He wasn't that bad. His wife did all the parenting until she passed away, so he was clueless and tried his best.

He wasn't that bad. His wife did all the parenting until she passed away, so he was clueless and tried his best.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >Not being an active father isn't bad

  2. 4 weeks ago

    This. Autists seethe over him but anyone with more than 2 braincels can understand Buck. He's not right but you can understand his predicament.

    • 3 weeks ago

      autists get mad when no one wants to deal with their shit.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    He allows an entire town to treat his son like trash

    • 4 weeks ago

      There is a point where you can no longer defend your child's nonsense.
      Imagine having to apologize all the time to the entire town just so you don't get fined every time your son causes mass panic.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Please don’t ever have kids

        • 3 weeks ago

          Your children will never stop an alien invasion and you will have to pay thousands of dollars for their medications.

    • 3 weeks ago

      His son was a schizo moron starting shit without evidence
      >Why did no one believe him that the sky was falling

    • 3 weeks ago

      The mob mentality of Chicken Little gets under my skin. Watching a kid get ostracised by an entire town when the escalation is their own fault is hard to watch. And then the movie is not funny or entertaining, so it feels like a waste of time.


      There is a point where you can no longer defend your child's nonsense.
      Imagine having to apologize all the time to the entire town just so you don't get fined every time your son causes mass panic.

      Never understood the hatred of Buck Cluck.

      Indeed, when Little fricks up Buck has to spend the entire evening answering the phone and hearing insults. I don't think it's the first time.

      >my young child said something stupid after a daydream
      >everyone in town took his ridiculous claim seriously and there was a mass panic
      >oh geez I'm getting tired for apologizing for my kid, you know what they are right. Unless he saves the world or wins a baseball game I don't think I love him anymore.

      The original script was much better.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >I don't think I love him anymore.
        I don't remember that part

        • 3 weeks ago

          He didn't say he didn't love his son, he said he wouldn't believe in him anymore and I can't blame him, the movie makes it clear that it wasn't the first time the boy made a scandal without evidence.

          I'm not saying that he explicitly looked at the camera and said he didn't love his son. Simply that his actions give off that impression. But as

          I think the contrarianism against this movie's usual critics themselves are a bit ridiculous. No, Buck Cluck wasn't written very well. He was supposed to be a dad like this guy who means well but struggles to connect to his son who manages to improve himself as a father as the story goes on. But the movie didn't do a convincing job of this. And that's fine, because Chicken Little isn't a good movie. It was Disney trying to cash in on the style of pop culture filled underdog cynical comedy movies that Shrek popularized.
          There are plenty of autists who get too hung up on it and take his character sucking way too seriously for a shitty movie like this, but just like there's little reason for them to get so worked up, there's also little reason to try and overcorrect that and say he wasn't a bad father.

          mentions, the movie has writing problems.

          I think the contrarianism against this movie's usual critics themselves are a bit ridiculous. No, Buck Cluck wasn't written very well. He was supposed to be a dad like this guy who means well but struggles to connect to his son who manages to improve himself as a father as the story goes on. But the movie didn't do a convincing job of this. And that's fine, because Chicken Little isn't a good movie. It was Disney trying to cash in on the style of pop culture filled underdog cynical comedy movies that Shrek popularized.
          There are plenty of autists who get too hung up on it and take his character sucking way too seriously for a shitty movie like this, but just like there's little reason for them to get so worked up, there's also little reason to try and overcorrect that and say he wasn't a bad father.

          >But the movie didn't do a convincing job of this. And that's fine, because Chicken Little isn't a good movie. It was Disney trying to cash in on the style of pop culture filled underdog cynical comedy movies that Shrek popularized.

          That's fair, the movie is bad, like a 4/10 but people get riled up and treat it like the worst thing Disney's ever created.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Yeah as I said, its a dumb movie and getting so worked up that a character was written badly in a bad movie is pointless, but I also think trying to turn it around and act like the character was actually good this whole time is also an overreaction. A few autists online being obsessed with him isn't reason to be so contrarian.

            • 3 weeks ago

              He wasn't great but he made a point that he will try to be better and autists can't get over it

      • 3 weeks ago

        He didn't say he didn't love his son, he said he wouldn't believe in him anymore and I can't blame him, the movie makes it clear that it wasn't the first time the boy made a scandal without evidence.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I think the worst thing he said was something like "You wouldn't believe how embarassing this all is for me" in order to save face for himself the second time in the movie where the town turns against him. He's calling his son an embarrassment and is making himself some kind of victim to gain the crowd's sympathy. Maybe in his head he saw it as the right thing in order to placate the crowd's anger but it's a pretty shitty thing to instil in your kid even if you truly believe they are a schizo.

    • 3 weeks ago

      He caused mass panic then hit sent to the principle office moments later. It just wasn't his week. But Chicken Little had a choice to show his dad the piece like Ugly Duckling told him too but was too afraid (which is understandable).

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >Disney dads you hated as a kid but are sympathetic as frick when you're older thread

    • 4 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        How'd the frick you'd hate goofy.
        Pete, maybe, but even as a kid it felt like max was being a little shit more often than not.

    • 4 weeks ago

      partially Cinemaphile

      >realising he'd tried so hard to bring up his children well that he'd missed most of their childhood

      • 3 weeks ago

        May I ask what this is from, anon? The Cinemaphile inbuilt google search tool is currently busted.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I think that's Mary Poppins

    • 3 weeks ago

      I remember watching Little Mermaid for the first time 2 years(?) ago and thinking how they dropped the ball by not giving him a sweet father and daughter scene that explained his hatred for humans. You're just supposed to side with Ariel, the spoiled brat who almost destroyed the world and ultimately got what she wanted because the men in her life were there to solve the problem for her. All they needed was a scene where he talks about Ariel's mom and how her death caused him to distrust humans, suggesting that he doesn't approve Ariel's curiosity because he's concerned about her safety.

    • 3 weeks ago

      He was mostly right but destroying her stuff was fricked up

  5. 3 weeks ago

    >throws his son under the bus and blames him for everything
    >alien invasion is real
    >son gets vindicated and of course now that it's all known to be true the father is on his side
    Imagine getting molested by your priest and your dad slaps you upside the head and tells you to shut up because he doesn't believe you. Then it turns out the entire church is some pedo ring and then your dad's like "that's my boy!"

    • 3 weeks ago

      The kid was shit, if he was a girl it would have been ten times better

      • 3 weeks ago

        he was supposed to be a girl, but the executives didn't like it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      He apologized

      • 3 weeks ago

        Whatever you say, Steven Universe.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Don't blame disney for your daddy issues autist

    • 3 weeks ago

      >imagine accusing a man of pedophilia and having no evidence, only your son's statement, it turns out that the guy is innocent and you have to publicly apologize for your son!
      >It's not the first time it happens...

  6. 3 weeks ago

    >He wasn't that bad. His wife did all the parenting until she passed away, so he was clueless and tried his best.

    • 3 weeks ago

      This is actually the case, unlike with Buck. Tim is a decent guy who tries his best to understand and support his weird son; Buck is just agreeable and a bit neglectful.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I think the contrarianism against this movie's usual critics themselves are a bit ridiculous. No, Buck Cluck wasn't written very well. He was supposed to be a dad like this guy who means well but struggles to connect to his son who manages to improve himself as a father as the story goes on. But the movie didn't do a convincing job of this. And that's fine, because Chicken Little isn't a good movie. It was Disney trying to cash in on the style of pop culture filled underdog cynical comedy movies that Shrek popularized.
      There are plenty of autists who get too hung up on it and take his character sucking way too seriously for a shitty movie like this, but just like there's little reason for them to get so worked up, there's also little reason to try and overcorrect that and say he wasn't a bad father.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    Do you think he would cared more if Little was Female like the originally planned?

  8. 3 weeks ago

    Buck Cluck is a cuck who can’t frick.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    this image makes me feel empty. i'm not exactly sure why but it all seems so disfunctional. i don't like it......

  10. 3 weeks ago

    Didn't he say some shit to his son about the mother?

  11. 3 weeks ago

    they should make a sequel showcasing buck's development so that mr enter and his army of manchildren can sob uncontrollably about their failed lives

  12. 3 weeks ago

    from what I got after rewatching the movie is that Chicken Little is a constant frick up and Buck had to be on constant donate control, it could've been avoided if Chicken just listened to that ugly bawd and actually had a proper talk with his dad at the start and not when aliens invaded but he was too much of a stubborn moron to do it

    • 3 weeks ago

      Indeed, when Little fricks up Buck has to spend the entire evening answering the phone and hearing insults. I don't think it's the first time.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >it could've been avoided if Chicken just listened to that ugly bawd and actually had a proper talk with his dad at the start and not when aliens invaded
      I just posted this. Like right when he showed his friends the piece Ugly Duckling said "Go show this to your dad" the shit got out of control. Like I get why he didn't because his dad was proud of him with the whole baseball game but still. That one was on Chicken Little

  13. 3 weeks ago

    Never understood the hatred of Buck Cluck.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    >He wasn't that bad. His wife did all the parenting

  15. 3 weeks ago

    >Oh, Chloe. If only you were here. You'd know what to do

    >Your mom, she was... You know, she was always good with stuff Iike this. Me?... I'm gonna need a Iot of work

    • 3 weeks ago

      I would.

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