>had to have his iconic webbed suit designed by tony stark instead of himself

>had to have his iconic webbed suit designed by tony stark instead of himself
>is a complete fricking dumbass who relies on others to get anything done for him, including alternate versions of himself
>didn’t learn power and responsibility until his sixth movie, basically became a hero for lolz
>uncle ben means nothing to him
>people claim this is the definitive live-action spidey specifically because he’s the one that gets to play in the sandbox with the other superheroes
So now that the MCU is dying, will we see the blatant fanboyism cool down and have people admit that this version of Spider-Man fricking sucks?

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  1. 4 months ago

    And he's somehow still better than the other cinematic Spider-Man

    • 4 months ago

      Your ignoring what actually happens in his movies but go off I guess

      stay on reddit

      • 4 months ago

        >had to have his iconic webbed suit designed by tony stark instead of himself

        Correction: Tony put the finishing touches on his amateur costume.

        >is a complete fricking dumbass who relies on others to get anything done for him, including alternate versions of himself

        See below

        >didn’t learn power and responsibility until his sixth movie, basically became a hero for lolz

        See next point, but yes, they cast Peter as a care-free high schooler and it worked this time.

        >uncle ben means nothing to him

        By far, his biggest flaw. Supplanting Aunt May as the "great power, greater responsibility" canon event is the one thing I wish they didn't do.

        >people claim this is the definitive live-action spidey specifically because he’s the one that gets to play in the sandbox with the other superheroes

        Yes, because Tobey aged like milk in the sun, and Garfield's rogues are way too divisive.

        >So now that the MCU is dying


        >stay on reddit

        You have to be 18 to post here.

        • 4 months ago

          >canon event
          Spider-Verse fanfiction slop. Opinion disregarded.

        • 4 months ago

          >n: Tony put the finishing touches on his amateur costume.
          yes, the fricking webs.

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        autistic people went full circle and think "successful and loving father" is ~~*degeneracy*~~ now

    • 4 months ago

      That one is.
      MCU Peter is trash.

    • 4 months ago

      It’d be hard to not be better than almost every spiderman who appeared in across the spiderverse

    • 4 months ago

      I don't like him, but saying this is a bit extreme.

    • 4 months ago


      They made a sad depressive joke about Spider-Verse Peter. He's an absolute washed up failure at life, marriage, and apparently routinely gets the shit kicked out of him as a super hero. A punching bag who cries in the shower and let himself go, and is a visible disappointment not just to Miles, but to his own Aunt. He deserved better than that but holy shit, they really took Parker luck and turned it into 'lol this homie just a straight up failure'.
      For the Peter who's supposed to most clearly represent THE Peter, the original Spider-Man, they made a sad clown for-laughs comedic disservice to all his hardships, made worse by the comparison to the larger than life, super successful in everything, Batman-like blonde Peter.

      His fear of being a parent was entirely justified given his past though and I dislike how the movie painted that as a bad thing... especially considering how in the next he brings his infant into a dangerous area. He deserved better, but is an awful example of Peter Parker. MCU Peter is way better in comparison.

      • 4 months ago

        For me, the scene where Peter is convincing his teen protégé to let his dad die and implies he'd let uncle Ben die again if he had the chance because it let him become Spider-Man is the worst scene in Spider-Man history.

        An already terrible scene made infinitely worse by the fact both Peter and Miles are holding Mayday in it, Miles is being told that he has to stand by and let his dad die in order to fulfill a canon event and Peter is helping Miguel stop Miles from trying to save Jefferson, why the frick would Miles bring up uncle Ben who is long dead as a comparison to Peter when he's literally holding Mayday (who is alive like Miles' dad is and a much better comparison) as it's being said is beyond me.

        If Miles asked Peter what he'd do had Miguel told him Mayday dying is a canon event and he can't interfere in it, the movie is undone, the whole narrative falls apart because even these moron writers wouldn't be able to write Peter saying he'd let his baby daughter die for a canon event, but Peter shouldn't even need Miles to point this out, it should be apparent to him by default. What a terrible and infuriating movie written intentionally badly for baffling reasons.

        • 4 months ago

          The movie is an immense failure because it HAS to mischaracterize Peter, any and all versions of him that is Spider-Man, to even MAKE him agree with Miguel. He would never do that and would try despite it being the wrong choice. But they had to keep him and all versions of him out of character for that bullshit to fly.

          • 4 months ago

            >The movie is an immense failure because it HAS to mischaracterize Peter, any and all versions of him that is Spider-Man, to even MAKE him agree with Miguel.
            And Miguel himself is mischaracterized. Along with pretty much the entire Spider-Verse.

        • 4 months ago

          >Miguel spoils Miles even though had he not Jefferson would've just died according to plan
          >whatever happens in a universe naturally would just be its canon so dimension hopping to 'fix' shit would actually break the canon
          >Miles THE ANOMALY who apparently fricked everything up is somehow still tied to canon
          >the homie malding about all of this does not have an uncle Ben or a Captain Stacy and only knows about canon events AFTER SKINWALKING IN ANOTHER MANS LIFE JUST LIKE THE VILLAN OF THE LAST MOVIE

          Honestly in retrospect Spiderverse was kind of ass

        • 4 months ago

          >The movie is an immense failure because it HAS to mischaracterize Peter, any and all versions of him that is Spider-Man, to even MAKE him agree with Miguel.
          And Miguel himself is mischaracterized. Along with pretty much the entire Spider-Verse.

          How the frick can anyone who calls themself a Spider-Man fan enjoy this shit
          I mean seriously, how has there not been more people pointing this garbage OUT?

          • 4 months ago

            >nothing should ever be different for Spider-Man
            >just misquote the Great Power/Responsibility soliloquy again and pretend to be happy
            >now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to watch Amazing again. ooh yeah, i love cool skaterboi Pete and Uncle Ben being gunned down after buying a Yoohoo

            • 4 months ago

              I have no idea what the hell you're saying, but a story predicated on Spider-Man dying and bringing a similar but older Spider-Man in to assume his place and mentor the younger generation should pay respect to the character's history and hardships, not make him into a sad shower crying joke unable to progress on his own and stagnating after everything he has been through.

              Peter's take on Power and Responsibility has always been a prime example of his guilt and his unrealistic expectations onto himself. What if he doesn't act and people are harmed, but always ends up harming his personal life, as opposed to his daughter's take on it, what if she acts and she can help people. One is born of guilt, the other from her father's parentage.

              I preferred the first two Raimi's but ASM1 is better than SM3 for me. Still never watch it all the way through.

        • 4 months ago

          Full truth here but Chip writes better spidey than most people this last decade or two. The end of Life Story still gets me with that dream stuff and his Spectacular run had some heart wrenching bits as well as some absolutely joyous moments, like JJ and Pete finally hashing it out on a podcast and Jonah becoming his terrible wingman.

        • 4 months ago

          I really wish more people realised how bullshit AtSV is for this alone. It completely misconstrues the entire moral foundation of Spider-Man as a character just because it wants this silly conflict with the Spider Society to prop up Miles as the one true hero or whatever.
          The story has other problems, too, but apparently pretty animation is enough to trick everyone into thinking the whole film is absolutely perfect.
          god, I wish the Spider-Verse had never been a thing

      • 4 months ago

        For me, the scene where Peter is convincing his teen protégé to let his dad die and implies he'd let uncle Ben die again if he had the chance because it let him become Spider-Man is the worst scene in Spider-Man history.

        An already terrible scene made infinitely worse by the fact both Peter and Miles are holding Mayday in it, Miles is being told that he has to stand by and let his dad die in order to fulfill a canon event and Peter is helping Miguel stop Miles from trying to save Jefferson, why the frick would Miles bring up uncle Ben who is long dead as a comparison to Peter when he's literally holding Mayday (who is alive like Miles' dad is and a much better comparison) as it's being said is beyond me.

        If Miles asked Peter what he'd do had Miguel told him Mayday dying is a canon event and he can't interfere in it, the movie is undone, the whole narrative falls apart because even these moron writers wouldn't be able to write Peter saying he'd let his baby daughter die for a canon event, but Peter shouldn't even need Miles to point this out, it should be apparent to him by default. What a terrible and infuriating movie written intentionally badly for baffling reasons.

        Also he needed Miles to tell him having sex with a supermodel for the purpose of procreation is a good thing, he's not just a failure as Peter Parker, he's a failure as a character and a man and a person.

        He doesn't even feel like a person that inhabits the movie's universe(s), he comes off as a tired washed up actor who just wants to leave the set and is sick of the role like Alan Rickman's character in Galaxy Quest pre-arc.

        autistic people went full circle and think "successful and loving father" is ~~*degeneracy*~~ now

        Bad faith strawman anon, not a good look.

      • 4 months ago

        >For the Peter who's supposed to most clearly represent THE Peter, the original Spider-Man
        He isn’t. The original died to Kingpin is supposed to be. Peter B is loser version miles gets stuck with so the plot can happen. It’s literally the “broken reluctant mentor who learns a new sense of purpose through their teachings” trope

        • 4 months ago

          "The original"

          The original Peter has never been blonde you fricking moron.

          • 4 months ago

            >The original Peter has never been blonde you fricking moron.
            The original miles doesn’t have an Afro, Spider-Gwen doesn’t have a tooth gap and isn t16. That wasn’t the point moron.

      • 4 months ago

        Except he's clearly the Spider-Man from the MC2. You know, the timeline where everyone is 15 years older and he has a daughter?

        • 4 months ago

          What point are you trying to make with this exactly?

        • 4 months ago

          >Except he's clearly the Spider-Man from the MC2
          No he isn't. MC2 Peter was happy to be a father. MC2 Peter is literally Amazing, here

          Also he needed Miles to tell him having sex with a supermodel for the purpose of procreation is a good thing, he's not just a failure as Peter Parker, he's a failure as a character and a man and a person.

          He doesn't even feel like a person that inhabits the movie's universe(s), he comes off as a tired washed up actor who just wants to leave the set and is sick of the role like Alan Rickman's character in Galaxy Quest pre-arc.

          Bad faith strawman anon, not a good look.

          , years down the line. MC2 Peter never had any qualms about being a father or staying with MJ. He wasn't a washed up out of shape failure. He was also missing a leg.

          And never had to be inspired by anyone else to raw dog MJ and knock her up. Peter B. needed a peptalk to get married again, and didn't have a kid until he's in his late thirties. MC2 Peter concieved Mayday in his twenties.

          >For the Peter who's supposed to most clearly represent THE Peter, the original Spider-Man
          He isn’t. The original died to Kingpin is supposed to be. Peter B is loser version miles gets stuck with so the plot can happen. It’s literally the “broken reluctant mentor who learns a new sense of purpose through their teachings” trope

          >The original died to Kingpin is supposed to be
          What? The original literally has a spider-cave, like Batman. He's rich enough to have a full on assortment of high tech suits and a secret lair. None of that is Peter. If anything it's 'The Spider' from that Identity crisis crossover with Deadpool and Hulk.

          He was so successful in comparison to the loser Peter B. that Peter A. was without definitely not meant to represent the original Spider-Man. Neither is, but both are hard exaggerations on what Peter is. Either pristinely successful, or a joke of a failure.

  2. 4 months ago

    Your ignoring what actually happens in his movies but go off I guess

    • 4 months ago

      And what actually happens in his movies to contradict OP?

    • 4 months ago

      Go back

  3. 4 months ago

    Not to mention he was an easily mislead idiot who blindly worshiped Tony Stark and sided AGAINST CAPTAIN AMERICA.

    Come on Peter, Tony Stark didn't give you even a single red flag?

    • 4 months ago

      That's accurate to the comics though. It's only more understandable for it to happen when he's a starstruck teenage science nerd.

      • 4 months ago

        So basically he's an idiot who lacks the ability to discern who isn't exactly a great role model.

        • 4 months ago

          Yes. He's in highschool.

          • 4 months ago

            >Thinking Captain America is more wrong than Iron Man, a man with a history of problems

            There's a difference between being a highschooler and lacking any common sense. If Captain AMERICA tells you he's right and Iron Man's wrong, odds are pretty good Iron Man is wrong.

            • 4 months ago

              Okay but you can see how a teenager obsessed with science could value the approval of the world's greatest and most famous mechanical engineer more than a war hero from before he was born, especially when he's a billionaire offering you a job and your aunt is struggling to pay the bills without her husband.

            • 4 months ago

              Why does everyone forget that Peter was a slowly improving little shit in the comics till graduation.
              Having a Peter who never had his Uncle Ben moment who is also a teenager, lack common sense is perfectly fine.

    • 4 months ago

      >Not to mention he was an easily mislead idiot who blindly worshiped Tony Stark and sided AGAINST CAPTAIN AMERICA.

      They had that moment in civil war when Steve recognized Peter as a fellow New Yorker. I don't think that moment was lost on Peter.

      >canon event
      Spider-Verse fanfiction slop. Opinion disregarded.

      >no argument

      Again, you have to be 18 to post here.

      • 4 months ago

        You talking about that moment just made me scan my brain, and I'm pretty sure that's the only time Cap and Spidey ever interacted.

        • 4 months ago

          Spiderboy has talked to like 4 people total in the MCU Avengers

    • 4 months ago

      >Not to mention he was an easily mislead idiot who blindly worshiped Tony Stark and sided AGAINST CAPTAIN AMERICA.

      Why would Peter have any inherent reason to side with Cap over Tony? They have no relationship. He actually knows Iron Man. The loyalty aspect is there even if he doesn't understand the ideological conflict. People side with their friends by nature.

  4. 4 months ago

    >didn’t learn power and responsibility until his sixth movie, basically became a hero for lolz
    >uncle ben means nothing to him
    He doesn't say the exact line but explains that he does what he does because he blames himself for allowing something bad he could have prevented to happen. All the classic spider-man origin things happened to him, they just happened offscreen because Marvel assumed you didn't have to see it a 5th time to understand what who Spider-Man is.

    • 4 months ago

      He even reponds to Mays with great power comes great responsibility with "I know". So he already heard it from Ben, May just gave it a new meaning not to just stop the bad things but to try and fix them with your power.

  5. 4 months ago

    >didn’t learn power and responsibility until his sixth movie, basically became a hero for lolz
    >uncle ben means nothing to him
    Oh so you didn't watch the movies then
    >people claim this is the definitive live-action spidey specifically because he’s the one that gets to play in the sandbox with the other superheroes
    Or is it because he is the closest to comic book Spider-Man we have ever gotten and will probably ever get?

    • 4 months ago

      >Or is it because he is the closest to comic book Spider-Man we have ever gotten and will probably ever get?
      But we’re not talking about Andrew Garfield

  6. 4 months ago

    after his netflix show and the drama about him quitting acting, I don't like tom holland anymore
    all of the problems this iteration of spider-man had came to surface to me

    • 4 months ago

      What was wrong with his Netflix show?

      • 4 months ago

        He was humiliated and then came up with a story that he didn't want to act anymore, that he was taking "some time for himself".

        • 4 months ago

          >He was humiliated
          Internet when famous actor plays an uncomfortable role they chose to act as

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      On one hand, Marvel's schedule has got to be incredibly demanding, and I'm sure he already has enough money to set him up for life.
      On the other hand, imagine getting to be Spider-Man and just deciding you dont feel like it any more.

      • 4 months ago

        And at the same time, Andrew Garfield, an actor much better than him, wanting to come back to the character by any means necessary.

    • 4 months ago

      Ngl I'm sick of Tom Holland, mostly because he's a lot more of a celebrity in the veins of The Rock and Gal Gadot compared to other actors who prefers being an actor and less interested in becoming celebrities. Which is weird because his other movies flopped outside of Spider-Man, and even when he tried serious acting with Cherry it failed.

  7. 4 months ago

    Raimi's will always be the greatest simply because Peter's civilian life was such a huge part of the story, and his Spidey life being a constant source of drama. The hear to hearts with the characters and heavy use of the supporting cast in Peter's life was fantastic. TASM only really had Gwen's death, and the two movies are more of a folk-rom-com than anything. MCU Spidey was supposed to be John Hughes-esque featuring Spider-Man since they put him in highschool again, but only Homecoming really came close to that.
    I'll keep hoping for one day we get another Spidey series with as much heart that the Raimi films had.

    • 4 months ago

      Aunt May giving him 20 bucks on his birthday and Peter trying to turn it down is the epitome of this.


  8. 4 months ago

    Tom holland is a bitter homosexual that drowns himself in Alcohol because he can't stand Zendaya being actually talented and in so many important projects while him being only the less liked spiderman of a decaying franchise

  9. 4 months ago

    >had to have his iconic webbed suit designed by tony stark instead of himself
    To be fair, it never made much sense for Peter Parker to be sitting there making that detailed webbed outfit.
    Similar to how Captain America gets his spangly outfit in the MCU was done pretty well all things considered.

    • 4 months ago

      They should have made him come up with the design at very least.

    • 4 months ago

      IRL teenagers make cosplay outfits. No reason Peter can't.

    • 4 months ago

      well, when you're (more) bulletproof (than the average teenager), costume practicality is less of a concern.

  10. 4 months ago

    It's a real shame because Tom is a good actor, but all they ask from him is to play an annoying little shit that gets handed everything.

  11. 4 months ago

    >didn't learn responsibility until his sixth movie
    You lying fricking moron, he knew about that before we even see him for the first time, and you know that shit too.

  12. 4 months ago

    >uncle ben means noting to him
    Why make shit up? No way you're getting paid to hate on this one specifically but not the others. Are you?

  13. 4 months ago

    Crazy how someone sat down and said 'Spider-man breaks the fricking universe becasue he's a moronic dumbass who can't wait five seconds for Dr. Strange to finish his spell,' and then they ran with it.

    • 4 months ago

      ALLEGEDLY, the original script was that MoM happened first so Peter went to Strange, who refused, so they turned to a then-established Chavez, who would try and frick it up.

      How they couldn't figure out literally ANY other way to do it when the scheduling got fricked up, I don't know. But at least initially it wasn't absolutely moronic

    • 4 months ago

      I don't like MCU Spider-Man but let's be fair here, Strange is an idiot as well.
      >let me just do a dangerous spell without discussing all the ups and downs first
      >w-what do you mean, you're trying to back down now when you find out exactly what happen (which I forgot to mention)?

  14. 4 months ago

    >basically became a hero for lulz
    He just like me.

    • 4 months ago


  15. 4 months ago

    reminder Peter was Spider-Man before meeting Tony.
    but MCU haters don't watch the MCU so how would they know about the character they hate

    • 4 months ago

      He said the suit. Peter was wearing a sock monkey suit before they met.

      • 4 months ago

        Peter knew his suit was just a pajama

  16. 4 months ago

    >had to have his iconic webbed suit designed by tony stark instead of himself
    its a highly advanced nano-tech suit that would be implausible for even a teen prodigy to make himself
    they already stretch the line with liquid adhesive that has 5x the tensile strength of steel because we are willing to accept spider-man is very good at spider-related technology, but its established within the film that with the tech at his disposal he can only make a ghetto suit with off the shelf parts

  17. 4 months ago

    The issue isn't that Peter got a step up from existing heroes, it's that Tom Holland is a charisma vacuum that can't act confident and heroic to save his life.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah like he never graduated to leading man, but people seem to love it

      • 4 months ago

        Tom Holland is the leading man for a generation wherein classical charisma is a fading notion as it runs contrary to the current conception of socially acceptable vulnerability which is in right now.

  18. 4 months ago

    >different good, no matter what

  19. 4 months ago

    >waaah he didn't say the thing that make me clap
    blame it on Sony's spider-embargo. MCU Peter would have his own stories and uncle ben moment if Sony didn't force them to use leftover plots from the raimi series. it's why NWH is more fanservice than a story that makes sense.

  20. 4 months ago

    Should’ve gone with the concept art design so at least he came up with the general design.

  21. 4 months ago

    Nah, people will always defend this version of Spidey because of the unholy mix of consoomer behavior regarding the MCU and the excitement they felt at Homecoming. Which I personally thought sucked.

  22. 4 months ago

    >enters your movie
    >easily tricks you into thinking he's a nice old schizo who dindu nuffin
    >ruins all your hard work with one little speech
    >tanks your hardest hits
    >beats the everloving shit out of you
    >kills your Aunt May
    >guilts you into curing him despite everything
    >mogs every single other villain in your cinematic universe
    >refuses to elaborate

    • 4 months ago

      >>mogs every single other villain in your cinematic universe
      The power of just letting a villain do villanous shit without a sad backstory. Kang was on his way but, well, that's over now.

      • 4 months ago

        Kang sucked. I never got the "hype" for Majors' performance
        But the High Evolutionary in GOTG3 was actually a pretty good repudiation of the "villain with a tragic backstory" trope

    • 4 months ago

      >mogs every single other villain in your cinematic universe
      Vincent D'onofrio might one-up him if Kingpin ends up being the villain of Spider-Man 4 as the rumors are suggesting

  23. 4 months ago

    And yet he manages to be in a better position than the cuck in the comics

  24. 4 months ago

    >Constantly shit on and made fun of at the expense of Spider-Man's actual legacy
    >Peter tingle

    I hate this Spider-Man

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