Gundam: The Origin

What are /m/'s thoughts on Gundam The Origin / Advent of the Red Comet? Personally I found the whole thing to be a mixed bag and pretty underwhelming something about it completely broke my willing suspension of disbelief which I think really says something since it is Gundam. It has been a while since I have seen it but here are a few issues I remember really bothering me when I first watched it.

>Char taking on 19 Federation warships in a single Zaku exactly like that one old Zeta Gundam meme on YouTube.
>The CGI somehow looking worse than Unicorn for some reason.
>Dozel being in a car that blew up, surviving it and climbing out while the other people in the car were killed.
>All the characters act extremely hammy and over the top almost like if they are JoJo's Bizarre Adventure characters or something, even the way their faces emote are so much more cartoony and over expressive.
>10 year old Char piloting the Guntank perfectly and winning against 2 or 3 other Guntanks (yeah I know he is a newtype but god damn!)
>10 year old Char winning a sword fight against a fully grown adult assassin.
>Char twisting some Zeon guys hand and him flying back really far.
>Characterization felt really off, I get that it is based on the Origin Manga and is not meant to be in the same universe as normal UC like 0079 but it feels like they somehow made Amuro even more autistic and Char even more sociopathic which is really saying something.

I can't be bothered naming the rest but there are just so many other random and weird moments of ridiculousness all over the series that really took me out of it. I think the only parts that I truly enjoyed was just seeing all the stuff about Zeon's formation as well as Char and Gharma's friendship.

Is the origin manga also this ridiculous feeling or did they just frick up this particular adaptation?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Oh yeah I almost forgot but Casval just so happening to meet a man named Char who just so happens to look EXACTLY like him then assassinating him so he can join the army under a fake name is literally the dumbest shit I have seen in a while.
    They literally could could have just written so that Casval just uses a fake name and ID instead of having to do some weird scheme to steal the identity of a guy who looks EXACTLY like him.

    • 2 years ago

      >Dozel being in a car that blew up
      he's built different

      Char and Char grew up together

    • 2 years ago

      >10 year old Char winning a sword fight against a fully grown adult assassin.
      This and I didn't mind so much cause I thought they were trying to evoke a swashbuckling adventure like Monte Cristo or Zorro, extravagance with style. The other Char wank sucked in my book though, as mentioned already the guntank shit was comical

  2. 2 years ago

    I don't really care about it but Doan's Island was a great movie.

  3. 2 years ago

    Yeah The Origin anime is pure Char wank through and through. Yas just can't write original content well but thankfully most of the manga constrains him to mostly follow the original series' plot.

    • 2 years ago

      What are /m/'s thoughts on Gundam The Origin / Advent of the Red Comet? Personally I found the whole thing to be a mixed bag and pretty underwhelming something about it completely broke my willing suspension of disbelief which I think really says something since it is Gundam. It has been a while since I have seen it but here are a few issues I remember really bothering me when I first watched it.

      >Char taking on 19 Federation warships in a single Zaku exactly like that one old Zeta Gundam meme on YouTube.
      >The CGI somehow looking worse than Unicorn for some reason.
      >Dozel being in a car that blew up, surviving it and climbing out while the other people in the car were killed.
      >All the characters act extremely hammy and over the top almost like if they are JoJo's Bizarre Adventure characters or something, even the way their faces emote are so much more cartoony and over expressive.
      >10 year old Char piloting the Guntank perfectly and winning against 2 or 3 other Guntanks (yeah I know he is a newtype but god damn!)
      >10 year old Char winning a sword fight against a fully grown adult assassin.
      >Char twisting some Zeon guys hand and him flying back really far.
      >Characterization felt really off, I get that it is based on the Origin Manga and is not meant to be in the same universe as normal UC like 0079 but it feels like they somehow made Amuro even more autistic and Char even more sociopathic which is really saying something.

      I can't be bothered naming the rest but there are just so many other random and weird moments of ridiculousness all over the series that really took me out of it. I think the only parts that I truly enjoyed was just seeing all the stuff about Zeon's formation as well as Char and Gharma's friendship.

      Is the origin manga also this ridiculous feeling or did they just frick up this particular adaptation?

      >pure Char wank through and through.
      The char wank is cool & satisfying when watching origin for the first time but cringe in retrospect because you think back how hard it trys to appeals to the audience on how awesome & cool char is. It just feels try hard & juvenile to me. Can this fan-fic of gundam be considered a power fantasy? Char almost feels a gary stu to me in this version. If so i fricking hate it. But at the same time he was always bad ass after all but origin takes it too far for my taste. Origin sometimes reminds me code gayass's "genius" shenanigans with lelouch in some moments but origin is actually good while that show is not. Tomino's char is best char.

      • 2 years ago

        Char wasn't really always badass, and the original show(s) rather balanced it out. During the first dozen episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam he generally comes across as calm, collected commander who cares for his men while executing daring plans that rely on an accurate reading of the enemy and their weakness; however all that is offset by the fact he's constantly losing despite it, because he consistently fails to account for how strong the Gundam is when in direct battle with it and he doesn't have a suit that can match it.

        Once he reappears during the Atlantic arc he has access to better suits and his fights against the Gundam are based more on Amuro's increasing skill than on it's performance so Char comes off better in battle because he's able to fight it to a steady draw before withdrawing. However, now he's becoming increasingly petty and he doesn't show any real concern for his men anymore. Char's character is balanced throughout by always having some losses and negatives as well as the coolness. The same is roughly true in Zeta and Char's Counterattack.

        The problem with his portrayal in The Origin is perhaps that because he's the protagonist of the OVAs, he gets to be cool in a lot of areas at once and the balance is thrown off.

  4. 2 years ago

    New Cucuruz Doan settei from Animage.

    • 2 years ago
  5. 2 years ago

    In my case, it's my favorite gundam series, because its main plot it's Char which it's my favorite gundam character and the second reason of why i got into gundam.

    • 2 years ago

      That is fair enough and I am happy for you Anon

      Origin isn't what actually happened, it's just the way Char tells the story when he's bragging on the internet. Top of his class, involved in numerous successful raids against the EFF, can send you flying across a parking lot with one finger, ace pilot at only five years old, etc, etc.

      yeah that is really how it feels almost like if The Origin anime is actually just a drunken tale he always tells Lalah to impress her or something, non of it seems very plausible.

      >Dozel being in a car that blew up
      he's built different

      Char and Char grew up together

      >Dozel being in a car that blew up, surviving it and climbing out while the other people in the car were killed

      I mean, have you seen that man? Motherfricker is made of meat and gap moe. It's a wonder that Mineva ended up as small as she did.

      Yeah Dozel is a chad and mega gorilla incredible man but if you put Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson in a car with a bomb he would probably not survive.

      >fictional science fiction cartoon isn't 100% realistic and grounded in reality
      Come on man.
      And regarding the complaints of age - Uso is just a couple years older than kid Char and nobody complains about that. And what's more, this wouldn't even be some novel thing in regards to "realistic mecha" shows. One of the pilots in Ideon, Deck Afta the kid with the squirrel, is ten years old.

      Like actually find legitimate complains about the plot then autistic nitpicking about a "cartoon show is unrealistic" which doesn't even matter for the most part

      I mean most mecha anime is pretty unrealistic but I just find stuff like this in particular to be really immersion shattering, ignoring other mecha anime, in Gundam at least Amuro was 15 or 16 and even was at least 13 but those characters at least seemed to struggle in some ways and actually felt sorrow when they had to end the life's of others and constantly be in a war. The point I am trying to make isn't that muh cartoon ain't realistic it is more about how far my willing suspension of disbelief goes like maybe 10 year old Char who has never know war can fight in the Guntank fine but just shit like him fighting an assassin that is twice or even 3 times his ages with a sword is just moronic.


      Actually I'll agree this is extremely far-fetched

      Yeah like he just so happens to meet an identical man??? WTF imagine if they made a prequel to Zeta called "Zeta: The Origin" where they show Char becoming friends with a man called Quattro Bajeena who also just so happens to look EXACTLY like him and how he killed him and took his identity to join the AEUG, it's just stupid as frick.

  6. 2 years ago

    Origin isn't what actually happened, it's just the way Char tells the story when he's bragging on the internet. Top of his class, involved in numerous successful raids against the EFF, can send you flying across a parking lot with one finger, ace pilot at only five years old, etc, etc.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Dozel being in a car that blew up, surviving it and climbing out while the other people in the car were killed

    I mean, have you seen that man? Motherfricker is made of meat and gap moe. It's a wonder that Mineva ended up as small as she did.

  8. 2 years ago

    >fictional science fiction cartoon isn't 100% realistic and grounded in reality
    Come on man.
    And regarding the complaints of age - Uso is just a couple years older than kid Char and nobody complains about that. And what's more, this wouldn't even be some novel thing in regards to "realistic mecha" shows. One of the pilots in Ideon, Deck Afta the kid with the squirrel, is ten years old.

    Like actually find legitimate complains about the plot then autistic nitpicking about a "cartoon show is unrealistic" which doesn't even matter for the most part

    • 2 years ago


      Oh yeah I almost forgot but Casval just so happening to meet a man named Char who just so happens to look EXACTLY like him then assassinating him so he can join the army under a fake name is literally the dumbest shit I have seen in a while.
      They literally could could have just written so that Casval just uses a fake name and ID instead of having to do some weird scheme to steal the identity of a guy who looks EXACTLY like him.

      Actually I'll agree this is extremely far-fetched

      • 2 years ago

        he literally grows up with the real Char
        it's premeditated

        • 2 years ago

          that has nothing to do with how far-fetched it is

          • 2 years ago

            yeah Char having a decent body double he can just copy the hair cut and fashion of while he stews his grudges then finally using his pawn is very far fetched

  9. 2 years ago

    Having a burning desire for revengeance against the Zabis is a pathway to abilities most unusual.

  10. 2 years ago

    Personally, I hate this filthy fan fiction for the fact that the most inconsistent and contradictory history of the development of the Zaku series has been formalized.

    In addition, the entire federal mythology about the evil Zeon is animated here.

    • 2 years ago

      >the most inconsistent and contradictory history of the development of the Zaku series has been formalized.
      Also Guntanks that shouldn't exist, and early type Guncannons that failed a mission and therefore are somehow not the EF's first "true" mobile suits. Oh, and Kai Shiden being a ballsy renegade instead of a devout coward, too. But mostly frick this show (and the manga it rode in on) for the scene of Tem Ray complaining that he never should have BOUGHT that Haro for Amuro. And double-frick Yas for naming his retelling "the origin" when his pointless changes left and right make it blatantly not the original version of the story.

      • 2 years ago

        > But mostly frick this show (and the manga it rode in on) for the scene of Tem Ray complaining that he never should have BOUGHT that Haro for Amuro.

        I will never get why people object so much to this. It's not like Amuro building Haro is given much attention in the original show, and there are several other things that reinforce Amuro's engineering passion and skill during even the opening episodes.

        • 2 years ago

          >I will never get why people object so much to this
          It's completely pointless. It only takes away a relatively small achievement from Amuro which, as you say, is not given much attention in the original show. But in return it adds absolutely nothing to the story. It's just an arbitrary change that serves no purpose. The problem comes from the fact that these dozens of random pointless changes were given a title that would seem to suggest they are supposed to be the original story.

          • 2 years ago

            It doesn't add anything to change it, but it probably felt more "believable" to Yaz that Amuro just modified a toy that Tem bought him than that he built it from scratch.

            • 2 years ago

              Believability doesn't seem to have been a high priority overall.

              • 2 years ago

                It does appear to have been a priority in a lot of the world building changes to the politics of the Federation/Zeon build up, the timeline of mobile suit development etc. Not of the character interactions perhaps, but to the background stuff.

        • 2 years ago

          And later in the manga Amuro insists on overseeing the magnetic coating installation to make sure they don't mess up the Gundam.

  11. 2 years ago

    They shoulda just gone ahead and animated the entire Origin manga, not just the Char parts.

  12. 2 years ago

    I'm on the same field. Its enjoyable but has way too many issues, mainly how Char went from someone with a vendetta against the Zabi to an almost cartoony psychopath.
    >The CGI somehow looking worse than Unicorn for some reason.
    I was ok with the CG's quality but yeah, you would expect this to look at least as good as Unicorn if not better. They clearly new this was going to sell and didn't bother to put extra effort.
    >Dozel being in a car that blew up, surviving it and climbing out while the other people in the car were killed.
    I don't mind this too much. However this is the type of thing that is better if you only hear about it rather than seeing it. If you hear that he survived such incident it gives him a more intimidating aura and you can dismiss it as just rumors if its too over the top for you.
    >All the characters act extremely hammy and over the top
    Don't mind it too much aside from a couple of instances.
    >10 year old Char piloting the Guntank
    I gave this a pass since its anime and you will almost always have to deal with at least a few teaspoons of bs like this in most anime, however the amount of bs just kept increasing with time to the point in which it became impossible for me to ignore.
    >Char twisting some Zeon guys hand and him flying back really far.
    That scene was incredibly stupid, I wasn't sure if I should laugh at it or not. That being said that's the least of my concerns regarding Char in Origin. Him finding an identical guy by mere coincidence instead of Deikun's allies helping him to get a new identity is just atrociously lazy writing. Him also being completely casual about the guy getting murdered and him killing that guy who knew his identity as if it was nothing felt out of character and just made him feel like edgelord wank for the fujo who like that crap. That's the worst part of Origin for me.
    Stuff like Amuro not building Haro is unnecessary but not that big of a deal.

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