Gundam Build

Never watched this series, how is it compared to more classic Gundams?
The only thing I know about it is that it gets way more porn and doujins.

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  1. 2 years ago

    First series is the best one, feels like a passion project
    They never reach this pure feeling after it though

    • 2 years ago

      Re:Rise does imo.
      Not in the "this is a love letter to Gundam" way, but in the "we legitimately care about the story we're crafting here" way

      • 2 years ago

        It doesn't, it's just as passionless as the other two.

        • 2 years ago

          It's not, they got a new writer and it's a legit story about each main character growing up and dealing with their past. Works even without the Gundam brand.

      • 2 years ago

        Not by a long shot, first Build Fighters is best, downhill from there with each new entry, Re:Rise bests Divers though.

        Build Fighters S1 is the best.
        Build Fighters Try is not as good.
        Build Divers is... meh, average.
        Build Divers Re:Rise was good enough to redeem Build Divers somewhat.

        This, exactly.

        • 2 years ago

          Not exactly, both divers are still crap and the second one didn't "redeem" the first one.

          • 2 years ago

            Your opinion. Most people think ReRise was excellent and retroactively made Divers worth watching

            • 2 years ago

              I’ll add to this opinion that if the payoff in Re:Rise for some things set up in Divers wasn’t worth it, I would’ve put watching Divers on the same level as either Gundam-San and fricking Superior Defender.

              • 2 years ago

                Superior Defender is better than most entries in the franchise though. Gundam-san is second worst after Iron Blooded Ovaries season 1 so I don't blame you for avoiding that one.

          • 2 years ago

            I never said either Divers was good, or that Re:Rise redeemed the first one, although Re:Rise is better than the first Divers. Reading comprehension Anon.

    • 2 years ago

      It's completely different I'd say, it heavily hinges on whether you like the main cast or not. I'd compare it to G more than any classic entry. I remember having a blast with Divers (despite the janky animation quality dragging it down a bit), episodes like the Astray No Name fight, MCs vs the SD Gundam clan and the women-only competition come to mind as particularily fun.

      Build Fighters S1 is the best.
      Build Fighters Try is not as good.
      Build Divers is... meh, average.
      Build Divers Re:Rise was good enough to redeem Build Divers somewhat.

      1st and 2nd seasons had some of the best music.

  2. 2 years ago

    It's completely different I'd say, it heavily hinges on whether you like the main cast or not. I'd compare it to G more than any classic entry. I remember having a blast with Divers (despite the janky animation quality dragging it down a bit), episodes like the Astray No Name fight, MCs vs the SD Gundam clan and the women-only competition come to mind as particularily fun.

  3. 2 years ago

    First one feels like a genuine love letter to and celebration of gundam and the culture surrounding it, mostly gunpla, but also general fan culture. The subsequent ones feel much more like soulless cash grabs but do have some good moments. Re:rise is probably the second best, mostly its later half.

  4. 2 years ago

    Build Fighters S1 is the best.
    Build Fighters Try is not as good.
    Build Divers is... meh, average.
    Build Divers Re:Rise was good enough to redeem Build Divers somewhat.

  5. 2 years ago

    Try > BF >>>> BD = Re:Rise

    • 2 years ago

      >Try >

    • 2 years ago

      I like that Gyanko keeps getting stuff along with fumina even though at the time the studio pushed Mirai and Shia way more as secondary heroines.
      Wished she had more to do in the actual show though.

    • 2 years ago

      Sex with a vase

    • 2 years ago

      >make a meme about this b***h being a fatty
      >Japanese always draw her noticeably plump, chubby, or clearly fat compared to Fumina
      I love it

      Build Fighters S1 is the best.
      Build Fighters Try is not as good.
      Build Divers is... meh, average.
      Build Divers Re:Rise was good enough to redeem Build Divers somewhat.

      What the hell is Build Divers Re: Rise?

  6. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      She's not a Char she's a Quattro vegana

      • 2 years ago

        IS CUTE

        Char and Quattro had character traits.

        • 2 years ago

          They also both drink water, sleep, pee and poo, etc..

          • 2 years ago

            Official best rankings
            Re:rise > try > divers > fighters

            • 2 years ago

              Stop trolling.

    • 2 years ago

      She was by far the worst character in the series. Had zero identity of her own and existed solely to force drama and conflict onto the girls which never amounts to anything.

      • 2 years ago

        >is very clearly Fumino's inspiration
        >they even fight
        >have fricking NOTHING come out of it
        It was fun seeing the meijin duo smack those two though.

        • 2 years ago

          Try was full of buildup with no payoff. Yuma's victory over the guy who caused his trauma felt hollow as frick because he only manages it due to the guy having a crippled wrist that spasmed at the wrong time in the battle. Assimilation is built up to be this super powerful connection to gunpla thats really powerful but nope, its written off as placeabo effect and Sekai is a gunpla moron and can still do it. Celestial Sphere keep talking about taking part in the world cup after this but we never see anything else about it. Teasing the previous series characters? Nope, you don't get to see them fight except Ral. Sekai's fellow student and rival somehow also got into gundam and has a gunpla with the same powers as the Build/try burning? Never explained in the anime and only partially explained in a side manga written afterwards. The Nemesis kid growing up into this super strong and strategic gunpla fighter with a crossbone? Ha, you wish, his "brilliant" plan is to just use his team mates as recharge batteries while he tries to go 1v3 against the tournaments favorites to win and gets crushed due to "oops out of plavsky" hax which never came up prior to this and that is only explained in the gunpla manual (apparently his gunpla uses a special mode that chugs particles at a much higher than normal rate).

          You can go on and on with all the build up to nothing in Try.

          • 2 years ago

            >The Nemesis kid growing up into this super strong and strategic gunpla fighter with a crossbone? Ha, you wish, his "brilliant" plan is to just use his team mates as recharge batteries while he tries to go 1v3 against the tournaments favorites to win and gets crushed due to "oops out of plavsky" hax which never came up prior to this
            That episode will never not piss my off. Crossbone fires like one shot from the peawiener and lights up the muramasa and they're like "how can he still have particles wtf?" meanwhile they're blowing holes in mountains and going into super angel modes without a problem. Not to mention previous fights have Sekai throwing phoenix's around blowing up moons and castles and has particles to spare. I get they have to have Lucas lose but damn there were so many better ways to do it than to invent a limitations that only applies to him and only him.

          • 2 years ago

            Also, the fact that these two's relationship don't go anywhere by the end, beyond the girl's crush and some awkward moments, is just the icing on the shit cake that plagued Try and a wasted opportunity.

            • 2 years ago

              This. Try romance went nowhere when Sei won China and Reiji took Aila to another world and got a canon child with her.

            • 2 years ago

              Having a stupid harem/romcom shenanigans at all was also a mistake

  7. 2 years ago

    Original is a love letter to Gundam fans, it is choked with homages, cameos, in-jokes, etc. If you've watched a lot of gundam shows, watch it. Has the best girl (Rinko) too.

    Try has so much less spirit than the original. The supporting cast is not anywhere near as endearing as the original, MC is less endearing than the original two. It's just everything you expect out of an unnecessary sequel, an overall lesser product. I still want to eat Fumina's ass and lick Shia's pussy though.

    • 2 years ago

      >I still want to eat Fumina's ass and lick Shia's pussy though.
      Silly anon, how can anon do that they Fumina's the harem MC with Shia in her harem?

    • 2 years ago

      Speak for yourself, a mini-Domon is more appealing to me than Sei and Reiji

      Try should've gotten another series over the disasters that were Dive and Re:Rise.

      • 2 years ago

        The only thing Sekai and Domon have in common is they both know martial arts. They're nothing alike.

      • 2 years ago

        I bet you creamed your corn when Domon showed up in the finale.

  8. 2 years ago

    Its good, but not the same way as other gundam series. Its a blatant love letter to the fans disguised as one of those kids toy tournament shows. Its got a ton of references to other series every episode, the characters are fun, and most of the battles are good. And the spund track is excellant.

    The sequel series TRY sucked though.

    • 2 years ago

      The G-Saviour appearance was wild. We had two threads on G-Saviour and someone streamed the movie that day.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, it was completely unexpected and out of left field. It was cool to see it though even if it did get mogged in 3 seconds.

        Still mad we never got a kit of pic related.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm with you there, brother. It wasn't even a unit I cared much for but I was disappointed it didn't get a kit because of how neat it is visually. My series favorite (the K9 GM Sniper) fortunately did get a kit.

  9. 2 years ago

    Build Fighters is great
    Try is disappointing and completely misunderstood what people liked about the first
    Divers is really bland
    Re:Rise is better but is slow as frick and probably should have only been 13 episodes.

  10. 2 years ago

    The first series and Try are superb, but the Dive series they've done two of since are both horrible.

  11. 2 years ago

    The thing I remember the most about BF vs Try these days is funnily enough the torrents for their BD rips. The BF Try one had a wall of text from the creator about how he felt Try was unfairly maligned, that BF wasn't nearly as good as everyone said it was, how all of the characters were amazing and the series was full of passion or whatever. Meanwhile the BF one was just your average anime torrent that gave a brief summary of the series or whatever.

    The BF one had like three times as much downloads.

    • 2 years ago

      Try also sold half as much as GBF too which I remember was a surprising success. It was a very clear disappointment

  12. 2 years ago

    Sooo perfect mobile suit would have the Zero System, GN Drive, Psycom....anything else?

    • 2 years ago

      I really hate how much they hype GN Drives in the build series. They make a meta for minmaxxing bullshit that takes away from 'your skills building it determines its power' to 'you're gimping yourself if you don't have two GN drives in your high-mobility Xeku Eins'

      • 2 years ago

        Not all. Most mechs don't use it. In Try Yuuma's custom Lightning could outrun a Kyrios in Trans-AM. It all depends on the individual quality of the mech, less what mech it's based on. Turn X had its ass kicked easily.

      • 2 years ago

        They overplayed the 00 series, coming from someone who loves 00. Dark Matter was a perfect villain, and Exia Repair was a perfect send off given that it was like the day they were first legally allowed to air it or something. Then the rival team in Try were named Celestial Sphere, which was kind of eye roll inducing but the Transient Gundam was at least cool. The other who's name I can't remember and the subsequent cat girl QAN[t] left a lot to be desired though.
        Then Divers showed the MC was using a really boring 00 custom on top of a somewhat ridiculous GN-X custom and an utterly ridiculous Seravee Ptolemaios custom and it's like frick off.

        • 2 years ago

          >the subsequent cat girl QAN[t]
          It looked like an Archer to me

          • 2 years ago

            Not her first one, the one from the OVA.

        • 2 years ago

          Divers MC starting with a fairly boring and uninventive choice is pretty on theme with him being a rather generic character. The final version's a decent bit more interesting (though nothing amazing) at least, as is Ogre's second MS.

        • 2 years ago

          They overplayed 00 because at that time, it was the last mainline series anybody liked. Unicorn and AGE suits couldn't be used legally and by the time they could use AGE suits, it was clear nobody gave a shit about anything with AGE in a mainstream sense so 00 was the way to go since it remained well known

        • 2 years ago

          >Celestial Sphere
          I loved Adou and his batshit murder machine.

      • 2 years ago

        They overplayed the 00 series, coming from someone who loves 00. Dark Matter was a perfect villain, and Exia Repair was a perfect send off given that it was like the day they were first legally allowed to air it or something. Then the rival team in Try were named Celestial Sphere, which was kind of eye roll inducing but the Transient Gundam was at least cool. The other who's name I can't remember and the subsequent cat girl QAN[t] left a lot to be desired though.
        Then Divers showed the MC was using a really boring 00 custom on top of a somewhat ridiculous GN-X custom and an utterly ridiculous Seravee Ptolemaios custom and it's like frick off.

        Rubbed me the wrong way too. Not so much in GBF (Amazing Exia and Dark Matter looked great and they managed to somehow keep Trans-Am from seeming too OP) but the Celestial Sphere vs Crossbone episode - which is one of the best episodes of Try - made GN drives seem way overpowered.

  13. 2 years ago

    First Series- Basically all the right kinds of fanservice to pander to existing gundamfans. I'd honestly say it was the most enjoyable gundam animation of 2010s decade.

    Try-Major step down in quality. the popularity of the show was basically carried by the cute girls. They got some major merchandising off of Fumina's character design. It's not the most offensive show you'll ever see, but it's not great. The fight mechanics also got flat stupid towards the end with muh particles which was basically never relevant in the first series. They basically created a GN drive meta game in an anime that needed nothing of the sort.

    Build divers- pretty meh keeps going from try doesn't really gather the sex appeal try had, so it lost on that front to. I don't know why they didn't just pay the durarara/danmanchi/digimon guy who designed fumina to do everyone in the try cast. At least then they could have got some T&A sales. It's honestly more of an MMO show then a gunpla building show in plot. In the end it's the same as try nothing offensive nothing amazing it's just an exceedingly average show you'll probably forget the names of half the cast of.

    Re:Rise kind of weird but it gets it's plot together. It's definitely stronger than the two prior entries, but it's not going to be an amazing show either. If you watch it and can get past the furries you'll probably enjoy it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Try-Major step down in quality.

      This can be attributed to 3 key issues. The first being that Try was rushed. Like, insanely rushed. It was rushed through being greenlit, concept, and production in only about 6-8 months compared to the 2 years a gundam series usually gets. The second was the change in director to a guy who had very little directing experiance and had never been the lead director on a full anime before. This was made worse by the fact that the writer, Kuroda, is known for being pretty good but notoriously has to be kept on a tight leash by the director and firmly told "no" sometimes (which the new director didn't do) or else his writing devolves into harem and romcom subplots taking priority over the story and action (which happened to Try). And the final nail in the coffin was that was because BF was so unexpectedly sucessful it caught the eye of the executives who meddled with it hard to increase toy sales (According to Kuroda the 3v3 battles were a top down decision forced on them for this which he admits he struggled with writing all the additional characters and conflicts for due to their volume).

      • 2 years ago

        Looking back, Try had the deck stacked against it and never really had a chance to be anything more than okay.
        I'm still mad at it though just because even if the writing was all hastily approved first drafts, I can not understand how anyone would've approved of the end of the Sekai vs Junya fight. In what world does a writer for a shonen sports tournament series come up with "okay so the MC gives up, but then his toy/deck/bat/whatever glows, wins the fight for him, and then nobody ever mentions this again"?

        There are so many moments in the show I dislike, but can at least see the reasoning behind. Lucas jobbed because Celestial Sphere were set to be the final boss, Meijin turned into a cartoon of himself because they were trying to build off his wackier moments in the first show, the Tryon 3 gets shit on despite being one of the most creative things in the show because Minato is the designated loser character, etc. But not that scene. To this day it's one of the most baffling writing decisions I've ever seen.

        • 2 years ago

          >Denial vs. Build Burning
          I like the Denial and that fight was pure bullshit. You know what the Tryhards needed? Frickin' lose at least once. Sei and Reiji get their shit pushed twice and they improve because of it, and raises the stakes. Hell, one of my favorites episodes is Fenice vs Build Strike. Literally the easy way out is Felini throwing the match but he goes out and fight seriously all the fight and ends in a draw, and even had him on the edge of the self-destruction button. That was pure gold.

          Really cool designs and the fights are great.

          God, Star Build Strike and Rinascita are just so great.

          Sengoku Astray is pure sexo. But yeah, Star Build Strike and Rinascita are really up there as well. Gundam X Maoh is cool, but Crossbone Maoh didn't caught me.

          • 2 years ago

            >Tryhards beat TRYON-3
            >japanese comments saying "the bad guys won" start showing up

            • 2 years ago

              I dropped the show there after the Tryon-3 literally curbstomp them. The last 5 minutes and everything afterwards doesn't exist.

              • 2 years ago

                >mfw that episode

              • 2 years ago

                >tfw Minato should have won
                >tfw Tryhards won
                I will never not be mad.

            • 2 years ago

              I dropped the show there after the Tryon-3 literally curbstomp them. The last 5 minutes and everything afterwards doesn't exist.

              >mfw that episode

              >tfw Minato should have won
              >tfw Tryhards won
              I will never not be mad.

              Your jobber lost.

              • 2 years ago

                >t. a homosexual without romantic sense for super robots

              • 2 years ago

                Why would supers win in Gundam? Gundam is a rejection of super.

              • 2 years ago

                lol you don't know what you are talking about.

          • 2 years ago

            >You know what the Tryhards needed? Frickin' lose at least once. Sei and Reiji get their shit pushed twice and they improve because of it, and raises the stakes. Hell, one of my favorites episodes is Fenice vs Build Strike. Literally the easy way out is Felini throwing the match but he goes out and fight seriously all the fight and ends in a draw, and even had him on the edge of the self-destruction button. That was pure gold.
            Felini wasn't reaching for the self-destruct in that fight:

            But you are right, in addition to Try's rushed nature kneecapping it with too much, too fast,
            Sekai was never allowed to actually LOOSE!
            Even Riku, an even more generic protagonist, famously got his ass handed to him by Tigerwolf to show that: No, you don't get to be a world class Gunpla Battler just because you are the protagonist!
            In my own opinion this is what makes Try the worst of the Build series; Even Divers didn't wank off it's protagonist so fully just to move the plot along, and Re-rise built up from Divers.

            Season 1 was Kino, but this absolute madlad was the only good thing in Try.
            >mc gifted overpowered magnum opus donut steel by plot
            >doesn't know how to play gunpla, still masters it, has the prerequisite skills for a hyper mode, and the gunpla just happens to augment his hyper mode as well
            >highly skilled builder/battler dragonar homage squad nails a direct hit with a jet magnum straight into burning's torso, 404 crushing loss not found, suckai never learns to be less reckless and more strategic instead of going full unga bunga yolo every match
            >ensemble darkhorse with sick younger brother shows up, has similar fighting and gunpla battle abilities to suckai, uses a snap build destiny imbued with the love, admiration and best wishes of his little brother, deserves to win by leaps and bounds for being inspirational protagonist as frick, lands countless blows, still gets no sold and shit on by a mix of plot armor, magic martial arts, and suckai piloting a super powered prototype on steroids in the little league tournament like an absolute fricking poser
            >doesn't actually get shit on until 00 wank ensues
            >new gundam is literally just the original but better
            >doesn't even build it himself despite mega shiki guy getting shit on for that, actually has his rival love interest do it for him
            >zeta kid's rival had his original characterization completely derailed from edge lord poised to be the secret big bad to just a generic meathead chad
            >the good guys lost despite scoring a direct hit with tryon's final ultimate attack, just because of muh plot shield and muh particles

            >this absolute madlad was the only good thing in Try
            Hey Gyanko and Straight-build Shimon were good too!

            >redeemed side character from the original using a gigachad crossbone gets ubernerfed with muh particle limits, is forced to use a shit strategy for no reason despite years of dedicating his life to "good gunpla building for good people," gets shit on by the apparently limitless particles of the gunpla academy as if nobody else has ever figured out how make their builds particle efficient or regenerative
            >edgy rival with better battling skills and a better gunpla gets his shit pushed in because suddenly suckai can magically clone his gunpla and become a one man army to beat down his enemies
            >final battle predicted to be a glorious gattai of all three try fighter machines combining into a super burning gundam and redeeming the entire series by inheriting tryon's super robot aesthetics and teamwork, is a fricking random glued together kitbash of spare parts, final battle is literally just smashing the gunpla together and seeing which one breaks first, obviously the one put together by rank amateurs is sturdier because the writers said so and suddenly character sentiments actually do matter
            >suckai winds up a harem protagonist by the end of the ova who's now getting shipped with reiji's daughter as well
            >suckai forever becomes a kirito-esque power fantasy bursting with unearned achievement who didn't even need his teammates because he already had his rival's sister as a wrench wench
            >try fighters never once feel like anything other than completely different people only ever allied with each other for circumstantial self interest and personal gain
            >entire sequel got blown the frick out by the heartwarming best bros across time and space moment at the end of gm's counterattack

            side character from the original using a gigachad crossbone gets ubernerfed with muh particle limits
            ...And I had nearly completely forgot about Lucas Kankaansyrjä!

            >divers was literally just kira yamato ver2 putting everything at risk to try solving a problem that was only solved through plot power
            >the first arc villain was completely right, and that battle with actual real stakes on the line was the high point of the series
            >rearise was a slog that started off as a bland mysterious isekai, the characters weren't especially interesting, the final gundam was fugly, the ending tried too hard to be philosophically optimistic, and the ova's battle results were largely disappointing even if gamer doll may a cute
            Build was a case study in destroying a promising franchise. What a fricking waste.

            And the fact that you spent two post on Try, only two lines on Divers, and a single one on Re-rise kind of proves my personal ranking.

            The first episode was a good tease. Fumina being her own AND using a non-SD, no cutesy gunpla is a nice start. That Build Burning inside the Dom was awesome and creative, more so that it could be reproduced in real life. That "lucky sukebe" between Fumina and Sekai got a pass from me because, well, the Reiji and Aila moments were cute back then (I recall people like those too) so it's understandable that they'd try to do that again.

            >Fumina being her own AND using a non-SD, no cutesy gunpla is a nice start.
            Honestly one of the most disappointing things about Try for me is how the rushed production shafted both Fumina and Gyanko...
            They were fun Characters when not caught in the Sekai Suckage Sphere.

            • 2 years ago

              Gyanko was just a shittier version of her brother and only kept around to prop up the shitty love triangle. She added nothing of actually value to the series and every time she appeared after her initial episode it would get dragged into that terrible romcom crap that was killing the show.

              • 2 years ago

                >Gyanko was just a shittier version of her brother and only kept around to prop up the shitty love triangle. She added nothing of actually value to the series and every time she appeared after her initial episode it would get dragged into that terrible romcom crap that was killing the show.
                Oi, Kaoruko was better than Susumu, getting more screen time and actually living up to the noble SHIELD.
                ...Of course it helps she was a girl...
                ...And oddly similar to a character idea I had for my own Gundam Concept...


              • 2 years ago

                >"actually living up to the noble SHIELD"
                >Didn't even build the shield herself.
                >Got mogged by some guy's pre-build gunpla in regionals and forced out of the little league tournament.
                >At the same age her brother was competing in the no-age restrictions world tournament and now is internationally known for his gyan and shield love.

              • 2 years ago

                >now is internationally known for his gyan and shield love.
                did we ever get to see him older?

              • 2 years ago

                I might actually watch Try if Gyanko was really that thick, unf

  14. 2 years ago

    Yes Rinko Iori is what got me into Gundam.

  15. 2 years ago

    BF is fricking great and is pretty much the love letter to the franchise
    Try fricking sucks outside of a few shining moments like anytime Tryon 3 is onscreen
    Divers is just ok
    Re:Rise actually surprised me with how good it was and is by far the best after the original. Though it's definitely a bit of a slow burn

    • 2 years ago

      The sad thing is Try actually had some really great designs (outside of the main cast). Tryon 3, EZ-SR, Amazing red warrior, etc. Its just that everything else about the show was either bad or forgetable.

      • 2 years ago

        Can't disagree with you there

  16. 2 years ago

    As someone who watched all 4 shows in a single year, I feel that people overhype bf so much is ridiculous.

    The designs are just bland and not imaginative, the fights are subpar compared to try and the plot involving the particles are totally shit

    Try had way more soul than it. Just look the simon battle with the destiny and it btfo the best one in bf

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Try's fights suck. They're the worst part of the show.

  17. 2 years ago

    I was blown away with how fun re-rise was. The very early parts where everyone sucks and are being dicks to each other was little weak, and buying into the semi-isekai stuff was a lot to ask, but as soon as it got regular fights it just immediately started going from strength to strength.

    The characters were good, the fights were good, the story was good, the rugpull was good, and the climax was excellent. It also had a doll as a lead character 10/10. The only weak element that stuck the whole way through is that the villain was a generic "thinks he's doing the right thing by logic/old orders" evil AI that basically just keeps repeating "I must do logic beep boop logic says you must die" until they nuke him into a 2001 space baby. Though the total curbstop he gets pretty much makes up for it all.

  18. 2 years ago

    >The only thing I know about it is that it gets way more porn and doujins
    Too bad ReRise porn never really took off outside of the furries.

    • 2 years ago

      I need the SAUCE

  19. 2 years ago

    >spends a whole week alone, in the woods, training with Sekai
    >teams up with Gyanko just to wienerblock Fumina
    >Fumina denies she was going to do things with Sekai
    >Shia tells them she absolutely wants to do things with Sekai
    >looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight when she is introduced
    Fumina and Gyanko are great but I have to support Shia. Best Try girl.

    • 2 years ago

      >harem wars bullshit
      Wow, who cares!

  20. 2 years ago

    Really cool designs and the fights are great.

    God, Star Build Strike and Rinascita are just so great.

  21. 2 years ago

    anyone have the latest gundam show chart?

  22. 2 years ago

    Is it true Divers is just "SAO but Gundam" ?

    • 2 years ago

      In the sense that 90% of the story takes place in a digital world, sure. But tonally and narratively they're nothing alike.

    • 2 years ago

      Dot hack is better

      • 2 years ago

        ReRise is .hack//Gundam

        It even has it's base conflict as //GU

  23. 2 years ago

    Re-Rise is great, frick you guys!

    • 2 years ago

      like only you and some other lurker on /m/ watched that

      • 2 years ago

        Re:Rise had pretty active threads back when it was airing though. Though I think that it was overall meh and being better than BD1 is hardly an accomplishment.

    • 2 years ago

      No it's not.

    • 2 years ago

      It was okay but needed way better pacing. That show dragged it's feet like nothing else.

    • 2 years ago

      Not as good as the first Build Divers, but that was a tough act to follow. High school drama and lack of action really hurt it.

    • 2 years ago

      Why is there never any threads then?

    • 2 years ago

      Gunpla designs
      Fighters>Re:Rise (Core Gundam and KINGU MODO are GOAT) > Try > Divers
      Altough everyone has their shining star
      >Build Strike and Fenice are cool
      >Burning Gundam Chicken Haoh is dope
      >As I mentioned, Core Gundam and Aegis Knight

  24. 2 years ago

    >that feeling when my computer had had fried itself by the time of re:rise's launch and thus missed the entire show, but since I kind of found Build Divers to end somewhat underwhelmingly in spite of having some fun moments, I didn't really scramble to find a way to watch it anyway
    But I've since learnt that it was actually great and that I really missed out. And I missed all the threads too.
    Better late than never I guess.

  25. 2 years ago

    Build > Try > Divers >>>> furry kuso > Re:Rise
    (beginning and battlogues are all okay)

  26. 2 years ago

    The finale with /m/ posing their models for the Build winning pose collage cannot be topped. It got recognized by one of the directors of the show and he was so excited by it he wanted to see all the individual models.

    • 2 years ago

      Wait, seriously? I don't remember that collage.

    • 2 years ago

      I have it saved and will never delete it.

      One of /m/'s finest moments

      • 2 years ago

        oh man I recognize the V2 I submited for that collage, truly a great moment of this board

      • 2 years ago

        I love that there's at least three G-Saviours in this.

        • 2 years ago

          During build fighters it got a rare reprint. Its when I picked mine up to.

      • 2 years ago

        Ayy my Fenice. Frick, that was almost 10 years ago...

      • 2 years ago

        Everyone who did this will never touch a titty and is a colossal homosexual.

  27. 2 years ago

    Season 1 was Kino, but this absolute madlad was the only good thing in Try.
    >mc gifted overpowered magnum opus donut steel by plot
    >doesn't know how to play gunpla, still masters it, has the prerequisite skills for a hyper mode, and the gunpla just happens to augment his hyper mode as well
    >highly skilled builder/battler dragonar homage squad nails a direct hit with a jet magnum straight into burning's torso, 404 crushing loss not found, suckai never learns to be less reckless and more strategic instead of going full unga bunga yolo every match
    >ensemble darkhorse with sick younger brother shows up, has similar fighting and gunpla battle abilities to suckai, uses a snap build destiny imbued with the love, admiration and best wishes of his little brother, deserves to win by leaps and bounds for being inspirational protagonist as frick, lands countless blows, still gets no sold and shit on by a mix of plot armor, magic martial arts, and suckai piloting a super powered prototype on steroids in the little league tournament like an absolute fricking poser
    >doesn't actually get shit on until 00 wank ensues
    >new gundam is literally just the original but better
    >doesn't even build it himself despite mega shiki guy getting shit on for that, actually has his rival love interest do it for him
    >zeta kid's rival had his original characterization completely derailed from edge lord poised to be the secret big bad to just a generic meathead chad
    >the good guys lost despite scoring a direct hit with tryon's final ultimate attack, just because of muh plot shield and muh particles

    • 2 years ago

      >redeemed side character from the original using a gigachad crossbone gets ubernerfed with muh particle limits, is forced to use a shit strategy for no reason despite years of dedicating his life to "good gunpla building for good people," gets shit on by the apparently limitless particles of the gunpla academy as if nobody else has ever figured out how make their builds particle efficient or regenerative
      >edgy rival with better battling skills and a better gunpla gets his shit pushed in because suddenly suckai can magically clone his gunpla and become a one man army to beat down his enemies
      >final battle predicted to be a glorious gattai of all three try fighter machines combining into a super burning gundam and redeeming the entire series by inheriting tryon's super robot aesthetics and teamwork, is a fricking random glued together kitbash of spare parts, final battle is literally just smashing the gunpla together and seeing which one breaks first, obviously the one put together by rank amateurs is sturdier because the writers said so and suddenly character sentiments actually do matter
      >suckai winds up a harem protagonist by the end of the ova who's now getting shipped with reiji's daughter as well
      >suckai forever becomes a kirito-esque power fantasy bursting with unearned achievement who didn't even need his teammates because he already had his rival's sister as a wrench wench
      >try fighters never once feel like anything other than completely different people only ever allied with each other for circumstantial self interest and personal gain
      >entire sequel got blown the frick out by the heartwarming best bros across time and space moment at the end of gm's counterattack

      • 2 years ago

        >divers was literally just kira yamato ver2 putting everything at risk to try solving a problem that was only solved through plot power
        >the first arc villain was completely right, and that battle with actual real stakes on the line was the high point of the series
        >rearise was a slog that started off as a bland mysterious isekai, the characters weren't especially interesting, the final gundam was fugly, the ending tried too hard to be philosophically optimistic, and the ova's battle results were largely disappointing even if gamer doll may a cute
        Build was a case study in destroying a promising franchise. What a fricking waste.

      • 2 years ago

        >GM's Counterattack
        >the GUNPLA MAFIA literally wreaking shit with GMs
        >GUNPLA international police
        >Star Build Cosmos hax
        >the new units of the cast were pretty nice
        >best bro came by just to shit on the bad guys
        That OVA was great fever dream, so were some of the battlelogue episodes; namely the first one and the last one. I hate Tryhards with a passion and Simon should have gone to the tournament, Mega Shiki team. Minato is the best character that could come out of Try, both for GUNPLA and Coompla.

        • 2 years ago

          GM Counterattack sucked dicks. Felt like some exec forced out that heartless and half-assed production just to say "stop bothering us about Sei and Reiji". It was no less an insult than Try was.

        • 2 years ago

          >>GM's Counterattack
          I thought that sucked when it first came out. It basically proved Sei was completely incapable of standing on his own and needed Reiji to help. It could've had Reiji but in any role but
          >Sei in danger, could he get back up?
          >Nah, he can't. All that shit at the end of S1 goes down the toilet. Sei ain't shit without Reiji
          Just play Build Fighters OST over a cardboard cutout of the characters saying THIS IS OUR GUNPLA and you have the OVA.

          • 2 years ago

            >Sei was completely incapable of standing on his own
            Well, they kinda proved it right again during Battlogue where he was completely wrecked by Meijin and only got a pity draw, on top of creating his ugliest suit yet.

            • 2 years ago

              I don’t get why they had to shit on Sei so much. He had his character development. Even Try had him be the runner up of another tournament. Not even Try shat on him this hard. Just about the only way this makes sense is everyone else but the champion had a heart attack or got disqualified before facing him, and Sei spontaneously lost against the only guy who he has an actual match with. It’s back to episode 1 Sei all over again.

          • 2 years ago

            In a sense that's true. But, the hamminess of the GM was funny to me. But it had the same issues that TRY had, that much I can't deny.

    • 2 years ago

      >redeemed side character from the original using a gigachad crossbone gets ubernerfed with muh particle limits, is forced to use a shit strategy for no reason despite years of dedicating his life to "good gunpla building for good people," gets shit on by the apparently limitless particles of the gunpla academy as if nobody else has ever figured out how make their builds particle efficient or regenerative
      >edgy rival with better battling skills and a better gunpla gets his shit pushed in because suddenly suckai can magically clone his gunpla and become a one man army to beat down his enemies
      >final battle predicted to be a glorious gattai of all three try fighter machines combining into a super burning gundam and redeeming the entire series by inheriting tryon's super robot aesthetics and teamwork, is a fricking random glued together kitbash of spare parts, final battle is literally just smashing the gunpla together and seeing which one breaks first, obviously the one put together by rank amateurs is sturdier because the writers said so and suddenly character sentiments actually do matter
      >suckai winds up a harem protagonist by the end of the ova who's now getting shipped with reiji's daughter as well
      >suckai forever becomes a kirito-esque power fantasy bursting with unearned achievement who didn't even need his teammates because he already had his rival's sister as a wrench wench
      >try fighters never once feel like anything other than completely different people only ever allied with each other for circumstantial self interest and personal gain
      >entire sequel got blown the frick out by the heartwarming best bros across time and space moment at the end of gm's counterattack

      >GM's Counterattack
      >the GUNPLA MAFIA literally wreaking shit with GMs
      >GUNPLA international police
      >Star Build Cosmos hax
      >the new units of the cast were pretty nice
      >best bro came by just to shit on the bad guys
      That OVA was great fever dream, so were some of the battlelogue episodes; namely the first one and the last one. I hate Tryhards with a passion and Simon should have gone to the tournament, Mega Shiki team. Minato is the best character that could come out of Try, both for GUNPLA and Coompla.

      Try is kino.
      Seethe more.

  28. 2 years ago

    I actually really like Rerise. It's as slow as everyone says but there's actually next to no fat on the series and the small core cast meant there was a lot to like about the individual characters.

    Divers is weak but it's hardly a bad as people make it out to be. The highs are great, you just have to be willing to put up with how boring it is most of the time.

    I don't know how anyone can possibly defend Try. Holy fricking shit Try is bad. Jesus. I can't remember a single episode of that show that didn't disappoint me.

    No point talking about Fighters. It's good. Everyone knows it.

    • 2 years ago

      The first episode was a good tease. Fumina being her own AND using a non-SD, no cutesy gunpla is a nice start. That Build Burning inside the Dom was awesome and creative, more so that it could be reproduced in real life. That "lucky sukebe" between Fumina and Sekai got a pass from me because, well, the Reiji and Aila moments were cute back then (I recall people like those too) so it's understandable that they'd try to do that again.

      • 2 years ago

        >more so that it could be reproduced in real life.

        Only with HEAVY modification of the Dom.

    • 2 years ago

      Both divers are worse than try.

  29. 2 years ago

    Made this the other night. Juptive was best manlet armor.

  30. 2 years ago

    IMO the Gundam Build movie beats all the tv shows that followed it. If you want to watch a show, watch the first one but it gets pretty repetitive when half the episodes are "Build Knuckuru" over and over again. Not as exciting as Shining Finger imo

    • 2 years ago

      I agree that Build Knuckle gets repetitive on the second half of the series but it's actually broken up by having fights not focused on Sei and Reiji. That also helps in making their next opponents look tougher, and thus seem like a more difficult challenge.

      This is probably what is lacking in Try. It seems like only Minato and Tryon-3 got the proper build-up for the fight (which starts off even earlier with Hyaku-Shiki).

  31. 2 years ago

    I wish there was more larping players in build divers, all the guys with the custom gunpla sure are zoomers

    • 2 years ago

      >Rich Oil Furry Prince makes his Gundam Virtue HUEG Edition
      All those stories about Dubai are true, bunch of degenerates.

  32. 2 years ago

    Now that Kyoukai Senki is over you think Sunrise Beyond will be back to doing Build shows again?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Next Build will be after G-Witch
      Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning g = 2010, after Unicorn
      Build fighter = 2013, after AGE, second serie a year after in 2014 (fighter try)
      build Diver = 2018, after IBO, second serie a year after in 2019 (Build Re.Rise)

  33. 2 years ago

    Try is the best of all time. BD S1 is second. Re:Rise and OG BF are trash fires with nothing going for them.

  34. 2 years ago

    For the dude that likes Try: Why?

    • 2 years ago

      He's fishing for (you)'s

  35. 2 years ago

    cool mobile suit for a suspicious guy

  36. 2 years ago

    Reminder that he did nothing wrong. He just wanted his old game to return.

    • 2 years ago

      See this man? He just wanted to bring the old fun back again. Fricking casuals.

    • 2 years ago

      >Not-Bamco casualizes the frick out of the game and removes all the stakes from it.
      >The game fills up with furries, little kids, and fake-nerds jumping on the popular band wagon.
      >The GUNDAM game is now filled with weird out of place fantasy MMO stuff.
      >Micro-transactions galore.
      >The coding is apparently a shoddy mess that the devs themselves don't really understand and its stupidly easy for him to hack the game and nearly crash it into an irreparable state within like a year.
      >The old game he loved is completely abandoned and its almost impossible to play it anymore.

      Did the show writers realize how many people would sympathize with him?

      • 2 years ago

        >>The old game he loved is completely abandoned and its almost impossible to play it anymore.
        I call bullshit on this!
        There are still Virtual World Entertainment Tesla Pods you can play BattleTech on: An entire Mech wienerpit simulator you need for EACH player.
        Set-ups that are nearly 30 years old at this point, and there is still interest in reviving the experience with better modern tech.
        You telling me there would be NO market for a technology that allows you to bring your plastic robots TO LIFE and pilot them like they were life-sized war machines?!
        There practically wouldn't be a hobby shop without a Gunpla Battle Table, and Shiba had one set up in a random warehouse!

        • 2 years ago

          It's less that there's no market, and more that it becomes a niche thing that a relatively small group of like-minded people with the knowledge to work on it and money to fund it. Completely abandoned means that official support is dead and no company makes proper spare parts for it, so the hardcore fans end up having to custom-order parts to be fabricated from a shop or salvage parts from other machines to keep the game running.

          >and there is still interest in reviving the experience with better modern tech.
          Here's the thing, GBN was supposed to be that. It's essentially the same base game except expanded with optional MMORPG elements including co-op modes and massive multiplayer modes, worldwide support that boasts a 20 million strong player base so no longer limited to local multiplayer and means you aren't stuck playing with the same group of people, full body immersive VR that allows for ridiculously easy cosplay and roleplay if desired, and probably a bunch of other stuff.

          It absolutely satisfies the majority of previous Gunpla Duel players because let's face it, normies are normies. Shiba is just one of those tryhard competitive scene shitters who complain that the game isn't hardcore enough and already plays the game on maximum damage settings all the time. He's depicted as this dark and angsty frick who probably secretly had erections every time he smashes another player's gunpla to bits because if Gunpla Duel didn't exist, he'd be one of those kids that maims wild animals or bullies disabled kids at school for shits and giggles, but well he happened to be a Gundam weeb fan.

          • 2 years ago

            >Here's the thing, GBN was supposed to be that. It's essentially the same base game except expanded with optional MMORPG elements including co-op modes and massive multiplayer modes, worldwide support that boasts a 20 million strong player base so no longer limited to local multiplayer and means you aren't stuck playing with the same group of people, full body immersive VR that allows for ridiculously easy cosplay and roleplay if desired, and probably a bunch of other stuff.
            Problem there is that it goes too far, to the point that if Bandai wasn't still also selling plastic model kits it'd be easier to pull off without the Model Scanning component.

            On the flip side, Gunpla Duel tech BRINGS YOUR TOYS TO LIFE!
            Even if Bandai is the Omnicorp in universe, there would still be plenty of modelers wanting to crack that kind of tech for their own use.

            • 2 years ago

              Gunpla duel brings them to life, GBN lets you live out your fanfiction fantasies AND makes the gunpla life-sized for you to sit inside.

              • 2 years ago

                >Gunpla duel brings them to life, GBN lets you live out your fanfiction fantasies AND makes the gunpla life-sized for you to sit inside.
                But from a Modeling perspective it's different!
                A virtual realm means you don't necessarily need to deal with the particularities of a physical model, and they're often glossed over for the sake of gameplay convenience.
                For instance, High Grades don't usually have opening wienerpits, let alone fully modeled interiors.
                Since GBN uses the same generic wienerpit,
                which might as well be in a Sub-space Pocket otherwise separate from everything else, your HG model doesn't have to bother with the details of fitting a scale human into it's frame.
                The Game Engine just apparently does all that for you.

                From a Modeling perspective, why can't I just design my Mobile Suit straight in a 3D Drafting Program, since the Game Engine is apparently going to magically abstract joints and animation anyways?
                What makes GBN different than a VR Immersive Second Life?

                >Battlelouge's first episode makes full use of the dream match premise by introducing pilot AI based on characters from the shows. Fans start dreaming up crossover scenarios.
                >Anyway, here's a dozen episodes of Try shit.

                When was the Pilot AI used? Other than later at the Breaker Battlogue?

                >When was the Pilot AI used? Other than later at the Breaker Battlogue?
                I mean he did mention Battlelogue at the beginning, though all those Non-player Mobile Suits had to be operated by something.

      • 2 years ago

        He should have taken it a step further and hacked the break decals to destroy the users' gunpla. Teach all of those furries and non-japs to keep out of his hobby.

        No one should be allowed to build gunpla.

        • 2 years ago

          He still wanted people to make Gunpla, he just wanted the game gone so that people would return on his old game.

          • 2 years ago

            >He still wanted people to make Gunpla
            That's why he lost. He didn't fully commit to gatekeeping.

            • 2 years ago

              Gatekeeping is just the slow death.
              Hell, like I said earlier the physical Gunpla requirement is more of a hinderance for GBN than anything.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sure a third party market would develop for buying models. You go to a website, pick a unit, you pick the upgrades and colors you want, etc. And you pay for labor and they ship it to you when it's done.

              • 2 years ago

                >prebuilt computer style gunpla models
                >"This June we're having a sale on rainbow gradient paintjobs"
                >"To celebrate Tomino's 100th birthday, we have these special all white MSG concept art RX78s, Haro themed Balls, and Ideon themed GMs"
                >"This Easter, we are celebrating spring with pastel pop colored models. Get your Cotton Candy Calamity today!"
                >"Celebrate American Freedom this July 4th with our stars and stripes packages on numerous kits like the Freedom, the Freedom, and the Strike Freedom"
                >"This year be sure to get our pumpkin themed mobile armors to celebrate Halloween"
                >"In honor of the 1 trillionth gunpla kit sold, we have 100 special versions of the trillionth kit sold, the Neue Ziel, ready for purchase in Imperial Japanese colors"

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Wasn't there already black market dealings for shit like that as far back as the first series?

              • 2 years ago

                Two words: Gunpla Mafia.

              • 2 years ago

                >Wasn't there already black market dealings for shit like that as far back as the first series?

                Two words: Gunpla Mafia.

                >Two words: Gunpla Mafia.
                Hell even in Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G there was that Idol that had his butler build his Hi Nu.

              • 2 years ago

                >Gatekeeping is just the slow death.
                I wish this franchise a death.

    • 2 years ago

      His MS looks so fricking cool

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not fond of the big blue bulb head but it's a pretty neat cape.

  37. 2 years ago

    Hot take, Try had some good sound tracks.

  38. 2 years ago

    Cinemaphile empathizing with the childish homosexual throwing a hissy fit because people are playing a video game he doesn't like is still the funniest thing to come out of any Build show.

    • 2 years ago

      >Cinemaphile empathizing with the childish homosexual throwing a hissy fit because people are playing a video game he doesn't like is still the funniest thing to come out of any Build show.
      Even more that channers were spewing the same bullshit I think as far back as Try, because "MUH STAKES!!!"

  39. 2 years ago

    >Battlelouge's first episode makes full use of the dream match premise by introducing pilot AI based on characters from the shows. Fans start dreaming up crossover scenarios.
    >Anyway, here's a dozen episodes of Try shit.

    • 2 years ago

      When was the Pilot AI used? Other than later at the Breaker Battlogue?

  40. 2 years ago

    Is Rommel still a furry or does he have a pass?

    • 2 years ago

      Rommel is an animal that talks, not a human with animal features. He's fine.

    • 2 years ago

      >Is Rommel still a furry or does he have a pass?
      I'm pretty sure he's still a Furry, but one of the cool ones since he has far more to his personality than just being a cuddly weasel.

      I'm sure a third party market would develop for buying models. You go to a website, pick a unit, you pick the upgrades and colors you want, etc. And you pay for labor and they ship it to you when it's done.

      >I'm sure a third party market would develop for buying models. You go to a website, pick a unit, you pick the upgrades and colors you want, etc.
      Hell 30 Minute Missions is proof that Bandai can make a market out of just doing this!
      Honestly it shouldn't be too hard to properly digitize the 30mm Model Bits into a 3D Designer program like Lego Digital Designer, meaning it'd be easy to whip up your concept Virtually and then have Bandai send you the relevant part runners.

    • 2 years ago

      Rommel is not a furry, he's just a cute funny animal!

  41. 2 years ago

    Don't mind me I'm just going to accidentally create artificial life through poor spaghetti code.

    • 2 years ago

      > accidentally create artificial life through poor spaghetti code.
      I too play Victoria 2.

    • 2 years ago

      >Don't mind me I'm just going to accidentally create artificial life through poor spaghetti code.
      Though as it turns out, it was just ALIEN CONTACT!

      • 2 years ago

        It can be two things.

    • 2 years ago

      >accidentally create artificial life through poor spaghetti code.

  42. 2 years ago

    Is Magee just a flamboyant strange man or is he a groomer?

  43. 2 years ago

    Glow in the dark mobile suits

    • 2 years ago

      >glow in the dark
      Well they are Feds.

    • 2 years ago

      >Literally have direct access to the game code, servers, and mod tools.
      >Physically show up with gunpla in game to capture Sarah.
      >Get their update cucked because player characters can apparently forcibly lock them out of their mod tools inside their guildhouse.
      >Some college dropout was able to hack their multi billion dollar game stupidly easily.
      >Failed to adequatly delete players personal brainscan junk data which allowed it to become self aware.
      >One random bit of self aware coding was able to bloat their server load so hard it almost permanently destroy their game.
      >Aren't even able to access the core files of their own game and like 90% of game upkeep is handled by the system itself.
      >Didn't even build the game, most of the core programing was done by some random third party contractor who went off grid immediately afterwards.

      The moronation of the GBN devs/mods will never stop being funny.

      • 2 years ago

        >create the first ever real artificial intelligence
        >want to delete it because it's messing up your anime video game
        I don't know if Divers was really stupid or just incredibly realistic.

        • 2 years ago

          The more I learn about the dev world, the more I begin to hate.

  44. 2 years ago

    BF is an excellent series that has fun characters and good fights. It's full of little details here and here that will make you more into Gundam as a result of it. It was one of the first Gundam series I watched, even before I got into UC, and it made me want to get into Gundam more and take the plunge to not be filtered by 0079's animation.
    It was so bad and missed the point of the first series so hard that I dropped it halfway into the first episode because I could already tell it was gonna be shit
    It's meh. I'd like it more if it didn't have a troony in it. It's a shame because I'd like to show it to kids since it's got a decent dub but I'm not gonna show them a troony lmao. Bandai dropped the ball on that
    Idk I couldn't get into it. People kept saying it's good but the stupid main characters + the furry shit in the first episodes filtered me. Plus I don't really like the gunpla designs that much
    Overall they really dropped the ball after BF and I wish they'd go back to a fun an exciting series like that again. I don't even care if they do another tournament series, just make it hype with ridiculous characters I don't even care

    • 2 years ago

      Give the Breaker OVAs a watch. They're short but were fun for what they were. My only complaint is that literally all the named characters use customs of lead gundams and there is no love for grunt or antagonist suits in it.

      • 2 years ago

        Ya I just forgot to mention this and the OVA where Sei and Reiji come back. The Gundam Mafia episode OVA is dumb but nice to see the boys back in action. I don't have extreme thoughts about it though. Battlelogue I just forgot about. The biggest impact of Battlelogue we're it's model kits, and not because they were good, but because they have clogged up the shelves everywhere and for a long time they were pretty much the only gunpla you could buy due to shortages. Despite the shortages few people still even wanted the battlelogueshit kits. I've got a few I haven't built yet. It's a shame the first time we see IBO kits in a build series they are wasted on such a dorky villain. That's how I feel about the OVA, it's really brought down by the villain being such an incredible edgy dork. I wish we could have a reasonable villain again. Either have a rival style villain or have the stakes be that winning the a tournament gives you special privileges in the gunpla world and the villain wants to win to gatekeep people out of Gundam to a ridiculous degree and the protag wants to stop him or some corny shit. Getting beat and deciding to hack the game as revenge is such an incredible meme idea I could barely finish the Battlelogue OVA

        • 2 years ago

          >I wish we could have a reasonable villain again

          The original villain in BF was a loser who stumbled his way into being a major corporate head after finding a magic crystal and the first earthling he met happened to be a gundam otaku and then went over the top trying to knock a kid he didn't like out of his toy tournament.

          I liked the villain in Breaker, although I like hammy ridiculous villains in general so it sounds like its mostly just a difference in taste.

          • 2 years ago

            These two were definitely fricking, right?

            • 2 years ago

              Considering Baker loves him and they live together in Reiji's world I would say yes.

  45. 2 years ago

    You know with this virtual reality Gunpla shit concept, I'm really disappointed we haven't gotten SAO Build Fighters where they are stuck in the game and have to fight gunpla to get out of something

    • 2 years ago

      >You know with this virtual reality Gunpla shit concept, I'm really disappointed we haven't gotten SAO Build Fighters where they are stuck in the game and have to fight gunpla to get out of something
      Re:Rise was sort of like that, sort version is they really WERE projecting their minds to Furry Planet via GBN, and while that twist was TOTALLY predictable the villain pulls it in such a spectacular manner.
      Then there is how they defeat said villain...

      >I wish we could have a reasonable villain again

      The original villain in BF was a loser who stumbled his way into being a major corporate head after finding a magic crystal and the first earthling he met happened to be a gundam otaku and then went over the top trying to knock a kid he didn't like out of his toy tournament.

      I liked the villain in Breaker, although I like hammy ridiculous villains in general so it sounds like its mostly just a difference in taste.

      >I liked the villain in Breaker, although I like hammy ridiculous villains in general so it sounds like its mostly just a difference in taste.
      I do love that Bandai in-universe went "Oh frick this guy is soo chunibyo... WE HAVE TO HIRE HIM!"

  46. 2 years ago

    >tfw Hiroto will never get over his dead waifu

  47. 2 years ago

    Honestly, for all of the whole "MUH STAKES" bullshit, the switch from GPD to GBN in Divers felt like a logical progression to make, since the whole deal with Build Fighters' style of combat, where you ran the very real risk of busting up your model if you weren't careful/skilled meant that playing GPD competitively would very quickly become an expensive sport if you insisted upon piloting heavily customized gunpla, because otherwise folks would just snap build whatever they could get their hands on and use that because it would be cheaper. Heck, if that one flashback episode of Re:RISE is of any indication, it's entirely possible that the sport was dominated by rich jerks who could afford to just buy a Perfect Grade and literally sweep the competition.

    Gundam Battle Nexus by comparison is far more accessible and newcomer friendly by making it a wholly immersive experience through your avatar actually piloting your Gunpla in a first person/wienerpit perspective. Yes, you lose the stakes of actual damage to your model kit, but the wider reach of GBN, which is a GLOBALLY AVAILABLE game, means a much larger community to interact with.

    Would you rather try to make friends with a bunch of sweaty, competitive tryhards who play an increasingly niche, potentially very expensive hobby, or make friends online with someone who you could actually connect with through more avenues than just playing the game?

    • 2 years ago

      >otherwise folks would just snap build whatever they could get their hands on and use that because it would be cheaper

      >Gundam Battle Nexus by comparison is far more accessible and newcomer friendly by making it a wholly immersive experience through your avatar actually piloting your Gunpla in a first person/wienerpit perspective.
      But like I've said upthread, needing to build and scan a physical model becomes a detriment in such a situation; It'd be far easier to just market the immersive VR experience and tack in a cookie cutter "Design your own Giant Robot" system for the Mobile Suits like pretty much any Gundam franchise videogame that allows any sort of customization.

      >make a meme about this b***h being a fatty
      >Japanese always draw her noticeably plump, chubby, or clearly fat compared to Fumina
      I love it
      What the hell is Build Divers Re: Rise?

      >What the hell is Build Divers Re: Rise?
      ...Do you not know about the Build Divers sequel series?
      The MC was a Team Avalon Grunt who had just had to kill his own Digital Gunpla Waifu and nearly sniped Riku just before he saved Sara.

      • 2 years ago

        No, Divers was the last GBF series I watched back when it had its run in 2018. I assumed RE Divers was just a remake like RE Unicorn was in the same context.

        • 2 years ago

          >No, Divers was the last GBF series I watched back when it had its run in 2018. I assumed RE Divers was just a remake like RE Unicorn was in the same context.
          Nope, new series continuing off the first one.
          I generally think it's second to the original Build Fighters in quality because it not only expands and explains Build Divers but also has a better stand alone plot using the same setting.

    • 2 years ago

      I can't believe you are running flak for ungatekeeping a fictional sport based around plastic robots lmao. We see no shortage of people using base gunpla models in BF and doing well. One of the previous meijins used a stock F91 that was a just painted red. Pros in real life who use consumable goods use a lot of them for any applicable sport. It's just the way it is, although the series made it pretty clear that you don't need a super Gucci customizable gunpla to be good and win. In fact it even shows multiple times that it's a detriment to have a super custom gunpla as Reiji laments that he is forcing Sei to have to spend days repairing the Build Strike. Apart of the point is glorifying the whole gunpla modeling process, opening things up to a normieshit audience isn't really that great. Other than a single part of two in the divers series how often do they really talk about the gunpla modeling process?

      So yes, muh stakes do matter and you being mad you'd probably suck and get priced out of the sport if it were real is no excuse

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, GBF and GBD are 2 different setting all togather.
        With people on GBD setting prefer Nexus online where they can still enjoy their hardwork without some elitist with EXAM+Trans-Am destroying their hardwork in 30s.
        Also even in GBF, damage to the model kit does indeed becoming something that the dev considered as during Try they introduce some damage setting.

        • 2 years ago

          >GBF and GBD are 2 different setting all togather
          Minato appeared in both Re:Rise anime and manga though.

          • 2 years ago

            What's your point? It's still Build Diver series and that Minato is post his defeat against Riku.
            Build Fighter and Build Diver are different world all togther.

    • 2 years ago

      I enjoy the logical progression of stakes within each Build series.
      >Build Fighters: Risk your model, but not your life
      >Try: Various damage modes change the risk to your model. Still no risk to your life
      >Divers: Digitizing your gunpla ala Beginners G removes all risk to your gunpla, but puts risk on digital information as people fight for the right to exist for emergent digital beings
      >Re:Rise: An experimental story mode within the digital world inexplicably turns out through alien technology to take place in real life, meaning lives are at risk once again, including yours
      It went in a complete circle.

      • 2 years ago

        I wonder how will be the next build series, i'm expecting it to happen soon after Witch.

        • 2 years ago

          >I wonder how will be the next build series, i'm expecting it to happen soon after Witch.
          Your Gunpla are brought to Life and must battle for your own!

  48. 2 years ago

    The whole "muh kit damage" is stupid as in none of the build shows has it ever really been an issue. They always rebuild the thing on time. It's just window dressing.

    • 2 years ago

      that's a real-life answer to an in-show complaint

      • 2 years ago

        But the complaint is being levied against the show and it's setting.

  49. 2 years ago

    the Alus Core Gundam is probably my favorite design for an alien made MS.

  50. 2 years ago

    make it happen you cowards

    • 2 years ago

      The design actually isn't bad, but the film was so bad that it's become a taboo mech at Sunrise.

  51. 2 years ago

    >his goal was simply to kill all furries

  52. 2 years ago

    Lets be honest, the only reason people like Build Divers is because it has sentient furballs getting killed.

  53. 2 years ago

    >people are really that turned off by the re:rise furry race

    They aren’t even that egregious in design tho? Literally the most inoffensive animal people that could be created. Do your uncooked spaghetti noodle of a constitution crumble at the sight of Fantastic Mr Fox or something?

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