He is senile and the movie is terrible isn't it. That's why Ghibli is afraid to show it.

He is senile and the movie is terrible isn't it.
That's why Ghibli is afraid to show it.

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  1. 11 months ago

    maybe it reveals some deep truths that they feel the world isn't ready for yet

    • 11 months ago

      >young cartoon Japanese girls... are cute!!


    • 11 months ago

      Brah the worm design in DUNE 2 is totally ripped from NAUSICAA!

    • 11 months ago

      IMO it's hype. HE is literally Ghibli itself, how can he be left out of the decisions? This is reverse-engineered hype.

  2. 11 months ago

    I thought it was his decision, not the studio

    • 11 months ago

      I would have expected him to do this because he's being pretentious, but it sounds more like Ghibli is trying to hide it because it's not good.

  3. 11 months ago

    The future is clear: it's going to fall apart

  4. 11 months ago

    isn't the studio his?

  5. 11 months ago

    Why not something original?

    >In the novel, Junichi Honda is a teenage boy who lost his father and ended up seeing his uncle as a father figure. The uncle teaches him about subjects of life and writes everything down in a diary.

    • 11 months ago

      >It is named after the 1937 novel of the same name by Genzaburo Yoshino, but has an original story that is not connected to the novel. The project was described as a "big fantastical film"

      • 11 months ago

        that applies to a lot of Ghibli movies, they are just such shitty half assed adaptations of some novels they just claim to be their own thing
        in fact its crazy how much shitty adaptations they do and how they failed to do even one good one

  6. 11 months ago

    Miyazaki is obviously a top tier fim maker for all time but holy shit for the last 10 years he's been this bitter old man raging at everything. Some people just turn bitter as they grow old, especially old idealists like Miyazaki.

    If he's as insufferable in private at Ghibli as he is in public, it might be that they're just utterly sick of the guy and taking it out on him.

    • 11 months ago

      he's always been like that

    • 11 months ago

      >Miyazaki is obviously a top tier fim maker for all time

      • 11 months ago

        I'm not even the biggest fan who watches all his films, but he at his best embodies the spirit of cinema of creating this "magical" otherworld that at once feels believable but you couldn't have imagined on your own. His fantasy films just blow so much of Hollywood out of the water it's not funny.

        • 11 months ago

          >embodies the spirit of cinema
          He embodies the israelitewood spirit of nepotism, cronyism and giving yourself awards to claim you are relevant.

      • 11 months ago

        If his only film was Princess Mononoke, he would still be a top tier filmmaker.

    • 11 months ago

      How did they go above him? I thought he basically is studio ghibli.

      How the frick does being a little concerned = "being and raging"?

      The Wind Rises is one of his best films.
      The plot of the new one isn't actually the one of the book it's based on. The story is autobiographical and is about how Myazaki's own life was shaped by the book.

      >The Wind Rises is one of his best films.
      The beatboxing fart noises instead of real sound effects almost bloody ruined it. What a colossally bad decision that was.

      It just sounds gay. Kurosawa did some gay "swan song" movies before he died too. I'd love a return to form: Princess Mono, Nausicaa, spirited Away, are just such great fantasy films. They're so top tier.

      Spirited away is nonsense for little girls and it's the entire reason the anime industry pumps out nothing but "prestige films about young girls coming of age" now instead of interesting stuff.

      That's what this old pants shitting homosexual gets for being a draconian nazi subhuman to everyone around him when he was still at the top and acted as if he was king.

      This raging hack has become irrelevant within his lifetime and no one is interested in yet another of his copypasted HUMANS LE BAD NATURE LE GOOD WAR...WAR NEVER CHANGES horseshit and this makes him rage and shit his pants.
      This homosexual has been copying himself for 30+ years like Woody Allen.
      Takahata always chose to tackle different topics. None of his films are like the other, while Memezaki's are interchangable.
      Also, Takahata made one last eternal masterpiece with Tale Of Princess Kaguya before he parted this world.
      Takahata wins and Memezaki knows this. Which, again, makes him shit and piss his pants even more.

      The older i get the more i prefer takahata.

      >hating The Wind Rises
      Soulless mutt detected.

      *makes a fart noise into a microphone*

      • 11 months ago

        >wont shut the frick up about farts(his only nitpick)
        Wtf are you talking about you closet brapgay

    • 11 months ago

      He survived WW2 Japan, ofc he can't be a normal nice person.

  7. 11 months ago

    his magic finally got transferred to someone else

    • 11 months ago

      it didn't get transferred to anyone
      it slowly withered away with him
      there will never be another miyazaki, and the only other two big directors won't step in to fill his shoes.
      shinkai is too corporate these days (we will never again get a non good end movie like 5 cm/s from him), and hosoda is has lost the plot. maybe yuasa could do something, but he's too weird and not family friendly like the others

      • 11 months ago

        >hosoda is has lost the plot
        Did he ever have it? Let's be real, anime died as a serious artform when Satoshi Kon got pancreatic cancer.

      • 11 months ago

        Yuasa is the only good one from the three.
        Frick, there's no one left, at least someone of note. I've been trying to find something interesting, but most anime is weeb garbage for Cinemaphile virgins.
        Mamoru Oshii is alive but high on live-action (shitty live action). Katsuhiro Otomo has Orbital which seems to be in production limbo. That's all I can come up with.

  8. 11 months ago

    Really weird, people will 100% go and see 'Miyazaki's last movie' regardless of how good it is. And let's be honest, this guys is one of the most prominent filmmakers of all time, he's never made a bad film. In fact most of them are masterpieces.

    • 11 months ago

      Name something he's done since 2008 though? He is there he's existing but like Spirited Away was his last "big" film. People saw a few others out of inirtia but they didn't have the same impact. I can't even remember what his last film was or when it came out and low key thought he retired 10 years ago.

      If the plot is

      Why not something original?

      >In the novel, Junichi Honda is a teenage boy who lost his father and ended up seeing his uncle as a father figure. The uncle teaches him about subjects of life and writes everything down in a diary.

      it's like some whatever film?

      Guy should be making his own brand of Avatar. Just some big massive fantasy series about some grand adventure with an ecological theme. Like Nausicaa on steroids. Wow the frick out of everyone, make 300 million and then retire.

      • 11 months ago

        >Guy should be making his own brand of Avatar.
        >Wow the frick out of everyone

        He already did that, and this one is going to be his swan song, apparently. It's clearly the kind of story he always wanted to tell. It'll probably be similar to Wind Rises, which is absolutely incredible.

        • 11 months ago

          >Wind Rises, which is absolutely incredible.
          lol, LMAO even!
          Wind Rises is a disjointed clusterfrick and an utter mess of a film.
          The weakest of Goro Miyazaki's films is better than this garbage. Which is highly ironic, because the father has been shitting on his own son ever since he was born for not being good enough.

          • 11 months ago

            >hating The Wind Rises
            Soulless mutt detected.

      • 11 months ago

        The Wind Rises is one of his best films.
        The plot of the new one isn't actually the one of the book it's based on. The story is autobiographical and is about how Myazaki's own life was shaped by the book.

        • 11 months ago

          >Guy should be making his own brand of Avatar.
          >Wow the frick out of everyone

          He already did that, and this one is going to be his swan song, apparently. It's clearly the kind of story he always wanted to tell. It'll probably be similar to Wind Rises, which is absolutely incredible.

          It just sounds gay. Kurosawa did some gay "swan song" movies before he died too. I'd love a return to form: Princess Mono, Nausicaa, spirited Away, are just such great fantasy films. They're so top tier.

          • 11 months ago

            Kurosawa's Dreams is fantastic tho.
            >muh gay

          • 11 months ago

            You sound like a baby.
            >noooo you can't have character focused, meaningful stories I want avatar I want marvel I want bing bang wahooo
            Like frick off dude

            • 11 months ago

              Kurosawa's Dreams is fantastic tho.
              >muh gay

              I can watch live action for that. For animation I want fantasy spectacle. I mentioned Avatar since the concept is neat and it's totally right up Miyazaki's alley. But Cameron became this true believer environmentalist with way too much CGI and the end product isn't very good. I feel like Ghibli and Miya could do the concept justice and took much better.

          • 11 months ago

            >Telling stories about your life when you're old and accomplished is... le bad!

          • 11 months ago

            Ran is one of Kurosawa's last movies and it's also his best so I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

            • 11 months ago

              Ran is like 85 and not his swan song film. He made 3 films in the 90's which are all gay ass "swan song" films. Dreams, Rhapsody in August, and Madadayo.

              • 11 months ago

                Absolutely brilliant movie.

              • 11 months ago

                >Dreams, Rhapsody in August, and Madadayo
                all kino

              • 11 months ago

                >Dreams, Rhapsody in August, and Madadayo
                all kino

                Did Kurosawa make Marty into a clown as a powerplay?

      • 11 months ago

        I agree and feel the same. The closest thing I've seen to pre-00s Miyazaki recently was Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon, which is probably the best Disney movie since Bambi (thank you, I'll collect the (you)'s later). Actually you probably should watch it if you liked Nausicaa/Spirited. Yes I know who voiced picrel and I still like it. Can only imagine what kind of kino we would have had if Miyazaki had been given that screenplay.

        • 11 months ago

          cgi garbage

    • 11 months ago

      >he's never made a bad film. In fact most of them are masterpieces.

  9. 11 months ago

    Sounds like a boring depressing film. He's an unpleasant c**t anyway so HAHAHAHAHA

    • 11 months ago

      t. Goro

  10. 11 months ago

    >bitches about America so much it just spills into actual bigotry
    I'm glad this dumb jap is getting shafted lmao

  11. 11 months ago

    Miyazaki is a paedophile and should be hanged for the violent sexual crimes he has no doubt committed.

  12. 11 months ago

    Im going to see it given Im in Japan but frankly most Miyazaki shit is trash. Spirited Away was his best and that was just a poor Wizard of Oz.

  13. 11 months ago

    That's what this old pants shitting homosexual gets for being a draconian nazi subhuman to everyone around him when he was still at the top and acted as if he was king.

    This raging hack has become irrelevant within his lifetime and no one is interested in yet another of his copypasted HUMANS LE BAD NATURE LE GOOD WAR...WAR NEVER CHANGES horseshit and this makes him rage and shit his pants.
    This homosexual has been copying himself for 30+ years like Woody Allen.
    Takahata always chose to tackle different topics. None of his films are like the other, while Memezaki's are interchangable.
    Also, Takahata made one last eternal masterpiece with Tale Of Princess Kaguya before he parted this world.
    Takahata wins and Memezaki knows this. Which, again, makes him shit and piss his pants even more.

    • 11 months ago

      >Grave of the Fireflies
      >Only Yesterday
      >My Neighbors the Yamadas
      >The Tale of Princess Kaguya
      You know you're right, all of these movies are drastically different from one another. It's like he was a person with actual interests that continued to develop rather than just getting stuck in the same repeating pattern of young girl flies because cute girls and flying are cool.

  14. 11 months ago

    >film film film
    He doesn't make films you stupid fricking weebs

    • 11 months ago

      I don't know about Miyazaki but Mamoru Hosoda has said that he doesn't make anime, he makes films.

      • 11 months ago

        He's wrong, he makes anime

        • 11 months ago
  15. 11 months ago

    They are waiting hoping he dies soon so they can show a heavily recut version

  16. 11 months ago


    The bigger problem is that hes a leftsists boomer who blame the young generation for the shit state they left it in. Hes as bad as american boomers.
    He was born in an era of free flowing money from US, while he shits on a generation that has to work 80 hours a week to live in a pod in the wall.

    He became a commie union leader a year after he was hired at Toei, and made himself the most important man in the studio in just 2 years through strong arming the upper staff. After he left Toei he used his connections to get a directors position.
    But in his company you have to be his son or one of the cofounders to direct a movie, nobody under 50 directed a movie there, go figure.

    Now this fricking moron is supposed to make a movie that speaks to the young? Sure ...
    I never liked any of his movies, they all have shit script despite ripping off books or other movies, the are slow as shit and barely coherent to begin with, while every person in it behaves like from a 80ties tv commercial. They fricker has no idea how real people actually behave.

    • 11 months ago

      >But in his company you have to be his son or one of the cofounders to direct a movie, nobody under 50 directed a movie there, go figure.
      I agree with your post but tbf the history of Japanese animation studios is rife with young directors 1) getting given a bunch of money to make a films that flop and kill the studio or 2) becoming successful and taking all the staff from the old studio with them to start a new rival studio.
      Ghibli surviving for so long can be partially attributed to its protectionist outlook.

      • 11 months ago

        >1) getting given a bunch of money to make a films that flop and kill the studio or 2) becoming successful and taking all the staff from the old studio with them to start a new rival studio.
        Ah yeah, so best stop making new projects and giving people a chance overall? And someone who is 40 isnt fricking young, what connection to modern times have people in their 60ties or older? Come on.
        >Ghibli surviving for so long can be partially attributed to its protectionist outlook.
        More like journalist keeping the relic alive by giving it free advertisement and that studio paying like shit to its animators.
        Slave labor + connections its how it does it.
        Though Miyazaki son cant direct a movie to save his life, and with that old moron refusing to step down this will be the end of Ghibli within next 2 projects.

    • 11 months ago

      The absolute mental moronation emanating from this post kek

  17. 11 months ago

    I thought he was dead

  18. 11 months ago

    2 years ago Ghibli released this hideous abomination of a film

    I wonder if they made another modern 3D animated movie, and they're hoping to trick people into watching it by letting everyone imagine it's a 2D film.

  19. 11 months ago

    What if the only thing that he has to show is a peace of shit, literally a human fecal matter taped on a video for two hours? And they are just too polite to tell the old senile frick he went insane, because they are Japanese and they will dishonor themselves or something if they do?

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