Godzilla X Kong

>No special powers, just a whip, dozens of soldiers and a magic rock.
>Still manages to be the biggest threat in the Monsterverse thus far.

Also will post spoilers in next post if wanted.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Honestly I don't like how the MV is headed towards this showa level of campiness. Gonna watch GxK to uphold my duty as a kaijugay but I'm just in it for the monster brawls
    (though if Godzilla uses his tail slide I'm not complaining)

  2. 5 months ago

    It's out already?

  3. 5 months ago

    There’s just no way. Godzilla literally has done nothing but fight weaker opponents since Ghidorah. Seriously, even Mecha Godzilla is weaker than full power Ghidorah from KotM. He should be annihilating these c**ts left and right without difficulty. And not only that, they’re all so fricking ugly. You can’t even say they’re going for realism, because actual gorillas and orangutans can look cool or cute, these look like they took gorillas and orangutans and tried to turn them into 40 year old Redditors.

    • 5 months ago

      >has done nothing but fight weaker monsters since ghidora
      There's been literally one movie since he fought Ghidora.

    • 5 months ago

      Godzilla was also getting completely fricked by Ghidorah until the meltdown thing. Everything since feels like filler.

      • 5 months ago

        He was losing all his fights, frick this Godzilla


        KongCHAD could've 2v1'd Godzilla + Mecha

    • 5 months ago

      >Mecha Godzilla is weaker than full power Ghidorah from KotM
      arguable, Kiryu is really his arch enemy

    • 5 months ago

      Not stronger, but more agile, more manpower, tool use and Shimo.

      His "power" is that he commands the other apes and Shimo, I guess. He's got a whip too.
      I honestly think Evil King Kong is a cool villain idea, especially combined with Shimo the ice turtle/dragon who I guess is like evil Godzilla. Good Kong and Good Goji vs Evil Kong and Evil Goji has the potential to be a good matchup.
      Mothra is confirmed to be there on Kong and Godzilla's side too, which has me more excited.

      Commanding over 50 adult sized "Kongs" is enough alone.

    • 5 months ago

      >turn them into 40 year old Redditors.

    • 5 months ago

      Godzilla was only able to beat Ghidorah due to Mothra sacrificing all her life energy to him, there's no more cute moths around to give him a power up like that again

    • 5 months ago

      >Seriously, even Mecha Godzilla is weaker than full power Ghidorah from KotM.
      And Godzilla would've probably been able to blast him into a Liveleak video if a certain lizard could have kept his goddamn hateboner in check and at least fricking waited until after he nuked the remains of his biggest enemy BEFORE blowing a motherfricking hole to the center of the earth. Do you have any idea how much power that is? He could literally have cracked the goddamn planet and he wastes it just getting Kong into the ring, to say nothing of all the damage he took just fighting a rapeape he already trounced once already.

      Godzilla had an honest goji character arc and it was learning not to randomly start fights with big monkeys who were so scared of him they went several dozen miles underground. Get your head in the game, Godzilla!

  4. 5 months ago

    yeah post em. do we know how big that red ape is? after kotm we should have gotten megalon and gigan while godzilla uses his minions to fight them but they all get btfo so the G MAN has to go it alone

    • 5 months ago

      Megalon would've fit perfectly with the Hollow earth / ancient civilisation shit

    • 5 months ago

      Taller than Kong, Smaller than Godzilla Evolved, roughly same height as Godzilla.

      Who's the big bad? Surely its not that fricker and the blue dragon

      Skar King is the Main villain, Shimo is under his control and is his trump card, but even then The final battle has Godzilla, Kong and Shimo fricking Skar up.

    • 5 months ago

      >do we know how big that red ape is?
      Skar King.
      >after kotm we should have gotten megalon and gigan
      Legendary has to pay for every individual license they get from Toho, so Megalon is a never-ever. Gigan is possible if this movie does well since Gigan is one of Godzilla's most famous foes, but even then Legendary has to pay Toho for fanservice that doesn't do much to improve their theatrical performance judging by KoTM being the movie that grossed the least despite them splurging on three of Toho's biggest monsters.

      • 5 months ago

        Anon where in your right mind do you think Toho intends on using Megalon in Minus One's sequel? Are you implying Legendary's not in as good of standing with them as we're led to think by their new deal?

        • 5 months ago

          Meant to respond to this earlier but forgot. Don't know where you think I'm saying they're going to use Megalon kek.
          I think you're confused. Legendary has to pay additional money to Toho each time they use one of their monsters, they're not included in the deal that lets them use Godzilla. Legendary isn't going to pay for obscure monsters like Megalon, especially after they splurged on the licenses for three of Toho's biggest monsters in King on the Monsters and the movie underperformed. Maybe if Godzilla X Kong does well we'll see a popular Toho kaiju in the next one, considering they licensed Mothra again for this movie apparently, but we're not seeing a lesser known one like Megalon.

          • 5 months ago

            Megalon's one of the few distinctive Toho monsters that burger normies recognize. It's not like he's Kumonga or Manda.

            • 5 months ago

              Or Titanasaurus

              • 5 months ago

                I brought up Kumonga and Manda specifically because Legendary made up their own versions instead of paying Toho since a giant spider and a Chinese dragon aren't worth what Toho's asking for.

              • 5 months ago

                Wasn't the Norway Titan coming out of the mountain supposed to be their stand-in Anguirus?

              • 5 months ago

                Not necessarily, they went through the trouble of sneaking an Anguirus skeleton into Atlantis

            • 5 months ago

              He's still probably not major enough for a bunch of executives who aren't Godzilla fans to part with the cash to use him. So far they've exclusively done the monsters from Toho's "Big Five" while Megalon only appeared in his original movie and wasn't even in Final Wars.
              If they get the license to use any other monsters it will be one of the most popular ones, not a one-off Showa opponent.

            • 5 months ago

              Nah Megalon is forgettable and uninteresting. Godzilla meming on it with Jet Jaguar (who I could also sooner see) was the highlight of the Megalon movie. Like the anon said earlier, I could see Gigan happening though since it's more of a prominent villain.

              • 5 months ago

                >Western Jet Jaguar
                would be kino

              • 5 months ago

                I feel like organizing a giant robot to fight alongside Godzilla would be the only way to make the Legendary humans interesting. Their onscreen time has just felt like a drag on the movies.

          • 5 months ago

            And I'm saying your implication is that Legendary is in bad enough standing with Toho that Toho wouldn't be willing to license out their other monsters even if Legendary was willing to pay

            • 5 months ago

              You need to work on your reading comprehension then because I stated that the issue is that Legendary execs don't want to pay. You don't need to make up an "implication" when I'm putting the direct meaning into text.

      • 5 months ago

        If they pay for every single monster, why do they max out the movies with moronic human arcs?

        • 5 months ago

          Because they also have to pay the Indians that animate the monsters.

    • 5 months ago

      Is Shimo here at least cool?


      There’s just no way. Godzilla literally has done nothing but fight weaker opponents since Ghidorah. Seriously, even Mecha Godzilla is weaker than full power Ghidorah from KotM. He should be annihilating these c**ts left and right without difficulty. And not only that, they’re all so fricking ugly. You can’t even say they’re going for realism, because actual gorillas and orangutans can look cool or cute, these look like they took gorillas and orangutans and tried to turn them into 40 year old Redditors.

      is right, no one has been cool since Ghidorah

  5. 5 months ago

    Who's the big bad? Surely its not that fricker and the blue dragon

  6. 5 months ago

    His "power" is that he commands the other apes and Shimo, I guess. He's got a whip too.
    I honestly think Evil King Kong is a cool villain idea, especially combined with Shimo the ice turtle/dragon who I guess is like evil Godzilla. Good Kong and Good Goji vs Evil Kong and Evil Goji has the potential to be a good matchup.
    Mothra is confirmed to be there on Kong and Godzilla's side too, which has me more excited.

  7. 5 months ago

    Backdoor pilot for AoT

  8. 5 months ago

    What even is Godzilla's upgrade?

    • 5 months ago

      The Mechagodzilla fight forced Godzilla into attacking and absorbing other Titan's energy so he could become even stronger.

      Tiamat is fight and killed by Godzilla, takes her base, creates a cocoon and awakens after Kong roars out to him, Godzilla thinking Kong wants Round 2, but Kong needs his help.

      Basically he's faster, stronger and now could take on Mechagodzilla on 1v1.

      • 5 months ago

        >The Mechagodzilla fight forced Godzilla into attacking and absorbing other Titan's energy so he could become even stronger.
        So now Godzilla has upset the natural order by exterminating other titans? The frick is that now?
        >Tiamat is fight and killed by Godzilla, takes her base, creates a cocoon and awakens after Kong roars out to him, Godzilla thinking Kong wants Round 2, but Kong needs his help.
        So this is ANOTHER Kong movie, and Godzilla is shelved for most of the plot? Frick this movie.

        This franchise really did end after KOTM

        • 5 months ago

          >This franchise really did end after KOTM
          Nah, it began with Skull Island and KoTM after the boring dud that was 2014. GvK was a good followup to those two, the leaks and interviews for GxK are saying it's going to be very fight-heavy so it's looking good as well.
          Hoping we get at least one more movie in this style with some licensed Toho monsters, let's see Godzilla and Kong fighting Gigan and Orga or something.

          • 5 months ago

            No one gives a shit about Kong or this balding orangutan

            • 5 months ago

              King Kong is the only giant monster on par with Godzilla in popularity. Skull Island and Godzilla vs Kong were much more successful than King of the Monsters due to Kong being in them, and Toho getting the King Kong license in the 60s is what revived the Godzilla franchise and started the monster fight format (originating in Kong fighting dinosaurs in his movie.)

              • 5 months ago

                How come there's barely any Kong movies during the Showa/Heisei eras? Compared to Godzilla Kong gets frick all

              • 5 months ago

                Kong had licensing issues for a long time. The Kong franchise did have a few entries, most of which were very good monster movies
                >king kong
                >son of kong
                >mighty joe young
                >king kong 1976
                >king kong lives (hear this one is shit but haven't seen it)

                >on par with Godzilla in popularity

                Being a Godzilla fanboy who hates on King Kong is insane when the name Gojira itself is heavily inspired by Kong (Gorilla + Kujira which is Japanese for whale, Godzilla is the aquatic King Kong).
                King Kong is objectively close to Godzilla's popularity, if not equal. They're the two faces of giant monster movies.

              • 5 months ago

                >Being a Godzilla fanboy who hates on King Kong is insane

                I'm loco ese.

              • 5 months ago

                You'd have to be loco to love some giant monster kino but irrationally hate other giant monster kino, especially when their histories are so intertwined.
                I'm more of a Godzilla fan, with Godzilla being the reason I started watching King Kong in the first place, but the original King Kong is a 10/10 that's better than most Goji movies. This movie being so kino is the reason the giant monster/kaiju genre is even a thing.
                Son of Kong, Mighty Joe Young, and King Kong 1976 are all very good too and I'd rec them all to fans of Showa Godzilla.

              • 5 months ago

                NTA, but let me spell it put to you in layman terms
                kong is a monkey
                Black folk are monkeys

                that's it

              • 5 months ago

                Don't compare Kong to them.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm glad someone saved my stupid edit with the brazilian cables

              • 5 months ago

                You'd have to be loco to love some giant monster kino but irrationally hate other giant monster kino, especially when their histories are so intertwined.
                I'm more of a Godzilla fan, with Godzilla being the reason I started watching King Kong in the first place, but the original King Kong is a 10/10 that's better than most Goji movies. This movie being so kino is the reason the giant monster/kaiju genre is even a thing.
                Son of Kong, Mighty Joe Young, and King Kong 1976 are all very good too and I'd rec them all to fans of Showa Godzilla.

                It's pretty simple
                >One is a badass radioactive dinosaur that fights aliens and robots
                >The other is a giant monkey
                The leaps they had to go to in GvK to justify Kong as another alpha was hilarious

              • 5 months ago

                King Kong is a badass giant gorilla that fights dinosaurs.
                It's moronic to hate Kong for fanboy reasons when he's been part of the Godzilla franchise since the third movie and his original film was a major influence on Goji's. You wouldn't have the dinosaur fighting aliens without the gorilla fighting dinos.

              • 5 months ago

                Kong is only cool in a vacuum. He rightfully got his ass kicked in GvK, and notice how he never once got hit with atomic breath because it would have instantly killed him

              • 5 months ago

                >notice how he never once got hit with atomic breath because it would have instantly killed him
                Probably because Legendary realized they made their version of the breath too moronicly strong, plenty of monsters in the franchise have been hit with the atomic breath and either tanked it or managed to survive. It should kill weaker and injured monsters but not stronger ones.
                King Kong works as a foil to Godzilla because he's more "human" and he's able to plan and improvise. He stands out from Goji's more monstrous enemies and allies.

              • 5 months ago

                Drilling to Hollow Earth is the only time Monsterverse's breath has been particularly overpowered. It didn't do much to Ghidorah beyond pushing him around and it took the Kiss of Death technique to take out the Femuto.

              • 5 months ago

                He takes a hit in mid air and Godzilla laughs at his monkey ass

              • 5 months ago

                >on par with Godzilla in popularity

              • 5 months ago

                Which MonsterVerse movie had the biggest box office return, anon?

        • 5 months ago

          Godzilla gooning on a motherfricker is the natural order

        • 5 months ago

          >This franchise really did end after KOTM
          Ok boomer

          This MCU CGI monsters hitting eachother is KINO

  9. 5 months ago

    So the white and the red head are the baddies again?

  10. 5 months ago

    Ghidora would solo his entire monkey civilization. No other threat has even come close.


  11. 5 months ago

    >No special powers, just a magic rock.
    literally what the frick is wrong with the users of this website

  12. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Kongers am I right

  13. 5 months ago

    Why it's Godzilla purple now? Has xir come as trans?

    • 5 months ago

      Godzilla <Ultra Ego>

  14. 5 months ago

    Kong takes it every time. There's no way a giant gorilla with the smarts of an ape could ever be bested by an unthinking lizard.

    • 5 months ago

      We've established Godzilla isn't dumb

    • 5 months ago

      >unthinking lizard.
      What makes you believe reptiles don't think?

  15. 5 months ago

    ?si=GEN1VOXHecKe2qkm Why did he attack him?

    • 5 months ago

      they needed a final fight scene to wrap the season

  16. 5 months ago

    I think Skar King seems like a very underwhelming villain for the next movie, especially alongside an army of apes. I think I wouldn't have minded it in a vacuum, but we literally just had King Kong in the last Godzilla movie and he's in this one, and there's a whole franchise for Planet of the Apes with a new movie coming out for that too. So it just feels like 'ugh apes again, really? kind of tiring'
    King Kong I'm more than happy to see work alongside Godzilla, but they should've made the enemies another species. I'm guessing they went this direction because Kong is going to install himself as the new king of the apes after they deal with Skar King so that he can have a family again or whatever. But it still makes the adventure seem boring and transparent. That being said, as long as the action is good I'll see myself having a good time.

  17. 5 months ago

    this is how the next few movie should play out:
    >godzilla & jet jaguar vs megalon & gigan
    godzilla fights the two by himself the first time around and gets fricked up. apex has been developing another robot since they saw how effective mechagodzilla was. this time they make it humanoid and no ghidorah connection. 2 vs 2 kino action. I can already picture the trailer scene:
    >people in SanFrancisco office building feel a rumbling
    >look out the window and see huge buildings sinking into the ground
    >the buildings being sunk are getting close and closer
    >the one theyre in beings to fall with them in it
    >*drilling sound*

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