>having to drive there and waste gas. >having to pay rental fees

>having to drive there and waste gas
>having to pay rental fees
>having to walk around and look for movies instead of just looking at a database yourself, wasting a good chunk of time staring at movie covers
>if the movie you want isn't there, too bad! come again!
>waiting in line to check out movies
>having to baby some movies in your house for days
>having to go back AGAIN just to return them
>paying even more fees if the movies are late
>paying money and you still end up with nothing unless you rip movies yourself
>doing it all over again if you want kino
Why would anybody go back to this?
What a complete waste of time and money.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    People who claim to miss this are blinded by nostalgia or insane.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I can obviously tell you weren't there, are jealous, by how you woefully misunderstand the experience

      I can tell you're a homosexual

      • 2 weeks ago

        I was there. Lived within walking distance from one. Been to it many times for half my childhood.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Relax gramps. If blockbuster reopened tomorrow you wouldn't get your massive ass there in a million years.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why would somebody be jealous of somebody who used to rent from corporate video stores?

        • 2 weeks ago

          If you have to ask you'll never know. The next time you're creaming it to some rvtvrn edit or calling all women prostitutes, remember I know what I'm talking about.

          Relax gramps. If blockbuster reopened tomorrow you wouldn't get your massive ass there in a million years.

          Some things are better. Not all. My great grandpa never had a cell phone but how many orchards have you walked barefoot through? Have you ever even once? My hometown video rental spot, the chain grocery store rental nook, and even blockbuster were all great. Pretending they weren't won't help me enjoy the future but remembering what they were, good and bad, will.

    • 2 weeks ago

      true dubs

      true as well

      You wouldn't understand.


      >zoomers who can't literally move outside of their rooms

      another moron

      >Having to type all this out with a cum spewing wiener in your mouth
      Why is OP such a gay?

      yet another moron

      the option to learn/read about stuff beforehand is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading at stuff on the back of a box

    • 2 weeks ago

      You enjoy and remember things more when you have to work a little harder for it. In fact that’s how your brain works. People have a lot of nostalgia for video stores because it was a mini-event your mind clings to and associates good memories with as opposed to you sitting naked on your couch eating potato chips scrolling through streaming or downloads.

      I think the instant media tsunami of the contemporary internet desensitized people since you are so overloaded with choices. I can watch any movie ever made from any part of the world instantly for free right now with a simple web search.

      Going to the theater or video store, there was an atmosphere. You had to judge books (videos) by their cover, make a financial choice to buy or rent the movie, and then deal with it. Interact with the advertising, posters and cardboard cutouts. Bring it home to your friends and family and make memories watching a great flick or a total stinker.

      Something being easier doesn’t make it better. There is a reason why movies and tv were better before streaming/internet. They needed to work harder to grab your attention. I think that’s why there were more bold ideas 30 years ago and somehow less bold ideas today when you’d think the opposite.

      I don’t think it should or could come back, but I’d take working harder to watch a movie over “endless trash” at the click of a button.

    • 2 weeks ago


      >having to drive there and waste gas
      >having to pay rental fees
      >having to walk around and look for movies instead of just looking at a database yourself, wasting a good chunk of time staring at movie covers
      >if the movie you want isn't there, too bad! come again!
      >waiting in line to check out movies
      >having to baby some movies in your house for days
      >having to go back AGAIN just to return them
      >paying even more fees if the movies are late
      >paying money and you still end up with nothing unless you rip movies yourself
      >doing it all over again if you want kino
      Why would anybody go back to this?
      What a complete waste of time and money.

      Part of the soul of life

  2. 2 weeks ago

    You wouldn't understand.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >zoomers who can't literally move outside of their rooms

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >Having to type all this out with a cum spewing wiener in your mouth
    Why is OP such a gay?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I borrow movies from the library now. It's fun and free 🙂

  6. 2 weeks ago

    DVDs and VHSs were $20, and blu-rays were like $30, which was pretty chunky back then. Or you could go to a video rental store and spend $4 or $5, see the movie anytime during that week, and return it before the time runs out.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine being mad over something you've never experienced

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Imagine being mad over something you've never experienced
      but I did. I lived 6 blocks away from a Blockbuster for half of my childhood.

      >zoomers who can't literally move outside of their rooms


      It's not worth leaving the house, anon
      Torrents are a godsend.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Bad parenting

  8. 2 weeks ago


  9. 2 weeks ago

    you have no idea

    • 2 weeks ago

      broke: man cave for watching sports
      woke: manchild sanctuary for consooming goyslop

      • 2 weeks ago

        I can watch sports in my manchild sanctuary (which is my entire house since I'm a loser who lives alone)

    • 2 weeks ago

      this is AI

      • 2 weeks ago

        more like reddoot

    • 2 weeks ago

      >only one controller plugged in

    • 2 weeks ago


  10. 2 weeks ago

    Being "nostalgic" for blockbuster is a good shibboleth for who actually remembers blockbuster and video rentals in general. That shit was the walmart of video stores and only the normiest of normies used it. I only started going there as a last resort after it had blown out all the competition.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >having to drive there and waste gas
    every neighborhood had a rental store. You never had to go far
    >having to walk around and look for movies instead of just looking at a database yourself, wasting a good chunk of time staring at movie covers
    no different than browsing a screen to find a movie to watch
    >paying even more fees if the movies are late
    don't bring them late?
    >paying money and you still end up with nothing unless you rip movies yourself
    same with streaming?

    every other issue are non-issues.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >every neighborhood had a rental store. You never had to go far
      that's not true at all. I lived near one sure but every city had 1 if it was lucky unless it was a rich area where they had 2 or 3 in one city.
      >no different than browsing a screen to find a movie to watch
      i'd rather use my laptop to find movies, anon.
      >don't bring them late?
      or just not subject myself to that obligation.
      >same with streaming?
      streaming is just another paypig issue.
      movies are free via torrents

      • 2 weeks ago

        There were tons of mom and pop tape rental shops in every city. Every town probably had one.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >seeing cute, girl next door looking girls with juicy asses working there
    Worth the trip. Where have those girls gone?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Only good reason to go

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Subscribers: 8

  13. 2 weeks ago

    zoomers and late millennials should be euthanised

  14. 2 weeks ago
    A.C. Slater

    We miss the smells. The carpet had some shit on it they used.. this was before streaming shit, you wanted to watch a certain movie, you go there and borrow it

  15. 2 weeks ago

    In Europe, there are still video clubs (equivalent to blockbusters) but they're all going the way of the dodo all the same. It's a experience and it meant finding others who liked movies and being social. Of course you brain fried bugman wouldn't understand.

    • 2 weeks ago

      We have video stores still but they might actually survive.

      • 2 weeks ago

        not from where I am. how can they survive? can you elaborate on this for me?

        • 2 weeks ago

          They are not common anymore but we have stores in the USA that are doing things like adapting to the times or becoming nonprofit so they will be around for a long time. Look up Scarecrow Video which is the biggest video rental store in the USA right now.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Sounds like a personal issue
    Never had a problem with this store because I'm white and also able to turn in everything I rented on time
    get good

  17. 2 weeks ago

    op you just sound fat and poor as frick if that ordeal is that stressful and expensive for you

    • 2 weeks ago

      Anon you have too much free time so of course the idea of driving to a blockbuster and wandering around shelves sounds delightful to you. Find something better to do with your time.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >defends his anonymous self online against another anonymous person
        Yeah man you have a much more intense lifestyle than him

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Ah, well that explains one contributing factor to america's obesity. Do you also piss in bottles to 'save water' and not have to get out of your chair by any chance?

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I mostly agree, but I can tell you’re a zoomer because everyone knew to call ahead and ask if a movie was available.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >call ahead
      >they say yes we have one left
      >you get there
      >guy took it as you were walking inside
      >sucks for you
      This is why I torrent. No scarcity issue.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    I'd deal with all that if new movies were worthwhile again.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    >having to drive there and waste gas
    Gas prices and the economy meant this was basically free
    >having to pay rental fees
    Things like this made movies in general more special and therefore more 'valuable' to see, it was like the price of half a meal, for entertainment for a whole family for the night.
    >having to walk around and look for movies instead of just looking at a database yourself, wasting a good chunk of time staring at movie covers
    Kino and a memorable experience
    >if the movie you want isn't there, too bad! come again!
    Kino and gave you something to look forward to or made you explore other options and branch out
    >waiting in line to check out movies
    Not everyone's attention span was destroyed back then, you would just chit chat or think through your problems
    >having to baby some movies in your house for days
    >having to go back AGAIN just to return them
    Maybe an issue for some people and locations but mine was somewhere we always went near anyway, it was like a 2 minute detour and life was slower paced back then so that didn't feel like much
    >paying even more fees if the movies are late
    Just don't be a Black person who can't keep their life in order (I say this as an alcoholic who can barely function)
    >paying money and you still end up with nothing unless you rip movies yourself
    You have a memory?
    >doing it all over again if you want Kino.
    The economy was better and again, it's relatively cheap, at the moment I spend the equivalent of that amount of money daily on drinking which is basically the same thing, paying for entertainment except renting movies was healthier, could be used to discuss with people or learn things or 'see' the world somewhat in ways that were harder to back then.

    Why would anybody go back to this?
    What a complete waste of time and money.

    You are looking at what it would be like in the modern world. You can't just do that, everything was different back then, and bettwr.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    It's not that it was great on it's own.
    It's the time period it thrived in and the feelings it produces.
    Going with the family to pick out movies together.
    When it felt like you could find any random movie from a variety of genres and topics.
    When there was no sjw, universe sharing, soulless slop.
    You only needed one subscription for all of the movies and shows that were coming out.

    Take me back....

  23. 2 weeks ago

    People are nostalgic for it because they were children when they didn't have to think about anything aside from Blockbuster never having the movie.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Basically the same reason I'm pretty much over theaters.

    I could either drive 20 kilometers (50 kilometers if I want to see the original language version rather than the dub) to pay money to watch a movie in a room with a bunch of noisy strangers.

    Or I could watch one in my own home, on my couch, for free. Like, seeing a movie at the theater is kinda nice if all I want is an excuse to leave my flat but there's not much value to movie theaters beyond a sentimental one.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The only time I go to the cinema now is to watch old movies when they put them on. Luckily my local one has been putting tons of old movies on recently. Watched Commando not too long ago, and before that stuff like Aliens, Terminator, Jurassic Park.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    I'm glad everything is digital now. Frick going somewhere to rent.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    My family was too poor to go to Blockbuster so we went to a local video store called Bandito Video whose mascot was a mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero.

    • 2 weeks ago

      breh I remember renting SNES games at the gas station in like 1995

      • 2 weeks ago

        I remember when we rented Secret of Mana and never wanted to take it back to Blockbuster, at the time we were in the process of moving home anyway so my Dad said just keep it. To this day one of my favourite SNES games of all time.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    >Friday night
    >mom takes the lads to Blockbuster
    >rent 2 for 1 classic horror films
    >sleep out in tent
    >run 5 extension cords into the woods
    >watch horror VHS tapes on CRT all night
    I want to go back 🙁

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >having to drive there and waste gas
    my family used to walk there and it was almost as fun as the movie itself

    • 2 weeks ago

      Zoomers will never understand any of these things. Also
      kek what kid had to buy their own rentals in the 90s? your parents sucked

  29. 2 weeks ago

    I still get physical media for the commentary tracks since I like listening to them goof off or be very serious on their craft.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    >have to rewind or pay an extra fee
    >late fees
    Still a kino life experience.
    Also renting nintendo games from there was peak kid kino times.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Did anyone else have those speed rewinders? It wasn't even a VCR, just a rewinder kek took like 45 seconds

      • 2 weeks ago

        I was just pissed that I knew each Blockbuster had one of those yet still penalized us for not rewinding it ourselves.
        Later in the company's lifecycle, around when they started offering DVDs, they stopped requiring the VHSs to be rewound.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    i thought it was annoying as a kid but when they were closing down they started selling a bunch of movies for cheap so then i started enjoying blockbuster

  32. 2 weeks ago

    >want to rent game
    >has "rented out" tag attached to it
    >take it off, put it on another game and take the one I want up to cashier
    >it fricking works
    This felt like magic as a child

  33. 2 weeks ago

    you wouldn't get it zoomer, convenience has killed your wanderlust

    • 2 weeks ago

      preemptive underrated take

    • 2 weeks ago

      people begin to enjoy the prison that has been built around them

  34. 2 weeks ago

    I can't wait for zoomers to become parents.
    >"Dad, let's go watch a movie!"
    >"Just stream it on the tv/torrent it"
    >"Dad, let's go to Toys R Us!"
    >"Just order it on amazon."
    >"Dad, let's go to Disneyland!"
    >"Just use your VR headset"
    >"Dad, let's go out to eat pizza!"
    >"Just order delivery."

  35. 2 weeks ago

    Being able to rent any movie at any time from your couch with the click of a button has killed the home video experience. So have streaming services. I add so many things to my queue that I never watch. At the video store it was like an adventure, a competition, would you be able to score the movie you want? The sense of joy when you did was often better than the movie itself. It was the thrill of the hunt.

    • 2 weeks ago

      When I was a kid I used to spend like an hour going through all the isles to find the right movie. You had to make the right choice because you couldn't just flip to another app and watch something else while scrolling through your phone.

    • 2 weeks ago

      When I was a kid I used to spend like an hour going through all the isles to find the right movie. You had to make the right choice because you couldn't just flip to another app and watch something else while scrolling through your phone.

      it was fun man, my parents divorced when I was young so me and my brother went to my dad's on weekends and part of our ritual was to go to the video store before heading to his place, grab a couple of the latest new overnight rentals and 3-4 weekly rentals, flicking through movie covers and reading the blurbs on the back made choosing way better than the little 1 sentence shitflix gives you and maybe 30 out of context seconds to decide if it's worth taking a chance on

  36. 2 weeks ago

    You would stop at Blockbuster while you were out picking up a pizza or some other sort of take out. My neighborhood Blockbuster was right next to a Little Caesars.

    The only inconvenient thing about Blockbuster was if you were renting an older DVD it would always be scratched to shit and unplayable.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tape and cartridge chads win again.

  37. 2 weeks ago

    watching movies during then was a family event and not the natural state. you have brainrot from consuming too much.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    You have to remember that the majority of us were like 8 or 9 when we were doing this. Every weekend was like an adventure going to BB.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    >Pays a gorgillion dollars for ten different streaming services
    >Over saturated with shit and full seasons drop in one day
    >Orders $30 worth of food to be delivered cold through grubhub

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