honestly, who has more potential for a good cartoon series, supergirl or batgirl?

honestly, who has more potential for a good cartoon series, supergirl or batgirl?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Batgirl. That said, maybe Supergirl needs it more.

    • 11 months ago

      Batgirl seems like there is more to really and easily work with. The Batfamily has so many villains that people will both accept and be interested in Batgirl fighting; whereas the chances are Supergirl villains will be predominantly her own that no one cares about or at best B-list Superman enemies. Likewise, Batgirl (whichever one you get) has plenty of Batfamily members you could semi-feature for her to bounce off and Barbara specifically also has the Birds of Prey. Perhaps the beat thing would be a Batgirl show that has Supergirl as a semi-recuring character.

      Supergirl had her own live-action show recently.

  2. 11 months ago

    >maybe Supergirl needs it more.
    why exactly?

    • 11 months ago

      because all of her solo acts have been garbage

    • 11 months ago

      Because everyone knows every single Gothamite's fricking postcode but can't tell you the name of Bibbo Bibowski

      • 11 months ago

        >Bibbo Bibowski
        was he inspired by Popeye?

        • 11 months ago


          She can use both in the show

          Add a bit of #fashionqueen to her and have her change her outfit on the dime. More heroes should do that tbh.

          I want her in the white gloves outfit, it makes her look more unique
          how bad was the CW show?

          First off; I too prefer White-T shirt Kara. And secondly the show was god-awful. Very insecure about itself, Supergirl complaining about being called superGIRL instead of woman because feminism is just one of the things they did.

          I dropped it after season 2 and my friend who kept watching until the finale gave up Superhero TV shows in general because the only reason he stuck to Supergirl was Sunk-cost fallacy and it was so bad it burned him out.

          • 11 months ago

            >I too prefer White-T shirt Kara
            Nice, the white crop top really works well for her, and something about the white gloves gives her a kind of playful kind of look that I love. I'm sad no one really uses it anymore
            >Very insecure about itself, Supergirl
            I hate how so much capeshit is like this, it can never embrace the fantasy/fun side of capeshit. Only Ramos spider-man really did that. Sucks to see Supergirl handled like shit, I enjoyed her a lot in JLU and in some other DC animated movies. I feel like if you nerfed her powers a bit, created some interesting bad guys and a good relationship with superman, you could make a good show out of her

            • 11 months ago

              >good relationship with superman
              Father-daughter dynamic!

            • 11 months ago

              JLU was so good, I miss brutal capeshit fights that weren't CG messes

  3. 11 months ago

    barbara, supergirl a farmer's cousin and it will inebitably lead to her getting impregnated by clark, i can sense it

  4. 11 months ago

    Kara obviously has more potential, but the character with the bat in the chest will always be preferred by suits.

  5. 11 months ago

    I think Supergirl has more potential hypothetically, but it would be way easier to make a good Batgirl show than a good Supergirl show.

  6. 11 months ago

    Cassandra Cain specifically. Love myself some Asian chick getting her clothes ripped off during a fight

  7. 11 months ago

    A Batgirl cartoon about her being totally unprepared and out of her element but sticking with it could be awesome.

  8. 11 months ago

    Anything Batman-related will always be better.

  9. 11 months ago

    I'd prefer a Supergirl and Batgirl cartoon. Something that channels the same kind of chemistry they had in the Timmverse.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't even remember them interacting in any of the shows, Batgirl wasn't even in the justice league cartoons iirc.

      • 11 months ago

        She wasn't. They had one episode focused on the two of them in TNBA. But it's a really fun one.

  10. 11 months ago

    There's a ton of character dynamics to work with Batgirl, especially if it's longer running and the series has her start off as Batgirl and hand the mantle over as she grows into Oracle. You can have her as a nervous but determined young hero desperate to be taken seriously to a more confident, borderline cynical and highly motivated expert. You have Dinah/Black canary as the confident, far more extroverted and slightly older rolemodel who's more impulsive and headstrong than Babs' careful, apprehensive nature.
    Then going on you can develop her further as she takes on more of a leadership role with other heroines, takes Cass and Steph under her mentorship, with Cass making her take up a big sister/caretaker role that makes her stronger willed as she has someone depending on her outside of the superhero role, and Steph bringing things full circle by resembling a more brash version of her younger years eager to prove herself.
    The tricky thing with supergirl is that they keep changing her character every few years and there's less to work with her history or character interactions, but I think she'd work well for shorter form series and movies. the 90's Linda/Matrix era is probably her most consistent, longest run with a clear cast and characterization that went on for longer than 2 years, and even that Supergirl wasn't even Kryptonian.

    • 11 months ago

      Batgirl seems like there is more to really and easily work with. The Batfamily has so many villains that people will both accept and be interested in Batgirl fighting; whereas the chances are Supergirl villains will be predominantly her own that no one cares about or at best B-list Superman enemies. Likewise, Batgirl (whichever one you get) has plenty of Batfamily members you could semi-feature for her to bounce off and Barbara specifically also has the Birds of Prey. Perhaps the beat thing would be a Batgirl show that has Supergirl as a semi-recuring character.

      Supergirl had her own live-action show recently.

      The main advantage about a Batgirl show is it has the ability to include more waifus than the Supergirl option.

  11. 11 months ago

    Barbara Gordon Batgirl show like BTAS, followed by... Cassandra Cain as Batgirl and Barbara as Oracle show like Batman Beyond.

  12. 11 months ago


  13. 11 months ago

    Power Girl show based on the tone of the comic run by Gray, Palmiotti and Conner.

  14. 11 months ago

    Due to Batman fatigue and Waifu-ism, I'm saying Supergirl.

    That said the CW show is one of the worst things to happen to Kara since the 'Last Kryptonian' mandate.

  15. 11 months ago

    Supergirl wearing this in her own show = kino

    • 11 months ago

      I want her in the white gloves outfit, it makes her look more unique

      Due to Batman fatigue and Waifu-ism, I'm saying Supergirl.

      That said the CW show is one of the worst things to happen to Kara since the 'Last Kryptonian' mandate.

      how bad was the CW show?

      • 11 months ago

        oh wrong image

      • 11 months ago

        She can use both in the show

    • 11 months ago

      This design always cracks me up because it looks like she's made of rubber and stretched herself

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


      I liked the drawings by Turner.

    • 11 months ago

      I have to admit I like the Sephiroth haircut on her

  16. 11 months ago

    They need to bring this back

    • 11 months ago

      I actually don't mind the flash supergirl costume even if it covers her whole body, but only because the short hairs works well with it.

      She can use both in the show

      like she changes into them depending on different situations or she evolves into different outfits?

      • 11 months ago

        Supergirl was the only good thing about that movie. Yes better then Batman.

        >she evolves into different outfits?
        Depending on the weather, season or where she goes. It's a nice spin on the 'main character always wears the same thing' complaint.

        • 11 months ago

          >Yes better then Batman
          batman was so fricking moronic in that movie, getting himself killed twice. the batwank was also annoying

        • 11 months ago

          supergirl in winter would be comfy

      • 11 months ago

        >like she changes into them depending on different situations or she evolves into different outfits?
        This is what I mean

        Add a bit of #fashionqueen to her and have her change her outfit on the dime. More heroes should do that tbh.
        First off; I too prefer White-T shirt Kara. And secondly the show was god-awful. Very insecure about itself, Supergirl complaining about being called superGIRL instead of woman because feminism is just one of the things they did.

        I dropped it after season 2 and my friend who kept watching until the finale gave up Superhero TV shows in general because the only reason he stuck to Supergirl was Sunk-cost fallacy and it was so bad it burned him out.

        Also, I hate Flash "Kara"

        • 11 months ago

          >Also, I hate Flash "Kara"
          why, I thought she was ok

          • 11 months ago

            >doesn't look like Kara
            >doesn't really act like Kara
            >call her Kara
            She should have been an original Supergirl.

            • 11 months ago

              One word


              • 11 months ago

                But that's not Cir-El. They call her Kara. Idk much about Cir-El. Does Flash Supergirl act like her?

              • 11 months ago

                My pitch for a Supergirl show
                >Supergirl landed on earth about a year or two ago. The Kents are raising her in Kansas. Superman has to go off-world for a while (Warworld because CURRENT THING), and Kara wants to fill in for him. Clark does not think she's ready, but the moment he's off world Kara pulls a Korra and goes to Metropolis.

                Steel is the de-facto hero, but when fighting Toyman or something and he gets his ass kicked. Kara witnesses this and superspeeds into a nearby clothing store and comes out with the DCAU outfit, but a red scarf instead of a cape. (Clark hid away her kryptonian outfit in the fortress until she was ready)

                Kara saves Steel and John Henry, who needs to heal so cant be the main cape, agrees to mentor Supergirl in heroics.

                Kara moves in the apartment above the Ace of Clubs after Bibbo took her in and uses Clark's name to start an internship at the Daily Planet. Becoming errand girl for Jimmy Olsen (same age as Kara)

                A-plot would be villain of the week and Steel mentoring her in Superheroing, B-plot would be Kara learning more about Earth stuff, with everyone thinking Smallville is some sort of Amish-hickville.

                Lex Luthor wouldn't appear in season 1 since he thinks SG is beneath him, but has Mercy keep tabs on her. Also to avoid villains being jobbers, if say, Metallo, would show up it is for a multiple episode arc minimum.

                It's up in the air if Lois Lane knows Clark is Superman, so Kara makes up the same shitty excuses Clark used to do. Lois Lane sometimes acts like she knows Kara is Supergirl and sometimes she doesnt

                They only look alike thats it.

                >'s also kind of like 'girl cosplays as Superman' kind of thing which is adorable.
                this, so much
                >I actually really enjoy Superman and Lois since they seem to have fun with it
                thoughts on the the "my adventures of superman cartoon" coming out soon? Not a big fan of the faux anime? goofy anime face stuff but I'm glad some lighthearted superman stuff is getting made

                >thoughts on the the "my adventures of superman cartoon" coming out soon?
                Looks fun. Not too much of a fan of Anime!Superman, but if it means we get more silly antics i'm game. While I love tomboys, Luz Lane looks a bit off to me and I dont like the raceswapping of Jimmy. On the other hand the fact that Jimmy is a main character is a massive boon.

              • 11 months ago

                I like the mentoring angle Superman and Kara could have, I know they're like cousins but having a sibling like relationship would be really sweet. I would like to see her have some original villains just to make her stand out more, even superman kind of suffers from this

              • 11 months ago

                I do too, but the problem with that is that writers have to write around 2 invulnerable characters.

                You do make me think about including Flashbacks about the brother/sister relationship they had. In the s1 finale it can be revealed that Superman always believed she could be as good of a hero as him, but wanted her to have lived a normal life on Earth first

                So the batgirl movie is literally gone forever? there's no chance of seeing it leaked even?

                The creators say that WB got so assblasted over the crew leaking and begging fans on twitter to save the movie, they removed everything from their servers. Supposedly no copy exists currently

              • 11 months ago

                >The creators say that WB got so assblasted over the crew leaking and begging fans on twitter to save the movie, they removed everything from their servers
                damn they really didn't want that movie out (tax write off right?) I'm kind of sad there it's basically lost media, but maybe they could have a chance to make another batgirl movie in the future

              • 11 months ago

                >(tax write off right?)
                Yep. Apparently for it to count, they have to had made ZERO profit on it, which means no distribution whatsoever. Rumor is they destroyed everything after they did a final screening for cast and crew.

              • 11 months ago

                Usually they keep copies on their servers, but the aformentioned writer's 'revolt' made them delete them

            • 11 months ago

              > doesn't really act like Kara
              She isn’t that far from how post crisis Kara or new 52 Kara would act given the circumstances she was in

              • 11 months ago

                N52 Kara sure, but Post Crisis? The thing with Post Crisis kara was that she couldnt give less of a frick about Earth

                >Also had a movie made, but greedy execs axed it
                TBF, the movie seemed to be extremely trash

                No shit. Still Brendan as Firefly wouldve been fun. Who was going to play Jim Gordon?

              • 11 months ago

                >Who was going to play Jim Gordon?
                J.K. Simmons.

              • 11 months ago

                damn that would've been great

              • 11 months ago

                Simmons is gold in practically anything and would have been awesome if they had given him more scenes.

        • 11 months ago

          For how moronic the movie was it was fine. Her rage was understandable, but damn this DCEU really hates kryptonians lol

          supergirl in winter would be comfy


          >I too prefer White-T shirt Kara
          Nice, the white crop top really works well for her, and something about the white gloves gives her a kind of playful kind of look that I love. I'm sad no one really uses it anymore
          >Very insecure about itself, Supergirl
          I hate how so much capeshit is like this, it can never embrace the fantasy/fun side of capeshit. Only Ramos spider-man really did that. Sucks to see Supergirl handled like shit, I enjoyed her a lot in JLU and in some other DC animated movies. I feel like if you nerfed her powers a bit, created some interesting bad guys and a good relationship with superman, you could make a good show out of her

          >Nice, the white crop top really works well for her, and something about the white gloves gives her a kind of playful kind of look that I love. I'm sad no one really uses it anymore
          It's also kind of like 'girl cosplays as Superman' kind of thing which is adorable.

          You can easily nerf Supergirl for a show since canonically she hasn't absorbed as much solar radiation as Clark.

          And yes the CW-show was just not fun. And not original at all because they did 'for the girl was has everything' in season fricking 1. If you're going to rip off that shit, do it later as a finale or something. I actually really enjoy Superman and Lois since they seem to have fun with it, aside from Jordan Kent becoming more of a c**t each season.

          • 11 months ago

            >'s also kind of like 'girl cosplays as Superman' kind of thing which is adorable.
            this, so much
            >I actually really enjoy Superman and Lois since they seem to have fun with it
            thoughts on the the "my adventures of superman cartoon" coming out soon? Not a big fan of the faux anime? goofy anime face stuff but I'm glad some lighthearted superman stuff is getting made

          • 11 months ago



  17. 11 months ago

    I would like a Batgirl Year One show where 75% of it was her fighting off a trademark infringement claim from Batman.

  18. 11 months ago

    If you ask like that Batgirl would win. DC interest has been just to boost Batfamily content.

    The question is who needs it the most.

  19. 11 months ago

    I am surprised there hasn't been a 'Wonder Women: The Animated Series'.

    • 11 months ago

      Because with Wonder Woman you cant do REMEMBER THIS? REMEMBER THIS? The comics dont even know what to do with her. They were going to make the Themiscyra show GoT with chicks for crying out loud.

  20. 11 months ago

    Batgirl if they manage to strike a balance between sexy Barbara balancing a sexy sex life as she Batgirls and does some hacking/detective work. Supergirl if they embrace her fighting aliens and getting tangled up in tentacles and tendrils and slimed every episode.

  21. 11 months ago

    The fact that Supergirl got an actual movie and a TV show tells me that people give more of a shit about her than Batgirl

    • 11 months ago

      Didn't the supergirl movie from the 80's bomb?

      • 11 months ago

        Sure, but it's still more than what Batgirl got

        • 11 months ago

          Supergirl got made when Reeves' Superman had swept the nation. Batgirl got;
          Birds of Prey series
          Playable in the Arkham games
          Also had a movie made, but greedy execs axed it. They still made it.

          So the batgirl movie is literally gone forever? there's no chance of seeing it leaked even?

          • 11 months ago

            It's probably in some exec's vault somewhere. We need to stage another heist after we raid the Disney Porn vault.

    • 11 months ago

      Supergirl got made when Reeves' Superman had swept the nation. Batgirl got;
      Birds of Prey series
      Playable in the Arkham games
      Also had a movie made, but greedy execs axed it. They still made it.

      • 11 months ago

        >Also had a movie made, but greedy execs axed it
        TBF, the movie seemed to be extremely trash

    • 11 months ago

      Do people give more of a shit about Supergirl over Batgirl or is the whole thing just reflective of how WB/DC treats Superman and Batman? WB/DC is so focused on milking Batman (as in actual Bruce Wayne Batman) that there seems to be very little room in the scheduled for anything else Batfamily-related. Additionally, when it comes to Batgirl the thinking has probably mainly been "Well, we can bring Batgirl in whatever show, or whatnot, we do. It would be both a waste of character and even more so money to just do a show about Batgirl when she can get put in with the more popular and money-printing Batman project."

      • 11 months ago

        I wonder if the reason why a Batwoman show got developed over a Batgirl show was due to Batgirl being considered a more valuable/prestigious character to either Batwoman or Supergirl. If you are going to use Batgirl in live-action than put her in either a show or film that actually has Batman.

        • 11 months ago

          that actually kind of makes sense, though I always thought batgirl and supergirl were on the same level of popularity

        • 11 months ago

          Batwoman is a lesbian. Literally the only reason. You can tell they only considered her a token when they replaced the actress with a black OC character instead of simply recasting the actress. They don't care about Kate as a character.

    • 11 months ago

      The truth is most people don't really give a shit about either Batgirl or Supergirl. The fact that Supergirl got a CW show doesn't necessarily say much considering we have also seen shows like Batwoman and Naomi.

      Do people give more of a shit about Supergirl over Batgirl or is the whole thing just reflective of how WB/DC treats Superman and Batman? WB/DC is so focused on milking Batman (as in actual Bruce Wayne Batman) that there seems to be very little room in the scheduled for anything else Batfamily-related. Additionally, when it comes to Batgirl the thinking has probably mainly been "Well, we can bring Batgirl in whatever show, or whatnot, we do. It would be both a waste of character and even more so money to just do a show about Batgirl when she can get put in with the more popular and money-printing Batman project."

      >to be very little room in the scheduled for anything else Batfamily-related.
      If you look at the last 20 years there has been consistent Batman stuff:
      >The Batman (TV show)
      >The Brave and the Bold
      >Lego Batman
      >Nolan Batman
      >DCEU Batman
      >The Batman
      >Arkham Batman
      >Gotham Knights
      >The Audio Adventures
      That says nothing about Batman in anything animated about the Justice League or Batman-related projects that are not specifically about Batman:
      >Birds of Prey
      >Harley Quinn
      When you look at it Batwoman, Harley Quinn and Pennyworth are all relatively recent - and in the case of Batwoman

      I wonder if the reason why a Batwoman show got developed over a Batgirl show was due to Batgirl being considered a more valuable/prestigious character to either Batwoman or Supergirl. If you are going to use Batgirl in live-action than put her in either a show or film that actually has Batman.

      that could be a factor of why it was not Batgirl.

      Of the above Batman releases Batgirl is in The Batman (TV show), the Lego Batman film, both Arkham and Gotham Knights games - and that says nothing about her in Birds of Prey, Harley Quinn or that tax write-off film.

  22. 11 months ago

    Have we seen Earth-3 Supergirl?

  23. 11 months ago
  24. 11 months ago

    The real answer is a team up show.

    Batgirl and Supergirl
    With Jimmy Olsen, Jim Gordon, Ma and Pa Kent, Alfred, Krypto and Streaky as supporting characters

  25. 11 months ago

    I liked the DCEU Supergirl. Obviously not as much as DCAU Kara but she was hot and had character moments, I was disappointed she got bodied.

    • 11 months ago

      >I was disappointed she got bodied.
      How hard are we talking on the Ryona scale?

      • 11 months ago

        I liked the DCEU Supergirl. Obviously not as much as DCAU Kara but she was hot and had character moments, I was disappointed she got bodied.

        Honestly I forgot how much ryona DCAU stuff had

        • 11 months ago

          Oh yeah, that's the stuff!

  26. 11 months ago

    Supergirl is off the table, they can't make Superman work, let alone her.
    Batgirl could work if they actually made her vulnerable and inexperienced, someone flying by the seat of her pants and improvising, the opposite of Batman. But they can't show a female character as anything less than perfect, so that's off the table too.

    • 11 months ago

      >they can't make Superman work,
      superman has worked in the past, it's just that most writers don't know what they're doing when they use him. I bet people might have an easier time writing kara though, since she's more inexperienced

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