finale
    Garbage writing

    • 11 months ago

      Some anon suggested that Emmalinda has Emma's memories but Melinda's personality. She remembers Emma's life and the people in it, but she feels disconnected from it since she knows that she's not actually Emma. She doesn't remember anything about Melinda or her life until something triggers her to remember some specific moment. I think that seems like the most reasonable theory on wtf was going on with her characterization.
      Another theory I've seen is that Emma was in control for the first few episodes, but Melinda took over at some point.
      But yeah, she is written rather oddly.

      I don't blame her for freaking out in the finale, though. She's been part of a hybrid woman until she's abruptly herself again and in her old life. But she can't return back to living like she used to. The others were in the middle of a fight, and Winston is with them too.

      • 11 months ago

        >But yeah, she is written rather oddly.
        "Badly," anon. The word you're looking for is "Badly."

  110. 11 months ago

    Everything after episode 7 is just one big "What the hell was that?" of rushed plots to nowhere.
    Literal running around in circles.
    The more you think about the evils motivation from start to end, the less sense its actions make.
    Ungrounding the antagonist into a vague concept ruined the series.

    • 11 months ago

      It was still fine by episode 8, we FINALLY got some dialouge between the trio about the nature of their reawakening after the whole elf kingdom ordeal and a conclusion to Winston becoming a werewolf, 9 and 10 however added a lot stuff that wasnt necessary to the story and sidelines nearly everything else.

      • 11 months ago

        Winston part is fine. It feels rushed and should have been a whole episode in itself.

        It’s the rest of the episode where thing start to fail. The flashback fight could have been act 1. Instead it ends on a lazy joke, and writing out Otto and his involvement with Capernicus origins.

      • 11 months ago

        >we FINALLY got some dialouge between the trio about the nature of their reawakening
        Yeah, that was really fricking late in a 10 episode show to be addressing those questions. I think if episode 2 or 3 Emma had just been told “Oh you get your body back if you just defeat this evil,” she would have been upset but still would have reluctantly said “Okay let’s just get this over with then.” Instead of “Noooooo. You can’t have muh body!!!!” Her angst at the beginning of the show loses a lot of its weight with that reveal, and there was also no fricking reason for Edred and her not to have just talked about it sooner than that. As a viewer I had felt certain that it couldn’t possibly be that simple, and I waited the majority of the show to find out a really important detail in a sadly anticlimactic way, and after it really stopped mattering as much.

        • 11 months ago

          Having to fit this shit to 10 episodes and playing it over 9 weeks really nukes the perception of time within the show. Everything that happened took place over 2 days, maybe 3, but the time it took you to watch (episode length and the wait) paired with dumb shit like elf land being 6 steps outside of central London. Emma's whole reluctant phase took place in an afternoon and was resolved by the next day after the kraken flashback. It 100% never feels like that little time has past, largely because so little happens for so much runtime.

          • 11 months ago

            >nukes the perception of time within the show. Everything that happened took place over 2 days, maybe 3
            No, it’s even dumber than that. By the final episode it has both taken place over 3 days AND over 24 years. And this makes it so that the characters can behave as though they have known each other for 9 weeks.

            • 11 months ago

              I've completely blotted out how fricking stupid the finale is. Gendy didn't learn his lesson about time travel plots too "smart" for their own good with Samurai Jack.

        • 11 months ago

          >“Noooooo. You can’t have muh body!!!!”
          I don't think that approach is inherently bad, they just should've gone further with it. The Unicorn should've told Emma immediately how the awakening works and that she'll have her body back after everything's over, but she still refuses to play along despite full understanding of the situation. It's her body, she's got her own life, and she doesn't want these weirdoes to use her like a disposable puppet. So it would be Emma's agency as a person vs. the fate of the world. Emma would be a selfish brat who refuses to look at the big picture, while Melinda would be so zealous about the greater good that she can't see the situation from Emma's POV. That would be an acceptable conflict IMO. The seance scene hinted at a dynamic like that, but the rest of the show did very little with it. They could've done more if Emma understood the stakes, but still wanted to return back to her own life up until she learned more about Melinda.

          >Her angst at the beginning of the show loses a lot of its weight with that reveal, and there was also no fricking reason for Edred and her not to have just talked about it sooner than that

          My generous mental gymnastics for justifying why Dimitri’s body wasn’t restored to him in that scene (the real reason is the writers fricking forgot about him), is that his soul was also sucked into the big dog headed soul combo, the same way Alfie was in there. And that it was the only moment since he got soul zapped that he was “awake”, but he just sat back for the ride and didn’t say anything, because, what the frick could he even say at that moment?

          Like just imagine waking up in the middle of the night and there’s a group of superheroes fighting an eldritch horror in your bedroom, and you just kinda sit there slack jawed in shock for three minutes before you get whacked in the head and knocked unconscious again. It’s hilarious to think that that’s the best explanation for what he was going through.

          It also took place in the cosmic realm. Maybe only their souls were there while their actual bodies were in the physical world. I don't know.
          Still, would've been kinda funny if Dimitri woke up while all that weirdness as going on.
          I do dislike Dimitri's situation though. The whole idea of taking over someone's body like that and never even acknowledging it is disturbing.

          • 11 months ago

            > taking over someone's body like that and never even acknowledging it is disturbing

            I think I’d like it if in a future season, Edred realizes he has come to really care about Emma and Alfie, and the team finally put together the idea that this means they should care about Dimitri too. So maybe Edred could go on a quest to learn more about Dimitri, because he desperately wants to confirm to himself that Dimitri would be totally fine with this situation, and that that is as good as obtaining his consent.

  111. 11 months ago

    I was at work during the watch thread so I had to catch up. Yeah, that was not a good finale. Nothing was resolved and we're left with way more questions than answers. The whole Morgan thing alone feels like there was no actual thought put into it. That was 6/10 max if you ask me.

    Also the absolute balls on Genndy to try and blatantly bait out a second season like that, giving Melinda a whole speech about never stopping. It's like I was watching Rick and Morty.

  112. 11 months ago

    The show’s main focus is on Emma, but in light of the last couple of episodes, I really feel more bad for Alfie and Dimitri. Alfie because he was always destined to enter Cosmic Realm withdrawal like he did on the ghost ship when Seng would inevitably leave him permanently, and now because he has lost his link to the Cosmic Realm even though he continues to be possessed. And Dimitri because he’s just not considered a person.

    Dimitri’s situation is like if you were watching a stage play where in the first act it’s established that there’s a guy in a coma laying in a bed in the corner. And then the rest of the play happens around him and lets you and the characters forget about him, and suddenly in a later act the house the characters are in catches on fire. And nobody even spends a second to consider that maybe Coma Guy might get hurt, they just evacuate or try to put out the fire around him the same way the do everything else just around him. And no one even checks to see if he’s alive at the end. The way he is treated is so dehumanizing and pointless.

    • 11 months ago

      When they merged into Emma at the end, the body edred left should have turned back into dimitri even if unconscious. But they didn't even do that much, it feels like edred fricking killed a man and wears his skin

      • 11 months ago

        My generous mental gymnastics for justifying why Dimitri’s body wasn’t restored to him in that scene (the real reason is the writers fricking forgot about him), is that his soul was also sucked into the big dog headed soul combo, the same way Alfie was in there. And that it was the only moment since he got soul zapped that he was “awake”, but he just sat back for the ride and didn’t say anything, because, what the frick could he even say at that moment?

        Like just imagine waking up in the middle of the night and there’s a group of superheroes fighting an eldritch horror in your bedroom, and you just kinda sit there slack jawed in shock for three minutes before you get whacked in the head and knocked unconscious again. It’s hilarious to think that that’s the best explanation for what he was going through.

        • 11 months ago

          That's some premium cope anon but I respect it. I too don't want to admit it but they definitely definitely 100% murdered our boy

      • 11 months ago

        >it feels like edred fricking killed a man and wears his skin

        This was the big problem set up by the very premise. It felt like focusing on Emma for the whole story and making her main conflict at the beginning be her trying to tell Melinda to frick off and stop wearing her skin, that they might be leading up to a possible conclusion at the end where the ultimate moral is that it is bad to wear other people’s skin. But instead Emma concludes that she is okay with Melinda wearing her skin, because Melinda has a sufficiently tragic backstory about Morgan also not respecting Melinda’s autonomy, and for some reason that makes everything okay and Emma decides she actually wants Melinda in her skin after all.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, that bothers me. The main characters feel like villains but it's barely addressed.

      • 11 months ago

        Dimitri should've returned at the end of the Elven Kingdom episode. THAT was when I knew we'd never see him again.

        • 11 months ago

          >Dimitri should've returned at the end of the Elven Kingdom episode
          There was no way Edred was going to leave the group. The only other opportunity to bring Dimitri back, based on our understanding of this shit, was to show him unconcious after Edred got sucked out to make Super Unicorn Lagann OR he should've been one of the Reawakened.

          • 11 months ago

            > he should've been one of the Reawakened
            I think this would have been the easiest route for them to pursue

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah I'm not a Dimitrigay but I thought it was an obvious setup. It would've worked even better because the Reawakened just turned out to be a cool Unicorn fan club and not antagonists.

              • 11 months ago

                Even that Indian Darvish dude could’ve said something about Dimitri’s obvious connection to Mystic’s Row, if for no other reason than just to demonstrate that the writers didn’t forget about him, since they went back there and even gave a little speech about how magic isn’t real. Woulda been a good opportunity for Emma to say “but this guy really did become magical! And so did I!” reinforcing that she’s not crazy.

          • 11 months ago

            > he should've been one of the Reawakened
            I think this would have been the easiest route for them to pursue

            >should've been one of the Reawakened
            Dimitri is a peculiar character precisely because of how many strange coincidences point to him yet it's never elaborated on.
            >A magician, so likely from Mystics Row as with the other showmen/women- more importantly Clarice and Sheng
            >Transformation was pretty much seamless besides Edred being much more immature now and hints of a foggy memory (I don't think this is brought up in a meaningful way from memory)
            >Outfit is extremely similar to that of the Eastern Elves, they even had black hair and some a similar hair style
            >Elves also appear to be Slavic-inspired
            For a guy so charming in his only appearance you would think they would want to do more with him. Unfortunately I don't think they'll bother re-treading the ideas from the first season considering the confirmation that they had no idea what they were doing and season 2 looks to be a "whatever the hell we feel like" deal. Which really sucks because the set-up is super flimsy we still barely have a chemistry within the team and hardly know our main characters (besides Emmelinda I guess) and had two more added to the mix (Merlin and Winston, Rakshasa was just temporary before he died off-screen). Hell we don't even know Sengs deal is or why he joined the team still, he was mostly relegated to gags.

            • 11 months ago

              I also can’t help but see a connection between Dimitri and the whole Edred/Aolwulf bodyswapping plan. Relies way too much on misdirection, performance art, and conartistry for me to think it’s a pure coincidence that Edred never thought of it before he was in a magician’s body.

              • 11 months ago

                That's a very good point, even the scene were he tried to woo Emmelinda on the ship felt more like what a showman would do. I feel like the show could have done better at communicating just a bit more of where exactly the host ends and the Unicorn warriors soul begins. With how the narrative turned out you would think that certain characters were just left in the dust I mean, June and Otto definitely were. The inspector was just kind of left behind too.

              • 11 months ago

                >communicating just a bit more of where exactly the host ends and the Unicorn warriors soul begins
                That was definitely a problem. We didn't see the warriors or their host bodies in their default state for a long enough time to get to know them. Because of that, it was hard to tell if the characters were acting like the warriors, or their host bodies, or some kind of new hybrid people.

              • 11 months ago

                >Edred Zoots into his old body
                >Finally has to honor his oath and save the elves from nonsense
                >Dmitri finally back in control of his body
                >armed with knowledge of Copernicus's macguffin beam Offers an alternative solution
                >Finds it super cool to be an elf and a hero (Emma is the odd one out, but she is Melinda so that would make a certain sense)
                >Edred classic interacts with Dmitri and is cajoled into it
                >Returns to new edred personality, reinforcing the idea the reincarnations take a flair from their hosts and "are" always them

                Yeah they missed just about every opportunity to clean up the moral and ethical issues with souljacking a person. In fact, going so far in the other direction it's even the very thing the evil does as a narrative escalation. Body jacking is what the evil did when it got more evil. The absolute fricking state of unicorn warriors eternal.

              • 11 months ago

                >this entire time they have had the ability to have Copernicus temporarily remove Edred from Dimitri’s body, talk to Dimitri and obtain his consent, and then put Edred right back in
                >they just choose not to do this
                Man, I didn’t even think of that. It’s extra fricked if they never got around to it in the four years they were stuck in the Cosmic Realm.

            • 11 months ago

              is extremely similar to that of the Eastern Elves
              I intitally mistook Elfland for being in Russia because of this. But Emma and company drove there on a steam car so I guess it's in Britain.

  113. 11 months ago

    >Primal S3
    Highest hopes of Genndy's currently announced projects. If the anthology concept is done right, could reach if not surpass his most recent peak in quality that is Primal S1.

    The premise is somewhat off-putting but this could genuinely turn out to be a fun breather. Not expecting anything revolutionary from a comedy, but to be very solid for what it is.

    >UWE S2
    I believe this project can be salvaged but he really needs to sharpen that pencil for the next season. I want to see this show, story and characters brought to their full potential. It would be so nice to say "just keep watching, it gets _real_ good after the 1st season" and have that actually be true.

    Hell, Sym-Bionic Titan might be back on the menu boys if Genndy really proves himself and delivers consistent kino on all of these. That show deserves a fricking revival.

    • 11 months ago

      Is that movie 2D or 3D?

      • 11 months ago

        Heard entirely hand drawn 2D no rigs

      • 11 months ago

        2D full animation

    • 11 months ago

      >muh anthology
      >anywhere close to primal season 1

  114. 11 months ago

    >those critic reviews that gave UWE a 10/10 and call it Genndy’s best work
    How the frick

    • 11 months ago

      Critics also adore dogshit like Big Mouth, no self-respecting person should look to them for recommendations. Even the shittiest Cinemaphile outrage bait thread is a better gauge for how good something will be.

    • 11 months ago

      I don’t think critics actually watch shit anymore. I havent seen the reviews, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they speed watched the first episode, got a good impression, made some assumptions about where the show was going, didn’t hear about any big twists in the middle or end to actually contradict their assumptions, took a peek at the last three minutes, and then released a pre written pile of praise with some blanks filled about the very end but mostly just based on their first impression, while pretending they actually watched the whole thing.

      • 11 months ago

        It shocked me how audience reviews were far more nuanced than the critic reviews. They actually talked about the writing and pacing issues the series had while praising the positives like the animation while usually giving it like a 5 or 6. The critics just went
        I swear it used to be the opposite.

        • 11 months ago

          Now that audience reviews have been so accessible for a long time and only continue to grow even more accessible, critic reviews have no real use outside of companies paying them off to either shower perfect praise on their own products or harsh criticism onto their competitors’.

  115. 11 months ago

    This show was a fricking drag I should have dropped it when my initial forbearance ran out in episode 4.

  116. 11 months ago

    Genndy obviously killed Dimitri forever as a metaphor of everything Russian dying in himself after he migrated to the US

    • 11 months ago

      It's weird that Dimitri and Alfie didn't come back for a second when the Unicorn souls left them and went into Emma's body.

      • 11 months ago

        they're dead

    • 11 months ago

      You forgot your pic. It’s okay, I got it.

  117. 11 months ago

    I don't care for Dimitri

  118. 11 months ago

    Thread's about to die and I gotta say this has been one of the most civil discussions I've seen here in years. Keep on trucking, fellas

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