Give me one reason why I should try to watch this show again (as someone who considers House season 1-5 to be peak television) after trying 3 times an...

Give me one reason why I should try to watch this show again (as someone who considers House season 1-5 to be peak television) after trying 3 times and dropping/forgetting it 5 episodes in every time. People said this was peak. Top 100 lists rank this higher than House, along with another seemingly overrated zoomer show Breaking Bad. Both of these are mid, but I atleast made it to season 2 with Breaking Bad before stopping. What the frick am I missing, what do I need to be invested in GOT? How can this possible be even equal to House?

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  1. 12 months ago

    read the books. The show is dogshit and there is not a single character it doesn't butcher, even in the supposed "10/10" early seasons.
    Also they ruined Berric Dondarrion, the most based c**t I've ever hath witnessed

    • 12 months ago

      It's kiní up until season 7 when it becomes a Marvel Avengers Multiverse

      • 12 months ago

        >Any Season of Got
        You literally have to pick one, cause they're dogshit. The books are literal 10/10s, bar the first which is a 9; while the fifth is one of the best books ever written. Meanwhile the show is Robb shagging an oriental like a spastic

        • 12 months ago

          let's hear from someone who isn't a spazz virgin

          • 12 months ago

            kys darkie

          • 12 months ago

            nta but the shows biggest sin is ignoring the details, changing things for no reasons and not given the viewers any sense of whats actually happening in the world.
            After reading the books and rewatching the show I was genuinely astonished by some of changes and things I never noticed or how dumb the characters were. Like did you know that the Riverlords don't even get passing mention until Season 3(covers ASoS), Robb is married in the light of the 7 or that Catelyn frees Jaime without even knowing Bran and Rickon are "dead".
            Qarth was my breaking point when Dany opens Xaro Xhoan Daxos vault and there is nothing in there I couldn't help but wonder what was the point? why is this even in the show? What does this add? you got rid of the Siege of Storms end and cut down Tyrion's escapades in Kings Landing to give up this OC version of Qarth?
            The books have all these intricate little details and reading the characters internal logic really helps you understand what they are thinking and why they do what that do. The show lacks that completely and every character comes off as a fricking moron even the ones that are supposed to be really really smart.

            • 12 months ago

              >Robb is married in the light of the 7
              This make sense given Robb is a dainty southerner who lost the Norf.

            • 12 months ago

              they actually completely butchered Robb, and even worse: butchered Jon's character and gave Robb's defining trait (His absolute Honour like Ned) and made it Jon's entire personality
              And that's just Robb and Jon, they did Theon dirty most of all

              • 12 months ago

                >they did Theon dirty most of all
                Who's Theon? You mean Reek?

              • 12 months ago

                reek reek it rhymes with meek

              • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          A Dance With Dragons is most definitely not fricking kino, it was clear by the end of the book he had written himself into a fricking maze of plotlines. He’s fricked and Winds is never ever coming out.

          • 12 months ago

            >A Dance With Dragons is most definitely not fricking kino

            • 12 months ago

              >one of the most integral characters in the entire series
              >never shows up in the entire 1000 page book
              Great George thanks a lot.

              • 12 months ago

                >never shows up in the entire 1000 page book
                >appears in like 5 chapters
                What did he actually mean by this?

              • 12 months ago

                Oh who am I talking about then?

              • 12 months ago

                I'm gonna be honest bruv I actually don't know lmao. Maybe Rhaegar

              • 12 months ago

                Rhaegar is the Night King. This has been basically confirmed.

              • 12 months ago

                Sansa doesn’t have any chapters in the entire book.

          • 12 months ago

            The problem of George being a fat c**t who can't untangle a simple knot over a decade does not degrade the absolute kino that is every A Dance with Dragons chapter. Even the Sunset one

          • 12 months ago

            Lady Stoneheart will hang you like the vile troony you are

        • 12 months ago

          Imagine being so completely devoid of education you call Grrm books 10/10. I mean, they're pretty good but they're far, far, far, far, far, far, far away from classics.

          • 12 months ago

            Imagine being so lesser that you think something needs to be a classic to be a 10/10

    • 12 months ago

      dont bother with the books 4 and 5 have frick all going on and he will never finish the series

      • 12 months ago

        >frick all going on
        >Stannis uniting the north against the boltons
        >the Bolton regime imploding under the combined threat of murders, Stannis, and various rival vassals
        >The Grand Northern Conspiracy
        >Cersei rearming the faith and ensuring the downfall of her house
        >The dornish master plan and Arriane's Rebellion
        >The Iron Islands fracturing
        >The Return of Euron Greyjoy and his buildup as the main villain
        >Jon's failure as a ruler leading to his murder in the night's watch mutiny
        >Dany embracing fire and blood
        >The fire keg of mereen
        >Aegon invading the stormlands
        >Jaime and Brienne about to die
        >frick all going on

        • 12 months ago

          Feast is objectively the best book.

          • 12 months ago

            It's a toss up between Feast and Dance for me, combined it's the goat but seperate the central theme of despair in Feast and Hope in Dance are both equally kino

        • 12 months ago

          to be fair
          the dornish master plan is absolutely moronic and dornish cope is digustingly embarassing to read every time as they sit there shaking their fists going 'i'm going to get you soon!' and getting blown the frick out at every opportunity

          the things you mentioned are generally exciting, as well as the stuff at the citadel, unfortunately every single chapter that takes place in the east with Dany/Free Cities is absolutely agonisingly fricking tedious, all the chapters of Tyrion in the fricking menagerie is boring as hell too

          • 12 months ago

            >but le Fire and Blood
            Actual spastics, the lot of them. Darkstar is the only cool c**t from Dorne

    • 12 months ago

      Season 1 is 1:1 with the first book, literally no difference

      • 12 months ago

        It’s not though. Jamie not being the one to stab Ned changes things.

        • 12 months ago

          I mean you could also mention The first chapter being significantly changed, cat riding to Kingslanding instead of taking a ship, All the titty scenes added for viewers, the cutting all the River lords except Walder Frey. All the characterization the Dothraki, Viserys and Dany, Dany being made fireproof, Everything about Ser Loras and Renly, promise me Ned and etc.
          That being said outside of inserting breasts and the OC prostitute to retain new viewers, a good portion of the cuts/changes seem like what you would see in any other Book to film adaptation. The same cannot be said about anything post season 1.

          • 12 months ago

            In the books Cat forces Ned to go South but in the show she is very much against it.

  2. 12 months ago

    >Give me one reason why I should try to watch this show again

  3. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Best character in the show imo.

  4. 12 months ago

    One realm! One God! One King!

    • 12 months ago

      Hail the Mannis!

  5. 12 months ago

    First 4 seasons are as good as fantasy tv series get, which isn't much. 5-6 is below average, 7 is terrible, 8 is the worst pile of crap i've ever seen in my life (I am NOT exaggerating).

    Books are amaxing, but they will never be finished, so I don't advise reading them.

  6. 12 months ago

    Game of Thrones condenses a whole lot of text into a couple of seasons. Took me til season 2 to really get into it. The first season drops a whole load of characters, plots and information on you and doesn't really give you time to connect with anything. It basically just sets the scene for the rest of the series. By mid season 2 you know who the main characters are, where they're headed, and why you should care.

  7. 12 months ago

    I want to lick Queen Danny's feet as she sits upon the iron throne

  8. 12 months ago

    why are people responding to an obvious bait thread.

  9. 12 months ago

    I got through the 1st season and it didnt really seem all that interesting. About a week later I tried season 2 and forgot everything and really didn't care anymore and stopped. The side plot with the ooga boogas bored me to tears

  10. 12 months ago

    Why should I give a single, solitary frick whether you rewatch this or not? Serious question.

  11. 12 months ago

    IT FITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. 12 months ago

    kino plotlines
    >resolution of lady stoneheart
    >resolution of howland reed messengers sent from Moat cailin
    >littlefinger in the vale
    >Aegon/fAegon fighting in the south
    >murders in winterfell/bolton alliance
    >stannis fighting in the north (drags a little though)
    >Euron rousing the Iron Islands
    >everything happening at the citadel with the faceless man

    >the entire dornish plot, both the myrcella one and the journey to mary danerys one
    >everything relating to Tyrions time as a circus act
    >everything relating to dany in the free cities after mereen
    >brienne travelling about looking for Sansa (there are some good parts like Septon meribald, and hints of Gravedigger being hound but largely just drags on and is extremely tedious)
    >Brans plot north of the wall
    >literally anything relating to Sam

    • 12 months ago

      All true except for Brienne's travels.

    • 12 months ago

      >Murders in Winterfell/bolton alliance
      I can never stress enough how Theon's chapters in ADWD are literally the best thing George has ever written, only somewhat comparable are Jon and Davos in ADWD.
      Also the Hooded man is Theon and anyone who says otherwise is straight copium

      • 12 months ago

        >hooded man is theon
        nah, hooded man is in way too good shape to be theon. Theon can barely walk

    • 12 months ago


      >"Not him. His helm." Brienne tried to keep the fear from her voice, but her mouth was dry as dust. She had a pretty good notion who wore the Hound's helm. The children, she thought.
      >The door to the inn banged open. Willow stepped out into the rain, a crossbow in her hands. The girl was shouting at the riders, but a clap of thunder rolled across the yard, drowning out her words. As it faded, Brienne heard the man in the Hound's helm say, "Loose a quarrel at me and I'll shove that crossbow up your c**t and frick you with it. Then I'll pop your fricking eyes out and make you eat them." The fury in the man's voice drove Willow back a step, trembling.
      >Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice.
      >She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. "Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me."
      >The oulaws turned as one. One laughed, and another said something in a tongue Brienne did not know. The huge one with the broad white face gave a malevolent hissssssssssssssss. The man in the Hound's helm began to laugh. "You're even uglier than I remembered. I'd sooner rape your horse."
      >"Horses, that's what we want," one of the wounded men said. "Fresh horses, and some food. There are outlaws after us. Give us your horses and we'll be gone. We won't do you harm."
      >"Frick that." The outlaw in the Hound's helm yanked a battle axe off his saddle. "I want to cut her bloody legs off. I'll set her on her stumps so she can watch me frick the crossbow girl."
      >"With what?" taunted Brienne. "Shagwell said they cut your manhood off when they took your nose."
      >She meant it to provoke him, and it did.

  13. 12 months ago

    I like how the books are so good that any /tv thread about that crappy show turns into discussions of asoiaf.


    • 12 months ago

      >books are so good
      Okay at best. Unless, of course, it's babby's first fantasy series

      • 12 months ago

        And now you're going to say Gene Wolf is better or Glen Cook or some insane shit like that. I kid you fricking not I've seen people claim the Witcher books are better than ASOIAF, LOL.

        No, I compare George to Tolstoy, Sholokhov, to Sienkiewicz. And while he's nowhere near as good as these (leagues below and it isn't even a fair comparison), as far as fantasy goes - he's absolutely the greatest.

    • 12 months ago

      >I like how the books are so good that any /tv thread about that crappy show turns into discussions of asoiaf.
      I think it has more to do with the fact that anybody still invested in ASOIAF has read the book and everyone else fricked off after the show ended. Its why these thread barely manage to break 50 posts and have the same autist /got/ posters. The board has practically forgotten about House of the Dragon and the Dunk and Egg show announcement didn't get so much as a wet fart in the catalog.

    • 12 months ago

      Tolkien's skill as a worldbuilder, imaginative genius and writer is immeasurably higher than Martin's.

      • 12 months ago

        They are 2 completely different writers.
        Tolkien invented modern fantasy, he created an immensely original world with unique mythology. His writing is far superior to Martin's. But he wasn't interested in human characters and their relationships, and for me it really makes it hard to care for his stories. There isn't a single believable fleshed out character in LotR. It's a beautiful and engaging world, but the events that take place there are completely impersonal.

        • 12 months ago

          >but the events that take place there are completely impersonal.

          • 12 months ago

            Come on, this is a Peter Jackson's movie scene, it's not something Tolkien created per se. It's an interpretation through and through. My point still stands.

            • 12 months ago

              >‘Now for it! Now for the last gasp!’ said Sam as he struggled to his feet. He bent over Frodo, rousing him gently. Frodo groaned; but with a great effort of will he staggered up; and then he fell upon his knees again. He raised his eyes with difficulty to the dark slopes of Mount Doom towering above him, and then pitifully he began to crawl forward on his hands.
              >Sam looked at him and wept in his heart, but no tears came to his dry and stinging eyes. ‘I said I’d carry him, if it broke my back,’ he muttered, ‘and I will!’
              >‘Come, Mr. Frodo!’ he cried. ‘I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you and it as well. So up you get! Come on, Mr. Frodo dear! Sam will give you a ride. Just tell him where to go, and he’ll go.’
              >As Frodo clung upon his back, arms loosely about his neck, legs clasped firmly under his arms, Sam staggered to his feet; and then to his amazement he felt the burden light. He had feared that he would have barely strength to lift his master alone, and beyond that he had expected to share in the dreadful dragging weight of the accursed Ring. But it was not so.

              • 12 months ago

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