Gundam 00

Why did you tell me the movie was bad, /m/?
It was a fricking great conclusion to Setsuna's character arc.
Hell I even had a great time with season 2 even with it's hiccups.
The final fight alone made that entire season worth it.
Probably the only AU that I have seen so far that can contend with G.

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  1. 10 months ago

    only morons think it's bad
    it's a perfect conclusion to every single one of 00's themes and its characters. Setsuna and Graham in particular really shine, especially the latter because it's the first time he's not an absolute clown. Yes, he was one in season 1 too, just not as deranged.

    • 10 months ago

      I like how the one time Setsuna isn't piloting a Gundam, he's piloting a Flag. S1 Setsuna would've considered it sacrilege for CB to not field a Gundam.

    • 10 months ago

      >every single one of 00's themes and its characters. Setsuna
      This exactly.
      Setsuna coming to an understanding with the most alien species as in the most far removed species from humanity you can imagine was the logical extreme of yhe UNDERSTANDING meme and him finally being to resolve a conflict once and for all without having to kill, despite thinking for the longest time that he was only good for killing and fighting was a great cap to his character.
      Even the scene with t-1000 setsuna meeting marina was very heartfelt conclusion to their relationship and letters to eachother.

    • 10 months ago

      It's as and

      >every single one of 00's themes and its characters. Setsuna
      This exactly.
      Setsuna coming to an understanding with the most alien species as in the most far removed species from humanity you can imagine was the logical extreme of yhe UNDERSTANDING meme and him finally being to resolve a conflict once and for all without having to kill, despite thinking for the longest time that he was only good for killing and fighting was a great cap to his character.
      Even the scene with t-1000 setsuna meeting marina was very heartfelt conclusion to their relationship and letters to eachother.

      said, the movie is fine.
      The movie is the themes of Gundam 00 taken to their extreme example, which is fine considering all the near fictional stuff already going on by the end of season 2.
      The action alone makes it well worth watching at least once anyway.

  2. 10 months ago

    One thing I was wondering where did billy's nena trinity science wife custom come from?
    The trinities weren't innovades right?
    I thought they were just random orphan siblings trained wrong as a joke.

    • 10 months ago

      Meena was Nena's donor or some shit.

      • 10 months ago

        It was her ancestors or something since the Trinity team came from jupiter 80 years ago. Makes it even sillier that they look identical

        • 10 months ago

          What was team trinity's backstory.
          I know they are basically team of siblings trained wrong as a joke to frick up CB's rep by alejandro.
          But where the frick do they come from and why could they frick to a certain extend with Veda like an innovade.
          Where they like test tube babies or some shit?

          • 10 months ago

            They are test tube babies made using tech similar to Innovades under the orders of Alejandro Corner (so actually Ribbons). Similar to Innovades they were made using genes of scientists and other past members of celestial Being, but they're, for lack of a better word, inferior models. Only Nena can interact with Veda directly, and she has lower access rights than genuine Innovades.
            Supposedly they are all just a few years old in reality and had accelerated development to get them ready as pilots. I don't know if there's an actual source for that, but it would fit their character as completely expandable and designed to be killed from the start.

  3. 10 months ago

    >The final fight alone made that entire season worth it.
    That's what I've been saying for years.

    • 10 months ago

      Then you were right.
      I have no idea why people clowned so much on the second season and movie even with it's hiccups.
      The space elevator fight was one of the greatest battles in the franchise.
      what the frick was Saji even doing in the 0 raiser?
      Honestly felt like Setsuna was letting his little brother play as well by not plugging in the controller.

      • 10 months ago

        Saji sometimes assists Setsuna by making adjustments for the Raiser System, and can use 0-Raiser's weapons while docked w/the 00 Gundam.

        And Saji is a year older than Setsuna, so he's the big brother.

      • 10 months ago

        Because 00 went from a unique take on the gundam formula into another AEUG vs Titans. It doesn't necessarily mean it's bad but first impression is important.

      • 10 months ago

        People clowned on it out of love. The reason 00 S2 sucks so much is because there are parts of it that are amazing coupled in with absolutely mind boggling decisions that kill what would otherwise be incredibly solid stakes.

      • 10 months ago

        Because it was a shut up or nut up moment for Saji and Saji chose to nut up and go out in 0 raiser

      • 10 months ago

        It's been a while since I watched 00, what's the space elevator fight?

        • 10 months ago

          When the russian boomer dad's friend performs a coup and holds one of those solar tower hostage with a wole bunch of civvies in them and the tita- I mean the A-laws destroy the tower with their colony laser.
          Setsuna tries to stop the laser with the giant beam and they are like
          >thank god he missed, wait what the frick it's not a shot but a beam sword?
          But he was too late and the laser hits the tower so katharon, the army, celestial being and even the A-laws team up to stop the debris from hitting the city near the space elevator.

      • 10 months ago

        Funny how Setsuna is actually like 3 years younger than Saji

      • 10 months ago

        >I have no idea why people clowned so much on the second season and movie even with it's hiccups.
        This place tries to clown everything. Even something that is generally well liked by this board now like Build Fighters had a bunch of homosexuals talking about how shallow and kiddy it was and crying about the build knuckle being used while it was airing. There's some people on this board who's only joy in life is shitting on things.

      • 9 months ago

        People criticized S2 because it was in broad strokes a Zeta rehash. S2 was still fine but Gundam does have a problem with reusing plots.

  4. 10 months ago

    I can stomach the aliens better than the innovades for some reason

  5. 10 months ago

    While I like the 00 movie, my only slight gripe is that Shin Godzilla made me realize they should've gone harder on the bureaucratic angle. It shows up for a bit in the movie, but it would've been a great place to show some more conflict within humanity and them rising to the occasion instead of easily aligning themselves with CB.

  6. 10 months ago

    Only thing I wondered.
    Why did Setsuna have to go to the ELS home world for 50 years?

    • 10 months ago

      Time dilation.

      • 10 months ago

        What can build with clay that is FGO related?

      • 10 months ago

        I mean why did he have to go with them in the first place.

        • 10 months ago

          Cause the plot said so understanding peace nonviolence love flowers don’t you get it?

          Personally I thought the aliens were so fricking lazily done being nothing but a plot device. They might have well have been time traveling gundams but really they could have been anything. The idea of aliens interacting in a gundam conflict has a ton of potential but trailblazers isn’t about that and actively avoids that.

          • 10 months ago

            The aliens were perfectly done, one of the better aspects of the movie. I don't see how else you do aliens in a way that made sense with 00's themes.
            Going the route of the traditional star trek/star wars aliens where it's just "functionally human, but they look weird" would've been stupid. Having a completely incomprehensible lifeform was the right move.

  7. 10 months ago

    It's really damn good, the only bit I have any misgivings about is how abruptly it ends before the bits after the credits - so it's fine I guess but I did only just watch it so it hasn't settled.
    I really wish I hadn't know about the ELS beforehand because that start where all the weird stuff is happening would have been even better if I didn't. The different Gundams were all great as well, which is especially nice since I feel like that was the weakest part of the second half of the series.
    >Hell I even had a great time with season 2 even with it's hiccups.
    Everytime they use Trans-Am for something that isn't direct combat is the sickest fricking shit.

    • 10 months ago

      As far as the pewpews go this movie was great.
      Lyle's indiscriminate fire was cool as shit graham pulling a graham special on the els was tight as hell.
      I really enjoyed 00's fights even if a lot of them is just beam spam.
      Setsuna absolutely dabbing on 3 of those innovades trying to jack the 00 was great.
      >Everytime they use Trans-Am for something that isn't direct combat is the sickest fricking shit.
      Yeah it was cool to see I forgot who, but Al and I think Setsuna had to go somewhere asap so Al went transam tp go fast and setsuna rode the kyrios with 00 on top to preserve energy.
      Which I think was a cool detail

      • 10 months ago

        >3 innovades
        Is that the 3 people trying to assassinate Marina, or is it something else?

        • 10 months ago

          It weren't 3 innovades, but hiling, revive and louise.
          The episode after anew dies.
          Revive was thinking back on how hard Setsuna styled on them and that only an innovator could clap all 3 of them so easily.

  8. 10 months ago

    Did anon want to discuss Twin Drive systems?

    • 10 months ago

      There is a thread entirely about double 0's double Ds currently up.
      But I did notice that everyone got nerfed in season 2 for some reason.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Compared to S1? Yes.

        • 9 months ago


    • 10 months ago


  9. 10 months ago

    Season 2 was a mess because everyone was spamming trans am. Alleluijah only got 4 episodes to develop his chracter and halleluijah was brought back in a post credits scene which not everyone watches.

    • 10 months ago

      >Season 2 was a mess because everyone was spamming trans am.
      Why is that a problem?
      On that note
      >billy gets so fricking pissed that sumeragi never put out before she bailed on him that he manages to reinvent tech decades ahead of their time just to spite her.
      Never stops being funny.

    • 10 months ago

      >halleluijah was brought back in a post credits scene which not everyone watches.
      Anon, he was back in the last two episodes. During the Trans-Am Burst and the last 3v3 fight.

    • 10 months ago

      To be fair, 00s character roster was pretty huge and it was better for the story that they resolved Allelujah's arc early than string it along for 20 episodes and taking valuable screen time from the other meisters.

    • 10 months ago

      >Season 2 was a mess because everyone was spamming trans am
      No? They needed Trans-AM to even odds against a numerically superior military that were equipped with MS on par or superior to last gen gundams and almost on par with the gen 3.5 gundams (without trans-am). The GNZ machines were outright overpowering the S2 gundams in some fights with the exception of the 00 Raiser, and it helped that the innovades had Veda on their side.

  10. 10 months ago

    there's nos setsuna character arc
    he is perfect, invincible, since the first episode
    the movie makes him a god

    this weeabo crap is worse than shit horse

    • 10 months ago

      >he is perfect, invincible, since the first episode

    • 10 months ago

      you mean suletta?

  11. 10 months ago

    Gundam is smelly shit since (at least) 94.
    Next topic.

  12. 10 months ago

    It was okay. I liked it more than S2, but still not as good as S1.

    Celestial Being the Movie though is 10/10

  13. 10 months ago

    when 00 was airing, I remember gays were shitting on it and telling me Wing was way better, while the girls were all muh SEED and SEED Destiny. never gave a shit. 00 still the best Gundam series of all time.

  14. 9 months ago

    It's mediocre.

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