Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

>I will marry your Tanuki daughter and we will have lots of sex and become one big family

Is this part also open to interpretation from the viewer according to Bandai?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Thread theme

  2. 10 months ago

    Prospera just adopted her because she liked Miorine so much is all.

  3. 10 months ago

    There are four threads on this subject matter:





    Stop flooding the catalog with this garbage, Twatter scum. Frick off.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Go shoot another scat doujin, you prostitute

    • 10 months ago

      >There are four threads on this subject matter:
      that is up to interpretation

    • 10 months ago

      One fricking week later and this lazy bait thread is still up? Fricking worthless mods.

  4. 10 months ago

    >animators, director itself and other staff and even the fricking series already confirmed that they are married
    >some guy at Bandai decides to censor a word that Ichinose said in a magazine
    >all the reactionary incels wake up and start shitting the threads again

    Like I said, you people are perpetually assblassted by this cute Tanuki and her wife Miomio.

    • 10 months ago

      I want them to be married so Miorine can be fully indicted for her future acts of assault, assault with a deadly weapon, neglect and emotional abuse

    • 10 months ago

      >animators, director itself and other staff and even the fricking series already confirmed that they are married
      no they didnt. Not even the VAs has said anything confirming it

      • 10 months ago

        they literally giggled like schoolgirls while talking about how Suletta and Miorine "DEEPENED" their relationship in these 3 years

        • 10 months ago

          So no marriage confirmation

        • 10 months ago

          So that implies their relationship didn't change, it deepened: so their relationship as friends deepened. Thanks for clearing that up.

        • 10 months ago

          Elan and Guel's VA's had absolutely no idea where their characters were going throughout the show. The conjecture of VA's is worth less than the pixels they are displayed on

        • 10 months ago

          >they giggled
          putting aside the fact that you give a rat's ass about staff circle jerk sessions, that's not exactly a weighted confirmation.
          like frick, most people has already made up their mind about the show with it being over and all, why do people act like the newest staff shenanigan is a game changer? It's not like that one time they said "them IBO gundams getting hit by orbital bombardment was a skill issue and nobody lived ever happily after" now THAT was worth a giggle.

      • 10 months ago

        This all started when Suletta's seiyuu said they got married during the timeskip though?

        • 10 months ago

          Anon still doesn't realise VAs embellish information to promote stuff, please understand

        • 10 months ago

          No it got started when an editor forgot a correction. VAs are just as much fans of the series as anyone else. They have their own feelings about things and the last thing Bandai would want would be dans feeling alienated because people started using a VAs words to be asses about fanart and fans liking different interpretations which is why the comment wasn’t meant to be included to begin with. It was already corrected, someone tried to be sly and undo it. The bad part is VAs say shit like that all the time during interviews and oftentimes that type of comment has to be cut out, this isn’t a new thing it happening because of homophobia.

          • 10 months ago

            You guys are really desperate.
            What's wrong with lesbians? Are they really that scary, anon?

            • 10 months ago

              They fear that japan media goes the same way as Hollywood western shit were everything is ruined because politics and virtue signaling. The difference is that western movies are downright propaganda and Japanese seem handle this stuff pretty differently. Westerners will just pick established franchises and loved characters and ruin them while berrating their loyal audience for being biggots and shoving propaganda down their troaths. Nips start they own series for yuri and do not proselytise and respect older viewers. Still westerners don't understand japanese handle things differently or are too scared japan will go to shit like the west has, where everything is effectively ruined.

              • 10 months ago

                >implying WfM wasn’t propaganda from the start
                The prologue literally opens with another interracial lesbian couple where one of them is a heavyset dyke nigress, also there’s a literal landwhale character.

              • 10 months ago

                >They fear that japan media goes the same way as Hollywood western shit were everything is ruined because politics and virtue signaling
                >Gundam will be ruined by politics!
                Do you even read what you type?

              • 10 months ago

                There is a difference between sending a message or discussion politics vs blantant propaganda and directly shamming and blaming your loyal viewers like the west does. Gundam politic themes have been corrupt politicians and environmentalism, but both sides are downright evil or incompetent so there is not much endorsement beyond hopping kids grow up better than their shitty parents and some day problems get fixed by sensible and reasonable people.

              • 10 months ago

                >They fear that japan media goes the same way as Hollywood western shit were everything is ruined because politics and virtue signaling
                >Gundam will be ruined by politics!
                Do you even read what you type?

                There is a difference between sending a message or discussion politics vs blantant propaganda and directly shamming and blaming your loyal viewers like the west does. Gundam politic themes have been corrupt politicians and environmentalism, but both sides are downright evil or incompetent so there is not much endorsement beyond hopping kids grow up better than their shitty parents and some day problems get fixed by sensible and reasonable people.

                All this just boils back down to:
                >Politics ~~*I*~~ agree with = nuanced, intellectual, deep
                >Politics ~~*I*~~ disagree with = propaganda, brainwashing, sell-out

                It's as predictable as getting a dog to wag its tale when presented with a treat or start whimpering when presented with a whip.

                No one here cares whether a show is good or bad. They care whether it checks enough arbitrary boxes for them to get Bingo!

              • 10 months ago


                inb4 E(nglish) S(econd) L(anguage) shit-flinging

                I thought I'd spell it out for you so you know what you're saying.

              • 10 months ago

                Well, the fans only care about whether or not the main couple is married and acting like Banda's statement made the Sulemio couple noncanon. So what, Yuri couples aren't canon if they're not married?

              • 10 months ago

                That’s the funniest part of all of this. No one said the Yuri wasn’t there just that people could believe what they wanted to believe and interpret (ship) however they wanted to. But Yurigays and just shipgays in general nowadays don’t care about the ship, only about holding it over other people’s heads about how much better their tastes are since theirs are canon.

              • 10 months ago

                Honestly, the reaction was way overblown. You would think that Bandai has released a statement saying that Sulemio isn't canon and Suletta has always been in love with Guel or El4n with the way the Yuri shippers were acting. You'd think that it was the end of the world for them.

              • 10 months ago

                It is, they can’t go onto every Guel/Elan and Suletta fanart and say it’s non-canon or vague about how much Suletta is a lesbian as if the girl isn’t very clearly bi. The best part is people missing the point entirely and still bragging about how G-witch is queer as if Bandai’s statement ever said anything about that outside of things being up to viewer interpretation. Those types of fans just hate free expression, they’d die if exposed to the delusions of gundam oldgays.

              • 10 months ago

                >You'd think that it was the end of the world for them.
                Thats because nothing else in the series mattered to them. They didn't care about anything else other than the yuribait.
                If its not explicit, then they will feel like they wasted their time.

                Also the people who support it for no other reason than their politics. Lets not pretend that this doesn't play a part in it for many.

                Honestly, Bandai made the right decision in alienating people like that from the franchise. They will never watch the other shows or support the franchise unless it will have Yuri or other LGBT in them. Good riddance.

              • 10 months ago

                And even if they did, they’re too fickle. Old gundam fans fund them nicely and the new gunpla fans brought in by the pandemic are still more profitable than fans of a single show that throw a fit when things don’t go exactly their way. It reminds me of how the director for 00 directly confirmed Setsuna and Marina weren’t a couple and no one started shit on this level over that despite for some people, that being their main pair. I do really feel like this is just Bandai trying to be consistent, at least somewhat. They want to leave what they can up to fan interpretation to make sure it doesn’t piss people off but with G-Witch fans, pretty much anything pisses them off. Including Guel in that one magazine cover sent them into a spiral of hating them despite him just sitting there.

              • 10 months ago

                >You'd think that it was the end of the world for them.
                Thats because nothing else in the series mattered to them. They didn't care about anything else other than the yuribait.
                If its not explicit, then they will feel like they wasted their time.

                Also the people who support it for no other reason than their politics. Lets not pretend that this doesn't play a part in it for many.

            • 10 months ago

              I wasn’t talking about just the lesbians. You must not have ever read VA interviews because it’s pretty clear in many of them that they say things that don’t make the cut because it’s not in line with what the higher ups want to be said about the show or character. It’s nothing new for a comment that could potentially be controversial to be edited out if someone in the staff thinks it doesn’t fit with what image they want to give. On top of that, from what I’ve read at least, most interviews are about clearing up misconceptions rather than confirming just one interpretation of things. Everyone with a brain knows what happened but if you have to have someone come out and say it, then the work itself seems lesser because it couldn’t get the message across on its own.

    • 10 months ago

      >you people are perpetually assblassted
      That's a weird way of saying we're laughing at you.

    • 10 months ago

      VA and Staff(except director and writer) are faulty to headcanon like fans as well.
      Not saying Suletta VA went full headcanon, her word doesn't mean the final word unless she's specifically said it's from director or writer.

      • 10 months ago

        The writer retweeted Suletta and Miorine kissing artwork. All of them are into it.

        • 10 months ago

          So did this art was, your point?

          • 10 months ago

            That art was made in reflection to a plot point in the show where two characters pretended to be engaged

            • 10 months ago

              >pretended to be engaged
              >Casually act like an old couple instead.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Its always funny that G-Witch defender is always calling people who shitting on their show as Incel. When their own fandom is consist of either male character hating or female fanbase hating Incel

      • 10 months ago

        I’ll have you know, anon, that the G Witch fanbase is 99% female (male)

        • 10 months ago

          I'm not just talking about western fanbase.
          Nip otaku also have those "allergic toward male character" attitude.

    • 10 months ago

      Go back to twatter, homosexual. Using incel lmao youre not a man.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm so glad bandai decanonized this shit and backpedaled only AFTER all the greasy troons and yurigooners threw all of their parents money at this shit show. Classic Bandai Win!

  5. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      CHAD Yamato
      I kneel…

    • 10 months ago

      reminder that Kira's dick doesn't work that's why he doesn't sleep on the same bed as Lacus

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, my canon is Chuchu cuckholds Mio.

        We've seen it work.

      • 10 months ago

        Married couples in Japan sleep in separate beds.

    • 10 months ago

      do we have this pic with a bigger resolution? i need it....

  6. 10 months ago

    it's open to interpretation, yes
    it's just that there is only one reasonable interpretation but people are shitting themselves over this and making all of us look moronic. Eh, it will pass.

    • 10 months ago

      The one reasonable explanation is that in three years they finally got over their gay phase and became normal

    • 10 months ago

      Yeh. Though if it's true that the transliteration of the interview and then editing of the interview was an editor adding the word marriage, I wonder what the original audio of the interview sounded like to have that level of interpretation to add the word marriage in there.

  7. 10 months ago

    >the Bandai executive who ordered the correction

  8. 10 months ago

    The only thing you care about is shipping.

  9. 10 months ago

    It’s a friendship marriage anon.

  10. 10 months ago

    >nigs and landwhale reduced into background literal who characters
    >gay brocon magically prayed the gay away through the power of pussy and his homohomosexualry was shown to be driving him insane
    >Arab character depicted as a terrorist
    >Now the interracial lesbian couple - the entire premise of the show - retroactively retconned into just a “friendship” marriage
    My god the meme was actually true… Looks like going woke really did make Bandai broke and they’re damage controlling the entire thing.

    • 10 months ago

      >Yurigays kick old fans out of Gundam
      >They weren't buying more models or checking out older series
      >Old fans fricking hate WfM fans because of this as they care only for shipping and nothing else
      >In order to course correct itself and get their merch up, they announce they were friends all along
      >Yurigays seething everywhere as old fans laugh at them as karma

      • 10 months ago

        The show earned the most though more then any other gundam show morons

        • 10 months ago

          >Twitter post.
          >Gundam IP in general.
          I can feel the skewing from here.

          • 10 months ago

            Nah its wfm sells, technacally old ones even the pbandai ones don't get that much but the new series are the real money makers, see the other years when a show like build divers was shit and noone was buying the earning was low and when its wfm the earnings were high though

            • 10 months ago

              >It just does OK?!
              Skewing got it,

              • 10 months ago

                It doesn't just do okay cooping dialeting gay its thriving more than 00 ,more than seed more than wing , got that Black person gay, the amount of delusion and psychotic homosexualery the polcucks are pulling here is impressive

              • 10 months ago

                >,more than seed

              • 10 months ago

                Seed was lucrative in bluray not gunpla the sales were low see the 2003 earnings
                But wfm was both lucrative in blurays and model kits the aerial was saling like hot potatoes eve in the us

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                haven’t you got an event to be preparing for, Okouchi?

              • 10 months ago

                You say this while a portion of the sales were just off of the 00 Metalbuilds coming out and that line in general selling well. Wfm only looks like it sold so much because other thing also came out then.

              • 10 months ago

                Nah it sold well and the japanese liked it ,

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah even that the metalbuilds in the year of build divers were the socalled popular seed one and yet the sale were low,gunpla sells and wfm sold well ,well enough to get pbandai to death

              • 10 months ago

                >well enough to get pbandai to death
                >two p-bandai kits
                >one from who the frick cares side manga
                >p-bandai to death

  11. 10 months ago

    Deleted marriage scene oHg5SJYRHA0

  12. 10 months ago

    It is over. The show is over. It is time to let go.

  13. 10 months ago

    You know, folks. Since we’re all here discussing this crap show, I think a couple of questions needs to be answered.

    1. What happened behind the scenes to cause this rushed mess?

    2. What was the point of Gundam calibarn if not to retcon its existence into an event which never foreshadowed it?

    3. Why was Mio’s mom never explored despite being shown in the opening? And what was her true motivation outside of what Rajan said?

    4. Who the frick is Elan Ceres? The original, I mean. We never get any explanation outside of him being apart of Peil and possibly being a manipulative shitbag, yet no episodes are dedicated to him outside of his clones conducting his dirty work. Seriously, why did Peil pick him of all people?

    5. Did no one realize how stupid a concept Quiet Zero is? Giving your daughter another chance to walk again is fine, but shouldn’t you have made a new body for her instead? And how in god’s almighty name did Prospera create 12 clones of Eri but never thought about, I don’t know, transferring her mind into a new one? Frick, it doesn’t have to be organic, a robot body works fine.

    6. Dear god, could someone explain the purpose of the schwarezette? That thing is so cool but my god it did not deserve the treatment it got. We waited three months just for a shit fight and space magic? Motherfricker, Pharact had more scenes, frick, even the Daribalde was more present, and it’s not even a Gundam.

    7. Who are the Space Assembly League outside of being the spacian government? What do they control, who’s notably in power, and why are they trying to destroy the Benerit Group? Yes, hey have committed crimes on Earth and expanded beyond their limits, but give me a reason to root for the Benerit group’s destruction outside of plot connivence. And on that note, who’s the earth government?

    I have more, but that’s it for now.

    • 10 months ago

      1,2, and 3 all seem to come from them trying to write this series like a 50 episode Gundam series. Gundam shows tend to drip feed worldbuilding and foreshadowing but with half the normal length they couldn't have as many of the small scenes that make this style work.
      4. I'm pretty sure they mentioned that he was selected by AI but for a reason that I'm forgetting they decided to use the body doubles for the dueling competition.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, but who is Elan Ceres?

        What makes him tick, why is he such a shit stain? Is he a playboy, con artist, fricking serial killer? Who exactly is he, and why should I care?

      • 10 months ago

        >Gundam shows tend to drip feed worldbuilding and foreshadowing but with half the normal length they couldn't have as many of the small scenes that make this style work.
        Bullshit, they had plenty of time. They just chose to use their time poorly.

        • 10 months ago

          Even the school setting was used so poorly. They just dropped the ball all around.

    • 10 months ago

      >1. What happened behind the scenes to cause this rushed mess?
      I guess not enough production oversight? The writer and the director both needed a tard-wrangler.

    • 10 months ago

      Pacing and Okouchi are things that mix like oil and water. I guess he and the rest of the staff thought they were getting more episodes or something. Because they sure tried to cram in a lot of crap in the latter half of season 2. It's a shame things wound up as underwhelming as they did. Since I was actually digging it.

    • 10 months ago

      1. Relatively inexperienced director, writing staff trying to cram 50 episodes into half that, plot and setting and even the basic premise of the series being changed constantly (they’d even written the first episode using an entirely different plot and set of characters before the director suggested a school setting out of the blue and they just dropped everything and rewrote the whole story to adhere to this. I guarantee a lot of the dropped plot threads originated here)
      2. The staff wrote themselves into a corner regarding Aerial and desperately needed a new Gundam to fit the bill so they pulled Calibarn out of their asses and hoped no one would notice
      3. Bad writing, ties into them trying to fit too much into too little
      4. Again, bad writing. The entire human experimentation plot/body double thing goes literally nowhere and I’m convinced they only added it as they wanted to kill Elan 4 off and then have a double running around for drama purposes but didn’t think past that
      5. See 3
      6. Bandai mandating another Gundam I assume. I’m convinced Suletta was meant to get it, or Guel at least, at some point before the whole thing fell through. Just speculating there though
      7. SAL gets explained through some throwaway lines that they’re a regulatory group that keeps space in check and sorts out issues regarding politics and the commercial market. They don’t like the Benerit Group because they’re getting too big for their britches and are overstepping their boundaries but the proper details on why they hate them so much is never properly explained outside of the higher ups apparently being Ochs Earth supporters who had a grudge against them for shutting down Gund development years prior. It’s all overly vague and poorly explained

      • 10 months ago

        >writing staff trying to cram 50 episodes into half that
        Can people stop trying to push this conspiracy theory? They would have know how many episodes they were given from the start. They knew they only had half that amount and there is no evidence that they had it cut.

        • 10 months ago

          Not what I’m saying. I’m saying the show has the scope of a 50 episode run even though it’s 25 so it goes on tangents and has plot threads brought up that end up going nowhere that would’ve worked better on a 50 episode show

      • 10 months ago

        >writing staff trying to cram 50 episodes into half that
        Cram what? It's clear they didn't even establish an actual setting. The SAL, situation on Earth, and the rest of space are flimsy cardboard cutouts. They're completely unexplained and even contextually you can't draw any conclusions about what the governance structure is like or what Earth and space are actually like. The SAL just show up at the end with a space laser, get shut down, and then frick off with no consequences for anyone because the writers never planned any SAL stuff out internally. The shows feels like it was written weeks by week

    • 10 months ago

      1. Relatively inexperienced director, writing staff trying to cram 50 episodes into half that, plot and setting and even the basic premise of the series being changed constantly (they’d even written the first episode using an entirely different plot and set of characters before the director suggested a school setting out of the blue and they just dropped everything and rewrote the whole story to adhere to this. I guarantee a lot of the dropped plot threads originated here)
      2. The staff wrote themselves into a corner regarding Aerial and desperately needed a new Gundam to fit the bill so they pulled Calibarn out of their asses and hoped no one would notice
      3. Bad writing, ties into them trying to fit too much into too little
      4. Again, bad writing. The entire human experimentation plot/body double thing goes literally nowhere and I’m convinced they only added it as they wanted to kill Elan 4 off and then have a double running around for drama purposes but didn’t think past that
      5. See 3
      6. Bandai mandating another Gundam I assume. I’m convinced Suletta was meant to get it, or Guel at least, at some point before the whole thing fell through. Just speculating there though
      7. SAL gets explained through some throwaway lines that they’re a regulatory group that keeps space in check and sorts out issues regarding politics and the commercial market. They don’t like the Benerit Group because they’re getting too big for their britches and are overstepping their boundaries but the proper details on why they hate them so much is never properly explained outside of the higher ups apparently being Ochs Earth supporters who had a grudge against them for shutting down Gund development years prior. It’s all overly vague and poorly explained

      I'm pretty sure everything can be explained by production banking on getting approval for another ~24 episodes to continue on the plot threads besides Prospera and Quiet Zero. I imagine they were told that the show was getting cancelled at around the time season 2 starting airing, so the later S2 episodes were adjusted accordingly to end all the plot threads quickly and squeeze in all the mandatory MS appearances while the early S2 episodes were locked in.

  14. 10 months ago


  15. 10 months ago


  16. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >spongebob meme grabbed from twitter
      I am vomit

    • 10 months ago

      The only one that outright says it is the last one. I don’t understand why there’s so much importance placed on having them say the M word as if leaving it “up to interpretation” means anything other than watch the fricking show for yourself instead of listening to what one member of the cast has to say about it

      • 10 months ago

        It's all about the $$$. It's better to be neutral on the issue than it is to either openly support it or deny it. Bandai was hoping to leave it unsaid even if most everyone saw they were basically married, but that editor's error ended up forcing them to retract the statement in order to return to neutrality. It's all stupid, but business have stupid statements to appease shareholders after all.

        • 10 months ago

          I get that part and it’s a smart move because before the comment, everything was fine and working out in their favor. That one editor’s mistake just fricked them over for no reason. It’s not even like they denied the marriage, they were commenting on it being an editorial error hence the difference between copies. People saying it’s homophobic or Bandai backpedaling are stupid because Bandai didn’t backpedal on shit, they wanted to remain neutral and an editor who didn’t do their job forced them to say something in the first place.

        • 10 months ago

          That strategy does not work in the west, where the mobs and things like ESG, are trying to do the exact opposite, force all companies to take one side of the argument. I wonder if Bandai realizes how the west works. Anyways is always a bunch of twitter and terminal online loudmouths who do all the racket, sadly people repost their opinions in /m/ to bait people.

        • 10 months ago

          Bandai's PR team could've just not said anything when the mention of marriage was removed. Grabbing a pint and waiting for it to blow over probably would've been a smarter move.

      • 10 months ago

        everyone who has seen the show KNOWS that they married, the rings were more than enough proof.

        but the problem is that Bandai, by forcing that interpretation crap, are indeed trying to deny what everyone knows. if bandai says its not real, then its not real, and they DID say its not real. except the show and their crew contradicts the everloving shit out of that.

        tldr: Bandai HAS to correct that and admit they are married. or else this crap will never end. a crap THEY started.

        • 10 months ago

          They really don't because it was never something that was meant ti be officially commented on to begin with. An editor fricked up when to begin with, it was left to people to properly interpret the show

          • 10 months ago

            theres NOTHING to interpret. the only way Bandai's crap would work is if they decide to reedit the last scenes, removing Eri's Sister-in-law line, and removing the rings.

            the editor and the VA's didnt do anything wrong there, this is just bandai bending the knee for no reason and ruining the impossibly large cashcow they had because they fear they might lose a market and not earn ALL the money, just like Kemono friends. despíte the fact them doing this will actually make them lose everything.

            • 10 months ago

              >the impossibly large cashcow

            • 10 months ago

              It’s not bandai ruining shit. At no point before hand had they explicitly confirmed anything because the whole point of them doing this is to try and keep some kind of fricking integrity. How would you feel if people only cared because you said the characters were married instead of them watching the show and coming to that conclusion on their own? The only thing Bandai is doing is asking morons to use their brains, they didn’t confirm or deny shit. It was an editor frick up that ruined what they had going. They don’t want to tell people outright, they want to show, make money off of that, and believe fans aren’t stupid enough that they need word of god to spell shit out for them.

              • 10 months ago

                ok... i'll play...

                you want to do that thing? then all bandai needed to do was pretty simple: nothing.

                you talk about integrity, integrity means standing for the acts you made, not trying to cover them up. you are just defending their 'decision' using terms that do not fit the situation because you want to make the other side mad.

              • 10 months ago

                >integrity means standing for the acts you made
                >Bandai didn't want to confirm or deny.
                >Bandai acted to maintain that.

              • 10 months ago

                That was what they initially intended to do, leave it alone, not touch on the topic. Again this was an editor fricking up. I guarantee there are plenty of interviews where VAs have said things that needed to be edited out because it would cause a schism whoch is exactly what happened. If the editor hadn’t fricked up the print, then Bandai would have been doing nothing the same as before. This situation wasn’t their fault because they had their plan set and working, it was a failure of an editor that cause this shit. No one was complaining beforehand but the moment Bandai tells people to use their own judgment suddenly that’s…bad?

              • 10 months ago

                >No one was complaining beforehand but the moment Bandai tells people to use their own judgment suddenly that’s…bad?

                that might be what they wrote, but thats not what it really meant, Bandai took a side by writing that statement. and that side is 'Gwitch was a mistake, we didnt knew they wanted a yuri ending and we cant risk to lose money if theres possible confirmation of a lesbian marriage'.

                the crew wanted a lesbian marriage, the VAs knew that there was gonna be a lesbian marriage, theres proof of a marriage, theres nothing to 'leave to interpretation' and bandai forcing that state,emt is exactly the same as wanting it out because it might not be good for their bottom line... MIGHT being the keyword.

              • 10 months ago

                >if theres possible confirmation of a lesbian marriage'.
                They didn't even confirm Lauda and Petra.

              • 10 months ago

                >They didn't even confirm Lauda and Petra.
                Because LauGue was supposed to be the canon endgame and Petra was actually going to die in the first season but seems they were subjected to the same censorship that now befell SuleMio.

              • 10 months ago

                And that doesn't change a thing I said.

              • 10 months ago

                Telling people to use their eyes isn’t censorship

              • 10 months ago

                For the love of god almighty, they are brothers! Brothers, motherfricker! Do not tell me they were the endgame since at no point did Guel ever explicitly state he wanted to frick Lauda. Jesus Christ, people.

              • 10 months ago

                >For the love of god almighty, they are brothers! Brothers, motherfricker!

              • 10 months ago

                you frickers need help holy shit

              • 10 months ago

                kys troony

              • 10 months ago

                I think you’re misunderstanding Bandai as a whole. Yeah they want money but I don’t think they want Gundam as a brand to be seen as something where you wait for an official’s word on something like a relationship. The show, that they want you to watch, should speak for itself. They don’t want the audience to be treated like children who don’t have media literacy but apparently they can’t even understand their statement properly so to hell with understanding the show outside of what’s been spoonfed to them through others.

              • 10 months ago

                >Bandai took a side by writing that statement. and that side is 'Gwitch was a mistake
                Based Bandai

            • 10 months ago

              I'm almost certain losing the Chinese market would be significantly worse for them than G-Witch stuff not selling as well. Especially since the show is already over.

              • 10 months ago

                this isn't true because there is also shit tons of mobbage and anime stylized copycat appearance chinese cartoons with gay, bi, lesbian characters in mainland china.

  17. 10 months ago

    /u/-troons undoubtedly and irrevocably blown the frick out.

  18. 10 months ago

    >Yurigays and /misc/tards at war.
    >Can now browse the other threads in somewhat peace.

  19. 10 months ago

    >muh 50 episodes!!!!
    Frickin boomers L

  20. 10 months ago

    Sorry for you loss, op. No fanbase deserves that.

  21. 10 months ago

    I did not enjoy this character.
    I am not opposed to the Yuri.
    That said I honestly think she is the most irritating and antagonizing main character love interest in Gundam.
    Suletta clearly needs a guide after all she's been through, not a self centered brat she has to appease at every turn.

  22. 10 months ago

    Honestly I'd have more sympathy if G Witch fans weren't only in for the lesbian shit and attacked any critics of the show. Now you have nothing but another AU. Enjoy. See you in ten years when p Bandai releases anniversary kits

    • 10 months ago

      I didn't get into it because of lesbian shit. I seriously liked this show ;__;

      • 10 months ago

        I’m so sorry anon. Both for how bad it turned out and your terrible taste

      • 10 months ago

        Yuri is as indissociable from anime as siameese twin hell even mecha excer 1 for example

  23. 10 months ago

    Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 13,243
    Gundam G no Reconquista 10,536
    Suisei no Majo 8,458

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Technically a huge chunk of the IBO sales came from a special one episode blu ray that had a code for GBO2 included so if you think about it, G Reco is the reigning champ

    • 10 months ago

      Wasnt b***h from mercury the highest selling bluray during its run though

      • 10 months ago

        >Wasnt b***h from mercury the highest selling bluray during its run though

        • 10 months ago

          Yes atleast one of them always the second place though

    • 10 months ago

      holy kek wasn't g-b***h supposed the best selling gundumb of all time
      at least that's what newbies and secondaries keep saying

      • 10 months ago

        It was

    • 10 months ago

      You frickers literally said this show was supposed to be an unprecedented success.

      • 10 months ago

        Thats because people who say that pretend that the record sales from last year are only due to Witch and ignore everything else that year.

    • 10 months ago

      I thought G Witch saved Gundam?! What is this, anon?!

  24. 10 months ago

    The show must not be very good if yuri controversies are what the series is known for now. Surely there must be more to it than just that...?

    • 10 months ago

      Its ripped off Unicorn one time, and it ripped off X one time, and it ripped off Narrative one time, and it ripped off Zeta one time and it

    • 10 months ago

      well we've warned you already if could comb through the posts that had nothing to do with yurihomosexualry, but then it just devolved into 'if you criticize the show, you must be homophobic' etc etc

  25. 10 months ago

    Giant robots?

    • 10 months ago

      Can you at least hide your /misc/tardedness?
      This goes for either side of the argument, but especially anyone who posts RockThrow for any reason.

  26. 10 months ago

    Wasn't there recently some anime who pretty popular thanks to being yuribait.
    But when creator asked about said he didn't mean any of that pairing other than just friend and those people there went tantrum?

    • 10 months ago

      lycoris recoil?

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, i think thats the name, its buddy cop show but girls

  27. 10 months ago

    This nonconfirmation is just a marketing stunt to keep morons talking about G-Witch.

  28. 10 months ago

    el5n was the best character in this show. both times he got into a mobile suit he stunted on everyone, he harassed his way into almost getting a gf, turned into tom cruise and then fricked off from the rest of the morons forever

    • 10 months ago

      He’s a poor man’s season 2 Lockon

      • 10 months ago

        hes about equal to lyle imo but even if he wasnt that doesnt make him not the best character in the show. guels the only other real competition but his writing got fumbled too hard post episode 17.

      • 10 months ago

        He was more fun to watch than lyle tbqh

        • 10 months ago

          aw you're being too cruel, at least lyle didn't get sent to the dumbass dungeon for 10 episodes. to me lyle's neanderthal moment "IM GONNA MAKE YOU MY WOMAN AGAIN AND YOU CANT SAY NO" was funnier than all el5n scenes in gwitch.

      • 10 months ago

        damn bros, why was Gundam yaoi so much more kino than yuritrash?

        • 10 months ago

          By not trying hard to pander to a certain demographic.

        • 10 months ago

          Because they were characters first, ship second

    • 10 months ago

      >el5n was the best character in this show
      >The writers had no idea what to do with him
      >Gets mugged hard by El4n who's dead and El0n who managed to win by not doing anything

  29. 10 months ago

    They're tip toeing around the gay marriage issue just like they do around the TYPE 1/TYPE 2 troony garbage in videogames or other SJW censorship garbage these companies are forced to do.
    It's just that this time it's the self insert schizos and CHINA they're trying not to offend.
    And you cucks homosexual troony bastards are cheering for this. The absolute Black person state of you.

    If you're cheering for this while you (rightfully) hate on SJWs for their censorship and identity politic BS, you're a FRICKING hypocrite, plain and simple. Woke SJW troonshit is particularly bad because it destroy the creative expression of the actual people working on their art. This latest bullshit is doing exactly the same thing and deep down you fricking know it.
    Get a fricking grip, have some principles. You're all fricking pathetic fricking Black folk, all of you.

    • 10 months ago

      Heres the thing
      "Free speech absolutism" is a suckers position to take. It sounds good in your head, but you always just end up defending your enemies speech that they will never ever reciprocate to you and you lose your metaphorical battles while they crush you.

      So yes, censorship I agree with good, censorship I don't agree with bad. Deal with it, you Black person.

      • 10 months ago

        >"Free speech absolutism" is a suckers position to take. It sounds good in your head, but you always just end up defending your enemies speech that they will never ever reciprocate to you and you lose your metaphorical battles while they crush you.
        I'm still for absolute free speech, because I want to laugh at more shameless moronation displayed all over social media. By censoring others, you're depriving yourself of fun.

    • 10 months ago

      >And you cucks homosexual troony bastards are cheering for this. The absolute Black person state of you.
      I'm not cheering for it, I'm laughing at yurigay moronation. It's like WfM was their first anime, they have no clue about how Japanese companies act and expect the heathens to bend the knee to their demands, just like American cartoon staff do. They are insane & I'm glad many of them are fricking off from the franchise altogether. Gundam doesn't need such 'fans'.

    • 10 months ago

      >Bandai not wanting to say the quiet part out loud = A/B gendering.

    • 10 months ago

      I am cheering for the "censorship," and

      Heres the thing
      "Free speech absolutism" is a suckers position to take. It sounds good in your head, but you always just end up defending your enemies speech that they will never ever reciprocate to you and you lose your metaphorical battles while they crush you.

      So yes, censorship I agree with good, censorship I don't agree with bad. Deal with it, you Black person.

      is right. Through most of human history the fact that certain things should not be said or depicted was taken for granted and treated as the most normal thing in the world. The people who decided we should be able to "express" anything and that everyone is obligated to defend the practice are no wiser than the people of the past 10,000 years who felt differently, and in fact cling to a pathetically short lived ideology that is already dying and will be gone in our lifetimes. Seems like you're the stupid one clinging to a passing fad instead of acknowledging long-established fact.

      • 10 months ago

        You should move back to whatever totalitarian shithole you came from.

        • 10 months ago

          The United States? I mean, it is already the most totalitarian shithole though.

        • 10 months ago

          Anon, those freedom of speech that you want is the reason why Pride shit exist to the point those troon freely waving their dick in your face

          • 10 months ago

            And to add on to what this anon says, the so-called freedom of speech they have is used to suppress the free speech of others, particularly those who do not like that stuff.
            Free speech is nice, but free speech absolutism is the position that will inevitably be used to suppress the speech of those who hold this ideal. Because as said, the people who exploit will never ever reciprocate.

            So I pick my own free speech and will oppose those of the other side. Because I understand that the other side sees principles as a weakness to exploit.

            • 10 months ago

              The irony is Bandai statement actually advocate free speech
              >captcha NTRRSG

            • 10 months ago

              You sound like a glowie on damage control.

          • 10 months ago

            >government sponsored child grooming
            >free speech

    • 10 months ago

      It’s not censorship to leave it up to interpretation. Bandai didn’t want to say anything at all and they most likely made that position clear to the staff and everyone who worked on it. They didn’t remove the marriage by saying it never happened, they said they didn’t want to say one way or the other and left it up to the fans to decide. Unlike actual censorship where it would have been a forced “there is no marriage.” this is “there can be marriage if you want it to be but it also can not be marriage if that’s what you want.” Bandai gave people the option and yurigays hate that because it means not catering directly to them. Using the Skullgirls situation as an example, unlike just removing the content, it’s giving you the option to push a button if you want things to be removed in your experience or if you want the original stuff to all be there. Saying that having the option is censorship ignores that all most people fighting against censorship actually want is the option to have both, not just be forced to have the one that changed things.

  30. 10 months ago

    Two more days!

  31. 10 months ago

    Next Gundam better have mother son incest.
    >t. Char

  32. 10 months ago

    I swear this whole gay or not gay Gwitch is, is just a distraction so people don't actually discuss the show which is btw fricking shit.

    • 10 months ago

      it's about the only form of staying power the show will have

    • 10 months ago

      It's the only thing the show has, because everything else was mediocre to terrible. It's also the only thing a lot of watchers watched it for.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's also the only thing a lot of watchers watched it for
        I will forever be grateful that Sunrise did this and caused all the fans of this show to rip off their masks. It means I don't have to even pretend to take people who liked Witch seriously.

    • 10 months ago

      Welcome to LGBT agenda, where actual quality doesn't matter because they will force you to accept them for being gay or die. You commit genocide but you're gay? Godsend, all sins absolved. You dislike this person who is a selfish narcissist prick but also gay? Die die die.

    • 10 months ago

      Kotaku comes in with the most dogshit opinion as always.

      • 10 months ago

        That's not an opinion though. Bushiroad not commenting on it doesn't change the content of the episode.

  33. 10 months ago

    There literally is not room for interpretation unless you're willfully being more stupid than a 4 year old.
    So they can say whatever the hell they want but the show is very clear on the matter. The only possible "take" for the sister in law line is Miorine married one of the nameless Eri replichildren, making her a necrophiliac pedophile.

    • 10 months ago

      Thats nice, but I interpret them as neither gay nor married

    • 10 months ago

      Then why did people cause such a fuss if it was that obvious?

      • 10 months ago

        Because bandai redacting the M word makes it look like they're trying to say they aren't married despite the show clearly saying they are.

        • 10 months ago

          Again I ask, Bandai said it was up to interpretation, if the show clearly shows them married then isn’t that enough? Why get mad at Bandai saying to watch the show and use your own eyes and critical thinking skills?

          • 10 months ago

            You'll have to ask them. I can guess, being that it makes it look like bandai is deconfirming it. If you rewind and go back before the interview, everyone who watched the show and has more iq than digits on their hand can clearly see and know they are married. There wasn't a wedding scene, there wasn't a kiss, there wasn't even a "I love you", but they are married.
            Then the interview happens and says what everyone already knows, that they're married. Then Bandai comes out and says "actually it's up to interpretation". Now the no wedding, kiss, or I love you makes the entire show and miorine/suletta look like a really cheap copout.

            Bandai wants to have their cake of pandering to /u/gays, and still be able to take China money.

            • 10 months ago

              Thats’s the fault of the show being lackluster. Even if you hadn’t seen Patrick and Kati get married, by the time of the movie it’d still be readily apparent to anyone that they probably had been. Bandai not wanting to make a comment on it and leave it for the show to give you is what you’d expect. Needing to outright say they’re married makes it sound like the show didn’t do enough to present that and it creates an issue where people only believe it because it was said, not because it was shown.

              • 10 months ago

                >Needing to outright say they’re married
                That isn't what happened though. The interview in question was from Suletta's VA
                >After three years, they seem much closer, and to see them married like that really touched my heart
                It wasn't someone making a comment or confirmation because people were dumb. It was a VA describing how she liked her character's relationship. And I can't see why Bandai would strike it other than bending the knee to China, which falls in line with the show not having any actual romantic scene either.

              • 10 months ago

                I think you’re misunderstanding that a VA saying something like that would sound, to a normal person, like a confirmation of one specific interpretation from Bandai. It’s not about China, it’s about not needing someone to outright say they’re married because it’s apparent enough to anyone who knows. The show did have romantic scenes, they just weren’t good ones.

              • 10 months ago

                >one specific interpretation
                You're talking in circles. There's only one interpretation of Miorine being Eri's sister in law and Miorine and Suletta, rings on hand, snuggling in the sunset. There is not a single other interpretation to that that isn't absurd levels of mental gymnastics.
                >not needing someone to outright say they're married because it's apparent enough to anyone who knows
                A voice actor can't comment on her character if it describes something that happened in the show? What the frick are you smoking? Would you be acting like this if Miorine's actress said that she was in distress after Suletta fricking hamburgered a guy right in front of her and came out laughing and slipping around in viscera as if nothing happened because "it's apparent enough to anyone who knows"?

              • 10 months ago

                >There is not a single other interpretation to that that isn't absurd levels of mental gymnastics.
                What do you think shipping is? They aren’t going to outright shun an entire different audience they can bleed dry through merch.
                >Would you be acting like this if Miorine's actress said that she was in distress
                You’re misunderstanding the issue. Bandai wanted to keep it vague, Suletta’s VA wasn’t vague in her initial comment and the edit corrected that. They have been consistent about not outright saying certain things so I don’t see why it’s an issue now to trust that the fans have eyes.

              • 10 months ago

                >shun an entire different audience they can bleed dry for merch
                Everything other than the most out of left field crackships died fricking months ago, and the ones who subscribe to those don't care what the show itself says, let alone a voice actor or company. There wasn't a line of Guel/Suletta bros tying nooses after Suletta's VA said she was happy to see Miorine and Suletta married because they already hung themselves back in May when he asked her point fricking blank and she turned him down.
                >bandai wanted to keep it vague
                Sister in law is not vague. Nothing about the ending is vague. It just, conveniently for bandai, lacks anything that might be dicey to keep selling in China, from a wedding to a kiss.
                And I don't have time or the care to go on a 40 post argument about "well if it's so clear then why did she need to say it" and "if it's so clear then why can't she say it". Because, and I will reiterate, it's really fricking stupid that Bandai had to censor a VA saying she was glad to see her character got married, which is reflected in the show, and everyone had accepted by this point.

                >There's only one interpretation
                No, because your interpretation is not the one I have

                Then you're a legitimately dumb person.

              • 10 months ago

                The fact that this interview edit is such a sticking point for you that it demonstrates how Witch from Mercury has absolutely nothing if it doesn't have lesbian romance.

                So yeah, they're not married

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm going to be a moron on purpose, what do you have to say about that!

              • 10 months ago

                >I have no response to being called out as angry /u/gay who only cares about shiphomosexualry because my show has nothing else worthwhile!

                Not married, homosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                Again, you’re not understanding that for Bandai it leaves open merchandise avenues and the best thing for them to do is to leave it open because shippers do care about what’s officially said and it can hurt them buying stuff from Bandai directly while they focus on fan made works instead of buying what Bandai puts out. GuelSule and ElanSule shippers weren’t going to witch hunt the VA over it but it definitely would have slowed down their drive because if only SuleMio is canon and matters then there’s no reason for them to be invested in anything Bandai does with the property from that point on.
                >Sister in law is not vague
                I hate to say this cause it is just a cope, but Eri joking about that kind of thing with Miorine wouldn’t feel out of place, married or not. I misspoke when I said vague, It’s better to say Bandai just didn’t want to outright say it, that’s all they were going for. They implied it and let people run wild with it which seemed to be the case for most stuff in the show.

              • 10 months ago

                >but it definitely would have slowed down their drive
                >Guel outright asking Suletta and getting turned down
                >Guel playing wingman for Suletta and Miorine
                >El4n being fricking dead
                >El5n picking up a school shooter gf
                >El5n not really giving a shit about Suletta at all
                >El5n exploring earth by himself to find a lake sketched by terrible person gf
                >Eri calling Mio her sister in law
                >Miorine and Suletta cuddling in the sunset with rings on their hands
                >no rings on Guel or El5n's hands

                >VA saying she's glad she saw her character married

              • 10 months ago

                Why are you so upset about it? If it’s in the show it’s fine, but if someone outright says it that’s more alienating than watching the show and saying “I find this more interesting instead.” I’m just trying to tell you why Bandai would say what they did.

              • 10 months ago

                >I’m just trying to tell you why Bandai would say what they did.
                Keeping the Chinese market open and flowing is much more important than keeping a few dozen delusional shippers afloat.

              • 10 months ago

                Those two things aren’t exclusive and it’s not like the show itself wasn’t clear enough. Blaming it on China alone when there are different factors, even in Japan alone, is odd.

              • 10 months ago

                What I like about this post is that its made by someone with no self-awareness, mocking someone for having their enjoyment ruined by a statement of marry when the non-statement we got ruined the enjoyment of other shipgays.

              • 10 months ago

                >mocking someone for having their enjoyment ruined by a statement of marry
                The show sunk your ship, not a comment from a VA interview a month after the show ended.

              • 10 months ago

                Not really no, because the show can be interpreted different ways if you like. The VA tying the marriage directly into Suletta’s development undercuts anyone who ships her with someone else more than the show ever has outside of Guel.

              • 10 months ago

                The only person who might have even slightly competed with Miorine was El4n, and he died 6 episodes in. Why should a VA have to censor herself to make a small group of delusional morons pleased when the very show they're shipping for deconfirmed it itself?

              • 10 months ago

                It wasn’t her job to censor herself, it was the editor’ and they failed at it. You also act like being dead stops people from liking it especially with the scene they had in the end. I don’t care that SuleMio married, because it’s pretty much canon that they did, all Bandai did was leave wiggle room for people who found something else more interesting and they were intent on keeping it that way. Saying it’s up to interpretation is just saying that you should use your own eyes and judgment. It’s not saying one this is more canon than the other.

              • 10 months ago

                Then why do shippers care about what a VA says at all if they just headcanon literally everything anyways? You can find certain things more interesting than others, but the show does not pretend that El4n can come back from the dead to marry Suletta.

              • 10 months ago

                >why do shippers care about what a VA says at all if they just headcanon literally everything anyways?
                They're mentally ill? I don't know why this is a suprise

              • 10 months ago

                Because they'll take anything that even alludes to their ship
                If you were present for the Twilight Craze you'll know this is the same thing on a smaller scale

              • 10 months ago

                Because what can be seen as an official statement holds more weight than what can be interpreted, and summarily tossed out, in canon. Things in the show can have varying levels of importance and fic and whatnot can fix that while a comment from someone outside will set in stone a particular way of thinking. Of course people can still go against that hut it gets more annoying, see how people respond when someone ships Setsuna and Marina.

              • 10 months ago

                >an official statement holds more weight than what can be interpreted, and summarily tossed out, in canon
                You're moronic. Post-show statements don't actually tell you about a show at all. They tell you about the state of the "creators" now AFTER the show. Remember JK Rowling claiming she never said Hermione was white? That's why you should never believe what a creator says about their work after they've produced it. So if they were to produce a WFM spinoff or movie, then maybe you'd have a reason be concerned. But they're not going to do that because it was a trainwreck, and even if they did they'd probably focus on other segments of the world or characters like they did with Re:Rise.

              • 10 months ago

                This isn’t on the same level as that though. Mizushima’s comment on Setsuna and Marina was that anyone who shipped them misunderstood them entirely and that pretty much took out any presence that ship had despite being a comment made after the show and about a manga that most of those shippers didn’t read. This isn’t about it being retconned, it’s about, in this case, Bandai not wanting to say one way or the other because the comment about the marriage and its impact on Suletta’s development makes it feel as is the other things about her development aren’t as important as the end goal, and for non SuleMio shippers, even if they can ignore the comment itself, people would constantly spam it at them to the point of annoyance and not wanting to engage in the show at all anymore. It’s about making an environment that’s more so comfortable with everyone instead of catering to just one ship. Why focus on one ship when you could market to many just as easily by not saying anything at all?

              • 10 months ago

                Because shipper thrive on confirmations, They wont stop bothering people until it was confirmed and rather spiteful against people who not on their side

              • 10 months ago

                >The show sunk your ship
                I'm not a shipgay, so no. I had no ship to be sunk in the first place. I'm gonna laugh at you projecting onto others what we all saw done by the /u/gays.

              • 10 months ago

                >There's only one interpretation
                No, because your interpretation is not the one I have

            • 10 months ago

              The thing is, my knowing that they married now doe/sn't change my interpretation of the story at all. And if bandai came out and said "They aren't married", I'd still know that Loran was devoted to Diana and that she favored him. And this was a straight romance. Them attempting to maintain ambiguity (which honestly I don't think they did for a political reason at all, just because the writers are dumb thieving hacks who hadn't yet stole something from Turn A and wanted to fill that quota) doesn't take away from the show in any way. What people should be criticizing, rather than Bandai's PR team, are the people who made the show's romance unable to stand on its own.

              • 10 months ago

                the machine ate my comment. in p1 I was talking about how, being young when I watched Turn A, I missed the detail of rings in that show, and thus never knew that Loran and Diana were married until recently.

  34. 10 months ago

    Bandai is based for this announcement. Yurigay tourists can eternally seethe and hopefully frick off for good

    • 10 months ago

      You frickers literally said this show was supposed to be an unprecedented success.

      >Yurigays kick old fans out of Gundam
      >They weren't buying more models or checking out older series
      >Old fans fricking hate WfM fans because of this as they care only for shipping and nothing else
      >In order to course correct itself and get their merch up, they announce they were friends all along
      >Yurigays seething everywhere as old fans laugh at them as karma

      YURIgayS BTFO

      You guys are based. Keep it up.
      And always remember. They took the /u/ bait and now they suffer.

      • 10 months ago

        >They took the /u/ bait and now they suffer.
        Self-inflicted injuries.

  35. 10 months ago

    Am I moronic for thinking that they got married but aren't lesbians? Do the Nips have a hard time putting that into words because marriage also means love to them?

  36. 10 months ago

    >fannel spam since episode one
    >autistic annoying main character
    >aerial has birth giving hips for no fricking reason
    >show ends in unicorn-tier wanking
    What a shitshow, glad I dropped it.

  37. 10 months ago

    How many hours until Season 3 announcement?

    • 10 months ago

      >The Witch from Mercury: Road of Olcott

      • 10 months ago

        >More Gueldam

        • 10 months ago

          Too bad they ruined his character to pander to self-inserters

          • 10 months ago

            >self insert pandering
            >Gave him shit Fujo conflict
            If anything they don't want people to selfinsert as Guel

  38. 10 months ago

    Hello? No announcements?

    • 10 months ago

      Your AU is dead, join the club homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        unlike WfM G-Gundam is actually good

      • 10 months ago

        They won't because "muh straighties and their Sekiha Interpretation Tenkyouken"

  39. 10 months ago

    Just got done watching episode 9 of WFM, I used to like Shaddiq, but after his arc, I noticed he was kinda of a douche. Got mad at Suletta because Miorine choose her, tried to take over Gund - Arm Inc, conspiring with Earth terrorists. At the end of episode 9, he regrets not taking initiative toward his feelings for Miorine. Why he never took that step?
    Personally, he should have made a move instead of hesitating. Possibly develop a relationship with Miorine instead of it being Suletta. Feels like Miorine trusted him or possibly harbor feelings for him, but he never acted. He left her alone, watching from the sidelines. Still like him as a character, but as of now, not my favorite.

  40. 10 months ago
  41. 10 months ago

    Honestly why does it even matter if the marriage thing is canon or not? A ship being canon or not doesn't stop anyone from shipping it regardless. Like literally who the frick cares if Sulemio is canon if you can just go off a headcanon and continue shipping it anyway? Literally no one is stopping you.

    "Oh but it's gay erasure" again who the frick cares. It's just a random ass anime with shit writing. It being or not being gay doesn't make a difference. Like seriously if your sexual identity depends on Gwitch of all things then what you need is a psych ward.

    • 10 months ago

      It's really the superiority of the pairing within canon that those shipper really want to have.
      These people were so infested in those pairing that they need a form of validation. Like the VA interview or one of the staff making doujin work of the pairing, Bandai stance of neutrality is anti-thesis of that as they can change the future work in the way that they feared most.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Frankly speaking, G-Witch only has the ships. They didn't write a story, the world is nonexistent, Mercury didn't even get shown. Every major event was just copied from older Gundam series to the point that they practically traced scenes reused storyboards.
      Without their ships they basically have one of the worst Gundam series in the franchise that isn't Destiny, Try, or Divers. With their ships they at least have something to point at and say it had something.
      They had the fricking gall to trace the scene with Seabook, Cecily, and the F91 as well. I'll never forgive the staff for that.

      • 10 months ago

        >Without their ships they basically have one of the worst Gundam series in the franchise that isn't Destiny, Try, or Divers
        I'd say it's worse actually. This is perhaps the single worst piece of animated gundam media yet.

        • 10 months ago

          Destiny still exists so I can't agree with that. When half your show is stock footage, with errors in the stock footage that shows suits from the previous show, with back to back recap episodes, and one of the shittiest writers never putting in a script on time it's hard to be worse than that. Pretty much every problem G-Witch had are problems Destiny also had from reusing old sequences, to even blatantly reusing locations like the Moon cities from Turn-A.
          I guess it'll all come down to do you hate Fukuda and Morosowa more than Okouchi doing a Unicorn AU.

          • 10 months ago

            The thing with destiny is there is actually stuff to hate in it, with witch I just feel nothing. It's just there, there is nothing to the show or setting or characters outside of the shallow yuribaiting. I don't even feel like picking up kits from the show like I have for some from CE. With Destiny even if the show was awful there was still things to discuss outside of how awful kira and lacus are. There was setting for other writers to come in and run with. I'd say failure to elicit any emotion at all makes it even worse than eliciting negative ones.

          • 10 months ago

            its hard for me to tell which is worse: A shittier produced sequel but with a slightly more reasonable plot, or a better produced new show with a completely unreasonable plot

        • 10 months ago

          Close but not quite

          • 10 months ago

            NT is better than G-Witch. Not by much, but it's still better. At least NT has actual battles in it. Plus G-Witch tried its hardest to copy Unicorn and NT to the point Calibarn was basically Narrative C-Pack with Unicorn's rainbow time wave clap.
            God, they even did the shitty part with Narrative and Phenex holding hands in G-Witch and glowing but added in Pharact and criminally wasted It's Schwover for the kumbaya.
            Schwarzette even had Sinanju Stein's colors.

          • 10 months ago

            For as bad as this was, It at least had some interesting moments and wasn’t a complete bore to watch. G-Witch was so inoffensive and no characters suffered any lasting consequences outside of Shaddiq. It’s hard to get into something when you know nothing bad will happen to the main characters and their suffering most of the time feels forced as opposed to being the result of what happened in the world.

            • 10 months ago

              I don't like G-witch either but NT was a total fricking snorefest.

              • 10 months ago

                It at least left me with a couple if questions and I felt something bout the characters throughout. G-Witch’s issue was that it was hard to find any reason to actually get invested. NT, similar to G-witch, wasted it’s run time but it at least wasted it in a way that left me wanting for more and curious rather than constantly being in a free fall to wrap everything up as soon as possible. NT suffered from most of the interesting stuff being fed through flashbacks and the present just reusing lines from those tidbits.

            • 10 months ago

              The thing with destiny is there is actually stuff to hate in it, with witch I just feel nothing. It's just there, there is nothing to the show or setting or characters outside of the shallow yuribaiting. I don't even feel like picking up kits from the show like I have for some from CE. With Destiny even if the show was awful there was still things to discuss outside of how awful kira and lacus are. There was setting for other writers to come in and run with. I'd say failure to elicit any emotion at all makes it even worse than eliciting negative ones.

              You do know meh is a word right? meh does not equal bad, if you think a show is fricking awful and the other show doesn't elicit any emotion then that clearly means to anyone with common sense you hate the other show more.

              • 10 months ago

                Again, a show that fails to do anything at all is worse than a show that is at least fun to hate. The absolute worst thing a piece of media can be is forgettable.

              • 10 months ago

                That doesn't change the fact that you fricking hate one show and that you don't hate the other, use your words properly.

              • 10 months ago

                And I'm talking about a show's quality, not whether or not I hate it.

      • 10 months ago

        >They had the fricking gall to trace the scene with Seabook, Cecily, and the F91 as well.
        Can you post comparisons?

  42. 10 months ago

    Witch was a fricking mistake. Bandai are complete morons thinking these frickers would buy Gunpla when all they've done was by Calibarn and let everyone else just collect dust.

  43. 10 months ago

    Does this show have anything to offer if "Yay lesbians!" makes you roll your eyes?

    It doesn't seem like anybody ever has anything to talk about aside from lesbians and the pink afro girl.

    • 10 months ago

      Everyone I know who likes it likes anime girls too much so if you don't you won't be into it probably.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not that sort of anime fan really.

        If anything what I've seen of Suletta just pushes her into "too annoying to enjoy" territory.

    • 10 months ago

      There's Guel I guess

      • 10 months ago

        Guel is pretty Cuel, at least until he becomes just another ally to Miorine. He's definitely going to be what I remember instead of the weird "Gundams greatest hits+Utena+Tempest" thing the rest of the show has going on

    • 10 months ago

      I have more problems with the fandoms rather than with the series. In-universe, same-sex relationships are seen as just relationships, something normal like heterosexual ones, and is nothing to celebrate for when is considered the norm in this futuristic settling.
      But then I get to see you average redditor and twitter freak celebrating this, praising this, saying it all 24/7,it gets a bit too tiring.

      • 10 months ago

        I wish they would talk more about the mobile suits and the universe instead of just MUH SHIP

        • 10 months ago

          That'll never happen. They care more about Miorine's ex-gf (who was made up for the novel) than they do about Delling, they huy who literally set the show in motion

  44. 10 months ago

    IBO and Destiny are worse than GWitch on a technical level but have interesting ideas and talking points in addition to being a hilarious train wreck. Gwitch is that Age level of being where it is barely remarkable at all beyond it's one gimmick

    • 10 months ago

      >worse on a technical level
      production wise, maybe. Writing wise, frick no. Witch is the worst gundam writing by lightyears

      • 10 months ago

        Even worse than Stardust "Writer literally fricking died" Memory?

        • 10 months ago

          honestly, its been a while since I watched that. I remember having some problems with Kou and whatshernames relationship, and fewer with delaz gato and the titans and how that all turned out. I think most of stardust memory's writing was fit for purpose. Can't say the same for witch.

          • 10 months ago

            >I think most of stardust memory's writing was fit for purpose
            absolutely nobody thinks this, writing-wise Stardust Memory doesn't even need to exist

  45. 10 months ago

    Anyone got that comiket staff book yet?

    • 10 months ago

      You'll have more luck trying at the Cinemaphile thread

      • 10 months ago

        Cinemaphile hates robots as much as the G-Witch staff hates robots so it makes sense.

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