Hey wait a minute, Blitzo's mom is dead right? What does that mean? Where did she go?

Hey wait a minute, Blitzo's mom is dead right? What does that mean? Where did she go? They're in hell, she should just pop up again somewhere.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Maybe she went to heaven for saving her kids anon, idk pointing out plot holes in helluva boss is like pointing out that water is wet at this point

    • 1 month ago

      >Hell Heaven

  2. 1 month ago

    Only former humans “come back” after dying in Hell
    Presumably native demons just cease to exist in the same way as sinners or angels killed with holy weaponry

    • 1 month ago

      >Presumably native demons just cease to exist in the same way as sinners or angels killed with holy weaponry
      That's in my opinion the most stupidest lore thing. The whole point of hell is that you are supposed to suffer in it, it is such a shit place that even demons want to escape it.
      But even without that, why have hell in the first place if you are just going to kill the sinners, why not just straight up murder them the first time they die and come out as sinners. Why do you need to clense them and not just put them into death camps, why isn't hell just a death camp?
      They can't do anything with that? Why?
      Am I the only one?

      • 1 month ago

        The entire premise of the show is that the pride ring (where the sinners are) IS a death camp and the MC wants to change that by proving that sinners can be redeemed. It's literally what you said.

        • 1 month ago

          There is another problem. This already exists, it's called purgatory.
          But if it is, why do they make it look like average modern city but demonic. Why not sell the death camp thing completely and make it also look like a death camp?

          • 1 month ago

            Because one of the show's weak and flimsy themes posits that the sinners create a sort of negative feedback loop we're they're so horrible to each other they never end up bettering themselves because it just seems pointless to try. So it's doing a 'hell is other people' angle.

            The confusing stuff starts when you try to fit in the actual hellborn demons into the same picture, as they seem to exist for no real reason then to be the universe's ultimate losers.

            • 1 month ago

              They seem to kind of just be the jannies of the hellish world
              The only imps who have managed to achieve a modicum of power have done so by being intimate with beings far more powerful than them (Stolas/Blitzo and Fizz/Asmodeus)

      • 1 month ago

        someone hasn't watched the show

      • 1 month ago

        Hellborn are natives. They find Earth stranger than hell.

  3. 1 month ago

    As this is not a question about sad gays it's not relevant to the story so you'd be better of not thinking about it.

  4. 1 month ago

    If hellborn demons are responsible for going topside and engendering things like lust and murder and whatnot then doesn't the whole spiral of negativity regarding sinners originate with the hellborn? Charlie could solve her moral crisis by just exterminating the lower classes, leaving mankind free of sin.

    • 1 month ago

      Hellborn can exacerbate sin, yes; but humans commit sin out of their own free will.

      • 1 month ago

        Why do the hellborn exacerbate sin anyway? What do they get out of it?

        • 1 month ago

          cuz it's funny

        • 1 month ago

          It's in their nature.

          • 1 month ago

            So no reason at all? Just shitty non-writing. Gotcha.

      • 1 month ago

        If free will exists, god doesn't.

        • 1 month ago
  5. 1 month ago


  6. 1 month ago


    The greed demons live a life of overindustrialized mafioso crime gangs and lust demons are just sex slaves. All the lower class demons are basically just slaves, and the hilarious part is Vivzie expects us to just shrug and accept it because 'oh it's part of their culture', but then magically do a complete mental backflip when the main characters get sad or abused because apparently human morals apply when it's convenient for the drama (but the rest of the time they just act like sociopaths). It's amusing because if further breaks the central premise of Hazbin because if Heaven is so desirable a destination and hell is so awful that getting out of it is the only logical course of action, the hellborn should be the most sympathetic caste of all. They did absolutely nothing to earn themselves a lifetime of living under heel, and yet they do anyway. Instead we're supposed to care about the sinners, who come across more as annoying richoids.

    Something something poverty joke.

    • 1 month ago



      Because one of the show's weak and flimsy themes posits that the sinners create a sort of negative feedback loop we're they're so horrible to each other they never end up bettering themselves because it just seems pointless to try. So it's doing a 'hell is other people' angle.

      The confusing stuff starts when you try to fit in the actual hellborn demons into the same picture, as they seem to exist for no real reason then to be the universe's ultimate losers.

      Do we as the audience see former semitic gods in hell? Or even hear about them? That'd be a cool ass concept. Hell do we see or hear about God/Yahweh?

      • 1 month ago

        >That'd be a cool ass concept
        No It wouldn't.
        >Hell do we see or hear about God or YHW
        Only in Hazbin Hotel's concept content does it mention that Sera (The "High Seraphim" of heaven, which is kinda like the one who manages the actual "city" of heaven, since you've obviously not seen the show) is the second in command after "The voice of God" now "Metatron" has not been mentioned by name but there's season 2 coming so who knows. Most of the show is a mishmash of Apocryphal themes taken from Lesser Key of Solomon and other israeli Apocryphal texts and Dante's Inferno terminology. Nothing is based on any actual Christian denominational definitions or conceptualizations. Hell in this universe is a place that as far as we know it was where Lilith and Lucifer were banished after Heaven threw them there for quote "rebelling". Sera tells Emily (a "lesser" Seraphim) that "questioning heaven's way of doing things" can lead you to become "fallen"

  7. 1 month ago

    >ITT People pretending to be edgy critics that can see through the show's flaws. In reality their understanding isn't even at reddit level


    Now go post 'you have to go back' because you are incapable of doing anything else than aping things you heard and your monkey brain is angry.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >literally needs a reddit post to do his thinking for him

  8. 1 month ago

    It needs to be stated more concretely within the universe, but second poster is right, hellspawn just die normally.
    Also, hellspawn in Helluva/Hazbin in general don't actually deserve damnation given they're born into a shit situation without having even a chance to commit sin.
    It's something small that you realize would be a REALLY interesting plot thread to pursue in this show but it most likely is only going to be some lousy justification for bad writing later on.

  9. 1 month ago

    She went to Double Hell.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm thinking at this point a lot of writers who try to make demons' and angels deaths an emotional investment have sone sort of weird megahell in mind.

      • 1 month ago

        They’ve made vague allusions to the concept as a joke, so I think it’d be funny if it was real and all the characters were surprised by it. Dunno if they’d really go there, but it might be funny.

  10. 1 month ago

    Hellborn essence goes into physical objects after they die so she probably went into a buttplug or something stupid that someone has had up their ass for 10 straight years.

    • 1 month ago

      >Hellborn essence goes into physical objects after they die
      This is how it works I'm Bleach too btw

  11. 1 month ago

    >What happens to bad people when they die, in hell?
    If your setting is Hell and you don't even consider writing about it you're a bad fricking writer.
    Even Doom at leas made a joke about that question in the 90s.

  12. 1 month ago

    >she died to blitzo's b***h-ass stupidity
    >not because paimon got pissed over being robbed and nuking the family circus with his powers in reprisal
    What a ridiculous shitshow this whole thing is.

    • 1 month ago

      It's a weird roundabout way to give him trauma that makes him hesitate in pushing the relationship with Stolas that'd otherwise be official by the end of Season 1, instead of Season 2.
      Oh, and the fact he goes on to continually just frick everything up by being a shit person to everyone who is most likely going to forgive him after he has a chat with them after meeting back up with them in years.

      • 1 month ago

        Also even his frickup can't actually be his fault. He just pushed some guy with birthday cake and that's it. I would prefer if maybe due to jealousy he tried to sabotage Fizz, but it went out of Control and cost him everything. Then you have a low point he can have genuine redemption from. A powerful reason why he did not go see Fizz instead of Muh Mean Dad and you have Blitzo actually accountable for something. But no. A fricking cake. Because they cannot imagine even a single person not loving Blitzo. I hate it.

    • 1 month ago

      In the outline for a rewrite I had, Blitz had actually stayed with the Goetia, as they now owned him, and when he returned to the circus to check on his family, he finds Cash lied to the rest of the family about the situation, saying that he was a ungrateful and disloyal son that abandoned them the first chance he got, which “caused [his] mother to die of a broken heart”, Blitz flies to a rage and kills his dad, but the scuffle caused some candles/lanterns to get knocked over and subsequently burned the circus down. Fun fact: I wrote all of this before it was officially revealed, even guessed that the white marks on Blitz were burn scars and that pyrotechnics were involved with Fizzarolli.

      • 1 month ago

        >In the outline for a rewrite I...
        AHAHAHAHAHAHA b***h, dropped it right there. XD

  13. 1 month ago

    >the backstory for the origins of Stolas' relationship with Blitzo and the beginning of their actual 'romance'
    What the frick is this writing? None of these characters have any real personality beyond screaming and beaming mashed together for shipping purposes like toys.

    • 1 month ago

      Also they already try to do big development and pay offs and reconciling when we don't even know why either of them is attracted to the other besides the show telling us they are.

      • 1 month ago

        >we don't even know why either of them is attracted to the other
        From what I gathered, Blitzo likes Stolas because Blitzo has always craved being loved unconditionally, and Stolas gives him that. And Stolas likes Blitzo because Blitzo represents and allows a level of freedom that Stolas has never experienced before.

        To be clear: I don’t think the show is written well. But these characters and their relationship dynamic aren’t that hard to analyze.

  14. 1 month ago
  15. 1 month ago

    once someone in Hell dies they go to the formless outer chaos of existence where the Outer Gods reside, their you just chill out for all eternity and listen to some sweet tunes around the supreme creator

  16. 1 month ago

    Why are her kids bald?

  17. 1 month ago

    Same reason they put Angels wings on Chaz.

  18. 1 month ago

    who cares post barbie ass

  19. 1 month ago

    I want to see satan so bad I want bara dragon husbando

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