guys, I'm an hour into this and I don't think I can finish it

it's so fricking bad. it's legitimately one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
no, I did not mean to post vol 3. I had only ever seen the first one until now.

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  1. 11 months ago

    you people only ever watch cartoons and superhero movies

    • 11 months ago

      what do you mean "you people"?

      • 11 months ago

        Fat fricking nerds like me

        • 11 months ago

          I'm a lot of things but I ain't fat

  2. 11 months ago

    I dont like when theyre mean to baby groot.

  3. 11 months ago

    I think it's pretty good, some of the humor was too much for me but the themes and emotional substance was worth it.

  4. 11 months ago

    Kinda of a mirror of Volume 1 in that 2 has a pretty slow first half, but peaks in the second, whereas the first one blows its load in the first 30 minutes and has nowhere to go.

  5. 11 months ago

    I love it

  6. 11 months ago

    then don't finish it, who cares

  7. 11 months ago

    That's the wrong picture, part 3 just came out

  8. 11 months ago

    Any critiques other than "its bad"? Its no Citizen Kane but its a fun space adventure

    • 11 months ago

      it's a 22 minute episode of television that they're stretching out to 2+ hours with establishing shots, lengthy exposition dumps, and really unfunny jokes that never fricking end. like, the scene where Groot is bringing back the wrong items for Yondu or whatever his name is. You'd think he'd bring back the wrong item, like, once? maybe twice? rule of thirds I guess. But no, he brings back like ten wrong items, each one more WACKY than the last! and there's no progression at all to the scene. they don't slowly figure out how to communicate with him or anything. they just do the same joke 10 times in a row and then the scene ends. and the action scenes. they action scenes also feel like padding because they have literally zero stakes and tension. one, because they're all people in front of a green screen pretending to shoot at shit that doesn't exist, and two, because EVERY SINGLE FRICKING SERIOUS SCENE is being constantly interrupted by fricking jokes. and the jokes aren't even good. "bruh did you make a penis for yourself lmao" SHUT THE FRICK UP YOU STUPID moron. WHY IS EVERY CHARACTER IN THIS MOVIE A FRICKING AUTISTIC moron. HOLY FRICKING SHIT HOW DO YOU NOT have a nice day AFTER MAKING THIS SHIT. and why is every character in this movie so mean? everyone in this movie is an butthole. I don't like any of these characters. they're buttholes. "yeah bro my mom said you were an alien but she had brain cancer so we all thought she was crazy hahahaha" SHUT UP. there is a way to deliver that line so that it doesn't seem like you're a psychopath but THAT WASN'T IT, CHRIS PRATT. BETTER DO ANOTHER TAKE. No? You won't do another take? Because you're all just here to collect a paycheck and make "bright colors: the movie" so that homosexual anon here will seal clap and smugly proclaim "well, it's not supposed to be Citizen Kain, a movie that I DEFINITELY have seen" frick you homosexuals for defending this SHIT. it's SHIT.
      you happy now, dickhead?

      • 11 months ago


  9. 11 months ago

    Yeah it sucks the 3rd is better specifically the latter half of the movie tho ending was kind of lame

  10. 11 months ago

    >he may have been your father but he wasn’t your daddy

  11. 11 months ago

    Volume 2 is ass. One o the most overrated movies in the mcu. I liked vol. 3 tho.

    • 11 months ago

      Underrated tbh, even normal gays and Disney slop consumers hate it

      it's a 22 minute episode of television that they're stretching out to 2+ hours with establishing shots, lengthy exposition dumps, and really unfunny jokes that never fricking end. like, the scene where Groot is bringing back the wrong items for Yondu or whatever his name is. You'd think he'd bring back the wrong item, like, once? maybe twice? rule of thirds I guess. But no, he brings back like ten wrong items, each one more WACKY than the last! and there's no progression at all to the scene. they don't slowly figure out how to communicate with him or anything. they just do the same joke 10 times in a row and then the scene ends. and the action scenes. they action scenes also feel like padding because they have literally zero stakes and tension. one, because they're all people in front of a green screen pretending to shoot at shit that doesn't exist, and two, because EVERY SINGLE FRICKING SERIOUS SCENE is being constantly interrupted by fricking jokes. and the jokes aren't even good. "bruh did you make a penis for yourself lmao" SHUT THE FRICK UP YOU STUPID moron. WHY IS EVERY CHARACTER IN THIS MOVIE A FRICKING AUTISTIC moron. HOLY FRICKING SHIT HOW DO YOU NOT have a nice day AFTER MAKING THIS SHIT. and why is every character in this movie so mean? everyone in this movie is an butthole. I don't like any of these characters. they're buttholes. "yeah bro my mom said you were an alien but she had brain cancer so we all thought she was crazy hahahaha" SHUT UP. there is a way to deliver that line so that it doesn't seem like you're a psychopath but THAT WASN'T IT, CHRIS PRATT. BETTER DO ANOTHER TAKE. No? You won't do another take? Because you're all just here to collect a paycheck and make "bright colors: the movie" so that homosexual anon here will seal clap and smugly proclaim "well, it's not supposed to be Citizen Kain, a movie that I DEFINITELY have seen" frick you homosexuals for defending this SHIT. it's SHIT.
      you happy now, dickhead?

      >Groot scene goes on too long
      Valid criticism tbh, that scene goes on too long and Gunn does tend to drag on the jokes in this film
      >Everyone is an butthole
      Kind of the point. Peter has finally found what he's been looking for his entire life and is ready to blindly and foolishly push away the family he's made to get it. He is a man who has just found out he's a god, wouldn't you be an butthole if that happened to you? Yondu and Rocket were both mistreated from a young age and have seen their families betray them or die in front of their faces. Unwilling to start a new with the fear of getting hurt, they push away they're new families even though it only hurts them. Honestly that's it, Drax is an butthole because Gunn is a fricking idiot who couldn't balance his humor and serious side but that's no where as bad as it is in 3. Gamora is trying to keep everyone together, unknowingly pushing away the family she used to have and Groot is an immature child repeating the bad behavior of his excon caretakers. Honestly this is all resolved at the end.

      • 11 months ago

        Real. I hated it when I first watched it but over time the more I've thought about it the more I appreciate it. It's reminiscent of being in a family soon before a divorce

      • 11 months ago

        >He is a man who has just found out he's a god,
        the thing that happens like an hour into the movie? what about all the movie that happens before that?
        >wouldn't you be an butthole if that happened to you?
        I'm an butthole now; I don't need to find out I'm part celestial to achieve that.

  12. 11 months ago

    It's genuinely horrible. There's like 2 acts. The villain just announces he murdered Starlord's mom for no reason.

    The blue cuckdad cope was embarrassing

    • 11 months ago

      >The villain just announces he murdered Starlord's mom for no reason.
      It's not for no reason. He's so egotistical (hence the name) he thinks Starlord will understand why he did it and see it from his point of view. He ultimately fails at empathy and is incapable of understanding even his own son's feelings and motivations, and this was his undoing. I don't get how you could miss the point this badly.

  13. 11 months ago

    GOTG = Holiday Special > 2 > 3

  14. 11 months ago

    It was goofy but endearing unlike the suicide squad which was just nasty

  15. 11 months ago

    Last half gets a bit better. I will say Vol 3 fixes everything wrong with Vol2, namely the bad and overused humor. Vol3 is surprisingly serious but very funny when it chooses to be. Vol 2 is Gunn's humor at it's worst (until peacemaker which is even worse)

    • 11 months ago

      vol 3 was awful, I can't believe anyone was able to like it unless they've developed a very dysfunctional parasocial relationship with the characters ("watching these movies feels like hanging out with my friends!") and even if the only thing they got out of it was to 'hang out' with them again then that was good enough

      the fans of these films are creepy

      • 11 months ago

        I don't like any of the characters nor do I remember their names, I just thought it was a good movie. It starts and doesn't stop, and it's the only MCU movie that actually has something philosophical to argue in terms of politics and worldview

  16. 11 months ago


  17. 11 months ago

    quite possibly the most obnoxious way to describe a single movie installment

    • 11 months ago

      well, it's because they're all tied to the mixtapes quill has. so I don't mind it.

  18. 11 months ago

    I couldn't finish any of them, they make me fall asleep
    I remember I liked the first scene in the second one where they're fighting a monster and ELO is playing

    • 11 months ago

      I thought the first one was alright. I saw it opening weekend with a bunch of friends and we had a good time. this one is like getting a cavity filled.

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