Here's your interstellar conquerors, bro

Here's your interstellar conquerors, bro

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Blue a best

    • 3 months ago

      Blue Diamond is kinda cute sometimes. I like that she seems like the type who'd have sweet and thoughtful conversations with you. I also wanna hug her boobs. I wish she had a lot more better art but because she's a giantess (and a Steven Universe character) there's so many ones that are horrendous. Pic related is beautiful though, I'd get it framed if I could.

      • 3 months ago

        Her being a sad tall woman and SU character saves her from just giantess porn though, because a lot of artsy women will draw her

        • 3 months ago

          > Crystal light refraction effect on the skin
          One simple change and the quality improves drastically.

      • 3 months ago

        Her being a sad tall woman and SU character saves her from just giantess porn though, because a lot of artsy women will draw her

        I need more cute Blue Diamond art.

        Personally I really love her big droopy eyes

        Same it's very cute and feminine.

        • 3 months ago

          >looks like a goddess
          >is a goddess

      • 3 months ago

        Say it with your chest, anon. Your Diamond deserves to hear your TRUE feelings

      • 3 months ago

        I want to enslave her.

    • 3 months ago

      Why does she look naked underneath the cloak
      And why didn't they stick with this design

      • 3 months ago

        In my headcanon she's actually nude under the robes.

    • 3 months ago
  2. 3 months ago

    Steven Universe pisses me off so much that its kinda funny.

  3. 3 months ago

    Was it ever elaborated how our Pearl was originally White Diamond's Pearl but she somehow got a dye job when she went to Pink? And that's why her gem was on her forehead and why her colors are kind of washed out? Or are they saving that for the Pink Diamond spinoff?

    • 3 months ago

      >Was it ever elaborated
      No, hope you enjoyed all that townie shit, because instead of answers to anything we got that shit.

      • 3 months ago

        i might not have minded if most of them weren't so unlikable. Lars and Sadie SUCKED, Lars in particular. His design, voice, and personality were awful. Ronaldo was only funny sparingly but they used him too much, and i don't even remember the rest of their names. sour cream's mom was cool i suppose

        • 3 months ago

          Remember when Peedee was introduced as steven's closes human friend, and they proceeded to shelve him for the entire series

          • 3 months ago

            That still really weirds me out, he's introduced as one of the first human characters we see in the show with a major role in the episode's plot and then the show just barely acknowledges his existence afterwards.

          • 3 months ago

            First episode I saw was the Frybo episode, and I remember thinking that this show was really gay and this was going to end up with some boku no pico shit. I was half right.

            • 3 months ago

              Which half?

        • 3 months ago

          You don't understand. We NEEDED to know how Sadie and her shitty band were doing. NEEDED TO.

      • 3 months ago

        I wish the origin of gems as a species was something that was ever explored, but with the SU crews writing it's probably better left alone

        Half the reason the townie shit was annoying is because the first season sold audiences the idea that the show was about the gems raiding old forgotten temples for magic artifacts and fighting monsters.

        That shit was 100% dropped after season 1. And then they introduced all this alien gem lore, and that shit was 90% ignored for townie shit.

        • 3 months ago

          Really? Damn, I actually liked the first two seasons and like many, I dropped the show after one of the Cluster episodes.

          • 3 months ago

            After Cluster and Peridot's character arc SU REALLY drops in quality. It fluctuates at that point between terribly mid and just terrible.

          • 3 months ago

            Later seasons almost entirely shifted to Steven wandering over to some random townie's house or job and hanging with them. Each episode featured some new townie or the high school kids and hanging with them.

        • 3 months ago

          >first season sold audiences the idea that the show was about the gems raiding old forgotten temples for magic artifacts and fighting monsters
          I really liked that, but it just... stopped. : (

        • 3 months ago

          It's genuinely weird as frick going back to season 1 now and seeing how most episodes revolved around gem artifacts and going to gem temples on missions. Like the show just seriously dropped ALL of that shit after the first season despite it being extremely prominent there. I've never even heard an explanation for why they did drop it.

        • 3 months ago

          It's genuinely weird as frick going back to season 1 now and seeing how most episodes revolved around gem artifacts and going to gem temples on missions. Like the show just seriously dropped ALL of that shit after the first season despite it being extremely prominent there. I've never even heard an explanation for why they did drop it.

          It felt like they had wanted to make like four different shows, and just decided to cram pieces of each of them into this one.

    • 3 months ago

      It's pretty clear white diamond never had a pearl. Seems like Pink Pearl is just the first mind slave she ever wrought. Her pearl is on her head for for unique character design reasons

      • 3 months ago

        i disagree, it's not clear at all. for all we know our Pearl could have been "made" right there by White. Pink's original Pearl's gem was on her stomach to match the diamond she served, just as Blue and Yellow Pearl had their gems on their chests. The show didn't specify exactly where our Pearl came from, but we know White "gave" her away, her gem in on her forehead like Whites, and we can see that she has all four colors on her but they are washed out. We can see that every fusion she's a part of has some iridescence.

        • 3 months ago

          It's confirmed she came straight from the pearl factory to Pink's hands. And she wears pink. If she was White's she would have been wearing white still. Hell, when she was rebooted, her initial color is pink and not white. And she's confirmed to wear that pink dress when she sings about Pink Diamond in the movie

          • 3 months ago

            Confirmed by WHAT. We saw the Pearl factory but that was just one and it didn't say our Pearl came right from there. Yeah she wears pink, and yellow and blue and white too. All the colors White is capable of. Do you know what confirmed means?

            • 3 months ago

              If she was White's she would have a completely different figurations, just as the three "official" pearls, she would have been all white. But she's shown to just to just be default. She was freshly manufactured and never used by White Diamond. She retain factory settings all the way to Earth. Pink Diamond is her sole and only owner. No outline of a White Diamond attire ever appeared whenever Pearl reforms from her gem. In the movie. It goes from default settings -> rebel Pearl. The only reason why Pearl has factory settings was that Pink Diamond is apprehensive. You can see the awkwardness of them both initially in the flashback scene, so she had no preference when Pearl was created.

            • 3 months ago

              It's called The Reef, singular. And there are only "hundreds" of pearls. That's less than a thousand existing in the entire universe, confirmed by Per****t. They are only handed out to prestigious individuals

    • 3 months ago

      It's confirmed she came straight from the pearl factory to Pink's hands. And she wears pink. If she was White's she would have been wearing white still. Hell, when she was rebooted, her initial color is pink and not white. And she's confirmed to wear that pink dress when she sings about Pink Diamond in the movie

      Confirmed by WHAT. We saw the Pearl factory but that was just one and it didn't say our Pearl came right from there. Yeah she wears pink, and yellow and blue and white too. All the colors White is capable of. Do you know what confirmed means?

      If she was White's she would have a completely different figurations, just as the three "official" pearls, she would have been all white. But she's shown to just to just be default. She was freshly manufactured and never used by White Diamond. She retain factory settings all the way to Earth. Pink Diamond is her sole and only owner. No outline of a White Diamond attire ever appeared whenever Pearl reforms from her gem. In the movie. It goes from default settings -> rebel Pearl. The only reason why Pearl has factory settings was that Pink Diamond is apprehensive. You can see the awkwardness of them both initially in the flashback scene, so she had no preference when Pearl was created.

      yes, she's not
      >Our Pearl never belonged to White, but White is involved of Pearls in general, so there is a connection, and that’s all I can really say at the moment

  4. 3 months ago

    It must be an extremely stupid part of the galaxy that they conquered, or intelligent life is just exceedingly rare so all they ever encountered was wildlife.
    We never got to know who made the Gems though, they're clearly not a naturally-occurring species.

    • 3 months ago

      I wish the origin of gems as a species was something that was ever explored, but with the SU crews writing it's probably better left alone

      • 3 months ago

        Better off since most fans just want a shitty transformers knock off or intergalactic war.

        • 3 months ago

          You say that like it'd be a bad thing

      • 3 months ago

        Better off since most fans just want a shitty transformers knock off or intergalactic war.

        no no you don't want an origin. that's what happened with quintessons and it sucked. there's plenty of other fun stuff to focus on

        • 3 months ago

          Or the origin of bending in Korra, it's going to be a midichlorians thing

    • 3 months ago

      Ian JQ claims that Earth was the first time that they ever encountered sapient life, but then why the frick would they have massive standing armies and a military-driven caste society even at the time that they found Earth, BEFORE there was ever even a Rebellion?

      • 3 months ago

        Ian JQ is an idiot.

        and I think he might still lurk here sometimes.
        Ian if you read this frick you. also post your wife's feet.

      • 3 months ago

        Ian rode his wife's coattails and got a show out of it, but fricked that up because he doesn't know what he's doing. So don't take anything he says as canon

      • 3 months ago

        A history of ruthless civil wars before the diamond's rise to power might explain it, but I don't think that was so much as hinted at ever.

        • 3 months ago

          Except all of gemkind is created from the Diamond's piss and sweat and spit and filthy used bathwater full of farts. There wouldn't have been any gems to have a ruthless civil war before the Diamonds came to power.

        • 3 months ago

          From the way it's told, it's implied that Pink's was the first for the race, so it makes even this line of theory doubtful.

      • 3 months ago

        why did the diamonds want a planet destroying geoweapon

      • 3 months ago

        I think it makes more sense for them to have a military, exploring space n shit is pretty dangerous and they need order

        • 3 months ago

          If that's the case then it would made more sense to have a navy than an army.

      • 3 months ago

        They're full of shit, Anon. They wanted to make it seem like the diamonds weren't horrible people and could be redeemed, but all evidence points to the contrary.

      • 3 months ago

        there is still one way it could be explained
        The creators of the gems wanted an army(and servants), but somehow the creators died and the gems kept on continuing to do their original purpose. They don't know why and due to white diamonds rule they didn't care either, they just do what they were told to do. And white diamond is just doing what a perfect white diamond is suppose to be doing.
        But of course we all know none of the writers care about lore and thus gave two shits about any of that.

        • 3 months ago

          >the diamonds are basically the BETA from muv-luv.

      • 3 months ago

        Didn't the flashback show them orbital bombarding a planet with hostile wildlife?

      • 3 months ago

        Even if we want to assume they never found intelligent life, they still annihilated garden worlds.
        Billions upon billions of unique species, all manner of flora and fauna that took millennia to form, ruined to produce gems for their moronic society on a war footing for no real reason.

        And when they did encounter sapient life, they still tried to destroy the planet because they did not recognize humans as sapient beings. They require correction.

      • 3 months ago

        I did wonder why the had a lot of military for a species that was not at war or had a rival somewhere in the universe.

  5. 3 months ago

    nice empire you got there...

    • 3 months ago

      Ian JQ claims that Earth was the first time that they ever encountered sapient life, but then why the frick would they have massive standing armies and a military-driven caste society even at the time that they found Earth, BEFORE there was ever even a Rebellion?

      so would gems just be royally fricked in 40k then, or

      • 3 months ago

        for the last time, anon, yes
        if they're lucky they'd be m,ade into a slave raceby whoever finds them first and not just mass exterminated.
        I bed the Eldar would like them. They seem like the type to keep pearls around.

      • 3 months ago

        I think most sc fi armies would be

        • 3 months ago

          Pretty much, any race with sufficiently-advanced sonic weaponry (enough to where you could key in on a gemstone resonant frequency and shatter a Gem from a distance) could wipe out Gemkind's presence on a planet in thirty minutes or less.

          If we're being honest, you could probably list the amount of fictional alien races that COULDN'T wipe out Gemkind on both hands.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah. Unless, of course, the Gems have their anti sonic resonance device turned on.

          • 3 months ago

            How 40kgays think it'll go:
            >"Well, mmm, you see, any advanced civilization would destroy them. Mmm, yes, the Imperium would just need to tune their mark 6 orbital sonic resonator to the exact gem frequency needed to explode them all and it's over. Mmm, quite right, yes."

            How it would actually go:
            >"We used our time machine to send a bunch of Pearls to frick with history and now the Imperium worships the Diamonds as gods of light alongside the Emperor."

            • 3 months ago

              The Chaos Gods wouldn’t allow that, they would find a way to frick up the Pearls. And if Emps I born in any capacity then it’s game over for any Gem shit in Earth.

          • 3 months ago

            would they even wipe the gems out if they could though?
            I feel like they have tremendous worth as a slave race, and most other races should be able to see that.

            they don't need food, sleep, or even oxygen. they don't need maintenance or batteries like automata do.
            they have 'free will' in a sense, but can be pre-programmed to want to and enjoy doing specific jobs, they have very exploitable. Even most of the gems 'freed' from the diamonds still liked doing jobs they had on homeworld, and in the event of any kind of uprising, they have numerous explotable weaknesses.
            Once they break down and learn how they're made and how their 'gemetics' are programmed, they could potentially make any kind of workers, soldiers, scouts, servants, etc they wanted.

            • 3 months ago

              they ARE very exploitable*, even

            • 3 months ago

              depends who conquers them

              for the last time, anon, yes
              if they're lucky they'd be m,ade into a slave raceby whoever finds them first and not just mass exterminated.
              I bed the Eldar would like them. They seem like the type to keep pearls around.

              said the Eldar would probably like them a lot.
              The Imperium would probably just see them as more xenos to wipe out, even if they saw them as being more automatons than lifeforms, it's not usually in the imperiums playbook to adopt xeno technology.
              Orks would probably keep Quartzes around like

              Honestly, Quartzes would just end up as Honorary Orks anyway. Big angry ladies that literally only exist to swill grog and punch things to death? They're basically the physical embodiment of KRUMP.

              God, what a nightmare that would be for everyone else. Ork reality warping would make Gems even more immortal than they already are and all the Amethysts would be fricking invisible.


              It seems very in character for Orks to scoop up poofed gems and put them in a colosseum and to just keep fighting them. Having a few gems around to basically act as punching bags in between raids or whatever would also alleviate the danger of boredom and infighting and the fact they're practically immortal outside of being shattered (and even then, they could still make abominations from shattered gems if they desire so. It seems within their capabilities.) makes them very durable punching bags indeed.

              said, but I don't see them engaging in any mass-enslavement, just taking specific gems as trophies they can fight over and over.
              They could probably assimilate comfortably into the t'au empire if the t'au got rid of the diamonds, honestly.

          • 3 months ago

            Can someone actually list these armies Homeworld as is could feasibly beat?

      • 3 months ago

        gems have teleporter pads (instant and safe transport), FTL through real space (no cost except the time taken during travel), and ageless bodies (they can literally take the slowpath at sublight speeds with no cost to their mental being or need for food or water)

        imperium of man might be bigger and more warlike, but they are literally too slow to respond to FTL-transport that is on par with the necron
        at beat its a never ending stalemate, gems are too small to beat the imperium but the imperium is too bloated and slow to do anything about it

        • 3 months ago

          Gems are extremely impressive on paper, their technology especially, but gems themselves seem to slow to understand new concepts. They had trouble with Lars of all people because they had such little regard for organic life they never conceived it was possible for them to be a threat, I feel like they wouldn't be able to adapt fast enough to not get steamrolled. They were massive fish in a tiny pond.
          Thats assuming we just plopped the gem empire into 40k as-is, of course. They could feasibly compete if they were better prepared.

          I also wonder if Gems could be an effective counter-measure to an ork infestation, since their reproductive methods are completely antithetical to theirs. They leave the land completely barren and devoid of life or energy, inhospitable to ork growth. Or growth of life of any kind but thats another bridge.

          • 3 months ago

            >They had trouble with Lars of all people because they had such little regard for organic life they never conceived it was possible for them to be a threat, I
            thats pretty much the same issue with the imperium or any large, unfathomably old, empire thats stagnated
            until guilliman woke up from his nap and forced the empire back into action, the imperium of man was coasting along through sheer inertia

            >I also wonder if Gems could be an effective counter-measure to an ork infestation, since their reproductive methods are completely antithetical to theirs. They leave the land completely barren and devoid of life or energy, inhospitable to ork growth. Or growth of life of any kind but thats another bridge.
            maybe not orks, who would only be too happy to fight the gems because they can be poofed and reformed as long as their central gem isnt shattered
            so orks would only be too happy to "plant" the "Seeds" left behind by a gem so they could fight their crop when it pops out

            gems are closer to the eldar if they had the same MO as the tryranids but the technology of the necron

            • 3 months ago

              It seems very in character for Orks to scoop up poofed gems and put them in a colosseum and to just keep fighting them. Having a few gems around to basically act as punching bags in between raids or whatever would also alleviate the danger of boredom and infighting and the fact they're practically immortal outside of being shattered (and even then, they could still make abominations from shattered gems if they desire so. It seems within their capabilities.) makes them very durable punching bags indeed.

              • 3 months ago

                Honestly, Quartzes would just end up as Honorary Orks anyway. Big angry ladies that literally only exist to swill grog and punch things to death? They're basically the physical embodiment of KRUMP.

                God, what a nightmare that would be for everyone else. Ork reality warping would make Gems even more immortal than they already are and all the Amethysts would be fricking invisible.

              • 3 months ago

                Many, if not most gems are pretty impressionable. I think many gems that for whatever reason, gets stranded or otherwise disconnected from the greater Gempire, could probably easily assimilate and adapt with the other races. I could see a Sapphire falling in with a Tzeentch cult, Rubies acting as auxilaries for a Khorne legion, and Peridots helping around in Haven Spires or even amongst the Adeptus Mechanicus (assuming the Imperium did the mental gymnastics for that). In a way, they may parallel the Ogres from Fantasy in the sense of a single sex race and their adaptivity with other cultures. In fact, I find it harder for there to be "indepedent" gem factions seperate from the Gempire than for those seperate gems to intergrate with others.

        • 3 months ago

          The imperium can just exterminatus the gem production planets.
          The planets required seem to be incredibly rare since after the gempire lost earth they apparently nevered built another colony. I say that because they were running out of resources and had to make era 2 gems weaker on purpose like peridot.

          • 3 months ago

            >The imperium can just exterminatus the gem production planets.
            exterminatus is not an easy feat and requires dedicated battle groups and months and years of planning
            planets that produce gems also require a biosphere, so imperium has basically the same thing to lose

            they also have basically know way to stop the gems already created
            they can just teleport to another planet or bugger off in their spaceships and the imperium cant give chase

            >The planets required seem to be incredibly rare since after the gempire lost earth they apparently nevered built another colony
            earth, with its sapient life, is rare

        • 3 months ago

          >gems have teleporter pads (instant and safe transport), FTL through real space (no cost except the time taken during travel), and ageless bodies
          and they can be corrupted by simple emotions
          imagine how hard they would be fricked by chaos

          • 3 months ago

            >imagine how hard they would be fricked by chaos
            chaos would have no effect on gems since they dont use the warp for any reason

            • 3 months ago

              So gems have no souls?

              • 3 months ago

                gems are artificial beings for starters
                and they have never used or been exposed to the warp in any way
                they would have no notable warp presence and no pull for any daemons or chaos gods

              • 3 months ago

                Who made the gems?

              • 3 months ago

                >imagine how hard they would be fricked by chaos
                chaos would have no effect on gems since they dont use the warp for any reason

                >Fusion supposedly being about "relationships" but it's mostly just lust and hedonism
                >Pearl being a sad lesbian perfectionist Slaaneshi denied her slampig, Garnet being a Slaaneshi Daemonette of lesbians who couldn't stop scissoring each other to save their life, Amethyst being a fatass slob who'd be a Nurglite if it wasn't for her excess in food/pleasure, Peridot thinking she's Tzeentch when it's just more Slaaneshi shit with Lapis, and Japer being the only Khornate among them.
                >The Diamonds having mind control/possession powers like high tier telepaths
                >Steven even possessing Lars and even Pearl through it
                >Steven's Pink Diamond "healing" shit which is just high level Biomancy
                >And their powers flucuate with their emotions, especially lust, rage, fear, etc.
                Anon you just outed yourself as a nugay for both SU & 40k. The Gems are just mid to high tier psykers amd would fall to chaos (especially Slaanesh) with their chronic histronics and hedonistic bullshit day 1. Steven would just be a pied oiper using his passive telepathy and love bombing bullshit to turn worlds into complacent chaos cults.
                >Inb4 no meat body REEEE!
                Thousand Sons and the Gems just project a body just like the non-psyker Sons are cursed to be fused to their armor and given minor psyker abilities in the process.
                They're degenerate Slaaneshi warp scum and should be purged before they spread their filth to the rest of the galaxy.

              • 3 months ago

                they wouldn't fall to chaos if it weren't for steven, lets be real. The Diamonds were all uber hardasses about order before he fricked it up,.

              • 3 months ago

                The fact that someone like Steven could influence them like that seems to indicate they would be generally very vulnerable to outsider intervention. Gems have been depicted to be emotionally immature and while not necessarily dumb, they are intellectually "stagnant". If it wasn't for the fact they're not organic, they would be incredibly vulnerable towards gene stealers and could probably be easily manipulated by most other factions.

              • 3 months ago

                nah the whole crux of steven universe is that steven was special on the merit of being a reincarnated diamond in human flesh. There's no reason to believe anyone else could have swayed the diamonds world views.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean keep in mind the diamonds also rule fairly uncontested in AU, who knows what factors or threats could upset things

              • 3 months ago

                Not AU, we're still in steven's universe.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not saying that didn't help, but what I am saying is that it shouldn't be that easy. The diamonds are immortal matriarches who've been running things for a while. They should be a bit better than to almost immediately relent to a child and his sparse coterie of loyalists just because of his heritage. While I don't think most outsiders wouldn't have such an sway over them in that way, I do think it would be easy to manipulate them. Blue is overtly neglectful of her duties and White's megalomania is to the point of being obstructive and destructive. Yellow is the most capable leader, but she's only doing one quarter of ruling and she's unable to truly coordinate well with her sisters. The mismanagement of the empire to cause the crisises for era two seems to indicate poor rulership.

              • 3 months ago

                nah the whole crux of steven universe is that steven was special on the merit of being a reincarnated diamond in human flesh. There's no reason to believe anyone else could have swayed the diamonds world views.

                >The entire crux of Steven even existing is that one of the Diamonds fell to Slaaneshi hedonism and excess for human wiener, even seeking to "perfect" her mistakes by making Steven a hybrid and implanting her essence in him like some inverse Fulgrim/Blade of Laer bullshit.
                >Even without Pink, Blue Diamond sought to emulate Pink by making a pleasure world full of man/womanchild humans who only know how to frick and throw tantrums.
                >And just like Pink/Rose, Steven spread that same hedonism in even more excess back to the Diamonds and Humans too. Even degenerating into a Chaos Spawn at the end of future because "muh emotions".
                Are you sure you're not nugayging again? It doesn't seem like you know anything about 40k or SU outside of Reddit memes. This is textbook Chaos corruption.

              • 3 months ago

                I would love to see Steven interact with the Emperor and the Primarchs. That shit would be hilarious.

              • 3 months ago

                If Chaos was as powerful in-universe as 40kiddies claim it is in online arguments it would have already won several millennia prior to the Imperium being founded. I hate to break it to you, but 40k isn't that high on the powerscale of sci-fi settings.

              • 3 months ago

                I think Chaos is powerful, but its paradoxical nature means that it's unable to actually direct itself meaningfully. Additionally, its in Chaos best interest that it never actually wins, because then, it will probably consume itself. That is why Tzeentch's schemes always seems to conflict with each other. He's aware of Chaos's self destructivenes and strives to make sure the status quo is maintained, because it's about the most optimal way for Chaos to exist in.

              • 3 months ago

                >Chaos comes in waves, with many Chaos gods and Daemon Princes coming after the Imperium's founding.
                >Slaanesh, the god of homosexualry that SU embodies, was birthed in the 30th Millennium by hedonistic whiny elves just like the Gems are.
                >And Slaanesh nearly genocided those elves with it's lustful hunger.
                Chaos can be deadly but just like (You) and everyone in SU, they're spoiled children first and foremost. If they weren't ADHD self-sabotaging homosexuals them maybe they'd habe a chance but theu're too busy thumbing each others asses to muster a unifed front most of the time...Except for Cadia.
                (You) outed yourself as a lorelet nugay being a Cinemaphilentrarian again.

              • 3 months ago

                Space hulk hull plating can be corrupted by chaos.
                There have been multiple occasions where inanimate objects have been possessed by a daemon.
                AI can be corrupted by chaos.
                Even assuming they wouldn't have any presence within the realm of souls, Gems would absolutely be capable of sustaining chaos corruption.

        • 3 months ago

          Gems FTL is extremely impressive for 40k, homeworld is stated to be in another galaxy and they can fly there in hours, maximum a few days

      • 3 months ago

        Ordinatus Mars. A sound-based city wrecker. Considering what happens to gems under high enough wavelengths of sound, this thing is gemnocide on treads.

    • 3 months ago

      it's Gemperor, metal man.

      • 3 months ago



    • 3 months ago

      Yeah yeah out of the way, superior version comin' through.

    • 3 months ago

      40k is old and busted. Helldivers is the new hotness.

      • 3 months ago

        Helldivers is FOTM cringe compared to EDF

  6. 3 months ago

    >shattering kills gems
    >except when it doesn't
    I can't help but wonder what the thought process is in the writer's room. What kind of conversations happened in there?

    • 3 months ago

      Here's how it actually went down and I mean this with no hyperbole.
      >Rebecca Sugar has a story bible, character rules, etc.
      >Sugar hires tumblr homosexuals that she knows because Pendleton Ward did the same thing with her and she wants to continue the tradition of nepotism
      >She has no backbone to actually be a showrunner so her storyboarder friends take over everything
      >Massive plotpoints like the Cluster being a monster they have to fight get changed, for example


      >The cast cannot stop injecting lesbian sex allegories into the show
      >Cartoon network suits step in and start "recommending" changes
      >Now Sugar's vision is being warped by her friends who she cannot say no to and by her bosses to whom she quite literally cannot say no
      Fun fact, as far as anyone knows, SU didn't actually have a "writer's room", the writing was all done during storyboarding.

      • 3 months ago

        >SU didn't actually have a "writer's room", the writing was all done during storyboarding.
        makes perfect sense looking at it

        • 3 months ago

          >writing was all done during storyboarding
          I'm not too familiar with the creation process, but is it supposed to be the writers make the story and script then the story boarders draw out the scenes to match the script?

          • 3 months ago

            >but is it supposed to be the writers make the story and script then the story boarders draw out the scenes to match the script?

            Yes. That's not what happened in SU, though. Sugar basically gave the storyboarders a rough draft and then just let them do the frick whatever. It's how we ended up with dickbag hambeasts like Lauren Zuke hijacking half an episode's runtime to ruin an otherwise acceptable ship with her obsessive douchebaggery.

            • 3 months ago

              Never forget

              • 3 months ago

                I personally really liked Stevidot. Maybe 3 way ship between Lapis, Peridot and Steven (Lavendot), but mostly Stevidot or Laven. Connie was boring to me.

              • 3 months ago

                this woman got called out as an abuser by the much younger woman she was dating, but i don't remember if it was before or after sugar said no to lapidot. then she pooned out and i think she's calling herself jesse now. i guess the good thing about people being so visibly trans now is that you can filter them out before they throw a wrench in your project

              • 3 months ago

                This is the best ship anyway

              • 3 months ago

                Also this is good too. I miss those times

              • 3 months ago

                More gems should fight for Steven's affections.

              • 3 months ago

                I understand gems dont understand age, but we can all agree this is molestation right?

              • 3 months ago

                Nah, it's perfectly normal and healthy.

              • 3 months ago

                God I wish I was Steven

              • 3 months ago

                This'll just result in another episode of SU Future about child sexual abuse trauma

              • 3 months ago

                Seems you're in here trying to rape this boy, Not cool lapis, very not cool.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              I'd expect some back and forth between the two groups, but it tracks that the show was written on the fly and individuals were hijacking the ship to implement their own story.

      • 3 months ago

        >>She has no backbone to actually be a showrunner so her storyboarder friends take over everything
        That parts really frustrating because I bet Sugar's original vision wasn't nearly as shit as what we got. You're right, the storyboarders were in open war with each other since half them wanted the show to be a yuri fanfic and the other half wanted slice of life bullshit.

  7. 3 months ago

    >No we won't learn anything about them and yes they pretty much instantly completely change their ways
    >Because the MC was born right, so he gets instant wins. If he'd been literally any other person he would've had to actually work for it.

    I can see why this resonated with all the most awful kind of people. "You should just listen to me and change who you are because I'm ME, don't you get it? I don't need to do anything, I'm already special and you just need to realize it!"

  8. 3 months ago

    How are they conquerors if they’ve never actually fought any other sentient beings? They would just be colonizers or settlers.

  9. 3 months ago

    Different flavors of mommy issues

  10. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Personally I really love her big droopy eyes

  11. 3 months ago
  12. 3 months ago
  13. 3 months ago

    after seeing white diamonds feet i understand footgays
    those are some sexy feet

  14. 3 months ago

    Honestly I don't care about the origins of the Gems, but the execution of their general existence has tons of holes in it, like the social hierarchy and level of personal individuality comes into question with stuff like the Famethyst from the Human Zoo being lazy slackers that need to literally be whipped into shape and Eyeball being giddy about the prospect of getting her own pearl for catching Steven, the Gems clearly have an aristocracy and the ability to appreciate things like art and architecture. Down the line they seem more like insects or robots that have little to no understanding of themselves or their society at large, the way aberrant behavior is dealt with seems to vary from imprisonment, experimentation or shattering.
    Technology has batshit crazy rare magical artifacts like the sea spire statue, duplicator wand or time orb while down the line in the series that kind of crazy magi-tech seemed to just plain stop existing in favor of more standard lasers and space ships, don't get me started on how the Diamonds didn't even know that Corruption was a thing in spite of Yellow Diamond already conducting absolutely heinous experiments with forced fusion.
    Also Robonoids.

    • 3 months ago

      I always assumed that we'd find out the Diamonds and Gems were created by Sneeple, similar to the Zentradi from Robotech, and they were just a servant race that outlived their masters at a certain point, but they just ran out of time.

      • 3 months ago

        The gems being a slave race of an extinct ruling race makes most of the oddities work. Why they always want to serve, but get so easily distracted. Their caste was built by someone else, and they followed it for so long they forgot WHY they were doing anything. Maybe only the diamonds remembered, and feared doing new things would cause the end of the gempire.

        • 3 months ago

          I kinda liked how the Diamonds look here, wish they went with this type of artstyle.

          • 3 months ago

            Looks like it's meant to be in the pilot's style

  15. 3 months ago


    I have a headcanon of Gems having differing levels of physiology depending on their demeanor and exposure to humanity. The Crystal Gems have been around humans long enough that they can perfectly mimic flesh with ease, Lapis and Peridot are getting used to it and someone like Jasper actively would feel like an actual stone for practical and personality reasons.
    I feel like the Diamonds would feel like living statues of an unknown form of rock, smooth to the touch with minute differences between the 4.

  16. 3 months ago


    how anon
    their bodies are made of light, they don't sweat
    god I hate smellgays

    • 3 months ago

      >their bodies are made of light, they don't sweat
      Anon, if they don't sweat, why do they bathe and secrete gem juice to make new gems?

      • 3 months ago

        I think its implied their bodies collect impurities from the environment or something, which need to be expelled

  17. 3 months ago

    I don't think I've ever seen of a show so thoroughly ruined by its main character

    • 3 months ago

      I thought that was funny

    • 3 months ago

      I know what you mean, i think the most egregious example was when Space Pirate Lars got interrupted in the middle of a fricking SPACESHIP DOGFIGHT so that Steven,can tell him that his on again off again girlfriend moved on. It's as if Stevens mere presence just ruins the story pacing

  18. 3 months ago

    >they got away with Josef Mengele level torture/experimentation because WD blushed.
    Remember when the forced fusion traumatized Garnet?

    • 3 months ago

      they added a goddamn scene in future where we see yellow diamond carefully reassembling gem pieces from fusion experiments into normal gems again.
      the most fricking hand wavey "oh dont worry they'll be ok uwu" bullshit.

      Almost as bad as the cluster emerging. Massive high-stakes several episode arc devoted to containing it, cause if it formed it will destroy the earth, they said. A few seasons later if forms,and it just arm-wrestles a ship and goes back to sleep.

      • 3 months ago

        Putting together shattered gems is the biggest cope imaginable, there is absolutely no way in hell Diamonds or high ranking Gems below them would care enough to keep the pieces around and not melt them down or scatter them to the wind, every single Rose Quartz gem was gonna be shattered, previous examples of shards are either non-sentient limbs or mutated forced fusions.

        • 3 months ago

          Speaking about the Rose Quartz gems, I'm still mad the show did nothing with them. They could have gave an insight of what they're main role was to Homeworld and maybe what they really though of the main Rose Quartz; leading to the twist that she was just Pink Diamond pretending to be one of them and got them locked up for her bullshit; but no, we got Pink wanted to fit in with the fricking Amethysts instead of her Rose Quartz gems in the flashback and only told by Rebecca that Pink made Rose Quartzes after her so she can shapeshift into one so perfectly. In Future, its just: one of them is just like Steve's mom, triggering Steve's mommy issues then trying to get rid of them only then to (poorly) apology to them and with them going back to live on their in-prison ship instead on Earth.

  19. 3 months ago


    foot stink isn't pheromones you fricking cum brain, it's bacterial growth reproducing in foot sweat from being cramped in a sweaty shoe all day.

    the smell of cheese should not get you hard.

  20. 3 months ago

    I was thinking of posting this in this


    thread but I think it's more fitting for here.
    As someone who never ended up finishing the whole series, the most intriguing point from the video was the AtLA comparisons.
    Both have genocidal supremacist dictators who caused massive suffering on untold scales, both are basically bad abusive parents literally or figuratively, both have young protags who can be too nice and forgiving for their own good which practically insults the people who directly suffered under said mad overlords, both have to realize there's only one option but both end up sidestepping it. Both kinda have a message saying that their values of peace trump the antagonist's values of elitist and callous violence.
    Everyone, including his own past lives, tell Aang that he's being moronic and the show even mocks the idea of "well Ozai was a baby too once :c". But the show still gives him a special new power to defeat Ozai without having to kill him. But in the end though, he still punishes Ozai for good, strips him of all his power, overthrows him, locks him up in a cell, the guy is gone and is going to rot in prison. Steven though literally just licks his hand and tells the Diamonds to be nice and that they're being mean and later all their heinous crimes are forgiven
    I'm going to be incel here by saying it's the difference between something written by men and something written by a woman.

  21. 3 months ago


    I don't care much for feet, but this pic does something to me.

  22. 3 months ago

    Steven Universe was the most disappointing thing since my son.

  23. 3 months ago


    do you think gems are ticklish haha that would be funny


  24. 3 months ago

    Years later I still don't understand pink's transition to rose on a psychological level
    >born for the purpose of being an eternal little sister and glorified court jester
    >grow twisted af due to being locked up in a cell when misbehaving and being mistreated and belittled by her "family"
    >spoiled brat that wants her own colony NOW, no evidence that she wanted one for any other reason than to satisfy her own diamommy issues
    >prone to violent bursts of anger that she takes out on objects or subordinate gems
    >between the damage she did to her original pearl and how she grew tired of (and abandoned) spinel with a cruel lie, no indication that she saw her gems as anything more than mere tools or property, just like the other diamonds
    >finally have own colony, new pearl too, but don't wanna do boring diamond duty, wanna explore and have fun instead
    >show natural curiosity for organic life, but based on how she's been up til now, who's to say her curiosity amounts to anything deeper than naive and fickle childish wonder, the kind that could be shown by any sheltered rich kid out in town for the 1st time or a discworld elf
    >suddenly undergo deep self-reflection, of a kind unearned if to be judged by your actions up until now
    >suddenly environmentalist, advocate for gem rights and dismantling of the opressive diamond regime
    >develop into (or facade?) wise beloved leader, charismatic, pacient, understanding, softspoken, capable of high level empathy, just and self-sacrificing and courageous but not angry or violent or petty
    >but still simultaneously cause COUNTLESS war casualties and inflict lasting psychological damage to your make-pretend diamond family

    >TLDR - just like that go from spoiled brat to gem jesus because ???
    What exactly happened to her? I sometimes still wonder if I missed some key in her change. It wasn't pearl. Was it humans? Was it earth? I don't say she can't change I just say it felt more like two completely different people

    • 3 months ago

      I mean she did have 5000 years to change
      but yeah I feel like Becky Sucros' negligence to actually expand on rose's legacy beyond the second hand stories other gems told of her doesn't really do her characterization justice.

    • 3 months ago

      This. This is the problem I have with Rose was Pink Diamond writing with the heavy lack of show and don't tell about Pink; I just don't buying the whole "she change for the better" crap when she just straight up stole another Rose Quartz identity and still acted selfishly as Rose with getting anything she wanted from Pearl and Greg and they called that change

  25. 3 months ago


    im not into feet, there was one pic of her getting her feet rubbed that was nice thougg

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Now I remember why, she's really into it. Idk, feet are usually gross, but hers are clean and she's obviously aroused and likes being flattered. The context makes it hot.

        • 3 months ago

          Luckily this artist's stuff with her is more or less clean, seems into it in most of them too.

          • 3 months ago

            hot. Can't get into most foot stuff because the viewer is always a degenerate or sub.

  26. 3 months ago

    I want Blue and White to conquer me with their massive feet haha

  27. 3 months ago


    It's Amethyst's cute feet I want though

  28. 3 months ago

    Reminds me of times when I had an idea of my own pretty autistic fanfic idea for this series. There was a lot of ideas I had for that one. Some summary of those:

    >White Diamond being a wild scientist that has gone for a hundred years. An absentee leader that came back with 3rd generation of Gems she created and decided to go to Earth to meet Steven.
    >Rose and Pink being separate beings and the mystery being around Pink's means of dying.
    >Each Diamond having their own views of the universe. With Yellow being awful towards other races but caring deeply about her own. Blue caring for aliens, but straight up abusing her kin. White being purely selfish and Pink being horribly selfless which lead to her death.
    >Greater focus on Gems culture (probably I would add something like a monetary system for them)
    >An alien race that actually can challenge the Gems who are also very militarized society
    >Also greater focus on humans as a whole where Military with their own special forces play a role in defense against the Gems with Mayor Dewit taken more seriously as well.
    >New generation of Gems being their own little party like Steven's gems with their own arcs and journeys of self discovery.
    >Relationships between Diamonds and their Pearls. Yellow caring for hers, Blue being abusive and White being very manipulative.
    >Each Diamond controlling their own aspect of Gems. Yellow physical. Blue Emotional. White Mind and Pink their very Soul.
    >Some focus on fusions at certain point where I would delve into their roles and reasons for hate (like maybe them being extremely detrimental in an army where you need many soldiers for many positions). Peridot, Lapis and Steven at some point create a fusion that is actually sentient and delving into all the drama that can come from this.
    Just some of the ideas I had for that story.

    • 3 months ago

      With an arc with the last point. I was thinking of a fusion between Steven, Lapis and Peridot (Lavendot if you will or Lavend) being sentient and this rather unique situation makes everyone interested and they allow Lavend(ot) to live for about a week to do things she wants (like creating it's own journal where she writes all the things she wants to do and already did) to do and they can observe this unique fusion...

      But as days pass and it enjoys life more and more the more terrified it becomes and it goes to the point of her quietly breaking down before the last day and on that last day she runs away and rest of the gems basically have to convince what is essentially a child to kill themselves so they can get their friends back. They have to look that person in the eye and tell them to die.

      And once that being does so after a lot of convincing Steven, Lapis and Peridot are traumatized. Lapis lashes out and wants to forget this ever happened, Steven regrets this ever happened and Peridot is heartbroken and keeps Lavend's belongings close to her as she feels sorrow over losing what was essentially her child. Sort of showing all different reactions parents can have when their child dies. This kind of story in itself being kind of an analogy for unplanned pregnancy and miscarriage and trauma it can cause.

      • 3 months ago

        I also had an idea that Jasper did not just hate fusions for "power it gives to weak gems", but also because as a military commander that took charge over soldiers in naval combat the numbers were key for each position each gem has took and having bunch of fusions would be a huge hindrance as there would be not enough soldiers to man all of the positions in their space ships which would cause great losses.

        And also seeing fusions as a disgusting form of relationship that corrupts values of true comradery as fusing in itself was an easy way out for gems that could not handle carrying one another on the battlefield, shaking the other's hand, looking them in the eye or embracing them which to her was the real friendship and bond that fusions deprived them off. Depriving of true unity as a species and focusing on selfish desires.

        I thought it would be interesting way to expand on Jasper and her views.

  29. 3 months ago

    Bunch of Black folk.

  30. 3 months ago

    If the show did continue on to Steven's adult life, it would be neat to see him having to undo his work of peace and restart the war effort to defeat some unrelenting alien force from another galaxy.

    Until they eventually talk it out.

    • 3 months ago

      It'd be cool to see his and Connie's super-powered kids.

  31. 3 months ago

    Blue sexo

  32. 3 months ago

    I kind of wondered if this was another Transformers thing where some aliens made gem bots for various tasks and they rebelled and eventually turned into this shit.

    • 3 months ago

      I remember one of the main theories when the diamonds started to gain plot relevance qas that White Diamond was a computer created by a civilization at the brink of destruction, whose last command that was given was "Conquer"

  33. 3 months ago
  34. 3 months ago

    made for the Old Universe Charm

  35. 3 months ago

    White Diamond was kind of legit. Should've want the route of control freak psychopath that Steven would have to accept he can't help.

    • 3 months ago

      Her lack of emotion and condescending, creepy tone made her feel like an actual magic goddess from all those mutuals and stories, I honestly wish she stayed more aloof and strange compared to the other two after being redeemed.

  36. 3 months ago

    weaklings compared to the sun queen genocide.

  37. 3 months ago


    I'd tickle her feet to hear her giggle and snort

  38. 3 months ago

    Thread made me rewatch some random Steven Universe episodes and damn, I really admire this show even with its faults. The gradual worldbuilding and character development are already impressive, but the character dynamics and the way each "moral of the week" was executed is just a masterclass in storytelling. I love Steven!

    Episodes if anyone's curious:

    >Space Race
    >On the Run
    >Marble Madness
    >Keeping It Together

    • 3 months ago

      I'm too bitter at how it all lead up to such bullshit to care about it anymore. Especially after seeing so many shows with the same positive traits that don't just embarrass themselves this much.

    • 3 months ago

      Despite all the hatred, there's a lot of impressive things that SU did and the world it build is generally an interesting one. I think the hate, if you exclude someone just hating lesbian space rocks, comes from the faults and dumb decisions that really stain it

      • 3 months ago

        Thanks. It started out well.
        SU is always going to be important to me, despite all the other far less gay shows I've been a part of, because I could remember Sugar asking for my help.
        This was going to be the show. This show. This is the one where I'd figure it out. And I did.

    • 3 months ago

      >watching The Test followed by Snow Day

  39. 3 months ago




    Pearl's been in a lot of foot fetish pics over the years. Why is that?


    But the smell is the best part. I agree a lot of artists go way to aggressive with it tho. Some sweat and steam can have the same effect and not be disgusting.

    • 3 months ago

      >Pearl's been in a lot of foot fetish pics over the years. Why is that?
      because look at the size of her fricking flippers, anon.
      not to mention this is a real frame from the show.
      >But the smell is the best part
      frick you

      • 3 months ago

        >frick you
        To each their own, I don't really care about the smell as much as the feet looking good, anyways. Just know your talking about a fetish here, the standards are pretty much non-existent already.
        >t.footgay since puberty

      • 3 months ago

        Love how everyone's agreed on paddles and flippers when it comes to her feet, it just fits.

        >frick you
        NTA but it doesn't have to be like cartoony green stink or anything like that. Feet have a natural aroma just like any part of the body does. If Ammy can jerry-rig a digestive system inside of her, it stands to reason Pearl could manage the same with this.

  40. 3 months ago

    Why did pink give up her entire life for a few hairless monkeys?

    • 3 months ago

      She admired their freedom to choose and was very young and dumb.

  41. 3 months ago

    Yellow Diamond seems to be a great engineer but an absolutely terrible military general, good at logistics and making equipment but awful at using them effectively. Pink on the other hand got Guerrilla Warfare tactics down very easily.

    • 3 months ago

      The apparent fact that gems never seemed to had engaged in war before or even faced a rebellion before Pink's would make Yellow's apparent ineptitude as a military leader some sense.

  42. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I want to rub my penis against that

      • 3 months ago

        Would also make out with it

        • 3 months ago

          Seconding, I need them all over my face.

          while I appreciate your eagerness, i'm not gay, pls leave my penis and balls alone

          • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Aw come on, just one quick blowie

    • 3 months ago

      Would also make out with it

      Seconding, I need them all over my face.

  43. 3 months ago
  44. 3 months ago

    I haven’t watched future so I have to ask do Steven and Centipedal have an episode together where they get to actually know each other?

    • 3 months ago

      Nope. Like everything else in this show, Centipedal was never seen again right after "Legs From Here to Homeworld"

      • 3 months ago

        So they spend like two episodes about how Steven cares about this corrupted gem and tries to restore her and even tease it near the finale only to just push it away? Yeah that adds up.

        • 3 months ago

          Pretty much. As another anon pointed out, that they set/tease all these cool gem lore or what gems trying to still get over their self problems since after the war without Pink Dia.. sorry, Rose Diamond, being there. Only for them to just drop them midway through or rush to wrap it up in one/two episodes (like that bullshit when out of body ghost Steven ran through the gems and boom, they magically got over their self problems only to still have them but then magically don't for plot)

          • 3 months ago

            I could forgive all the off model shit and the yuribait frickery but the sheer volume of potential Sugar pissed away due to laziness and/or spinelessness is just plain disgusting.

            • 3 months ago

              This, like how they just made it where they didn’t actually fight anyone prior and it was all just settling planet’s despite them having a shitload of warriors.

          • 3 months ago

            I mean I get the other shit but for frick sake centipedal is one that they actually built up and showed Steven being really invested in, it’s not like they have to do any trauma shit just have them hang out and make it about him giving her a tour of beach city and talking. And have it end with he leaving and him giving her some chaps for the road.

  45. 3 months ago

    Gems are hot

    • 3 months ago

      Stupid hot

  46. 3 months ago

    Now I'm nostalgic of the time me and some buds joined a Steven Universe rp thing where we were this secret military unit which deals with alien and paranormal threats, and our arrival basically revived the whole thing for a few weeks... I still smile at the thought of my character unloading his deagle into a "black diamond" oc

    • 3 months ago

      Would the marker would be a gem that can control organic life?

    • 3 months ago

      So it's like Delta Green but against the gems instead of cosmic horror? Who's the boss? Peewee or their mom?

  47. 3 months ago

    White Fiamond is Roger.
    Uncle Grandpa created Spinel, and he spent centuries looking for her.

  48. 3 months ago

    worst part of centipedal is that her uncorrupted design is just fricking ugly

    • 3 months ago

      Wrong, twice.

    • 3 months ago

      Thank you, tired of jadegays smiling to uglies

  49. 3 months ago

    They fricked up the diamonds from the point where yellow diamond was introduced by immediately letting her get dunked on by a mook like Peridot and it only got worse as time went on.

    The only time when the diamonds were remotely intimidating was during the trailer where we only got to see yellow's silhouette.

    • 3 months ago

      And you can blame Rebecca for that. The fact Rebecca changed Yellow's personally because Yellow was "too mean" to her liking and got in the way of her "but the Diamonds are just really sad and misunderstood UwU" writing. On the Run special was a BIG slap to the face with making it that Yellow was going to hunt down Steven on Homeworld in the special, only for her to do absolutely fricking nothing.

  50. 3 months ago

    >”diamonds huh? thanks for the tip”

  51. 3 months ago

    tbh i didn't like su that much but threads discussing the gems as a concept and their potential lore are always fun

  52. 3 months ago

    How will the Gems affect the local economy of Beach City?

  53. 3 months ago

    What's the weakest army in fiction that could probably still beat Homeworld?

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