gundam wing is absolute trash.

gundam wing is absolute trash. I thought I would rewatch it cos I just rewatched SEED and holy shit it does not survive the test of time. It's plot and characters are so convoluted even Endless waltz was a mess. Was I just coloured by nostalgia?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Speaking as somebody who never watched Wing as a kid I had a horrible time with it.

  2. 9 months ago

    Wing is kino. Should have watched the dub.

    • 9 months ago

      I did rewatch the dub and by episode 10 the dub delivery sounded forced, it was awkward as they were pronouncing every word.

    • 9 months ago

      >Wing is kino.
      >Should have watched the dub.
      frick off.

  3. 9 months ago

    I loved Wing and it's my favourite Gundam show but to each their own.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm just surprised it gets all the nostalgia hype but shows like seed or 00 doesn't

      • 9 months ago

        Seed has always been controversial and 00 didn't air on cartoon network, at least in the US. Wing, G, and to a lesser extent the UC OVAs were the Gundam shows that got popular in the early 2000s through cartoon network and of those Wing is probably the worst one, but it's fun if you can enjoy the insanity.

        • 9 months ago

          >Seed has always been controversial
          I'd kill for an actual episode of the censored Gundam Seed with disco guns and lasers shooting all over, but all I could find was this clip

      • 9 months ago

        SEED wasn't well liked when it appeared on Toonami, which is why they remove it and put it on late night CN.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't know what it was like for you guys but here in SEA, SEED was insanely popular more so than Wing

          • 9 months ago

            Why do you SEAgays like SEED so much?

            • 9 months ago

              Because it's good

            • 9 months ago

              Mutt power fantasy

            • 9 months ago

              SEED is fun and corny. the motives are simple but the world is rich and the characters are great

              • 9 months ago

                None of the characters are great and most of the stuff is ripped from other better gundam universes. In fact, the only thing Seed has going is the fujo death trap coordinator concept which is absolutely horrendous and only someone with the mind of a 35 year old single japanese woman would like such concept.

    • 9 months ago

      >I loved Wing and it's my favourite Gundam show

  4. 9 months ago

    Wing was done really cheap. It reuses animation like new keyframes are illegal. The writing is insane frankly. And the English dub is both hilarious and baffling at times.

    Its objectively a bad show. But when I saw it as a kid I thought it was awesome. Rewatching it 20 years later and there are a lot of boring parts but the show is also hilarious. I like to put it on in the background when working on models.

  5. 9 months ago

    dunk time

  6. 9 months ago

    Why was it that wing exploded so much in popularity that it got a sequel ova series and is one of the handful of series that got a pg model kit.
    Not to mention the amount of rg and mg kits the shows get.

    • 9 months ago

      In the years prior to Wing, the last couple of Gundam stories were still sorta space opera-ish, military sci-fi stuff like 0080, 0083 and F91. I dunno about G Gundam, but Wing seems to have been made at the right time and with the kind of writing to capitalize on trends at the time to capture the audience and bring in a lot of new blood to reinvigorate the franchise rather than coasting on the existing fandom of sci-fi, mecha, and military geeks. I recall reading that Hikaru Midorikawa, the VA for Heero, was (is) massively popular with a fanbase consisting mainly of young girls and women, and Gundam Wing helped feed into that with appropriate character designs and also benefit from that popularity in turn.

      • 9 months ago

        it's not that popular in Japan. It's biggest influence was in the west not in Japan. So I'd argue it was in the right place at the right time. I'd even argue it flopped pretty poorly in Japan.

        • 9 months ago

          However this says it's for North America mainly. But it shows that Wing is mainly popular in America. It's not popular in Europe and its out shone by SEED in SEA and Aus. which shows that Wings success is localised to America only

        • 9 months ago

          >it's not that popular in Japan

          >Top 10 series
          >4th most popular suit and the same amount of suits as Seed and 00
          >Same amount of characters as Seed and 00
          >Theme song ranks higher than anything from Seed or 00 and every vocal song made it except 1
          >Still gets tons of merchandise in Japan

          • 9 months ago

            >Still gets tons of merchandise in Japan
            They sure do my guy

            • 9 months ago

              yiff in hell Heero

          • 9 months ago

            >9th place when including OVAs and movies
            that's bad for a mainstay series

            • 9 months ago

              >1 OVA (Unicorn), 1 Movie (CCA)
              cope harder

          • 9 months ago

            >top 10
            >beaten by
            >G gundam

            >4th most popular suit and the same amount of suits as Seed and 00
            suits mean nothing as the Ariel is the highest selling gunpla atm
            >Same amount of characters as Seed and 00
            and that's the standard amount what's special about this ?
            >Theme song ranks higher than anything from Seed or 00 and every vocal song made
            Yet again theme songs don't show anything. You could argue Gwitchs is more popular cos of Yaosobi or whatever
            >Still gets tons of merchandise in Japan
            if you're not Turn A or After war X it's pretty easy

            wing gays on suicide watch for being the most mid gundam. not good not bad just mid

            • 9 months ago

              >wing gays on suicide watch for being the most mid gundam. not good not bad just mid

              why would anyone give a shit about the opinions of a gundam fan that has only lived through 5% of the shows? you probably werent even born yet when this stuff aired for the third or forth time in the US, let alone japan.

            • 9 months ago

              >beaten by
              Gets more merchandise than half of those
              >suits mean nothing as the Ariel is the highest selling gunpla atm
              What the frick does that have to do with anything? Aerial is popular. Zero is extremely popular and always gets merchandise.
              >and that's the standard amount what's special about this ?
              It shows that people care about the characters as much as the ones from the shows generally thought to be more popular than it
              >Yet again theme songs don't show anything. You could argue Gwitchs is more popular cos of Yaosobi or whatever
              No, you're still not understanding shit. Just Communication is the highest selling Gundam single.
              >if you're not Turn A or After war X it's pretty easy
              Or ZZ or Victory or Age or F91 or even Destiny at this point.

    • 9 months ago

      >Why was it that wing exploded so much in popularity that it got a sequel ova series and is one of the handful of series that got a pg model kit.
      >Not to mention the amount of rg and mg kits the shows get.

      wing had some popularity in japan with fujos and other women that like to write gay fanfics. Boys and some men seemed to like it ok enough to sell model kits. The bad guys also had some of the best badguy mechs of any gundam and they feel like they were pulled from a much better show.

      Years later it hit the US and the dragonball Z crowd loved all the explosions and violence. American nerdy teen girls also ate it up and filled with gay fanfics. At one point was nothing but harry potter and gundam wing gay shipping fics.

      kids liked gundam wing so much it kick started model building in the US and gundam kits are still available at hobby lobby and target to this day.

      • 9 months ago

        >At one point was nothing but harry potter and gundam wing gay shipping fics.

        Ah, the good ol' days after 9/11

        • 9 months ago

          >>At one point was nothing but harry potter and gundam wing gay shipping fics.
          >Ah, the good ol' days after 9/11

          a better question is why do 14 year old autistic girls love writing horrible stories about 16 year old skinny awkard and angsty teen boys being gay?

          ive heard it might be a sensory issue. Like its too stimulating to see straight relationships, so they use gayness as a buffer.

          • 9 months ago

            >sensory issue
            You just answered your own question...

    • 9 months ago

      If you're judging by model kits, SEED blows anything out of the water

      • 9 months ago

        I mean quality since the original isn't seed by far the most popular gundam series since the original the original?

      • 9 months ago

        >If you're judging by model kits, SEED blows anything out of the water

        anon, if were talking about what is easily available, it is like og gundam and wing. Anyone in the US can drive about 20 or 30 minutes for og gundam and wing kits. For seed, they are going to have to find a Target or order online. I think the closest Target to me is 45 minutes to an hour

        now, if you live somewhere bigger, and you have dedicated japanese shops, I could see why you would think that as dedicated japanese shops for whatever reason always have a bunch of seed kits.

        • 9 months ago

          I know that Wing is more popular in the US because of Toonami. But

          Why was it that wing exploded so much in popularity that it got a sequel ova series and is one of the handful of series that got a pg model kit.
          Not to mention the amount of rg and mg kits the shows get.

          was talking like it's very popular outside the US.

          • 9 months ago


            Why was it that wing exploded so much in popularity that it got a sequel ova series and is one of the handful of series that got a pg model kit.

            Not to mention the amount of rg and mg kits the shows get. was talking like it's very popular outside the US.

            I feel like it is probably just a cult show with 40 year olds in japan. Probably the same women that write gay fanfics of starscream

            I guess that is enough though. They keep selling wing kits over there. And that jp only novel. Someone is buying that.

            • 9 months ago

              I kind of see that. It has fans (female) dedicated enough to buy everything related to it. Just that outside those existing fans, nobody cares about it.

  7. 9 months ago

    I don't think it executes it very well, but I do think Wing deserves a little more credit than it gets for basically being almost a retelling of Zeta Gundam where the Titans (OZ) basically win and pull off a psyop that overthrows the Federation (Earth Alliance) and make the AEUG (Gundam Pilots) look like the bad guys like 10 episodes in which is kind of an interesting concept. I think it's at its weakest towards the end with he White Fang arc which is kinda just a retread of CCA.

  8. 9 months ago

    I really didn't like Trieze, as I really despise arrogant mastermind characters, especially ones that make light of killing people. Trieze's platitudes later on about the nobility of war and soldiers fighting instead of AI fighting for them felt empty when he had Lady Une do his dirty work for much of the early series. He even pilots a mockery of the Tallgeese, giving it a Gundam face as if to spit on both the Gundams and the Tallgeese, and pilots it effortlessly when Zechs spent a lot of time training to withstand piloting it.

    The one thing of his that I liked was him keeping track of everyone who died in the conflict and making a point to remember their names, though it really felt like trying to earn sympathy points too. And he made Wufei mad. Making the arrogant Wufei mad is a plus in my book.

    • 9 months ago

      Trieze in the early parts of the show feels like a different character compared to how he is after OZ take over.
      As far as using AI versus ordering people to do your dirty work, I think Trieze's point was that soldiers could choose which orders to follow. A commander who orders their soldiers to commit heinous acts has to do SOMETHING to convince them to do so, whether it be through moral justifications, sheer charisma, or plain bribery, and theoretically that stops the commander from being too brutal and tyrannical. Whereas a commander controlling war crime bots doesn't need to convince anyone, so their power is unchecked.

  9. 9 months ago

    Wing was indeed pure trash. The characters were all unlikable and the story was convoluted as frick and down right comical at times. Burgers only like because of nostalgia

    • 9 months ago

      Female burger here and I agree with most of what you say. Wing is like a B/C cult classic of mecha series. Cheap, copied story elements from UC, geared towards kids, mostly girls, with bishonen character designs, and hilarious late 90s voice acting (though the source material doesn't do any favors for it.)

      Its for those reasons I fricking love this show. It is nostalgia bait, but it made my mecha obsession to what it is today. 2023 has been a bit of a Wing revival for me. I went back and watched the whole series in June for the 3rd time in my life followed by the Endless Waltz movie. Last night I just finished the Glory of the Losers manga and I'm now making a shelf specifically for it accompanied by a MG 1/100 Wing Zero EW Ver.Ka model. Like a lot of cult horror flicks, it will always hold a special place in my heart because of what it brought to me. The love of giant fighting robots.

      • 9 months ago

        What's a B/C cult classic?

        • 9 months ago

          Like the series is either a B or a C. Not great, not terrible, but has a sizable following and fans to make it popular.

  10. 9 months ago

    If Duo was a girl it would be better

    • 9 months ago

      Nah bro, he needed to be a long haired wienery pretty boy. The antithesis of the main character. So that when they depicted him in just about all the promotional art with his arm thrown around Heero "guys being dudes" style they could rake in the yaoi fangirls.

  11. 9 months ago

    In my country, only girls like Wing

  12. 9 months ago

    Filtered lmao

    • 9 months ago
  13. 9 months ago

    It's a 10 for the opening theme alone

  14. 9 months ago

    Wing is literally the worst gundam show ever made.

    • 9 months ago

      That's Unicorn and G-Self collecting garbage in space thing.

  15. 9 months ago

    Wing was basically the first Gundam us burgers got on TV and it was probably the first time most burgers got exposed to an animated television show with a plot deeper than Namek-era DBZ and monster-of-the-week shows.

    It's hard to convey this to zoomers, but before DVDs really took off in the mid-2000s, it was basically impossible to get anime other than what was shown on TV. Wing was shown on basic cable and even poor families had basic cable.

  16. 9 months ago

    The reason why Wing doesn't rank highly on on modern polls is because they're modern polls. We all know Wing's writing pales to most of the rest of the franchise and as time goes on it's only easier to access the rest of the franchise to watch more and compare.

    That said, Wing was popular enough -at the time- to get a ton of side manga and a sequel movie. It's not amazing popularity compared to some parts of the franchise, but it's head and shoulders above the other Gundam stories it aired right next to. But yes, what works for the mid 90s at the doesn't mean it's gonna last forever in terms of popularity, so naturally it's gonna drop off 28 years later.

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