Gundam has always been about space hippies ending war through the power of love and understanding.

Gundam has always been about space hippies ending war through the power of love and understanding. If you think it's woke get the frick out of the community

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Don't care about wokeness and politics. I want to discuss giant robots.

    • 10 months ago

      >Zeon are literal fascists, who even mention Hitler.
      “Heh, robots fighting robots go brrrr.”
      >WfM: Two women marry each other.
      “WTF is this woke shit!?!?!?!?”

      • 10 months ago

        WfM's wokeness is some spoilt rich girl with daddy issues dropping some line about how mercurian society is outdated because they are heteronormative while she lives on the cushion of Lockheed Martin. It's unintentional black comedy

        Go back to facebook or wherever the frick your type dwells.

        • 10 months ago

          No argument

        • 10 months ago

          There's been a rise in cross-platform posting; this one is also fresh in the Gundam Reddit just to garner sympathy responses.

          I guess they just wanted easy contrasting opinions.

          • 10 months ago

            How would you know, gay?

            • 10 months ago

              Cause reverse image search and boredom, gay.

              Now frick the health nuts, let's support continued obesity. We'll show them.

              • 10 months ago

                One thing this show surprised me with is that the written English is actually good, bar that one awkward ‘I will always be attached to you’

      • 10 months ago

        Not woke

        WfM's wokeness is some spoilt rich girl with daddy issues dropping some line about how mercurian society is outdated because they are heteronormative while she lives on the cushion of Lockheed Martin. It's unintentional black comedy

        Not woke, have a nice day for crying over mediocre badly written AU show.

      • 10 months ago

        Sodomy was against the law in the USSR, read a fricking history book.

  2. 10 months ago

    WfM's wokeness is some spoilt rich girl with daddy issues dropping some line about how mercurian society is outdated because they are heteronormative while she lives on the cushion of Lockheed Martin. It's unintentional black comedy

    • 10 months ago

      The show also calls her out for complaining about her dad while living in luxury due to his work. Part of her character arc is acknowledging that she is spoiled and deciding to use that to help people that are less fortunate. Although season 2 focuses more on the fact that being the spoiled rich girl doesn't let her immediately solve everyone's problems and some things are harder than throwing her dad's influence and money at the problem. Also the idea that Mercury is conservative never comes up after episode 1.

      • 10 months ago

        >Part of her character arc is acknowledging that she is spoiled and deciding to use that to help people that are less fortunate
        Yet she’s fine with letting the world burn after what she thinks is her mistake instead of trying to help fix what she thinks she caused. Her arc isn’t about anything honestly, she’s just meant to be hyper capable but also easily manipulated and so sad you just can’t be mad at her. I might have liked her if it wasn’t for the stunt she pulled where she locked herself in her room and didn’t even try to help stop the plan that her dumbass actions set into motion.

        • 10 months ago

          Her moment of failiure is also badly written since it relies on her acting completely out of character as well, though i suppose she's slightly better than Suletta where in her case any time she makes a "mistake" she still needs her actions to ultimately be justified

        • 10 months ago

          One of the show's biggest flaws is that the ending really fails to carry through on anything that has been set up. Some of it is implied through the epilogue, but Guel is the only character I can think of that actually has a satisfyingly completed character arc, everyone else has the setup but not a good conclusion.

          • 10 months ago

            The show skipping through 3 years of Eri being trapped in a box to her apparently just being a sassy in-law who's fine with it despite the core of the plot literally being about the nature of her existence is fricking atrocious. The back-to-back fakeout deaths she had made it worse too.

          • 10 months ago

            >Guel is the only character I can think of that actually has a satisfyingly completed character arc
            Did he? In the end his character was brought down to wank SuleMio imo. And his crush was totally useless.
            Felt like they were trying to do something with him but in the end his character revolved around his crush on Suletta too much.

            • 10 months ago

              He definitely was disappointingly deemphasized towards the end, but to me his arc was that he stopped worrying about his pride and instead focused on helping his company that he thought of like family. He also accepted that relationships were about making each other happy and supporting each other not about winning, likely intentionally losing to Suletta because he acknowledged that they were a better fit for each other rather than trying to hang onto Miorine for pride and power (even if the show doesn't do a great job of convincing the viewer of Suletta's and Miorine's chemistry, it's clearly intended that they are supposed to be a good match for each other).

              • 10 months ago

                I guess this makes sense but the execution was a bit subpar if you ask me

      • 10 months ago

        >Also the idea that Mercury is conservative never comes up after episode 1.

        That's because its not really a plot point. Idiots think anything with a hint of Yuri is woke. Shit only becomes woke when it panders and gets in your face like so many western TV shows do. They can't help themselves.

        >Part of her character arc is acknowledging that she is spoiled and deciding to use that to help people that are less fortunate
        Yet she’s fine with letting the world burn after what she thinks is her mistake instead of trying to help fix what she thinks she caused. Her arc isn’t about anything honestly, she’s just meant to be hyper capable but also easily manipulated and so sad you just can’t be mad at her. I might have liked her if it wasn’t for the stunt she pulled where she locked herself in her room and didn’t even try to help stop the plan that her dumbass actions set into motion.

        That's not really true Anon. The show suffers from a rushed ending and not overtly showing much of it on screen. But its obvious from her lines in EP22 that Miorine wanted to return to earth and fix the mess she started. The scenes in the finale timeskip show her doing just that.

        • 10 months ago

          Then why did she go and lock herself in a room until Suletta came to give her a pep talk? Why did no one else filling her in on the situation spur her into action? She doesn’t actually care about earth or the people down there, she hardly even knows their woes. The ending only happened because she wanted to give Suletta a happy ending after everything. Her going to earth in the first place was only s political move after her initial attempts to escape there and assumedly live a low profile life. Miorine only cares because Suletta cared and she wants to keep in Suletta’s good graces as she’s the only real friend she has. It was never about fixing things on earth.

          • 10 months ago

            >Then why did she go and lock herself in a room until Suletta came to give her a pep talk? Why did no one else filling her in on the situation spur her into action?

            Because she was a depressed and overwhelmed 17 year old who thought she knew what she was doing and then had a panic attack when it blew up in her face? Her reaction seems completely normal to me Anon.

            >She doesn’t actually care about earth or the people down there, she hardly even knows their woes.

            She didn't at the start of the show. But as season 1 progressed and she got to know earth house that changed. By season 2 she did want to do right to earth but foolishly thought she could pull Releena and make it happen by shaking hands and talking.

            Honestly Anon, did you actually watch the show? Or do you just have that low of an IQ? I know it doesn't beat you over the head with these things but its hardly Citizen Kane. You shouldn't need more than a few braincells to understand the plot. Its made for children.

            • 10 months ago

              Anon, she’s implied to have been locked up in her room for some time and this is AFTER they take the time to return from earth. People are dying and she has the power to do something but she chose to do absolutely nothing, not even help the people who could have done something to catch Prospera or even let them know that she was potentially behind it in the first place. Yes her reaction is normal for a teenager however you can’t tell me she simultaneously cares about earth when she’s willing to sulk in her safe room away from the conflict and do absolutely nothing about it instead of attempting to do anything to stop a crisis she helped start. It’s unbelievable to me because her actions go against that. Things didnt go well on earth and instead of getting help to fix it, she flies away and leaves the problem to other teenagers to fix until she gets convinced by one person telling her to come back after literally everyone has been trying to encourage her to come back.
              >Honestly Anon, did you actually watch the show? Or do you just have that low of an IQ? I know it doesn't beat you over the head with these things but its hardly Citizen Kane. You shouldn't need more than a few braincells to understand the plot. Its made for children.
              I think you’re the one who’s too invested in singing the show’s praises to realize that people will use their eyes to see what they’e show instead of blindly believing something because the show told it to them. You can tell me Miorine cares about earth all you want but her actions before the finale do not support that and the only reason she went to earth was to try and get her numbers up. When she failed at that, she didn’t care to help the earthians or even use her resources and father’s name to do anything, she just left and sulked in her room. You can’t have a character be a strategic genius but then also get mad when people don’t believe that cause they’re not shown as such.

              • 10 months ago

                > Yes her reaction is normal for a teenager however you can’t tell me she simultaneously cares about earth when she’s willing to sulk in her safe room away from the conflict and do absolutely nothing about it

                Bigger, tougher people have done worse. Like how big bad Stalin was in disbelief and didn't do shit at the start of Barbarossa. But yeah pretend she's being unrealistic.

                >She was in over her head and got a real serious wakeup call.

                >She had no support network. Cutoff from the only person who actually gave a damn about her, Suletta. And the only person she trusted to handle a situation like this, her dad.

                >Guel was useless. The guy was already in over his head too and didn't know how to reach her. Kenanji is a military guy.

                You are asking way to much of a kid who doesn't know what they are doing. I've seen grown ass adults let smaller projects blow up in their face in the workplace.

                >I think you’re the one who’s too invested in singing the show’s praises to realize that people will use their eyes to see what they’e show instead of blindly believing something because the show told it to them.

                kek you just hate the show and look for any excuse. Yes the ending was rushed. It didn't have enough episodes to do everything justice. But doing it in a flawed way is not the same as not doing it at all. You have to be an idiot or willfully obstinate to not see what was happening.

                A valid criticism is:
                >I see what they were doing but I don't think they pulled it off because of these reasons

                A moronic complaint is:
                >Show actually didn't do the obvious thing they actually did because I'm an idiot.

              • 10 months ago

                Sure bro keep dick sucking the show. It’ll definitely get you that 3rd season.
                I don’t hate the show just to hate it, I hate it because it frustrated me in trying to tell me things were happening that weren’t conveyed on screen. But again, since you can’t handle someone seeing things differently than you it’s pointless to even talk with you. I was giving my opinion and you keep taking it as fact. I didn’t say the show had to make you feel the same way I did about it, I pointed out why I felt there was a disconnect between what was shown and what was said. But oh because adults make mistakes irl, this fictional girl who’s said to be capable of running an entire company primarily on her own while being a great strategist is the same as some underpaid wagie who bit off more than they can chew.
                There’s no point in arguing this with you, Have a nice day butthole.

              • 10 months ago

                If you get butthurt every time someone calls your opinion moronic then you should find a different site. Maybe reddit.

              • 10 months ago

                I’m not mad about that though? It’s the fact that instead of talking about the show you have to immediately call someone moronic instead of making an actual argument to support your stance. You’re just a glorified shitposter at that point.

              • 10 months ago

                Because your opinion is moronic. The show was explicit that Miorine wanted to clean up her mess. You wont accept that. That's a moronic opinion.

                Maybe you are just bad at expressing yourself and you really mean you don't think it was done well. That's a valid criticism to have. But that's not what you said.

                Saying things like:
                >Miorine only cares because Suletta cared and she wants to keep in Suletta’s good graces as she’s the only real friend she has. It was never about fixing things on earth.

                Is stupid because she has explicit lines that prove it false. Again, your problem is that you are stating things that objectively wrong.

              • 10 months ago

                >The show was explicit that Miorine wanted to clean up her mess.
                That isn’t clearly conveyed when she locks herself in a room and despite knowing she has the support of those around her, only comes out when it is Suletta who speaks to her. It makes her seem like the didn’t care until it involved Suletta potentially putting herself in danger.
                >Is stupid because she has explicit lines that prove it false. Again, your problem is that you are stating things that objectively wrong.
                Again, you must not have read what I said. The show can say something all it wants, unless it can properly convey that through the character’s actions then it’s incredibly hard for me to believe.
                You can think that’s moronic all you want but all it is is simply a difference in how you and I consume media. I like to draw my own conclusions from what I see. If the show can support what it says through action then I’ll follow along but if there’s a disconnect, I’m going to go more with what the show has shown me rather than what it tries to tell me. I like my world and characters to be built out through action, not just words. Now, we can agree to disagree, or you can be close minded and think there’s only one way to enjoy media and the rest are moronic because they’re not your way. The finale shows Miorine working bridging the gap between space and earth but it doesn’t hit because of the scene where she was content saving herself while she could have helped. Characters can grow but Miorine’s growth wasn’t about earth, it was about her learning to become a proper ceo who could support herself and others instead of someone who could do neither before. Earth’s involvement in it is clunky at best and if you want me to believe she cared about earth, have her speak to her earthian housemates to learn about their situations or about earth’s woes would have done a lot more a footnote that amounts to “they all lived happily ever after but not really.”

              • 10 months ago

                >Again, you must not have read what I said. The show can say something all it wants, unless it can properly convey that through the character’s actions then it’s incredibly hard for me to believe.

                Lets use a different example. In Independence Day, Jeff Goldbloom saves the day by hacking the Alien mothership with a powerbook and lowering their deflector shields. This is very stupid. The movie hand waves this away by saying our computers are based on theirs because Roswell but that doesn't really satisfactorily explain how two systems that are 50 years divergent could so easily interface. Its dumb. But that doesn't change the fact that it did happen in the story.

                Disliking something is not the same as denying it.

                Its a fact that Miorine wants to return to earth and fix the mess she caused. And the show lays that out pretty clearly. You may think they did a poor job of that. And I would agree somewhat. It could have been better. But it still happened and its clear what happened.

                To specifics,
                >That isn’t clearly conveyed when she locks herself in a room and despite knowing she has the support of those around her, only comes out when it is Suletta who speaks to her. It makes her seem like the didn’t care until it involved Suletta potentially putting herself in danger.

                The group she is with is hardly a support network in any sense other than the physical one. The security team gets her off planet. But Guel and Kenanji are never shown to be all the emotionally supportive. And they aren't supposed to be. Its an alliance of convenience. Guel and Miorine don't even particularly like one another. They have very little dialog and what they do have is curt.

              • 10 months ago

                Why didn't you lead off like this?
                I understand where you're coming from a lot better when you phrase it like this. I never had any problems with you thinking she did care and it makes more sense hearing you lay it out that way. While I still don't agree with you, I do understand you a lot better now.
                >It could have been better. But it still happened and its clear what happened.
                In the end she did help fix earth and spend time and effort doing so. Its not hard to believe that she eventually came to care for earth. I simply believe that before her talk with Suletta and the time skip, she simply saw it as a means to prop up herself and use it to strengthen her base rather than actually caring about like she does in the end.
                >The group she is with is hardly a support network in any sense other than the physical one. The security team gets her off planet. But Guel and Kenanji are never shown to be all the emotionally supportive. And they aren't supposed to be. Its an alliance of convenience. Guel and Miorine don't even particularly like one another. They have very little dialog and what they do have is curt.
                Honestly thats an entirely different issue to be discussed, however I think her not seeing them that way when Guel especially was trying to be supportive and there for her shows how even at that point she was still closed off to others ans didn't really see them as friend or people she cared for, more so means to achieve her goals. She sees everyone as an enemy even when they're demonstrably not because she's just apprehensive to anyone not Suletta. The time skip gives her room to improve which is why I think she came to care for earth but in the show proper, she's too closed off from the world to seem like she really cares outside of herself. By the end that's fixed but it's still a character flaw at that point.

            • 10 months ago

              Her relation to earth house is an underwritten shitshow. In the first place she forces them to work for her and they all begrudgingly agree to her being their b***hy boss because they share a mutual friend that they've known for a couple of weeks (Suletta)
              Then they all completely disregard the fact that her immediate first course of action was to start an arms manufacturing company. Even if she changed her mind none earth house have any reservations about that attitude except for Chuchu who is pretty much just a caricature.
              And after season 2 when she does her whole separate Suletta gambit she also throws all of them under the emotional bus by association but they just sort of go with the flow and do all of Suletta's emotional support for Miorine, and none of them hold any serious apprehension about this besides Chuchu whose character arc is just her learning that there's no point in staying mad at spacians and just sort of ends without her ever confronting Miorine again.
              But I guess somewhere along the line Miorine's self-absorbed company became genuine so all's well that ends well (and that's a whole other can of worms)
              Earth house simply exist as a puppy for Miorine to pet when if they actually acted like fully fleshed out people they would still dislike Miorine, they're probably in the lower 3rd of gundam's "groups bonded by adversity"

              • 10 months ago

                I mean what do you expect when the show expected us viewers to take Miorine pulling the reverse racism card on Chuchu seriously

              • 10 months ago

                Don't forget her telling them if they didn't want to work for her, they could just leave... to go be homeless I guess because she took over their house.

  3. 10 months ago

    Is this a Reddit thread? It feels like a Reddit thread

  4. 10 months ago

    Reinstate the janny.

    • 10 months ago

      Is this a Reddit thread? It feels like a Reddit thread

      Go back to facebook or wherever the frick your type dwells.

      >average incel when he sees two women in a relationship on screen

      • 10 months ago

        >Suletta and Miorine
        >in a relationship

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        >two women in a relationship
        Not canon, keep your fanfics out of here.

    • 10 months ago

      I would have never complained about any jannies on any board if I had known the cursed future their absence would bring.
      Please do it for free again, custodianchads

    • 10 months ago

      There are no jannies

  5. 10 months ago
  6. 10 months ago

    >space hippies ending war through the power of love and understanding
    fake fan

  7. 10 months ago

    The "community?" Why does everything have to be a "community?" What kinda homosexual shit is that? I like what I like, you like what you like (even if it's a homosexual ass opinion).

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah dude frick /m/ just let people post whatever they want amirite

  8. 10 months ago

    Unrelated to the thread but was there ever any talk about Suletta/Eri’s heritage? I feel like most gundam protagonists have a little bit of story relating to where they’d be from irl but I couldn’t remember if she had any references to it or not.

    • 10 months ago

      nothing besides names

    • 10 months ago

      If we’re going by names then she’s Greek/Persian or something along those lines. Or more accurately Eri is.

      • 10 months ago

        Nadim Samaya points to the dad being paki. Samaya comes from sanskrit and Nadim is a muslim name. There's only a few places where they intersect. Plus his skin is the color of poo so really it's self explanatory

        • 10 months ago

          Elnora is a Greek name though isn’t it? Funny really considering Greeks and Arabs get along like oil and water or feta and hummus in this case I guess

    • 10 months ago

      >I feel like most gundam protagonists have a little bit of story relating to where they’d be from irl
      Do they? Some Anon posted this the other day, with some additional corrections I made:

      More or less clear ethnicity:
      >Amuro Ray: Japanese/Canadian? Mother lives in Japan in the anime. Supplementary material says he was born in Canada but if that’s canon or not is up for debate. Name doesn’t give many clues.
      >Shiro Amada: Japanese. Right in the name.
      >Alfred Izuruha: English/Japanese? Born in space, though
      >Kou Uraki: very obviously Japanese
      >Kamille Bidan: name implies he’s French but supplementary stuff says he’s British but born in Japan. Mother is from Sheffield according to Zeta Define
      >Banagher Links: Arabic going by his name and his family tree. Could be Indian if you spell the name as "Banaji"
      >Jona Basta: Australian as confirmed in movie
      >Hathaway Noa: Bright is Hong Kong-British apparently and Mirai is Japanese so he’s a mix of that.
      >Uso Ewin: confirmed to be Czech in series
      >Mark Curran: Canadian most likely
      >Domon Kasshu: confirmed Japanese in show
      >Kira Yamato: Japanese
      >Shinn Asuka: very clearly Japanese
      >Setsuna F Seiei: confirmed to be Iranian/Kurdish in series.

      Unclear ethnicity:
      >Seabook Arno: never stated and Seabook just isn’t a name. Arno apparently has German roots to it but the rest of his family have very normal sounding names. Don’t know.
      >Heero Yuy: real name is Odin Lowe Jr. which, going by series’ number conventions, implies he’s got Russian/Nordic roots
      >Bellri Zenam: no fricking clue but apparently Zenam has Greek origins. He’s from Towasanga anyway so it hardly matters
      >Loran Cehack: Moonrace, though he’s probably Indian.
      >Garrod Ran: likely Japanese
      >Judau Ashta: probably Japanese. Born in space, though.
      >The Asunos: all born in space, but names suggest they’re Japanese.
      >Mikazuki Augus: no idea. Japanese/German maybe?
      >Suletta Mercury: Greek/Arabic going by mother and father’s names

      • 10 months ago

        Loran is Okinawan. They specifically used Okinawan culture in the moon canal fisher part of the show.

        • 10 months ago

          By ethnicity?

      • 10 months ago

        I mean yeah, majority of those have some kind of clear telling of where they’re from or it’s in the story.
        I’m not sure why Mika is unclear when part of his story is him being curious about where he got his namesake from since he recalled it being mentioned and he was actually pretty happy when he learned the “correct” way to write his name.
        Point is though, most protags either have it mentioned elsewhere in side material or it’s part of a downtime story to flesh out the world. What makes it really bad in WfM is you don’t even get the colony names or anything really to tell you where most spacians come from which is weird. The additional materials for the show have a lot of heavy lifting to do.

        • 10 months ago

          > What makes it really bad in WfM is you don’t even get the colony names or anything really to tell you where most spacians come from which is weird.
          It took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out that everything was happening in the Earth Sphere. Considering the show has "Mercury" in its freaking name, I thought this was going to be like IBO and take place at least across the inner Solar System.
          0079 starts out with a map. Why don't modern Gundam series do this at all?

          >The additional materials for the show have a lot of heavy lifting to do.
          Oh, man. You're hilarious.

          • 10 months ago

            Let me have hope anon. I hate the show so much but any additions to the world to flesh it out will make me convince myself it was worth it.
            >Why don't modern Gundam series do this at all?
            Isn’t it only really witch though? Most series have a map in the first few episodes at least.
            I’m just disappointed man.

            • 10 months ago

              >Isn’t it only really witch though? Most series have a map in the first few episodes at least.
              SEED had a bunch of maps, but not of the space system.
              I don't think IBO or AGE had any maps, though.

              • 10 months ago

                i recall IBO having a few to show trade routes and such but it’s a little bit later. I think the thing is though, if you can do a good enough job with the names of places then it’s not required. Witch’s issue is that you don’t even get that much.

              • 10 months ago

                >SEED had a bunch of maps, but not of the space system.
                Not a useful one, at least. Bottom is what's supposed to be.

              • 10 months ago

                Say what you will about Unicorn, but this is a useful map.

                >if you can do a good enough job with the names of places then it’s not required. Witch’s issue is that you don’t even get that much.
                Not exactly. Lagrange points can be between two sufficiently large bodies that are at a sufficient distance, such as the Earth and the Moon, or the Sun with any of its planets.

              • 10 months ago

                Usually though Lagrange points have an easily visualized place. You can’t visualize a place you’ve never heard about and don’t have a name for. I wonder if the novels fix that issue at all

              • 10 months ago

                Did those mad lads in the Vist-Federation conspiracy use the Earth's gravity to aim and bend the colony laser's beam or am I going crazy? The line from gryps 2 to industrial 7 isn't perfectly straight.

              • 10 months ago

                They needed to account for the mass of obese earthnoids

              • 10 months ago

                IBO definitely has one. I remember this because there’s a giant hole in Australia

              • 10 months ago

                There's a post-Calamity War map of Earth's blocs, but I don't remember there being one of space.

          • 10 months ago

            Because if you don't include this initial expeditionary information, you give yourself room to make stuff up/pull shit out of your ass later on.
            Which is perfect for pretty much all Gundam writers besides Tomino since they're all hacks.

      • 10 months ago

        >Mother lives in Japan in the anime. Supplementary material says he was born in Canada
        The deal with it is that the way the order of events is switched around in the first movie means that the events of 'Coming Home' took place before 'The Threat of Zeon' in the movie, so the White Base was still in North America for it. So in the TV version his home is roughly in Japan, whereas in the movies it's roughly in Canada

      • 10 months ago

        >>Kira Yamato: Japanese
        "Yamato" is his uncle's surname. While his biological surname "Hibiki" is Japanese, his mother and aunt's names are "Via" and "Caridad", both of which are European.

        • 10 months ago

          "Via" isn't a name. Not a personal one, at least.
          And, considering his adoptive (that his, his mother's) family lives in not-Japan, Kira's ancestry is most likely Japanese, just like Shinn's.

          • 10 months ago

            >"Via" isn't a name. Not a personal one, at least.
            Google is your friend; its not common and likely shortened form of something longer (e.g., Olivia, etc.)
            Also Via and Caridad are siblings, and Caridad is spanish/latin in origin. Its likely she moved to Orb and married Haruma Yamato.

      • 10 months ago

        Yuy: real name is Odin Lowe Jr. which, going by series’ number conventions, implies he’s got Russian/Nordic roots
        He's japanese

  9. 10 months ago

    >If you think it's woke get the frick out of the community

    history and fictional history when spoken about honestly is often critical of those in power that cause or participate in the death of people and the destruction of property.

    People only feel attacked because they now getting closer in age of those in power.

    In that way, just about anything that is honest about life will eventfully come off as woke if a person can not be critical of their behavior or the behavior of the groups they identify with.

    • 10 months ago

      Take it back to r/sociology, undergrad.

  10. 10 months ago

    >Every gundam american/japanese fan
    What awful grammar.

  11. 10 months ago

    >Gundam has always been about space hippies ending war through the power of love and understanding
    Kamille and Amuro didn't end jack shit by themselves. Kira ended war through firepower not understanding(SEED is the most cynical Gundam). Gundam X only had war end with both heads of the governments killed. Victory had all the top dogs in Zanscare die. F91 had Cosmo Babylonia became bankrupt according to side material.
    ZZ had a civil war between Axis happen and Haman dying.
    Gundam AGE only ended the war after a cure was found so the Martians had nothing to fight for according to the epilogue.
    G Gundam did not end the tournament shit because it really is a better alternative to war.
    Wing just had everyone hating war at the end but then there is a conflict on Mars? Dunno.
    Turn A was about prevention of war and Gym had to die.
    Only 00 had space hippies ending war through understanding and even then Ali and Ribbons are dead. A-HOLES was dismantled.
    IBO had the main cast die for peace to be achieved.
    G-b***h had it's "war" parts offscreened and really wasn't about understanding at all.

    • 10 months ago

      G-Reco has the Megafauna gone from Earth to Jupiter, killing everyone that "stepped out of the line" to maintain peace.

    • 10 months ago

      SEED is a child's understanding of what a race war would look like

  12. 10 months ago

    >Gundam has always been about space hippies ending war through the power of love and understanding.

  13. 10 months ago

    Pretty sure Setsuna is the only space hippy that fought through the power of love and understanding.
    Even Banagher ends up saying understanding is bullshit in episode 6 of Unicorn.
    Fricking Kamille says newtypeism and understanding is bullshit and the only thing he understands is that people like Scirocco and Haman need to die. No love there, only tard rage and ghosts.

    • 10 months ago

      Even Setsuna still has his limits where he’ll kill people who refuse to adhere to his rules of understanding. He only tries so hard to understand the ELS because unlike humans and innovades, they literally knew no better.
      Anyone who thinks Gundam is just blind love and understanding has never watched one outside of maybe WfM

  14. 10 months ago

    The faster gundamshit accelerates to its death, the better
    Okouchi did his senpai Tomino proud

    • 10 months ago

      How can Okouchi do Tomino proud when Tomino is always complaining about how people do nothing new and Okouchi literally did nothing new and just repeated shit they've already done?

      • 10 months ago

        It speeds up gundamshit death
        That pleases Tomino

  15. 10 months ago

    I sincerely hope that anyone who uses the word 'woke' unironically ends up in a cartel execution video

  16. 10 months ago

    Gundam was always woke

  17. 10 months ago

    G-Witch had war?

  18. 10 months ago

    I never found the show woke only the fricking audience

  19. 10 months ago

    >Watching something outside the UC
    you would have to be moronic

  20. 10 months ago

    I don't care about things being "woke" I care about things being good. Gwitch was dissapointing not because it was gay but because it felt bland and had it's world underused.
    If you want more gay shit in mechas, do as you want, creators should always have the freedom, but make something good dammit.

    Frick /misc/gay and frick baiters like you too.

    • 10 months ago

      >creators should always have the freedom
      Sounds like a good idea until you realize that there are many instances of "creators" being reigned in by higher-ups and producers for the better. Creative types are practically spastics; and without restrictions or boundaries will act as such, and produce unmarketable bullshit.

      • 9 months ago

        t. timmy, never read a book in his life

        • 9 months ago

          Take a look at the star wars prequels for a look at the "Creator" being able to do what ever the frick he wants.

          • 9 months ago

            >I didn't like this scifi movie for kids, that means all artists should be kept in basements tied to desks making drafts and concept art to be approved by a board of investors to make it as profitable and palatable to the general population
            There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the Star Wars prequels, you are again just repeating someone else's opinion.

            • 9 months ago

              >There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the Star Wars prequels
              Don't get me wrong I like the prequels but to say there is nothing wrong with them is out right delusion.

  21. 10 months ago

    This shit is actually moronic. Its obvious that WFM was qualitatively different than previous gundam shows because it produced a fan response that no other shows have produced. Stop crossposting from reddit and GTFO

  22. 10 months ago

    Get the frick out of here with your crossposting to reddit, homosexual.

  23. 10 months ago

    Hey remember Miorine, the character who is always suspicious of external businesses, adults and authority figures, who is also quick witted enough to record evidence of crimes so she can blackmail those that get get violent?
    Remember when she heard the extremely suspicious masked lady saying how she had her life ruined by Delling who also made her own daughter into a brainwashed puppet and thought the best thing to do was to cooperate with her plans?
    >But what if Prospera went full scorched earth as contingency?
    later events have her plenty of opportunity to do that and she never did

    • 10 months ago

      To be fair going to Earth to appease angry Earthians with Aerial (kek) was her own idea.

  24. 10 months ago

    BigMicahC we know it's you

  25. 9 months ago

    Its that I didn't watch it because it was "Woke"
    I just didn't watch it because it was dog shit.

  26. 9 months ago

    WfM being a yuri series and inviting Twittergays, Yurigays, and Redditgays was a fricking mistake.
    WfM has damaged Gundam.

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