>good comic. >nitpick the absolute frick out of it, despite any intended looseness with reality; magnify flaws 1000x

>good comic
>nitpick the absolute frick out of it, despite any intended looseness with reality; magnify flaws 1000x
>"This comic is awful. Only pretentious midwits that are easily impressed pretend to like it."

>mediocre (or worse) comic
>wring water from a stone trying to find redeemable qualities; magnify them 1000x
>"Shut up, it's just a comic book. Are you stupid?"

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  1. 8 months ago

    good question

  2. 8 months ago

    People come to Cinemaphile mainly for cathartic release, not constructive discussion.

    • 8 months ago

      This. I felt like it wasn't that bad in the 00s but then again most people probably discuss shit on social media, leddit or discord now so they only bother going to Cinemaphile to shit on things they hate. I just want to talk about things I like to be honest, I don't even read shit I don't like.

      • 8 months ago

        It's the same everywhere, just less obvious.

      • 8 months ago

        On Reddit, I've found that it's just as negative, and Twitter even moreso. It's pretty much the same 3 types of posts on all 3 websites: complainers, coomers, and shitposters.

      • 8 months ago

        >I felt like it wasn't that bad in the 00s
        It has always existed. It was bad online. It was bad in comic shops and conventions.But contextually in real life conversation didn't inevitably lead to it.

        Online we can't discern motive as well so communication almost always leads us down the same path towards conflict. You could be trolling me or I you. You could be adding to the conversation or I could perceive it as you correcting me with an actuallllllly.

        As the conflict naturally builds no one wants to talk about what they enjoy unless they can get universal praise for it in a sheltered community. Because if anyone here says they like something it is the equivalent of starting a fight where they will be on the defensive. Everyone wants to be the victor.

        >I just want to talk about things I like to be honest
        I think another problem with how online communication has stunted us is, that very few people have the capability to actually talk about things. I could write an essay, you could derail it with one shitpost. We can't talk in depth about anything anymore.

        Most of these conversations here are dominated by people who don't even have a dog in the fight. Or aren't even interested in what is happening now. I see people bring up comics that are near half a decade old now just to rage bait.

        • 8 months ago

          You're right

        • 8 months ago

          This is true. I also notice a lot of people arguing against things I or someone else didn't say. People read the first few words of your post and make the rest up to get mad about voices in their heads. You can say that you love a series and a sperg will get angry at you for being hater because the first three words of your post make it seem like the rest was negative.

          It gets worse when you realise that almost nobody reads anything anymore so everybody gets mad about like one (1) scene from a 70 issue long comic because it made a few people mad that didn't read it either but spam it out of context in every thread now, since online communities are all about virtue signalling by condemning things nowadays.

          Even the people that would like a comic rather watch youtube "thinkpieces" about it, adapting an already filtered secondhand opinion of someone else. In the end you get haters as well as fans that both never read the source and love/hate things about it that are irrelevant or probably never even happened in canon.

      • 8 months ago

        >This. I felt like it wasn't that bad in the 00s

        It wasn't and the reason is very simple: comics were objectively better in the 00s. People complain less when things are better.

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          The thing described in OP was still the case in the 00s.

        • 8 months ago

          Don't think it's that because you see the same phenomenon with anime and basically everything else. I think it's at least partly caused by the whole ironic culture and how people despise genuinity because criticizing everything they consume makes them feel smart or something.
          Besides that when you casually get comics or series that aren't shit they are mostly not discussed at all unless someone gets mad that some people he likes like it.

  3. 8 months ago

    Everything that is created and popular after 2010s is pure shilling and hype culture. I dont even care with seeing new things anymore.

  4. 8 months ago

    >Genre literature was everywhere when print was booming.
    >You could buy a sci fi magazine or get a comic at the newsstand.
    >Kids, normal people, troops overseas, print media was big entertainment.
    >Creators were people with actual lives who mostly did this stuff as a gig.
    >Comics became entrenched in speciality stores rather than being everywhere via the Direct Market.
    >Speciality stores fostered stereotypes like pic related or Simpsons' Comic Book Guy. These owners were often enthusiasts more than businessmen who liked to gatekeep and insult people.
    >Comics fans became comic creatives and businessmen who wallowed in nostalgia while attacking things they didn't like.
    >Comics crash in the 90s destroyed it as an American pastime.
    >Print began to die.
    >Manga, video games and other things became new entertainment.
    >Obsessive fans and collectors are now the majority. These tend to be older men.
    >Nerds/geeks are more likely to be autists, have mental illness or be losers.
    >These losers like to joust for the scraps of superiority since they can't get that feeling of superiority outside in the wider world.
    >Your taste is bad = I'm better than you.
    >Crab in the bucket mentality of pulling people who try to escape down.
    >Internet culture made this even easy to do.
    >Internet culture and communication funnels you towards certain ways of thinking.
    >People don't touch base and actually connect with the hobby.

  5. 8 months ago
  6. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      For me it was when I was 20, not 12. Most of the shit you watch as a kid is shit because you cannot discern good from bad yet or because the access to media was more limited. Nostalgia doesn't make sense.

  7. 8 months ago

    Sounds like x-gays when comparing their comics to others. Even when they hate a run they still claim it's the only readble thing marvel is putting out

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