Gotta admit Im looking forward to the new M Night Shamalamadingdong movie TRAP

Gotta admit I’m looking forward to the new M Night Shamalamadingdong movie TRAP

He either makes kino or laughably bad movies so I will win either way

Also maybe I’m out of touch, but the trailer has 15 million views in only two days.


Is this not unusually high for what’s a pretty low budget movie from a director that doesn’t have that much of a draw these days?

I think Shyamalan will basically be able to work forever no matter how many stinkers he makes, because for every big budget flop he makes like 4 low budget movies that massively profit.

Split was insanely successful for example. Old was awful but made ten times its budget.

His tv show on Apple lasted like 4 seasons and is apparently good but I haven’t seen it

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  1. 1 month ago

    >He either makes kino or laughably bad movies
    Is he worse than Snyder? Even from the trailer I get the impression he knows how to make a movie, whereas Snyder seems literally mentally moronic

    • 1 month ago

      The worst Shyamalan movie is the happening and that can be watched completely as a comedy, whereas snyders worst is just boring

      • 1 month ago

        >The worst Shyamalan movie is the happening and that can be watched completely as a comedy, whereas snyders worst is just boring
        What? Man. No way.

        • 1 month ago

          The fact they cast Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel may as well confirm its a comedy.

          • 1 month ago

            You've got it the wrong way around, The Happening made Wahlberg a comedic actor

            • 1 month ago

              It was his debut comedy movie.

    • 1 month ago

      Snyder does not know storytelling at all, he is a visuals guy and can only make movie that have been already been storyboarded 100% with no room for additional writing or changes. Also he is more suited for Streaming movie that give him more room for his movie rather than cut parts for theatrical release

  2. 1 month ago

    One thing I always liked about M Night is that despite being an Indian filmmaker, born in India, a migrant to the US as a child, and raised Hindu. In no way is he the average minority film maker, he doesn’t just churn out movies about how hard it is to not be white. Or the “Indian experience” like most ethnic minority directors

    I think the only film he actually made on this topic was in 1992 as his first project, an indie film called praying with anger.

    He was perfectly capable and wanted to make films on vastly different topics than his personal experience, like signs with the Catholic faith struggle, most if not all of his main characters are white as I recall too.

    His daughters seem pretty talented too. Youngest wrote and directed for Servant and her sisters music videos. Oldest is a musician and appears in her dad’s projects playing a fictional musician. She sounds good to me but I’m not some great judge of music.

    Nepotism I guess, but I don’t really mind this family business type deal when they’re literally just working on his own films or shows.

    • 1 month ago

      Look at the suckable breasts on his daughter on the right. She needs to get those golden brown puppies out.

  3. 1 month ago

    the big twist at the end is that this movie is tied into his Unbreakable/Split/Glass superhuman universe.

    i am though looking forward to this for some reason. could be fun. stupid, but fun.
    >dad brings chaperones her daughter to a huge concert while secretly murdering attendees one by one
    also, nice to see Josh Hutcherson after two decades of being in the void.

    • 1 month ago

      >josh hutcherson

      Typo or didn’t recognise Josh Hartnett?

      I heard Shyamalan actually picked him for this role specifically because he liked him in Oppenheimer so I’m glad he’s getting some work. Clearly he pissed off someone in Hollywood because it makes no sense why he didn’t become bigger.

      Dude is handsome. Tall. Great actor. Versatile.

      Could have done action movies, dramas, historical epics, whatever

      The rumour I always heard is that he was asked to be batman in the Nolan movie but turned it down, and this somehow pissed off some producers so much they blackballed his career. But that sounds hard to believe

      • 1 month ago

        yeah a typo my bad.

        and yeah he was one of the most popular male heartthrobs in the early 2000s. was weird to suddenly not see him in movies after that time, like he fell off the face of the earth.

      • 1 month ago

        yeah a typo my bad.

        and yeah he was one of the most popular male heartthrobs in the early 2000s. was weird to suddenly not see him in movies after that time, like he fell off the face of the earth.

        i hear he got fed up with hollywood and left it or started doing just small movies, came back recently

      • 1 month ago

        the faculty hurt his career

        not a bad film but it got torched

        • 1 month ago

          the faculty is so fricking good, only watched it recently

          he was in a shitload of movies after that, pearl harbor, 40 days (the one with the north pole vampires) 40 days (the one where he doesn't have sex for 40 days), that crappy cop duo with harrison ford, and the penny farthings vampire show with emma greene and timothy dalton

          • 1 month ago

            From all these 90s teenage horror movies the faculty was by far the best. Dynamite cast as well.

    • 1 month ago

      >Josh Hutcherson
      yeah he's been in a lot of movies recently, and decent ones, wrath of man and that "operation whatever" movie with jason statham directed by guy ritchie

    • 1 month ago

      When I was fist watching the trailer, I was like snt the twist obvious that Josh is gonna be the killer. Then the 2nd half of the trailer does reveal it and I found it intriguing. Josh has to stealth his way out which does seem like a fun movie to watch.

      Though how the Feds/Cops figured out the killer is going to be in the concert could be a weird plot hole.

  4. 1 month ago

    I remember vaguely watching season 1 of this years ago. Then it took so long for season 2 to come out I forgot to watch it and didn’t wanna rewatch the first season

    Is this worth watching through now it’s finished? Was it worth it in the end?

    Please tell me it actually answers stuff and doesn’t mystery bait the whole show

    • 1 month ago

      Is that Ron Weasley and RocknRolla? So they are actually still getting roles? Wondered where they went.

    • 1 month ago

      Haven't watched past season 2 but Nell is my wife. She was also great in First Omen.

  5. 1 month ago

    Trailer for THE WATCHERS, written and directed by Ishana Night Shyamalan, M Nights daughter also came out yesterday


    Looks like the village but with actual supernatural stuff

    • 1 month ago

      looks like the series "from" but shittier and less thought thru. i will not be watching that pajeet shit.

      • 1 month ago

        I may pirate it depending on the reviews

    • 1 month ago

      Cute indian

    • 1 month ago

      I watch for she

  6. 1 month ago

    I like how Tarantulo consistently calls him "Shamalamadingdong":

  7. 1 month ago

    He atleast tries to do lot of original shit rather than rehashing known IPs

  8. 1 month ago

    He's had a pretty successful career because outside of his Avatar adaptation and the flick with Will Smith and his son, Shyamalan has been able to keep his budgets low. That's really reliable for a director to not fall for the hollywood accounting meme

    Also the twist will be Josh Harnett's daughter is the killer and he's covering it up for her like OJ

  9. 1 month ago

    there's a charm to his movies and has good ideas but can never usually execute them. he's just not good a great filmmaker. it's always disappointing.

    when he does make a solid movie it feels accidental

  10. 1 month ago

    This will make a lot of money and appeal to zoomers. These type of gimmick horror/thriller movies are the easiest money possible.

  11. 1 month ago

    Is M a big deal in India? I feel like I never see jeets sucking him off which is surprising.

  12. 1 month ago

    Lucky Number Slevin is his best kino. Outstanding leading guy with a youthful charm.

  13. 1 month ago

    >He either makes kino or laughably bad movies
    Actually he makes neither he makes boring trash.
    But this is a shill thread so you’ll say anything to get asses in seats.

  14. 1 month ago

    obvious paid shill

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