Guel Jeturk

Why is this dude so divisive with people who watched G-Witch?
It seems like fans of the show either love or despise him, with opinions ranging from "the real Gundam MC" to "pandering to oldgays".

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  1. 10 months ago

    Yurishit syndrome. This happens to every male side character in yuri shows who gets any development or is important to the plot. /misc/gays screech about them being the real MC the show should focus on because they don't want any more girls holding hands while yurigays screech about a filthy m*le taking away screentime from their moe trash.

    • 10 months ago

      fpbp really, but in this case the problem with yurigays was massively exacerbated by Guel's crush on Suletta. It never amounted to anything and it was obvious it would never amount to anything, but from this time onward yurigays considered him an existential threat to their precious pairing every time he appeared on the screen, let alone in the same shot as Suletta or Miorine. Even the scene with Suletta explicitly rejecting Guel and him taking in stride failed to shake that sense of paranoia.
      That paranoia, in turn, fed multiple delusional conspiracy theories like Guel eating up all the screentime because muh yuri-hating execs and whatnot.

      • 10 months ago

        Guel regaining his status as Miorine's "fiance" as part of Miorine's "break-up" with Suletta plan didn't help either, as the yuritards saw it as Guel disrupting the SuleMio relationship while the /misc/tards saw it as Miorine turning straight for the Guel wiener.

  2. 10 months ago

    The weird thing about Guel is that after a certain point he doesn't get much development or screentime and even appears to regress in some aspects but a part of the fanbase still blames him for "hogging all the screentime" or "stealing Suletta's spot as the MC".
    Anyway I liked him and I think he's wasted potential, like a lot of things in G-Witch. He still got lucky in the end compared to other characters though I guess. Darilbalde is still the coolest mobile suit.

    • 10 months ago

      It is like the writer realized how boring his protag was mid way and decided to boost the superior character. And to no one's surprise, he made Jap women wet.

  3. 10 months ago

    Honestly, among of G b***h kits, i only buy the one with male pilots.

    • 10 months ago

      english website motherfricker

      • 10 months ago

        Chingchangchong nipnong chinchen hanchi

  4. 10 months ago

    He's the closest thing Gwitch has to a fleshed out character. Him not being a Mary Sue and actually doing something different every episode unlike everyone else helped too. As does the fact that his mobile suit exploits don't devolve into "I override your weapon" except for the match Miorine rigged. Honestly he deserves a better show. Guel side story when?

    • 10 months ago

      >>Not a marysue
      beat the FINAL BOSS of the show with his limited power and resources

      The Best Character

      • 10 months ago

        It's clear that the point of the duel was to show "Guel with his top of the line mobile suit, his mind (mostly) restored and his friends cheering him on is powerful enough to force Suletta to achieve Permet score 8 so Prospera can further her goals after shutting aerial down" but I kinda wish he just won outright.

        • 10 months ago

          He still won the duel with a much weaker MS. Imagine the b***h used an equal robot. He would b***hslap her in few seconds.

        • 10 months ago

          >mind (mostly) restored
          They really could have done more with his PTSD and suicidal tendencies. I feel that he recovered to quickly, or that they didn't want to focus on it much.

          • 10 months ago

            >>I feel that he recovered to quickly

            Because men usually recover from trauma better than women, unless they are soijaks with 0 willpower.

            • 10 months ago

              Spoken like a true basedboy who has never served.

              • 10 months ago

                I lived in the worst condition for over 10 years and having skin diseases on my feet from working in such environment. Try lack of food + work 10 hours a day + lack of sleep + toxic people. I know about trauma and hardship more than you mr 1st world. It is not that easy to be broken from trauma. Hell, everyone forgot about war after it ended for 1 year.

              • 10 months ago

                Sure you did, gay

          • 10 months ago

            They should've made his return to space a multi-episode B-Story arc, so the show failing to utilize his PTSD properly isn't surprising.

        • 10 months ago

          Him winning the duel would actually made the whole Miorine plan flow better narratively
          I guess someone really doesn't want Suletta having a hardship or worse the show would be labeled as Misogyny by those shithead

      • 10 months ago


        beat the FINAL BOSS of the show with his limited power and resources
        But that was Felsi.

    • 10 months ago

      >Guel side story when
      >he doesn't know about the dōjinshi focused on Guel made by one of the G-Gundam staff

      • 10 months ago

        link or gtfo!
        >captcha: T0SGAY

  5. 10 months ago

    as female empowerment Gundam
    >>The fan favourite is a male

    As much as i despise the spammers, i love it when this happens.

    • 10 months ago

      Reminder that Guel is so popular that a J Drama airing at the time decided to make a character a massive Guelschizo (literally me)

      It is like the writer realized how boring his protag was mid way and decided to boost the superior character. And to no one's surprise, he made Jap women wet.

      >Yuri anime
      >Most popular character is a cis male

      How do you frick up this badly?

      • 10 months ago

        >MC gets beaten by literal children, side characters and a fricking cat

      • 10 months ago

        >miorine number 30
        What happenend didn't they always poll higher than guel?
        How did they drop so much?

        • 10 months ago

          Suletta always gotten higher than Miorine on polls. Miorine being a huge jerk to everyone (including Suletta) hasn't won her any favors along with her further moronation in S2.

        • 10 months ago

          I think it only looked that way since most polls are gendered but on an even playing field, Guel almost always polled higher after the first season.

      • 10 months ago

        What's the sauce of this poll?

        • 10 months ago

          A magazine aimed at women. Polls aren't a very consistent gauge of popularity.

          • 10 months ago

            It's not. The sauce is from Animedia.
            It's not a random magazine, it's the third best selling anime magazine behind Animage and Newtype

            • 10 months ago

              Animedia's readership is mostly female anon

      • 10 months ago

        Because they know the yurigays will love the Yuri pairing regardless of actual quality.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        A magazine aimed at women. Polls aren't a very consistent gauge of popularity.

        I think it’s really interesting how in one month Miorine and Suletta fell off just like that while Guel stayed. It really feels like they were just FoTS and that they lack any staying power. I really wonder how the event is going to go.

        • 10 months ago

          The only thing anyone will remember about Miorine is being Suletta's wife. Suletta is only going to be remembered for being Miorine's wife plus maybe the edgelord slap. Guel actually had a little substance to him and his misadventures

      • 10 months ago

        Wait Tsubasa got 5th?! I didn't expect that. I mean he's a good lad but 5th? Male Cures keep on winning I guess

        • 10 months ago

          Not really into precure, but people general reaction toward him?
          While i think the Ojii-san would be seething because of male precure, iknda curious with the main audiance(kids and toddler) toward him.

          • 10 months ago

            He's not really even the first male Cure so it's not even really notable overall. He seems well received, also is cute so that's a plus.
            Not really even considered for primary pairing it's a very 1/2 3/4 for setup so far with cast synergy. And well he's 3rd billing so wasn't in most early promo material since well focus on the main pair per usual.

            Overall no clue haven't really dug much into the topic as I'm not a numbergay enough to dig through Japanese websites and online polls, etc.

            Also this thread looking more than a little gay, we're not at Top Gun levels of gay yet but man this is creeping up on the meter

            • 10 months ago

              It seems like fujos found this thread

              • 10 months ago

                Most of it is just one incest-obsessed fujo, you can tell by the phoneposting.

              • 10 months ago

                She’s not even incest obsessed, she in her own words: “just doesn’t allow familial relationship status to get in the way of shipping so long as they’re gay, because incest is the homosexual’s natural state of being” or something.

            • 10 months ago

              >He's not really even the first male Cure so it's not even really notable overall
              He's the first one to be part of the main team and appear constantly.

        • 10 months ago

          Not really into precure, but people general reaction toward him?
          While i think the Ojii-san would be seething because of male precure, iknda curious with the main audiance(kids and toddler) toward him.

          He's not really even the first male Cure so it's not even really notable overall. He seems well received, also is cute so that's a plus.
          Not really even considered for primary pairing it's a very 1/2 3/4 for setup so far with cast synergy. And well he's 3rd billing so wasn't in most early promo material since well focus on the main pair per usual.

          Overall no clue haven't really dug much into the topic as I'm not a numbergay enough to dig through Japanese websites and online polls, etc.

          Also this thread looking more than a little gay, we're not at Top Gun levels of gay yet but man this is creeping up on the meter

          I'm surprised he beat Anya

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not some yuri fanbase guy or a shipper tard, but I love a bit of yuri every now and then. Suletta and Miorine have little chemistry, Suletta is a terrible MC, and regardless they spend frick all time together in the end. Nobody's getting satisfied by this. Guel, on the other hand, looks like he's just going to be the butthole jock enemy of the week at the start, but he ends up having some drive and principles, and gets an actually cool fight rather than just "I effortlessly kill you with bits" or "I effortlessly turn your MS off".

  6. 10 months ago

    Reminder that Guel is so popular that a J Drama airing at the time decided to make a character a massive Guelschizo (literally me)

    • 10 months ago

      The Guelshrine.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean, he is handsome, is an actual character unlike the lesbians, has cool robot. Recently, a custom Darilbalde kit was featured on Hobby Japan.

    • 10 months ago

      The Guelshrine.

      Name and episode number?

      • 10 months ago

        Here's a webm. Can't find the og youtube video with sound unfortunately.

    • 10 months ago

      I thought this was just edited sub for the keks unitl I saw this

      The Guelshrine.

      Based Guel enjoyer

      • 10 months ago

        Here's the whole video:

        Here's a webm. Can't find the og youtube video with sound unfortunately.

  7. 10 months ago

    >anti Gwitch praise him as the only savior of the show
    >pro Yurigays hates him for being the 3rd main character

    I liked Guel and his episode on Earth was really good. But he's not that good of a character either, he's fine.
    The only characters I really liked of Gwitch were the Elans and Prospera

  8. 10 months ago

    Opinions about his fight with Shaddiq?

    • 10 months ago

      I would have liked it more if Shaddiq's and Guel's rivalry had received more focus
      It was cool to see Guel working alongside the AI and btfoing Sabina and Shaddiq with Daril's funnels, a shame about Darilbalde's death though.

    • 10 months ago

      It was a great fight, but the two characters had barely interacted before. Like Episode 15, it felt like it was from a different series entirely.

  9. 10 months ago

    Yurigays cannot deal with male characters existing

  10. 10 months ago

    Guel took the screentime of the muh yuri pairing but it's not the show would immediately get better if Guel's screentime were shorten. the show simply ate more than it could chew.
    While I understand the cope of 'well it could use more episodes' surely they could've just planned the whole story in the assured 24 eps first. kinda stupid to pace the story thinking it would receive another season (outside the 24 eps) but then it didn't. IBO season 1 wrapped up nicely with similar amount of episodes.
    for Guel the character alone, I liked him but he legit diminished after returning from the earth. like oh yeah he's just there so Miorine didn't talk to the wall by herself.

  11. 10 months ago

    Its a thing you see a lot in "woke" writing. They're super duper hesitant to hand the leading lady any Ls, but the male secondary or tertiary lead is fair game. That leads to them getting all the Ls. The thing is, no one sympathizes with people who have literally no problems. Ls are what create character development. Ws are worthless without Ls to make them meaningful. Which is to say by keeping the leading lady pristine, they prevent her from being a good character, leading to people preferring the male lead instead.

  12. 10 months ago

    haven't watched g-witch, but why does he look like bootleg chibodee crocket?

    • 10 months ago

      He was intended to play the role of the stereotypical jock who gets taken care of in the first episode so they designed him around that but they kept him on anyway and he ended up becoming the best written character in the show and arguably the most popular too

  13. 10 months ago
  14. 10 months ago

    Guel teleporting back to Asticassia felt so weird
    They never expanded on why he wanted to go back to Earth either, they just had him meet that random kid and go back again to Asticassia
    Wasted potential

  15. 10 months ago

    Guel saved G-Witch from being a total borefest, had the coolest MS's and had the best episode in the entire show, if you ask me WfM's MC wasn't Suletta.

  16. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      My king

      • 10 months ago


  17. 10 months ago

    If this happened, I wonder how the y/u/ri gays would have reacted?

    • 10 months ago

      It is a possibility, since Sunrise JP lowkey confirmed Suletta is straight and removed the whole lesbian marriage.

      • 10 months ago

        >lowkey confirmed Suletta is straight
        How the frick do you come that conclusion when the official answer to Suletta and Mio's marriage is that "it's up to the viewer's interpretation" with the show's ending leaning towards them indeed being married?

        • 10 months ago

          The yuritard editor originally announced she was gay. Then Sunrise removed it, moron. They raised rainbow flag then threw a molotov at it, which was fricking based.

          • 10 months ago

            Literally saying it's up to the viewer's interpretation isn't the same as confirming she's straight, you brainless moron.

            • 10 months ago

              Ah yes, a character that was confirmed as gay at first but turned out it was an error. Definitely a super lesbomancy confirmination! You yuritards got fricked in the ass so many times but still try to maintain that wienersucking schedule.

              • 10 months ago

                I’m not a yurigay but you’re just being stupid bro. The comment was never meant to be official at all that’s why it was removed. It is neither here nor there. Suletta is gay if you think she is and she’s straight or bi if you think otherwise. I hate yuritroons as much as the next guy but no need to act as moronic as them bro.

          • 10 months ago

            Wait, so this is what the kerfuffle is about? Sunrise not wanting their marital status confirmed? When there's a movie planned for the setting?

            And this is what got the yurigays up in arm? Holy shit what fricking snowflakes.

            • 10 months ago

              >When there's a movie planned for the setting?
              There isn't an Ad Stella movie being planned right now.

            • 10 months ago

              Sunrise really just don't want to be the "word of god", they didn't even denied it's yuri or other shit.
              They simply doesn't want to make a statement.

      • 10 months ago

        My guess is that this is all a buildup for the introduction of Suletta's hitherto-unseen brother, Caleb Mercury, whom Mio married. Soon to be revealed in 'The Witch From Mercury: The Witch's Shadow' about how he battles Dawn of Fold on Earth in order to ensure that the Caliburn is delivered to the authorities, and romances Mio in the three-year gap.
        Also, look forward to the six-episode OVA 'The Warlock from Earth' where Caleb is instrumental in ensuring that Guel reaches the orbital elevator on Earth, while piloting the XVX-016-2 Gundam Aerial Second. Coming soon!
        We full Astray now, boys!

    • 10 months ago

      Genuine mass suicide. Jonestown would look like child’s play

      • 10 months ago

        Oh the chaos is already happening. Sunrise actually based for once.

    • 10 months ago

      Can I get on the action too?

    • 10 months ago

      Let’s post some more to wash off the yuri stains!

    • 10 months ago

      Guel unironically deserves better than her

      • 10 months ago

        This tbh
        I don't think they'd be good for each other in the long run
        Guel needs an alpha

    • 10 months ago

      It's going to be another Hibike/Gridman situation where they're just going to ban every WfM related stuff on sight on their safe space.
      They're bunch of nutcases.

      • 10 months ago

        Are they actually banned?

  18. 10 months ago
  19. 10 months ago

    >>The straight male became fan favourite
    denounced lesbian marriage of the protagonist

    Ok, whoever is fixxing this timeline, you have my thanks.

  20. 10 months ago

    "Yuri Effect"
    But also, people that don't care about the show or Guel love using him as a weapon to spite yurigays even if it isn't what he'd want.

  21. 10 months ago

    Guel pretty much has the most complete story arc. I don't know if it was intentional, but Suletta is extremely passive - She spends most of the series at the Academy.
    Meanwhile, Guel goes to Earth, has a child die in his arms, goes back to space, goes to Earth again, goes to space to fight Shaddiq, then heads to the final battle.
    He's simply got more going on.

    • 10 months ago

      Suletta is legimately a terrible MC
      >Every time her world view is questioned she just acts a little puzzled for a short time but doesn't actually contemplate anything (apart from when she learnt girls can marry girls)
      >Every time something happens that can seemingly cause a grand revelation her character developement gets reset by Prospera saying some magic words. Until the moment she gets out of her last depression the only things about her character that change is that she likes Miorine and is a little more confident
      >Her mind is a one dimensional cycle of going "Miorine Aerial Okaa-san" over and over again, the only reprieves is her wanting to open a school (which is only mentioned for a few seconds during episode 4 and the ending) and her pursuing Elan
      >Is never actually presented with any trials to overcome through her own intelligence or ingenuity, every time a mobile suit battle starts to seem difficult she just goes "i raise my permet score!" or has Miorine solve the problem for her
      >Probably because of this, the anime feels the need to add pathetic examples of her "suffering" to try and pretend she's experienced hardship, like her feeling useless because somebody accidently took her lunch, or getting shocked by Lauda's gf (who she conveniently befriended 10 minutes ago) being crippled because the writers didn't even have the balls to cripple someone actually close to her like earth house
      >Took 17 episodes to go through her stock "mobile suits... kill people? That's... bad?" scene that also happens against a comically evil little shit that she suddenly cares about despite all reason not too
      Most of this thankfully gets averted about 20 episodes in. Even if most of this is to exemplify her as her mother's stunted puppet its still dragging her character out WAY too thin and she spends the majority of the show pretty much as a plot device stuck. Stuck amongst Miorine and Guel, who are at the very least somewhat fleshed out, she's a sore thumb

      • 10 months ago

        Suletta does seem like a Mary sue at times, especially during the first few episodes where everyone falls for her (unless they're bullies and/or evil) and wins every fight with no effort.

        • 10 months ago

          Suletta literally have Hollywood female MC problem.
          People just excuse her because she's not 3DPD.

  22. 10 months ago

    >be Bandai
    >Gunpla sales are good but they could be better
    >push for new series to be made
    >purposely aim it at normies and yuritrannies who don’t care about mecha. Show is as shallow as humanly possible
    >it pays off, swarms of new watchers eat it up and gunpla sales go through the roof
    >the deed is done.
    >a few episodes in, immediately start to focus on a side character half of the audience don’t like and give him more focus and development than the main pair
    >hastily wrap up the show as fast as possible with an ending even the most hardcore of fans are peeved by
    >decanonise dyke marriage in an apology tweet a month later
    This had to have all been some intentional long con or a tax write off. The whole thing reeks of a marketing scheme that got way out of hand. Pretty funny though

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe the utterly deranged response made them realize that the new audience was harmful to brand integrity. It's like if my show was appealing to the furry demographic, I would want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

      • 10 months ago

        More like they wanted to avoid controversies since this is a mainline Gundam show and LGBT is still a touchy subject in Japan and China.

    • 10 months ago

      Lets be real here, the moment bandai fully confirm the marriage.
      MioSule wouldn't simply just a matter fetisism anymore, as we see that somehow Suletta was in Pride parade month ago.
      Bandai just wabt money, not involved to some political shit.

      • 10 months ago

        It’s always been about money. I do agree though, I genuinely don’t think the higher ups expected the sheer amount of schizophrenia and unfiltered insanity that wound up infesting the brand. They probably just expected more teenagers would tune in but instead they opened the proverbial Pandora’s Box and unleashed a monster they had no hopes of possibly controlling. Nipping this in the bud was not only hilarious but also probably the best thing they could have done. There’s no other way

        • 10 months ago

          >I genuinely don’t think the higher ups expected the sheer amount of schizophrenia and unfiltered insanity that wound up infesting the brand
          You need to take your meds, bro.

          • 10 months ago

            Already taken, my good b***h

            • 10 months ago

              It certainly doesn't look like they worked, you're still behaving like a schizo.

      • 10 months ago

        It’s always been about money. I do agree though, I genuinely don’t think the higher ups expected the sheer amount of schizophrenia and unfiltered insanity that wound up infesting the brand. They probably just expected more teenagers would tune in but instead they opened the proverbial Pandora’s Box and unleashed a monster they had no hopes of possibly controlling. Nipping this in the bud was not only hilarious but also probably the best thing they could have done. There’s no other way

        What dis they do to elicit this response from bandai?
        I know they are fricking unhinged here, but I don't think that bandai would care about gaijins posting about their "gay babies" or attacking "hetgays" on gaijin social media like twitters as long as the plastic train keeps moving .

        • 10 months ago

          They want their product is just products. Not their statement.
          Like i said they just want money, not just from yurigay but also from those Yume-joshi.
          This why they use "up to your interpretation" and nothing wrong with that as that why we have doujin scene to begin with.
          This is remind me of a bit of Azur Lane about EnterpriseXBelfast.

          • 10 months ago

            There are some schizos who try to intepret Akagi as a lesbian, even when her dialogues reeks of heterosexual yandere.

            >>But but Kaga and Amagi

            They are sisters

        • 10 months ago

          There are alot of internal conflicts in Sunrise. Like how during IBO's finale, Mari Okada said Atra and Kudelia are lesbo now but the director denounced it later and didn't let Mika's son to have that " MixtraAugust Bernstein" last name. Both Japan side and America side having schizos wanting to turn the franchise into a gaypride nightmare.

          • 10 months ago

            Atra and Kudelia never felt to me like a couple. For me they are together because it enables Mika’s child to be protected from harms.
            Both girls only loved one person : it was Mika.

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah especially when the son only has "Akatsuki". I would think IBO's ending was solid if Mari Okada didn't try to push the yuri moronation there.

              • 10 months ago

                I remember reading Okada wanted Mika to end up with Atra and that she was forced to add the love triangle in S1 but I don't know if it's true.

              • 10 months ago

                I will say that in fairness, the show itself doesn’t really do that and the ending comes off more as Kudelia visiting Atra and the kid instead of them being in love and married. Okada only said that was the case in some speech a little while later

              • 10 months ago

                Really the vibe I got is that they're raising the kid together since well his dad died before he was born. And Atra probably needs the help at times.

              • 10 months ago

                Of all the shitty events that happen in IBO's ending, is the Atra-Kudelia marriage really the only one thing that bothers you?

  23. 10 months ago

    His cute and canon endgame ship by the way.

  24. 10 months ago

    Trannies and gays are braindead subhumans who eat up political bullshit. Miorine was an annoying c**t throughout the entire series and Suletta was a loser with virtually zero development and depth. As shitty as Guel's arc was at least it was more interesting than the main characters'

    • 10 months ago

      I’m bi and Guel is my favorite character of the show. (No homo)
      Suletta is wasted potential and Miorine is downright more abusive than Episode 1 Guel.

      Guel actually evolves as the show progress. Like a protagonist would.
      Suletta evolution is only her learning to say no a bit. And trading an abusive relationship with her to an abusive relationship with her partner.

      Miorine never evolve during the entire show. She stays an angry weirdo the entire time and did more hurt to Suletta than even Prospera. She didn’t needed to cut Suletta off. She did it of her own selfish desire.

      • 10 months ago

        >Miorine is downright more abusive than Episode 1 Guel.
        Wow never heard that take. anyone agree?

        • 10 months ago

          Emotionally? yeah

          • 10 months ago

            Oh interesting, go on. glad to see this is bringing out legit criticism.

            • 10 months ago

              She pretty much takes advantage of Suletta’s want to be needed while doing absolutely nothing to consider how Suletta feels outside of how it affects her. She only got Suletta away from Prospera because Suletta would listen to Prospera over her, she never considered Suletta her own person, just something to be desired that’s serve her without needing any emotional care outside of basic guilt tripping by saying “i need you” occasionally. Miorine is self serving the entire show, nothing she does is for anyone other than herself. Even the earth shit is just to clear her name while she’s leading that’s why it only gets to her when she’s blamed for it and at no point before then does she ever have such a strong reaction to the conflict she knows has been happening forever.

              • 10 months ago

                But what about the confessions and all that tomato symbolism about how the growth of the plant shows their relationship

              • 10 months ago

                Symbolism does not make the characters any different. They can use that kind of symbolism all they want, Miorine never properly helped Suletta to help Suletta, only so Suletta would slowly start depending on her more later on.

              • 10 months ago

                But that symbolism is what everyone said made it work. that it was being subtle. i've heard use your brain so many times in different variations on reddit when people crticize this.

              • 10 months ago

                I don’t understand why there are people who think visual symbolism makes up for a shitty character. Miorine is a shitty person who only does the good things she does to make herself seem better to other people, not because she actually cares. Her relationship with Suletta was entirely about monopolizing the one person she knew she could boss around endlessly so Suletta didn’t get any idea about going off with someone like Elan or trying to further her own goals. She actively makes the people around her into her cronies and the only change she underwent through the entire show was being more charismatic about it. She basically spent the show learning how to be better at getting people to do what she wants, not to help them, but to make herself feel better than others. Honestly if they’d player her as the b***h she is then I’d love her but acting like she actually cared about Suletta when it was obvious she was only in love with feeling like someone depended on her without needing a thing from her is just incredibly unromantic, at least in the healthy sense. Suletta is a doormat she gladly steps on and throws out when she sees anyone else who uses it better than her. She might have looked at the video with Suletta once but outside of that she never planned on reconciling with Suletta and was just going to leave her to fend for herself with no help because Suletta stopped feeding her ego when she laid out what was important to her. Suletta went from one abusive, but at least genuinely caring, person to someone who only used her because she was nice and easy to sic on people.

              • 10 months ago

                And the confession scene in episode 11?

              • 10 months ago

                You mean when she realized that she had a loyal dog who’d come for her no matter what? People were dying and she could have done something about it but she chose not to until Suletta spoke to her because she realized that Suletta might not think the highest of her or follow her so loyally if she came off as weak. Ironically it really reads like Mika and Orga where Orga only did certain things because he wanted to get a reaction out of Mika. They depend on each other, that’s indisputable and Miorine cares about what Suletta thinks about her but not at all what Suletta thinks outside of that unless it directly competes for Suletta’s attention.

              • 10 months ago

                Damn. god help you if you posted this to reddit.

                what about the rest of the characters?

              • 10 months ago

                I would never step a foot there in my life if I could help it. I think most wfm characters are one dimensional and not well fleshed out. My issue with Miorine specifically is just how hypocritical she is without any hint of irony or anyone calling her out for it once she reaches the point where she’s charismatic enough to have people follow her. I’d like her as a character if her flaws were presented as flaws rather than being cute charm points. Her dependence on Suletta is unhealthy for both of them and Episode 11’s confession would have worked a hell of a lot better if it had been all of earth house + Guel trying to text Miorine to help get her out of her funk and she slowly comes out of it but then when Suletta goes to see her, she makes a promise that she won’t do that to everyone again. Her relationship with Suletta falls flat because she has no one else she will ever let herself depend on. Her getting along so quick with Eri in the end or being supportive if Shaddiq’s girls was missed potential. I hate her because she could have been a good character who learns that she’s not alone through earth house and recognizing that the entire world isn’t out to get her while also falling in love with Suletta but they made Suletta her only important person and had her talk about Prospera and Eri beinf family while she ostracized her dad and didn’t ever try to understand him. She makes me mad because there was so much good that could have been done with her.

              • 10 months ago


                I said before in other threads that i think the marketing did more the series than the series itself. starting to think its true the more i ponder on things.

              • 10 months ago

                Sorry for the word vomit but yeah, SuleMio being a cute ship is mostly in the marketing out outside of the events in the show itself. They do have their cute moments in the first season but even some of those are still just Miorine being possessive and denying Suletta her right to enjoy her school life because Miorine only thinks about herself. It would have been a nice ship if Miorine had a support system or if she did anything other than completely dismiss characters not named Suletta from ever being close to her emotionally. Her considering Prospera family after the entire situation on earth while shunning Delling who was making an attempt to correct his mistakes was just grating. There are many thing about this show that suck but that had to be the worst one. The guys, no matter how hard they tried, couldn’t correct their mistakes and be accepted while Prospera never once tried to make up for her massacres but gets considered close family. The show as a whole just has a very odd message about family and relationships in general that comes off as neither hopeful or any kind if healthy in the most blatant cases.

              • 10 months ago

                Is that some japanese anti youth thing?

              • 10 months ago

                Oh shit i meant anti authority. what the frick did i even write there?

              • 10 months ago

                It might be, I mean this was made specifically with the idea id the younger generation in mind but eve so it does a shitty job if that considering we’re supposed to be happy about Suletta being the holder when it’s the representation of the worst part of the corpo system but I guess it can be taken as taking back the system or fixing it through using it? I don’t know, I just find that entire situation dumb. It’s either good or bad. Suletta didn’t win because Miorine chose her, she won Miorine because she had the power to do so so is it saying might makes right?

              • 10 months ago

                you know what would be funny? if this entire thing started because the weeding ring and marriage scene wasnt supposed to be in the anime in the 1st place.

              • 10 months ago

                I feel like that part was always in there somewhere, maybe not in the first scene but I feel like WfM couldn’t exist without it. It’s very funny to think about one where it didn’t because it would be such a foreign plot compared to what we got.

              • 10 months ago

                So how long until this type of stuff is being said on social media about the show?

              • 10 months ago

                It’s already being said now, unless you mean when it’ll be viewed as legitimate criticism and not “homophobia”. In that case, never ever.

              • 10 months ago

                are your criticisms of the ship typical of yuri pairings? We had a bi guy in one of these threads talk about how awful the ship was.

              • 10 months ago

                I’m not sure cause I don’t care too much to engage with yuri ships due to the amount if drama that always surrounds them with not nearly enough substance to keep me interested. I think a lot of them do get criticized for the girls being too dependent on one another without any other support system but it’s hard for me to say.

              • 10 months ago

                The problem is that all the major characters are obsessed with just one thing/person and that’s all their personality is.

                >Miorine is MUH SULETTA
                >Suletta is MUH MIORINE
                >Guel is MUH SULETTA/FATHER
                >Shaddiq is MUH MIORINE
                >Lauda is MUH NII-SAN
                >Norea is MUH SOPHIE
                >El5n is MUH NOREA
                >Prospera is MUH ERI

                The only good and somewhat nuanced character out of this bunch is Prospera and that’s only because losing your child is probably the most traumatic event a person can go through, too bad they ruin it by making her look moronic in the end.

              • 10 months ago

                Prospera honestly should have been the protagonist and Suletta should have been a sideplot that converged at the end of S1 and then split again near mid S2. I feel like having a mother protagonist like Prospera would have been a lot more effective for G-Witch and also just in general for Gundam, it would have given her a charm point that was unique but not just being a female. Suletta being one if the oldest protagonists at the start is so hard to comprehend because she acts incredibly immature even compared to the most jovial protagonists. It doesn’t matter how stunted her world view was, she just lacks common sense.

              • 10 months ago

                >Prospera as the protagonist
                Who would be the obligatory Char clone then?

              • 10 months ago

                Prospera can keep that part of her role. They already divided it up so much that it lost meaning, I think having a char clone as the protagonist would work best for the show anyways as it was lacking in terms of knowing how these guys were navigating the world.

              • 10 months ago

                >They already divided it up so much that it lost meaning
                How did they divide it up? Prospera is obviously meant to be the Char clone and no one else.

              • 10 months ago

                It’s split between her and Shaddiq with a bone tossed towards Guel with the red suits. Prospera is obvious the mask but the charisma + scheming behind the scenes was between her and Shaddiq, while Shaddiq ended up being the main rival despite how poorly it was done. Shaddiq is more of a Mcgillis clone but he’s a clone of a clone so I think it counts. Point being, there are 2 char clones and both fulfill a similar role because they needed a way for Prospera to get off for the happy ending.

              • 10 months ago

                >Shaddiq is a Char clone
                So I’m guessing Miorine is a woman who could’ve been like a mother to him?

              • 10 months ago

                >Prospera honestly should have been the protagonist
                Unfortunately that would never go over well with the Bandai Suits who are trying to sell toys, in WfM especially they were trying to pander to teen zoomers what with the whole high school setting.

              • 10 months ago

                It could have been on the side and I feel like it would have been better for it. Some of the fan favorite characters are more so side characters than the main ones. They took the easy way out which is why things are like they are which is sad but it’s reality.

              • 10 months ago

                >Guel is MUH SULETTA/FATHER
                It's a shame. He had so much potential, they could have properly foreshadowed him rebuilding Asticassia (maybe when he interacted with that Earthian kid?) but they chose to use his screentime keep pandering to self-inserters. Guel realizing that he doesn't want to keep selling weapons after all he went through would have been good too (even though I guess it kinda happened offscreen considering his epilogue).
                Guel still going on about MUH SULETTA after he got rejected doesn't bring anything to his character development.

              • 10 months ago

                >but they chose to use his screentime keep pandering to self-inserters.
                How so?

              • 10 months ago

                I guess self inserters have a fantasy of being held for ransom by terrorists and giving dead children funerals now

              • 10 months ago

                Anon keep up with a trend.
                Every male character is either for cuck self insert or gay/fujo.
                I trust you anon, you dont like male character right? What do you mean with liking a character non-romantically, thats imposibble.

              • 10 months ago

                >genuinely caring
                Interviews state Prospera only saw Suletta as a tool to be used and didn’t give a damn about her, she only cares now because she needs someone around to change her diapers for her.

              • 10 months ago

                Then why did she and eri let suletta go after miorine threw her away?

              • 10 months ago

                The same as Miorine, however Prospera did actually acknowledge Suletta’s wishes more often than Miorine did and she did her best to keep Suletta uninvolved with her dilemma while Miorine latched onto Suletta and completely disrupted the school life she had always wanted so she didn’t have to actually stand up to her father in any capacity outside of just whining about him not understanding. I don’t think Prospera was the most loving, but she showed more concern and interest i what Suletta wanted than Miorine ever did.

              • 10 months ago

                Damn. god help you if you posted this to reddit.

                what about the rest of the characters?

                Why are you her3

              • 10 months ago

                do you really think i'd be asking these questions on fricking reddit? with whats going on at the moment?

              • 10 months ago

                No I'm saying you should stay in reddit since you're not that you're a redditor.

              • 10 months ago

                since you're not even trying that you're a redditor.
                I'm too tired for this shit.

              • 10 months ago

                What does that have to do with the current situation? its obvious i don't like this show and think the main pairing and romance is pretty toxic. I got what i needed: honest, genuine criticism

                what you ought to be worried about is them coming here, and im pretty sure those guys are b***hing up a storm n the lesbian board, the one place worse than a pissed off lgbt reddit

        • 10 months ago

          Yurigays will just call Miorine being a tsundere and hiding her feelings, ignoring she's the real b***h of the show.

        • 10 months ago

          Lauda is more abusive than episode 1 Guel.

        • 10 months ago

          Physically too. you can at least call Guel shoving her and accident. Meanwhile Miorine purposefully hits suletta a few times for gags

  25. 10 months ago

    Guel is the only character in the show who is truly heroic besides. Suletta probably only became a search and rescue pilot as a scheme by her mother to train her to kill and win duels. Most of Miorine and the Elan's courageous actions stem from their romantic pursuits. Guel also does things because he likes Suletta but most of his righteous deeds are done purely out of his own sense of honor and goodwill, often to no benefit to himself.

  26. 10 months ago

    He's seen as a bulwark against the yuri by people particularly invested in that.
    Suletta does nothing but "Eh? EHHH? BWUH?! MIORINE-SAN" and obey people, so people grasped for any alternative protagonist.
    Fricking look at him.

    • 10 months ago

      >Fricking look at him.
      He looks like a fine young man

    • 10 months ago

      >Fricking look at him
      I would trust him with my life, Anon-chan

    • 10 months ago

      I'm looking

    • 10 months ago

      >Fricking look at him.

  27. 10 months ago

    >Why is this dude so divisive with people who watched G-Witch?
    he sucks so hard initially that some people consider him irredeemable. I didn't think I'd come around to him but shaddiq stole the shitty dude crown granting guel redemption by default

    • 10 months ago

      >shaddiq stole the shitty dude crown
      >not Lauda

      • 10 months ago

        i dismissed lauda's behavior as a teen losing it. shaddiq's actions were hard to justify at all. maybe if they had made his connection to earth and ensuring the best for earthians more sympathetic I wouldn't be so hard on him

    • 10 months ago

      They pulled a Bakugo. If your first lines are "Go have a nice day" or "You're my slave", redemption is going to be a bit rocky.

  28. 10 months ago

    I've never seen Witch and never will because I hate lesbians but the suits look like they came from a different series altogether due to the visors.

    • 10 months ago

      >hate lesbians
      Are you gay?

  29. 10 months ago

    What? He seems generally well liked.

    • 10 months ago

      Die hard yurigay hated him since he kind of looked like a genuine threat to the Sulemio ship after ep 17, they also believe that he stole the pairing precious screentime.
      On the other hand, /misc/gay do tend to put him on a pedestal and as the rightfull MC.
      Though yeah ultimately he isn't the issue there, he just landed at the wrong place and time.

    • 10 months ago

      Amongst the general populace who aren’t that deep in the sauce but to the hardcore y/u/rishitters he’s the antichrist

  30. 10 months ago

    See pic related, yurigays believe Bandai loves Guel and tries to make him the true MC

  31. 10 months ago

    Guel SHOULD have done a protagonist takeover of Gwitch

  32. 10 months ago

    >>Red MS is better than purple MS

    Dammit Char!

    • 10 months ago

      Purple? That's clearly crimson!

    • 10 months ago

      Purple? That's clearly crimson!

      It's magenta

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