He wasn't very smart.

He wasn't very smart.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    He was smart.
    But Gaelio is hotter.

  2. 11 months ago

    >have e-girl wife
    >be unhappy
    Frick off Chocolate Man.

  3. 11 months ago

    He was smart but very unlucky, who would have guessed someone could survive a direct blow to the wienerpit.

    • 11 months ago

      His entire coup was based on him thinking Gallarhorn, a organization that is highly corrupt and self serving, to also be superstitious and bound to tradition, to make him their supreme leader because he can supposedly pilot baal because he's been magically chosen, a superstion he himself knows is bunk because the reason he's able to pilot baal is because he just checked to see if ot was still on a av set up and founf a way to give himself av implants.

      His plan is built om him thinking gallarhorn is superstitous and has no idea how their fricking tech works.

      Who would have thought they'd call bullshit on him?

      • 11 months ago

        I haven't rewatched the show since it aired but I remember they only spoke up and stopped him because Gaelio showed up at the last possible second to say "Hey this butthole tried to kill me this a coup attempt".

        • 11 months ago

          Which he had been fearing the whole time anyway. He even had Isurugi read back the action report from Edmonton one more time where it confirmed Gaileo was extracted from Kimaris THEN supposedly died of his wounds. He had been planning and moving for th time skip with the constant threat of a surprise Gali curveball looming over him that whole time. Probably thinking about who he might have told it if he might have lived. Dude gave it TWO YEARS before he finally acted and felt confident enough to go for it.

          • 11 months ago

            This. In last weeks Urdr Hunt episode we even see him take steps behind the scenes to make sure the Issue family never find their next heir and recover, to try to clear the board as much as possible

        • 11 months ago

          I seem to recal everything happening real fast and the council was in mostly a state of shock(like youd expect them to be in coup attempt). When theyre discussing things with mcgillis afterward the old guy' initial response is mc gillis is trying to invoke outdated regulations from the calamity war when they needed strong men leaders who could smash mobile armors and the rules he's tring to evoke have no meaning today before even bringing up the rustal and gaelio opposition. I seriously doubt they would have made him undisputed without gaelios intervention.

          You may have noticed that it almost did work because most of Gjallarhorn _is_ superstitious and bound to tradition. Try paying attention to the show next time.

          Theres nothing to indicate it almost worked, nor is there anything to indicate they believe the gundam and mobile suits work on fricking magic. As for bound to tradition, perhaps up to the point it interferes with their corrupt self serving nature.

          It's worth pointing out it was mentioned in series that other Agnika wannabees had tried to activate Bael in the past and it refused to work for them. So Bael activating for him actually does somewhat suggest he was "chosen".

          It worked because he checked its piloting system and got the fricking implants needed to pilot it. The av system might not be use on earth anymore, but it's hardly lost tech being common on mars and jupiter. All they have to do is call in a knowledgable mechanic and demand to see mc gillis back and they'd fricking put two and two together.

          • 11 months ago

            It was implied that people with AV's in the early days of Gjallarhorn tried Bael and it wouldn't work, and Mcgillis getting it to accept him wasn't as simple as just getting an AV and plugging in. I don't think it's magic though, but the implication that Agnika's brain waves and possibly personality remained in Bael's system since it was implied they died of some kind of AV linkage issue like Mikazuki had where Agnika died when Bael was deactivated at the end of the war.

            • 11 months ago

              This. The other guy is misremembering things and acting like an ass about it

            • 11 months ago

              >It was implied that people with AV's in the early days of Gjallarhorn tried Bael and it wouldn't work, and Mcgillis getting it to accept him wasn't as simple as just getting an AV and plugging in. I don't think it's magic though, but the implication that Agnika's brain waves and possibly personality remained in Bael's system since it was implied they died of some kind of AV linkage issue like Mikazuki had where Agnika died when Bael was deactivated at the end of the war.

              And as someone mentioned, this isn't just superstition because it's implied Bael really has Agnika's "soul" in it not through magic but because his mind had been assimilated by the AV system, similar to how Mikazuki was suffering from having more and more of his brain not work unless he was plugged into the system. That's presumably the end result of doing that too much, and it's mentioned in Bael's model kit info that the instant Gjallarhorn shut Bael down when they sealed it away Agnika suddenly died.

              Other people had tried what Mcgillis attempted before (as some Gjallarhorn guys mention) but Bael wouldn't reactivate until Mcgillis did it, suggesting that Agnika possessed some awareness remaining in Bael and Mcgillis really was accepted by him while others were not on some level.

              >Other people had tried what Mcgillis attempted before (as some Gjallarhorn guys mention) but Bael wouldn't reactivate until Mcgillis did it, suggesting that Agnika possessed some awareness remaining in Bael and Mcgillis really was accepted by him while others were not on some level

              Where exactly do they state imply Agnika's contemporaries/immediate successors tried to get Bael working and couldn't?

              Remember Gallarhorn adpted a very anti-av policy after the Calamity war so they don't accept people with AV's. Mc Gillis literally had to invent the process to give himself AV implants as an adult. He was probably the first person with an AV implant who managed to get within Bael since the end of the Calamity War.

          • 11 months ago

            >Theres nothing to indicate it almost worked, nor is there anything to indicate they believe the gundam and mobile suits work on fricking magic.
            They go on constantly about Bael being inhabited by Agnika Kaeru's soul and McGillis being able to pilot it being Kaeru's approval of him. No, they don't think the machines they build and service run on fricking magic. They think that specific one has a spirit attached to it that their entire organization was built around. For clarity, the 'they' I'm referring to is the rank and file, not Rustal (who is far too practical to believe in that) or Gaelio (who might, but he's far too angry at McGillis to care). You go for a symbol like Bael to appeal to the common man and turn them to your banner. We see them discussing it, uncertain. We see Gaelio and Rustal immediately make a counter-declaration, showing that they thought there was a very real danger of this causing them meaningful problems.
            Yeah, "almost did work" was too strong and I was unfairly being a bit of a dick, for which I apologize, but there was a significant chance of that move starting a more general civil war within Gjallarhorn. It wasn't a great move, but it wasn't completely stupid.

            • 11 months ago

              And as someone mentioned, this isn't just superstition because it's implied Bael really has Agnika's "soul" in it not through magic but because his mind had been assimilated by the AV system, similar to how Mikazuki was suffering from having more and more of his brain not work unless he was plugged into the system. That's presumably the end result of doing that too much, and it's mentioned in Bael's model kit info that the instant Gjallarhorn shut Bael down when they sealed it away Agnika suddenly died.

              Other people had tried what Mcgillis attempted before (as some Gjallarhorn guys mention) but Bael wouldn't reactivate until Mcgillis did it, suggesting that Agnika possessed some awareness remaining in Bael and Mcgillis really was accepted by him while others were not on some level.

            • 11 months ago

              The only perso who goes on constantly about Agnika and his soul is McGillis and his "Muh Bael". There's no indication that the rank and file soldiers who make up the organization bulk believe it either.

              And as someone mentioned, this isn't just superstition because it's implied Bael really has Agnika's "soul" in it not through magic but because his mind had been assimilated by the AV system, similar to how Mikazuki was suffering from having more and more of his brain not work unless he was plugged into the system. That's presumably the end result of doing that too much, and it's mentioned in Bael's model kit info that the instant Gjallarhorn shut Bael down when they sealed it away Agnika suddenly died.

              Other people had tried what Mcgillis attempted before (as some Gjallarhorn guys mention) but Bael wouldn't reactivate until Mcgillis did it, suggesting that Agnika possessed some awareness remaining in Bael and Mcgillis really was accepted by him while others were not on some level.

              It was implied that people with AV's in the early days of Gjallarhorn tried Bael and it wouldn't work, and Mcgillis getting it to accept him wasn't as simple as just getting an AV and plugging in. I don't think it's magic though, but the implication that Agnika's brain waves and possibly personality remained in Bael's system since it was implied they died of some kind of AV linkage issue like Mikazuki had where Agnika died when Bael was deactivated at the end of the war.

              Nice fanfic attempt to promote a Euphemerist explanation for Bael and Gallarhorn's inability to activate him, as well as a scientific justification for McGillis's claims. but the thing is, I don't remember any it in anime. From watching the anime it seems like the only thing it took to for McGillis to use Bael is to get AV implants and he thinks Gallarhorn will place a superstition about Bael having the soul of Agnika in it and choosing choosing it over their own corrupt interests.

              >and it's mentioned in Bael's model kit info that the instant Gjallarhorn shut Bael down when they sealed it away Agnika suddenly died.
              Nope. Neither this legend, nor the euphemerist interpretation is in the manual.

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                > There's no indication that the rank and file soldiers who make up the organization bulk believe it either.
                His entire rebel force your dense frick

              • 11 months ago

                His own fleet Who were probably already on his side before because they supported his cause to reform gallarhorn

              • 11 months ago

                They bought in. You can’t deny it. Shut the frick up

              • 11 months ago

                You can’t be this intentionally stupid. It’s pointed out many times they’re all young and impressionable officers who believe in the myth

              • 11 months ago

                >There's no indication that the rank and file soldiers who make up the organization bulk believe it either.
                And Rustal mentioning it specifically in his speech to all of them.

              • 11 months ago

                >one blink and you’ll miss it line that’s probably a mistranslation

              • 11 months ago

                How far back can those goalposts go?

              • 11 months ago

                Maybe get some eyedrops. You seem to be blinking constantly.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah its known hearsay the organization nominally supports, but how many of them actually BELIEVE it, as opposed to thinking its just an old broke piece they keep in basement for history reasons?

              • 11 months ago

                Enough to form a rebellion you dipshit

              • 11 months ago

                A small easily crushed one. And it would be better if we could get an estimated number.

              • 11 months ago

                >small easily crushed
                Idt it was small by any means. Mcgillis had ~ half of the houses behind him, and the resulting fallout weakened Gjallarhorns position enough to them to need to reform.

              • 11 months ago

                >Mcgillis had ~ half of the houses behind him,
                Nope every house said theyd wait and see the results of him vs rustal, and afterward they'd talk again. Thats not having half an organization behind you. At best theyre agnostic. Even if he'd beat rustal they may havevbeen hoping rustal would have bought them time to get their own forces together and weakened mcgillis's forces. Or they would have tried to offer mcgillis's faction somekind of concession.

              • 11 months ago

                He had the houses he himself either absorbed or took out

              • 11 months ago

                I'm pretty sure both Gaelio's and Carta's dads withdrew their support right after gaelio accused him of murder.

              • 11 months ago

                I thought the Issue family imploded without an heir? They were not at the table

              • 11 months ago

                I thought the Issue family imploded without an heir? They were not at the table

                Carta's father was ill and bed ridden in S1 so Iznario took advantage of that by taking Carta under his wing as one of his various plans to consolidate his power, and it was pretty much assumed that the old man croaked at some point. There were two families who declared neutral when MUH BAEL began but I'm not sure if they ended up supporting Rustal after Iznario ratted out that Mcgillis was adopted as his frickboy.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh have you not been watching Urdr for the Issue stuff?

              • 11 months ago

                Nta, but elaborate for us

              • 11 months ago

                It’s before S2 and it has the current Patriarch of the Issue family trying to hunt down an illegitimate sister of Carta who has been traveling with the Protag group. Meanwhile McGill-er…”Montag” has been running interference and actively protecting the group to keep her away. Currently she just confessed her heritage to the Protag and they’re trying to figure out how to get away from someone with the resources of the Issue family.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s before S2 and it has the current Patriarch of the Issue family trying to hunt down an illegitimate sister of Carta who has been traveling with the Protag group. Meanwhile McGill-er…”Montag” has been running interference and actively protecting the group to keep her away. Currently she just confessed her heritage to the Protag and they’re trying to figure out how to get away from someone with the resources of the Issue family.

                Tldr Carta’s dad made a secret shame baby with a servant and now that Carta is gone the grandfather is trying to hunt her down. Macky is getting in the way but it’s unclear if he’s willing to hide her or kill her

              • 11 months ago

                >There were two families who declared neutral

                The fat guy called McGillis's Bael and the Agnika's spirit shit a Fairytale.

                The old guy with the long beard told McGillis the rules he was trying to evoke were antiquated.

                I'm pretty sure both Gaelio's and Carta's dads withdrew their support right after gaelio accused him of murder.

                Gaelio's dad was ready to personally attack McGillis in the meeting room and had to be restrained by McGillis's bodyguards/goons.

                None of them were ever going to give McGillis their willing support.

                >There's no indication that the rank and file soldiers who make up the organization bulk believe it either.
                And Rustal mentioning it specifically in his speech to all of them.

                >And Rustal mentioning it specifically in his speech to all of them.
                Rustal's speech frames "Bael containing Agnika's soul" as being more figurative, along the lines that Bael is Agnika's grave/final resting place, and accuses McGillis of desecrating it with his actions. He's calling bullshit on McGillis's and his shit about Agnika's soul actually being there and capable of choosing a successor, while maintaining Bael's symbolic value to Gallarhorn as an organization. His version is also probably more attractive to rationalists who don't believe spirits can haunt Mobile Suits.

                As far as we can tell Mc Gillis received no defections from any fleet to his own as result of his Bael stunt, further indication that there was very little true belief in Bael having supernatural qualities outside Mcgillis's own followers he conned.

                Roman rules bby
                Anyone can be leader If they declare themselves to be one and win the conflict. Mcgillis didn't tho cause he died

                >Anyone can be leader If they declare themselves to be one and win the conflict
                The problem is he believed they would give him the support he was demanding before he had to fight Rustal, not after.

              • 11 months ago

                You just can’t let it go. You can’t admit you’re wrong

              • 11 months ago

                Are you the McGillis simp trying to insist the average Gallarhorn member believes in ghosts, and the only reason he failed is Rustal being an atheist?

              • 11 months ago

                McGillis has 2 fleets to the Arianrhod's 1

              • 11 months ago

                Assuming Carta's dad died of Syphilis and her Gramps and half-sister die in Urdr Hunt? I think the likely result would have been the dissolution and redistribution of the former Issue fleet's among all the remaining houses, rather than McGillis gets everything.

              • 11 months ago

                What the frick does Urdr Hunt have to do with anything. Isn’t that some sequel Mobile trash with Mika’s kid? I’ve seen it brought up here too many times

              • 11 months ago

                The kid isn't mika's kid and it takes place between season 1 and 2.

              • 11 months ago

                So they just got lazy and made an IDENTICAL character? Kek

              • 11 months ago

                As far as the gallarhorn succession discusion goes, it retcons the Issue family into not quite being defunct yet.

              • 11 months ago

                Mcgillis is also currently trying to finish them off, and cartas sis is part of the protags team, so yeah, its kind of relevant.

              • 11 months ago

                Idk about trying to finish them off. He just found out Katya existed thanks to Space Hitler so he’s probably just trying to keep her away to clean up that loose end

              • 11 months ago

                You say that like we're not talking a man who murdered his two best friends on the off chance they'd disagree with and vote against future proposals of his.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah but Katya is actually innocent in all this. And a kid. You know how he feels about kids (is one)

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah if he's trying to/does kill her than I'd chalk that up to a retroactive story retcon to try to make him look worse since most of the audience thought he was an ok guy, similar to how CE kept making up and more and more reasons why Durandal was evil.

              • 11 months ago

                He had his chance in the underground. Clearly his play seems to be keeping her away rather than eliminating her

      • 11 months ago

        You may have noticed that it almost did work because most of Gjallarhorn _is_ superstitious and bound to tradition. Try paying attention to the show next time.

      • 11 months ago

        It's worth pointing out it was mentioned in series that other Agnika wannabees had tried to activate Bael in the past and it refused to work for them. So Bael activating for him actually does somewhat suggest he was "chosen".

      • 11 months ago

        That was his second plan, his first plan was to slowly acquire enough men and power through absorbing the houses of Gallarhorn, but Rustal blocking him and Gaelio revealing himself to be alive as well as Mika's fight with Hashmal showing him the potential gundams have and proving his childhood fantasies of the gundams he decided the second option.

        • 11 months ago

          I really don't get why this flew over so many people's had.
          He pretty much said as much himself.

        • 11 months ago

          I really don't get why this flew over so many people's had.
          He pretty much said as much himself.

          The Gaelio reveal happened after he already put Plan B into action.

          Rustal stalling his progress with a gradual takeover probably was annoying him, but he was willing to play the long game up to this point, so him suddenly getting impatient doesn't make much sense by itself.

          If anything forced him to try and accelerate his plans, I'm guessing he knew Tekkadan wasn't sated by Jassley and JPT's blood and were going to want to go after Lok for being the guy actually responsible for killing Naze.

          Looking at McGilis's options
          1. Tell Tekkadan they just can't have theu=ir childish revenge. They break with him and kill Lok. Rustal wipes them out using Lok's murder as an excuse. He's out Tekkadan.
          2. Try to assassinate Lok without leaving a trail that can be traced back to him or Tekkadan. They frick up and see above with Rustal again using his godson's murder as an excuse to either destroy Tekkadan, go to war with McGillis's faction, or both.
          3. He takes over Gallarhorn with HAIL BAEL plot, he's able put Lok on trial for excessive force against the Turbines. If Rustal fights back maybe they get to kill Lok in combat.

          Of course the Turbines thing probably should have tipped McGillis off that Rustal's faction was totally willing to just cut loose with the illegal spike shooting railguns.

          • 11 months ago

            Don’t forget he was probably anticipating the very outside chance of Gaelio still being alive this whole time, or at the very least Rustal knowing what he did. The after action report he makes Isurugi read back again before Plan B starts must’ve been rattling around his brain for those two years

          • 11 months ago

            >The Gaelio reveal happened after he already put Plan B into action.
            No mcgillis met vidar during the hashmal arc and like most of us watching the show he immediately guessed that that most likely was gaelio.
            There is literally a scene in the show where mcgillis is asking what the report was of Gaelio's death to his secretary in his office and talking about if Vidar is who he thinks he is that Rustal pretty much already won, but that he won't go down without a fight.

            • 11 months ago

              >No mcgillis met vidar during the hashmal arc and like most of us watching the show he immediately guessed that that most likely was gaelio.

              >talking about if Vidar is who he thinks he is that Rustal pretty much already won, but that he won't go down without a fight.
              Frankly, if true (I don't remember off the top of my head ) that makes him look even stupider for rushing into a plan he knows is going to fail.

              • 11 months ago

                It happened in episode 14.
                There really wasn't much he could do.
                The moment Gaelio and rustal decided all that was waiting for him was getting arrested and rottimg away in a cell if not straight up executed.
                Using an old law to still have legitimate rule within gjallarhorn and fight rustal head on with a gundam is the best he could do if he still wanted to abolish the current hereditary succession of power.

                Considering how obsessed Macky was about Gundams and the Calamity War it's weird that he didn't try to find out more about Arianrhod's mysterious masked pilot and his mysterious Gundam before S2 started (or at least after Vidar had made its debut against those random mooks)

                He never seen or heard of neither vidar the person or gundam prior to his first encounter with him on mars during the hashmal arc.

              • 11 months ago

                >happened in episode 14.
                >There really wasn't much he could do.
                >The moment Gaelio and rustal decided all that was waiting for him was getting arrested and rottimg away in a cell if not straight up executed
                The fact that gaelio and rustal hadnt made any real moves against him, except nipping at tekkadan by starting a proxy war in alaska that got the earth branch decimated and lok deciding to crackdown on naze's smuggling operation with a ridiculous amount of prejudice, could be taken as indication that rustal and gaelio didnt have much ground or evidence against mcgillis except gaelios word, and they were waiting for mcgillis to slip up or make the first move, which he did with his coup. It's quite possible mcgillis could have maintained a state of cold war against rustal for quite some time yet.

              • 11 months ago

                I think the word of the thought to be dead heir of one of the seven star family that was kia surrounding mysterious circumstances is more than enough to completely frick him over.
                Only reason why Gaelio didn't immediately reveal himself is, because he wanted to see what mcgillis wants to do.
                You can argue that if he stayed put gaelio would never reveal himself, but mcgillis wouldn't know that.
                Only thing he knows is.that Gaelio is alive and that he is fricked the moment he reveals himself.
                I am not saying mcgillis never made a mistake, but I think it's very misingenious to just reduce him to muh bael shitposting.

              • 11 months ago

                The after action report had been public for years though. He must’ve always been leery about the possibility that Gali could’ve lived OR at least told someone who attacked him before he died. Dude probably was waiting for months for some kind of action against him after reading that

              • 11 months ago

                >The after action report had been public for years though
                Rewatch the show.
                Mcgillis specifically asked for the report which states that gaelio's corpse got cremated and that kimaris is back in the baudauin garage.

              • 11 months ago

                Rewatch the show. The report says he was recovered from the wreck THEN died of his wounds.

              • 11 months ago

                That's what you meant.
                There is nothing he could have prepared for even if he knew Gali was alive.
                Gali coming out is a pretty shut and closed case against him.
                Which is why I don't really like the whole gaelio being alive plotpoint so there was absolutely no reason to double tap.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah sorry if it wasn’t clear. Just meant that he must’ve had that possibility of retaliation hanging over his decisions for a while after Edmonton. Thought he finished him but then found out over breakfast the next day he had been recovered, for however long it was. Probably paranoid as shit that he could’ve said anything about him to anyone on the scene

            • 11 months ago

              Considering how obsessed Macky was about Gundams and the Calamity War it's weird that he didn't try to find out more about Arianrhod's mysterious masked pilot and his mysterious Gundam before S2 started (or at least after Vidar had made its debut against those random mooks)

  4. 11 months ago

    “Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
    "Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."
    "And he has Brain."
    "Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
    There was a long silence.
    "I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything.”

  5. 11 months ago

    I don't really understand why Gjallarhorn wouldn't honour the Bael thing, though. The Bael is essentially that universe's equivalent of Excalibur.
    If someone turned up in the English Parliament claiming to be King Arthur (who is said to be merely in slumber, and set to return one day) and had the Excalibur itself to prove it, it would at least cause some kind of public debate.

    • 11 months ago

      No it wouldn't
      Everyone here is lazy and apathetic. Kings being found buried in car parking spaces barely causes an eyebrow to be raised

    • 11 months ago

      You know Japan to this very day claims to still be in possession of it's holy regalia.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, but their legends are different to ours. Susano-o is not said to be waiting for his day to return; they just have some old swords that slayed a multi-headed dragon. It's also owned completely and entirely by the Japanese government. The British government own other holy relics like the Stone of Scone and some one-of-a-kind precious gems, but none of them are explicitly tied to a legend that says the true king will return (and that when he does, the current government must cede power to him).

      • 11 months ago

        And most Japanese people aren't very religious and nobody respects the Emperor as the direct descendent of Amteratsu. I doubt anybody thinks the Kusanagi was actually carved from Yamato no Orochi's tailbones, assuming it actually exists.

        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Nah I don't think I agree completely Anon, a lot of Japanese still respect the old legends. It's not that they *believe* it but they understand the lessons of the legends more than modern westerners with Christianity.
          And again, the thing is that McGillis literally presented a working Bael to Gjallarhorn; those are the only stipulations. If Susano-o or Amaterasu turned up in human form but very readily able to demonstrate their powers, a lot of traditional Japanese would be in support of it. In cases like these it's not that they disbelieve because they're cynical, but that there's no direct evidence of it. If such evidence suddenly became demonstrable, then things would change. Just look at the UFO phenomenon and how it's gone from being a joke to very real in about twenty years.

    • 11 months ago

      Probably because of Gaelio and Rustal revealing Mcgillis's deception where he was running a takeover scheme behind the scenes and did all kinds of shady stuff to get Bael. It's be like if this Arthur equivalent did have Excalibur but it was revealed that it was because he hired a terrorist group to break into museums to get info to track it down, killing everyone along the way, then killed another expedition looking for it and stole it and brought it back to him. Yeah it's still Excalibur and him wielding it shows he has some claim to what he's saying but he's also did a ton of shit to get it and they aren't gonna want to follow him regardless of what the legend says.

    • 11 months ago

      Rebellions have been founded on more shaky ground before also this

      That was his second plan, his first plan was to slowly acquire enough men and power through absorbing the houses of Gallarhorn, but Rustal blocking him and Gaelio revealing himself to be alive as well as Mika's fight with Hashmal showing him the potential gundams have and proving his childhood fantasies of the gundams he decided the second option.

    • 11 months ago

      Because he's illegitimate. He had one heir killed and killed another himself, isn't even a legitimate heir to the Fareed family and was just a sex slave and being son is just a cover for his gay "father", and then stole Bael from the treasury. Even then the other council members were willing to back down and let him fight for it despite literally committing treason against the council and having no right to even be on the council.

      • 11 months ago

        Illegimate children seems for fair game for Gjallarhorn nobility
        The Issue house was hunting for Katue until Macky intervene and let her and Avam corp run away.

      • 11 months ago

        >Because he's illegitimate.
        Fair enough, but...
        >He had one heir killed and killed another himself, isn't even a legitimate heir to the Fareed family and was just a sex slave and being son is just a cover for his gay "father",
        Gjallarhorn don't necessarily know all of that. To the audience, *we* know he's illegitimate, but Rustal doesn't have any clue he did all of that until he already has the Bael.

      • 11 months ago

        Rebellions have been founded on more shaky ground before also this [...]

        His entire coup was based on him thinking Gallarhorn, a organization that is highly corrupt and self serving, to also be superstitious and bound to tradition, to make him their supreme leader because he can supposedly pilot baal because he's been magically chosen, a superstion he himself knows is bunk because the reason he's able to pilot baal is because he just checked to see if ot was still on a av set up and founf a way to give himself av implants.

        His plan is built om him thinking gallarhorn is superstitous and has no idea how their fricking tech works.

        Who would have thought they'd call bullshit on him?

        Roman rules bby
        Anyone can be leader If they declare themselves to be one and win the conflict. Mcgillis didn't tho cause he died

  6. 11 months ago

    Mcgillis did two really stupid things. 1. He bragged about his plan to Gaelio before failing to kill him. That and that alone fricked everyone. If he'd just kept the mask on and said nothing, all Gaelio would know is some random rich guy decided to back Tekkadan and Mcgillis's rep would be secure. He might even have Gaelio as an ally if he managed to keep his real involvement hidden.

    2. If he really did all that, then for all he bragged about the power of the Gundam's he didn't make use of the fact that he had 4 of them, beyond having Tekkadan's join the standard assault formation and not getting into Bael until he was already losing. He should have had Orga give him overall command, went out and had Bael Barbatos Gusion and Flauros break through Gjallarhorn's line and rush Rustal's flagship and kill him. They would have been quite capable Dainsielf's or not and once Rustal was dead, then he'd have a much bigger chance of getting everyone to back off.

    • 11 months ago

      >He should have had Orga give him overall command, went out and had Bael Barbatos Gusion and Flauros break through Gjallarhorn's line and rush Rustal's flagship and kill him. They would have been quite capable Dainsielf's or not and once Rustal was dead, then he'd have a much bigger chance of getting everyone to back off.

      Fricking this
      Before Gaelio intervened he was already borderline soloing the fleet. He chewed through grazes and hit a battleship like it was nothing.
      If he just got every Gundam to rush the flagship he would have totally won.

  7. 11 months ago

    >Have friends who can be recruited towards your goal
    >Kill them instead
    Yes, he was moronic

    • 11 months ago

      Mcgillis stealthily prodded Gaelio a few times about just forgetting about Tekkadan and Kudelia and leaving things be, and Gaelio always responded that those lowborn spacerats must pay for defying them, which pretty much showed Mcgillis how likely it would be that Gaelio would be willing to join him and the lowborns to burn the system down.

      Carta was very much the same way. So while it might have been the wrong call, Mcgillis really didn't have alot of faith that both of them would be willing to join him.

    • 11 months ago

      Hes supposed to be a tragic figure. They explicitly point out in the finale that Gaelio and Carta would've supported him if he'd actually talked to him, but he never got over the child rape stuff leading to being a manchild.

  8. 11 months ago

    He actually was smart in S1 and is even being portrayed as smart in the current mobile game that bridges S1 and S2. The problem is Nagai wanted to paint the characters who went against the government as evil demonic trash unfit of being labeled as human. So he made McGillis and Tekkadan go full moron in S2 to show that people who go against the government are simply moronic and deserve to die. Also his hate for Gjallarhorn was justified and so was killing Gaelio. Gjallarhorn as a whole org was aware that Iznario Fareed was IBOs Epstein and they did nothing about it.

    • 11 months ago

      >mobile game
      Who cares what Gacha does

      • 11 months ago

        the story element of the gacha game is canonical

        • 11 months ago

          >he scrimblos his blimblo behind the scenes!
          Who cares what Gacha does. Hiding sekret story behind paid trash we can’t even play is scummy.

          • 11 months ago

            The story is free thou, hell you can even just watch it on Youtube

    • 11 months ago

      >He actually was smart in S1
      His intelligence in s2 was so deep on the opposite spectrum that he may as well be a different character.

    • 11 months ago

      Tekkandumb and gaygillis are human trash from day 1.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes Nagai

  9. 11 months ago


  10. 11 months ago

    >Goes to a gunfight with knives
    >he gets shot
    fricking moron

  11. 11 months ago

    The first stupid thing he did was try to kill Gali in to begin with. Gali probably would have backed him up if he didn't. Hell, that eyebrows chick would have too. If he didn't less his leaking and ruined anus get to his head and not backstabbed loyal supporters he probably could have succeeded.

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty much.
      Gaelio was blood brothers with him, married his sister, and Carta in unconditional love with him.
      That would be three families, four Gundams, one being THE legendary Gundam against the three lazy submissive families and Rustal.
      Easy win. You have to assume that his childhood trauma was so bad that it put him in a place where he was mentally unable to conceive of anyone truly being friends with him.

      • 11 months ago

        Did you willingly ignore the explanations in this very thread about how Gali’s reactions made him unsure that he woudlve gone along?

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, I did.

      • 11 months ago

        While i get Carta, but wasn't Galli a to much of pride to be joining Macky reformation during season 1?
        Gali was so blinded by his Gjallarhorn pride that he didn't even notice Macky and even ignoring the colony dissatisfaction with Gjallarhorn.
        Gali in season 1 despite being his best friend is also personification of Gjallarhorn that Macky hate.

        • 11 months ago

          Problem is, we have no indication that he ever actually tried to convince him. He just decided he wanted to consolidate all power onto himself so his friends had to die.

          His biggest flaw and why he fails is that ultimately he is little more than a LARPer. He wants to live out his character story more than accomplish his goal.

          • 11 months ago

            Why would he try? You can see him look disappointed every time Gali took that high and nightly Gjallarhorn rhetoric for a spin

            • 11 months ago

              >Why would he try?
              Because they were friends. He wrote him off well before any of that stuff because of the script he wrote. Same thing with Carta.

              • 11 months ago

                But will Gali himself would listen to Macky wish to destroy the current status quo?
                Remember the S1 Gali is Prideful brat who believe anyone who doesn't following Gjallarhorn rule are bellow him.

              • 11 months ago

                A question that will never be answered because he never thought about trying. These reasons are just post hoc to justify his script. And its most apparent with Carta.

                This is why McGillis is a LARPer. He wants to live out the script he wrote. He sees these events as his story. This is why Rustal is his foil, because Rustal is ultimately a pragmatist.

          • 11 months ago

            >Problem is, we have no indication that he ever actually tried to convince him

            No but we do have scenes where he's seemingly testing the waters with him and Gaelio doubles down on his total devotion to the system and his high born blood every time which doesn't give Mcgillis much confidence that he'd side with him if he revealed his plan.

            • 11 months ago

              Post hoc justification. If you don't actually try to do, all you're doing is assuming. And in the end, it ultimately made an ass out of him.

            • 11 months ago

              IIRC there was a scene where Gaelio openly talks about reforming Gjallarhorn back when they go meet Macky's daughterwife

              He was more memorable and entertaining as a delusional moron and i'm tired of pretending his wasn't.


    • 11 months ago

      >The first stupid thing he did was try to kill Gali in to begin with.
      True, but I don't think it's bad writing, because it is very inline with his character and backstory.
      He grew up being forced to survive by using others as stepping stone to climb to the top.
      I think it makes sense for his character to choose to use someone as stepping stone to get what he wants rather than working together with that someone to achieve the same thing.
      At his core he is still the very same child that did whatever possible to come out on top he just did it on a far grander scale.
      I do think it's very interesting that while most kids in tekkadan look up to mika for how cool and strong he is in a mobile suit all of the adult characters can see how sad of an existance he really is, but unlike most adult characters mcgillis doesn't see that and actually admires mika just as much as the stunted children in tekkadan.
      It's this hubris and his manchild tendency that makes him an interesting character and the char clone of the series moreso than the mask and his backstabbing scheming to me atleast.
      Or maybe I am giving the writers too much credit.

      • 11 months ago

        Probably, but you also aren't wrong either way. It's a stupid thing to do but it is in character, even if that's probably unintentional.

  12. 11 months ago

    the resurgence in IBO discussion makes me happy. Its a very underrated and over-hated show.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Well we have a Season 1.5 airing right now. And it’s good. So I understand the attention it’s getting

      • 11 months ago

        Season 1.5? Did I miss something?

        • 11 months ago

          i think he's talkin about urdr hunt. Trafalgar log is translating the episodes on youtube

          • 11 months ago

            Isn’t that just some shitty Gacha?

      • 11 months ago

        Could she have taken out Bael?

        • 11 months ago


  13. 11 months ago

    I was ready to hate this thread but this was fun to read.

    • 11 months ago

      I think that's the way to approach IBO as a whole, to be honest.
      Yeah the writing ended up a bit of a mess, and this and that, but it's still possible to enjoy it if you examine some of the themes and think about them.

  14. 11 months ago

    Frick the Dainslef. That stupid thing ruined all the fights in the back half of IBO

    • 11 months ago

      Nah. I like it honestly. Like, lets be real here, using artillery to deal with mobile armors makes a lot more sense then making your own giant robots. Like, its less satisfying to watch certainly, but it makes sense that something like that would exist and that a corrupt government on the edge of collapse would bring it out to crush the opposition. Like, if the game of thrones stuff with Arya killing the night king is bad because it breaks expectations in the wrong way, this is good because it breaks expectations in the right way.

      • 11 months ago

        This is a giant robot show. If giant robots are rendered pointless then there's no reason to watch it.

        • 11 months ago

          there still are giant robots in both seasons, but the dainsleifs are like WMDs. It shows Gjallarhorns real hand, and how little effort they've actually put into putting Tekkadan down. They were doomed from the start.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah and there's a reason most shows don't rely on WMDs to solve outcomes. Because it's really fricking boring to watch

            • 11 months ago

              wtf are you talking about. 90% of gundam series have WMDs. Colony drops, laser arrays, nuclear weapons, etc.

              • 11 months ago

                And they're never the solution. Robots fighting each other is

  15. 11 months ago

    The most baffling part is that he nearly won, several times.

  16. 11 months ago

    Have we added him to Char's wienerpit of Fun yet? He has the expression for it.

  17. 11 months ago

    He was more memorable and entertaining as a delusional moron and i'm tired of pretending his wasn't.

  18. 11 months ago

    This episode was nice. I liked Shino being like "1v9? No problem!", and 598 realizing how crazy these people were. Seing Amida kick ass as always was pretty cool too. I also thought the stuff with Rakou and Naze was really heartwarming. I get the feeling that Naze kind of understood that sooner rather than later other executives in Teiwaz would be gunning for him. Its clear that the Rakou Pirates have been around longer than Tekkadan (I mean, Tekkadan only exists for 2?3? years in total), and Rakou herself (and probably a good portion of her crew) came from the Turbines in the first place. Its clear that they know and trust Rakou. So why wouldn't they have exchanged sake cups before? Because Naze knows that anyone associated with the Turbines is at risk of being hit, and has been even prior to Tekkadan. It really shows that associating with Tekkadan was more the straw that broke the camels back, and not only (or even main) reason that other guy attacked the Turbines.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        I think he thinks this is the Urdr thread. 598 is a former human debris participating in the Urdr Hunt. Dude is an individual directly impacted by Tekkadan making HD more attractive as child soldiers post Edmonton. He idolizes them for their rags to riches story and the shitbag who bought him uses that to work him and his friends to death with “if we do this next job you can be just like Tekkadan!!”

        Cool little dude. Gets adopted by the pirate branch of the Turbines

        • 11 months ago

          I see hoemw do they pronounce his name?

          • 11 months ago

            598. The numbers

            • 11 months ago

              They literally call him five nine eight?
              I thought he had that nip number name going on like ichigo=15, hifumi=123

              • 11 months ago

                Nope. Bro was Human Debris. He didn’t get a name, just a stock number. His crew is the same way

              • 11 months ago

                Post Edmonton is THAT bad for Human Debris. We see this with Hush as well but child AV soldiers became so popular thanks to Tekkadan that 598 comes from a batch sold into the /hundreds/

                Frick that’s grim. How is it Tekkadan’s fault that it’s worse for kids. Was this touched on in the show and I just missed it or is it a retcon?

              • 11 months ago

                Tekkadan was a high publicity instance of Human Debris being really effective, even if the members of Tekkadan weren't treated as such they still brought the idea to the forefront.

              • 11 months ago

                Okay so it’s a new retcon?

              • 11 months ago

                It was very briefly mentioned by the Narrator at the beginning of season 2, but given the show didn't actually deal with it, it's understandable why most people missed it.

              • 11 months ago

                So a big stinky retcon by a worthless mobage. Imagine doing this dumb shit instead of making a Calamity War prequel. It’s like they hates money

              • 11 months ago

                Black person he just said it wasn't a retcon. But I agree a prequel wouldve been 100x times better.

              • 11 months ago

                Hate speech

              • 11 months ago

                Stop being such a homosexual holy shit

              • 11 months ago

                Post Edmonton is THAT bad for Human Debris. We see this with Hush as well but child AV soldiers became so popular thanks to Tekkadan that 598 comes from a batch sold into the /hundreds/

              • 11 months ago

                Frick that’s grim. How is it Tekkadan’s fault that it’s worse for kids. Was this touched on in the show and I just missed it or is it a retcon?

                Tekkadan was a high publicity instance of Human Debris being really effective, even if the members of Tekkadan weren't treated as such they still brought the idea to the forefront.

                It was very briefly mentioned by the Narrator at the beginning of season 2, but given the show didn't actually deal with it, it's understandable why most people missed it.

                While it's technically true that was mostly the world taking the complete wrong lesson from Edmonton and just assuming Human Debris=good, completing missing out that Tekkadan was so effective because they were free and fighting for their own desires and also because they had Gundam's and guys with autistic battle instincts like Mikazuki.

                Turns out just buying extra slaves and putting them in cheap Man Rodi's and ordering them to fight because they're your slaves isn't going to do much, which why both guys that try that just get their debris slaughtered.

              • 11 months ago

                So what was 598s situation then?

              • 11 months ago

                Clever exploiting of the story perhaps, but still 598 is never gonna be like Mikazuki or Akihiro not matter what his shitbag owners try to tell him

              • 11 months ago

                No like, I don’t know the story. What’s his deal?

              • 11 months ago

                598 was promised to be the next Tekkadan by the owner if they joined him in Urdr Hunt.
                598 and some other debris notice that he is full of shit after the owner decide to hijack and held hostage a ship full of civilians for the so he can gain advantage during the Hunt. Meanwhile the one of Hunt observer have some motherly affection toward the debris and felt sorry for everyone for this shitshow decide to let 598 escape.
                After he escape he decide to retutn to help the Observer with MC help coming later.
                After they save the observer and hostage, 598 decide to form their own group the "Foundling" and was granted to be official participant of the Urdr Hunt by the observer.

              • 11 months ago

                What the hell is an Urdr Hunt tho?

              • 11 months ago

                Some sort of treasure hunt that somehow always involving 7 stars and Calamity wars, to the point the organizer pitted the contestants against sealed Mobile Armor

              • 11 months ago

                Wanted that answer

                Mobile game with animated cutscenes.

                Not that answer, smartass

              • 11 months ago

                Mobile game with animated cutscenes.

              • 11 months ago

                he does, it's go-kyuu-pa

  19. 11 months ago

    >has unbreakable swords
    >swords break in final battle

  20. 11 months ago

    Is Mc Gillis worse at coming up with a counterargument to the same line of reason than Homer Simpson?

  21. 11 months ago

    what is it about the second seasons of AUs shitting the bed

    • 11 months ago

      Bandai/Sunrise thinking they can earn money by throwing their weight during the production of these second seasons because they saw how much was earned from the first seasons and think their decisions for second seasons would generate even more money.

  22. 11 months ago

    This has been a fun thread. Not only has a lot of depth about S2 been revealed to me that I clearly missed, but I also learned that Urdr Hunt is apparently a fricking thing. I’m five episodes in and this is actually…good. I watched the Vidar and Julietta sidestories too and I’m genuinely surprised at how much they helped my opinions of them

    • 11 months ago

      Reminder for those unaware, the Proto Vidar sidestory actually sheds some light on Gali’s stances while he was in hiding

      • 11 months ago
  23. 11 months ago

    Why am I suddenly seeing so many shill posts about the shitty mobage?

    • 11 months ago

      They are trying to advertise this japan only game to you anon! Good thing you are smart and spotted the shilling before you gave them money!

    • 11 months ago

      People like it.

      Its basically the equivalent of older series doing side story manga or games. Only difference is in the modern day companies want to make gacha money.

      • 11 months ago

        But it’s shitty Gacha gameplay scenes isn’t it? They’re talking like it’s a show. Which is moronic

        • 11 months ago

          I mean each of these gacha's have PVE story segments they call episodes. So I wouldn't know what other term to use for em. IBO G is actually a little better from my knowledge because the Urdr Hunt "episode" segments give you units to use for them, meaning that you wouldn't need to pay to experience or beat them. Each episode does a lot to world build the setting as well. Like, there's been more worldbuilding in the IBO gacha than in all of G-witch. And on top of that we get designs unrelated to the Urdr Hunt storyline.

          Would it be better as an anime or a manga? Sure. But we're lucky to even get this.

          • 11 months ago

            also they each have animated segments, generally the fights. Similar to UC engage.

            • 11 months ago

              Oh wow. Two minutes of animation in a language I can’t understand. Wowowowow

              • 11 months ago

                Trafalgar log on youtube translates the whole thing, which I think was stated earlier ITT

              • 11 months ago

                Wow two minutes of japanimation I can read the combat yells for

              • 11 months ago

                nah, like, the whole episode, from start to finish. They're ~ 20 mins each.

                Like, if you want to hate cause its IBO, I get it, but its actually a pretty decent series all things considered.

              • 11 months ago

                Sell me

              • 11 months ago

                Theres already more than enough info in this thread. If you want to watch it, just look it up.

              • 11 months ago

                In your opinion though

              • 11 months ago

                I like it because we get a lot more world building, like the fact that Venus and (iirc) Jupiter also have settlements on them, not just Mars. We get more seven stars/calamity war lore. We learn about rival organizations to Teiwaz. And, obviously, being a gacha game, we get a lot of cool new designs too. Probably less than half of them actually make appearances in the story however. But 3/4 mobile armors we know about come from IBO G. And there are tons of different mobile suit frames too. There's just a whole lot of setting information in it.

              • 11 months ago

                So…you think it’s worth “watching”? You agree it’s enough of a “Season 1.5” as people claim?

                How’s the cast in your opinion? Sorry for the questions

              • 11 months ago

                I really wouldn't call it "Season 1.5", although we do see some of the stuff Mcgillis does to prepare for his coup, but even that is only the latest episodes. It's a side-story. So if you enjoy reading stuff like, idk, Astray, you'll probably like it well enough. But, I will freely admit, most of the time its not as visually impressive as a manga, and certainly not as an anime. The animated stuff is fine, but as you said, its typically <4 mins.

                There is a large cast, with many factions and interests, but the main cast that we follow as the viewers most of the time are honestly pretty boring. Basically the side characters provide all the spice.

                I think its worth a viewing, or if not, at least check the wiki (under IBO G) for the new designs. They're all bangers (except the Elion Gundam, that thing is moronic).

              • 11 months ago

                I thought Elion Gundam was fan art?

              • 11 months ago

                Nah there’s a real one. But I would call it a fanart tier design lmao

              • 11 months ago

                What game designs are not relevant to the plot (yet)? Besides some of the MA of course

              • 11 months ago

                Neither of the Seven stars gundams, any of the designs that have already appeared in other story content (so the side story manga or the main show), none of the Valkyrie frames, and that seems like it.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh I see. Well they still have a few Urdr points to go. Have those 7Star Gundams had their families touched on yet?

              • 11 months ago

                No. They’ve touched on some of the families, but not the ones that got gundams so far. Idk why they chose those families honestly. The Elions kind of make sense since Rustal’s the big villain, but I have no idea why they showed the Gamigin. The Issues, Kujans, and Fareeds still haven’t been revealed.

              • 11 months ago

                Havnt each point they been to been tied to one of the families? Makes sense the last 3 are the last 3 families

              • 11 months ago

                Well, originally, we only had 1 seven stars gundam, the kimaris. Since agnika kaeru was not one of the stars, so bael doesn’t count. So we really only have 3 out of 7. And we’ve already visited the Kujan colony, but still don’t have theirs either.

              • 11 months ago

                Wasn’t the last big pyramid MS at the Kujan data point? Iok skipped the tutorial on MA when he found out?

              • 11 months ago

                Probably. But I was talking about gundams revealed.

  24. 11 months ago

    Does anyone else think it was hilarious when Tekkadan all turned their backs on McGillis because they finally realized he went full moron. He literally had to stand on the other side of the room and sulk.

  25. 11 months ago

    >He wasn't very smart.
    It depends. McGillis spent a lot of time making connections and rallying people to his side to prepare for his coup. Even him using Bael wasn't that outlandish because he intended to use it as a symbol of his cause and how it was justified which is not unlike how it is in real world history.

    The problem really just comes to him acting on his plans before he was actually ready for it thanks to Mikazuki inspiring him. That's what screwed him over, this in addition to his failure to make sure that Gaelio was actually dead. Had the latter not survived then Rustal would not have been as prepared for McGillis the way he was in canon.

    • 11 months ago

      He went out in a custom mobile suit and went on a rant about his betrayal, he wasn't very bright. The Bael move at the end was just desperation, but his need to do everything in person means he wasn't subtle in his plotting. IIrc he supplied weapons under his second identity, shut off the satellites during the earth battle, and had a secret lab going on(can't remember if he pinned it on Gaelio, but as his best friend he'd also be under scrutiny). Being absent during the fighting and the main benefactor of his friends deaths probably doesn't help either.

      • 11 months ago

        Nah. Again, it was all down to luck on Rustal's end that McGillis screwed up where it counts. Failing to kill Gaelio was the main issue because he served as a key witness to McGillis' crimes, and then of course again there's McGillis going ahead with his plan before he was ready at all thanks to Mika inspiring him.

        • 11 months ago

          More like it was just luck that nothing else came back to haunt him.

  26. 11 months ago

    I wish they had added more lore about the Seven Stars in the actual series.

    • 11 months ago

      Urdr my man. It’s official for a reason

  27. 11 months ago

    They should have explored his Montag persona more going into season 2. The fact that he left the company to his e-girl wife keeps the interest going.

    • 11 months ago

      That’s what Urdr is for

      • 11 months ago

        The frick is an Urdr?

        • 11 months ago

          Old Nordic god that decided people’s fates

          • 11 months ago

            What’s that have to do with Montag?
            Also cool

            • 11 months ago

              He's currently doing stuff there.

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