>GODS THE WRITTING WAS STRONG THEN. >loses hand. >forgets how to fight for ever

>loses hand
>forgets how to fight for ever
Tell me how you've never done any sport without telling me
Imagine taking the best boxer in the world, forcing him to switch stance and believe now he wont be able to beat an average amateur
What a fat frick moron

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  1. 8 months ago

    He wasn't ambidextrous to begin with you dolt

  2. 8 months ago

    This. Boxing and sword fighting are exactly the same.

  3. 8 months ago

    try chopping wood with your non dominant hand

    • 8 months ago

      Easier than you think. Relax your brain hand.

  4. 8 months ago

    If the boxer has only ever thrown punches with his right hand, then yeah it will take a long time for him to adjust to fighting with his left.

  5. 8 months ago

    Boxing and swordfighting are completely different. Boxing is just strike, dodge, block, in swordfighting it would be awkward as frick to parry with your non-dominant hand, and many swords are better equipped with two hands. Also, one punch in boxing can be a pain, but one missed parry could mean death.

    • 8 months ago

      >it would be awkward as frick to parry with your non-dominant hand, and many swords are better equipped with two hands.
      Skill issue.

      • 8 months ago

        in the books he has a two handed sword forged out of a meteor. why did they do this gay shit

        • 8 months ago

          dawn being made from a meteor is just a theory

        • 8 months ago

          to try and give him an instant 1 up on jaime because so much of the story at this point is about jaime losing his sword hand. It's a really dumb idea regardless but still.

        • 8 months ago

          Dual-wielding > two-handed

  6. 8 months ago

    did you forget the part where it breaks his spirit

  7. 8 months ago

    Did you miss the part where he doesn't actually forget how to fight forever and gets better quite fast?

    • 8 months ago

      this is show only you moron. he never gets even decent in the books (at least so far). also he is being a little b***h, there are fighters who lose a hand and they still end up quite good, like Qorin

      • 8 months ago

        Half hand still has a wrist and fingers enough to hold a sword handle, it’s not perfect and I’m sure he’d have to adapt but it’s not the same as completely losing your dominant hand.

  8. 8 months ago

    >Tell me x without telling me x
    Black person speech. did you clap your ape hands with each word? thread reported and hid.

  9. 8 months ago

    how would GRRM know of this?
    his only physical exertion is when he jerk offs

  10. 8 months ago

    >feudal society
    >houses ruling over their ancestral territories for hundreds, thousands of years
    >clean cut borders
    >nobody is ever trying to centralize
    >when a vassal dies heirless the king just grants his fief to any random guy instead of incorporating it to the crownlands

    aka GRRM made some surface-level research on feudalism and maybe looked at some maps, but got just about everything wrong

    also what is the iron throne's tax policy in a medieval agrarian society where the weather is random and several year-long winters are possible?

    • 8 months ago

      Please elaborate?
      The borders are constantly changing in the show/books, you have raiding parties all over the place claiming places. Houses have been killed or stripped of their possessions all the time in the books/show, they literally sing a song about it. And the king granting lands is just because they either married into it, or it was territories gained by war. I

      • 8 months ago

        >Please elaborate?
        >The borders are constantly changing in the show/books
        not enough, let's pick some northern houses for example
        >house reed, reigning for thousands of years
        >house locke of oldcastle, reigning for thousands of years
        >house dustin of barrowton, reigning for thousands of years
        >house flint of flint's finger, reigning for thousands of years
        >house bolton of dreadfort, reigning for thousands of years
        >house glover of deepwood motte, reigning for thousands of years
        >house manderly of white harbor, reigning for approximately 1000 years as stark vassals after getting exiled from the reach
        >house cerwyn, reigning for a minimum of over ~150 years (mentioned fighting for the blacks during the dance of dragons)

        north isn't special in that regard, the rest of the continent if full of houses with just as ridiculous long reigns

        feudal fragmentation of states was always a result of massive instability and erosion of central authority, something rulers had to enable or allow because there was no other choice, but also something that they would seek to reverse when they were in a position of strength

        GRRM does not seem to understand that and in his world feudalism is basically a tradition: even powerful houses will subinfeudate for no good reason and the concept of centralizing is non-existent
        any opportunity of centralization is missed and all lords control few territories outside of their seat of power because GRRM was not aware that medieval european kings actually appointed non-hereditary bureaucrats and governors all the time

        • 8 months ago

          GRRM shit makes no sense in terms of scale both temporal and spatial, it would be won thing if the in universe gays were coping by claiming they were heirs of ancient lineages or changed their names to match but aparently the starks have ruled the north for 8000 and they have proof. Its ridiculous, this universe is like star wars in that it is very shallow and it would be better off if the details were left ambiguous

          • 8 months ago

            >be better off if the details were left ambiguous
            name one case when it's not better
            muh world building gays chased away all the mystique from modern writing

            • 8 months ago

              in 99% of cases thats true but GRMM does doing the whole pottery thing with the past rhyming with the present some details would be needed

            • 8 months ago

              Asimov type sci-fi is better the more detail that is discussed.

    • 8 months ago

      There’s an aspect of massive unrealistic scale to the series that’s a hallmark imo.
      >massive continent
      >massive wall
      >huge populations of urban areas
      >massive armies
      Just a part of the story. However, you can also surmise that a lot of stuff isn’t quite true. There’s a lot of hints that stuff isn’t as old as it’s made out to be, Andal invasion happening most likely 1,000 years before the series with that becoming the beginning of recorded history. Houses claiming ancient lineage on shaky grounds but doing it so long it’s been forgotten. Lannisters are an example as they’re not descended directly from Lann the clever but an Andal house, Lydden, that took over the name and intermarried with the family. We see people taking on names pretty readily with bastards inheriting or taking the names of distant relatives for legitimacy, Harry the Heir in the Vale will probably take on the Arryn name. The chief gaoler is a Longwaters descended from Targaryens and Velaryons but Jaime’s chapter interacting with him he thinks it’s probably a different Longwaters family as Waters is the bastard name of the area, this doesn’t stop the gaoler from his beliefs. You can imagine shit like this happens often

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah a lot of the discrepancies can be explained through unreliable records and a world built on lies and misinformation. The whole series doesn’t hide this at all so it’s certainly part of the world building for the reader to not completely trust that same world building.

    • 8 months ago

      >when a vassal dies heirless the king just grants his fief to any random guy instead of incorporating it to the crownlands
      I always thought the idea is that the Lords Paramount are for all intents and purposes are still kings, with full control over their kingdom; they all just swear fealty to the Iron Throne but the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms doesn't really have a huge amount of practical authority in regards to the internal politics of the Seven Kingdoms. Think Minimum Authority in an Empire in Crusader Kings 2.

      • 8 months ago

        Essentially, I think the idea is it’s basically too big to rule so unless there’s a very pressing issue the individual lords rule their lands mostly however they want despite ultimately being under the rulership of the iron throne. The iron throne rules more so in name and on paper while in practice each lord actually governs their kingdom.

    • 8 months ago

      >>when a vassal dies heirless the king just grants his fief to any random guy instead of incorporating it to the crownlands
      Doesn't always happen.
      Pennytree became a royal fief.

  11. 8 months ago

    >In the books, he is learning to fight with his left hand. And if I'member correctly, he is becoming quite good.

  12. 8 months ago

    Post physique

  13. 8 months ago

    Try switching right hand to left hand guitar, you moron. You cant do anynthing.

  14. 8 months ago

    The book does a great job of showing how he completely loses his identity when his hand is removed, forcing him to reflect on his life and all of his choices up to that point. Compound this with rumor that Cersei is a mega bawd and he is completely lost. This leads him to finding his strength in diplomacy and independence from his incest relationship for the first time, which leads to some of the best character growth in the book.

    • 8 months ago

      This is what happens in the show too. He immediately begins feeling sorry for himself but quickly switches up to becoming more and more focused and centered. Talking more, becoming more like Tyrion in that sense, though not as witty. Soon enough he starts adapting to his left hand and growing more as a person, seeing both Cersei and Tywin as they really are.

      Up until season 8 when he abandons every character growth he had and goes back to cersei because he misses her pusey.

      • 8 months ago

        Season 8 sucks so bad no one ever really brings it up but Jamie soon a total 180 out of no where to go back tho Cersei and even says he never really cared about the people of kings landing is such a massive failure in understanding his character it was shocking to actually see it happen. His defining moment in life is killing the mad king to save everyone while losing all of his “honor” for doing the right thing. How going against that core piece of his character ever made it to screen is baffling, I’d think the writers show runners or the actors would have protested his characters direction on that one.

        • 8 months ago

          no lie, it's what pisses me off the most about s8...i honestly could give anything else a pass.

          Him fricking Brianne is also stupid as all frick and it only happen because the showrunners realized hos much the internet shipped them.

  15. 8 months ago

    >bro you can still be quarterback just throw with your left hand lol

  16. 8 months ago

    I mean it’s realistic. He would be able to quickly get back to a very competent level, but he would have to train hard for his non-dominant hand to get used to fighting. And that’s exactly what happened. But he is never going to be one of the best again.

  17. 8 months ago

    It was painfully realistic here if anything. Likewise were the long and treacherous journeys characters undertake in the ASOIAF world. One of the reasons gurm is a great writer

  18. 8 months ago

    was this actor in the new flash movie for like 1 second?

  19. 8 months ago


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