He could kill literally everyone on the planet if he wanted and nobody would be able to stop him, but instead he chooses to become a superhero.

He could kill literally everyone on the planet if he wanted and nobody would be able to stop him, but instead he chooses to become a superhero. That's a good character.

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  1. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I said, Bohners

    • 5 months ago

      In a row?!

      • 5 months ago

        In 6.9 seconds, too.

    • 5 months ago

      What would a blowjob from Quicksilver feel like?

      • 5 months ago

        Realistically? It would friction burn your wiener off.
        In an ideal universe? It would make you nut so hard that people think you're a cum based mutant.

  2. 5 months ago

    who the burger guy

    • 5 months ago

      Its amazing how he had more screentime in this AD than dark Phoenix

    • 5 months ago

      That's not a burger.

    • 5 months ago

      I enjoyed reading the file name
      wish there was still a chan that let me save files based on their original file names (like say just clicking the file name)

      • 5 months ago

        Cinemaphilex or spookyx allow you to do so

  3. 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    Fox Quicksilver is miles cooler than MCU's and even comics'

    • 5 months ago

      No, he's Peter.

    • 5 months ago

      >cooler than MCU's and even comics'
      Like that's a challenge.

      MCU Quicksilver is a bad joke and comics Quicksilver has had way too many writers shitting on him for no reason.

    • 5 months ago

      Nice bait. Here's your (You).

    • 5 months ago

      >cooler than MCU's and even comics'
      Like that's a challenge.

      MCU Quicksilver is a bad joke and comics Quicksilver has had way too many writers shitting on him for no reason.

      It's not just Quicksilver, movie Magneto is way more charismatic and convincing than comics Magneto ever was and Sebastian Shaw is actually the classy, cultured man he claims to be

      • 5 months ago

        >movie Magneto is way more charismatic and convincing than comics Magneto ever was
        the most moronic sentence I read in this thread

        • 5 months ago

          When the frick was Magneto ever charismatic, convincing or simply not moronic in the comics? He was a douchebag and a bully to his own followers, his speeches were a bunch of generic villain quotes, he was clearly insane half of the time and his plans were all straight up moronic.

  5. 5 months ago

    hes basically useless isnt he ? doesnt he struggle with keeping his speed down and is basically broken? i recall a scene where eating a family meal is a challenge to him even though he spends an entire page slowly eating his food hes finished before everyone has even started

  6. 5 months ago

    This is part of what made old superheroes cool. Most of them weren't forced into their alignment. They could had been crooks or tyrants or passive but they chose of their own volition to do good.

    • 5 months ago

      I think Superman was even originally conceived as the villain, but the writers realized he would make an interesting hero, and look how iconic he is today.

      • 5 months ago

        The nazis used "the Superman" from Thus Spoke Zarathustra as justification of their actions (science and racial purity > lives of others). S&S's Superman was originally going to mock putting other "values" above human life by having him be a straight up crook. Publishers wouldn't go for a villain protagonist so they made Superman a hero who constantly weighs his values instead of throwing them out. Thus truth, justice, and the American way.

  7. 5 months ago

    Half the xmen could kill everyone on the planet?

    Cyclops - blast millions with disintegrating eye lasers.
    wolverine - slice through everyone without any effort instantly, and you can't stop cause he instantly heals from everything.
    storm - weather control, i don't need to say more
    jean gray - a god
    professor x - instantly cause everyone to have stroke
    magneto - controls all metal, and any material with even 1% metal in it (99.9% of everything)

    Look there are some mutants you don't have to worry about as much, like toad.
    But if you had to choose one to fight, who would you fight?

    • 5 months ago

      The only ones who could potentially do it still need help.
      >I'd say Storm can't do it, but with how hard the writers have been wanking her "omega" status lately I wouldn't put it past them. Still, it'd be pure wank and ignore all her established limitations.
      >Jean would need the full Phoenix Force.
      >Xavier would need Cerebro/Cerebra.

      The rest of them don't have the range and/or are too easy to stop.
      >Cyke has a maximum range of about a city block and can be stopped with a single bullet.
      >Wolverine has zero range and you can't kill the entire planet by stabbing people one at a time. And while impossible to kill, he can definitely be stopped.
      >Magneto is very powerful but not on the scale something like this would require. The closest thing to it he's done (solo) on a planetary scale in my recollection is reversing the Earth's magnetic poles and he needed to be hopped up on mutant steroids for it. Not to mention that it wouldn't cause human extinction. And that he can still be stopped with a single bullet, even if it'd have to be a non-metallic bullet.

      I'd say it's very questionable whether Quicksilver could actually kill everyone on the planet despite what the OP says, especially if going up against other superheroes. Even with superspeed, you'd have to kill a truly ridiculous amount of people in order to make any lasting impact on the population.

      • 5 months ago

        Quicksilver's whole thing is he has nothing but time and in this hypothetical scenario nobody would even know he exists. As far as they're aware some magical force they can't see is killing everyone.

        • 5 months ago

          Sure but there are like 7.9 billion people in the world and I don't think you understand how many that is.

          If you killed someone every second of every day without ever stopping and without accounting for travel time, you wouldn't be close to breaking even with the amount of babies being born. At 4 people per second you'd start breaking even, but even killing 10 people per second every second of every day, it'd still take like 25 years to depopulate the earth assuming perfect efficiency. He'd sooner die of exhaustion and sleep deprivation than kill everyone in the world.

          And that's still assuming nobody would stop him long before that. While he'd be pretty much unstoppable in the real world, in the Marvel world there are plenty of people who can wreck him. Even the movie version where he's comparatively more powerful (mostly because everyone else is less powerful) still got wrecked by Apocalypse. A sufficiently powerful telepath could find him and shut him down almost effortlessly.

          • 5 months ago

            You're assuming birth rate and infant mortality are going to hold as large swaths of the population begin dying suddenly. Infants don't take care of themselves, not to mention if he chooses to target pregnant mothers at first. He could start with all of the natal wards in one state and crash replacement in a day.

          • 5 months ago

            >At 4 people per second you'd start breaking even
            I think you're forgetting how fast this Quicksilver was. Bullets travel somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,500 feet per second. The bullets were moving on a scale of millimeters per "Quicksilver second" in the scene where he redirects the bullets by hand. Even if he limited himself to wholly manual kills, he could easily take out hundreds of people per second with a pocket knife.

            You're right about the limiting factor being his own energy levels, since he had to take frequent snack breaks, but out-killing the global birth rate isn't remotely a concern.

      • 5 months ago

        >Even with superspeed, you'd have to kill a truly ridiculous amount of people in order to make any lasting impact on the population.

        If he's killing them one by one, sure. If he's going for a more effective approach, he'd start blowing up facilities that process really nasty stuff and then let the chemical spill ruin the local population while the loss of production starts crashing economies. I'm talking effectively simultaneous bombings of oil refineries across an entire state, mass train derailments, power plants, etc.

        The big blocks to that are going to be information security and places a speedster may not be able to get to easily, like planes or perhaps boats depending on if running on water is a thing or not. You can't blow things up if you don't know where they are. Then again, probably easier to just drop bombs around the capitals of the nuclear powers and leave notes saying "with love from USA/Russia/India/Pakistan/China" and keep doing that until someone presses the button.

  8. 5 months ago

    why would anyone do that? there's no benefit tto it

    • 5 months ago

      I'm sure there are mutants with the mentalities of serial killers.

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