Good ending movies that are actual BAD ENDING

Hollywood lies to you. Wizards know better. We can see when some movies have an actual bad ending. This is a good example. Say it, wizcel bros, he'd be happier without having met that single mother prostitute. He'd be happier without sex. This shouldn't be a secret. Don't let society lie to you.

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  1. 2 months ago

    The ending is bluepilled bullshit. Just sell away your toys so that you can start a relationship with a bawd. I wonder who wrote that crap.

    • 2 months ago

      certainly a normal person who never had problems with women

      • 2 months ago

        that can be a descriptor for many people, from aboriginals to the vietnamese.
        still i'm fine with not eating human brains for breakfast.

  2. 2 months ago

    are girls who grow up in single mother households this crazy to have sex or was this another lie?

  3. 2 months ago

    rather be a virgin than a simp or betabuxx

  4. 2 months ago

    it's honestly crazy how being a slightly introverted/passive male can doom you to a life of celibacy

    I hate to say it but you've got to treat women like job applications. never stop approaching, deal with rejection until someone says yes

    • 2 months ago

      if you're going to land some single mother or nonvirgin roastie in her 30s then why even bother, bro?

    • 2 months ago

      >never stop approaching, deal with rejection until someone says yes
      Nah that's bullshit. That's how you ruin any kind of self esteem you might have left.
      At some point you just have to accept that you'll die alone and sexless.

      • 2 months ago

        >At some point you just have to accept that you'll die alone and sexless.
        Yeah I'm sure that does wonders for self-esteem, moron.

        • 2 months ago

          This way it's only crushed once. If you open yourself up to repeated rejection it gets crushed over and over again.

        • 2 months ago

          >He is going to be supporting her WAY more than he will support him
          She had her own business, her own house, and her own car taking care of her own kids. He drives a bike, not even an electric bike, just a bike. He has a small apartment that his toys are worth more than. I can't take any of you seriously.

          sorry you weren't born for the wizcel life.
          Either way, wife or no wife, a man is always alone in his deepest thoughts and feelings, and we all die alone in the end.
          If you think that some braindead prostitute who got pregnant as a teen and then repeated that same mistake many more times is in any way superior to a wizcel who doesn't contribute to CO emissions by riding a bike and being comfy at his home painting warhammer figures, doing karaoke, watching tv shows and movies, dancing, and collecting figures, then you have to be a moron.

          • 2 months ago

            >you weren't born to be a loser, heh

    • 2 months ago

      >it's honestly crazy how being a slightly introverted/passive male can doom you to a life of celibacy
      At 26 I'm slowly realizing this to be the truth. I thought it wouldn't happen to me but now the joke's on me.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, the story of my life. I'm 30 and Ive never even kissed a girl. In my teens I didn't really have the desire to even pursue chicks, I guess I was a late bloomer or something. In my twenties I grew more interested but my social awkwardness and inexperience basically ruined all my attempt to pursue women I was interested in. Now, it is too late for me.

      I'm so fricking lonely. There is no point to life if one does not have a family of one's own.

      • 2 months ago

        >There is no point to life if one does not have a family of one's own.

        Extremely npc opinion, to be honest. Why do you feel like you need to have kids, when the world already has billions?

        • 2 months ago

          >Why do you feel like you need to have kids,
          Because I like children. Children have in them a spark of happiness and joy in life which I've lost. My happiest memories are from a time back in my early 20ies, when I got to spend a lot of time with my two preteen cousins. The energy and genuine affection and joy those girls showcased and their simple desire to just play with me and watch cartoons etc with me envigorated me beyond anything else and left me craving for that simple happiness ever since. Ii feel that same happiness when spending time with my niece, even though she's just 2 years old, she has a spark of joy in life, that I feel I've lost nearly completely. I want children of my own whom I can cherish and spend time with.

          > when the world already has billions?
          And? They aren't my children.

          • 2 months ago

            >They aren't my children.
            Why do your children deserve to exist more than the children of others? You're not intelligent, because you're a frogposter, so I really want to know why you think your children will be so special. You're just one of the billions.

            >Try to become the rich science man with Chad friends, and then you'll be winning.
            I have plenty of chad friends but these chads are all settled in and so are pretty much all people that they know.
            its like I lost the musical chairs game in a way.
            it is based but society doesnt reward it with pussy.

            If your Chad friends stopped going out, then it's probably too late for you. I don't know what else to say. When I had Chad friends, we always went to bars and clubs, and that's an opportunity to meet people.

            • 2 months ago

              my chad friends dont go to any bars and clubs anymore, they got families and careers now and I missed that part.
              So what should I do? dump the good friends and try and get new ones?

              • 2 months ago

                Why dump? Just keep those friends and get more friends

              • 2 months ago

                >dump the good friends and try and get new ones?

                What the fug am I reading. You never have to dump friends, and they can just be people you once knew. You can never have too many friends, dood. If making new friends is what you need to do, then do it. Study something for no reason.

                it takes a lot of time to get new friends, and already existing friendships also need constant maintenance.
                if they end up being people you once knew then they arent really friends anymore.

              • 2 months ago

                >it takes a lot of time to get new friends

                It does, but that's the price. You think money is the only purchasing power in this life? It's not, and there's also time. You have to pay with time, if you want to make friends. The alternative is being alone. I'm content with being alone, but people who aren't have to pay.

              • 2 months ago

                I believe its not possible, even if I got more friends and meet more people I feel like I still wouldnt get into any situations where I could find a girlfriend.
                you know it feels like the game is rigged against me. like some cosmic power is preventing it.
                maybe I'm just outta luck when it comes to this.

              • 2 months ago

                >you know it feels like the game is rigged against me. like some cosmic power is preventing it.

                If that's true then maybe you should accept your role in life. I'm 31 now, but I accepted my role as a teenager. I saw people talking to girls, and realised I would never be that person, so I became a Cinemaphilener.
                I've seen the stats posted on Cinemaphile, and apparently for all of history, most men didn't have children. We just have to accept that we're the majority.

              • 2 months ago

                you sound like a seething roastie, instead of being mad you should be enjoying your remainser years of "being hot" and go ride that dick.

              • 2 months ago

                >dump the good friends and try and get new ones?

                What the fug am I reading. You never have to dump friends, and they can just be people you once knew. You can never have too many friends, dood. If making new friends is what you need to do, then do it. Study something for no reason.

            • 2 months ago

              >Why do your children deserve to exist more than the children of others?
              Nobody deserves to exist, we exist because of the fact our parents happened to reproduce. It isn't a question of who deserves or doesn't deserve to exist. I want children because I like children and bt having children of my own I get to dote and cherish them to my hearts content. It is a selfish desire, born out of my experiences with my cousins. Seeing them grow up on some level, made me sad, as the lost that innocent, genuine spark of joy in life, and became more and more adult, and distant from me. On some level, I wish that they had never grown older. Having children of my own, would be the only way for me experience the happiness I felt back then again.

              >You're just one of the billions.
              And? Humans I have no emotional bonds with and who aren't my relatives mean nothing to me. Humanity as a whole means nothing. From my perspective only my own happiness and the happiness of the people I care about matters. I don't have some obligations to untold billions of the human masses, my obligations are only to the people I care about. There is no reason to care about the future if I don't have any children tho. Humanity might as well die off then. Children are an investment into the future, past one's own life. Without them, the future might as well not exist.

              • 2 months ago

                >Nobody deserves to exist, we exist because of the fact our parents happened to reproduce.

                Stopped reading there. Thanks for the wall of garbage, but it's being filtered, because you were stupid enough to use an image. The truth is YOU don't deserve to exist, but others do, which is why I say you don't need to have children. Hope you understood my point. Don't bother replying.

              • 2 months ago

                Keep seething about a meme then

              • 2 months ago

                Not him but you're obviously mad because no women would ever want to reproduce with you.

      • 2 months ago

        > There is no point to life if one does not have a family of one's own.
        speak for yourself, my weakling friend.

      • 2 months ago

        It's time to just end it

      • 2 months ago

        you sound like such a fricking homosexual holy shit no wonder youre alone

        • 2 months ago

          it's either a roastie or a troony,

    • 2 months ago

      If women are like job applications I'd rather stay "unemployed".

  5. 2 months ago

    imo they casted him wrong.
    Steve Carell isnt bad looking and its not believable someone looking like him would be a virgin.
    The movie would have made more sense with someone like Jonah Hill or some other ugly bastard.

    • 2 months ago

      In the film he's only a virgin because of le slapstick accidents etc in his youth. He got pretty close with several qt chicks in flashbacks and some contrived gag ended up scuppering his opportunity until he decided to stop pursuing them.
      The filn could ONLY have worked if he was a good looking eligible wealthy volcel, which he was.

      • 2 months ago

        all I'm saying is that he doesnt really look like you would expect from a 40yo virgin

        • 2 months ago

          in 2005 no
          but in 2024 he does

          • 2 months ago

            what do you mean?

    • 2 months ago

      It's not really always about the looks; but based on his hobbies and interests he should be much more creepy, geeky and autistic than presented in the movie. I'm thinking vibes that make people instinctively move away in the bus stop and things like that. But he was a goofy guy in the movie, and those guys usually can't help but get a basic wife in their thirties.

      • 2 months ago

        maybe back when the movie released
        the modern woman is much too proud to settle now

    • 2 months ago

      43 now. Would still instantly reject any woman with IQ lower than bodyweight. Vax has pretty much ensured no women are left.

  6. 2 months ago

    >good goy just settle with the granny roastie with dead end job, sell all your valuables to make her happy, be a stap dad to her 3 kids from 3 different dads and let your bloodline die with you

    • 2 months ago

      who do you think wrote that script, bro? It had to be some evil feminist.

  7. 2 months ago


    if you are an old virgin guy then you shouldnt settle for some roastie single mom and you are technically better off staying a virgin.

    • 2 months ago

      pretty much
      I'm going for perfect score at this point.
      I shall die pure as the day I was born.

      • 2 months ago

        if you are an old virgin guy then you shouldnt settle for some roastie single mom and you are technically better off staying a virgin.

        based wizcels. Seriously why the frick would anyone sacrifices their lives to get with a filthy prostitute. It doesn't make any sense. That movie is pure unadulterated brainwashing for males to become simps and pussy whorshippers.

        • 2 months ago

          >based wizcels. Seriously why the frick would anyone sacrifices their lives to get with a filthy prostitute. It doesn't make any sense. That movie is pure unadulterated brainwashing for males to become simps and pussy whorshippers.
          is this how you cope with being ugly

          • 2 months ago

            >y-you're ugly if you don't want a prostitute for a wife!
            Nah, I'm a wizcel chad. Better be a virgin and not follow on the steps of the 40 year old virgin.

            • 2 months ago

              >le stuttering quote
              >heh now I’m not ugly
              But you almost certainly are lmao

  8. 2 months ago

    wizcel bros why does society want us to study, work hard, improve ourselves just so that we support some bawd that doesn't even love us?

    • 2 months ago

      Weird image to use since that guy had a good chance with a hot woman and he screwed it up by being an autist.

    • 2 months ago

      Because becoming a wizcel means you chose your own health over that of the tribe. The tribe does not appreciate your selfishness, as if your behaviour was popular, the tribe would die out quickly. I'm wizarding myself so I can admit this.

      • 2 months ago

        There are good reasons to stay alone, but trying to say "health benefits" is pure cope. Hugging lowers blood pressure, and sexual contact/intimacy in general is healthy for the heart. Not to mention the mental health benefits of socializing with others. We are all biologically hard wired for this and there's no escaping it. It's a lack. You can't "autism strength" your way out of it, and if you pretend to do so you're deluding yourself.

        ON THE OTHER HAND there are other kinds of admissable health benefits, which are absences. You'd be right to focus on those (while acknowledging the major problems of the above). Not having to worry about (rampant!) STDs is a big one, although normies like to defend anything short of HIV or syphilis as Not A Big Deal Bro. The (lack of) mental anguish of not having to deal with some messy divorce/child support etc is also helpful I reckon.

        • 2 months ago

          >We are all biologically hard wired for this and there's no escaping it
          if you spend enough time alone you sort of stop giving a shit about any of this.
          I never gotten a hug or had any sexual contact or any intimacy and my heart is still doing fine at 34 years old.
          socializing with others? pure waste of time, socializing with others is what guilt trips one into taking these vaccines that turn you into a cripple or following all kinds of moronic social trends.
          hows any of that healthy for you?

    • 2 months ago

      Well you need money to not be homeless, who cares about a prostitute

  9. 2 months ago

    >men are such onions children these days

    • 2 months ago

      You see him selling his toys. I see a man dying, compromising his entire being, personality, hobbies, passions, just to be with a demonic b***h.

      • 2 months ago

        >compromising his entire being, personality
        A personality is literally just how you as a person react. Like someone can be meek, standoffish, have OCD tendencies, prone to collecting things, etc. Your personality isn't defined by what you collect, i.e. literal toys for kids. That personality trait can be used better as a family man elsewhere. It's called "priorities" and it's a part of growing up. What you call "dying" is a boy becoming a man, setting new priorities with his finances and focusing on more important matters to find a happiness he literally can't even find in his gay ass toys. You're scared to do that, and your priorities are garbage. Your emotional maturity is abysmal.

      • 2 months ago

        You forgot to mention having a collection of toys as a 40 yr old is fricking gay. Being a consumer doesn't equate to a personality or hobby, it's the lack of a meaningful purpose in life

  10. 2 months ago

    Was he REALLY happy or did all of his friends coax him into a relationship to end his celibacy with a woman that, even if she ain't a virgin, is a fricking trainwreck of a human being who should have been bending over backwards to make HIM happier so he could be a good dad.

    On top of that I think he should have fricked the "lesbian" chick that is played by the girl from Glee. Ngl she's like a 6 to 7/10

    also the ending of Wall-E is that to me but I'm a chubby chaser so literally getting kneed in the nuts. It's a great ending if you like humanity redeeming itself on an alien world.

    • 2 months ago

      He was a genuinely happy wizard that got shamed into dating bawds from bars and marrying single mother.

      >compromising his entire being, personality
      A personality is literally just how you as a person react. Like someone can be meek, standoffish, have OCD tendencies, prone to collecting things, etc. Your personality isn't defined by what you collect, i.e. literal toys for kids. That personality trait can be used better as a family man elsewhere. It's called "priorities" and it's a part of growing up. What you call "dying" is a boy becoming a man, setting new priorities with his finances and focusing on more important matters to find a happiness he literally can't even find in his gay ass toys. You're scared to do that, and your priorities are garbage. Your emotional maturity is abysmal.

      didn't read. Not marrying a prostitute or a single mother or changing great hobbies for anyone.

      • 2 months ago

        >or changing great hobbies for anyone
        Okay, then those are your priorities. They're shit and you're moronic, but they're yours and I respect that much.

        • 2 months ago

          why are his priorities shit?
          from his point of view it makes more sense to remain a wizard with fun hobbies than marrying some single mother prostitute and becoming Mr betabucks cuck.

          • 2 months ago

            >why are they shit?
            Because he's watching a movie where an immature man becomes a more mature man and recoils at it. Let's set a very real scenario with these homosexual plastic pieces of shit:
            >you're wanting to start a life with a significant other
            >you've put a bunch of money into these hunks of junk that are worth it to other manbabies on the internet
            Now, as someone who wants to start a life with a mature adult who knows that money could be better used for your future, you have two options - sell them to the manbabies, or keep them and show her where your stupid ass childish priorities lie. Remember, he's living in an apartment where all the decorations are toys. His TV is just hooked up to a bunch of consoles and his furniture revolves around that. He lives in a small apartment. Selling these could net him a nice little starting nest egg. Well? Which do you choose? If you choose the toys, your priorities are garbage. You don't want this significant other, you want a dream woman that you'll never find. You're not living in reality, which is also childish, funny enough. Adults recognize their ideals and then compromise to achieve Good Enough status.

            • 2 months ago

              >an immature man becomes a more mature man
              he didnt really become anything at the end of the movie, all he did was sell his shit so he can support some prostitute.

              • 2 months ago

                Why would you ever try to argue this when you don't even understand priorities? You flat out don't even understand the movie.

              • 2 months ago

                I just told you what the movie is about so how can I not understand it?

              • 2 months ago

                Different anon but here's the thing. He is going to be supporting her WAY more than he will support him. Money, college, etc. all for kids that aren't even his own. Selling all of his things, when she probably has her own shit to sell for her own kids, is kinda crazy.

                I get it. It's important. It shows he "changed" but he could find LITERALLY any other woman, keep his shit, and not raise bastard kids that aren't his. He just literally found the first fish in the ocean.

                Imagine if he asked her to sell her shirt or change to support HIS kids. She wouldn't do any such thing. She seems like the type to abuse them ngl.

              • 2 months ago

                >He is going to be supporting her WAY more than he will support him
                She had her own business, her own house, and her own car taking care of her own kids. He drives a bike, not even an electric bike, just a bike. He has a small apartment that his toys are worth more than. I can't take any of you seriously.

              • 2 months ago

                That's what I mean, even with kids, doing WAY better off than he is so why should he get rid of everything that meant the world to him to do HER a favor

                I.E, what car did she drive?

              • 2 months ago

                Look up what ie means.

              • 2 months ago

                Oh wow I didn't know that. I meant it as "in example."

              • 2 months ago

                Thats e.g.
                It’s ok. I am here to help you learn.

              • 2 months ago

                Thanks Mr. Anonson.

                Can I go to the bathroom now? I'm gonna peepee my pants again

              • 2 months ago

                >so why should he get rid of everything if she's doing better?
                Because they're trying to start a relationship and that's a two-way fricking street, buddy. I'm sorry, do you think because one person is doing better for themselves that the other one just gets to be completely irresponsible? A relationship is trying to start a future together. You *share* your life with this person, even if you two do most things separately. Part of that is trying to better each other. He works in an electronics department and has invested more in cheap plastic bullshit than a future. What if she wants more kids with him? Now she has to be his wallet, his babysitter and the mom to his kids while he comes home from his poorly paying job just to sit down and play some games in his gay den she bought and let him decorate with toy shelves? Really think about this. What part of his future is he compromizing if he gets rid of nothing? Because she's compromizing a lot to be with a loser.

              • 2 months ago

                >What if she wants more kids with him?
                she can't. she is an old ugly prostitute whose ovaries stop working a long time ago.
                His future is better without that old promiscuous prostitute who got a lot of baggage and kids that aren't even his so basically he is a cuck who gets to raise other man's kids and you have a cuck mentality as well.

              • 2 months ago

                And more mental gymnastics to simplify an entire future full of many small actions, all in order avoid growing up already. I'd beat the living shit out of your mom if I ever got the chance to meet her in a desolate building with nobody else nearby for miles, to avoid prison, like an adult.

              • 2 months ago

                I get where you're coming from, anon. I just think that him getting rid of ALL of his stuff, when he has practically not' a pot to piss in, while she already has everything.

                She is struggling, can't find a husband, and then she finds some random virgin and slurples his sausage and in exchange she basically gets a ton of money from him for NOTHING and a free babysitter for a kid.

                He could pick literally any other woman, keep most of his shit if financial problems arose but still sell some spares/shit he doesn't like, and STILL GET HIS V CARD PUNCHED!

                You call him a loser but she's a single mother in America which is one of the most undesirable things a woman can be for most men. It's like one of those fricking titty streamers who has a boyfriend. Imagine her having MORE kids with him, or god forbid, the relationship doesn't work out.

                If it doesn't work out e.g divorce (I'm a learning boye) he would have sold ALL of his shit that he cherished, to take care of a woman nobody wanted but him, and will also lose half of MORE of his shit on top of that.

              • 2 months ago

                >he would have sold ALL of his shit that he cherished
                There seems to be a fundamental disconnect here. He's grown attached to his little collectable pussy driers, but cutting the cord of that attachment as easily as he did displays his growth. This isn't "cherish". He wasn't waking up in the morning to smile at every single one of these money wasters like they're the love of his life. He got rid of some toys that sat on a shelf that he never paid attention to. He wasn't telling them goodnight when he went to sleep, and they sure as shit weren't saying it back. They couldn't love him, because they're useless things. What he cherished was the company he found in her. You're on the path to never experiencing this.

              • 2 months ago

                You clearly have never been a collector so you don't know the emotional value each item has. It's even shown in the movie that he had a hard time letting go of aquaman.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm a toy collector bro. They mean a lot more than you think. It's easy to find a woman, love, or affection and still keep things that matter to you. My point, anon, is that he could find literally anyone else and probably have a better life. He settled for a used bag of beef jerky when he could have found a baconnator if he waited and played the field.

                He is perfectly good looking, stable job, probably OK wiener size, and has a ton of hobbies that he would probably like to explore with a spouse or even encourage her to pick up her own collections like Barbie Dolls.

                This movie isn't like "Shallow Hal", he just got a part of him removed and the sentimental attatchment of his collections he worked most likely fourty years ago, even having to give up precious 60s aquaman figure, to be a glorified babysitter and occasional frick pillow for a woman who looks like a background extra for It's Always Sunny In Philadelpia.

                He could have done better/gotten better.

                I may be biased anon I dunno. I had a bad/abusive relationship with my step mother when my mom died.

              • 2 months ago

                >to be a glorified babysitter and occasional frick pillow
                You've never been in a relationship.

              • 2 months ago

                I have but not with a fricking 40 year old single mother.
                Way worse.

              • 2 months ago

                No, no I don't think you have if you think that's all a relationship with a mother looks like. In fact I'd bet money on that. You've only ever dated other children.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm not talking about other mothers I'm talking about THIS specific guy in THIS specific movie my good anon.

                Also obese chick in high school, guy, trans girls, goth chick once, autistic chick who looked like Pippi Longstocking with down syndrome, yadda yadda yadda

                I never dated anyone over thirty, nope. Not that I am want for trying but they usually only date their age or have someone already.

              • 2 months ago

                >they usually only date their age or have someone already
                So you're young, thought so. It's the experience gap. The more you experience the more awareness and confidence you gain. The more awareness and confidence you gain the more you seek someone who's gone through or is going through the same thing. There's a need to connect. The only way you're finding someone over 30 while you're still young is if there's something wrong with them or you start growing up faster. You would, however, have to eventually compromise -something-. The chances that you're ready for whoever's a great match for you and they're over 30 is basically 0 if you're younger, unless it's a guy. Guys'll try anything even if it's clear to everyone else in the vicinity that it's going to be a disaster. Just find a guy with a big truck whose only hobby is video games. Easy 2 year failed relationship with someone over 30.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm bisexual so a guy/trans girl is more my speed. I don't like changing myself because then I'm not REALLY being myself, am I? I'm being what someone else wants from me.
                I'd never ask someone else to change for me because flaws, imo, are perfection. Loud snoring, eating with your mouth open, watching hentai at 5 a.m. These are magical human things that make me find you interesting and more of a person than what the ideal candidate for a mate in my head is.

              • 2 months ago

                >ideal candidate for a mate in my head is
                Well just keep this bit of advice in your pocket then: Compromise is the meeting between ideal, which lives in fantasy, and realistic, which lives in reality. A partner is oftentimes someone you never knew that you sort of always wanted. For you it would be accepting a whole lot, because your priorities aren't what most people would ever consider important, at all. Everyone in my life who collects toys is childless, and rightfully so, they spend way too much money on frivilous bullshit. There's no urgency to make sure their future is taken care of. If they don't care about that, why would people who do care about their own care about the future of these people? From the outside looking in, it just looks like a bunch of irresponsible adults. The last time I bought a toy was for a nephew. My daughter's already an adult and left the nest. My wife and I take vacations, have experiences, go out to eat, or go for walks, or have separate time where we just chill like I'm doing now - posting here and reading "Excel Formulas and Functions For Dummies". Later tonight we're going to the next city over, eating at the beach and walking along the shore. My bug caracsses and coins will be at home. My daughter will be out with some friends living her life. My dogs will be sleeping.

              • 2 months ago

                I don't think I can in that kind of life, anon. I'm happy it is working out for you though. I'm just not a family man myself

            • 2 months ago

              I think people would get a positive message out of it if he actually had kids and formed his own family.
              But the dude is stuck being a stepdad to a prostitute.

      • 2 months ago

        > didn't read.
        You did, you just lack a response and instead cope by saying that lmao

    • 2 months ago

      Unironically his "friends" were two israelites and a nogger

      • 2 months ago

        I thought one of his friends was an indian guy or am I thinking of "Employee Of The Month"

  11. 2 months ago

    i really like the movie. and its message.

    and yet it irritates me. because most virgins that old aren't secretly really wholesome and great with kids. they are antisocial weirdos that no one likes.

    t. 31 year old virgin

    • 2 months ago

      Not really i think a lot of men just don't give a frick these days, it's too much effort to please a woman, I'm fairly good looking and haven't been in a relationship in like 13 years, when I was 17, im not some weirdo, i just wanna stay home, work out and play games, my brother got married due to social pressure and guess what? he's just the same, all he wants to do is work out and play games, only difference is that he has to spend time with his wife, which is a nuisance for him, don't know what it is with women these days, think I rather stay home and beat it to some porn instead of bothering with them.

      • 2 months ago

        isn't it cute that women want to spend time with men though

        • 2 months ago

          No, it's like a cat that only really sees you as a food dispenser, they only want you to fulfill their own narcissistic need for attention. They don't love you and they never will, that is why you pump and you dump.

          • 2 months ago

            i see your point. women complain about men using them for their beauty and i think there's truth to that, but women also "use" men for attention and to "feel protected" and stuff. but those behaviors that women like don't feel like "me". they're almost as distant from my sense of self as women's beauty are from themselves.

            so basically existence sucks

  12. 2 months ago

    I'm pushing 34. If I make it to 40 a virgin, I am going to commit public immolation.

    • 2 months ago

      Quads make it so.
      I'll look forward to it

    • 2 months ago

      Your quads have sanctified this promise as an oath sworn before the gods. You have one of two choices, and about six years to work on it, one way or another.

    • 2 months ago


      You better dont. You have no Idea how painfull that is.

      • 2 months ago

        It's what I will deserve. The only way I will get the courage to end myself is when I hate myself more than I love my family.

  13. 2 months ago

    I am a 32 year old virgin.

    • 2 months ago

      What did you do with all that free time? Could've used it to become a wizard

      • 2 months ago

        Nothing at all.

  14. 2 months ago

    i've noticed Cinemaphile has an aversion to raising other people's kids. an aversion i do not observe that frequently IRL. i have family members who are step dads. even i had a step dad. no one thought of them as "cucks" or whatever.

    personally i don't want to raise someone else's kids because i'm antisocial. but most normal people IRL don't have an issue with it. steve's character in 40 year old virgin isn't taking on some horrible burden in his or most people's opinion.

    • 2 months ago

      I never saw a problem with other people doing it, and the contempt for cucks on this website does reach a high pitch, I'll agree. Even so, if I hypothetically were to get into a relationship with some woman, a single mother would be a one hundred per cent, firm limit non-starter. Solitude is preferable to that.

      I suppose you could call it Muh Evolution or fear of humiliation or something else along those lines. But speaking for myself, I just plain don't want to raise any kids, full stop. Much less someone else's. It's not a department of life which has ever interested me. I've noticed that this attitude really bothers people who do have kids, for the same usual evopsych reasons.

    • 2 months ago

      The people who browse here are extremely insecure and see any concession whatsoever as this massive defeat. They take whatever petty win they can. My dad’s stepfather is one of the best men I have ever known. His real dad knocked my grandmother up and split. What’s she supposed to do? Never marry? Kill herself? Hindsight is 20/20. People live in the real world where it isn’t black and white.

    • 2 months ago

      > an aversion i do not observe that frequently IRL.
      homie in real life everyone is wearing a fricking mask. You don't think people don't call step dads and moms cucks behind their backs? Don't be navie. Your helping the genetic bloodline of someone else when you become a step parent. literally years that could have been focused on your kids given to someone else's bloodline. Disgusting.

      • 2 months ago

        >You don't think people don't call step dads and moms cucks behind their backs?
        correct. the thought never crossed my mind until Cinemaphile poisoned me. i've never heard anyone irl talk about any of this shit at all.

      • 2 months ago

        The child gets a missing parent and might even get another child out of her. Society is better off for having these men.

        • 2 months ago

          No it’s not, those poor bastard children are going to be shit no matter what, and the single mom prostitutes wouldn’t leave their first marriage if they knew they couldn’t get some cuck to take their husband’s place. The only time something like this is acceptable is if the original husband dies

          • 2 months ago

            who told you that, jesus?

    • 2 months ago

      Having actually dated single mothers, it's mostly because they made some really stupid choices in their lives, like really stupid. And the men most of them got impregnated by are real trashbags, I'm talking literal hobo-level scumbags. And there's a question constantly at the back of your head" "I'm expected to fix all this?" when there's women without kids, with better lives, without baby daddies hanging around, who will bring much better things into your life that a single mother can't. My point is hoes need to stop getting impregnated by fricking bums

      • 2 months ago

        lol, go have sex you bitter little spermbank

        • 2 months ago

          You'll never believe it until you've experienced it yourself. It sucks. Can't even do shit together because they always have to bring their kids. Can't even go on a trip because it goes from a 2-person budget to however many kids she has. And then the fricking messes, holy shit.

  15. 2 months ago


    Wizcel chads:
    Nah i rather monkmaxx and hobbymaxx

    • 2 months ago

      >actually just jerk offs in his room to cartoons and consumes various media to no gain

      • 2 months ago

        >n-nooo why are you not wasting money on onlyfans, and buying your monthly subscription and living like Hollywood wants you!
        >you cannot watch Cinemaphile shows that means you are a manchild.
        I'm rewatching the sopranos, later I will rewatch the Gran Torina for the 5th time, it's way better than marrying some old prostitute or seriously wasting time with women.

        • 2 months ago

          >moronic hyperbole spam about consuming some other form of porn media
          >jokes on you I’m consuming this other media!
          Monkmaxxed as frick, kek. You’re just a waster coping

          • 2 months ago

            >le stuttering quote
            >heh now I’m not ugly
            But you almost certainly are lmao

            t. self admitted cuck
            Have fun raising a child that isn't your own just like in the movies!

            • 2 months ago

              > t. self admitted cuck
              You’re projecting because you have no valid response. Your idea of “monkmaxxing” is watching sopranos and screeching about only fans lmao. I’m just not ugly so I’ve never had an issue not having a girl.
              > Have fun raising a child that isn't your own
              I’ll be raising my own child, you can enjoy your media consumption and being your own child who never grows up though, kek

  16. 2 months ago

    mfw there are "people" probably just butthurt females who think the protagonist had a good ending.

  17. 2 months ago

    Why are men expected to change for women, but women never have to change for men?

    Imagine if we told women something like
    >uh you gotta stop watching reality TV shows and reading romance novels, you womanchild! men hate those things!

    • 2 months ago

      For the same reason bulls have to fight each other to mate, but cows don't.

    • 2 months ago

      Because men are less emotionally mature and also do all the chasing. If you want to start it you need to meet qualifications per individual.

      You clearly have never been a collector so you don't know the emotional value each item has. It's even shown in the movie that he had a hard time letting go of aquaman.

      I've collected rocks, dragon statues, coins (still collect those, they have value, and I've sold many), I still collect bug carcasses (cicadas, bees, and moths mostly) and I'd be willing to sell art I've made with the different limbs/wings to get rid of them if my wife was too creeped out by them (she isn't). You assume a lot and conclude incorrectly at like every turn. How old are you?

      • 2 months ago

        >I'd be willing to sell my art I've made if my wife was too creeped out by them
        Thank God I am not you.

        • 2 months ago

          I thank God as well. My wife would've had to remarry a bunch if she could only find little boys who can't compromise or set an adult priority to save their life.

    • 2 months ago

      There are men that do that, they all called chads, and women will listen to them.

    • 2 months ago

      wizcel bros know the truth, Chad doesn't have to change for women, women will travel to a different country and adopt to a new culture if it meant they get to be with chad. Women travel for hours a hundred miles just to have casual sex on the same night they meet a random chad. Only betas will change for women like the guy in the movie did.

      Virgin pride worldwide. Don't simp. Don't betabuxx. Don't marry.
      Love yourself and your hobbies.

      • 2 months ago

        You think any woman is going to not date Henry Cavill because he likes video games?

    • 2 months ago

      >uh you gotta stop watching reality TV shows and reading romance novels, you womanchild! men hate those things!
      men don't hate those things though. i think they're annoying but i also think it's feminine and cute.

  18. 2 months ago

    I think im going to give up
    im 21 and ive spent the last few years desperately trying to make friends
    nothing has worked
    sick captcha though

    • 2 months ago

      you will live in the golden era of robowaifus.
      A few more years and you will have a wife that is everything that you want in a woman so don't worry, just hobbymaxx and love the things you do.

      • 2 months ago

        god i hope so
        chatting to robots is already all i do anymore
        thank god for /aicg/

        That's ok just go all in on your hobbies
        Make some cool stuff for yourself!

        i would but ive lost interest in all of my hobbies
        whenever i try i just think to myself 'what's the point' because i dont have anyone else to share them with, and im content doing nothing on my own

        >im 21 and ive spent the last few years desperately trying to make friends

        How does someone desperately want friends and not have them? What did you do to make friends? You should have studied something, because it's the easiest way to make friends.

        i dont know, all the advice people give me jsut doesn't seem to work
        in the last year in particular, ive taken a seasonal job on the other side of the country and transferred colleges (my old one was a commuter school with no clubs that was overwhelmingly international students)

        • 2 months ago

          > I dont have anyone else to share them with
          That's some pretty homosexual shit. You can have fun hobbies alone and it'll make you feel better than if you just do nothing

          • 2 months ago

            maybe but I'm very easy to please (doing nothing is sufficient)

            >in the last year in particular, ive taken a seasonal job on the other side of the country and transferred colleges
            So you are studying. It's really weird that someone can be studying and not make friends. I studied a lot, for no reason, and made friends every time.
            >all the advice people give me jsut doesn't seem to work
            I have no idea what advice you were given, but my advice would be better than theirs, because it's given by someone more intelligent.
            How do you make friends? Step one is talking to people. You talk to someone, and you don't like them? That's fine, go talk to someone else. That's all the advice I have for you. If you talk to everyone, and you don't like them, then you may have to learn to enjoy being alone; because it'll be proof that it's a problem with you, and not them.
            I see you replied to three people, so you're sufficiently annoying, which is actually a good thing for making friends (bothering people is how you make friends). The only time that doesn't work, is if nobody likes the person bothering everyone.

            >Step one is talking to people
            doesn't work
            when i talk to people they give one word replies until i stop trying

            • 2 months ago

              >when i talk to people they give one word replies until i stop trying
              Sounds like they're trying to get you to stop talking to them. If you try to talk to someone, and they react like that, you have to give up on the person. They've lost a potential friend, so don't feel bad.

              > It's really weird that someone can be studying and not make friends. I studied a lot, for no reason, and made friends every time.
              Yeah that can happen by rarely talking to people, like someone as autistic and socially avoidant as I am did. Graduating from a 4 year college where I lived in a dorm and apartment and still basically had no social experiences to speak of confirmed that I would be a worthless pathetic loser for my entire life. 10 years and zero life development later, suicide is my only option.

              >that can happen by rarely talking to people
              Correct. If you see someone sitting by themselves, will anyone go over and talk to them? No, they won't. That's why I suggested study; Because it's a bunch of people forced into a room (much like a thread on Cinemaphile), and that's the best time to talk to people. If you don't talk to anyone in that room, you will end up alone, and it'll have been your choice.

              • 2 months ago

                >Sounds like they're trying to get you to stop talking to them
                yeah, I understand that
                the problem is that even when I find someone who doesn't react in that way, and will respond normally- then that's just talking
                I'm talking with a stranger, and when the conversation ends, we go back to whatever we were doing before

                >Graduating from a 4 year college where I lived in a dorm
                you lived in a dorm and STILL didn't make any friends? Living in a dorm is easy mode for making friends

                just because there are many people near you doesnt mean they want anything to do with you

              • 2 months ago

                >I'm talking with a stranger, and when the conversation ends, we go back to whatever we were doing before

                That sounds logical, if it's really a stranger. However, if you're talking to a classmate or co-worker, you can suggest that you do something together.
                I remember studying at Uni, and this guy came up to me, and asked if I wanted to go do something, and I said yes, so we did. That guy was intelligent, though, and he only asked because he knew we would get along.
                It's an interesting story though, no? How someone can figure out what a person is like before speaking to them, and that's how easy it is for some people.
                While you're hanging out, you can swap numbers, and now you're friends for real.

              • 2 months ago

                is that how you're supposed to make friends?
                I doubt it's going to work but I'm obviously going to try it

        • 2 months ago

          >in the last year in particular, ive taken a seasonal job on the other side of the country and transferred colleges
          So you are studying. It's really weird that someone can be studying and not make friends. I studied a lot, for no reason, and made friends every time.
          >all the advice people give me jsut doesn't seem to work
          I have no idea what advice you were given, but my advice would be better than theirs, because it's given by someone more intelligent.
          How do you make friends? Step one is talking to people. You talk to someone, and you don't like them? That's fine, go talk to someone else. That's all the advice I have for you. If you talk to everyone, and you don't like them, then you may have to learn to enjoy being alone; because it'll be proof that it's a problem with you, and not them.
          I see you replied to three people, so you're sufficiently annoying, which is actually a good thing for making friends (bothering people is how you make friends). The only time that doesn't work, is if nobody likes the person bothering everyone.

          • 2 months ago

            > It's really weird that someone can be studying and not make friends. I studied a lot, for no reason, and made friends every time.
            Yeah that can happen by rarely talking to people, like someone as autistic and socially avoidant as I am did. Graduating from a 4 year college where I lived in a dorm and apartment and still basically had no social experiences to speak of confirmed that I would be a worthless pathetic loser for my entire life. 10 years and zero life development later, suicide is my only option.

            • 2 months ago

              >Graduating from a 4 year college where I lived in a dorm
              you lived in a dorm and STILL didn't make any friends? Living in a dorm is easy mode for making friends

              • 2 months ago

                You still need a personality. People don't befriend statues.

              • 2 months ago

                I didn’t live in the traditional dorm, it was basically like an apartment style rather than a hotel room, and it was known to be more difficult for socializing. But yes, even living in a dorm I was too autistic to meet many people. Lots of just retreating back into my room to be alone instead of taking initiative to hang out with people. Being scared of socialization

                But yeah, exactly, when I attended a major public university and lived in a fricking dorm and still didn’t meet people, I knew my life was over.

            • 2 months ago

              >suicide is my only option.

              I also disagree with this. Suicide is an option, but never the only option. I'm the most depressed person on Cinemaphile (because I've spent more time here than anyone), and I'm still here. Do you know why? Because there are still things I enjoy in life. It's a short list, but it exists.
              My advice to all depressed people: If you can think of one thing you like doing, then life is still preferable to suicide. The fact that I'm replying to you on Cinemaphile means you enjoy Cinemaphile, which is good.

    • 2 months ago

      That's ok just go all in on your hobbies
      Make some cool stuff for yourself!

    • 2 months ago

      >im 21 and ive spent the last few years desperately trying to make friends

      How does someone desperately want friends and not have them? What did you do to make friends? You should have studied something, because it's the easiest way to make friends.

      • 2 months ago

        Poor cognitive abilities

        • 2 months ago

          I'll assume that means you have ADHD, because your post was so low effort. Do you even care if people understand your post? I find that most Anons don't, which is why they get hidden or filtered. Everyone please post as little as you want, for a high chance of being hit with one or the other.

    • 2 months ago

      HAT TV sounds like a gimmick Youtube channel where the guys wear different hats while doing improv skits.

      I would watch HAT TV

      • 2 months ago

        maybe in the world where adult swim ended up making the TF2 animated series that Expiration Date was a pilot for

    • 2 months ago

      >im 21
      oh cry me a river you little shit head. try being a 30+ year old loser before you whine.

  19. 2 months ago

    I feel like you're kind of fricked if you don't get married in your mid 20s

  20. 2 months ago

    Monkmaxxing is kino, but you really have to learn something with meaning at some point. Otherwise you are just a lonely dude with hobbies.

  21. 2 months ago

    >tfw 32 khv
    >have never even asked a girl on a date

    • 2 months ago

      if it makes you feel better i'm 33 and just broke up with my girlfriend of four years and kicked her out. she ended up finding a guy within a month and then cheated on him with me while i've been happier living alone

      • 2 months ago

        why did she cheat on him with you

        • 2 months ago

          because I treat her like shit and don't put up with her shit. her bf forgave her for cheating and she's coming to see me next week

      • 2 months ago

        I'm 33 and a KHHV
        woman and relationships simply dont exist for me, they are alien concepts that play no role in my life and never did and probably never ever will.
        I often wonder why it never happened to me, what did I do wrong that most men seem to get right effortlessly?

        Duality of man

        • 2 months ago

          not either of those anons but im gonna give old lionhead a piece of my fricking mind once i die
          the material world is really gay and stupid and unfair

    • 2 months ago

      i'm 25 and i've never asked anyone out, but i've never been asked out either

      are men just always expected to initiate? no one ever told me this

      • 2 months ago

        The urge to do it is supposed to come naturally with puberty. If it doesn't, your genes are fricked up and you shouldn't worry about getting a gf

        • 2 months ago

          >The urge to do it is supposed to come naturally with puberty
          that never happened
          I also didn't start jerking off until I was 18
          I think you're right anon, my genes may genuinely be fricked up

      • 2 months ago

        Yes, lazy c**ts.

    • 2 months ago

      Volcel. Good for you

    • 2 months ago

      based wizcel archmagus. You're not missing out on anything, I am the same. Relationships are not all it's cracked up to be otherwise normalgays wouldn't be suffering all the time.

    • 2 months ago

      You’re lucky. Having sex and living with a woman was the worst mistake of my life.

    • 2 months ago

      i know that feel. i watch movies like rocky and fantasize about trying to be funny and asking a girl out who i think likes me. but i'm not funny.

      • 2 months ago

        Being funny is not enough. You need confidence to be more than the clown. I can make women laugh all the time, but my autism kicks in when i try the next step.

        • 2 months ago

          i have 0 confidence and i'm pretty sure that's genetic. so i'm fricked.

        • 2 months ago

          doesn't funny and confidence go hand in hand though? you can't really be funny if you aren't confident and vice versa

          • 2 months ago

            >doesn't funny and confidence go hand in hand though?

            Nope. Someone's humour can be making fun of themselves, which is indicative of low self-esteem. Haven't you noticed that a lot of comedians are short, fat, unattractive, etc? Being funny just means someone is smart, and it says nothing about their confidence.

          • 2 months ago

            >doesn't funny and confidence go hand in hand though?

            Nope. Someone's humour can be making fun of themselves, which is indicative of low self-esteem. Haven't you noticed that a lot of comedians are short, fat, unattractive, etc? Being funny just means someone is smart, and it says nothing about their confidence.

            It can also be cope. A lot of guys cope through humor. Even if they seem perfectly confident doing it. The confidence is fake and part of the cope.

            • 2 months ago

              It's a cope for me, because I'm not confident. I can make people laugh, which is probably why they like me. I'm not Chad, but I've had Chad friends, so I'm probably the best person to give advice to people who want friends.
              If you want someone to like you, you have to be a person that they will like. You can't change who you are, but you can act differently, and hold any opinion a person needs to.
              Assume someone is mega racist. If you want to be friends with a black person, will you open with
              >frick off, Black person
              >hey, what's up?
              This is what I mean by being someone another person likes, and it's the secret to making friends.

          • 2 months ago

            Yes you can. When they show romantic interest in me my first instinct is to avoid them like the plague, even if they are not ugly. After i finally ghost them i feel like shit again.

            • 2 months ago

              Same. My instincts simply tell me to run away and my brain acts all weird when I'm close to them. Like my brain goes full sperg the moment there's any kind of romantic/sexual tension with a girl. My conclusion is to simply give up on women. It obviously wasn't meant for me so frick it.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah that's obviously nature telling you you're not supposed to breed.

      • 2 months ago

        Being funny is not enough. You need confidence to be more than the clown. I can make women laugh all the time, but my autism kicks in when i try the next step.

        My entire childhood I always made everyone laugh, but never initiated anything else either.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm 31 and I only ever had sex because I paid for it when I was 28.
      I decided to stop seeing hookers though since I really don't want to catch herpes.

    • 2 months ago

      None of you will believe me but I've gotten a girl to make out with me topless in a room full of people and I'm still a virgin at 30.
      Honestly, I just need to lose some weight.

      • 2 months ago

        Just don’t eat for a couple of weeks. Worked for me

  22. 2 months ago

    don't sell your toys Cinemaphile bros. don't change for no prostitute.

  23. 2 months ago

    Are videogames and books ok for a woman? I dont want to be a normalgay just to get a mid sexual life

    • 2 months ago

      Nothing is okay for women other than looks. Just keep all your hobbies to yourself. Take it from me, I learned the hard way on that one.

    • 2 months ago

      If she likes you anything is ok, the moment she doesn't like you anymore everything will be used against you.

    • 2 months ago

      Vidya's okay for anyone, but you have to make it a low priority for the grand majority of relationships. If you can find one with somebody whose priorities are very similar to your own, more power to you. You'll probably outgrow that thought, so be warned, that's a future with a divorce if one of you has a prioririty change.

  24. 2 months ago

    You guys are honestly fricking moronic. I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years and was seeing another girl the next night.
    Women have the brains of children. You just have to coyly feed them whatever bullshit they’re asking for while being slightly charming.

    Writing this from the bed of a girl I just fricked 7 times in a day while she showers. Tomorrow I’m taking another one for a ride on my motorcycle to the local lake for a picnic and I’ll bang her there or when we get back.
    Before someone copes. I’m 5’9 a 5/10 face and make 35 k/y

    • 2 months ago

      I just fricked your mom

    • 2 months ago

      >Women have the brains of children
      Maybe you haven't considered that the autists here also have the brains of children. Which is why they're unable to seduce/manipulate women

    • 2 months ago

      >Women have the brains of children.
      This is honestly what made me break up with my first girlfriend after only two months. After 26 years of no emotional contact with women I somehow stumbled into a relationship and it was like entering the Twilight Zone, to see an adult woman act so childish for her age. I don't know how you're supposed to put up with it.

    • 2 months ago

      >Women have the brains of children.
      This is honestly what made me break up with my first girlfriend after only two months. After 26 years of no emotional contact with women I somehow stumbled into a relationship and it was like entering the Twilight Zone, to see an adult woman act so childish for her age. I don't know how you're supposed to put up with it.

      what do you mean by childish though? and is it a problem of the specific type of women you're targeting? like are high IQ women like this?

      • 2 months ago

        High iq women are complete nutcases.

  25. 2 months ago

    I dont want to manipulate women for sex. I would feel like shit. I want something more personal

  26. 2 months ago

    gen x shitters need to be held more accountable for pumping out movies like this and helping to rapidly stigmatize virgins for whatever reason

  27. 2 months ago

    >haven't used any dating apps because the overwhelming consensus is that they suck (logically, dating apps don't want you to find a partner, or else they wouldn't make any money)
    >don't really like bars/clubs, they kind of woman I'd want wouldn't go to a bar or club anyways
    >don't have many friends, so I'm obviously not going to be introduced to any women through them
    >approaching random women in public like a PUA is stupid

    any suggestions? I genuinely feel like unless a woman approaches me (lul) I am going to die alone

    • 2 months ago

      >(logically, dating apps don't want you to find a partner, or else they wouldn't make any money)
      moronic logic that doesn't need to be addressed for very obvious reasons.

      • 2 months ago

        >moronic logic that doesn't need to be addressed for very obvious reasons.
        how is that moronic logic? a person who finds their spouse on a dating app is one less potential paying customer

        • 2 months ago

          a dating app that doesn't successfully pair off people at a high enough rate isn't going to keep getting customers. word spreads. reputation and results matter.

    • 2 months ago

      >don't have many friends, so I'm obviously not going to be introduced to any women through them
      Make more friends and do stuff with them, it's your best shot.

      • 2 months ago

        >Make more friends and do stuff with them
        I've never had a female friend in my entire life, but I've been around women from having male friends, so I agree with this.
        >your friend could have a girlfriend
        I remember going out one night with my friend, his girlfriend, and her friends (female). Having friends is probably the best way to meet women.

        is that how you're supposed to make friends?
        I doubt it's going to work but I'm obviously going to try it

        >is that how you're supposed to make friends?
        Do not do what that Korean guy did. He did it, because he was smart, but to lesser mortals, you should talk to someone before asking them to hang out. Only when you like the person, do you ask it. For example, you find out you both like movies, and then you can ask
        >I'm going to the movie store later, do you want to come?
        See how genius that is? That's how you become friends with someone.

        • 2 months ago

          thanks for being the first person who's bothered explaining to me how you're actually supposed to progress beyond just talking to someone
          I've never had someone invite me to something in such a way, so i was unaware that's what you're supposed to do

          • 2 months ago

            >I've never had someone invite me to something in such a way, so i was unaware that's what you're supposed to do

            It is what you're supposed to do. Do you know why? Because asking someone to hang out is how you spend more time with them. If someone asks me to go to the city, we may have to take the train (I've taken the train with a lot of friends), and now you have time to talk. See the logic?

          • 2 months ago

            If you want to be a normie and think like a normie just drink and smoke weed. It only works for a couple of years or so before your brain adjusts and your true personality comes back, only dumber

            • 2 months ago

              >If you want to be a normie and think like a normie just drink and smoke weed

              I'm not sure if I agree with dude weed lmao, but it's a good mindset. You basically have to do whatever other people want to, to be their friends. If my friends want to go to a bar, then you would have to go with them.
              I remember smoking weed with a guy, because a friend of mine knew a stoner, and so I ended up doing that with him. You just have to be open to doing new things, to make friends.
              If your friends want to go to a club, then you would have to go with them. If a person says no, then they'll get what they want, which is being alone.

            • 2 months ago

              i already smonk because im trapped in a dorm alone with nothing to do and it's the only way i stay sane

              • 2 months ago

                It only works if you drink too, otherwise you’ll gradually get reclusive and paranoid.

    • 2 months ago

      Dating apps are still your best shot. Just keep improoving yourself. My dad is ugly as hell and has legit aspergers and found his new wife at 50 on zoosk. He's tall and has head full of hair so that helped. But there are plenty of busted desperate women that'll take you if you keep looking.

  28. 2 months ago

    I was naive when this came out. I thought ot was a good thing. Because the dude saves himself. But the woman didn't and is a prostitute

  29. 2 months ago

    you cant better yourself if someone is dragging you down, and if your rushing and looking for a partner in your 30s to not look alone in the furture then your def going to get someone tht drags you down. nobody really tells you your suppost to invest in relationships and friendships early but nobody thinks about that when they are young.. then time flies and

  30. 2 months ago

    I've been called handsome by a decent amount of women and I'm 6'3 but I live with my parents and don't have a car so I don't even bother trying to approach women or get laid

    • 2 months ago

      That's me too. I'll probably die without having had a girlfriend, but it doesn't bother me. If I had choice between
      >having a wife
      >not being poor
      I would pick the latter. How about you?

      • 2 months ago

        i'd pick the wife. more meaningful life doing what all my ancestors did and i'm biologically wired to do.

  31. 2 months ago

    Ignore three dimensional women, obtain powerful relics instead.

  32. 2 months ago

    I actually really like this movie, but now that I'm older I definitely see the bad ending in it.

    Another movie I would say ended up with the bad end but was played off as a good ending is Pleasantville. That movie is a dystopic horror film in disguise.

    • 2 months ago

      Pleasantville is so fricking underrated

      • 2 months ago

        I’d say it’s tobey’s and witherspoon’s best film

        • 2 months ago

          Tobey is a treasure in Spiderman but defo Reese's best work.

          Hey, anon. If you like that movie I highly suggest checking out "Stay Tuned." It's one of my all time faves.

          • 2 months ago

            Will check out thanks senpai. Tobey is great in spiderman but there’s no way I can ever put capeshit over a movie like Pleasantville, even if it’s really well made capeshit

            • 2 months ago

              It was free on Youtube Movies but I dunno if they still have it up.

              Youtube Movies is surprisingly not dog shit. Pluto TV is really good too. Had Galaxy Quest on there.

              >inb4 youtube shill

      • 2 months ago

        It's a decent film on the surface and an absolute masterpiece under the hood if you look at what is happening in the film objectively. I'm surprised it isn't considered a must watch in schools, but I think the undertones of it are masked a little too well for normies. It's a shame.

  33. 2 months ago

    Why do I still feel unwanted when there have been women who wanted me? Why do I want sex still when I have literally declined it? I’m so terrified of rejection and bodily surrender and I don’t know why.

    • 2 months ago

      If you are like me, sexual abuse.

      • 2 months ago

        God if I was I wouldn’t even remember. I have repressed memories from being bullied at school. I really hope I wasn’t but that still doesn’t explain. I just get so scared when women are close. It’s ridiculous, it’s the only thing on this earth I’m afraid of.

    • 2 months ago

      You're a volcel sadly who is desperately trying to be a wizcel. You have emotional problems and personality issues as a result of some trauma or isolation.
      If you can't find peace in a life without sex then this wizcel life isn't for you. I am sorry or maybe you are too young.

      • 2 months ago

        I’m 31, if I could find peace I think I would have by now. Above all I just want to die. I’ve never been happy for a moment in my life.

        • 2 months ago

          Try mushrooms

          • 2 months ago

            I’d love to actually.

        • 2 months ago

          You were happy as a kid all of us were

          • 2 months ago

            >You were happy as a kid all of us were

            I was happy as a kid, and I've been doing the same thing as I was back then. The secret to happiness is doing what you enjoy, whatever it is.
            People who claim to enjoy nothing are just liars. If I have to see someone write "me unhappy :(" on Cinemaphile, then it tells me their two digit IQ ass enjoys Cinemaphile.

            • 2 months ago

              I still cope with games anime and wrestling like I did as a kid but there's always a sense of dread i have in the back of my mind I didn't have back then, plus bills/interacting with a shit society and seeing my parents and pets age don't make it any easier

              • 2 months ago

                >I still cope with games anime and wrestling like I did as a kid but there's always a sense of dread i have in the back of my mind I didn't have back then
                true true

              • 2 months ago

                >there's always a sense of dread i have in the back of my mind I didn't have back then

                What do you dread? Dying? Nobody who has spent their life on Cinemaphile should be afraid of dying. It'll be a relief for people like us, and I suggest you spend long enough on this website to find out. My fear of death is long gone.

              • 2 months ago

                Everyone is developing existential dread as society dies. Normies actually have it worse than people here they’re just good actors or on shitloads of pills

              • 2 months ago

                Homelessness and getting assaulted by shitskins tbh

              • 2 months ago

                >Homelessness and getting assaulted by shitskins

                Mmm, that's similar to my answer. I think unchecked immigration is why society is dying. People being poor is just a symptom of that disease. Well, we aren't here forever, so don't worry about it. It's people that have kids that can think about that stuff.

              • 2 months ago

                now omagine you're a girl and everyday you look at yoursepf in the mirror you're a little less pretty, pretty rough huh?
                be grateful for what you have

              • 2 months ago

                >now omagine you're a girl and everyday you look at yoursepf in the mirror you're a little less pretty, pretty rough huh?
                I think it's worse for women, because men still have their brains, and whatever skills and knowledge they may have. For women, they're like on a timer to find someone. As they age, they'll know how men felt all their lives.

                Everyone is developing existential dread as society dies. Normies actually have it worse than people here they’re just good actors or on shitloads of pills

                >Everyone is developing existential dread as society dies
                Okay, but why is society dying? Is anyone asking that question? I know the answer, but I'd like to hear what other people think.

              • 2 months ago

                It’s a natural process

  34. 2 months ago

    Little known fact: the guy who plays Nikolai in COD modern warfare 2 had kids with the Japanese chick who waxes Steve Carrell in this movie

  35. 2 months ago

    I never got why people liked this movie. I tried watching it several times over the last 15 years and the only scene I liked was the "wanna know how I know you're gay" scene and that's because it was relatable to talk that way to your buddies.
    The waxing scene where he's just screaming random nonsense never made me laugh.

    • 2 months ago

      For me it was miss Kimberly's breasts

  36. 2 months ago

    I'm 33 and a KHHV
    woman and relationships simply dont exist for me, they are alien concepts that play no role in my life and never did and probably never ever will.
    I often wonder why it never happened to me, what did I do wrong that most men seem to get right effortlessly?

    • 2 months ago

      genes predisposing you to anxiety and docility. but on the bright side you can overcome a genetic predisposition through practice and circumstance.

      • 2 months ago

        >genes predisposing you to anxiety and docility.
        I dont have any of these problems tho

        You just don't have the right genetics buddy, you gotta do something else. Take comfort in know that there are billions of Chinese and Indians in your same position

        what are the "right genetics"?
        I'm not deformed like the elephant man and even this doesnt seem to stop actual elephant men to get a gf and have sex.

        >what did I do wrong that most men seem to get right effortlessly?

        Do you have any friends? I explained in another post that the easiest way to meet women is with male friends. Even if you guys go to a bar, there will be women there, and then it'll be your choice if you don't meet someone. Every time in my life that I've been around women, it was from having male friends.

        >Do you have any friends?
        I do but despite having them it didnt yield me a girlfriend or any contact with woman.

        • 2 months ago

          >I dont have any of these problems tho
          you probably do. without those issues then the vast majority of men are going to get a gf.

          • 2 months ago

            I dont have a problem talking to people but that never resulted in a woman being in any way interested.

            >I do but despite having them it didnt yield me a girlfriend or any contact with woman.

            Okay, then the only solution is to make more friends - male or female. Have you never been to a party that had women? The only thing that makes sense to me is
            >you didn't have enough friends in your life
            >you turned down offers to go and do things
            I didn't have either of these problems, so I was around women in my life. I just never spoke to any of them.

            >the only solution is to make more friends - male or female
            the older you get the more difficult it gets to make new friends, also there arent that many people around to befriend or that could in any way relate to me or that I could relate to.
            people my age are all tied up in their own lives, they dont really have time to hang out as they are busy with their families and jobs and whatnot.

            • 2 months ago

              i guess the problem could be straight up autism with you but i still bet it's just docility.

              • 2 months ago

                so what am I supposed to do?
                go out and rape some woman or what?

              • 2 months ago

                No. you're supposed to let your genes die off. They aren't fit for the complexity of modern civilization

              • 2 months ago

                lol, why should i care about this shithole of a planet after i die?
                frick outta here

              • 2 months ago

                As a genetic deadend you shouldn't. Just do whatever makes you happy until you die.

              • 2 months ago

                "Passing down your genes" is associated with the lowest of the low, the herd, the masses.

              • 2 months ago

                >They aren't fit for the complexity of modern civilization
                if that was true I wouldnt have been able to use what modern civilization offers to become wealthy.
                funny enough it is easier to earn a large amount of money than it is to get a girlfriend.
                kinda bizarre in a way.

              • 2 months ago

                >if that was true I wouldnt have been able to use what modern civilization offers to become wealthy.

                Do you have money? That's really impressive, because the person replying to you has no money. Maybe you should buy some friends.

              • 2 months ago

                money cant buy any of these things for real, cant buy you friends, cant buy you relationships etc.
                the only value you have for the people you "buy" is your money. these people are not worth dealing with so I dont bother doing that.
                and money isnt the only thing I have going for me, I also did significant contributions in my field of science.
                but according to life itself all these achievments are totally irrelevant because no woman wants anything to do with me.

              • 2 months ago

                >cant buy you friends, cant buy you relationships etc

              • 2 months ago

                >money isnt the only thing I have going for me, I also did significant contributions in my field of science.
                >but according to life itself all these achievments are totally irrelevant because no woman wants anything to do with me.
                Nobody would care about that stuff, no. If women don't want anything to do with you, you should work on your lack of friends, because women are extremely social, and your ability to socialise is what they'll judge.

              • 2 months ago

                yeah but women's judgment is frequently wrong and very unstable at the same time.

              • 2 months ago

                For example: There's a rich science man by himself, and a group of Chads. Who will women like more? The Chads, because the rich science man is just beta bux, and money is only one part of life. Try to become the rich science man with Chad friends, and then you'll be winning.

                yeah but women's judgment is frequently wrong and very unstable at the same time.

                Now I see your problem. It's not about right and wrong when it comes to women, and it's about how they feel.

              • 2 months ago

                >Try to become the rich science man with Chad friends, and then you'll be winning.
                I have plenty of chad friends but these chads are all settled in and so are pretty much all people that they know.
                its like I lost the musical chairs game in a way.

                >I also did significant contributions in my field of science.
                That's actually based. If you've lived the newton lifestyle of all work and no frick then you shouldn't actually have anything to be ashamed of. You helped push humanity forward, you don't need to worry about women

                it is based but society doesnt reward it with pussy.

              • 2 months ago

                >I also did significant contributions in my field of science.
                That's actually based. If you've lived the newton lifestyle of all work and no frick then you shouldn't actually have anything to be ashamed of. You helped push humanity forward, you don't need to worry about women

              • 2 months ago

                who gives a frick about humanity, cannibalism and incest were common practice among the majority until very recently, go frick yourself.

              • 2 months ago

                But things got better. Well, maybe not for you but for humanity as a whole. You only see the bad things that's why you're so edgy

              • 2 months ago

                i root for girls into relationships, they should enjoy their power over men while they still can.

              • 2 months ago

                as a turbovirgin, im considering donating sperm because im young, virile, and have many desirable genetic qualities (unironically)
                but id have to figure out how to mask my tism enough to pass the assessement

              • 2 months ago

                >im considering donating sperm

                Why would you do that? I hope you get money, because it sounds like a waste of time.

              • 2 months ago

                money mainly, and also because then i can tick off 'contribute to life' from my bucket list

              • 2 months ago

                just dont be a moralistic scumbag and you'll be fine.

              • 2 months ago

                Unironically take an acting class

        • 2 months ago

          >I do but despite having them it didnt yield me a girlfriend or any contact with woman.

          Okay, then the only solution is to make more friends - male or female. Have you never been to a party that had women? The only thing that makes sense to me is
          >you didn't have enough friends in your life
          >you turned down offers to go and do things
          I didn't have either of these problems, so I was around women in my life. I just never spoke to any of them.

        • 2 months ago

          >I'm not deformed like the elephant man and even this doesnt seem to stop actual elephant men
          Because it's not about your looks despite what all the incels on this site try to shill, it's about what you're capable of cognitively. Those elephant men are confident, have low inhibition, built interesting personalities, and actively try to initiate conversations with people they like. No one taught them, they just go for it because it feels right. If it doesn't for you, you are fricked mate

          • 2 months ago

            that just means women know their beauty will fade so they seek someone who isnt shallow (a charismatic uggo) and will stay with them through thick and thin.

    • 2 months ago

      You just don't have the right genetics buddy, you gotta do something else. Take comfort in know that there are billions of Chinese and Indians in your same position

    • 2 months ago

      >what did I do wrong that most men seem to get right effortlessly?

      Do you have any friends? I explained in another post that the easiest way to meet women is with male friends. Even if you guys go to a bar, there will be women there, and then it'll be your choice if you don't meet someone. Every time in my life that I've been around women, it was from having male friends.

      • 2 months ago

        I forgot to say that you could also make a female friend, and meet women like that (if she has friends). I've just never done that, so I didn't suggest it.

  37. 2 months ago

    i like to watch girls go out of hugh school.
    i know someday i will never see them again.
    but i also happen to know that they will be replaced by younger girls who are just as pretty.
    that's an eternal reminder for me that time passes, and it takes away the beauty from the ones you attach yourself to, except yourself.

  38. 2 months ago

    shitposting aside, is the movie any good?
    im a 21 virgin and im stoned off my ass looking for somethign to watch btw

  39. 2 months ago

    A 40 year old virgin would be considered a genius today in 2024 with the prostitutes that have been produced. But seriously this film deserves a remake a film where the man accepts being a 40 year old virgin and has hobbies and things he likes to do and makes money while doing it.

    • 2 months ago

      high iq genius idea tbh wizcel bro. I don't think hollywood wants us virgins to have a happy wizcel role model.

  40. 2 months ago

    I hate that movie. And the American Pie movies. They made me suffer so fricking much in my school years because people would say I would be a 40 year old virgin. And the ywere right. Here I am, 26 and didn't have proper sex,

    Frick that movie and everything about it.

    • 2 months ago

      Holy shit you were an incel back in the 90s? HOW?

      • 2 months ago

        >usually only seen as friend material
        >overall just an odd dude

        I mean, you don'tl ook at someone with Down Syndrome and think they're attractive, you just feel bad for them. And that's how I did it.

        • 2 months ago

          You should have gotten a hooker back when Craigslist was selling them

          • 2 months ago

            >"experienced" women
            shiggy diggy, that's like wearing a man's discarded clothes

            • 2 months ago

              It’s the easiest way to find a real gf. Girls can smell the pussy on you and will start hitting on you all the time. It actually works not even memeing

              • 2 months ago

                that's just jumping into hot lava to get your hot pocket warm

              • 2 months ago

                Regular girls are 10x more evil than professional prostitutes.

          • 2 months ago

            anon, it's simple. i'm not allowed to have a sexuality. people don't see me as someone with those wishes, people just think i can't feel it and they're happy to tag along with me due to inclusive and diversity reasons but they know i'm unable to have sex. it's a disability on its own.

            therefore I know my place. i just won't frick. it's all.

            • 2 months ago

              Go to Thailand bro seriously

  41. 2 months ago

    everytime i think about killing myself i wonder how worse it would be to be an aging women and suddenly i recover my self-affection.

  42. 2 months ago

    I become a wizard in three months. What should be the first spell I learn?

    • 2 months ago

      I don't know, because I didn't obtain any spells. Play some Baldur's Gate 3 if you want spells.

  43. 2 months ago

    tick tock ladies, your period is an eternal reminder that your time is passing

  44. 2 months ago

    they literally get older with each passing minute and it never stops being funny

  45. 2 months ago

    Unironically if you are a virgin at a weird age just focus on being rich. Make that a goal. All the women that you could have fricked in highschool will come.Being rich is so much better then having sex its not even funny.

    • 2 months ago

      Someone in this thread says he has money, and it didn't help him. I'm guessing you just showed up, and that's why you don't know. Anyone know who Elliot Rodger is? He had money, and it didn't help him. The only thing that will help those people is having friends.

    • 2 months ago

      that sounds like a lot of hard work
      hard work = stress
      stress = cortisol
      cortisol = no libido

    • 2 months ago

      Becoming rich requires too much effort/israelite connections I'd rather ldar

  46. 2 months ago

    >gives up his hobbies to be a boring ugly old hag

    i would stay a virgin

    • 2 months ago

      to be with a boring*

    • 2 months ago

      Would you throw away all your hobbies to get that bug?

      • 2 months ago

        i love eunchae but no
        i wouldn't

        • 2 months ago

          >gives up his hobbies to be a boring ugly old hag

          i would stay a virgin

          based wizcels. If we can't get prime pussy what's even the point. I'd rather die a virgin.

    • 2 months ago

      >kshitter enters the thread

      Based, because the thread is nearing 300 and you can frick off to your containment threads.

  47. 2 months ago

    I had sex at 29 and it was disappointing. I've been having sex with frickbuddies regularly the last 4 years and I can frick for hours, sometimes I can't even bust because sex is just boring and overrated. I can bust with my hand in minutes

    • 2 months ago

      It's the most exciting in your teens. you missed the optimal time of course it's lame as an old ass

      • 2 months ago

        that's why you stick to teenage girls instead of oldies.

  48. 2 months ago

    i become time, destroyer of roasbeefs

  49. 2 months ago

    i saw a girl i used to know in high school, she's fat and decadent and said we should meet again

  50. 2 months ago

    roasties ake me sad fr fr 🙁

  51. 2 months ago

    It's crazy how he's a loser despite being gainfully employed because he doesn't have a woman
    But a woman isn't a loser despite being a single mother who was stupid enough to get knocked up by a man who would leave her and desperate enough to be with said male "loser".

  52. 2 months ago

    They literally get more and more undesirable with age, much tragic :'''0

  53. 2 months ago

    >changes himself to be more normalgaygish so he can get a woman
    >gives him his toy collecting hobby because women don't like manbabies

    the whole movie goes against the whole "just be yourself" advice

  54. 2 months ago


    Read How to Win Friends and Influence People.
    Essentially tell people how doing what you want benefits them.
    Build rapport having the same simple how are you, what's new? conversation repeatedly over however long it takes for their interest.
    Invite them to do things you were already going to go do that you enjoy, thus removing any pressure on yourself.

    Just be yourself; not because people like you but because you should only give a frick about the ones that do. This means being openly racist and hating homosexuals and whatever else. Women only oppose these beliefs in groups where they are forced; they absolutely want someone they can actually act like normal sane person around instead of having to lie 24/7.

    • 2 months ago

      tv bro, reading doesn't give you social skills. Those books are a scam you should have learnt that during your childhood and puberty. It's something you practice until you get good.

      • 2 months ago

        The book he read seems to have given good advice, because I agree with him. The only step after reading is actually doing it. It's really weird for me to see good advice on Cinemaphile, because it's a website full of very unlikeable people.

  55. 2 months ago

    i'm glad for my solitude, when you date a woman you also date all the men she f-worded before you, and that comes in the form of her bitterness

  56. 2 months ago

    i'm actually glad for the people who make these threads, it's pretty fun to refute xer arguments

    • 2 months ago

      What your argument anon?

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