Has Shipping ruined Nightwing as a character?

The constant shipping wars with him is tiring. And I loathe that Tom Taylor's run is so reminiscent of Devin Grayson/Scott Beatty in terms of how he writes Dick Babs. I used to enjoy Dick Babs and Dick Kory but now both ships annoy the ever living frick outta me and anytime there is even a chance for a Dick Babs or Dick Kory romance, I immediately dont want to read/watch/invest in the story. They both suck and my boy Nightwing is ruined whenever he is written with them.

I wish Nightwing would be single for a long as time and then pop out with a new end game love interest who is either a new character or a re-vamp of a previous non-toxic love interest like Bea. She got wrecked thanks to Ric Grayson, but she was cool and if Dick Babs and Dick Kory can survive shitty writing so can Bea. I really don't care who it will be though as long as its not Babs o Kory.

I cant think of any other character who has shittier romances than Nightwing.

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's done way more damage to Barbara and Kori than Dick honestly.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, 90% of Babs' scenes after they started pushing the relationship have been "uwu dick-kun please pay attention to me tbh"

    • 2 years ago

      Ill say its done intense damage to all three characters. But Im a Nightwinggay so imma complain about Nightwing.

    • 2 years ago

      Im a Nightwing fan so I care more about Nightwing. However, I will say that damage has been done to all three characters. If I had to choose who got the worst damage between Kory and Babs id choose Babs only because she was literally aged down, passed around the batfam and had all her original love interests erased for whack as Nightwing. Im glad they are using Jason Bard in her movie. It makes more sense for Babs to date a civ than a cape.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree with both of you. Their relationships frick up everyone involved and make it hard to read. Best Nightwing arcs are when he's a lone wolf maybe a fling on the side or a gf in the dark. Same can be said for basically every bat member imo. I fricking hate the whole Bat/Cat thing too.

  2. 2 years ago

    He'll be gay soon. All superheroes will be gay before the end.

    • 2 years ago

      please god no. Dick is straight as a line.

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Shipping has ruined every character. Verminous freaks who get fanatical over fictional characters having more social interactions than they will in their pathetic stunted lives should be exterminated like the rats they are.

    • 2 years ago

      Facts though. Im sure there are other characters out there who have it just as bad as Nightwing. But what other character at DC literally has the same character have two different end games at the same time just to appease a minority and shitty part of the fandom?

      • 2 years ago

        >But what other character at DC literally has the same character have two different end games at the same time just to appease a minority and shitty part of the fandom?

        Batman himself. People push for Batcat but Talia has a growing fanbase, too

        • 2 years ago

          >Talia rapes Bruce, steals his dna and secretly raises their child without telling him anything for years
          why is that fanbase growing again?

          • 2 years ago

            Because of the blowback of how Morrison handled that.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah but BatCat is his main ship for years with Talia always just being the baby mama. While I do not support BatCat, it would be laughable to compare it to Dick Babs or Dick Kory.

          I hate how dirty they did Talia though. Originally she was actually more of a good guy and O'Neill actually gave Bruce someone he could care for. Why Morrison decided to turn Talia into some kind of cracked out villain i have no idea.

          Batman has waay better love interests than Dick. But he too could use a new one who isnt also a villain for once? He is looking kind of hypocritical by trying to marry Catwoman of all people

    • 2 years ago

      Impotent rage

  5. 2 years ago

    DickKory fans got one crumb tossed their way after a decade of separating her from Dick. Now they won't stop deluding themselves.

    I time that panel with Dick and Kory will be considered the same as the Nightwing annual where he sleeps with Babs before inviting her to his wedding;one last hurrah before the other woman gets him.

  6. 2 years ago

    Someone in the Bat Family needed to be the lady's man

  7. 2 years ago

    Dick should be with aliens

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    It's only really damaged Starfire. Dick and Babs have done fine but Starfire isn't a strong enough character in the comics to really do well enough on her own. So without Dick she kind of just flounders without any real direction.

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