Gundam ExVs Maxiboost

So /m/ -- any of you still playing maxiboost?

Also welcome to discuss Versus and ExVs2 (console release never ever)

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >(console release never ever)
    Sure, it will, once EXVS3 is announced., hope you enjoy possible PS5 exclusive.

    • 2 years ago

      no doubt it'll be a PS5 exclusive but I guess that's fine since I got a PS5. PS4 port will probably be shitty if it exists

  2. 2 years ago

    I played once in a while in shuffle matches. I still suck ass against good players.

  3. 2 years ago

    I actually just got out of a session. It's mad fun

    There always seems to be a room up with players on shuffle at around night time when everyone's home from work. I've been playing it regularly for the past month on week nights

    its comfy as frick.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah it's a lot of fun. I just got it and have been playing against the computer just learning things and what not. Still trying to get better at not just spamming random shit. Need to learn how to cut tracking better with steps and then I can probably hack it in pvp rooms...although no doubt all those who have been playing longer than me will clown on me

      • 2 years ago

        Sometimes there's no better way to learn than to play with actual people though. You'll definitely get your ass handed to you for sure but its about learning the game in slow increments. I've been playing for a month now and the gains are noticeable. There's so much to learn and depth to the game that it gets you fixing for the next fight online.

  4. 2 years ago

    I wish I could play Maxi online but I'd rather die than pay for PS+

  5. 2 years ago

    >ExVs2 (console release never ever)

    I prayed with all my heart that covid would kill arcades and force bamco to move it to home console. At least then I could import it.

    Sadly my prayers went unanswered by kamisama.

    • 2 years ago

      You complete bastard.

  6. 2 years ago

    Anyone watching it being played at EVO?

    • 2 years ago

      Occasionally I'll hop on and play a few games. Unfortunately it's mostly free rooms with people sticking with their butt buddies grinding wins. Patiently waiting for EXVS2 now.

      I unironically miss Versus and 1v1s


      • 2 years ago

        Just say you don't like playing the game. EXVS2 isn't going to change things. If anything, EXVS2 is even worse for people like you. That game is even heavier on team play and mechanical control due to ranged being faster and better tracking, and the speed of play increasing.
        Also EXVS2 is a bad game, and XB is even more kuso.

        • 2 years ago

          What exactly don't people like about exvs2 and xb? All I know is people complained about mobility burst and I assume the power creep has gotten pretty extensive.

          • 2 years ago

            EXVS2 and XB are games that hates anyone that can't play at the highest levels, and it isn't even fun for the highest level of players either.

          • 2 years ago

            >lets you use step to cancel some ranged attack, possibly defeating the point of using shooting burst
            >has damage buff for both ranged and melee so you can always get higher damage
            >you go fast so it's good for offense and defense
            >no defence buff but you aren't supposed to get hit during burst
            there is like no reason for you to not choose mobility burst as front in exvs2, also exvs 2 has a lot of broken units (lightning full burnern, bertigo, age 1 full granza...).
            the problem of xb is normal stagger motion is shorter so it kind of favors ranged game more, also slow updates and broken units like justice and OC units. (also raging burst is pretty worthless)

            • 2 years ago

              i thought lightning and bertigo got nerfed before XB came out? The burst bloat does seem pretty silly though and the three bursts in mbon hit a sweet spot for me personally.

              EXVS2 and XB are games that hates anyone that can't play at the highest levels, and it isn't even fun for the highest level of players either.

              what makes people say its not fun? i was under the impression that mbon favors a keepaway meta and i don't find the suits that play into that meta particularly fun to deal with. Are exvs2 and xb just too hectic and offense-heavy for the majority of players or is it something else?

              • 2 years ago

                Lightning and Knight got nerfed HARD to the point where they are unplayable. I would say that the last patch for EXVS2 was a mess where Zeta, Epyon and WZTV are godlike beyond belief. If they really want to port it to console you better hope to christ they patch this shit.

                >what makes people say its not fun? i was under the impression that mbon favors a keepaway meta and i don't find the suits that play into that meta particularly fun to deal with. Are exvs2 and xb just too hectic and offense-heavy for the majority of players or is it something else?

                My Japanese peers generally feel that MBON was the most balanced entry. The EXVS2 meta is very missile-heavy because units like Glansa, Pstrike and Messala just have insane tracking on their missiles and they're basically spamming them on you constantly so you need to be sidestepping pretty much always. Mobility was supposed to be the burst option for 3ks that can't benefit much from either shooting or fighting (Seven Sword, Harute for example) but ended up being the best option.

                XB is rather balanced I would say but right now Lacus IJ is busted.

  7. 2 years ago

    Bought this on sale last month, never played vs before. How the FRICK do i get good? Playing against AI and getting crunched

    • 2 years ago

      GGEZ has some resources for understanding the game better. Watching people play suits you're interested in playing through the in-game replay feature can be helpful too. Besides that stuff you're just going to have to grind games out.

  8. 2 years ago

    I still play fairly regularly but it feels pretty bad considering most of the community is hibernating because there haven't been any new developments in ages. Historically I haven't been a huge fan of how the dlc gets balanced in these games and I know they said they weren't doing any but I'd take it if it meant the community was more active.

    At least tease a port or SOMETHING

  9. 2 years ago

    My dodge and air game fricking suck. I get hit by almost all attacks. Any tips? I'm thinking I need to just stop spamming my main so much

    • 2 years ago

      What suit? Just know which moves you can freefall from, if your suit has any, and which moves cancel into which ones, and boost dash jump to conserve boost during movement. Step attacks that are particular good at tracking, etc.

    • 2 years ago

      Positioning is an important aspect of getting hit less as well. Make sure you're not putting yourself between your opponents too much. It can also be advantageous to break off from a fight by putting yourself outside of your opponent's red lock range before trying to recover boost. Not too many suits are capable of a truly sustained air game either. Remember that inputting a sidestep will cut the tracking on your opponent's attacks but you can also dodge some moves by turning as you boost, though the latter will not cut tracking. Another point to consider is when fighting suits with a cost advantage on you you need to be aware that they will often have boost advantage on you as well, which may be another reason you feel like you're having trouble in the air.

      And as

      What suit? Just know which moves you can freefall from, if your suit has any, and which moves cancel into which ones, and boost dash jump to conserve boost during movement. Step attacks that are particular good at tracking, etc.

      stated certain suits may have fastfalls and other recovery options you can use to maintain boost advantage and help you not get caught in overheat.

      One more thing. Remember when firing your main you want to be facing your opponent so you don't get a backturned main which forces vernier, stopping your momentum.

      Lightning and Knight got nerfed HARD to the point where they are unplayable. I would say that the last patch for EXVS2 was a mess where Zeta, Epyon and WZTV are godlike beyond belief. If they really want to port it to console you better hope to christ they patch this shit.

      >what makes people say its not fun? i was under the impression that mbon favors a keepaway meta and i don't find the suits that play into that meta particularly fun to deal with. Are exvs2 and xb just too hectic and offense-heavy for the majority of players or is it something else?

      My Japanese peers generally feel that MBON was the most balanced entry. The EXVS2 meta is very missile-heavy because units like Glansa, Pstrike and Messala just have insane tracking on their missiles and they're basically spamming them on you constantly so you need to be sidestepping pretty much always. Mobility was supposed to be the burst option for 3ks that can't benefit much from either shooting or fighting (Seven Sword, Harute for example) but ended up being the best option.

      XB is rather balanced I would say but right now Lacus IJ is busted.

      I didn't realize missle tracking was so strong in EXVS2. Do people feel Epyon, WZ, and Zeta stronger than mbon Reborns? Either way I feel like any time Epyon is considered high tier is never great.

      >Lacus IJ is busted
      Never thought I'd hear that sentiment after seeing it suffer for so long in MBON.

      • 2 years ago

        >I didn't realize missle tracking was so strong in EXVS2.
        It's at the level where if you don't step, you're eating it. If you want an example check out any match of GBH using Glansa.

        >Do people feel Epyon, WZ, and Zeta stronger than mbon Reborns? Either way I feel like any time Epyon is considered high tier is never great.

        Hard to compare directly because Reborns dominated the MBON meta for a long time, WZTV and Zeta only became busted in the last couple of months so no one really knows just how horrific they are. Epyon got a small nerf with his whips no longer erasing projectiles but otherwise giving him a pyonkaku was a mistake.

  10. 2 years ago

    I was told you guys have a music pack for the game. Do you folks still have a link for it?

    • 2 years ago

      I assume you want it for battle alliance?

      • 2 years ago

        Yup. Some nice anon told me about it but might as well ask since it doesnt hurt.

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty sure whoever uploaded one on twitter way back took it down, SRW threads probably have music packs

  11. 2 years ago

    How do I avoid getting raped by a competent melee player? I'm trying to git gud at the gay and I feel like I'm always fricking up my BC-AC but then Bael and Epyon get too close and that's all she wrote

    • 2 years ago

      gay doesn't have the best anti-melee self defense but here are some options:

      1) Keep the enemy at bay with beam rifle shots, cancel from A~AB only on your last leg. if you use A~AB and miss the AB you'll be in a bad position standing still.

      2) switch target to Epyon's partner who is hopefully far away, BC dash towards that person.

      3) Work with your partner and double team him, dont let yourself get split up from your partner into a 2v1 situation.

      Other tips:
      -The switch target & BC dash technique is also a great wakeup option vs Epyon. If he downs you, you can try this technique which should guarantee your escape.

      -Epyon has okizeme options that cover just about every option you have, so you need to make the right reads in order to escape.

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