>good/interesting voice acting performances by non-voice actors

>good/interesting voice acting performances by non-voice actors

I was re-watching Batman Beyond, and in the episode called 'Big Time,' the main villain was voiced by Stephen Baldwin(Alec Baldwin's brother), who is known mostly for his independent works and thriller films. This role, along with another random low-budget animated film in 2012, are the only voice acting work he has done. I haven't seen the film, but he delivered an incredible and almost flawless performance for the character he was portraying.

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  1. 8 months ago

    What's with this word salad? Put it in simpler terms, was it kino or not?

    • 8 months ago

      It was kino, he played the part of a small time thug who thought he deserved the world almost perfectly.

    • 8 months ago

      have a nice day moron

  2. 8 months ago

    Burgess Meredith went hard as Golobulus. As lame as the movie was, he made it worthwhile.


  3. 8 months ago

    Brian Cox as Pariah Dark. Always loved “It’s a burden, ISN’T IT CHILD?”

  4. 8 months ago

    JK Simmons is probbly the best "Real Actor" VA probably helps that he seems humble and takes the roles seriously regardless.

    • 8 months ago

      He’s been the yellow m&m for quite a few years now as well.

    • 8 months ago

      My favourite example of a guy like this was Christopher Lee in Kingdom Hearts 2. Because Christopher Lee in Kingdom Hearts was fricking amazing. Marl Hamill and Nimoy in general toi but they were in KH together too. and frick it while I'm at it Haley Joel Osmond was great too.

      And since Nimoy was Galvatron I have to mention Orson Wells as Unicron and Weire Al as Animated Wreck Gar

    • 8 months ago

      JK Simmons is really based
      He even stared in the postal movie

      • 8 months ago

        What at?

    • 8 months ago

      He phoned it in for Baldur's Gate 3. A lot of his Invincible delivery is off too.

  5. 8 months ago

    You might as well say the entire DCAU. They were so frustrated by how cartoon VAs only did "cartoon voices" and voice directors only played up the exaggeration.

    • 8 months ago

      It seems kinda obvious, if you think about it. If you want voice actors who can give more natural-sounding performances, why not consider actual actors who have a experience in various roles? They don't have to be A or even B-list celebrities, This approach has worked every time it has been implemented. The opposite and worst thing you could do is what Nu-Ducktales tried to do, which was to hire big-name celebrities (whose combined appearance would have been half the episodes' budget) and have them voice cartoon characters who were just okay, and not even recognizable, like what's the point of getting David Tennant to be the main star if it's a voice that any decent cartoon VA could do for 900% less the cost

      • 8 months ago

        The problem is that the majority of voice actors are classically trained themselves, or at least they were before anime dub cheapos started flooding the talent pool. They can give natural-sounding performances. The problem is directors telling them to do cartoony voices for kids so long that they fall into the same habits. Love him, but as one example Tim Curry was guilty of this even though he was also a prolific live action actor, because they always brought him in to do le wacky Tim Curry voice, and it's why he was replaced with Hamill in BTAS.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't know what the hell happened, but somewhere around the mid 2010s, all voice acting roles were given to theater kids who, as you said, over-acted and did awful impressions

          • 8 months ago

            >I don't know what the hell happened
            Business owners realized the theatre kids worked for cheap.

            • 8 months ago

              But why specifically theater kids? There are plenty of other weebs who could give an 'okay' performance, which would still be better than most modern dubbing. Personally, I used to be a dub-only gay for years until it became unbearable. The new dub voice actors are just so irritating that I made the switch.

              shit like this is nails on the chalkboard

              • 8 months ago

                Because they also hire bargain-basement voice directors who tell the actors to do shitty garbage because they think fans actually like it. The entire industry is a giant self-recursive meme.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't know what the hell happened
                Business owners realized the theatre kids worked for cheap.

                It's a little more complicated than that. This isn't caused by liberal/israeli conspiracy of global elites; instead it's quite the opposite, it's more of a perfect feedback loop. Research shows that a small minority of people with social media accounts are responsible for the majority of content in mainstream social media spaces. This phenomenon is known as the "90-9-1 rule." i.e 90% of users on these websites merely lurk," 9% engage by replying or reposting occasionally, and only 1% actively create new content. In other words, the majority of discussions on platforms like Reddit and Twitter are driven by a vocal minority of users. Their posts are then curated and amplified by algorithms that know to push their posts forwards. As a result, these handful of overly online losers shape actual political and social narratives,
                If, hypothetically, all voice actors were to be replaced with racists tomorrow, there would undoubtedly be a significant outcry on Twitter, along with boycotts. However, it would not effects regular sales of viewership of dubs one bit.

              • 8 months ago

                Incompetence being rewarded because it costs less than competence isn't a "conspiracy of global elites," it's just basic capitalism.

              • 8 months ago

                >character is an over the top foggot made for fujos
                >VA voices him like an over the top foggot made for fujos
                I'm not seeing the problem here.

              • 8 months ago

                Theater Kids actively try to get roles and have voice training. It's not a lot but they're also willing work for dirt cheap and as bad as this is, an untrained Weeb sounds worse and needs more help. Which is time and effort the studio doesn't want to deal with.

      • 8 months ago

        What voice hogs like Tara strong neglect to tell you is that outside of A-list celebs, a lot of bit player and character actors are indeed vocally trained to do commercials and radio.There aren't enough live action starring roles to go around sothey know to do double duty

  6. 8 months ago

    Which Baldwin was in FMJ? I know the character he played was Animal Mother

    • 8 months ago

      That was Adam Baldwin, played Jonah Hex and Rick Flag, he's actually not related to the Baldwin brothers and the name is just a coincidence.

  7. 8 months ago

    Not Cinemaphile but wasnt the voice of Zagreus from Hades just some guy on the team or who worked at the building that they ended up permanently giving the role because he was so good for it?

  8. 8 months ago

    Does Megabyte in ReBoot count or was he a VA before reboot?

    • 8 months ago

      Tony Jay had been a voice actor for almost a decade before ReBoot.

  9. 8 months ago

    Related to anime, Matthew Tompkins, who voiced Yjiroin the English dub of the first baki adaption, was not only an martial artist but also a actor in action films for almost a decade at that pointt. His experience allowed him to portray a psychotic martial artist. almost perfectly

  10. 8 months ago

    In my country film/stage actors usually also voice act. Being just a voice actor is not really a thing.

  11. 8 months ago

    Mariah Carey has voiced multiple characters on American Dad and all the characters were largely background characters.

    It's weird. They never even advertise that she's on the show.

  12. 8 months ago

    >season 1 South Park got fresh off the E.R. boat George Clooney to do silly bark noises for a gay cartoon dog
    Still amazes me how they managed to pull that off

    • 8 months ago

      Simple, he asked them if he could do a voice. They gave him the dog because they wanted to show how irreverent they were

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