Hollywood continues collapsing

>In a major blow to the post-pandemic recovery effort, domestic box office revenue in 2024 is now expected to come in behind that of 2023, a reversal of fortunes no one predicted. If projections are right, domestic box office in 2024 could top out at $7.5 billion to $8 billion, compared to an expected $8.8 billion to $8.9 billion this year.

>At this juncture, no one is sure when, or if, the North American box office will return to pre-pandemic levels, or $11 billion annually. Nor is 2023 revenue likely to cross $9 billion, as originally expected after a dismal November, further complicating matters.


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  1. 6 months ago

    A24 is going strong, though.

    • 6 months ago

      A24 and blumhouse are doing what the rest of the Hollywood studios refused to do, low-to-mid-budget high-concept. hollywood locked themselves into this course because they thought "spectacle" was something no one else could do.

      • 6 months ago

        >A24 and blumhouse are doing what the rest of the hollywood studios refused to do, low-to-mid-budget high-concept. hollywood locked themselves into this course because they thought "spectacle" was something no one else could do.

        Japan and Korea are also working on low ot mid budget high concept. There has been like 8 years of anime films that have perfected the art of 8-12 million dollar budgets with 100 million box office and a few like Demon Slayer making 500 million. Godzilla minus One was a live action film with a similar budget, and yeah a lot of the CGI looks obvious and not great but then again Marvel CGI fests look like shit too. Korea sweeps in with K-dramas and series for modest budgets too.

        Hollywood can't operate on these kind of budgets. They got addicted to blockbusters, and kept spending more and more and more. Actors and execs would need a massive paycut to remain competitive but they won't do that.

        Isn't this the same shit with 70's to 90's where Korean and Japanese car manufacturers just produced a better product for a fraction of the cost compared to American films and it took them like 20 years to fix their shit?

        • 6 months ago

          Will they just stop hiring the movie stars and get no-names and shit?

          • 6 months ago

            There are very few actual bankable movie stars. Maybe just Tom Cruise and The Rock (both of which are fading as they age). Chris Pratt might be one, but he's too tied to IP films to say if he's really a draw.

          • 6 months ago

            >stop hiring the movie stars and get no-names and shit?
            Like they already do?

          • 6 months ago

            Movie Stars are not really a thing anymore. Hollywood is adjusting slowly to this reality because the prevailing sentiment is that movie stars should be a thing, even if they are not.
            They keep trying to push new actors as the next big thing and they keep failing.

            The best they have is Timothee Chalamet, and he is more like Gary Oldman for zoomers rather than the next Cruise, so far at least.

            • 6 months ago

              The studios did that on purpose. They flooded the zone with B-listers because they thought it would give them more leverage over the talent. They were right, but it also means they don’t have anyone under 40 who gets asses in seats anymore.

          • 6 months ago

            There used to be a lot more movies made and more people watching them so the business would rely on feedback from critics and movie goers about what actors they liked before they got big Hollywood productions roles like Harrison ford was in American Graffiti and before that Getting Straight but that aspect of stare search has largely died

        • 6 months ago

          The Chinese are very close too. I watched a movie on Netflix recently starring John Cena and Jackie Chan. It was a little wonky, it was half in Chinese half in English but still was entertaining like a 90's buddy action movie with nothing woke and everyone poking fun at each other.

        • 6 months ago

          >Isn't this the same shit with 70's to 90's where Korean and Japanese car manufacturers just produced a better product for a fraction of the cost

          Theres a famous business book called The Innovator’s Dilemma which addresses this, if you’re interested. Basically any large successful company eventually learns they can make more money by going after higher margins and producing fewer units. Why make a 100k cars for the masses at 1% margin when you can make 10k luxury cars at 10% margin? At first this works but you neglect the lower end of the market, which a new competitor comes in, and, forced to be more efficient, succeeds in and eventually supplants you.
          Another analogy to car market and movies is the political aspect - unions (auto workers and writers/director/actor unions inflating costs) and regulations (in movies they are diversity regulations, in cars govt regulations) which kill efficiency.

          • 6 months ago

            >At first this works but you neglect the lower end of the market, which a new competitor comes in, and, forced to be more efficient, succeeds in and eventually supplants you.
            I think corporations have successfully stopped this with all the regulations needed to start a new business

          • 6 months ago

            >unions kill efficiency
            lol okay right on Elon.

            • 6 months ago

              you do realize Toyota isn't unionized to this day
              what are the benefits of unionization if GM/Ford/etc just get driven out of business

              • 6 months ago

                You are wasting your time. Union members are like Black folk they can't see 5 years in advance

              • 6 months ago

                Keep licking that boot more, moron. Wealth gap is bigger than ever but it's the common men branding together that's the problem lmao.

              • 6 months ago

                I made a very specific point there and you didn't address it at all, you might as well have been responding to a blank post
                What happens when the scab shop simply competes the union shop out of existence?

              • 6 months ago

                Workers would rather work at union jobs where the quality of work is better than in poor conditions non-union jobs. They won't get outcompeted because the talent goes for union jobs

              • 6 months ago

                >union jobs where the quality of work is better
                >They won't get outcompeted
                How did you send this post from the year 1960

              • 6 months ago

                In 2023 there exists no industry at all where people who have their jobs protected and can almost never be fired do quality work. It just does not exist.

              • 6 months ago

                >In 2023 there exists no industry at all where people who have their jobs protected and can almost never be fired do quality work. It just does not exist.
                Government employees are an excellent example of this.

              • 6 months ago

                Yup. Every government job is run by a Black person woman that is always annoyed.

                My HOA is not government but runs like one. The people in charge of it get guaranteed money with our fees so they have job security and corruption is so rampant it's insane.

              • 6 months ago

                The American plants are under the UAW. Only the japanese plants aren't unionized. People forget that all the big japanese manufacturers have their own American plants as well

        • 6 months ago

          I'm not the anon you're replying.
          This is crazy because a few months ago I compared the price of shows like Yellowstone and The Crown. Basically, with the budget of Thor: Love and Thunder, you can produce all the seasons of Yellowstone, The Crown and still keep a few millions.

      • 6 months ago

        Yep, it's all riding on these mid-budget horror movies and video game adaptations now, supplemented by the occasional foreign kino like Minus One. Star Wars, capeshit, and Disneyshit are fricking done for.

    • 6 months ago

      lol, lmao even

      • 6 months ago

        A24 is going strong, though.

        Civil War has a $75 million budget, a big leap from their previous largest feature, this $35 million flop

  2. 6 months ago

    They're moronic to expect Marvel years to continue indefinitely, and it's obvious at this point that the majority of the big studios will fail when capeshit finally dies.

    • 6 months ago

      This. Star Wars could have been their next big thing but they fricked it up. And they don't have enough creative minds to come up with anything original

      • 6 months ago

        >And they don't have enough creative minds to come up with anything original
        Studios aren't ready to produce anything original because no one wants to invest 80 million dollars in a new writer/director.

        • 6 months ago

          Thats nonsense. Disney keeps cutting 200 million dollar checks to have diversity hires helm their newest capeshit project. The black woman that did Captain marvel did like only one movie before that for example

          • 6 months ago

            I think no one wants to invest millions of dollars in a new idea, a new script or a new aesthetic. So, investing 200 million dollars in Captain America 5 or Iron Man 8 and hiring a shit director to follow the orders of executive directors is a better option if you're a CEO who needs to answer to shareholders.
            Something similar is happening with the media monopoly in my country. They're producing the same shit non-stop for the last 40 years because no one there wants to change anything.

            • 6 months ago

              >Something similar is happening with the media monopoly in my country. They're producing the same shit non-stop for the last 40 years because no one there wants to change anything.
              That's happening everywhere dude. Every industry. Movies and films everywhere. Gaming is just the same old rehashed shit and remakes and sequels. Nothing is progressing or innovating anymore.

              • 6 months ago

                Here is far worse.
                Imagina yourself as a kid watching a show about a rich family in a rich neighbourhood dealing with family drama. You don't like it, but since you only had the TV back then, you watch a few episodes with your family.
                Time passed and you're an adult, you turn on the TV and at the same time, same channel, there is a show about a rich family, in that same rich neighbourhood dealing with the same family drama. Even the actors are the same with a few exceptions here and there because people get old. After this show you get another show that is very similar to that another show you remember to watch when you're a kid.
                Imagine the same thing for 48 years. This is the media here.

              • 6 months ago

                Sounds like soap operas that we have here only that's your only option. You live in South America don't you?

              • 6 months ago

                Yes, but keep in mind this is the only thing produced here.
                I wouldn't be surprised if Disney wanted the same thing with Marvel and Star War.

              • 6 months ago

                Kek when I used to live in Croatia, they would buy a lot of programming from South America. They would have hours and hours of telenovelas since you guys love that shit so much. I assume that is what you are talking about?

              • 6 months ago

                >They would have hours and hours of telenovelas since you guys love that shit so much.
                We don't love it, the media here is just a monopoly controlled by one company. As soon as bootleg DVDs, internet and Netflix appeared, the monopolies started to get fricked and now they only exist because of the free money from the government.
                >I assume that is what you are talking about?

              • 6 months ago

                I assume they make a lot of it because it's cheap slop to produce and that's it. Just film a bunch of low paid actors doing fake drama in a room.

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah. You just need to refurbish that 30yo script, hire a few dudes to write some boring scenes with no impact to the main-story, paint the cardboard walls and set the cameras. Enjoy 108 episodes of slop, same as the previous 97 episodes of the other slop, same and the 102 episodes of the next slop... repeat for 48 years until the end of the world.

              • 6 months ago

                I dunno I one time saw a telenovela with vampires in it which I thought was cool but I understand how they same love triangle storyline for 48 years would make you want to have a nice day

              • 6 months ago

                Just change vampires to vaqueros or to businessmen or to poor people and it's the same thing.

          • 6 months ago

            Everyone knows Disney only hires young inexperienced directors. Its an assembly line approach and the studio does most if work.

  3. 6 months ago

    Please just let it die already.

    • 6 months ago

      Everything is in freefall and this projection is just based on the assumption that the big box office draws are delayed causing a slump for 2024. EVERYTHING other than a couple of event films are bombing and studios need to very quickly react to that or die. Since they seem to be slow moving dinosaurs, it's going to be a slaughter and I fully expect multiple studios to just go bankrupt.

      Everything gets worse. You know who's gonna survive? Disney is too big to fail and going nowhere despite losing billions since they have so many other investments to keep them afloat (for now). They may have to sell some assets. Netflix and other streaming platforms are here to stay and they produce almost nothing but pure unadulterated shit.

      A lot of the big studio films are mocked and attacked for being spectacular shit (They are) but Netflix produces so much bland diarheah shit that is ignored. Just series after series of shit.

      Is this the future? Movies decided by Netflixes algorythum and utter shit forever?

      • 6 months ago

        the future is speclization. Just like tv. They said internet killled tv , but then tv went into the golden age of tv, and you got sopranos, the wire, game of thrones, breaking bad, etc, etc

        Why cant hollywood do this too?
        They need to start catering to hardcore film buffs, not the masses.


        the age of low budget high concept indie movies who have cult followings and are oscar bait is upon us

        • 6 months ago

          All those shows were at the dawn of the internet and are gen x slop who never were big internet users
          This is a special kind of cope

      • 6 months ago

        >Disney is too big to fail

        the future is speclization. Just like tv. They said internet killled tv , but then tv went into the golden age of tv, and you got sopranos, the wire, game of thrones, breaking bad, etc, etc

        Why cant hollywood do this too?
        They need to start catering to hardcore film buffs, not the masses.


        the age of low budget high concept indie movies who have cult followings and are oscar bait is upon us

        Meh, I don't know. We've had indieshit Oscarbait for years. Most people can't even pretend to be interested in those types of films.

  4. 6 months ago

    there is barely anything worth watching in cinemas anymore if you are an adult

  5. 6 months ago

    Are these not big enough for 2024?
    Dune2 — March 1
    Mickey17 — March 29
    GodzillaXKong — April 12
    Furiosa — May 24
    Joker2 — Oct 4
    TheWarOfTheRohirrim — Dec 13

    • 6 months ago

      >WB dogshit
      If you only knew how bad things really are.

      • 6 months ago

        If half of those slops break even they have a legit chance at buying star wars from post bailout disney in 2025. I don't think they will though

        • 6 months ago

          >WB dogshit
          If you only knew how bad things really are.

          what about these family movies?
          Despicable Me 4
          Inside Out 2
          Kung Fu Panda 4
          Mufasa: The Lion King

          • 6 months ago

            Are these not big enough for 2024?
            Dune2 — March 1
            Mickey17 — March 29
            GodzillaXKong — April 12
            Furiosa — May 24
            Joker2 — Oct 4
            TheWarOfTheRohirrim — Dec 13

            I'll be honest: I have NO IDEA anymore. Nothing is predictable as box office just isn't reliable anymore. People broke the habit of going to cinemas once every few months and now it's gone. They aren't coming back and youngest kids don't watch films at all.

    • 6 months ago

      Joker 2 will probably make 500 million or something, Dune 2 will break even, the rest will flop.

    • 6 months ago

      They are going to purposefully sabotage Joker 2 after the original. Expect shockingly glowing reviews from critics, but hated by the audience the first had, with a significantly decreased box office.

      • 6 months ago

        Lol why the frick would they sabotage it? It was the highest grossing R rated movie of all time

        • 6 months ago

          Critics hated the movie because they thought it catered to incels, and journos were practically begging for a shooting to happen because of it. The sequel will be pozzed to shit, and the money lost will be deemed acceptable because it owned the chuds. If you think I'm wrong, your naive. Hollywood knows exactly what it needs to do to right course, but it can't because politics are too important to them.

          • 6 months ago

            You're fricking delusional. It was a big studio capeshit film. It wasn't some renegade film going against the zeitgeist.

            • 6 months ago

              It was a mid budget movie under $100 million that earned a billion, and was hated by critics because they thought the joker was an incel. You know this. Everyone knows this.

            • 6 months ago

              I think he's right.

        • 6 months ago

          They're making it a literal unironic fricking musical, you tell me why.

        • 6 months ago

          >Highest grossing R rated film of all time

    • 6 months ago

      i am a big godzilla fan but the last trailor looked pretty gay.

    • 6 months ago

      Joker 2 is the Barbie of 2024

    • 6 months ago

      feel like DUNC 2 is gonna struggle big time

    • 6 months ago

      I don’t care about any of that shit anymore.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah no, godzilla is the only one of those that will do even halfway good, and if they release a dub for minus one it will probably end up doing worse than that does

    • 6 months ago

      anon dont you get it? these are non Disney movies and as the article paid by Disney says they dont exist, no movies exists besides Disney corporation ones.

    • 6 months ago

      I shalln’t be watching

    • 6 months ago

      Joker 2 is going to bomb once a proper trailer comes out and the audience sees what kind of movie it is. It will be the textbook example of studios meddling and ruining a good thing they had

    • 6 months ago

      Goofy b***h draws no dimes without Mad Max.

    • 6 months ago

      >more CGIslop sequelslop

    • 6 months ago

      >Dune2 — March 1
      will underperform because dour sci-fi
      >Mickey17 — March 29
      >GodzillaXKong — April 12
      might do okay
      >Furiosa — May 24
      will underperform because "where Mad Max thou?"
      >Joker2 — Oct 4
      might do okay, it depends on how butchered it's been by ~~*producers*~~
      >TheWarOfTheRohirrim — Dec 13
      nu-LotR is poisonous garbage

    • 6 months ago

      I don’t have high hopes for Dunc 2. Sequels notoriously underperform, and non capeshit sci-fi filters a lot of audiences. Joker 2 will probably perform stronger than anything next year, which isn’t saying much. The rest on that list will flop.

      • 6 months ago

        >Dune2 — March 1
        will underperform because dour sci-fi
        >Mickey17 — March 29
        >GodzillaXKong — April 12
        might do okay
        >Furiosa — May 24
        will underperform because "where Mad Max thou?"
        >Joker2 — Oct 4
        might do okay, it depends on how butchered it's been by ~~*producers*~~
        >TheWarOfTheRohirrim — Dec 13
        nu-LotR is poisonous garbage

        >Dunc 2 will underpeform
        First movie made $400m while simultaneously being released on streaming. The sequel also has a smaller budget, it'll do good

  6. 6 months ago

    >a reversal of fortunes no one predicted

    These must be the same analysts in charge of the 2016 election

    >steady capeshit decline in the last few years
    >WB putting out the usual superhero movie that bombs
    >Disney going with muh all women movie and 80 year old Indiana Jones

    WTF how could this happen??

  7. 6 months ago

    Mmm, cozy

  8. 6 months ago

    They didn't listen.

  9. 6 months ago

    Good, time to return to the real world. Media isn't good anymore because everyone has grown up in front of screens watching imitations of imitations while what we think as actually good content is stuff that is similiar to real life. But nobody knows what real life is like anymore so we are left in this endless shit stream of uncanny valley content.

    • 6 months ago

      People used to have real jobs before they got into showbusiness and their real life experiences informed their writing and their performances
      Some of the best started out as truck drivers, or boxers, or architects and engineers, shit the WW2 generation had so many screen legends who were just veterans
      Someone who had an uninteresting life where they did nothing but frick around in showbiz will almost never do anything interesting in showbiz. Except maybe Tarantino.

      Actually, I just thought of a nasty frickin' analogy. Piss drinking, the ol' Bear Gryllys lesson. Gross as it is, you can drink your piss once and you'll be fine. You do it again, your kidneys and liver start failing, because you're reaccumulating the same garbage your body just expelled. Tarantino is arguably just about tolerable because his whole life was watching and circlejerking classic movies. Now imagine the guy whose whole life is watching and circlejerking Tarantino. Now imagine the guy who idolizes THAT guy.

      • 6 months ago

        Exactly. What everyone needs to do is start working, trying to achieve and strive in the real world (people are refusing to work across the political spectrum, leftists call it anti-work, right wingers being a wage slave or working for the israelite boss). Also stop watching porn, strive for real life relationships and sexuality, stop watching a lot of media in general and fricking live.

        • 6 months ago

          >What everyone needs to do is start working
          Frick off, israelite.

          • 6 months ago

            You're exactly the kind of modern person that grew up in front of screens that i'm talking about.

            • 6 months ago

              Nah, your wrong.

        • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          >start working!
          Why? The American Dream is dead. The average person used to be able to work, buy a home, have a family, build equity, and then retire. Working today for the average person means living in a shitty apartment while praying nothing goes wrong with your car, with no end of this in sight. Not everybody was cut out to be a surgeon or even wants to be one but if people’s labor is so poorly rewarded, just grind to survive until you die alone, why fricking work?

      • 6 months ago

        >Gross as it is, you can drink your piss once and you'll be fine. You do it again, your kidneys and liver start failing, because you're reaccumulating the same garbage your body just expelled. Tarantino is arguably just about tolerable because his whole life was watching and circlejerking classic movies. Now imagine the guy whose whole life is watching and circlejerking Tarantino. Now imagine the guy who idolizes THAT guy.

        Good metaphorical explanation.

        There are very few actual bankable movie stars. Maybe just Tom Cruise and The Rock (both of which are fading as they age). Chris Pratt might be one, but he's too tied to IP films to say if he's really a draw.

        >few actual bankable movie stars
        We have to stop thinking this way. It's been something like 70 years since "bankable stars" were reliable earners.
        We have a living tradition of reliable directors, but I think a bigger issue is bankable/competent writers.

        • 6 months ago

          The issue its fundamentally more interesting to watch youtube than some generic hollywood slop

          • 6 months ago

            What's worse for Hollywood is that's actually true regardless of your age group these days. I've fallen down the rabbit hole of comfy workshop videos - our woodworking teacher was shit in school, so now as an adult I can sit down and watch various kindly old grandads show me all their cool little tricks for making stuff that don't rely on $2000 tools like the big "influencer" channels push, it's great. Why would I watch some soppy dangerhaired c**t ruin an IP I like when I can watch shit like that instead? I think I watched one new movie last year, and I pirated it.

            The fundamental problem Hollywood is facing is they don't make good entertainment anymore, and there are alternatives.

      • 6 months ago

        >Real jobs were manual labour, everything is now fake work because you don’t break your body working long hours in physically demanding jobs

        • 6 months ago

          When people talk about being fragile they're talking about you, and it doesn't have anything to do with what kind of work you're in.

      • 6 months ago

        >Except maybe Tarantino
        Even Tarantino had a few years as a nobody working in a video store and bumming around LA.

        • 6 months ago

          He was a fricking loser until his late 20s. Never had a girlfriend and worked minimum wage jobs. He was a Gen X version of a Cinemaphile loser. He worked a long time to develop his writing skills and studying movies and ultimately made it.

          • 6 months ago

            >He was a Gen X version of a Cinemaphile loser
            kek down to saying the word Black person so much

          • 6 months ago

            My poibt exactly. People won't work hard anymore. They just get endless instant gratification from screens and when they become useless shits with no experience they come up with incel/troony theories how they are the victim. Completely brain dead stuff.

      • 6 months ago

        It's almost like there was a point in time where Hollywood was merit based so the best actually made it to the top but nowadays you just have to have Spielberg show up at your Barmitzvah and you go from nobody to star of a Star Wars movie that bombs.

    • 6 months ago

      You sound like Morpheus

  10. 6 months ago

    >people have lost interest in this cesspool of corruption, moral bankruptcy, sexual abuse and money laundering

    But enough about politics. How do we save Hollywood?

  11. 6 months ago

    barbenheimer was a hollywood psyop
    they did it to try to "save" hollywood
    but it won't matter because everyone is done with woke garbage

    • 6 months ago

      It technically worked for those movies themselves
      But then it gets pathetic when a third of your entire industry's haul for the year comes from two movies

      Fricking hell add in Avatar and it's close to two-thirds

  12. 6 months ago

    Hollywood will never go back to 11 billion, even with inflation. They are completely fricked and I love to see it

  13. 6 months ago

    there's a lot of upcoming movies that I would go out of my way to see in theaters but I just don't like going outside

  14. 6 months ago

    Gee its so difficult to see why
    The choices:
    >spend money on ridiculously priced gas to get to the movie theater
    >spend money on ridiculously priced ticket
    >spend two hours watching an left-wing SJW sermon
    Do what i want at home

    • 6 months ago

      Don't forget the ridiculously priced food and drink.
      I know it's the only way the theatres can make money after the studio takes its cut, but it's still ridiculous

      • 6 months ago

        Also the concession lines are ridiculously understaffed so if you want popcorn or a drink you have to stand in line for thirty minutes.

      • 6 months ago

        Movie theaters needing to charge ridiculous concession prices to make a profit is a meme

  15. 6 months ago

    So they couldn't reach $9 billion despite tickets costing double pre-covid prices? That is pretty shit. Because of the high cost (and how annoying other people are in cinemas), people are more likely to stay at home and just watch it on streaming.

  16. 6 months ago

    Americans still don't understand they have been in a recession ever since 9/11

    • 6 months ago

      I think 9/11 is a red herring. I think the internet and rise of personal computers killed more jobs then people realize and we never recovered. My mom used to be a professional printer, developed photography when people used film, worked at an indie VHS rental place and made documents with typewriters. The internet killed all of that and much more. That's a lot of fricking jobs and it didn't replace nearly close to what was lost. We might get that again with AI.

      • 6 months ago

        >I think the internet and rise of personal computers killed more jobs then people realize and we never recovered
        That's very interesting, can anyone confirm/deny?

        • 6 months ago

          A lot of things line up with that time frame. Wage stagnation for example started in the late 90's too.

          • 6 months ago

            Wages have been stagnant for far longer than 30 years

            • 6 months ago

              Not really

              • 6 months ago

                >an out of context graph
                lmao. ignoring weighted averages and actually looking at what individuals earn paints a grimmer picture. more that half of all HOUSEHOLDS earn less than 75k, and only a third of households crack 100k. looking at the cost of real assets will show you that 75-100k combined income is no longer middle class. me and my wife earn a combined 80k and are only capable of renting cheapish apartments. my father was able to buy a house and support 3 kids on 45k a year in the 90s. wages absolutely are stagnating.

              • 6 months ago

                How about you present a graph then if you have issues with mine? I brought proof and you bring "bro trust me". Go ahead anon i'll wait. I know anything I post you won't accept since you are one of those homosexuals so you show proof then.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA but he’s absolutely correct. In the early 90’s min wage was $4.25 and rent for a one-bedroom apartment was $200 in my town. Today minimum wage is $7.25 an hour and that same apartment, the exact unit, rents at $1,200 now. I did the math one day and cannot recall the particulars but that apartment used to require about 50hrs worked at $4.25 to pay for it and now requires over 160 hours labor worked at $7.25. I certainly don’t need some fancy graph to tell me wages are terrible. Why do you? Look around yourself. Do the math..

              • 6 months ago

                NTA but you still haven't presented any proof or a graph. I accept your concession.

              • 6 months ago

                So you need your corporate overlords, the same ones who tell you wages are at record highs (while strangely omitting inflation far outpacing them) and record employment numbers (while strangely omitting these are people taking on second jobs), to present to you a tidy graph telling you the TRUTH about how bad things are. I suspect if you were handed such a graph you would still disagree with it and dumbly screech how amazing our economy is.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA but I accepted your concession already.

            • 6 months ago

              Nixon did us no favors, but wages began to stagnate very noticeably with NAFTA and opening trade with China, which was roughly 30 years ago. Minimum wage hasn’t been increased from $7.25 since 2009. Things just keep getting worse. But as long as companies can get away with claims of a “labor shortage” (translation: Americans cannot work for such low wages) and they’re allowed work visas to bring in third world slave labor who all need beds to sleep in, food, medical care, education for their children things are just going to continue to get worse. When you can no longer afford to buy a house and have kids, you are not going to be buying movie tickets for yourself or for your unborn kids.

        • 6 months ago

          It has been a cascade effect. A narrowing of the middle class. My father owned a photography studio. The introduction of increasingly cheaper digital cameras and cheap places to order prints at like Walmart or even online, followed by the cell phone was killing the business before he closed. Several labs he used closed. Fewer people were getting married anyway and that was his bread and butter, weddings. My friend’s dad owned a frame market- that closed. My uncle was a florist. His business closed long ago but today florists are in big trouble. Because of a collapsing job market due to technological advancements, factories closed and shipped overseas, and companies importing cheap foreign labor there are fewer jobs to be had and they pay less and less as competition for them increases. With florists this means fewer people able to afford weddings and fewer people able to afford funerals. There are so many jobs and businesses you don’t really think about that got nuked by cell phones, either directly (photography) or more indirectly (florists).

  17. 6 months ago


  18. 6 months ago

    GB Frozen Empire was never going to hit 2023 tho

  19. 6 months ago

    And that's a good thing.

  20. 6 months ago

    Good news. I sincerely wish for Total Hollywood Death.

  21. 6 months ago

    not my problem

  22. 6 months ago

    Just produce movies with good stories and bring back beautiful women, look at Barbie, Margot showed some skin and BUM

    • 6 months ago

      Margot is mid

  23. 6 months ago

    Until the studios come begging the customers to come back openly admitting they inserted proaganda into their productions and their casting was anti-white, straight, male discrimination then attacked the fans when they recognised this, they must go broke.

  24. 6 months ago

    I can't wait, it needs to collapse.

  25. 6 months ago

    >produce the most offputting garbage ever
    >people don't bother to go back into the movie theaters

    but haha hey get excited for dem magical Black folks

  26. 6 months ago

    >Hollywood continues collapsing
    Oh no, not the israeli propaganda center...

  27. 6 months ago

    >domestic box office revenue
    >the North American box office

    international will be so low theyre not even bothered counting it

  28. 6 months ago

    I'm really enjoying seeing the corporations leftists worship go down the shitter.

  29. 6 months ago

    >The Video Games market in North America is anticipated to witness a significant growth in revenue, reaching a projected value of US$73.29bn by 2023.
    fricking kek, at least 90% of that is pure garbage. hollywood really is dead

  30. 6 months ago

    They have got to get back to what sells: strong masculine leads, gratuitous female nudity (big boobs), cool car stunts, epic badguys

    How hard is it to make consumable slopkino

    • 6 months ago

      more R-rated fast-and-furious type movies?

      • 6 months ago

        Those are all pg-13

    • 6 months ago

      So more capeshit?

    • 6 months ago

      for me, it's small boobs with perky pink nipples

    • 6 months ago

      >strong masculine leads
      You should of said male after masculine dummy
      they'll just put in more "strong" masculine female leads

  31. 6 months ago

    The only movies I'm planning on seeing in theaters next year are the anniversary showings of The Wizard of Oz, Rear Window, Gone With the Wind, and My Fair Lady. My theater is also gonna show Labyrinth and The Fifth Element.

    I don't think there's a single new movie I'm interested in.

    • 6 months ago

      This is the way.

      Netflix just spent $70 million renovating the Egyptian theater to a like-new condition and I’ll likely see a classic every couple of weeks for $15 a pop

  32. 6 months ago

    First, most movies released today are unoriginal and terrible. People are also sick of unwelcome and accusatory rich white and israeli liberal politics. But, perhaps the most glaring problem of all, is the economy. I work with people who spent their vacation days at home instead of traveling. In fact my office didn’t have a Christmas potluck with $10 dirty Santa gifts. I know people who are not traveling to see family for Christmas. Had a conversation the other day with a woman who said if roasts don’t go on sale before Christmas, they’re not having one. I live in a small town and every major traffic corner has somebody holding a sign asking for money. Our economy is BAD. This is easily the worst I’ve seen in my lifetime and I see no relief on the immediate horizon. People who cannot afford to take vacations or buy Christmas roasts don’t buy movie tickets.

    • 6 months ago

      Literally everything you said was wrong


      Let go of your mental recession and get with reality

      • 6 months ago

        I'm sure that is a accurate ~~*news*~~ source. liberal cuck get fricked. biden fricked america with his inane politics.

        • 6 months ago

          I don’t know why people like you crouch poised with copy/paste lies. This is the worst Christmas in memory. Nobody I know is having a Christmas party. When I tried to host one I cancelled it because too many people couldn’t come. They’re all busy working second jobs after hours.

          >Feb 21, 2023

          Are you familiar with the concept of spin? I read two paragraphs of this article and gave up because it was blatant.

          >and over 12 million jobs have been created since Biden took office two years ago.

          They keep comparing the senile man to the orange man's coof days, where you had mass unemployment because some businesses literally could not function. The live events business fricking vanished. Theatres were closed for months. Of course you're going to see job growth once people were allowed outside again.

          Jesus Christ stop responding to the obvious bait post. How moronic are you people.

      • 6 months ago

        I don’t know why people like you crouch poised with copy/paste lies. This is the worst Christmas in memory. Nobody I know is having a Christmas party. When I tried to host one I cancelled it because too many people couldn’t come. They’re all busy working second jobs after hours.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm sure that is a accurate ~~*news*~~ source. liberal cuck get fricked. biden fricked america with his inane politics.

          we really need flags for every board so we can see you gays talking this shit from Russia

          • 6 months ago

            >everything I disagree with is Russian propaganda!
            People are broke, dude. Only people profoundly out of touch with reality cannot see it. Movie tickets are easily one of the first expenses people sacrifice. Even when there were bad movies out people would say, “I’m bored. Guess I’ll go see a movie” or take their date out for ye ole dinner and a movie. That’s not happening now, because people are broke. Look no further than the lukewarm opening weekend for Wonka. That is a family film. Released right before Christmas. Nobody expects high art from a Wonka family movie, but they all go out to see it and take the kids with them. That movie would have seen double or triple of those ticket sales a few years ago.

      • 6 months ago

        >Feb 21, 2023

        Are you familiar with the concept of spin? I read two paragraphs of this article and gave up because it was blatant.

        >and over 12 million jobs have been created since Biden took office two years ago.

        They keep comparing the senile man to the orange man's coof days, where you had mass unemployment because some businesses literally could not function. The live events business fricking vanished. Theatres were closed for months. Of course you're going to see job growth once people were allowed outside again.

  33. 6 months ago

    cinemas became an experience of loud talking, shouting, playing with phone, fights, thrown M&M's and popcorn
    its over as a family experience. idk if this is because Hollywood orientates movies to them but its over as a family/communal experience.

  34. 6 months ago

    2023 was a horrible year will losses in the billions though
    >Which no one expected
    K lol

  35. 6 months ago

    I watched avatar 2 a few weeks ago and it was the most childhoodlike movie experience I've had since i was like 14 years old. Hollywood simply makes bad movies, and yeah avatar is a grossly expensive monstrosity but it's not necessary to produce the same vibe.

  36. 6 months ago

    I hope it was worth it Hollywood going with your Democrat masters and pushing that scam virus hysteria just to get Trump out of office

    • 6 months ago

      This. At least pedowood is crashing and burning even if no one else is really held accountable for coldvid

  37. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Welcome back anon. Frick jannies.

  38. 6 months ago

    Well, Hollywood's homeland is currently fighting a war...

  39. 6 months ago

    Why do movies with such huge budgets look so ugly? How is Captain Marvel with a budget of 150-300 million look worse than low to mid budgeted movies? Was it the reshoots? Did they give their actors insane contracts? It can't all be on the advertisement.

    • 6 months ago

      I too would like to know what the hell hollywood is spending all this money on. It's becoming tiresome at this point I really have to point out godzilla -1 which has similar level of quality at a fraction of the budget.
      In other threads I've had some people float some possibilities, one is american actors are much expensive for some reason. Another is american cgi is much more expensive. One possibility an anon raised I find interesting is the growing popularity of a "fix it in post" mentality in hollywood. Turns out fixing it in post is expensive!

      • 6 months ago

        I believe a lot of CGI is outsourced to cheaper foreign countries. Animation was the canary in the coal mine on this one. Consider Disney. They used to have feature-length hand drawn animation, with writers and storyboards and key frames and inbetweens and colorists. Then all of the capturing and editing. It was labor intensive, and expensive, but how can anybody put a price on these old films? They are timeless and priceless. Oh but no, this is all too expensive. Let’s go digital! But no, that’s still too expensive, let’s bring in lower talent for the art. Ah, but no, that’s all still too expensive, let’s have some in house drawing the key frames, then ship the rest of the work off to Vietnam or South Korea. Soon it will be Ah no, that’s all still too expensive. Let’s have an AI do everything.

      • 6 months ago

        CGI requires time to look good. Disney and other studios shoot in green screen and pays CGI studios massive amounts of money for rush jobs with a short deadline because that's how hollywood works and so CGI studios have to release things in lesser poorer quality as a response to that.

        Now if they give CGI studios a lot of time to work on things, it'll look great but then Hollywood does not have the patience for that.

  40. 6 months ago

    >the Black personization of america
    >ridiculously high prices
    >anti-white films
    >cheap large screen TV's & electronics

    It's over

  41. 6 months ago

    media evolved and keeps evolving
    the evolution of the internet
    youtube and shit started what the 2010s ended

  42. 6 months ago

    Reminder hollywood still makes more money than every other media industry on earth. Yes even anime you fricking weebs

    • 6 months ago

      Everything eventually dies.

      • 6 months ago

        Unless you have a crystal ball, you don't know when it's going to happen, if ever

        • 6 months ago

          True but my point still stands

          • 6 months ago

            OK then. The earth could be struck by a meteor tomorrow. Your statement has the same amount of validity

            • 6 months ago

              The earth is struck by meteors daily.

    • 6 months ago

      It makes a fraction of what video games make.

  43. 6 months ago

    good, hope the shitty studios and homosexual actors all lose their jobs and kill them selve’s

  44. 6 months ago

    >no one predicted
    >no one
    FU, lots of people predicted it. You just called them Russian bots for doing so.

  45. 6 months ago

    film is now an irrelevant medium. all you'd have to do to realize this is ask anyone under the age of 25 about what movies they like, their viewing habits etc. no one wants to watch this horseshit anymore. enjoy your backlog because new good releases will be a once every few years kind of deals and will be released digitally

  46. 6 months ago

    went to go see godzilla minus one yesterday and every trailer they showed looked like absolute dogshit, hollywood are u even trying?

    • 6 months ago

      >He's not excited about Argyle

      • 6 months ago

        For real though, that movie looks like it's going to be an absolute bomb that'll stink it up at the box office. It'll make Wish look like a smash hit.

  47. 6 months ago
  48. 6 months ago

    two billion dollars to them is like a dime to you or me, Larry Fink has trillions ready to reimburse them and fund new zogslop and if they lose all that money, the Fed prints trillions more and gives it to them to do all over again. It's not about money, especially such paltry sums

  49. 6 months ago

    >all the slopbusters have been delayed
    OH NO! Anyway

  50. 6 months ago

    We need a movie studio crossover like X-Men/Star Trek Picard

  51. 6 months ago

    And they just signed that deal. Haha. Thy screwed themselves.

  52. 6 months ago

    >a reversal of fortunes no one predicted
    Yeah because Communism failing, (yet again), is so hard to predict.
    >be stupid Commie
    >infiltrate successful organisations
    >throw meritocracy out the window
    >gut successful franchises
    >gut Disney
    >gut Hollywood
    >until all you have left is a hollow house of cards
    >people who know better tell you you're fricking moronic
    >crow about how successful it is because it's still standing and how they're wrong
    >people who know better tell you to just wait longer
    >keep adding cards to the top by removing them from the bottom
    >people who know better be like homieplease.jpg
    >gets blown over in the next stiff breeze
    >blame external forces
    >blame 'sudden unexpected unforeseeable reversal of fortune'
    >blame people who warmed you in the first place
    >blame Capitalism
    >blame anything and everything except your own moronic and flawed philosophy
    >totally rewrite history
    >rebrand your Commie shit, wash, rinse, repeat because you're a dumb fricking Commie

    • 6 months ago

      >>be stupid Commie
      successful organisations
      Didn't the ussr fund the creation of modern day hollywood after ww1?

  53. 6 months ago

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