>"He drank himself to death.

>"He drank himself to death. He sat on a bar stool until he fell off it and carried on drinking... Lying in his own piss and vomit he continued to drink till he passed out. What did the tabloids estimate he'd had on the day he died? Something like 30 beers, eight or ten dark rums and half a bottle of whisky. In the end, he created such a weird energy around him that no one drinking with him cared."

Jesus lads, Oliver Reed sounded like a madman. Who are some other actors and performers with insane personalities and substance abuse stories?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Most of the legendary British/Welsh/Irish/Scottish actors were massive drunks, Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, Richard Harris etc.

    The reason Anthony Hopkins is still alive is because he managed to get into rehab and stop drinking, I think in the 70's if I remember correctly.

    >The Klansman

    >Richard Burton allegedly drank so much alcohol during the making of this film that many of his scenes had to be shot with him seated or lying down, due to his inability to stand. In some scenes, he appears to slur his words or speak incoherently.[13] Burton later said that he could not remember making the film. Simpson said "There would be times when he couldn’t move."[14] Marvin was also a heavy drinker at this time, to the point where Burton claimed in a 1977 interview that when the two men ran into each other at a party years later neither could remember working together. At the time of the film, Burton was suffering from depression and sciatica, both debilitating conditions. His use of alcohol during the film was to kill the pain from those conditions. Later, Burton credited Marvin with saving his life. "I wouldn't have survived without Marvin," he told the actor and writer Michael Munn. Lee Marvin saw that Burton "was drinking not for pleasure of it but because he had a great need, and I doubt he knew what that was himself. Maybe it was for Elizabeth. But whatever it was, he was in pain, and he drank to kill that pain. I used to do it too."[15]
    >During Burton's death scene, he was lying on the set when the director said that the make-up artist had prepared him well for the scene, only for the artist to remark that he had not done anything. Terence Young brought a doctor in to examine him when it was determined that he was dying. He was rushed to St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica with a temperature of 104 degrees and both kidneys on the point of collapse. He was suffering from influenza and tracheo-bronchitis. He would remain in the hospital for six weeks.[17]

    • 1 month ago

      This. Based Burton appreciator, he didn't get mentioned enough.

  2. 1 month ago

    Bumping for more stories

    • 1 month ago

      Burton claimed he drank because he was a homosexual and suggested most actors were in the same boat.
      This coming from a guy who banged Elizabeth Taylor.

  3. 1 month ago

    Orson Welles would frequently gorge on pints of Baskin Roberts and then fast for days to burn it off. No wonder he died an unhealthy man.

  4. 1 month ago

    This is Russell Crowe’s account btw. Reed didn’t even finish the movie and they had to CGI his face on other bodies and reuse previously shot footage. Crowe claims Reed visited him in a dream and asked him to speak nicely of him

  5. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Good lord. That gave me secondhand cringe

      • 1 month ago

        Sadly I can no longer find the whole show online. There is a great moment where Reed gives an incoherent rant and one of those elderly gentlemen responds "I am sorry... I am not with it". Pretty much all of Reed's tv appearances from the 80s onwards are cringe because he is just too old to be a funny drunk.

        • 1 month ago

          I've always found that particular segment of him on the feminist talk show hilarious, used to watch it on youtube 10 years ago. I always burst out laughing when he says "I put my plonker on the table until my wife gets me my mushy peas", the way he says it and the silence afterwards is hilarious. The full thing is funny as frick

          • 1 month ago

            Do you have a link to the full thing?

            • 1 month ago

              nah I've been trying to find it for the last 5 minutes, totally scrubbed off the internet. Looks like this 'Open Media' company took the old videos down, they have a link to watch the full episode but it seems like you need to pay them some youtube subscription or some shit and it also says 'coming soon'. I'm kind of tempted to get it though

  6. 1 month ago

    >walks around Paramount Studios with her mother one day for fun
    >talent agent approaches her and offers her a 10 year contract on the spot just for how beautiful she is
    >too shy and introverted to be interested but controlling mother pushes her into it
    >can barely stand being on set and breaks down crying after every few lines
    >someone convinces her to calm her nerves with alcohol
    >starts drinking more and more with each movie, never getting comfortable with the camera
    >contract finally expires and now she can escape her hell
    >drives drunk one night and hits a couple in their car
    >resulting lawsuit costs her everything
    >forced to go back into show business to survive
    >drinking gets worse and worse
    >gets fricked up and drives her car through the window of a building, almost hitting a man inside
    >skips her court date, just drinks all day
    >becomes a recluse
    >neighbors check up on her after not seeing her for a long stretch of time
    >they find her dead in her home, surrounded by empty vodka bottles, still clutching the final one
    Gail Russell dead, age 36

    • 1 month ago

      That is tragedy in a nutshell. Jesus

      • 1 month ago

        Another curse of Hollywood

        thats brutal. some people say hell doesn't exist, but some people live it.

        standing in front of a camera doesn't make people go deranged and kill themselves

        sounds to me like she was a whiny ungrateful snowflake

    • 1 month ago

      Another curse of Hollywood

    • 1 month ago

      thats brutal. some people say hell doesn't exist, but some people live it.

    • 1 month ago

      standing in front of a camera doesn't make people go deranged and kill themselves

      • 1 month ago

        She tapped her addiction to calm her nerves and it spiraled out of control. If she could’ve had her way she would have probably never acted in the first place, but her shitty mom and piece of shit producer forced her into it as a child. Why do you think so many child actors slide into addiction?

        • 1 month ago

          >get offered a lucrative 10 year contract in a highly desired profession

          • 1 month ago

            A 10 year old, and then adults offered her booze. Stop being a homosexual

            • 1 month ago

              It was a 10 year contract, she was 18 at the time.

              >get offered a lucrative 10 year contract in a highly desired profession

              >highly desired profession
              Not desired by her, though. Her mother pushed her towards it because they were poor and her mom always wanted to be an actress herself.

        • 1 month ago

          yeah i can't imagine what producers and directors do with young, beautiful girls that makes them go crazy overnight

      • 1 month ago

        Stage fright can be very powerful, and alcohol can be very destructive. Drowning in alcohol to combat stage fright in a situation you can't leave for 10 years would be a nightmare.

        • 1 month ago

          Bill Hader has straight up said he blacks out every time he goes on stage. I imagine being talented but having anxiety would not go hand in hand together.

      • 1 month ago

        You're an idiot

    • 1 month ago

      woman moment

    • 1 month ago

      She drank the vodka

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