
Hey Cinemaphile, what do you think about it

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  1. 1 month ago

    it's shit

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, Hilda is shit too.

      • 1 month ago

        Hilda is SHIT AGAIN. You dislike her.

        Yes, Hilda is very ugly too!

        >BUT HILDA
        don't care, Owl House is still shit.

    • 1 month ago

      Awwh man, I accidentally just stepped on dogshit, oh nevermind it's just the owl house, it's even worse than dogshit

      This board has shit taste

      • 1 month ago

        >t.ranny calling someone out for having shit taste
        >owl house
        Kek how about you get traine rotting wiener out your mouth and watch a better show instead.

        I think it's shit and I dislike that they ripped off Ryoko from Tenchi, the leaked pitch bible was so low effort it makes you wonder how it even got picked up

        >how it even got picked up
        Dana Turdrace was Alex Hirsch's girlfriend and who then leverage her position as that Manlet wienersleeve to get her show greenlighted. That's how. Disney quickly regretted their decision after that lel

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      I think it's shit and I dislike that they ripped off Ryoko from Tenchi, the leaked pitch bible was so low effort it makes you wonder how it even got picked up

      Awwh man, I accidentally just stepped on dogshit, oh nevermind it's just the owl house, it's even worse than dogshit

      You dropped this, King

    • 4 weeks ago

      fpbp. But the show it's shit cause it had potential and it completely wasted it

    • 4 weeks ago

      Awwh man, I accidentally just stepped on dogshit, oh nevermind it's just the owl house, it's even worse than dogshit

      You are coping

  2. 1 month ago

    Awwh man, I accidentally just stepped on dogshit, oh nevermind it's just the owl house, it's even worse than dogshit

    • 1 month ago

      >oh nevermind it's just the owl house, it's even worse than dogshit
      wouldnt you be even angrier?

      • 1 month ago

        It wouldn't matter how you react either way if you had just stepped on the creation of Grandfather Nurgle's very own diseased pit of shite and puss.

  3. 1 month ago

    Why does Cinemaphile hate this show so much? Is it because it's Disney?

    • 1 month ago

      Obnoxious main character, shit worldbuilding, a painfully unoriginal premise that it inexplicably also does nothing with, animation is bad (fight scenes in particular are both too slow and utterly weightless), the creator's/writers' creepy obsession with shipping children, yet another fricking show focused on lesbians.

      • 1 month ago

        All fair complaints, on top of that the constant oversaturation of female protagonists and lesbians gets tiring after a while.


        You're just sad.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This is kind of the reason why TOH never really was as popular with general audiences as much as its fans wanted it to be: discounting the below average writing or even the gayshit, the real issue is that it failed to stick to a premise and develop it effectively. If you've ever read up on psychology/marketing when it comes to television, something that is HEAVILY stressed is fulfilling promises to the viewers: if your show says you're getting magical adventures in a fantasy world about a rebel scam artist witch and her nerdy human apprentice, THEN YOU HAVE TO NOT BREAK THAT PROMISE otherwise people will flat out not watch your show! Shows cannot "afford to find their footing" two or three seasons into the series if they don't have their premise ready from the start because not doing the latter is what kills audience interest and prevents long-term growth.

        People often compare this to Gravity Falls or Amphibia and they don't actually compare WHY the former examples worked and why Owl House did: because they stuck to their formula/premise.

        >frog show: human girl in wacky frog land goes on adventures and explores town but must get back home - premise fulfilled
        >mystery twin show: twins go on wacky adventures in spooky town while solving LE MYSTERY OF THE JOURNAL - premise fulfilled

        >owl show: scam artist rebel witch teaches nerdy girl magic
        >oh wait she can't teach her magic
        >uhhh now she goes to school (wait what happened to the adventures)
        >uhhh now she fights le epic bad guy (wait hold on we barely did anything with the school and we barely even saw the bad guy or felt his presence effectively)

        Seriously, the show introduced so much bullshit into the story only for the badguy's motivation to be "muh Christianity". I joked about it being like Fallout tying all of the bullshit (including the aliens) together to Trump but the show kind of did that with the "muh Capitalism" BS.

        it's shit

        >New episode count = first season + ((total episode count - first season) / 2)
        >Owl House = 19 + (24/2)
        >31 episodes from 43 (72.09%)
        It is never about the lack of episodes.

    • 1 month ago

      Because /misc/tards seethe when anything has someone thats gay in it

      Obnoxious main character, shit worldbuilding, a painfully unoriginal premise that it inexplicably also does nothing with, animation is bad (fight scenes in particular are both too slow and utterly weightless), the creator's/writers' creepy obsession with shipping children, yet another fricking show focused on lesbians.

      >the creator's/writers' creepy obsession with shipping children
      I wish all this assault hysteria crap would fricking end already


      have a nice day

    • 1 month ago

      There's like 2-3 guys that spend their entire lives shitposting about this show because they feel the showrunner personally slighted them, Cinemaphile likes it on average

      • 1 month ago

        Dont forget one of the guy who complains about TOH is an unironic disney shill that hates dana because she rightfully insulted the rat after it cancelled her show

      • 1 month ago

        Gotta love shitposters. Show itself looks fine enough even if it doesn't personally appeal to me.

    • 1 month ago

      My problem is that it meandered between too many main themes before settling on a really bland one.
      >Hobo witch and her outcast sidekick apprentice
      >Human girl in witch magic school
      >Human girl fricking around demon world getting into trouble
      >Human girl stumbling into troubled world and has to hide with the outcasts and fight evil leader guy
      >Human girl goes to demon world, gets a girlfriend, they fight back against world that doesn't like them

      • 1 month ago

        The concept the first two episodes sold me about a scheming, backstabbing Beetlejuise-lite witch training an eager young moron as her apprentice seemed like it would have been really fun.

        But then they made more episodes and I dropped off about two episodes into the second season. Everything else was terrible.

        This is kind of the reason why TOH never really was as popular with general audiences as much as its fans wanted it to be: discounting the below average writing or even the gayshit, the real issue is that it failed to stick to a premise and develop it effectively. If you've ever read up on psychology/marketing when it comes to television, something that is HEAVILY stressed is fulfilling promises to the viewers: if your show says you're getting magical adventures in a fantasy world about a rebel scam artist witch and her nerdy human apprentice, THEN YOU HAVE TO NOT BREAK THAT PROMISE otherwise people will flat out not watch your show! Shows cannot "afford to find their footing" two or three seasons into the series if they don't have their premise ready from the start because not doing the latter is what kills audience interest and prevents long-term growth.

        People often compare this to Gravity Falls or Amphibia and they don't actually compare WHY the former examples worked and why Owl House did: because they stuck to their formula/premise.

        >frog show: human girl in wacky frog land goes on adventures and explores town but must get back home - premise fulfilled
        >mystery twin show: twins go on wacky adventures in spooky town while solving LE MYSTERY OF THE JOURNAL - premise fulfilled

        >owl show: scam artist rebel witch teaches nerdy girl magic
        >oh wait she can't teach her magic
        >uhhh now she goes to school (wait what happened to the adventures)
        >uhhh now she fights le epic bad guy (wait hold on we barely did anything with the school and we barely even saw the bad guy or felt his presence effectively)

        • 1 month ago

          >People often compare this to Gravity Falls or Amphibia and they don't actually compare WHY the former examples worked and why Owl House did: because they stuck to their formula/premise.
          Black person no one can agree which seasons of Amphibia was actually the best, S1gays hate the shonenshit ended, S2gays hate that True Colors is when they got interested and then S3 shat the bed for being up hype, while S3gays hate the actual ending because it was pointlessly convoluted just to have Anne kill herself to save Froggy Earth.

          Nothing about Owl House is as confused as Amphibia was. How it started builds up to how it ends, "wild magic" being bad in a universe of magic that ancient gods used for free but for some reason has to be use in a system of one magic per life screams corrupted society, which lead to Belos being the end game boss. It's not that hard to understand, most people like you just didn't watch the show long enough to get it.

          This is like saying Avatar was shit because the first book spent time making the Gaang bound together and do random shit on their way to learn the elements, instead of instantly killing off the fire lord day one because he's the big bad.

          • 1 month ago

            I watched TOH from start to finish. And it not sticking to a premise is what killed wider interest.

            >This is like saying Avatar was shit because the first book spent time making the Gaang bound together and do random shit on their way to learn the elements, instead of instantly killing off the fire lord day one because he's the big bad.

            No, this is like saying if Avatar SAID it was going to be about Aang learning the elements to stop the Fire Nation and going on an adventure to do so...and then that didn't happen. I'd actually compare Owl House to Korra now that you mention Avatar in terms of failed promises

            >Korra: Korra has to learn spirituality while facing off against gangs and the Equalists
            >uhh nah lets just dick around with pro-bending and meander around until we have to fight the bad guys
            >instead of having Korra learning spirituality
            >or actually exploring the Nonbender vs Probender conflict

            • 1 month ago

              And Korra then airbendends at the end of the season just because. Same as Luz gets the power of yiff to defeat the corpse guy.

            • 1 month ago

              The premise of ToH was
              >Luz deludes herself of her childhood trama with fantasies instead of realizing Earth is shit and she has to deal with reality
              >Which then is transformed into learning how to take responsibilities for her actions by dealing with the reality she now put herself in and all that effected it

              How you cannot grasp this is beyond me, but it was quite clear and understandable to me. Seems like you just wanted this show to be something else and got pissed your headcanon was wrong. Instead being like me that had zero expectations what this show wanted to be, and was just ok enjoying the ride along the way, All cartoons are like this, I go with the flow. As long as how it ends was built up, I don't care how it starts. Shit going off the walls is far more entertaining than predictable foreseen events. It's why I ended up liking Amphibia, since if it was all just S1 3 seasons over I'd drop it by the start of S2. Nothing about the ending of Amphibia was ever expected from episode one. And no, Anne's eyes slightly glowing in the first episode did not foretold her going SSJ and later Hyper Sonic to save Amphibia.

              • 1 month ago

                The problem is that TOH spends nearly three seasons to get to that point and we get dick-all of five minutes or less of exploring that. I don't disagree that Luz's delusions and dealing with reality is the intended point. My issue is that the plotting and structure of TOH does not do this throughline justice because of how shitty Luz's arc is implemented. Luz comes across as too level-headed/self-serious (like her mother) within the first two seasons for that to be the case.

              • 1 month ago

                >Luz comes across as too level-headed/self-serious (like her mother) within the first two seasons for that to be the case.
                Wait, you're now saying she became too competent? homie she was never stupid, her worldview just didn't align with humanities. That's the problem. And even when she came to the Demon Realm, it's not like she became immure to bullshit, anything she did came at the cost of either getting someone hurt, herself hurt, someone in trouble, herself in trouble, or in Belos' case, caused the entire plot point of the coven system to happen in the first place with belos in charge. she's really just Goku in a sense, that her personality is "alien" but has a lot of creative streetsmarts to understand a situation and take advantage of it, the only difference is she's 9/10 out of her league and gets overwhelmed quite quickly by more experienced people.

                Unlike Goku who because he's a Saiyan he has plot armor of being genetics far superior than any ordinary human that he was like a boy god where only literal demons or hyper trained humans can tango with him. Luz was never overpowered or over confidant in her abilities, she just wasn't a complete moron and could actually understand the situation she puts herself into.

          • 1 month ago

            nice fanfiction schizo moron

        • 4 weeks ago

          >if your show says you're getting magical adventures in a fantasy world about a rebel scam artist witch and her nerdy human apprentice, THEN YOU HAVE TO NOT BREAK THAT PROMISE otherwise people will flat out not watch your show!
          This is only true in industry plant cases, plenty of shows and stories only get popular once they get off track of the original premise. Dragon Ball very quickly strayed from the search for the titular Dragon Balls into nothing but shonen fights and it's the most popular anime ever.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Dragon Ball very quickly strayed from the search for the titular Dragon Balls into nothing but shonen fights and it's the most popular anime ever.

  4. 1 month ago

    I want to frick, marry, impregnate and have a long living family with Odalia

  5. 1 month ago


  6. 1 month ago

    I think it's shit and I dislike that they ripped off Ryoko from Tenchi, the leaked pitch bible was so low effort it makes you wonder how it even got picked up

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        Cutest space alien

      • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Disney desperately wanted another Gravity Falls and was giving shows to past GF alumni

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I think it's shit and I dislike that they ripped off Ryoko from Tenchi
      I understand what you're saying but I can go the other way and admire using such an iconic character design that only fans in her age group would rally behind as a positive strong female character who was in control of her sexuality and motivations
      in this regard I give Dana credit for recognizing that Ryoko is anything but a generic waifu
      proving coomers who waifu 2D anime girls have tastes and standards that dont revolve around the generic commercialized pitfalls

      • 4 weeks ago

        >proving coomers who waifu 2D anime girls have tastes and standards that dont revolve around the generic commercialized pitfalls
        I feel like this was true in the past but now modern coombrains.. They have zero standards what so ever.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >They have zero standards what so ever.
          with the advent of AI slop threads
          you also have a point

    • 4 weeks ago

      I love Ryoko

  7. 1 month ago


    I don't care about you being a homosexual, but don't shove it in my face in a public space.

  8. 1 month ago



    Slay, kweens! You totally showed that nasty straight man. He's, like, harshing our bussies.

    • 1 month ago

      >kweens (plural)
      that's one guy, look at the minute difference between posts

      • 1 month ago

        I figured it was a samegay, but it's funnier to make them think I'm falling for their manufactured consensus.

  9. 1 month ago

    I like the little straight witch character, she should have my babies.

  10. 1 month ago


    Nah Disney is too big to fall. They owned Star Wars and Marvel (two of the most profitable franchise in the history of mankind). TOH being a failure of a shitshow wouldn't even dent one percentile of Disney's total revenue that the company is making every year.

  11. 1 month ago


    Disney "ruining" things doesn't really translate to the company not making any money off it. Just look at force awakens, the last Jedi, rogue one and rise of sky walker as examples. These are the top 4 highest grossing Star Wars film as shitty as they were.

  12. 1 month ago

    The concept the first two episodes sold me about a scheming, backstabbing Beetlejuise-lite witch training an eager young moron as her apprentice seemed like it would have been really fun.

    But then they made more episodes and I dropped off about two episodes into the second season. Everything else was terrible.

  13. 1 month ago

    Not even a watcher, but it's got a comfy atmosphere and cool world from what I've been able to find

    • 1 month ago

      No it doesn't.
      Her gremlin boyfriend's one did because I used to try back then.

  14. 1 month ago

    it cured my chud-ness

  15. 1 month ago

    It's shit

    • 1 month ago

      Hilda is SHIT AGAIN. You dislike her.

      luz is ugly
      the show is horrible

      Yes, Hilda is very ugly too!

  16. 1 month ago

    Never made it past about episode 6 I think. It was alright, but Luz was too annoying for me to continue.

  17. 1 month ago

    luz is ugly
    the show is horrible

  18. 1 month ago

    Every single person involved with making it should spend 5 years in the woods in artistic and physical training to atone for making it like that

  19. 1 month ago

    shit cartoon with terrible writing

  20. 1 month ago

    More lost potential than Steven Universe.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You think so?

  21. 1 month ago

    >what if we took all the worst aspects of the cartoons and all the worst aspects of anime and crammed them together?

  22. 1 month ago

    No one will ever actually make a better product so eat shit. No one on this shithole EVER actually product anything of worth like actual ideas that would have made for a better concept, and instead will just say "frick the creators, frick non whites, frick frick frick".

    I only come here to laugh at you outcasts of society. Just wish Putin would send the nukes already so your kind can finally get wiped off and maybe this site's quality would go back to 2006-8 again.

  23. 1 month ago


  24. 1 month ago

    Every time I look at this image I see an ass with wings

  25. 1 month ago

    Never seen it, didn't stop me from fapping to the fan arts tho...

  26. 1 month ago

    I forgot this existed.
    It was interesting until the end. I'm sure there's some youtube video out there with leaked design notes of what should have happened and how it would have been so much better.

    If there is, post it.

    • 1 month ago

      >If there is, post it.
      We don't because Dana actively gatekept it to herself in the hopes she'll get Disney to bend the knee to allow more ToH content to properly disclose loose ends.

  27. 1 month ago

    Pile of dogshit

  28. 1 month ago

    Ass with wings

  29. 1 month ago

    Like most recent shows the ideas it presents are better than the execution of those ideas.

    And Eda should've been the main character.

    • 1 month ago

      Eda, Lilith, Hunter, and Belos should have been the central focus since they're the only characters who are primed for story unlike most of the cast. Everyone else feels two-bit or lacking.

  30. 1 month ago

    Amphibia is infinite times better than the Owl Shithouse

    • 4 weeks ago

      can't argue with those quads

    • 4 weeks ago

      Owl house flopped and canceled


      Coping and seething.

  31. 1 month ago

    I’m a yurigay, so naturally i liked the show. There was an unnecessary amount of moronic political nonsense intertwined in the show but overall it was really cute.

  32. 1 month ago

    It's great

  33. 1 month ago

    It's kino.

  34. 1 month ago

    It got mogged hard by the superior show

    • 1 month ago

      >superior show
      >it's another brown disneyslop
      You gays have a one track mind

      • 1 month ago

        Owl house flopped and canceled


        • 1 month ago

          I made an Amphibia thread yesterday to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the finale. It archived with 30 posts. This show is fricking dead and has no fans.

          • 1 month ago

            >uwaaaa p-please come to my tribeshit owl glazing troon circle jerk thread
            Meanwhile the actual Amphibia thread just less than a day ago that reach the max bump limit


            Owl House is so dead they don't even have a thread for the past few months because it keeps being archived KEK

            • 1 month ago

              link to the thread


              • 4 weeks ago

                >10 days
                Damn, but anyways these would probably last even longer than that if it wasn't for the fricking Sashanne spammer filling it within a couple of hours

            • 4 weeks ago

              link to the thread

              That's not an Amphibia thread that
              s a coomer thread. Frick off, it's no different from this thread which will reach bump limit because, shocker, your b***h ass is bumping them with your obnoxious shitposting. Good job playing yourself.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Amphibia thread reaches 500 post on Cinemaphile few hours ago
                >it doesn't count b-because uuhhh arbitrary reason that I just made up
                According to your logic owl house doesn't have a thread for 4 years

                LMAO the biggest self owned from an owl house gay

              • 4 weeks ago

                thread reaches 500 post on Cinemaphile few hours ago
                It wasn't a few hours, it was days, I was there, you lying tragoldyte.

                >>it doesn't count b-because uuhhh arbitrary reason that I just made up
                It doesn't count because you're the troon making up headcanons and are just a literal wienerroach from a shitty asian shithole that cannot deal with the fact Dana's product lives this rent free in your tiny mindhut.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Don't even bother using a word above your intellect just because you think it sounds cool, ESLjeet. This owl house gay has been mindbroken beyond repair and can only produce a nonsensical schizo babble post as a coping mechanism after Disney completely BTFO his canceled slop.

                So the /trash/general doesn't count? Because by far those aren't as shitty as the ones done in Cinemaphile

                Yeah, nobody cares about that shithole place. I wouldn't be surprised if there was only one owl house schizo just talking to himself in that thread to bump the thread from page 10.
                In reality, owl house threads has been spammed nonstop on Cinemaphile and it keeps dying off to page 10
                >these are all within just one week btw

              • 4 weeks ago


                There, you good? Enjoyed that cum in your mouth? Fricking grammar nazis seething over two letters pressed in the wrong order. Why are more and more of you wienerroaches coming out of the woodworks on this site lately?

            • 4 weeks ago

              So the /trash/general doesn't count? Because by far those aren't as shitty as the ones done in Cinemaphile

  35. 1 month ago

    Why does The Owl House in particular cause so much seething on this board?

    • 1 month ago

      Cinemaphile is too gay for lesbians

  36. 1 month ago

    kind of all over the place but it the world wa interesting and had good jokes which is more than can be said for redditphibia

  37. 1 month ago

    TGAMM > Amphibia > TOH
    But I really enjoyed all of them.

  38. 1 month ago


  39. 4 weeks ago

    Embarrassing meltdown.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    farts and shit

  41. 4 weeks ago

    On the best 10% of Cinemaphile output in the last 10 years.
    Yet, the bar is pretty low

  42. 4 weeks ago

    I started watching the show because I saw it had a yuri main couple but by the end of the show all I cared about was Belos and wanted his victory

    • 4 weeks ago

      My favorite part was when belos got curbstomped like a b***h

  43. 4 weeks ago

    I watched Gravity Falls, Amphibia and the Owl House, I enjoyed them all, and I'm tired of their discussions being in-fighting, the same few complaints, and general vitriol.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The only "fighting" is one schizo trying really hard to turn the frog and owl fandoms against each other, but nobody cares.

    • 4 weeks ago

      same but i didn't enjoy any of them and i'm tired of the shitters who pretend they were any good shitting up the board

      • 4 weeks ago

        You can always hide threads about shows you don't like instead of snuffing out people who want to talk about them

  44. 4 weeks ago

    Owl House is the literal definition of a dogshit cartoon

  45. 4 weeks ago

    shows these days have way to many lesbians.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    Personally it's become this autistic obsession in the form of an AU where Luz lives alone with Hooty, Owlbert, and the Collector, goes to Glandus and later becomes the Golden Guard, but it's only really existing in these manic bursts I slap on word documents and do nothing with, so it's both a means of personal escape to enjoy music I like with scenarios involving them, and a means to self-hate for getting nothing done on it. And I can't talk to anyone about it because there's nowhere to go with it, and it only exists in my brain.

    I wish I could just get my shit together enough to put a form of it out there.

  47. 4 weeks ago

    it’s just as bad as every other pseudo-serialized, meandering, no-endgame having, self-insert goyslop

    • 4 weeks ago


      Go back to Cinemaphile

      • 4 weeks ago

        sloptier reply

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Had potential but I never watched past Season 1 since it was unfocussed af and there was major character development happening off-screen because the showrunners had absolutely no patience for the "enemies-to-friends-to-lovers" subplot they wanted to push. I used to have a lot more in-depth stuff to say about it but I basically completely forgot about most of my criticism and have only vague impressions remain.
    Pacing and lack of focus and discipline ruined this show and it's actually a sad reflection on how low the bar is that this is so popular, but of course it is, it has underaged lesbians. Zoomies are still obsessed with the queers.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Black person they didn't get together until Season 2, and it was originally one sides all throughout S1B. Meanwhile superman and lois met for a day and literally start lusting for each other in 2 episodes in, then by the 4th they are dating. Is it a not a problem because they are straight and adults?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Also, "that' impatience" was because the show got Disney'd by the second to last S1 episodes, that's why it was "scatterbrained and rushed" because S1 wasn't even suppose to be what it was, it was a Disney mandate like all of DTV shows based on episodic dribble.

  49. 4 weeks ago

    It is the west version of moe, just like my little pony, so i hate it

  50. 4 weeks ago

    I haven't seen a single episode, but I want to frick Eda.

  51. 4 weeks ago


  52. 4 weeks ago

    It's a piece of dogshit swirl in a bucket of diarrhea

  53. 4 weeks ago

    owl house is shit bros

    • 4 weeks ago

      Amphibia is better


      Luz is still ugly as hell


      Thanks for bumping the thread, samegay.

  54. 4 weeks ago

    Amphibia is better

    • 4 weeks ago


  55. 4 weeks ago

    Luz is still ugly as hell

  56. 4 weeks ago


  57. 4 weeks ago

    Season 1 was too slow, didn't really sell me on Luz because she's not a Real Freak. Nice to look back on for more fluff now that the show is finished though. Season 2 is straight gas, solid pacing, Hunter is there, the central romance is developed, only issue is that Gus and Willow don't get much and are consigned to never getting much because it ends at... Season 3: A fine enough capstone to the show, best episode is the lowstakes opening of the season because it's just characters we like futzing about when we've already developed an attachment to them. Not the best closer, but ti's a rush job so I won't complain. Season 2 was still fire tho.
    And Eclipse Lake takes the cake as best epsiode easy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is pretty accurate, I'm not a big fan of the Owlhouse, I find its biggest problem is its hard to rewatch since season 1 is just awful. It has a fanbase for sure but Cinemaphile isn't the place for it. The fans for it here just like the porn. So not the show for me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Agree. It's better to bingewatch that show.
      Probably the only complaints could be.
      1. Luz backstory is not completely shown, but it doesn't matter because despite how freak you are told she is, at least she's a character in her own and not a stereotype.
      2. Amitys arc was not closed. I mean, she could understand better the loyalists' motives, even if she doesn't agree. She also seems that she didn't grow up her naviete as much as Luz, even with her influence. It's pretty static overall.
      3. I'm pretty sure Dana hated Gus

  58. 4 weeks ago

    I watched the first season. I enjoyed it a lot. I quickly lost interest thereafter.

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