Got the 'rona, been binge watching this show. It's pretty great, good pacing, good acting, compelling characters.

Got the 'rona, been binge watching this show. It's pretty great, good pacing, good acting, compelling characters.

Even the shitting on the Soviets doesn't bother me so much. At least they keep it down to a minimum, a throwaway line about "we are free, they're not" and the Soviet astronaut saying "This is for Marxism-Leninism" once he landed on the Moon. But other than that, they haven't been focusing too much on it.

I'm guessing the show runners had to do that? I mean, Soviet Union hasn't existed for over 30 years, what's the point of talking shit about them? Why be scared of something that doesn't exist?

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  1. 2 years ago

    They probably lived during the 80s and dont remember the Soviets too fondly. I havent started watching S3 yet, but S1 and S2 were 10/10 in my book. All the threads on teevee are usually complaining about the women being astronauts.

    • 2 years ago

      >They probably lived during the 80s and dont remember the Soviets too fondly.
      it's not so bad in this show, Soviets seem to just be a catalyst for the plot in this show, which is fine.
      >S1 and S2 were 10/10 in my book.
      I'm still on S1. I'm hooked at this point.
      >All the threads on teevee are usually complaining about the women being astronauts.
      I have nothing against gay people, I just don't like gays shoving their agenda everywhere. if they don't want to see women, they can watch gay porn.

      I forgot to add that I love how they mix in real footage of launches, space, moon, etc. with the modern ones. It's feels seamless and very well done. I love sci-fi, spacecraft things, interior shots with instruments and stuff like that, this show delivers on that. They keep the personal drama to the minimum, and characters serve the story.

      I'm surprised I haven't heard about this show earlier, I guess it isn't advertised much because it got released on Apple+.

      • 2 years ago

        >I'm surprised I haven't heard about this show earlier, I guess it isn't advertised much because it got released on Apple+.
        Same. I saw some people spamming about S3 being released, so I gave it a shot and its the usual deal of "tv is always wrong". Im waiting for all of S3 to be released so I can binge it.

        • 2 years ago

          Cinemaphile is often wrong.

          I jist finished season 1 and although the science plot points are carefully planned and not over fantasized... Ngl its getting closer and closer to that point of bullshiittery.

          I liked how the show doesn't over simplify things or that make things extravagant for the normies, but what kept me watching is that there is politics involved and there's an actual power struggle behind the scenes.

          Its like s1 of GoT where there's a fantasy side then there's the kingdoms fighting for kingship.

          Anything else are pozzed shit... Which i personally can still take since its the 60s-80s. But i can s2 or s3 going full agenda mode with their equality and sexism and racism bullshit.

          >Ngl its getting closer and closer to that point of bullshiittery.
          what got me interested is someone said that with S3 it gets close to Star Trek type show.
          >what kept me watching is that there is politics involved and there's an actual power struggle behind the scenes.
          I feel like that stuff is in the background for context, the main story is space exploration and humans going to space and shit. but maybe I'm not far enough in yet, only S1E6 right now.
          >with their equality and sexism and racism bullshit.
          I think they've handled it quite well, the racism and sexism are subtle, just enough so you feel it in the era. which is good, cause other times when TV shows show racism or sexism they caricature it, racist characters go lynching or will spit in black people's faces just so we know they're racist. here it's very well done, you can feel that it's present everywhere in society, right down to Karen freaking out a woman was going to be on her husband's flight crew.

    • 2 years ago

      The problem is you have a 8 or 10 episode season filled to the brim with essentially family and workplace drama and they just bookend it with a small amount of space action.
      Mixed feeling I just think once again with these streaming shows, too many episodes to fill with not nearly enough content.

      • 2 years ago

        .> Stop telling stories about people!

        Sorry, but these are big persons stories. Now, go watch your cartoons.

  2. 2 years ago

    I jist finished season 1 and although the science plot points are carefully planned and not over fantasized... Ngl its getting closer and closer to that point of bullshiittery.

    I liked how the show doesn't over simplify things or that make things extravagant for the normies, but what kept me watching is that there is politics involved and there's an actual power struggle behind the scenes.

    Its like s1 of GoT where there's a fantasy side then there's the kingdoms fighting for kingship.

    Anything else are pozzed shit... Which i personally can still take since its the 60s-80s. But i can s2 or s3 going full agenda mode with their equality and sexism and racism bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      >Anything else are pozzed shit... Which i personally can still take since its the 60s-80s. But i can s2 or s3 going full agenda mode with their equality and sexism and racism bullshit.
      This is the brain of a teenager who spent too much time on his containment board.

      • 2 years ago

        Anyone who's seen a movie made before the year 1990 can tell how demented the sexual and racial dynamics of modern tv are though lol

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Exception that proves the rule.

        • 2 years ago

          >Racial dynamics
          There is no such thing as "racial dynamics". Stop making up buzzwords. There are "sexual dynamics".

    • 2 years ago

      Then you’re not gonna like S3, where clean nuclear fusion is discovered and implemented in nuclear power plants worldwide, rendering most fossil fuels obsolete and making huge numbers of former oil workers/miners etc. very angry. Kinda gets away from the whole alternate timeline thing and into the fiction part of sci-fi

      • 2 years ago

        Helium-3 fusion already exists. It's not sci-fi.
        >filtered by basic science

  3. 2 years ago

    I've been greatly enjoying the show so far. I'm curious what direction S3 is going to go overall, if it's going to be focused mainly on the race or if it's going to skip through things like S1 did with the moon.

    • 2 years ago

      I like the pacing. I like that they skip over things, rather than go into details. Makes it feel like time is passing and we're getting somewhere. Imagine if they spent all of S1 just getting that moonbase down, it'd be a drag.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I think it helps to keep the focus on the fictional space race. It can just be jarring sometimes when it feels like there's conclusions to certain personal plot threads that aren't being given. To an extent I suspect that's intentional though, with how they sometimes deliberately leave you hanging on them.

        • 2 years ago

          >To an extent I suspect that's intentional though
          could be, otherwise it'd be a character drama, and not a story about an alt-history space race.

  4. 2 years ago

    she's stunning bros

    • 2 years ago

      Tracey is 10x hotter than this dumb b***h I'd still frick her straight though

      • 2 years ago

        she is hot, but she just looks like you're generic American barbie blonde. those are a dime a dozen.

        • 2 years ago

          >diamond dozen*

  5. 2 years ago

    Tracy is best girl. I also want to lick the lesbian's face The earthbound scenes can be very dull but the space parts are usually kino.

    • 2 years ago

      This one frustrates me to no end. I guess that's her character, a capable b***h no one really likes. No street smarts, though.

      did she get a boob job between seasons?

      • 2 years ago

        The Margo character is autistic, that's why she acts odd.
        As for Tracy, the actress always had magnificent breasts. Maybe they just hid them in S1.

        • 2 years ago

          I like Aleida.

          • 2 years ago

            Great thing about this show is that there's a waifu for everyone's taste.

          • 2 years ago

            This plotline is moronic and drags the whole show down

            • 2 years ago

              Aleida is going to end up as the director of NASA in the 2010s.
              Literally only a Mexican immigrant will care about NASA's relevance by that point, which is sort of a good plot point because agenda works when it invokes the irony it is suited for.

          • 2 years ago

            she's not my usual type but admittedly she's rather cute, at least when in character

    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    The other elements of the show are done so well that it's compelling enough to withstand the woke shit. Every episode has scenes where a man and woman are talking and the man ends up being wrong and the woman is smarter and right and she swiftly dismisses his idiotic idea. The racism and sexism shit is to be expected as it happened in reality but they really pushed it hard.

    • 2 years ago

      >Every episode has scenes where a man and woman are talking and the man ends up being wrong and the woman is smarter and right and she swiftly dismisses his idiotic idea.
      Hasn't happened yet.
      >The racism and sexism shit is to be expected as it happened in reality but they really pushed it hard.
      What? it goes slowly and the women have to fight for their positions. nobody is a mary sue and everyone is flawed.

      • 2 years ago

        >Hasn't happened yet.
        It happens all the time. Baldwin literally says "I think it's time for an African American woman to command a mission" after Danni dabs on him in their discussion. I don't care much cause the rest of the show is good so I can push it to one side but acting like it isn't there is crazy.
        >What? it goes slowly and the women have to fight for their positions. nobody is a mary sue and everyone is flawed.
        A third of the shows plot and character interactions revolve around the -isms. The "hiding we're gay" and "illegal alien that just wants to do the heckin science" are two of the major plotlines.

        • 2 years ago

          >"I think it's time for an African American woman to command a mission" after Danni dabs on him in their discussion.
          And is he wrong? Remember its about the Soviets vs USA space race and "image" is important. "the first black woman in space" is a notch in the USA space race.

    • 2 years ago

      It shows the exact opposite. Men are all naturally good at everything they do (except the fat FIDO). Women have to struggle hard to get what they want and they arent some Mary Sue, they are real characters with real problems.

  7. 2 years ago

    >mean, Soviet Union hasn't existed for over 30 years, what's the point of talking shit about them?
    it is fricking tragic that you can't even understand the concept of featuring something in a TV show, not to mention an alternate history TV show, that doesn't correspond to current political and social commentary. Absolutely grim.

    • 2 years ago

      >that doesn't correspond to current political and social commentary.
      current political and social commentary is that Soviet Union was bad, unfree, didn't care about astronauts, hid astronauts' death (the myth of the dead astronauts) and so on. what do you mean doesn't correspond? are you fricking stupid?
      >The "hiding we're gay"
      I find that more interesting than cuckoldry and everyone fricking everyone that's normally in other TV shows.
      >and "illegal alien that just wants to do the heckin science"
      nothing wrong with that, tbh.

      • 2 years ago

        >are you fricking stupid?
        Are you? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what you're saying? You're asking why an alternate history TV show is talking about something from 30 years ago.

        • 2 years ago

          The only person not understanding is you.
          >You're asking why an alternate history TV show is talking about something from 30 years ago.
          No, you moron. I'm asking why they have to rehash the old "Soviets suck and are evil scheming bastards who hate freedom blah blah blah" if it's an alt-history show. alt-history would be something like cold war ending in 1970 and the Soviets and US cooperating. Right now Soviets are the enemy, how is that alt-history?

          It shows the exact opposite. Men are all naturally good at everything they do (except the fat FIDO). Women have to struggle hard to get what they want and they arent some Mary Sue, they are real characters with real problems.

          Just showing a woman doing something is enough to trigger these people.

          >"I think it's time for an African American woman to command a mission" after Danni dabs on him in their discussion.
          And is he wrong? Remember its about the Soviets vs USA space race and "image" is important. "the first black woman in space" is a notch in the USA space race.

          this. they keep talking about how putting women into space is all about PR.

  8. 2 years ago

    It's really hard to tell what the show means sometimes
    like Molly outlines clear and rational reasons for wanting to put Baldwin on the first mission and Danni on the second one, while Margo doesn't really give any reasons for wanting to put Danni on first and seems to mainly do it as a power play against Molly. But it's unclear whether the writers actually want it to be seen that way or it's just that people like me are so diametrically opposed to people like them that we see things in completely opposite ways.

    • 2 years ago

      margo wanted danni to go first because margo is an intellectual and is sick of grunts getting first dibs and since danni is more of an intellectual she wanted her to go first to signal a new reign of intellectuals over grunts

  9. 2 years ago

    some kino shots in this show

    • 2 years ago

      I do believe it's absolutely one of the best looking shows out there. Between the quality of the effects work and the cinematography framing it all. I don't even want to know how much money RDM has cost Apple with it at this point. The solar storm at the start of S2 had my jaw on the floor.

      • 2 years ago

        Not to mention the details. I hate films/series where its supposed to be super "smart" and they miss obvious mistakes. For example. They use M16s (or m4s) for the Marines and they say "its white because it would melt through your gloves). What they dont say is that they removed the trigger guard, since the EVA suits' gloves are very thick. That tiny detail is incredibly well thought through.

        • 2 years ago

          I remember people were taking issue with the use of the Shuttle program in S2 as a means of regular moon transit, only for the maths on a modified version of the originally intended Shuttle Transit System, the 'STS' in all the Shuttle mission names, to work out for the purpose.
          They've done a pretty good job of the details.
          I think my favourite moment from season 2 was the reveal of the flight that the assistant was on. Because if you know the real history, as soon as you see a Korean Air flight you know exactly what's going to happen.

          • 2 years ago

            >Shuttle Transit System
            Space Transportation System.
            I wasn't far off alright?

    • 2 years ago

      I do believe it's absolutely one of the best looking shows out there. Between the quality of the effects work and the cinematography framing it all. I don't even want to know how much money RDM has cost Apple with it at this point. The solar storm at the start of S2 had my jaw on the floor.

      This one is really nice when you consider all the work that went into doing the reflections

    • 2 years ago

      having just finished season 1, Moon!Gordo was 11/10 kino stuff
      starting season 2 tonight (or after the weekend since Stranger Things and The Boys drop)

      • 2 years ago

        >Moon!Gordo was 11/10 kino stuff
        forgot to add, I'm liking Gordo's arc.

  10. 2 years ago

    I was considering watching this, is it a spooky show or no? the poster kinda made me think it could have monsters (which im looking for) but i dont wanna start it if its not the case

    • 2 years ago

      The premise is:
      >what if the space race didnt stop in the 60s?
      There are 0 monsters.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly that does sound interesting, Ill still check it out

        • 2 years ago

          Just a forewarning:
          >If you dont like women portrayed as actually well written and competent characters (with flaws), you will be triggered

    • 2 years ago

      it can give a slight spooky atmosphere if you watch it in the night. no monsters though

  11. 2 years ago

    It's a great tv show, probably the best one currently airing.
    There's kinoman, and there's space milkers.
    Do yourself a favor and pirate this show.

    • 2 years ago


      This plotline is moronic and drags the whole show down

      >NASA is now entirely run by women

      >filtered by women appearing in a show

      And the head of NASA can be a Soviet asset for a decade during the height of the cold war without being caught, let alone executed, for treason.

      people rarely get executed for treason, only in times of war. most of the time you get a long prison sentence.

      • 2 years ago

        >filtered by women appearing in a show
        As much as I like this show, I agree with

        This plotline is moronic and drags the whole show down

        , the Aleida plotline is by far the weakest one

        • 2 years ago

          I'm only on S1E8 right now, took a little break to play some AoE4. It was obvious from the first episodes that Aleida is going to be someone important at NASA in the future. But so what? von Braun was a Nazi who built the US's space program. Is he not an immigrant as well?

          • 2 years ago

            I don't care if she's an immigrant or not, my point is that so far, I still don't care about this character and I don't think the writers knows what to do with her

            • 2 years ago

              >my point is that so far, I still don't care about this character and I don't think the writers knows what to do with her
              oh right. I don't really care about her either at the moment, but that's because she's just a kid in the background interested in science, who's dad works as a janitor at NASA and she got to see some stuff. I didn't really care about the lesbian bartender, I'm glad Larry and Ellen got married.

  12. 2 years ago

    >NASA is now entirely run by women

    • 2 years ago

      And the head of NASA can be a Soviet asset for a decade during the height of the cold war without being caught, let alone executed, for treason.

      • 2 years ago

        >margo comes clean about passing information to the soviets
        >even though she tries to argue that the information she got in return helped NASA she gets btfo at the hearing
        >she leaves JSC and looks back at the empty space on the wall where her picture hanged, just like Von Braun.

        • 2 years ago

          Now that they're being explicit about the blackmail situation rather than just having her involved unknowingly, I'm really interested to see where they go with it.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          i really wanted to see her ravished by that russian bvll tbh

    • 2 years ago

      So just like the real one?

  13. 2 years ago

    Why'd his wife cheat on him?

  14. 2 years ago

    It's a guilty pleasure as it's filled with leftist nonsense, garbage, and cringe but pretty well written, acted, produced, engaging drama. Some of the dialogue is pretty bad and too sappy though and thats when i fast forward.

  15. 2 years ago

    >I think it's busted

  16. 2 years ago

    Gordo bros?

    • 2 years ago

      loved his arc, a true hero and a real human bean. It got me feeling a bit in the S2 finale

  17. 2 years ago

    Apple shills are so fricking obvious holy shit

    • 2 years ago

      >talk about a TV show
      >[Production company of said TV show] shills are so fricking obvious holy shit
      Thanks for the bump, Bob.

    • 2 years ago

      Reading through this thread is like reading hundreds of bot posts. The posting style is too sterile, too similar, and almost screams "I am from Reddit."

  18. 2 years ago

    >It's pretty great

  19. 2 years ago

    It was an interesting premise, but I dropped it when they started to push the whole feminism angle.

    • 2 years ago

      anon, women astronauts and cosmonauts have existed from the beginning. Right after Gagarin, Soviets sent a woman up there.

      The problem is you have a 8 or 10 episode season filled to the brim with essentially family and workplace drama and they just bookend it with a small amount of space action.
      Mixed feeling I just think once again with these streaming shows, too many episodes to fill with not nearly enough content.

      what current show is worth watching?

      • 2 years ago

        >Right after Gagarin, Soviets
        Don't know, don't care. The shows is set in America. There was no need for feminism.

        • 2 years ago

          >There was no need for feminism.
          women doing something is "feminism"? do you go through life seething, knowing women around you are doctors, lawyers, bus drivers, pilots, street cleaners... must be tough being you.

          • 2 years ago

            >women doing something is "feminism"?
            Women being jammed into where they don't belong is, yes.

            • 2 years ago

              >Women being jammed into where they don't belong is, yes.
              >don't belong
              2nd person in space was a woman, there are women astronauts today. what do you mean they don't belong?

              • 2 years ago

                >what do you mean they don't belong?
                I mean they don't belong in an American space shuttle in the 60's.

              • 2 years ago

                >I mean they don't belong in an American space shuttle in the 60's.
                it's alt-history, of course they don't belong. Just like the "Mercury 13" wasn't a NASA program at all, it was a privately funded program with the aim to prove women can pass all the physical and mental tests male astronauts are subjected to. But in the show they made it part of NASA.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's alt-history
                Yeah, and alt-history doesn't need to be feminist shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Yep all those space shuttles in the 60s.

              • 2 years ago

                > 2nd person in space was a woman!

                So Titov or Shepard, depending on how you define "space", was a chick. Interesting.

              • 2 years ago

                Alright, sorry, I looked it up, she was on Vostok 6, in 1963. Not the 2nd, but among the first. My bad.

                I love the avionics upgrade for the 1980s Apollo capsule.

                haven't gotten there yet.

                .> Stop telling stories about people!

                Sorry, but these are big persons stories. Now, go watch your cartoons.

                I don't get it, there's so much garbage on television today. 99% of the stuff released, both movies and TV shows is unwatchable. Now a decent show comes along, and Cinemaphile hates it because it has women in it.

              • 2 years ago

                If they wanted people to watch their "decent show" they shouldn't have crammed feminism in there.

              • 2 years ago


                having just finished season 1, Moon!Gordo was 11/10 kino stuff
                starting season 2 tonight (or after the weekend since Stranger Things and The Boys drop)

                >(or after the weekend since Stranger Things and The Boys drop)
                The Boys is tomorrow evening, no? And I completely forgot about Stranger Things. That stupid pause and "vol.2" coming out later, when it's just two episodes.

              • 2 years ago

                >when it's just two episodes
                those 2 episodes are 1hr30min and 2hr30min
                a bit ridiculous, I know

          • 2 years ago

            The history of the time had no ability nor reason to send women into space other than to virtue signal. The show is a post-modern critique to further LARP about strong wymen.

  20. 2 years ago

    I can't fricking stand the lazy-ass production putting modern Sony TVs and computers and flat screen monitors everywhere. I get that it's hurr durr alternative history but they have people driving around in a 1992 Chrysler LeBaron or some shit in one scene then they have current day computers in the next, there's no consistency.
    Pic related is supposed to be an office in 1992. It doesn't even look like an office from 2002, it's just a normal current day office. Did computer technology slingshot 30 years overnight or what?

    • 2 years ago

      thats basically the premise of the show
      the soviets arriving first on the Moon made the US of A spend ungodly amounts on NASA specifically and tech more generally - and thus the accelerated curve of development has reached 2020s standards in the 1990s already, after having diverged from our Timeline for like 40 years or so.

  21. 2 years ago

    Taking a break from the discussion about feminism, here's a cool talk/presentation about the Apollo guidance computer and how they actually worked. Mentions the 1202 error they get in one of the first episodes.

    I keep getting reminded of it as I watch the show. Highly recommend watching the whole 1h21m talk.

    • 2 years ago

      I love the avionics upgrade for the 1980s Apollo capsule.

  22. 2 years ago

    >But other than that, they haven't been focusing too much on it.
    i find this to be a fault. when i read the synopsis of the show i though the ussr would play a prominent role and follow a different trajectory from the real ussr yet besides the fact that they landed in the moon first it seems they're behind in absolutely everything and the only time we get to see the ussr it's a depressing, always rainy and rundown shithole yet we're supposed to believe they're still a big player and are undergoing an economic miracle? they couldn't even launch their mars mission from orbit like the others or even by themselves (they needed margo's help)

    • 2 years ago

      >i though the ussr would play a prominent role and follow a different trajectory from the real ussr yet besides the fact that they landed in the moon first it seems they're behind in absolutely everything and the only time we get to see the ussr it's a depressing, always rainy and rundown shithole yet we're supposed to believe they're still a big player and are undergoing an economic miracle
      that's my gripe with it, as well. there's not much alt-history when it comes to the Soviets. it's the same shit like in the Chernobyl show (like the brand new city of Pripyat looking rundown and old). When I said they don't focus too much on them, I mean there isn't too much of "Soviets are the worst" shoved down your throat, they just keep them as some kind of external catalyst for the plot. But I agree with you, they should have done something different, maybe cold war ending in the 70s, cooperation, etc. rather than just having them as The Other.

  23. 2 years ago

    why did molly screw herself by helping that fat dutch cuck who was gonna die anyway? she didn't want tracy to risk herself to save her in s1

  24. 2 years ago

    wait, how did he write this?

    • 2 years ago

      that looked pretty fake with all the perfect straight lines and proportional letters

  25. 2 years ago

    what is the story's endgame in this show, do you think? how many decades more are they going to do? they can use ed, karen and the rest of the core cast only so far

    • 2 years ago

      >what is the story's endgame in this show, do you think?
      they'll probably leave it open ended. space exploration never ends.

      that looked pretty fake with all the perfect straight lines and proportional letters

      and no footprints, like you'd expect if someone stood there and wrote it.

      >when it's just two episodes
      those 2 episodes are 1hr30min and 2hr30min
      a bit ridiculous, I know

      >those 2 episodes are 1hr30min and 2hr30min

    • 2 years ago

      Each season is themed around a decade, they did 70s 80s and 90s, they could maybe do 00s but after that the retrofuturism/nostalgia factor is gone. 90s was the last good decade anyway this should be the last season, it should end with them colonizing mars and working on missions to other planets, showing humanity has become multiplanetary by our current year

  26. 2 years ago

    why doesn't margo just tell sergei to defect and then plays the whole thing as her cultivating an asset and sabotaging the soviet space program by seducing their chief?

    or tell the soviet to make sergei her sex slave in exchange of cooperation

  27. 2 years ago

    why did the Soviet have to pull out a hammer and be aggressive and threatening? I guess it's more tense if there is a clear and unambiguous enemy, but it'd be way more interesting if the cosmonaut tried to talk to him, they hung out, drank vodka.

    • 2 years ago

      the soviet astronaut knows his kid got killed and he just caught him sniffing around the site, why would he try to reason with him?

      also it's interesting how despite the bulky suits kinoman looked threatening af, or maybe it was just the music

      • 2 years ago

        and then he fricking murders him?! what the frick...

        >All the famous people you read about from history, all had personal lives, dramas.
        Sure, but what made them famous was their actions on the global stage. I'm more interested in the big picture Cold War: Space Boogaloo that the show is trying to present, not some irrelevant shit where spaceman's wife cheats with her bartender or some orphan goes looking for her parents.

        >what made them famous was their actions on the global stage
        they did all those actions despite their personal issues. which this show portrays well. they all have problems, yet manage to get their shit together and get it done.

        loved his arc, a true hero and a real human bean. It got me feeling a bit in the S2 finale

        >It got me feeling a bit in the S2 finale
        hope nothing bad happens to him

        • 2 years ago

          he's just very heroic, which is not what you'd expect from early S2 Gordo. It was really nice to see him struggle in the beginning and to become his best self in the end of the season

          • 2 years ago

            good to hear. there's already hints at that now.

        • 2 years ago

          murder is legal on the moon

    • 2 years ago

      he just found out baldwin destroyed his expensive and unique space machine thing, so he was probably pissed about that and his threatening manner highlighted that

  28. 2 years ago

    I quite enjoyed it, but probably only because I ended up skipping through most of the moronic drama shit that I didn't care about, such as the adopted daughter, the mexican girl, and the adultery.
    Just give me more sci-fi stuff and political intrigue, if I wanted to have five different family drama plotlines I'd watch daytime soap operas.

    • 2 years ago

      All the famous people you read about from history, all had personal lives, dramas. That's what being a human is about.

      The history of the time had no ability nor reason to send women into space other than to virtue signal. The show is a post-modern critique to further LARP about strong wymen.

      >other than to virtue signal.
      literally how it all begins in the show. they say it's for publicity. you haven't even seen the show, have you? imagine being triggered by women existing lmao

      • 2 years ago

        >All the famous people you read about from history, all had personal lives, dramas.
        Sure, but what made them famous was their actions on the global stage. I'm more interested in the big picture Cold War: Space Boogaloo that the show is trying to present, not some irrelevant shit where spaceman's wife cheats with her bartender or some orphan goes looking for her parents.

  29. 2 years ago

    This show was summed up by someone I know and usually trust the opinion of who has a similar political bent as me(lefty-AF but repulsed by virtue-signalling postmodern homosexualry) and isn't prone to hysteria as, boiled all the way down
    >if stronk wahmen were in the Space Race and dumb stinkymen had listened to them it wouldn't have ended and we'd be well on the way to Star Trek already

    Is that not accurate? Because I'll be real - it seems a heck of a lot closer to most of the discussions I've seen of the show here & elsewhere than the characterisations being pushed in this thread.

    • 2 years ago

      >if stronk wahmen were in the Space Race and dumb stinkymen had listened to them it wouldn't have ended and we'd be well on the way to Star Trek already
      Not at all. In the show, the Space race continues because USSR beats the US to the Moon. So the US keeps upping the ante. They include women into the program because Soviets put a woman on the Moon right after a man. Your friend sounds like an idiot.

      he just found out baldwin destroyed his expensive and unique space machine thing, so he was probably pissed about that and his threatening manner highlighted that

      Good point.

      murder is legal on the moon

      does that mean everything is legal on the Moon ?

      • 2 years ago

        what are you gonna do, call the moon cops?

    • 2 years ago

      >me(lefty-AF but repulsed by virtue-signalling postmodern homosexualry)
      what is like being a freak among your own people?

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly? Fricking exhausting. Apart from the handful of other sane people on "my side" I end up having an easier time hanging with centre-right "no IRL drama in our hobby time" types. Trying to do anything outside of actual politics with the Offendee Olympics crowd is a perpetual fricking minefield.

        • 2 years ago

          >I end up having an easier time hanging with centre-right "no IRL drama in our hobby time" types
          because you're a spineless dweeb without convictions

    • 2 years ago

      The show does have the progressive shit that makes you role your eyes, but it's not really the point, it's kinda just tossed in there. The show would have the same theme if it was all white men. Mainly that investment into space leads to technological development that benefits society. They even shit on democrats for wanting to stop investing in NASA, the president in S3 is republican and supports space

  30. 2 years ago


  31. 2 years ago

    Probably my favorite current show. Just have to ignore the women.

    • 2 years ago

      still like Pam better

  32. 2 years ago

    looks like I lost my sense of smell and taste. It's been three days since the symptoms started, I've been feeling good today. thought this thing was on the way out.

  33. 2 years ago

    >Soviet Union hasn't existed for over 30 years
    Old gay here...I miss it everyday...frick you Gorbachov, frick you Yeltzin, frick pizza hut.

    • 2 years ago


      Gorbachov is still alive, btw. You can send him a letter and tell him exactly what you think of him.

      • 2 years ago

        >Soviet Union hasn't existed for over 30 years
        Old gay here...I miss it everyday...frick you Gorbachov, frick you Yeltzin, frick pizza hut.

        >Gorbachov is still alive, btw. You can send him a letter and tell him exactly what you think of him.
        Some spanish guy interview people from Gorbachov´s town...everyone hate him

  34. 2 years ago

    she has a weird shaped head. like a mix between gollum and aoc

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