he did great, the script was shit

he did great, the script was shit

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  1. 4 months ago

    Just the dialogue. Hayden was playing a young Darth Vader. He modeled his performance after both James Earl Jones and David Prowse to achieve that.

    • 4 months ago

      the script did call for him to be a cold, autistic moron

      • 4 months ago

        How is he a cold autistic moron?

  2. 4 months ago

    Theres your shadow the hedgehog voice actor bro

  3. 4 months ago

    The script was meant to be shit. And that was a good thing, unironically. It's meant to be a monomyth fantasy not a soap opera

    He did great
    The script was meant to be wooden
    Both of these are good and the prequels are good

    • 4 months ago

      copium overload

    • 4 months ago

      >bad is good

      woah... 0_0

      • 4 months ago

        Kids nowadays don't understand that nostalgia shit is good now, frick off back to YouTube and eat that skibidi goyslop

  4. 4 months ago

    he did fine
    the script was fine
    everything was exactly what it needed to be

    • 4 months ago

      I feel like people lose a lot of the nuance when it comes to Anakin's character. They so easily dismiss the acting and/or the script without taking a closer look. People seem to forget that he was basically a child taken away from the only person he ever felt any connection to. That the one that took him away was the father figure he desperately needed to guide him, that upon his death he didn't get another father figure but an older brother that lost his master and tried his best to be a father figure. That his fear of loss and abandonment, never feeling like he belonged. That those feelings were only made worst by an Order that was skeptical and closed off at points towards him. That losing his mother after having visions of her death, plus the other points I mentioned before basically set him on a path which justifies his actions in Ep3. But people just meme the lines and never look at the fact that Anakin was troubled from the start and his progression made sense. All the way from Ep1 to Ep6.

      • 4 months ago

        exactly anon, most people take the films at surface level and then cry about jar jar

      • 4 months ago

        And people claim he’s a school shooter, he’s not. Seriously, that shit’s like the go-to by these guys towards anyone with a chip on their shoulder. He was just troubled and needed proper guidance. Dude was just dealt a shit hand.

      • 4 months ago

        Anakin only shows fear of being abandoned in the cartoons. For all we know in the live action, Anakin could be learning from Palaptine on how to control Padme and make her a stepford wife. Anakin is a dumb jock who wants to use the force to rule like a king. Hayden just makes him look like a Chad who got punished with a nerd son like Luke.

  5. 4 months ago

    I save this picture every time I see it.
    I told my kids it's a real photo of God.

    • 4 months ago

      how the frick did you even manage to get kids

  6. 4 months ago

    star wars has always been a childrens movie at best and dogshit generally

  7. 4 months ago

    The script wasn't bad, it just wasn't le naturalistic Hollywood slop

    He plays a young knight templar fraught with difficult emotions and engaging in courtly love to perfection, and later as an agent of brutal justice that seesaws between factions while being a loving husband.
    Anakin's neuroses and his action-minded style is portrayed beautifully.

    George had some good directing for him too: 0:40 https://youtu.be/PqVpuMC5ztw?si=QS-pziLNWQ2K8zfo
    He justifies the atrocities to himself based on him still following the republican lead, still being loyal. While secretly harboring doubts and being twisted in many different directions (loyalist republican jedi, sith apprentice, loving husband, protector and enforcer of his Future Empress Padme)

    • 4 months ago

      >i chose an actor who has that presence of the dark side
      weird way to call out hayden for being canadian but whatever floats your boat george

  8. 4 months ago

    This. Ewan did better mainly because Obi-Wan wasn’t hobbled by a terrible romance and an incoherent fall to the dark side.

  9. 4 months ago

    I don't hate Hayden but I just can't stand his voice in the prequels. He sounds like a teenager all the time. I wish Anakin had the TCW voice in the movies.

    • 4 months ago

      >He sounds like a teenager all the time
      he's 9 in I, 19 in II and 23 in III. so yeah whiny shit is exactly what he's supposed to be. matt lanter's voice ruins the character and it doesn't help he sounds nothing like hayden.

      • 4 months ago

        The supposed intentions are a mistake on themselves. Lanter's Anakin is the version of the character the fans expected him to be.

        • 4 months ago

          the fans are also fricking moronic and create unrealistic expectations for themselves and get upset when they aren't met because lucas-sama isn't catering to them

          • 4 months ago

            The franchise has been profit driven since RotJ.
            Lucas was inspired by pulp fiction, some of the most wish fulfillment types of stories. Trying to do these as some kind of "artistic" fiction is stupid.

            • 4 months ago

              >The franchise has been profit driven since RotJ
              i'm sorry, are you gary kurtz's corpse reanimated? this is a midwit take and always has been

    • 4 months ago

      The supposed intentions are a mistake on themselves. Lanter's Anakin is the version of the character the fans expected him to be.

      I don't think its fair for Hayden. You have Clone Wars which came out in 2008, which was about 5 years after Ep3. You had half a decade of the prequels being seen as bad and people talking about their flaws. It was easy to make a version in which Anakin acted more in the way fans wanted and not to mention to have multiple hours of developedment where in the prequels Anakin got 3 hours at most worth of scenes for his characterization. Either way, mainstream fans love both versions of Anakin now.

      • 4 months ago

        revenge of the sith released in 2005, clone wars came out 3 years later in 08, which is around the time the plinkett reviews started to emerge

        • 4 months ago

          Oh in my mind I thought Revenge came out in 2003. Either way, it wasn't solely Plinkett's review that caused the animosity towards the prequels. His reviews just condensed all the issues that people at the time had with the prequels. It was already there from Ep1 with the discontent of fans that grew up with the OG trilogy.

          • 4 months ago

            The prequels were fine, what are you talking about? It was made a long time ago and compared to sequels, better made and by the OG himself, Lucas. Plinkett is just a fat boomer who is a hateful son of a prick. Learn to accept prequel's weaknesses and live with it. Treat it like a prequel story and then enjoy your corny original trilogy. That's it, and you can always treat sequels as non-canon.

            • 4 months ago

              I love the prequels, I was talking more about the general discontent there was towards them and how it didn't originated from Plinkett as the post I was replying to seemed to assumed.

              yeah his reviews were a summary of issues plenty of people had but they were for the most part pretty stupid issues and most of them based on people not getting the movies or ignoring details
              there's a lot of folk out there who watch a movie and insist on things being one way when it's the other. i've got a friend who loves to constantly misinterpret the beginning of halloween kills by saying michael walks out of the house and the firefighters immediately move to fight him when michael kills the guy while his radio is on so they all hear him scream as he's getting killed, then see michael walk out of the house and michael assumes a combat stance first, then the firefighters gear up and try to fight him.

              Yeah, the reason I hate those reviews is because although he does bring valid criticisms at certain points, the way he would go about fixing them are just completely fricking stupid. He would also exaggerate certain points or completely miss the point of certain plot details. It's sad that it caught a mainstream appeal because it really didn't do a good job.

          • 4 months ago

            yeah his reviews were a summary of issues plenty of people had but they were for the most part pretty stupid issues and most of them based on people not getting the movies or ignoring details
            there's a lot of folk out there who watch a movie and insist on things being one way when it's the other. i've got a friend who loves to constantly misinterpret the beginning of halloween kills by saying michael walks out of the house and the firefighters immediately move to fight him when michael kills the guy while his radio is on so they all hear him scream as he's getting killed, then see michael walk out of the house and michael assumes a combat stance first, then the firefighters gear up and try to fight him.

      • 4 months ago

        I do feel bad for the shit Hayden and the other actors (even sequel ones) got, but I still feel both he and Jake Lloyd were miscast as Anakin.
        I don't think it was that hard to do a crowd pleasing Anakin, Lucas was just too stubborn to go along with it.
        However, CW03 Anakin is pretty much the same character he is in the movies but he still is way more compelling there, which clearly shows there was sloppy writing in the prequels.

        • 4 months ago

          He’s a big jedi

  10. 4 months ago

    not really but yeah lucas at fault too

  11. 4 months ago

    Prequels were greatest thing to happen to Star Wars
    Frick your opinions
    Frick the haters
    Idc enjoy the soulless sequels that came after the prequels, fricking pricks

    • 4 months ago

      Original trilogy was nerd slop
      Prequels were the giant shit you take after eating the slop
      Sequels were the diseased diarrhea shit you take after eating the giant prequel shit

      • 4 months ago

        you eat the slop, then you feel good after you take that huge shit
        it's when the messy diarrhea comes around that you feel awful and your butthole puckers up

      • 4 months ago

        I agree with you, best shit I have ever seen, prequels are the best.

  12. 4 months ago

    He really showed them younglings.

    • 4 months ago

      they were armed and trained cmbatants.

  13. 4 months ago

    ROTS is the weakest of the prequels because it botches Anakin's turn so bad. Instead of being seduced by the dark side as Obi Wan said in ANH, Anakin is essentially tricked into it by Palpatine by simply saying he can save Padme's life with no proof whatsoever...even after he admitted he was the Sith lord who was behind all attempted assassinations of her in the previous two movies. The plot is fricking moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      >instead of being seduced by the dark side as obi-wan said, anakin is seduced by the dark side but i don't like how it happened!
      anon sheev's trickery is literally him seducing anakin with the dark side. next time think before you post.

      • 4 months ago

        >anon sheev's trickery is literally him seducing anakin with the dark side.
        "Seduced by the dark side" insinuates that Anakin looked at what it offered (power, wealth, whatever) and made his own decision about it. There's a bit of that in ROTS but it's overshadowed by Palpatine's deceptions.

        >even after he admitted he was the Sith lord who was behind all attempted assassinations of her in the previous two movies
        Was the connection ever made that they thought the sith lord was behind the assassination attemps?

        >Was the connection ever made that they thought the sith lord was behind the assassination attemps?
        Dooku was a Sith lord. Palpatine was a Sith lord. "Always two there are." Anakin would have to be a fool to not suspect Palpatine wasn't behind the attempts.

        • 4 months ago

          He wanted to keep Padme from dying and he thought the Dark Side would give him that power.

        • 4 months ago

          >the term doesn't fit my headcanon!!!
          anakin was seduced, you're moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      >even after he admitted he was the Sith lord who was behind all attempted assassinations of her in the previous two movies
      Was the connection ever made that they thought the sith lord was behind the assassination attemps?

      • 4 months ago

        not at all, anon is misremembering the films because he didn't pay attention to them. count dooku was the one that technically orchestrated the assassination attempts, sheev just gave him the order to do so.

  14. 4 months ago

    I've always loved his performance as Anakin.
    The 3D cartoon always rubbed me the wrong way because they completely change his character down to even his voice, like they were ashamed of Hayden and the backlash to the PT or something.
    Like they thought he wasn't cool enough so they had to make him a generic cool hero guy in order to be liked which felt really inorganic and jarring.

  15. 4 months ago

    EP I + II aren't so bad. III just shits the bed with trying to tie everything together

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