Helluva Boss

Honest opinions on this show?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It's a helluva mess...

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      A shitload of interesting concept and topics they could get into but they focus on emotional bullshit and homosexualry instead.


    • 10 months ago

      I was going to respond to this thread but now it seems like I don't need to.

  2. 10 months ago

    One of the most obnoxious, unfunny shows I've ever seen in my life. Hideous character design. Really hate the whole "SEX AND SAYING FRICK AND SCREAMING IS FUNNY" shit.

    • 10 months ago

      >Artist and creators go either to indie outlets or on their own to make their stuff
      >Literally 90% of is just "sex, am I right?"
      There something to be said about, don't know what though.

    • 10 months ago

      Designs are good(exept for kesha) frick you

      • 10 months ago

        That one needed to be fat fetish art. But would Kesha agree to it?

    • 10 months ago

      But the cherry on top is that for all the sex and drug jokes, it is unbelievably safe. They didn't even show Stolas' leg getting stabbed ffs. It's an "adult" show that's been made to cater exclusively to children.

      • 10 months ago

        >Anti zionist
        I don't think this is allowed

        • 10 months ago

          >calling yourself anti-zionist
          ADL and SPLC will still call them a white-supremacist antisemite anyways.

          I know I know, but it's the only safe edgy example image out there

      • 10 months ago

        >calling yourself anti-zionist
        ADL and SPLC will still call them a white-supremacist antisemite anyways.

      • 10 months ago

        whats with all the extra white space to the left and right?

    • 10 months ago

      >Artist and creators go either to indie outlets or on their own to make their stuff
      >Literally 90% of is just "sex, am I right?"
      There something to be said about, don't know what though.

      It'd be okay if it wasn't gay sex.

      • 10 months ago

        Designs are far enough from humans for me to not care to be honest

      • 10 months ago

        >Anti zionist
        I don't think this is allowed

        For me, there is no such thing as a gay (M/M) couple with legitimate chemistry. Every time I can just picture either of the guys with a girl (who is compatible with them) and it is always better than a guy would be.
        Even things like SonicxTails work better when it's SonicxSecretlyTomboyTails.

    • 10 months ago

      And don't forget the overused cliches that directly contradict the previous the lore.

    • 10 months ago

      And the predominately mediocre music, which is terrible for something so musically-driven.

  3. 10 months ago

    Loona gives me helluva boner

  4. 10 months ago

    It's proved to be a vital proof of concept of how an independent animated series can been developed online and seemingly sustain itself through a cult of personality and vigorous merchandising.

    • 10 months ago

      Listen Viv, you said it not I:
      Cult of personality.

      So you think you are Stalin or something? Die Spindlehorse hat immer recht?

      • 10 months ago

        Shut up.

        • 10 months ago

          No. Like Kruschev you can bang your shoes on the podium all you want, we live in a free society and we can say whatever we want.

  5. 10 months ago

    I have immense horniness for loona and millie and a total indifference for everyone else.

  6. 10 months ago

    it is incredibly inconsistent, having some really excellent episodes and then some total fricking stinkers that just throw any previous development out of the window right after. the newest one especially was seriously fricking bad. it still appeals to the most marketable demographic of watchers though, which is preteen alt kids and autistic adults. but otherwise it's just a non stop drivel of sex jokes only, 3 curses a sentence for no good reason (other than incompitent writers thinking that using more adult language is goingnto make it feel like a more adult cartoon, which has the exact opposite impact on the show), and really inconsistent character personalities. and despite all this i am still moronic enough to watch it. and enjoy it maybe 65% of the time

    • 10 months ago

      Cursing is a sin and the main characters were born and raised in Hell.

      • 10 months ago

        okay but do you as an adult human being find the need to curse multiple times a sentence, every sentence? cursing very often loops back around to making something feel more juvenile instead of more adultish. a lot of the time it's just tossed into dialogue very tastelessly. and maybe that would be acceptable from just a character or two but it's usually the whole god damned cast having very childish dialogue and it takes me out of feeling like i am watching a cartoon made by and written by adults, for adults.

        • 10 months ago

          My idiot younger sibling curses in every sentence when talking to his equally stupid Fortnite friends on Discord. It's obnoxious but not unrealistic. And it helps to not equate "adult" with "mature".

          • 10 months ago

            >My idiot younger sibling curses in every sentence when talking to his equally stupid Fortnite friends on Discord
            You seem to be proving the other anon's point. Is your sibling+his gang 13 years old or is that just their mental age?

            • 10 months ago

              He is 27.

              >13 years old or is that just their mental age?
              He is the one making me watch Helluva Boss, so...

        • 10 months ago

          "I feel like I have a rainbow up my vegana right now."

          Lol they made Kesha say that.

          I had a dream where I got married to Tilla, Blitzo's and Barbie's mother, and I was trying to bring them together to be a happy family. We were at a summer camp near the town of Bright Falls from Alan Wake.

          For some stupid reason, Jimmy Buffett was there as well.

          Dreams can get very segmented, so I remember being at 3 locations with them. New York where Barbie asked about 9/11. Bright Falls. And Key West.

          I wish I was making it up.
          This damn show can get inside your head.

        • 10 months ago

          I curse when cooking. The amount of times I called everything Kurva, is astonishing.

          I think adults curse when angry or in pain. (Things like boiling water, steam, sputtering sauce really can burn through skin.)

          If they would be better at writing they could show Blitzo as constantly angry and that is why he swears.

          Him stopping to swear would be a sign of character development.

    • 10 months ago

      The writer's are also extremely smug and satisfied with themselves as if every "joke" they write is absolute comedy gold.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah it's really fricking bad, at least the voice cast is stellar with the shit they're given to work with, but even then the most insufferablw VA they have is fricking Brendon Rogers and he's the main god damned character.

      • 10 months ago

        The only joke that I found funny was the one in episode 7 where some random Imp screams “I have 3 of them” and fizz just quietly whispers into his mic and says “keep that guy far away from me”.

    • 10 months ago

      >the newest one especially was seriously fricking bad
      Yeah the "character A takes all the spotlight and character B is salty for it" trope has been overdone to death in cartoons I wanted to gauge my eyes out

      • 10 months ago

        that wasn't even why i disliked it so much, i hate that the show won't allow moxxie to show a shred of compitency or self security. he is a contract killer who is a complete manchild pushover. he used to be a very level headed and logical person in the pilot but now he kinda just feels like a total baby every episode. and this new episode just cemented it. it's like they're doing a moxxie character assassination.

        • 10 months ago

          Preach it brother. They're doing Moxxie dirty, it's hard to watch, fricking him over every step of the way

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, i actually liked the guy in the pilot, he was somehow all around way less meak and homosexual while also being more moral, for an imp that it

  7. 10 months ago

    I feel bad for Stolas, Fricking Blitzo hope he dies choking on a wiener or something

  8. 10 months ago

    I liked most of season 1 but I'm having trouble enjoying season 2. Season 2 feels kinda shit.

  9. 10 months ago

    Good premise. Good pilot. Mostly fun show until S1E6, which is only half-fun. Then everything else is mostly shit, S2E2 being the exception.

    • 10 months ago

      >S2E2 being the exception.
      That's objectively the worst episode in the series after the Circus

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          You just liked it when Loona smiled at you, i get it, but episode is still ugh

          • 10 months ago

            I mostly enjoyed Moxie and Millie's antics. The next best thing was Blitzo's flashback and the disaster it caused. Loona was OOC but like

            To be fair, stars and circus as isolated episodes are better than the rest of the season
            The mob and the latest episode caused me suffering

            says it worked for the episode and it was refreshing to see her being something other than a "literal b***h" joke.

          • 10 months ago

            I mostly enjoyed Moxie and Millie's antics. The next best thing was Blitzo's flashback and the disaster it caused. Loona was OOC but like [...] says it worked for the episode and it was refreshing to see her being something other than a "literal b***h" joke.

            But don't get me wrong, I do think her interactions with Octavia were corny. I'm just saying it was more interesting than her usual shit.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, on top of being stupid, it basically destroys what circus still didn't

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, on top of being stupid, it basically destroys what circus still didn't

        To be fair, stars and circus as isolated episodes are better than the rest of the season
        The mob and the latest episode caused me suffering

      • 10 months ago

        Exes and Oohs and Unhappy Campers are much worse than Seeing Stars. Seeing Stars was a big nothing episode, but Exes and Oohs and Unhappy Campers were utterly insufferable and infuriating.

        Oh and another thing? Adam Neylan wrote all three of these episodes! Somebody ought to fire his ass from writing, but sadly I know it won't happen.

  10. 10 months ago

    Unbelievable art, acting and music for an indie cartoon but it is ALL over the place. I just popped an episode on last night and was like wtf am I even watching. There needs to be more to a show than the characters' shallow personal drama and that's what's clearly driving this show.

  11. 10 months ago

    Originally hyped for the show but early on in s1 I noticed the cracks starting to show. I was still willing to give the show a chance but now i'm pretty much done with the shows nonsense. I'm only still here just to watch the slow motion car crash, and viv's endless seething.

    • 10 months ago

      Pitch a show for funny hitman and his goons with hell involved. Does not have to do anything with Helluva Boss

    • 10 months ago

      that picture is the most accurate description of helluva boss i've ever read

  12. 10 months ago

    When is Loona getting her own show?

  13. 10 months ago

    I like it. I don't over-think it too much. I'd like to see more episodes like 'Spring Broken' and 'Truth Seekers' mixed in with the character exploration ones.

  14. 10 months ago

    So far, it fails to disappoint me.
    t. don't have any headcanon

  15. 10 months ago

    I'am probably the only one here who was okay with owl drama plot
    But god, i hate every second of season two, if you take the story somewhere commit to it properly dammit

    • 10 months ago

      I feel like the pic is wrong episode wise?

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          The artist is stating that the characters change after circus episode instead the Stolas dad episode.

          • 10 months ago

            That episode is titled "The Circus"

            • 10 months ago

              Okay I thought he meant S1 EP2.

            • 10 months ago

              And indeed it was.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh thank god I'm not the only one who thinks the Circus fricked everything.

      • 10 months ago

        I read that the whole "childhood friends' was actually a AU drawing that a writer drew that Viz put in the show.

        • 10 months ago


          Never. Listen. To. Fans. They don't know anything.

          Me included. Just stick with your own story.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh thank god I'm not the only one who thinks the Circus fricked everything.

      It’s not hard to think so given Ozzie’s left off with Stolas facing a reality that his selfishness tore his family apart for an imp that isn’t emotionally available to him and Blitz facing the reality that he is a bitter c**t catching feelings for this butthole who hides his face rather than defend him when public humiliation rears its ugly head for all the shitty things he did slingshotting into his face.

      The Circus pulls double time removing any pieces of culpability and totally avoids addressing any direct consequences of that public condemnation of both of them instead to shore up a narrative of Stolas having ‘a good reason’ to cheat and for Blitzo to not take advantage of a desperately lonely man in a purely nasty transactional start.

      • 10 months ago

        I'll be honest and say I actually kind of liked the show before the Circus, and now it just feels like I'm watching someone not so slowly wither away from a malignant tumor.

        • 10 months ago

          Same thing anon
          It's nearly unsalvagable now, and vivz just spergs out at all criticism

          I wonder how hazbin is going to turn out...
          If it ever sees the light that is

    • 10 months ago

      oh yeah, basically this. I was fine with the show until they kept pushing this weird relationship in my face as if it was something pure and good and not just a fun comedy drama filled with morally grey asshats who occasionally do nice things for their loved ones.

    • 10 months ago

      Holy shit, nailed the primary problem with the show. It even wouldn't be that bad if they hadn't made Blitz and Stola's relationship the main storyline of the show. But now we have this completely uninteresting fujobaiting storyline front and center and the show is nigh unwatchable.

      • 10 months ago

        I have seen the artist who created these cartoons to explain the situation. She also does YouTube videos.

        Vivzie fans went out of their way to harras her.

        So cut it with the bullshit that the twitter fans are harmless. But it is rich for them to accuse others of which they are guilty of.

        • 10 months ago

          so, whos the artist?

          • 10 months ago


  16. 10 months ago

    I haven't even watched a single episode despite it being a thing for like what 3 years now?

  17. 10 months ago

    What's the chances of an episode where the I.M.P. massacre everyone in a mega church?

  18. 10 months ago

    I have been spoiling my wife lately, should i stop?

    • 10 months ago

      yeah stop RIGHT there. she's perfect now.

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        agree brotha

    • 10 months ago

      Why file's URL is on russian? Пpинaзнaвaйcя, чё ты зaбыл в мoeм любимoм тpeдe пo пoливaнию гoвнoм Bивзи?

    • 10 months ago

      Looks like she got a little husky

  19. 10 months ago

    literally turned into a fetish show. She ran out of ideas because stolas+blitzo and the joke that mozzie gets pegged got her too horny on main to function

    All she's been doing in S2 is play with her gay toys. vivzie cannot handle the project. Simple as.

    • 10 months ago

      No fat fetish art with Bee either!

  20. 10 months ago

    Did Viv solve the budget problems? Is she still fighting with Loona's VA?

    • 10 months ago

      Why are they trying so hard to convince use that there's no drama? That just makes me think that there is drama.

      • 10 months ago

        There probably is

      • 10 months ago

        There probably is

        Why do you WANT drama?

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            VAs Don't walk and leave characters voiceless for multiple months for no reason. And that boyfriend excuse doesn't line up because that happened a couple years ago and it's unlikely that Erica wouldn't have just recorded her lines later.

            So yeah, no, we're being lied too.

  21. 10 months ago

    >get bitten by a weird dog
    >end up turning into Loona every night
    >no recollection of it the following morning
    What would you do, Cinemaphile?

    • 10 months ago

      Go to the hospital, you have syphilis now

      • 10 months ago

        jerk off. Onlyfans. Learn to deal with syphilis.

        Syphilis has devastating effects when untreated but it's easily cured. If Loona never had anything other than an itchy crotch, then it's likely that she was already treated.

    • 10 months ago

      >You were the real Loona all along
      Dam I'd euthanize myself

    • 10 months ago

      record videos of myself to fap to later
      especially the transformation part

      • 10 months ago

        Where is the animation in the GIF from? It looks so smooth!

    • 10 months ago

      jerk off. Onlyfans. Learn to deal with syphilis.

      • 10 months ago

        Pretty sure she never had it.

        >just hate women
        Bold words for someone who wrote Stella

        Why does she have implants?

        • 10 months ago

          >Why does she have implants?
          Why not?

    • 10 months ago

      start researching the occult to trace the source of this phenomenon and what to I can do with it/about it
      start a cult of loonaBlack folk to assist me in taking over the world and dethroning the WEF
      like fight club but freakier

      • 10 months ago

        >Demon worshippers fighting WEF deathsquads:

        • 10 months ago

          it would be funny tho

    • 10 months ago

      >She is a lonely loser that spends most of her time alone and shitposting on her phone (because she sure as hell isn't texting anyone)
      Literally absolutely nothing would change.

      • 10 months ago

        >Loona if she was a Cinemaphilener
        That's somehow cuter.

      • 10 months ago

        Loona if you are on this channel.
        Get therapy. Or talk to people, get friends like Tex.

        • 10 months ago

          Don't tell me what to do.

          • 10 months ago

            I mean what do you do outside of nothing? Drinking, screaming at Moxxie and feeling sad must not be very healthy.

            • 10 months ago

              None of your business.

              • 10 months ago

                Sad people are my business because I do not like how the world has so much sadness in it.

                I would rather see people be happy.

                If you could be happy what would you do? Other than slingshot Moxxie into the sun?

              • 10 months ago

                I'd be happier if you shut the frick up.

              • 10 months ago

                Why would I do that? It costs a fraction of my time. And it is not like you have somebody else to talk to.

                Happiness is a hardy fruit, it can grow anywhere and it will blossom if it is well tended to. Except the fruits of Communism, they are bitter and thorny, like potato after fresh collective harvest.

                You seem like a person who likes music, have you ever listened to Kino?

      • 10 months ago

        She can make friends in Death and Roxanne wolf.

    • 10 months ago

      >no recollection of it
      obviously I'd do nothing

    • 10 months ago

      i'd rather just be a hellhound every night instead of just Loona.

      • 10 months ago

        >i'd rather just be a hellhound every night

  22. 10 months ago

    Does Vivze hate Moxxie?

    • 10 months ago

      Given how much he's been derailed from being the supposed "Only Sane Man" of the group to being "Angel Dust 2.0 and also a punching bag", I'd probably say so.

      I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact Moxxie is more popular than Blitzo and Stolas?

      • 10 months ago

        brendon rogers is fricking atrociously obnoxious, and blitzo is written obnoxiously too, on top of that. Stolas was obnoxious at first with the heavy handed gay horny shit, but he got better and then got worse and it fluxuated super hard. moxxie had the benefit of being a more relatable, grounded personality that people could connect to, and he's almost someone to look up to in a show about sinful bastard individuals with the way he treats his wife and values life despite having a job as a killer. and yet now he's been turned into a sissy manchild in the past few episodes. they are stooping the best male character right down to the low levels of the other two, probably unintentionally though. and honestly it's just because they can't fricking write

  23. 10 months ago

    I liked the pilot, the rest is just meh. Same opinion for hazbin hotel, the full thing won't be as good.

    • 10 months ago

      The pilot was for sure the peak

  24. 10 months ago

    I watched it at work and I really enjoyed it
    So much better than another family guy clone, an adult cartoon with good character design and sometimes really nice animation too
    Honestly outstanding for a web cartoon

  25. 10 months ago

    >the demons randomly say yiddish phrases
    What did Viviziepop mean by this?

    • 10 months ago

      It's no secret that the Christian bible was adapted from israeli lore.

      • 10 months ago

        Christianity is older than the Yiddish language.

    • 10 months ago

      I was going to bring that up too. Moxxie just knowing how to speak in Yiddish and knew a very specific phrase is....interesting. How come no one ever talks about that?

      • 10 months ago

        could be because his family is actually a israeli mob family instead of an italian mob family. the israeli mob exists, you know.

        • 10 months ago

          That actually raises further questions. Why are demons israeli?

          • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              Because Viv went to art school in New York. So she thinks as a Puerto Rican she can be edgy about israelites going about their normal business.

              When Mammon comes up, he could be israeli. Because israelites = ze banks, Hans!

              Or Australian because Rupert Murdoch.

              • 10 months ago

                they do NOT have the guts to do that

    • 10 months ago

      New York.

  26. 10 months ago

    Its like Billy and Mandy but they swear all the time and make sex jokes. I think that's what the show runners were aiming for, though. The set up where demons go to earth to kill people is not as air tight as death going to earth to take the soul of someone that's about to die. Aren't demons supposed to tempt people to sin?

    • 10 months ago

      In bible they usually possessed and tormented them

    • 10 months ago

      Billy and Mandy was darker and edgier than this shit. Not to mention funnier too.

  27. 10 months ago

    I watched vivziepop stuff in 2017 and I was shocked when I heard she got rich being a director for two fricking shows. Her shows seem really mid-2000s uwu homosexual demon sclop. The realization of children of that era gaining power (from their parents probably). It's okay.

  28. 10 months ago

    Thinking about it; for real...

    It genuinely might be the best western cartoon series I've seen in my life so far.

    I'm trying to think if I might be wrong, if anything else may be better, but no; Helluva Boss has EVERYTHING.
    -It has an utterly unique look due its setting and easthetic and the animation ranges from decent to incredible (especially given its budget, and ESPECIALLY given that it's COMPLETELY FREE, independent and not funded by a studio)
    -It has utterly fascinating worldbuilding out the ass; its vision of Hell unlike anything that has ever been done before
    -the story and characters work together in ways that I haven't even seen in anime; let alone in another cartoon. This is one of the most richly detailed; exquisitely crafted casts of characters in literary history; each cast member utterly unique and wholly different from each other yet still works unbelievably well with any other character; and then these characters get unleashed upon narratives that aren't constrained by ANYTHING. No subject taboo, no story off limits! And this allows for the each memeber of the cast to equally take part in both wildly over the top hilarity and incredibly heartfelt, sincere, emotional character drama the likes of which barely anything in its medium can compare to! AND because it's a cartoon, it has incredible freedom to do whatever it wants without any physical or budgetary constraints etiher!
    -The humor is first-decade Simpsons and South Park good. That's the highest praise anything comedic can earn. 'nuff said.
    -The action scenes run circles around anything of its sort ever produced in its hemisphere (with the possible exception of The Legend of Korra and RWBY); and some of the stuff there puts a bunch of anime to shame! The show really goes above and beyond when it wouldn't even have to!
    -Characters so hot they'll turn you gay!


    • 10 months ago

      I'm dead serious when I say that the more I think about it, the more and more that Helluva Boss looks like a genuine miracle; and the greatest accomplishment in independent animation since RWBY. Is there a cartoon with better action scenes? Is there a cartoon with a more original setting? Is there a cartoon with a more unique cast of characters, more sincere emotional drama, or better humor? Is there such an anime? Is there such a live action series or movie?

      The answer to all of these questions is: "perhaps". However, there genuinely isn't another production - artoon, anime, movie or tv show - out there that comes anywhere close to the sum of Helluva Boss' parts. This is a show with the cast and worldbuilding of The Last Airbender; the humor of The Simpsons; and the ultraviolent irreverance and freedom from all constraints of South Park! Its action scenes are so far ahead of most-anything in its competition that the only things that match them come from top-tier hollywood and oriental action cinema; and its insert songs are the unquestionable best in any serialised cartoon production since Jem and The Holograms (or at least generation 4 My Little Pony). And I DO mean live-action productions as well - "Family Man constrained by compulsory heteresosexuality finds romantic love and sexual fullfillment for the first time in his life in the shape of the self-loathing bisexual manprostitute who only uses him for his status, and the focal point cahracter is the manprostitute" is simplynot a narrative I've ever seen done anywhere else.


      • 10 months ago

        Back in the day, figures like Raplh Bakshi and networks like Adult Swim promised people that adult animation had not only a place in the world but viability; that animation can both be made for adults and be massively popular at the same time, that are more than just comedies, that don't just come from Japan. For various reason, no matter how good some previous projects have been, wether they have have been completed or put on hold; that promised land has so far been kept away from us, either by studios or happenstance.

        As fas as I'm concerned, Helluva Boss is the promise of adult animation finally fullfilled. And for that reason; I'm willing to call it the best cartoon in the world.

        • 10 months ago


          I can not fricking imagine how good Hazbin Hotel will be.

        • 10 months ago

          Go back to tumblr.

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >is there a cartoon with a more original setting?
        Ok so that confirms this was a mad-libbed copypasta

    • 10 months ago

      Dude stop simping so hard.

    • 10 months ago

      Please say sike

    • 10 months ago

      >It is brave and takes on any topic.

      Blitzo can't say moron and let's have sex in front of kids.

      It is a show that is safe and edgy at the same time.

      Now if you excuse me I am going off to rebuild the Berlin Anti-Fascist Protection wall and the Iron Curtain.

      Having access to Coca Cola and Adidas tracksuits is not worth it.

  29. 10 months ago

    >character designs
    Above average for an adult cartoon. They aren’t hideous which is a big plus.
    It’s good, especially for an indie.
    I like Moxxie and Stolas, and I guess Loona too? This show has a big character development problem. Millie and Stella in particular feel very one-dimensional. Loona to a lesser extent but they actually tried going in-depth with her. Don’t like Blitzo because Brandon Rodgers is annoying.
    Inconsistent as frick. Lots of clashing going on. The musical numbers are well done on a technical level, but they’re cringeworthy. It feels like something they put in as filler instead of moving the story along. The humor is pretty subpar. It feels very “millennial” and dated. Cursing and “woe is me” isn’t funny or interesting in 2023. The drama is the most tepid aspect of the show for me though. You can mix drama and comedy, but the execution doesn’t work here. Any development or emotion is dragged down by the bad comedy. Pick one or the other.

  30. 10 months ago

    Some of the episodes were good and a few were very bad.

  31. 10 months ago

    The only reason people still watch this show is because of Loona

    • 10 months ago

      I've never watched it but I always click on the threads because of Loona and think, maybe I should finally watch this, because of Loona. So you are probably right.

  32. 10 months ago

    I liked the premise, liked the pilot to some extent. I thought they'd iron out the kinks and continue to improve and build on what they had, but it just got worse.
    They doubled down on the cringe, made a 180 from a wacky spin on an office sitcom into a gay sex melodrama with furries, and abandoned any semblance of plot or character growth.
    Its really quite a shame, because it had something going for it. Adult humour has the potential to be so much more than just sex and profanity.
    It seems more like a wish fulfillment project rather than a story. I do quite like the animation and voice actors though, very talented.

  33. 10 months ago


  34. 10 months ago

    It's terrible and I only keep watching because inertia is one hell of a drug. I don't enjoy or hate watching it, it's just another video to watch once in a while.

  35. 10 months ago

    It likes to start shit but never actually resolve it or just gives the illusion of resolution. It’s almost as if it embodies an idea person who spitballs and throws shit at the wall without really putting in the effort of connecting tissue between points with a chronic shipping habit. Grant it it’s structured episodically but if it’s not Vic’s strong suit she needs to kill more people off or not introduce shit. It’s like she’s building this Christmas present gathering of mystery boxes just to keep people invested. Or maybe she should’ve started with the Gay drama and put all her focus on that.

  36. 10 months ago

    I love it.

  37. 10 months ago

    Pretty Gay but I approve, so 8/10?

  38. 10 months ago

    i feel like they need at least a separate character writer from an episodic plot writer. the same guy making silly zany wacky hijinx for them to get in in season 2 is the same guy fricking up all the character writing at the same time.

  39. 10 months ago

    Tumblr: the Animated Series.

  40. 10 months ago

    This just in: Viv thinks people just hate women and queer people if they criticize her writing and characters.

    • 10 months ago

      >just hate women
      Bold words for someone who wrote Stella

      • 10 months ago

        Something about the way Stella’s beak and mouth are drawn makes me confuse her mouth for a nose or for really weird contorted expressions a lot.

      • 10 months ago

        She could have been written as a gag:
        Tries to be sexy for Stolas. Fails.

        He likes Blitzo and looking at imp sex.

        Or drama:
        Depressed woman who is stuck in a marriage. She has no meaning in her life as she is a noble woman there to be arm candy to another noble. Poorly educated outside of the wife of a rich person. Wants to be her own thing, but has to overcome her arrogance and anger.

        She elopes with Striker, because hot.

      • 10 months ago

        YES! I see the Red Flags! NO! I do not fricking care!

        • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          I mean this with absolute sincerity. She would chill out if she had a competent lover. Someone who would take charge in bed and fulfill her needs.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, Striker. Case closed.

    • 10 months ago

      >hate women when people wind up over Millie being Moxxie’s accessory, Loona being forced into silence, and Stella treated as one dimensional contrary to how the show treats other characters who do horrible things to people around them (like Blitzo)
      >homophobic when gripes about Stolitz amounts to people being mad the gist of the show where imps kill people on earth for sinners only amounted to 3 episodes worth of lip service
      >in addition to completely warping Stolas away from being a totally depraved wienerlust nobleman Blitzo had to tolerate in order to operate his business

    • 10 months ago

      it's almost like people hate poorly written/constructed characters, but no the character is a fricking queer so you're not allowed to hate them or else you are le problem!!!

      • 10 months ago

        Okay but I can't be the only one who would tolerate the show 30% more if Blitzo and Stolas weren't gay (make Blitzo a girl).

        • 10 months ago

          i don't care that they are gay, and honestly, blitzo seems like he would just be down to frick anyone and everyone on any given day. stolas being a closeted homosexual noble and being forced into an arranged marriage with an unloving hag with the only positive thing coming out of it being his beloved daughter is honestly a sweet idea, however he was made incredibly shallow and only really exists as a gay sex symbol in the show. he's always just super excessively fruity and only thinks ablut blitzo 24/7 even though he has a daughter and a divorce and he's a noble and a whole plethora of other shit that he should have to deal with. but no, he just thinks about dick. it's just bad writing.

  41. 10 months ago

    Hey vivziprod here, next episode will feature Loona and her HUMAN boyfriend what's your guys thought on this? 🙂

    • 10 months ago

      I think hmogays get triggered when you point out that they're a branch of furry

      • 10 months ago

        But it's understandable tho, would you want to be associated with homosexual sparkledogs in diapers because you found this pic hot?

        • 10 months ago

          You can simply not associate with them, saying "HUMAN BOYFRIEND" isnt any different from "Im not a furry but" except that hmogays have a bigger chip on their shoulder.

          • 10 months ago

            You contradict yourself,
            Calling oneself furry means associating with them

            • 10 months ago

              So don't call yourself furry.
              hmofa is furry by suspiciously specific denial.

      • 10 months ago

        You can simply not associate with them, saying "HUMAN BOYFRIEND" isnt any different from "Im not a furry but" except that hmogays have a bigger chip on their shoulder.

        So don't call yourself furry.
        hmofa is furry by suspiciously specific denial.

        Genuinely don’t know why you’d care about the semantics so much unless you were one of the actual furries seething that his commissioned sparkledog OC YCH was edited out of a pic with [insert popular character here] in favor of a faceless (human) anon edit. The only one with a chip on their shoulder seems to be the one who brings up “hmogays” out of nowhere every opportunity he gets like it’s an actual boogeyman.

        • 10 months ago

          Hmogays are the ones who got upset about semantics first.
          >unless you were one of the actual furries seething that his commissioned sparkledog OC YCH was edited out of a pic with [insert popular character here] in favor of a faceless (human) anon edit.
          This is weird projection.

          • 10 months ago

            This is not what projection means moron

            • 10 months ago

              You are deflecting.
              You always get like this when you backpedal.

              • 10 months ago

                Stop talking in buzzwords you brainrotted ass

              • 10 months ago

                I didnt use any buzzwords. You need to settle down.

    • 10 months ago

      Very bold adapting fanmade content

  42. 10 months ago

    I hope vizie fails after hazbin hotel in a malicious intent

  43. 10 months ago

    Less interesting with each episode. Very confused on its morality. Toothless in all the wrong places. Even the worldbuilding attempted actually makes things more boring.

    The Other Show is gonna be a real bomb.

    • 10 months ago

      I was more loooking forward to hazbin cause I never liked helluva. But now that seems like it could be even worse than helluva
      Quirky gay hell thats actually hevean can only be somwhat cringe for so long before it turns into full cringe

  44. 10 months ago

    >C.H.E.R.U.B. focuses on the actual premise of the show in a unique way and gives I.M.P. a heaven rival
    >seen as the worst episode by a lot of critiques
    >oh and the rival aspect is basically killed off because the cherubs are kicked out of heaven
    If this was a normal, well-written show there would've been multiple episodes of the cherubs fricking with I.M.P.'s business.

    • 10 months ago

      agreed, and since there are so many episodes where I.M.P.'s business is halted by dumb melodrama, there should at least be more episodes where their business is halted for more professional reason, like rival businesses, or something distracting customers away that they have to deal with, or anything else of that matter. not "OH WE HAVE TO SAVE MY OWL BOYFRIEND'S DAUGHTER" or "OH I HAVE TO GO FIND MY DRUGGIE SISTER". it doesn't feel at all like there is even a business for them to operate in any of these recent episodes.

    • 10 months ago

      It's a trend with recent shows to introduce a rival and then kill them off or remove them from the playing board in the same episode. Frowning Friends comes to mind.

      • 10 months ago

        Is this some sort of joke or you have been born yesterday?

      • 10 months ago

        yeah but smiling friends is well written and doesn'f even have to try too hard to be funny, it feels much more natural than helluva and definitely tackles the business comedy subgenre much better

        • 10 months ago

          Smiling Friends is honestly what I was expecting Helluva Boss to be. Smiling Friends is so much better.

    • 10 months ago

      Wait yeah why is CHERUBS one of the most hated episode? I haven't rewatched it but I found it intriguing how they were including Heaven characters

      • 10 months ago

        Most people just don't like the cherubs aside from Collin. They honestly did need more screen time to show their personalities.

  45. 10 months ago
  46. 10 months ago

    It used to be one of my favorite shows, but the second season has really sucked. It only had 2-3 episodes I liked, even if the episode with Crimson was one of my favorites. That scene with Millie killing all the mobsters was a thing of beauty.

  47. 10 months ago

    Guys, 3 Red demons a furry are stalking my window. What the frick do I do?!

    • 10 months ago

      Frick the tall one. The little ones will kill you because they are a married couple. Unless they agree to it, than frick both. But not the tall one. He will watch.

      Oh and don't break the spaghetti.

  48. 10 months ago

    I love Collin!

  49. 10 months ago

    the pilot was nice, the follow-up show? Not very good.

  50. 10 months ago

    If a paraplegic ends up in hell, can they walk or are they an immortal cripple?

    • 10 months ago

      given the way the show is written I wouldn't be surprised if it was "nuh uh! you can't use MAGIC to get rid of disabilities! that's ABLEIST! what about REPRESENTATION?" type deals

      • 10 months ago

        >liberal forces me to be crippled in the afterlife for diversity points
        Makes too much sense.

      • 10 months ago

        Crippled at birth=crippled in hell.

        • 10 months ago

          this is a massive L for unbaptized polio babies

    • 10 months ago

      I kind of would have liked more of this kind of thing in the pic than most of Blitzo's character. Moxxie having a moment to shine in a showdown with Striker and proving to be capable of surpassing him, not in fisticuffs, but in gunfighting. It would have been a neat flipping of positions that comes together in a tight way instead of just being a mess. That is why the fight with M&M and Striker was awesome but Blitzo's fricking subplot and pop music change was annoying as shit.

  51. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      You need to make a folder with the fat art.

  52. 10 months ago

    The pilot was better

  53. 10 months ago

    Interesting pilot, boring as frick series.

  54. 10 months ago

    Moxxie needs a shonen training arc episode where he has a breakthrough that his only limitation is himself and become super Moxxie. That's the only way i will like his character again after that last trainwreck of an episode, because he is just such an insecure, weak little b***h right now.

  55. 10 months ago

    I'm surprised that the show didn't take a massive piss church goers.

  56. 10 months ago

    I love Moxxie.

    • 10 months ago

      how about NOW???

      • 10 months ago

        Yup, still love him.

      • 10 months ago

        Meatball Moxxie better Moxxie. I want to see him and Millie roll down the hill like cheese.

      • 10 months ago

        Considering his size, those are C-cups at best.

      • 10 months ago

        Do you draw anything other than Helluva Boss? I've never seen an artist hyperfocus like this before.

        • 10 months ago

          i used to, but it was mostly friday night funkin stuff
          but ever since s2e3 was first teased it's been my main hyperfixation ever since

          • 10 months ago

            How did you get into fat Moxxie and BLIMP?

            • 10 months ago

              fat fetish, and moxxie is my fav HB character

              • 10 months ago

                You never stop to amaze me.

              • 10 months ago

                in what way

              • 10 months ago

                Fat Blitzo on the couch vs Stolas severed head.

              • 10 months ago

                i can be your angle....or yuor devil

              • 10 months ago

                At least you have enough creative depth to do a variety of things with the same characters.

              • 10 months ago

                its like playing with dolls but much more autistic

              • 10 months ago

                You know man, I just do gardening and talk to the plants.

              • 10 months ago

                Why not do the same to crimson?

              • 10 months ago

                i have, in the past

              • 10 months ago

                Gotta give you points. You've found your niche here and have stuck to it.

              • 10 months ago

                i have my interests

              • 10 months ago

                Do Crim with a fat ass.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >that ass
                please tell me you have a twitter or something with all your art

              • 10 months ago

                I love you , please dont get into trouble with twitter again.

              • 10 months ago

                i can try but no guarantees

              • 10 months ago

                this plastered the biggest shiteating grin across my face thank you

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Do you think Vito from the Sopranos has PEAD?

              • 10 months ago

                Who’s that? (The guy Stella’s holding).

              • 10 months ago

                Looks like Joker from P5

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                I honestly wish they just make Stella this kind of sick frick. I would buy she is coercing barely legal men into letting her ride their knobs or be subject to whatever depravity she is in the mood at the moment. But they just will not let her frick to show how she is a bad person but it is because she is "homophobic/racist is why."

              • 10 months ago

                Alright, so what if you just put the fat ONLY in the lower half of the bodies

              • 10 months ago

                Don’t ever stop being wacky.

          • 10 months ago

            I see. Good luck with that, then. You are really good at emulating the show's art style when you make drawings above sketches.

            • 10 months ago

              should be canon

            • 10 months ago

              This picture gives me dopamine...
              I can't stop looking at it

            • 10 months ago

              What's up with the pixelated shading?

              • 10 months ago

                skill issue?

          • 10 months ago

            ah, gonna try and shill your reformed groomer oc here now, fat frick?

  57. 10 months ago

    POST M&M

  58. 10 months ago

    >Loona is now voiced by Sallie May's voice actor
    Your honest reaction?

    • 10 months ago

      I wouldn't mind that.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      I wouldn't mind it at all. Although I think Georgina Leahy would work too.

  59. 10 months ago

    The animation and general voice-work is usually solid, but I guess the story as a whole feels a little all over the place.

    There are some episodes I'd go so far as to call fantastic, especially for an indie animation tackling big musical numbers, but some of the choices in focus and tone (especially in season 2) have confused me.

    Like revealing the tragic death of Moxxie's mother in the same scene they'd make a bunch of dildo jokes. Or finally giving Millie a focus episode, but making Moxxie an incompetent shit to do so. Or getting more into Stella's character, but inadvertently making Stolas and his previously established flaws and guilt less interesting by making her one-note and openly abusive to him. I haven't written off the show, but I hope they can bring some of the tone back around a bit to what season one was working with.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah they can't seem to elevate one character without knocking another down several pegs. they have no clue what they are doing.

  60. 10 months ago

    Season 1 is kinda good, at least better than most modern "adult" shows
    Season 2 is so fugin unbearable i can't describe how bad it is, mostly because of how bad Vivzie at employee management.

  61. 10 months ago

    i don't watch this show but that dog is built for big puppy wiener

  62. 10 months ago

    The last 2 episodes are so bad written its baffling.

  63. 10 months ago
  64. 10 months ago
  65. 10 months ago

    Episodes 2, 5, 6 and 7 of Season 1 are the only good episodes. The rest is crap. Waste of potential.

  66. 10 months ago

    chaz and stolas i.m.p outfits

  67. 10 months ago

    Friendly reminder that Loona has had zero (0) words since Seeing Stars.
    >Friendlier reminder that if not for S1E8, it would've been a whole 9 months since she last spoke a word.
    I'm gonna sound like a schizo for this but, I wouldn't put it past Viv to hold back the Beezlebub episode because of this lack of Loona dialog, using the legal shit as an excuse.

  68. 10 months ago

    Stolas ex wife is gonna end up fricking striker isn't she.

    • 10 months ago

      It would be funny, though I wouldn’t be surprised if they just killed her off since from the looks of it they won’t be doing anything interesting with her

  69. 10 months ago

    Who do you think is gonna die, andrealphus or stella? Either one dying feels like it’ll have its drawbacks. Andre dies and it’ll feel like, “oh this guy that just so happened to be Stella’s brother that we saw in one or two episodes wanted power and died” without there being any emotional attachment. If it’s Stella, Viv would basically have reduced Stolas’ main source of suffering to a black and white “crazy woman” that died without any sort of look into her relation to Octavia, and it’ll be another instance of Viv sidelining female characters to focus on the guys(in this case, andrealphus)

    • 10 months ago

      I brought it up in another thread since someone mentioned she had ice magic in the old instagram accounts- but since I heard that Stolas hadn't taught her any magic, her having ice magic would mean that Andrealphus had been teaching her, which if that was the case it would be somewhat interesting as it would have him "turning Octavia against Stolas" and might be a more interesting "reason" as to why Octavia would choose Stella over Stolas in the leaked finale.

    • 10 months ago

      I think it's going to be Andre, mainly because Viv still wants to shit on Stella more, but I hope there's atleast one scene where Andre says Via should have married already, and there's many suitors waiting for her, just so Stella gets angry at him but he simply doesn't care and downplays Steçça as just a "trading token" or a pretty face for their family.

      Also I really hate how the artists that can draw the best Stellas out there always draw her with Striker, and there's like, less than 50 images of her with humans, that's just adding salt to the wound

      • 10 months ago

        Well we all want to be Striker.

        • 10 months ago

          yeah but moxxie definitely has to do him in otherwise it will really feel unsatisfying. or at least, moxxie finally bests him in a 1 on 1 and then leaves him for stolas to get his revenge on him

          • 10 months ago

            I just want the bird lady to be happy and not be a dumb housewife.

            Striker marrying a royal in a low key ceremony and having a chick with her would make for an interesting story.

            • 10 months ago

              i wish they would show an episode of the beginnings of the marriage, and showing its downward spiral over time. it would ad so much more depth to stella and stolas

              • 10 months ago

                They retconned a lot of shit
                Initially it was clear that Stolas ruined their marriage.
                Just look at this picture, does it look like mama bird is a pure evil sadistic narcissist whithout a bit of sympathy for her husband?
                remember that Octavia blamed her dad ruining everything, not the mother, and said they they used to love each other.
                But now marriage is less than loveless from the get go, and there is zero nuance because can't have gays be in the wrong or enter morally grey areas, even if he's a hellish demon lord

              • 10 months ago

                >Stella also wasn't woried or angry about their status as Goetia. She was more mad that her husband was fricking imps. If she was a money grubbing b***h she'd be putting up a shit fit over how this would ruin their image among the other royals or some garbage.

              • 10 months ago

                If you want to feel happy, fan artists while Helluva Boss was absent did dozens of good stories with it.

                Stella as a good kid, but moulded into her current harpy shape.

                There was even a suggestion to play it for laughs. Stella is jaded but doesn't hate Stolas. She does hate Blitzo and screws with him a lot, to Stolas's great anger.

                "You promised me you would be on your best behaviour."

                There was one where Stolas feels remorseful, but since he is gay, he can't do anything about that, so he also hires Striker but to seduce Stella. That was one awkward situation.
                In it Blitzo and Striker both hate being seen as sex toys of the nobles, only for all 4 of them to realise that they have fallen in love with each other. The problem? Octavia is really upset over all this.

                That was a good story.

                I think the conflict is:
                This show can either play it for laughs, or be a fluffy drama. But not both.

                I think they also care more about showcasing designs like in CHERUBS, but started to make it part of the story. So crossdressing Moxxie is normal, a lot of bisexuals do it, with the approval of the partner, but it is often a private, bedroom thing.

                Getting them to go to a summer camp with teens... is... modern American Californian progressive who thinks that there should be no barrier to sexual adventures of any type. Only to realise that it is still illegal, and going to prison is a bad idea.

                Otherwise why would you get Moxxie and Millie to have sex in front of 14 to 16 year olds? And go on Twitter and claim that what Barbie wire was doing was ok because it was to an 18-19 year old, so it is legal.

                I think it is the clash between what they want versus what is legal. Modern society to be some kind of giant frickfest, with no boundaries or control.

            • 10 months ago

              >would make for an interesting story.
              No it would not, if you want her shipping to be interesting do it with her brother

              • 10 months ago

                I want shipping to be cute, not disturbing.

              • 10 months ago

                That's why I'm more of a Stella/Moxxie shipper.

              • 10 months ago

                Nah, what he and Millie has is nice and special. I wouldn't want to ruin that.

                They just need to present Millie as overwhelmed with all the problems she is faced with. Her job, weaker husband, Blitzo being difficult, Loona being difficult. She has a massive, savage anger issue that can scare Moxxie from time to time.

                Vivziepop just got scared by Progressive YouTubers being angry and demanding feminism. Because they saw a lack of Millie episode as Viziepop wanting to hurt women in real life.

                The problem is that there are people who are so obsessed with politics, that they inject it into everything. So a cute little story, where Millie gets forgottan as a character is seen as some great evil.

              • 10 months ago

                To me Stella/Moxxie feels like a relationship with potential to be very dignified (granted I do need to rewrite Stella to be less of a 1 dimensional b***h, still quite terrible, but in more conflicted way). A relationship where you can see musings about meaning of Theatre Play and each one's perspective on it. Where you can listen to talks about meaning of beauty or life. Where it is more about slow and meaningful exploration of each other which allows feelings to bloom.

                Not to mention potential for explorarion of Hell's higher society. Their culture, lives and history. Seeing a culture that shaped Stella into who she is through eyes of someone alien to it which allows it to be viewed from unique perspective of one of the few moral beings in Hell. All of this clashing with Moxxie's morality and more intellectual persona who can affect Stella in a way and help her become someone better while she could inspire Moxxie into becoming someone stronger, someone who can truly change something if only a little bit.

                Also Moxxie being someone on the weaker side physically, but stronger morally can also allow to view his journey as one where he has to avoid being killed by beings that could crush him without a thought and remain with his morality and mentality intact. Maybe view his own journey as he becomes someone different as well and needing Stella to help him not get lost in it.

                There is a lot of potential in this for a story with a lot of meaning and character exploration for both sides. That is why I ship it and how I choose to write it.

              • 10 months ago

                It's hell, it should be disturbing
                Besides, didn't we have plenty of "cute" stuff already?

              • 10 months ago

                They could have done the summer camp jokes in Hell? As in a summer camp in Hell for young imps. That would have worked.

                In Season 1 the human world responds quite logically. Police is called when things go wrong, who show up with firepower and there is an agency that tracks them. The demons are paranoid enough to wear disguises. IMP can even get a parking spot out of it.

                It makes sense. The Loo Loo land park being awful worked because it was in Hell.

                The original premise was good: office space based problems like parking spots or water cooler conversations, turned out to be a 1000% wacky.

                It was good.

            • 10 months ago

              >I just want the bird lady to be happy and not be a dumb housewife.
              I want Stella to not be an obvious plot device to push the "UWU baby man stolas" and to have some real depth.

              • 10 months ago

                I think it is bad writing to make another character the plot device, if they are a key part of the story.

                "Angry b***h wife", reminds me of what BB fans accused Skyler of when she was a full and great character.

                Where is the Sopranos anon? Same with Fat Tony's wife. Caramel was a well written but horrible person.

                I liked Stella as she had amazing possibilities as a character, and most of us would want to tame her and be in bed with her. That us why there are so many damn fan fictions about her.

                So there is the appeal. And Viziepop, if you are reading: Be happy that your show is so big even Cinemaphile knows about it and obsessed enough to post a thread when one gets archived!

                Remember, blind praise is what ruins an artist, adversity is what elevates them into greatness.

              • 10 months ago

                You watched too much porn anon. What I find hot is talking to my partner and getting to know them.

                The human connection. I want more talking scenes with Blitzo and Stolas, and those scenes to matter.

                So when Octavia goes: you are a red dickhead who ruined my life...

                Blitzo to complain at her that she had an easy childhood and how fricked up he grew up.

                They have a heart to heart, a bit of emotional crying.

                Aaaaaand in the next episode Blitzo is kinder to her and Stolas, often stopping himself from being a dick, finding it difficult. Only for Octavia to respond with a thankful smile.

                I might be rushing their bonding, but you have to have arcs, know them, and develop them. If the character has the tendency to fall back into old habits... take that into account as well, when writing the arc!


              • 10 months ago

                Is Viv inside the room with us?

              • 10 months ago

                Of course not, otherwise there’d be no space

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >"Angry b***h wife", reminds me of what BB fans accused Skyler of when she was a full and great character.
                Okay, what traits that Stella has besides hating stolas and being angry. None.
                Its obvious that she is meant to be hated to push the gay drama

              • 10 months ago

                I agree with you.
                Styler is well written. Stella is not.

              • 10 months ago

                Skyler at least has a proper character of her own that is not reduced to only being a b***h to her husband, unlike Stella

              • 10 months ago

                yeah and other than the fact that you are so invested in walter, she really is a far better person than him anyway. breaking bad is a "root for the bad guy" kind of show.

              • 10 months ago

                How was Walter a bad guy?

              • 10 months ago

                doing bad things with good intentions doesn't make you a good person. walter was producing a highly purified, highly addictive substance almost internationally by the last two seasons of the show, probably killing innumerable amounts of people with his drug. he continuously kept trying to one-up and best gus out of a delusional sense of responsibility for jessie, instead of just putting family first like he ought to have at the very least. he had a bunch of people killed brutally in prison by a gang just to keep himself safe from being snitched on, and would have just gone on like it was nothing and like he wasn't responsible directly for countless deaths and probably overdoses.

              • 10 months ago

                Meth. Blue. Lots of it. The guy burnt through a lot of people.

              • 10 months ago

                I agree with that. I was using good examples, and how in those cases the fans got it wrong. In Stella's case the fans are right that she is one dimensional.

      • 10 months ago

        And because Chaz died to prove " No character is safe" despite being a single one off character that nobody cares for.

        • 10 months ago

          >Chaz died to prove " No character is safe"

          • 10 months ago

            It's true, Viz won't kill off Stella because she's a prominent character. Chaz and Andre are basically plot devices with very little screen time.

        • 10 months ago

          Chaz was a god awful character and everyone should be glad he's dead. I don't understand how this moron got such a following for being a bargain bin Blitz.

  70. 10 months ago
  71. 10 months ago


    Better than anything being released by an American studio right now.

  72. 10 months ago

    Stella did nothing wrong.

  73. 10 months ago

    You know, it's hard to comprehend just how popular Loona is until you go on Deviantart and see the extremely random crossover art she gets. A lot of it is decently drawen too.

    • 10 months ago

      imagine having a tomboy goth wolfgirl that making furries go nuts, and after making her a frickin prop in a season 2. She doesn't even talk since seeing stars bruh

      • 10 months ago

        What makes her tomboy?

  74. 10 months ago

    How would you make a Helluva Boss episode?

    • 10 months ago

      More episodes about killing humans.

    • 10 months ago

      an anthology-esque video that goes more into the backstory of a client, and that story reflects and makes some effect on whatever story shit is happening with blitzo and/or M&M
      like murder family or unhappy campers but the clients story takes up more of the video and has more of an effect on the protagonists instead of just being a backdrop

      • 10 months ago

        an anthology-esque episode*

    • 10 months ago

      Gonna have to cut it in three parts because I can't fricking write shit

      Name of the episode: A fourth of luck

      >Possessed-Armor style Sinner hires IMP to kill a hero that made them fall to their death
      >because the guy was full clothed there is no hint of who he or she is, so they need to find clues with people that might know them
      >he is going to pay a lot so Blitz thinks it's a good job
      >Loona goes together but gets bored and less than a minute in goes to do her own thing
      >Blitz and M&M start to stalk and interrogate people that might know about the guy
      >kills them if they don't help, and if they help they still kill them because they can't let their secret out
      >all the while Loona is drinking something after seducing(threatning) a dumb guy out of his drink
      >she finds a "nerd" dude, that tries to hit on her, she just ignores him, and sometimes looks or grumbles depending on what he says
      >about halfway through the episode Loona and the guy meet again, and instead of a complicated flirt or pick-up line he is direct and to the point
      >"I'm sorry for still trying to hit on you, I just find you really cute, if you want, can we get something and talk?"
      >Loona thinks it's going to atleast be funny messing with him, or maybe even eating out of his pocket, so she accepts
      >for some time they just do their thing and she starts to actually have fun, even though she didn't want to care
      >some time later they are just eating some ice cream, and Loona notices something behind him and jumps to push him out of Blitzo's sniper shot
      >from the imps pov, it looks like Loona just kissed the guy, which makes M&M go "aww" and Blitzo to completely lose his shit
      >keeps trying to murder the guy, completely forgetting about the job
      >each time getting angrier because he can't see that Loona is just trying to save the guy
      >near the end Blitzo manages to get him far from Loona, and tries to kill him, but his bullet only scratches his arm

      • 10 months ago

        >the guy loses his shit, repeatedly asking them to leave
        >Blitzo doesn't care and just tries to finish the job
        >but before he can do something a bliding light comes from the sky
        >It literally sends all of them to the ground, even making Loona revert back to a hellhound
        >8 wings, a bunch of golden rings, and a thousand eyes
        >they managed to anger an actual angel this time
        >They start to prepare for their divine punishment, before the big angel just stops
        >"Please Grandma hear me! You can't kill them!"
        >"You wouldn't kill the family of your grandson's girlfriend right?"
        >everyone just freezes
        >Loona barely has time to blush, Blitzo slowly aims his gun again, and M&M jaws just hit the floor
        >But the biggest surprise is the big eldritch horror, crying
        >The big angel now looks like a contorting mess of rings and fire
        >and in another flash she is gone
        >everyone sighs in relief, before going back to their spots
        >Blitzo aiming at Matthew, M&M eating popcorn, Loona protecting Matthew, and the human behind Loona's big tail

        • 10 months ago

          >"Sweetie get away from this bastard so I can finish him up!"
          >"Wait sir! he just helped us escape from... 'that', maybe we should just let him go"
          >"yeah I did just help you gu—"
          >"shut up you girl molester!"
          >Matthew is just confused, while Loona tries to defuse the situation
          >"he just saved us from certain death, let's just let him go, we will never meet again anyway!"
          >Blitzo agrees, but not before threatning the guy again
          >"So, I guees that was a nice time heh? before...you know"
          >"your grandma tried to kill us?"
          >"Yeah...Well, I think we will never see each other again, right?"
          >He extends his hand for a shake, and Loona takes it with a smile, before noticing something staying in her hand after they part ways
          >Looking at it, it's a piece of paper, with a number on it
          >Loona and the imps go back to hell, and Blitz goes to his office to call the client
          >Loona gets back on her phone as usual, adding Matthew contact on her phone, before the confirms it she sees that he updated his photo to one where he took on their little 'date'
          >She edits his name to 'Nerd(heart emogi)
          >In a post credits scene Matthew is in a large table with his family, all of them look like monster hunters cosplayers
          >the wall is adorned with many things, from demons horns, a dragon head, even black feathered wings
          >"So son, heard you had something to put on the wall?"
          >"I almost forgot, is there a problem with a non-monster trophy?"
          >"No, your aunt put a spine there when she was your age"
          >Matthew stands, and places a helmet that looks exactly like IMP's client on a armor stand
          >"...Where's the rest?" one of his brothers asks
          >"If you want it so much, why don't you go and rob it from the police?"

          Please tell if it's shit, It's the second time I try to write something, and also point any mistakes so I can still commit them again in the future because I'm dumb

          • 10 months ago

            Are you the guy who wrote the nephilim guy, Eli(as), I think his name was?

            • 10 months ago

              No, the one I wrote was a very short one where Adam kills the first sinner that repents, it was shit

              • 10 months ago

                Ah, yours reminded me of that one, and that one wasn't bad, also the matter of IMP encountering a human descendant of heaven.

              • 10 months ago

                Send link?

          • 10 months ago

            >Nerdy killer from a lineage of celestial demon hunters "has a crush" on a hellhound
            Even with the smell of self insert, that's good stuff, good potential for more
            Tone down the 'eldritch protector', add some near misses and a fighting scene and we almost have a good episode right here

          • 10 months ago

            I don't understand the last bit, does the post credit imply he killed the client? How did the client go to the earth or did the "nerd" go to hell and killed him there?

    • 10 months ago

      better than the jackasses writing and storyboarding them now that's for sure

    • 10 months ago

      Are you the guy who wrote the nephilim guy, Eli(as), I think his name was?

      I wrote a semi-sequel to my Ezekial greentext.

      Episode Name: WeakDaze

      A few months after their encounter with Ezekial and IMP's not doing too well.
      Stolas and Blitz broke up
      Stolas, naturally, took the grimoire with him.
      Blitz has been trying to find a way to get reliable passage to the human world but no luck
      IMP tried pivoting their business to targets in Hell but hellborn assassins are a dime a dozen
      The episode opens with Moxxie and Millie looking at job postings
      Blitz is moping in his office.
      Loona is sleeping at her desk
      The office door bangs open, making everyone jump.
      Verosika walks in.
      "Wow. This place is more of a sty than usual."
      Blitz barges out of his office. M&M poke their heads from the conference room.
      "What do you want b***h? Can't you see we're busy?"
      "I heard you guys were broke and I hoping for a going out of business sale"
      "Sale? What are you talking about? Don't you have a street corner you should be standing on?"
      Verosika huffs "For fricks sake. I'm here to give you a job, moron."
      "Even if I wanted to take your dirty work I'm kinda stuck at the moment."
      "Yeah I heard your boy toy packed his shit and left." She smiles "But I can make it worth your while"
      She pulls out an Asmodean Crystal and dangles it above Blitz's head.
      "Completely unlocked Blitzy. Unlimited uses. No tracking"
      He's stunned. Blitz makes a swipe for it. "Unlocked? How did you get your paws on that?"
      She puts it back in her bag. "It wasn't easy. Or cheap. But I need this done more than I need to watch your little business collapse."
      Blitz laughs. "Holy shit, you must be fricking desperate."
      "Yeah. I am. So are you. In your office. Need to know only."

      • 10 months ago

        I forgot...to fricking...greentext god damn it

      • 10 months ago

        (whatever cont)
        >In Blitz's office, Verosika pulls out a manilla envelope and slaps it on Blitz's desk.
        >"Got five targets for you. They should all be in the same place tonight."
        >Blitz dumps the envelope. Several glossy photos, some magazines, and a few papers fall out.
        >Blitz starts leafing through the pictures. Verosika pulls out her flask.
        >"So...what am I looking at here. These five bimbos? What they do to you?"
        >"They're competition that I can't afford to have. They're a pop group called WeakDaze or WDZ for short."
        >Blitz pulls out a picture of the five of them giving peace signs at some award show.
        >"And what did these bawds do that pissed you off? Make better music than you? There's plenty of people who do that and you don't want them dead."
        >"I don't give a shit if they make better music. It's that they're targeting me."
        >Blitz raises an eyebrow.
        >"I release an album. They release theirs a day before me."
        >"I release a music video. They release theirs first."
        >"I have a show, they book a bigger venue in the same city on the same night. They're doing it on purpose."
        >"They came completely out of nowhere, they became super popular, they're taking fans from me...
        >Blitz: "Their breasts are bigger than yours."
        >"Their breasts are bigger than-" She shoots Blitz a dirty look.
        >He gives a cheeky smirk. She sighs.
        >"It's not that their breasts are bigger, it's that they show like no skin and they're singing about 'true love' and 'handholding' and shit like that."
        >"How the frick are they outselling me?"
        >Blitz strokes his chin. "Well that all sounds like...your problem."
        >"You better make it your problem too dicklips or I can find someone else and you can find yourself in the unemployment line."
        >Blitz groans. "Fine whatever. What am I walking into here?"

        • 10 months ago

          >Verosika pulls out five photos. She puts one down.
          >"This is Monday Night. An immature pink nightmare."
          >She had short blond hair and was indeed wearing a lot of pink. She was winking and sticking her tongue out.
          >"This..." Verosika handed a Blitz a picture of a stern young woman with black hair and glasses. "is Tuesday Moon, the group's resident bookworm."
          >Blitz looked at the pictures, not impressed. "What is with these names?"
          >"Days of the week, WeakDaze, get it?" She pulls out another picture.
          >"This is Wednesday Star, professional bull dyke."
          >Wednesday was tall and muscular with short red hair. She was flexing and grinning.
          >Something catches Blitz's eye.
          >"Is it me or are her teeth really sharp?"
          >Verosika continues. "Thursday Dawn, professional c**t. Make sure this one doesn't die quick."
          >Thursday had straight silver hair and a smirk that eerily resembled Verosika.
          >"Last and least is Friday Sun. This is their 'leader'. If you had to kill just one, make it her."
          >Friday looked a bit older than the rest and was more voluptous. She looked at the camera with a small knowing smile.
          >Blitz looks over the pictures again. "So they're hotter than you and make better music than you. I can see why you want them dead."
          >"They have a concert tonight in Las Vegas. I want you to kill them on stage."
          >"During a concert? That's way too public. The point is to not get caught Verosika."
          >"Then snipe them. I want it to be public. I want to record it and rewatch it."
          >"You are a petty b***h but fine. Mox! Get the rifle, we got work to do!"
          >Mox enters holding a sniper rifle.
          >He gives Verosika a wide berth.
          >Verosika tosses the crystal to Blitz.
          >"Let's get to work Mox."

          • 10 months ago

            >"Are you sure this is a good idea, Sir? Shouldn't we do it before or after the concert?"
            >"Verosika specifically wanted during."
            >They were posted in the rafters above the stage. Humans were packing into seats far below them.
            >"We got ammo right?"
            >"Only six shots sir. Ammo budget is a bit tight."
            >"Yeah, don't fricking remind me. You better not miss Mox. We only got room for one mistake here."
            >"It's in the bag Sir. Don't worry."
            >"With you Mox, I always worry."
            >They wait and watch the stage.
            >After thirty minutes or so, the lights cut out.
            >Smoke billows from the stage
            >All the humans start going apeshit.
            >Mox and Blitz see five figures step onto stage.
            >A cool monotone voice blasts from the speakers. "Are you ready Monday?"
            >"You betcha Tuesday!"
            >"Ready Wednesday?" The voice was near identical to Verosika's
            >"Damn straight Thursday!"
            >The four of them in unison "Ready Friday?"
            >"When you are girls."
            >"THEN LET'S DO IT!"
            >The stage lights erupt and a wall of sound follows.
            >Blitzo "My fricking ears."

            • 10 months ago

              You need to play Control and add the FBC to it.

            • 10 months ago

              >They watch for a while, waiting for an opening.
              >Blitz has to admit they're pretty good.
              >Their synchronization, stage presence, dancing and music vastly outstrips Verosika's
              >The security is barely keeping the surging mass of fans from rushing the stage.
              >He can see why Verosika wants them dead.
              >Still, a job is a job.
              >Blitz nudges Mox who nods and affixes a silencer.
              >He gets into position.
              >He aims for Friday, who's at the center.
              >He waits for her to stay in one spot.
              >He pulls the trigger
              >She spins to the right, not missing a beat.
              >The bullet imbeds itself into the stage.
              >Mox: "Shit
              >Blitz hisses in Mox's ear "Are you fricking serious Mox? She was just standing there."
              >"I'm sorry Sir. She moved."
              >"We got five shots left Mox, don't waste them."
              >Moxxie aims again, this time at Tuesday. Her dancing is more reserved than the others.
              >He fires.
              >Tuesday dances forward, the bullet narrowly missing her neck.
              >"Holy. Shit. Mox. Now we're down to four."
              >"That was dead on Sir. She moved at the last second.
              >"Give me that." Blitz wrests the rifle from Moxxie. "You're cut off."

              • 10 months ago

                >Blitz aims at Thursday. Fires.
                >She pirouettes away.
                >He fires at Monday.
                >She bends forward.
                >Blitz is livid. He fires at Friday.
                >She moves her head slightly, still singing.
                >"What...the frick."
                >"I told you Sir. They keep moving."
                >Blitz looks at the dancing women and aims at Wednesday, the biggest target.
                >He fires.
                >Wednesday isn't moving. The bullet is dead on for her head.
                >Time seems to slow down. Blitz can actually see the bullet heading toward her.
                >It's inches away.
                >Wednesday quickly jerks her head and the bullet disappears.
                >Blitz and Mox can't comprehend what they just saw.
                >Blitz "Where'd it go?"
                >He looks through the scope. His eyes widen
                >Wednesday has it between her sharp teeth like a cigar.
                >"No fricking way."
                >The song hits its last note and they do a final spin and ends the song looking up at the sky.
                >All five of them are staring directly at Moxxie and Blitz.
                >They're smiling.
                >Wednesday crushes the bullet between her teeth.
                >Blitz picks up Moxxie and bolts.
                >He fumbles with the crystal, nearly dropping it
                >He manages to get the portal open and jumps through.
                >He closes it and stacks bookshelves against where the portal was.
                >They're both hyperventlating.
                >Loona, Verosika, and Millie turn and look at the scared shitless imps.
                >Verosika "So did you get them?"

              • 10 months ago

                >"The frick do you mean 'you bailed'?"
                >"I packed my shit and Moxxie and got the frick out of there."
                >"So you pussied out? Ran away from five human girls in leather pants?"
                >"I'm not sure if the concept of one of those 'humans girls' breaking a bullet in between her teeth like a peppermint has sunk into your thick b***h skull yet."
                >Verosika stands up "You're so full of shit. You missed all your shots and scurried back here with some bullshit story."
                >Moxxie pipes up "They dodged our shots. They knew we were up there. They looked right at us!"
                >Verosika bends over Moxxie. "Ooh I'm sure they did little man. Was that big ol gun too heavy for you? Is that why you missed?"
                >Millie gets between them. "Back off bawd. Mah husband's the best shot I know."
                >"I'm sure. Tell you what Blitz, I'm feeling generous today. I'm going to give you another chance."
                >"No way sister. After the last job we had, I'm avoiding weird shit like this."
                >"Well I guess I'll just be taking back that crystal then."
                >"Ha! Good luck with that. No refunds, b***h."
                >"Oh I think there is." She dangles the crystal in his face. "Nicked it when you were having a panic attack over those scaary humans."
                >"Give it back!"
                >"Nope." She pockets it. "Only one way to get it back Blitzo."
                >Blitz fumes. He grits his teeth and mumbles. "Fine, b***h, we'll try again but we're going to need backup. Mills. Loony."
                >Millie "You got it Blitz!"
                >Loona sighs. "Whatever."
                >Verosika: "I'm going too. Make sure you don't wiener it up. Actually, while we're at it."
                >She walks to the the door and whistles. "Hey Tex! Need you!"
                >Tex walks in. "Sup Loona."
                >Loona: "Y-you too."
                >Blitz: "Alright, the concert is probably over by now, so we'll sneak into their dressing rooms and catch them by surprise."
                >Moxxie: "Do you even know where their dressing rooms are Sir?"
                >"Moxxie don't ask stupid questions."
                >Moxxie sighs. Millie pats his shoulder.
                >Blitz: "Alright, round two b***hes. Let's frick them up!"

              • 10 months ago

                >They step out of the portal into an empty stadium.
                >The stage lights were on.
                >Moxxie: "They clean up quick."
                >Blitz looks around, nervous. "Yeah. Real quick."
                >Verosika struts ahead of them. "Let's get this over with, pussies. I got shit to do later."
                >Blitz rolls his eyes. "Oh excuse me your grace. I didn't realize the queen of c**ts had more important places to be."
                >"Any place that doesn't have you there is a more important place to be."
                >Millie pipes up "Can we keep it down? They might hear-"
                >The stage lights go out, leaving them in total darkness.
                >They huddle closer, weapons brandished.
                >The stage lights come back on, revealing five silhouettes.
                >Blitz mutters "Oh shit.
                >Friday speaks first. "Look girls, we've got guests."
                >Thursday: "Concert ended an hour ago, Verosika. Shame you missed it. Might've learned something."
                >Tuesday opens her mouth to speak.
                >Monday squeals. "Look! Look at the little red one! He's wearing a little bowtie! He's so CUTE!"
                >Moxxie squirms, blushing at the attention.
                >Millie puts her hands on her hips and scowls.
                >Tuesday turns to Monday. "You can't keep him.
                >"Yes I can. I call dibs."
                >Friday: "Girls, let's focus-"
                >Wednesday points at Tex. "Hey if she gets to call dibs on the little one, I want that big wolf guy."
                >Friday: "You can't-
                >Thursday: "I call dibs on Verosika."
                >Wednesday whips toward her. "Hey! You can't fricking call dibs on Verosika. We agreed to share her."
                >"Well, that was before we started calling dibs."
                >Friday sighs and rubs her temples while the rest of them argue.
                >The demons shift, uncomfortable. Loona pulls out her phone.
                >Friday snaps. "GIRLS!"
                >They all snap to.

              • 10 months ago

                >Friday looks back toward Verosika. "I must say, I'm disappointed in you."
                >Tuesday: "We all are."
                >Thursday: "You inspired everything."
                >Wednesday: "Our whole thing was because of you"
                >Monday: "We saw what you were doing and said 'Hey! We can do that WAAAY better than she can'.
                >Thursday: "And look better doing it too."
                >Verosika rolls her eyes and puts a hand on her hip. "Am I supposed to be flattered? Five tarts in tight pants copying me?"
                >Friday shrugs. "It's just the way the world works. Someone comes up with a good idea."
                >Wednesday crosses her arms, grinning. "You get imitators who make improvements."
                >Thursday smirks. "Vast improvements"
                >Tuesday adjusts her glasses. "And the obsolete model gets relegated to the history books."
                >Monday stretches. "Sorry Verosika."
                >Verosika steps toward the stage. "Well, if you're all such big fans why are you disappointed?"
                >Friday tilts her head slightly. "The instant you started going the way of the dodo, you stooped to the lowest level you could."
                >Wednesday chuckles "You hired some washed up circus clown and manlet gangster to try and snuff us out? Come on..."
                >Moxxie and Blitz look at each other, eyes wide.
                >Blitz yells toward the stage "How the frick do you know about that?"
                >Thursday: "I guess failures tend to stick together, huh Verosika?"
                >Verosika crosses her arms, defiant. The rest of the demons are now very uncomfortable.
                >Friday: "Here's what we're going to do. This is the best deal you're going to get."
                >"Turn around. Go back through that portal and forget all about show business. Announce your retirement."
                >Verosika laughs. "Yeah right. My friends here are going to peel you thots apart and I'm going to enjoy watching. Right guys?"
                >She turns around and sees the other demons looking nervous.

              • 10 months ago

                >Vortex speaks up. "Maybe we should back off this one Verosika. They're starting to weird me out."
                >Thursday: "Listen to your big friend Verosika. He actually has sense."
                >Verosika whips around. "Take your deal and shove it. I'm going to slay you b***hes, even if I have to do it myself."
                >Friday: "Final answer?"
                >"Final. Fricking. Answer."
                >Blitz points at Verosika. "Just for the record, she doesn't speak for all of us. We'll take your deal."
                >Monday: "Ooh, sorry Blitzy. I'm afraid that deal just expired."
                >Tuesday: "We've drafted a new one for you."
                >Wednesday: "Once in a lifetime opportunity."
                >Thursday: "Some would kill for."
                >Friday: "A special private show, just for you! To show our appreciation."
                >Verosika laughs, not sounding as sure of herself this time. "What are you bawds going to do? Dance us to death?"
                >A small smile creeps up Friday's face. "Yeah...that's a good way of putting it."
                >Monday giggles "You guys are sooo screwed."
                >The spotlight over her goes out.
                >Tuesday takes her glasses off. "You've made a very unwise choice but I suppose that's par for the course."
                >The spotlight over her goes out.
                >Wednesday cracks her neck. "You know, I was hoping you were dumb enough not to take the deal. Thanks."
                >The spotlight over her goes out.
                >Thursday starts giggling. She looks at Verosika and laughs harder.
                >The spotlight over her goes out.
                >Friday stands in the center of the stage, illuminated by a lone spotlight.
                >"You know, in spite of everything, I was hoping we could become friends. This breaks my heart Verosika."
                >The last spotlight goes out, leaving everyone in darkness.

              • 10 months ago

                >Blitz squints at the stage, trying to see them.
                >He barely makes them out.
                >They look like they're putting something on.
                >They stop and take their positions again.
                >Their silouhettes look different but familiar in a way that makes Blitz's skin crawl.
                >He can't place it.
                >The demons huddle together, weapons in hand, eyes glued to the stage.
                >The speakers kick on, making them jump.
                >A cool monotone speaks up. "Are you ready Monday?"
                >"You betcha Tuesday." Monday's voice has lost the playful energy.
                >"Ready Wednesday?" Thursday's voice drips with venom.
                >"Damn straight Thursday!" Wednesday snarls.
                >They all speak in an almost trancelike monotone. "Are you ready, Friday?"
                >Friday's voice was soft, barely above a whisper.
                >"When you are girls."
                >Small lights begin to flicker on their faces. Blitz squints trying to see what's happening
                >Five small lights shine from the stage. Blitz eyes go wide as he recognizes why they looked so familiar.
                >Millie gasps and puts a hand over her mouth.
                >Loona whispers, her voice shaking "Oh shit."
                >They see the LED faces of five Exorcists leering down at them from the stage.
                >"Then let's do it."

              • 10 months ago

                >The stage lights flash on, blinding them.
                >Blitz turns to Verosika to say 'Just for the record, I fricking hate you'.
                >He turns and gets "Just for-
                >Verosika is gone.
                >He keeps turning.
                >Verosika is ten feet in the air, Wednesday's fist embedded in her sternum.
                >Blitz blinks
                >Thursday is kneeing Verosika, sending her higher.
                >He blinks again
                >Tuesday is spiking her into the ground.
                >Verosika lands, making a small crater.
                >She's trying to gasp for air.
                >He blinks again.
                >All five of them have surrounded the demons.
                >Friday stands, tapping her chin in mock thought. "Demons are so...so...oh girls help me out, what's the word I'm thinking of?
                >Tuesday punches Blitz in the face, sending him flying "So bitter?"
                >Wednesday suplexes Vortex "So weak?"
                >Thursday kicks Verosika in the back, launching her from the crater. "So last year?"
                >Monday squeezes the shit out of Moxxie. "SO CUTE?"
                >Fridays snaps her finger, "That's it! Fragile was the word." She grabs Millie by the leg and slams her into the ground.
                >"They're so fragile."

              • 10 months ago

                >It's a bloodbath
                >The demons are hopelessly outgunned.
                >The Exorcists are too fast and strong.
                >Vortex and Loona team up against Wednesday who laughs and punches them into the stands, sending seats flying.
                >Blitz tries to shoot Friday, who snatches the revolver from him and folds it in half.
                >She grabs his hand and gently gives it back to him before kicking him in the side.
                >Blitz feels all of ribs break.
                >Thursday has made it her mission to break every single one of Verosika's bones.
                >Millie is out cold, both horns broken off and her legs are snapped and twisted.
                >All of Moxxie's ribs are broken from Monday bear hugging him.
                >He has embraced his opossum heritage and is currently playing dead.
                >The larger predator, convinced that he is dead, moves on to other prey.
                >Tuesday takes a reading break.
                >After ten agonizing minutes, the demons are in a bloody broken pile.
                >The five Exorcists look down at their handiwork.
                >Loona is crying and coughing up blood. Blitz takes her hand.
                >Moxxie curls up with Millie and holds her tightly.
                >Vortex tries his best to shield the mangled Verosika from further harm.
                >Friday speaks. "We want to thank ALL of you for showing up tonight. You've been great.
                >They all summon spears and approach the demons.
                >"There will be no encore."
                >Blitz squeezes Loona's hand.
                >She squeezes back.
                >They all close their eyes and brace themselves.

              • 10 months ago

                i'm gonna guess that stolas is gonna appear

              • 10 months ago

                >Monday yelps and they all turn, hiding the spears behind them.
                >Blitz hears the clicking of high heels approaching. He ventures an eye open.
                >A woman in a suit approaches the five Exorcists. She has red curly hair and fierce eyes.
                >She looked middle age and was more curvaceous than the other five.
                >Friday stammers. "H-hello Mother. We were just...uh"
                >"Skipping practice? Playing with these demons? Making an ABSOLUTE MESS OF THIS PLACE?
                >"We were..."
                >"Weren't thinking. We have another concert tomorrow night. Or did you forget that?"
                >"No mother." They said in unison.
                >The woman begins lecturing. The broken demons look at each other and sensing an opportunity, pick themselves up and hobble away.
                >Tex carries Verosika, who's unconscious and dripping all over his fur.
                >Blitz manages to pull out the crystal with his one functioning hand.
                >He opens a portal.
                >"And where do you think you're going?"
                >They all turn slowly. The stern woman stood behind them, arms crossed.
                >Moxxie manages to spit out "hosspitl"
                >"You're not going anywhere."
                >She snaps her finger and the portal shatters.
                >"No one is leaving until this entire place is fixed up for tomorrow."
                >She summons a bunch of brooms and mops and power tools.
                >Vortex speaks up. "Ma'am, my friend here...she's going to die without medical attention."
                >The woman rolls her eyes and snaps again.
                >All of Verosika's wounds seal up and her bones knit.
                >Thursday "Aw man."
                >"Now get to work."

              • 10 months ago

                >Cut to everyone sweeping.
                >Vortex and Loona are laboriously putting the seats back together with Wednesday.
                >Monday helps M&M sweep.
                >Friday and Blitz are scrubbing blood off the floor.
                >Thursday kicks a can over to where Verosika is sweeping.
                >"Missed a spot Verosika!"
                >Verosika seeths.
                >Tuesday straightens all the guardrails that were bent from demon bodies colliding with them.
                >They finish at dawn.
                >The stand while the woman inspects their work.
                >"Hmm, acceptable."
                >She walks over to the girls. "You girls are grounded."
                >"To bed, all of you. We'll be having a LONG talk about this later."
                >She walks to Verosika.
                >"You, young lady, should be ashamed. I hope you've learned your lesson."
                >Verosika mutters "Yes ma'am"
                >The woman smiles at them. "Well, I'm sure you've all learned your lesson. Here, just to show it's not all doom and gloom."
                >She snaps her finger again and all the demons are now dripped out in WDZ merch.
                >Shirts, hats, thermoses, cups, necklaces, etc.
                >"Well, don't you demons look just splendid. Something to remember us by."
                >"Now get out." She waves her hand and suddenly they're in the IMP office.
                >They stand their for a second, processing.
                >Verosika makes a move to grab the Asmodean Crystal
                >Blitz pulls the shattered remains of his knife. "I will cut you b***h. This is payment for the shit we just went through."
                >Verosika doesn't fight it just turns and leaves.
                >Blitz turns and looks at the rest of the broken demons.
                >"We are never and I do mean never, fighting angels again."
                >Everyone "Agreed."
                >"All right into the van. We're going to the hospital."

                Done. That took me way longer than I was expecting.

              • 10 months ago

                And the screencap.

                So I now I must ask the question, why? Why did I spend a collective five hours writing greentext fanfiction on Cinemaphile about a show I hate?

              • 10 months ago

                If you truly hated it, you wouldn't be writing fanfiction about it. You like it, and still see promise in it but hate what it's become. Happened to me with this and Zelda. Shit I outright hate like that 2013 Godzilla movie I don't even think about beyond the occassional "oh yeah, that kindof sucked lol"

              • 10 months ago

                Because you believe you can do it better.

  75. 10 months ago

    I've yet to watch any episode. I really should but I think the hell dog and bird girl are hot.

    • 10 months ago

      Stick to the porn. Loona's in-universe characterization is shit. Olivia's cute, but barely shows up.

      • 10 months ago

        Loona's characterization was finally good in the season 1 finale, but for some reason they decided to make her take a backseat to Blitzo. Again.

        • 10 months ago

          Season 2 ruined almoust everything good this show built, its kinda sad

  76. 10 months ago
  77. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago


  78. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      whats with stritzo (striker x blitzo) fans and being ESLs

  79. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Why do some artists draw him with just two arms? Is it just too hard to add his common physical feature?

  80. 10 months ago
  81. 10 months ago

    Make a proper Hazbin Halloween episode special?

  82. 10 months ago

    uncle ozzie!

  83. 10 months ago

    wonder if via will turn 18 during the course of the show

  84. 10 months ago

    Annoying lgbtq victim self-ass-patting of their trauma with sex and violence in hell. At least the end point is accurate for their environment that they're in.
    >Maybe hell is the real heaven and heaven is the real hell all along twist

  85. 10 months ago

    How do you think each helluva character would react to these threads?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Blitzo would piss his pants and cry if he knew how much we despise him and prefer everyone else.

    • 10 months ago

      >How do you think each helluva character would react to these threads?

      Well, since most of them lately are underaged b***hes making false accusations of the creators just for the lulz, pretty much this.

      • 10 months ago

        Hi Viv

      • 10 months ago

        Takes a look at Vivziepop's twitter account.

        Who is underage again?

        The whole of California is underage. No wonder the adults went out for some cigarettes and left for Texas.

    • 10 months ago

      Horrified and shocked at the level of depravity that can come from humans.

      Also Blitzo would probably try defending Barbie in the threads from the groomer accusations.

      • 10 months ago

        Some anon who is obsessed with the show should try to do it.

        >I think what Barbie did was wrong. She groomed an 18-19 year old to get drugs for her.
        >The excuse that it is over 18 is pretty nasty. Considering that women in their 30s, should know better!
        >All the dumb excuses to be an butthole, just like his brother
        >Does Hell even have a school system?

  86. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >What appears to be casual time in their house
      >Stella is fully dressed
      >Stolas is in a bathrobe/nightwear
      We've never actually seen Stella outside of her usually outfit, have we?

      • 10 months ago

        Nope, and I'm fairly confident that's on purpose.

  87. 10 months ago

    Could I have some ideas for a simple pic of Collin

    • 10 months ago

      Collin body pillow

      • 10 months ago

        Here you go

        • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          I'm not sure if those are just buttons on his pants, or if he has no pants and he has nipples on his crotch.

          • 10 months ago

            His design's kind of funny that way

    • 10 months ago

      Collin shooting and killing the IMP

  88. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Is he about to cry?

      Lets be honest here, while Viziepop did screw up, she created enough content for us to have fun with, and artists to have fun with.

  89. 10 months ago

    Folk are planning to put Stolas on the r/place reddit drawing.

    That is the funny thing, people like the Pilot and Season 1. It connects with them. They like the character designs and the original relationship between the characters. It is a pity that Season 2 doesn't build on that but demolishes it.

    Hey fat artist! Have you considered making a drawing of Blitzo demolishing a cake while fat?

    It would be funny if Viziepop got the idea for the Season 1 story from an actual Occult summoning, and the actual Stolas has some relationship with an imp, which causes other demons to laugh at him.
    And there are actual murder gremlins the dead can hire to go and kill people.

  90. 10 months ago

    Interesting premise, fun pilot, shit series. But then "Feel for the sad gay woobies" is not my thing. I guess tumblr might be into it but it's pretty much guaranteed I won't even bother watching Hazbin if that ever happens.

  91. 10 months ago

    The first season is fine, but I have not seen the Finale.
    Hopefully waiting the second season to finish and give the role. Is perfect when you are bored and want to turn your brain off for an hour or two. reading about second season makes me cringe. even more seeing all the gaystapo hamfisted plots. Why Gay people needs to feel so special, just make them see more "special"(morons). At this point I am giving up my entertainment and dedicate my life to science.

    • 10 months ago

      The first one of the Brave Little Toaster, despite being for kids, was good. They somehow managed to touch on mortality with the car song.

      They took some random items from the 1950-60s and made them into empathetic characters.

  92. 10 months ago

    what should i draw with fat blitzo next

    • 10 months ago

      Have Loona roll him.

      • 10 months ago

        people really want me to draw b.l.i.m.p being rolled like spheres lol

        • 10 months ago

          That idea was my own. While don't care for fat males, I think that it would be funny.

          • 10 months ago

            >That idea was my own.
            i know, but a lot of people have requested it, independent of one another. which i find kinda funny

            • 10 months ago

              It's only logical.

        • 10 months ago

          Like a wheel of cheese, anon! Like a wheel of cheese.

    • 10 months ago

      Punch him in the belly so he jiggles like a waterbed

    • 10 months ago

      here's him going to stolas for help

      • 10 months ago

        Keep going anon

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            You have a gallery with your art or something? The pieces you've worked on in this thread is great.

            • 10 months ago

              i have a twitter, keno9988, but other than that i havent really put together an actual gallery

    • 10 months ago

      Have Verosika make fun of him and then she gets the fat disease next.

    • 10 months ago

      Making the elevator to their office plummet.

      • 10 months ago

        Second that. But M&M, Loona and Blitzo being fat.

  93. 10 months ago

    Someone really needs to sit down and do an analysis of just how hard season 2 shit the bed. The wheels were coming off the bus by the end of S1 but every episode now has just been awful and has been making the whole show worse in some way. The worldbuilding is fricked, the universe revolves around Stolitz and characters are being assassinated left and right.

    • 10 months ago

      >universe revolves around Stolitz
      They completely ruined it's dynamic and erased all development so even the thing that was prioritized over everything is now dead

    • 10 months ago

      There are some videos here and there talking about it, or you want a definitive version?

      • 10 months ago

        I assume he's wanting the definitive extended version that's like 2 hours long.

  94. 10 months ago

    What about an episode where they get employed by the I.R.A.?

  95. 10 months ago

    So hell is California and heaven is californian gated communities?

    • 10 months ago

      Shame, i though heaven will be similar to spanish fascists while watching HH pilot

  96. 10 months ago

    Be a lot better if Viv would ditch Adam Neyland and take her own damn show back and stop with the gay soap opera bullshit. I'm here to be amused not look at a depressed gay owl be abused by a bunch of trannies and imps.

  97. 10 months ago
    Hellhound Horndog

    He should've hooked up with hellboy69.

    • 10 months ago

      what breed of dog is tex

    • 10 months ago


  98. 10 months ago

    fat Vortex's big bazongos vs. fat Loona's
    board bits

    • 10 months ago

      what did he mean by this

      • 10 months ago

        i mean what i mean

  99. 10 months ago

    horrible, horrible writing, animation isn't bad. character designs are, except for millie and loona. speaking of loona, she's clearly the only reason why anyone who isn't a 14 year old tumblrite watches this show, which is a shame given her infrequent appearances for...one reason or another. i respect vivz as an animator, but that's it.

    • 10 months ago

      Only Loona is not enough to make me watch, now Loona, Stella and Octavia? it's enough to make me endure the shitshow

  100. 10 months ago
  101. 10 months ago

    >Stella talks about how she “had to do all the work” in bed
    >we don’t get a fully animated scene where stella forces stolas to impregnate her
    Hmm I dunno vivzie, seems like a missed opportunity. It would TOTALLY make stolas more sympathetic…

    • 10 months ago

      >No full scene of Stella reverse mating pressing Stolas
      Of all the things she did to try to make Stolas look more innocent, this one would have totally worked ha ha...

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >stolas injected with 10 pounds of viagra
        >tied to the bed with magic shackles
        >eye blinds, mouth muzzle, ear plugs in. nose plugged
        >vibrator ring on dick

        • 10 months ago

          You watched too much porn anon. What I find hot is talking to my partner and getting to know them.

          The human connection. I want more talking scenes with Blitzo and Stolas, and those scenes to matter.

          So when Octavia goes: you are a red dickhead who ruined my life...

          Blitzo to complain at her that she had an easy childhood and how fricked up he grew up.

          They have a heart to heart, a bit of emotional crying.

          Aaaaaand in the next episode Blitzo is kinder to her and Stolas, often stopping himself from being a dick, finding it difficult. Only for Octavia to respond with a thankful smile.

          I might be rushing their bonding, but you have to have arcs, know them, and develop them. If the character has the tendency to fall back into old habits... take that into account as well, when writing the arc!

      • 10 months ago

        This coomer meme is not funny. KYS

        • 10 months ago

          I don't like it either, but it's perfect for this one situation.

  102. 10 months ago

    It's pretty bad but i like it

  103. 10 months ago

    We are only watching this shit for two reasons. One, we wanted Hazbin hotel but we got this.. Two, Luna keeps alot us watching. The story and show itself is shit.

    • 10 months ago

      For me I’m watching because I was hooked by the pilot and now I just want to see how shitty and confused this show can get now. Watching them frick up Octavia in the finale is going to be a train crash in motion, probably the second best after the upcoming Millie Suicide attempt episode.

    • 10 months ago

      Quad quads of truth

  104. 10 months ago

    Alright premise made moronic by drama and fujo shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Which are the same thing

      For me I’m watching because I was hooked by the pilot and now I just want to see how shitty and confused this show can get now. Watching them frick up Octavia in the finale is going to be a train crash in motion, probably the second best after the upcoming Millie Suicide attempt episode.

      >Millie suicide attempt
      I was expecting to be Blitzo attempt

      • 10 months ago

        True enough, only sometimes the drama isn’t just two dudes.

      • 10 months ago

        Based on the leaks by an artist who messed up by not having a password for material not yet published.

        The ghost suicide is a good idea, but with more character development beforehand.

        Stolas and Octavia is great, especially with the fading star at the end. Blitzo coat scene is a nice touch, hopefully they will be romantic partners after that.

        Octavia sings is fine, I loved the happy pictures with Stella and Stolas, AGAIN if she wouldn't have been shown to be Lady b***h. The pictures show a fading marriage that was intact and got broken. Not just by Stolas being bad but him being gay, and healthy sex being part of a normal and blossoming relationship.

        So it was bound to break.
        But I have a feeling that Octavia sings is not the last scene... which it should have been.
        Her ominously picking up the pill bottles of Stolas ready to be a drug addict too, that would be nice and subtle.

        Leaks are not bad for a show unless they show the work to be bad.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, it'll be blitzo. And only the power of Love(Homosex with the owl) will allow stoles to pull him to safety

  105. 10 months ago

    Still don't know how they got actors like Norman Reedus and Richard Horvitz on board for this shit show. It's objectively bad.

    • 10 months ago

      I think the one who originally proposed the idea of Helluva to Horvitz was Kellen Goff. Probably sold the idea to him.

  106. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      What about Verosika catching PEAD from Blimpso and becoming an opera singer?

      • 10 months ago


  107. 10 months ago

    Gotten stale to me. I found it funny at first, engaging even as I was looking forward to each new episode, but the more you watch the more "recycled" it all feels, limp... Like Blitzo saying frick and shit haha laugh dude it's so funny, or Moxxie getting emasculated for the upteenth time, or Millie having zero personality other than treating Moxxie like a child... It all just ain't doing it for me anymore. Striker also has been killed off character wise, in his first appearance he was confident and menacing, but now he's emotional and your run of the mill inept saturday morning cartoon villain. I dunno man.
    It all feels half assed, the passion ain't there anymore, it's all being done just to sustain the creators, that's it. Now don't get me wrong man's gotta eat and all that, but eh, I stopped finding this content engaging and I suspect that's because the creators themselves are not engaged anymore by what they're making. You can tell when that happens, and I got a pretty strong feeling that may just be the case

  108. 10 months ago

    >Verosika hellhound
    >Loona is Blitzo's biological daughter

  109. 10 months ago

    Fun sometimes, overrated AF.

  110. 10 months ago

    Where is my fat Blitzo?

    • 10 months ago

      Stuck in the door

  111. 10 months ago

    What's the chances of Vivze getting cancelled?

    • 10 months ago

      Impossible. You can show a video of Vivziepop punching a child and smoking up a crack pipe while spouting she hates black people and Floyd deserved it. Her fanbase would immediately come in with the "you are misrepresenting what she said", "bad faith" or some other fricking buzzword debate shit twitter loves to toss around.

      Can't cancel her. Even so, she will probably end up black listing herself. Robespierre loved to be the head of the revolution in France, then France took his head too. Vivziepop will not learn from the history of her little animators friend circle.

      • 10 months ago

        What would be the thing that would get her black listed?

        • 10 months ago

          The way her little "inner circle" of lead animators sounds with being catty and shit talking other cartoons? I am pretty sure Vivzie will catch wind of her own shit not smelling like roses from one, she'll try to drop them and then get hit hard by their brand of cattiness. Maybe even drop some more discord shit.

      • 10 months ago

        Is there precedent for anything else having such a rabid fanbase of Twitter users that they go on the defensive at the slightest complaint about the show's writing, humor, or the person who makes it?

        • 10 months ago

          Protected status. They usually hivemind when the person they are hive minding around has some sort of classification that makes them special.
          Fat woman. Black woman. Trans. Insert gender nonsense here. Look at the troony who makes those Assigned Male comics. The second he got outted for saving pictures of actual children to trace over for his diaper fetish commissions and then openly mocked people calling him out....that was not a deal breaker for many of the non-trannies who follow him. If was just a guy though? No special or fancy titles or additionals, even if you tossed a blue and yellow flag with BLM stuff he'd still clowned hard by every side.

    • 10 months ago

      The suicide episode is make it or break it consdering she got away with saying "moron" in the pilot, had Stolas's instagram "account" tell his followers to go frick themselves, and had the implication of Barb being a pedo when she said she liked "teenage boys" and got away with it. If Viv can do a shitty plot about suicide without getting cancelled, she can get away with anything. She's basically like Sam Hyde by this point, that man could go and actually kill somebody on CCTV and with all of the pranks about him sent to the FBI and CIA they'd believe it to be an elaborate /misc/ shitpost

      • 10 months ago

        It'll definitely divide their fanbase because there will be those few who twitterina sensitives who will whine and complain about how they are using a serious topic like t.w. / c.w. "suicide" to push the plot along. Then there is the Moxxie simps who will defend that Moxxie saying "he loves her" and that is the only reason she shouldn't kill herself makes logical sense. Not that killing herself would mean she leaves a hole in her families (ya know those people in that one episode we barely got to know) hearts, or her friends....uh Loona and Blitzo?

        Vivziepop really doesn't understand how much she has fricked that character to go and use her as a cheap, emotional hostage for the audience.

        • 10 months ago

          >friends....uh Loona and Blitzo
          What since when?

          • 10 months ago

            Loona you got me on. Blitzo though seems to be friendly with her beyond just the wanting a three way (though that could just be he wants his best worker to be primed at all times).

            Point being is these are the only people we know of that she has really interacted with and it's barely on a deeper level than "co-workers".

        • 10 months ago

          Millie is so genuinely useless it's insane. Even the most recent episode which was supposed to be about Millie was only Millie doing shit for Moxxie's approval. Moxxie's dumb disguise plan was for his own ideal on how to do the job "the right way". She has absolutely NO agency beyond Moxxie. I can't remember her ever doing anything strictly for HERSELF.

          • 10 months ago

            >I can't remember her ever doing anything strictly for HERSELF.
            itd never happen but itd be cool if they turned that into a plot point for millie

            • 10 months ago

              >Millie realizes she does everything for Moxxie and he offers no support in return
              >Divorces him
              >Millie gets written out of the show when she leaves to go "find herself"
              There's no winning for Millie here, she is doomed to be Moxxie's accessory because it's the only way the fujo writers will have any interest in her

          • 10 months ago

            At first Millie existed to make it clear that Moxxie wasn't a total loser but now it's becoming clear that the writers require Mox to be the punching bag and that means dragging her down with him.

          • 10 months ago

            It's not obvious at all how much of a last-minute-addition Millie was to the show, oh no! not at all!

            • 10 months ago

              I wish it wasn't the case, Moxxie and Loona would have been hilarious as a "will they/won't they" crabby old couple dynamic. Both are stubborn asses who give a lot of shit but are also thick skinned enough to be able to take it. My favorite part of the entire series is the fight they had in the pilot
              >"Oh sit on a dick, Mox"
              >"YOU sit on a... on a.... DO YOUR JOB!"

              • 10 months ago

                More of a moxella fan but I can see it, anything but the plank of wood Millie is.

              • 10 months ago

                me personally im more of a moxxiedust guy
                the fact they're both from mafia families is a great base to work off of, moxxie has probably never met someone who can actually relate to his childhood in any meaningful way

              • 10 months ago

                Is it wrong of me to think that if moxxie had a bf or husband he wouldn’t be mocked as much?

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe, and Viv would definitely have made sure said husband or bf have some real character development, since we all know which gender she has a preference for

              • 10 months ago

                She's a pickme.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >me personally im more of a moxxiedust guy
                You wrote a whole comic sequence about that. I think everyone familiar with your art knows this. I thought Millie agreeing to be cucked from the beyond the grave was kinda funny, but not necessarily in a good way.

              • 10 months ago

                >I thought Millie agreeing to be cucked from the beyond the grave was kinda funny, but not necessarily in a good way.
                i mean wedding vows typically say "till death do us part"
                and we're already past that phase

              • 10 months ago

                >but are also thick skinned enough to be able to take it
                Current Moxxie just locked himself in an outhouse to cry because some dumb human pre-teens didn't like him

              • 10 months ago

                What gets me still;
                >doesn't cry because of some other demons attacking or taunting him, secret agents, mafia demons or Striker
                >cries because of some human pre-teens not liking him

                Consistency, what's that?

  112. 10 months ago

    it's cringe carried by fanart and fanfics that make the material sexier/more enjoyable

    • 10 months ago

      truer words have never been spoken, show isn't that great, but the fans make things more bearable

  113. 10 months ago

    It feels quite muddled. Started off with the idea that it was going to be a mostly episodic series where imps from hell take hit jobs on humans as revenge for those who have died with weird grievances. With a couple of overarching story episodes here and there.

    But then it just kinda fell apart and the focus shifted nearly entirely towards the 'overarching story episodes' which were mostly made up of relationship drama. The main crew actually doing an assassination job on earth has become an extremely rare occurrence.

  114. 10 months ago

    Am i the only one here who didn't care that much for assassinations?
    I liked them, but it wasn't really bothering me when they were doing hell shit

    But god, i hate season 2

  115. 10 months ago

    it's in hell and i have not seen any goat demons outside of the two in hazbin.

  116. 10 months ago

    >hellhound just flipped me off
    >the pride ring has gone to hell

    • 10 months ago

      millions must sing

    • 10 months ago

      >Trillions must overcome their ego

  117. 10 months ago

    Manufactured regurgitated bargain bin hot topic 2edgy4me garbage that appeals to people who liked invader zim. The show tackles serious issues at time but poorly and in nearly every episode there is a cesspool of cringe whether it's the dialogue or "music videos" or both. The animation is whatever and even if it was groundbreaking the show still sucks. Utter crap spawned from a Newgrounds artist, should have stayed on newgrounds because they like to "push the envelope"(not really, but add in a FRICK or two and you got your 18+). But the show wouldn't have gotten popular on newgrounds so shifting to youtube was smart. In summation, it's garbage for people who accept garbage but I don't accept garbage so

    • 10 months ago

      yes but moxxie is in it
      therefore it gets a 9/10 from me
      the only reason it doesn't get a 10/10 is because the show is garbage

  118. 10 months ago

    Fatgays, can you explain to me the appeal? I don't think I could ever get it but I'm curious why it tickles your 'tisms.

    • 10 months ago

      big belly and/or booba haha

    • 10 months ago

      people love round, soft (and optionally fluffy) things, like:
      >cats, sheeps, pillows, etc.
      getting fat is kinda easy to do ыщ
      >fat = big and soft
      >big and soft = comfy
      >comfy = dopamine
      >dopamine = neuron activation
      it's just that some people have much larger boundaries of what is "too big" for them
      Speaking about myself, I really love being flatten by soft hefty things.
      I think it's some kind of primal instinct to look for a fatter pair cuz' it means the offspring will be healthy at birth

      • 10 months ago

        frickin bullshit i missed those 2 russian letters now absolutely every nuclear superpower will blow up my house by nukes i guess

      • 10 months ago

        >I think it's some kind of primal instinct to look for a fatter pair cuz' it means the offspring will be healthy at birth
        Also a lot of old ass figurine's proofs this theory

  119. 10 months ago

    >try to summon Loona
    >get Vortex instead
    What do?

    • 10 months ago

      genderbind spell

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Ask for a party invite.

  120. 10 months ago

    When Moxi said he allows to strapon him sometimes, i chuckle
    It was a single moment that looks funny to me
    The art looks...unusual? Rather good than bad, i guess
    Well i believe this fandom is filled with troonygays and furries, therefore i would never interact with them

  121. 10 months ago
    Hellhound Horndog

    If I could lay my head on Vortex's rockhard abs I would be so happy...

  122. 10 months ago

    It's the Danganronpa of online animated series.

    • 10 months ago

      I hate how you are right but I find it is easier to tell what is happening at least slightly more with Helluva than the Junko show. At least Danganrompa allows for attractive women to frick without the need to insist they are either played by or dressed as a male.

      • 10 months ago

        >or dressed as a male.
        But the Japanese like that.

  123. 10 months ago

    I drew a pic of Moxxie when I was at the pool about a month ago. I could maybe clean it up a bit if you guys would like.

  124. 10 months ago

    Some comic artists by accident agree with this channel's opinion that Stolitz is that Japanese culture thing with the gay men.

    • 10 months ago

      >Stolitz is that Japanese culture thing with the gay men.
      Bishounen? Otokonoko?

  125. 10 months ago

    .Barbiewire be like.

    • 10 months ago

      do you think she fricked the counselor as a demon or as a human

  126. 10 months ago

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