Hey Americans. How true is the image of a typical American High School in movies/tv shows?

Hey Americans. How true is the image of a typical American High School in movies/tv shows? Are there really bullies in high school who constantly beat up people and make nerds do their homework and such? Are there really specific groups like the popular sport jocks, goths, nerds, etc like in a prison?

For a European this seems so fake and unbelievable but there are so many representation of it that it must be true on some level. So is it?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Europeans literally dont matter stop posting here go away never come back

    Is what I'd say if I was a tv bully bro lol I almost had u

    • 5 months ago

      Trips of truth

      It's ironic how America was a colony of Europeans and now we've turned it around and Europe is a colony of America. Get wrecked

  2. 5 months ago

    The guy on the right only bullied the gay kid because he was in the closet gay.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        The picture is from Glee. The white football player in op's picture only bullied the out gay kid named Curt. We learn that the football player is gay and also in the closet. In the show he tries and fails to hang himself.

      • 5 months ago

        It's from Glee. The one is also gay. Also the gay kid he bullied definitely deserved being bullied at least a little bit and being called a gay if I'm honest because he acts like a pompous know it all diva and was constantly insulting and belittling others then hiding behind his dad and later adoptive brother for protection.

  3. 5 months ago

    >How true is the image of a typical American High School in movies/tv shows?
    I’m 35 now so I can’t speak today, but back in the day it was pretty close. It’s still exaggerated. Closest I had to that experience was really in middle school.

    >Are there really bullies in high school who constantly beat up people and make nerds do their homework and such?
    Beat up? Yes
    Do their homework? Doubt it

    Are there really specific groups like the popular sport jocks, goths, nerds, etc like in a prison?
    100% accurate

    • 5 months ago

      >Beat up? Yes
      But also in majority white schools? This is so alien to me, we had fights in elementary school only, nobody fought in high schools.

      • 5 months ago

        Yes. Poverty and shitty parenting breeds little shits who express their shittyness through bullying. Doesn’t matter if they are white or not.

      • 5 months ago

        >But also in majority white schools? This is so alien to me, we had fights in elementary school only, nobody fought in high schools.
        Whites are addicted to hierarchies, even in high school, so they fight for dominance amongst their own. Darkies fight for perceived slights to their egos, bling, and all other manner of lesser justifications to commit violence.

      • 5 months ago

        Frick off. No, America is exactly like Hollywood you dolt and there's race riots every day, no kids of differing ethnicity talk to one another and all violence is strictly along racial lines

  4. 5 months ago

    hey Ivan raid threads just make people hate russians
    making anti america raid threads all day outs outs you as a shill from a rival geo political party

    • 5 months ago

      take your meds

      • 5 months ago

        stop making agitation threads and get a real job you 3rd world b***h

        • 5 months ago

          >3rd world
          sure thing buddy. Remember to pay your medical bills

  5. 5 months ago

    Maybe up until the 90s. I graduated before columbine amen I heard all the crazy security shit that follewed from my friends who were still in.
    Everybody bullied. And it wasn’t a jock nerd thing. High school got a less clicky as you got older. And popularity was whoever had access to booze drugs chicks and a partyhouse without parents

    • 5 months ago

      >graduated before columbine
      >on Cinemaphile

      • 5 months ago

        You have no idea. Don't worry, I'll see you here in a decade.

        T. Oldhomosexual

  6. 5 months ago

    athletes are the nicest and most laid back kids in any high school. the closest thing to 80s movie bullies are the druggies.

    also even in small towns high schools have 5k+ kids crammed in them. There's no such thing as popularity in that kind of environment. I doubt most high schoolers know who the frick their prom queen/king was

    maybe things were different in the '60s when most teen movie writers went to high school but modern schools arent anything like movies

    • 5 months ago

      it's more like 1-2k, but there's so many people that there's no such thing as being popular. no one knows who you are in high school

      • 5 months ago

        I was in highschool when Glee aired and my highschool wasn't like that at all. While there were very distinct groups in the schools I went to (both public and private), the sports teams were on a short leash to begin with, and none of these guys were much bullies. More like "troublemakers." Disturbing the teachers during class, stuffing toilets, shit like that. No taxing or physical altercations. A lot of groups were troublemakers, lol. I lit fireworks inside the school a few times and stole an exit sign. The only bullying I've heard about was between girls, but I've never seen it myself.
        No goths or scene girls where I went though 🙁

        Depends. If you're a nerd sitting in the library all day, of course you're not popular. If you're doing shit and putting yourself out there, people end up knowing your name. I know because I did both. When I started middle/highschool, my parents sent me to this preppy fricking catholic school while all my friends went to public schools around town. Can't go outside limits of the school yard during lunch (can't meet friends from the school in the building right fricking next, don't even need to cross the street), and the extracurriculars were just square shit. International programs, humanitarian programs, team sports, shit like that. So I just spent my time at the library reading horror. Public school (not the one next, bit further) was much more fun. We had skate and snowboard competitions with lots of people coming and I was participating in most of them either as finalist or event MC. Made movies and was in plays for drama. I was decently popular, everyone my grade knew me by name, years above and below too. Won best Halloween costume contests two years in a row (which is a popularity contest, really)

        • 5 months ago

          Oh yeah, the "cool activity" in that catholic school? Fricking ping pong.

    • 5 months ago

      most of those movies were written by israelites. the "nerd" trope in movies is actually very similar to israeli stereotypes, with the alpha jocks representing Aryans who "oppress" them

    • 5 months ago

      the star football player in my year gave me multiple concussions and fuicked up my long-term memory by pounding my head into the concrete when I wouldn't do his homework for him.

  7. 5 months ago

    Not really. Superbad came out when I was in high school and it was pretty accurate.

  8. 5 months ago

    It's a generational thing. In the 1940s-70s public school life of America bullying WAS actually quite widespread and vicious due to a variety of cultural factors. The bullies were often jocks bullying anyone who was different from the norm, sometimes. People act like this is just a trope because its been dead so long but it 100% existed during the timeframe. My dad wasn't even a nerd and got locked inside lockers, given swirlies/wedgies, etc. and he talks about how common it was and the teachers often looked the other way to it.

    In the 1980s schools started taking the issue more seriously, and bullying became much more verbal and based around social shunning. This is best exemplified in the "mean girls" kind of bullying. It nonetheless became more chill, which is why Gen X high school movies such as American Pie or Superbad have little to no overt bullying and is more accurate to the era.

    Now due to mass shootings any type of bullying is pretty much instant suspension and it doesn't take place anymore. It's all off school/social media now.

    • 5 months ago

      >Now due to mass shootings any type of bullying is pretty much instant suspension and it doesn't take place anymore
      This is complete bullshit. I got swirlies/wedgies multiple times, and got called names by everyone at school, including my "friends".

      • 5 months ago

        I want to give you a swirly now. What’s it called when there is shit in the bowl?

        • 5 months ago

          You're on Cinemaphile, neckbeard. You're not going to be getting up out of your computer chair anytime soon, unless it's to pick up your large domino's meat lovers pizza.

          • 5 months ago

            Great idea bro no swirly for you.

    • 5 months ago

      Superbad is not Gen X. It's pure millenial. American Pie is Xennial (people on the borderline of X/Milleniall)

      • 5 months ago

        Superbad is not Millenial you fricking moron

        Wet Hot American Summer, et al. were written by 30 / 40 year olds at the time, aka gen x. Millennials never had house parties with hundreds of kids or any of that fake shit.

        That's why it's called a MOVIE and not a documentary

        • 5 months ago

          >house parties with hundreds of kids
          Has this literally ever happened? Maybe rich kids were doing it don’t know

          • 5 months ago

            Rich kids were doing it. My friend lived on a private street so cops couldn’t come unless they were called. Their neighbor was a CEO for Dunkin’ Donuts and his parents made frequent trips to Europe. He was also the youngest of 4 kids so we not only had booze buyers, but his parents had seen it all by then. I wasn’t rich, but I had rich friends.

        • 5 months ago

          >Millennials never had house parties with hundreds of kids or any of that fake shit.
          these have always happened. did you forget when kids were posting their parties to facebook and getting 100s of people showing up they didn't know?
          I knew of a few when I was in highschool. They were real

          • 5 months ago

            No, because actual house parties were maybe like 9 kids max, 30 if you're really pushing the graduation party thing

        • 5 months ago

          >Millennials never had house parties with hundreds of kids or any of that fake shit
          Yes we did. Fricking Open House parties. Always ended up with cops breaking it up. Too late usually.
          Speaking of shit that only happens in movies, I've actually seen an "unorganized" food fight. (as in not school organized, some schools were doing that at one point) A lot of people got suspended. I cut class to get lunch early, I don't play with food.

          • 5 months ago

            I didn't grow up in some exurb suburb gaybox. In 99% of America, city kids didn't have a house to party at and rural kids didn't have 500 kids a grade year to go to their parties. You just drove around if you had a car and got stoned or something.

      • 5 months ago

        Writer of American Pie graduated high school in 1992 and based the script on going to school in Ann Arbor in the early 90s. It's late Gen-X

        • 5 months ago

          The in movie grad class was 1999, at least that’s when the movie came out. So born 1981/82 solid xennial. Pretty crazy that tech accelerated so quickly in our youth that a micro-micro generation was coined for a 5 year period. I doubt it will stand the test of time when many generations look back.

  9. 5 months ago

    Maybe in the 80s and 90s. Graduated early 2010s. There were buttholes but nothing like in the movies

  10. 5 months ago

    Bullies exist but in movies/tv it's usually the jock with the wealthy parents. In reality those guys are either cool or couldn't give the slightest frick that you exist because they've got the world by the ass. Look at school shooters. Unless it's gang related it's almost always always always the weird kid loaded up with SSRIs.

  11. 5 months ago

    Nobody can give you a complete and accurate answer because everybody had a different experience in high school. Anybody saying their experience speaks for everyone else's is a liar.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Are there really bullies in high school who constantly beat up people and make nerds do their homework
    Not in my experience. We did have occasional recess fights between individuals.

    There was a general divide between the preppy kids and the stoners/goths/rednecks. I kind of hovered around both, being socially awkward with mostly good grades. I don't recall anyone using terms like "the most popular kid in school" like they do in movies.

    Nobody got stuffed into lockers because real lockers are half that size.

  13. 5 months ago

    real bullying died in the 2000s, maybe earlier 90s. I would have been expelled in high school for fights.

    though my dad recalls forcing some kid into a sewer and locking him in, someone letting 2 pitbulls maul another kid for fun, and throwing firecrackers into courtrooms around the time judges were being killed by mafia.
    Kids aint what they used to be

  14. 5 months ago

    There used to be groups like that when I was in high school but everyone blended together and hanged out because of weed

    >bullies in high school who constantly beat up people and make nerds do their homework and such?
    No. That's some middle school shit. Nerds did jocks' homework in exchange for weed/xannies

  15. 5 months ago

    I graduated high school in the 90s and it was pretty much like the movies and tv portrayals. Can't Hardly Wait was pretty accurate. There was definitely a class system and popular kids

  16. 5 months ago

    Were you guys forced to work out for junior/senior year? I'm wondering if that was just my small town.

    • 5 months ago

      Three years of gym were required which included time in the weight room were required.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, but most didn't do it

  17. 5 months ago

    >Are there really bullies in high school who constantly beat up people and make nerds do their homework and such?
    Literally, and unironically, yes. HS was a nightmare.

  18. 5 months ago

    From my Highschool experience, No. There was no fighting. There were two people shoving each other, and they stopped after a minute, but no fist fighting.

    Most students don’t get into fights at school because they will get arrested and/or sent to Juvi. If they fight, it is off school grounds. Like at a grocery store or gas station.

  19. 5 months ago

    Like most things probably varies state to state. In my school most of the football jocks were laid back and got along with the nerds, and it was the baseball team and the golf/tennis kids that were the buttholes. American Pie (The first one) is pretty much the most accurate to high school down to all of the band kids being bawds and partiers who only joined band to go on multiple school trips withou adult supervision.

    My general feeling is that everyone in Hollywood were A: In Drama and Creative Writing, which were the two classes where the teachers were mentally teenagers and graded on popularity. and B: Are all rich nepo-babies, so could actually afford to have parties with drugs and beer whereas everyone I knew IRL relied on moms providing snacks and soda and maybe a few rented movies.

  20. 5 months ago

    man i wish a jock would have roughed me up and forced me to do his homework. the closest I got was the quarterback joking around in the bathroom alone with me wearing a thong.

  21. 5 months ago

    >Hey Americans. How true is the image of a typical American High School in movies/tv shows?

    High school experience was early 2000s and I can definitely say no.

    Most kids just hung out with whoever and mutual interests gravitated people but no one was part of any cliques and no one knew who the popular kids were. No one knew who the quarterback for the football team was and didn't know who the hell he was dating.

    Also, no one cares if you liked nerdy things. They only got on your case if you were autistic.

    My high school experience was essentially
    >Hung out with a bunch of fujoshi girls.
    >Also hung out with a bunch of 'dude weed' skater kids.
    >Gf for the longest time was an emo/goth.
    > Was in drama and theater.
    >Got into a fistfight with a Cuban kid because he was stealing a friends Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

    No one was gonna bully you because you read comic books or because you liked Nintendo. They'd bully you if you were a sped and that was extremely rare.

    This mentality of high school in TV and movies is mostly made up.

  22. 5 months ago

    At my high school there were popular kids that hung out by the lockers, regular kids that hung out at the tables, and the not popular kids who hung out in the building.

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