Hong Kong cinema >>>>>>>> Japanese cinema >>> Korean cinema >>>>>>>>>>>>>>&...

Hong Kong cinema >>>>>>>> Japanese cinema >>> Korean cinema >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chinese "cinema"
Why can't non-Canto Changs make movies?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    Japanese>thai>hong kong>korean>chinese

  2. 3 weeks ago

    >HK cinema dies in 2001 for mysterious reasons

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Most Hong Kong cinema is, as cool and awesome as it is, just pulpy action. They're not all like Wong Kar-wai. Meanwhile the Japs have tons of cinematic masters.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >someone praises foreign cinema
      >gives the most basic b***h example from the location in question

      >Hong Kong cinema
      Maybe if it wasn't so obsessed with action (read: martial art) flicks. If 90% of your output is a single genre, you're doing something wrong.
      Similar: Current Hollywood and capeshit.

      and then you have equally moronic statements like this

      • 3 weeks ago

        >moronic statements
        True statements are not moronic just because you don't like their implications, shiteater.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >It's true because it just is okay
          a completely novel statement from a non-moronic person

          • 3 weeks ago

            You just said it was moronic, not much of an argument.

            • 3 weeks ago

              The burden of proof is on you to prove the statement to begin with, moron

              • 3 weeks ago

                >The burden of proof is on you to prove the statement to begin with, moron
                No, the burden of proof is on OP first and foremost. Not the people drawing his bullshit statements in doubt, based on empirical data.
                You, however, are in turn doubting said data, so therefore you are now burdened with providing your alternative evidence.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Look up HK films then, and marvel at how little variety they have. Not hard to verify if you just check fricking IMDB or even one of those databases dedicated solely to HK flicks.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >The burden of proof is on you to prove the statement to begin with, moron
              No, the burden of proof is on OP first and foremost. Not the people drawing his bullshit statements in doubt, based on empirical data.
              You, however, are in turn doubting said data, so therefore you are now burdened with providing your alternative evidence.

              >can't provide any evidence
              Your only argument is the boomer-tier "google it bro" in which case you should've already done that and provided the evidence
              but you haven't
              why not?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Go to IMDB, list films by coutry, look through any page of results. Do it, now. There's your evidence, filthy shitposter.
                Now provide evidence for HK shit not being 80% martial arts shit.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >my evidence is what you just refuted
                the HK database, dedicated specifically to the topic in question (HK movies), lists numerous genres outside of "action"
                not only this, but the number of entries in action is far less than the entries in drama; over 500 less, in fact
                by that alone, the industry is not 90%, or even 50% action

              • 3 weeks ago

                >lists numerous genres outside of "action"
                >the number of entries in action is far less than the entries in drama
                Okay. How many of those "drama titles" are Kung Fu drama?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Kung-Fu Dramas like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon seem to be generally listed under Action
                assuming you have even 500 crossovers that would maybe bring it to a 40% "genre-share" max
                of course your argument doesn't address whether they are good or bad, or why exactly an action film is excluded from "cinematic mastery"

                What are some wierd HK kinos?

                this movie sucks dick and the people who praise it are delusional
                >shock value
                >crunching noises

                Astonishing this fraud is so popular on /film/ and has a top 10 of all time S & S. Just proves how easy it is to brainwash morons with cinematography.

                >no script and it shows
                >not even yimou level
                >even tsai is better
                >the japanese dwarf him
                >according to /film/ Japan only=ozu, kurosawa, miyazaki and naked anime breasts.
                >Japanese were master craftsmen all throughout history, their mise-en-scene is unmatched.
                >Ishii, Ichikawa, Itami, Somai, Tsukamoto, Obayashi, Furahata, Fukasaku
                >"well... Koreeda is the only japanese director... he won the palm d'or!!"
                >/film/: I love Wong Kong Wai films!

                I hate you /film/ zoomers so fricking much the way you overrate Wong Kar Wai.

                he's overrated but not as bad as you say
                he's not worse than the gay guy, that's for sure
                I'd say he and Yimou are about the same when it comes down to it, but S&S has discredited itself recently

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Kung-Fu Dramas like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon seem to be generally listed under Action
                Look through the "historical drama" category. Half of them are also "War" films. I.e. action.
                And if it was tagging more rigorously, way more films would get some kind of action element, rather than just the one dominant genre monicker.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >"War" films. I.e. action.
                lol at considering war films to be action
                is All Quiet On The Western Front an action movie?
                glad I know you're not actually qualified to have this discussion now

              • 3 weeks ago

                >lol at considering war films to be action
                What are they if not action?
                >is All Quiet On The Western Front an action movie?
                In large parts, yes.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >What are they if not action?
                War movies dumbass
                that's why they're a different genre

              • 3 weeks ago

                >War movies dumbass
                Yeah, you're a complete and utter moron. Good day.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >it's a different genre for no reason
                >there's no difference in the presence of combat or intensity throughout a film in the genre of war vs the genre of action
                >neither is there a difference in intention, or presentation
                You were absolutely mogged
                get over it kid

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Most Hong Kong cinema is, as cool and awesome as it is, just pulpy action
      So they're like Koreans?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Korean cinema nowadays is just a low-budget imitation of what Hollywood did 20 years ago, but with plotlines losely taken from Japanese media.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I think that too

  4. 3 weeks ago


  5. 3 weeks ago

    >Hong Kong cinema
    Maybe if it wasn't so obsessed with action (read: martial art) flicks. If 90% of your output is a single genre, you're doing something wrong.
    Similar: Current Hollywood and capeshit.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Bi Gan is pretty good and hes from china, also Tsai Ming-Liang although idk if Taiwan counts

  7. 3 weeks ago

    Great film.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    mainlanders are to busy taking over to world to care about making silly movies

    • 3 weeks ago

      >taking over to world
      You mean "fricking over the world"?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Yes, that's how it gets done.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    Astonishing this fraud is so popular on /film/ and has a top 10 of all time S & S. Just proves how easy it is to brainwash morons with cinematography.

    >no script and it shows
    >not even yimou level
    >even tsai is better
    >the japanese dwarf him
    >according to /film/ Japan only=ozu, kurosawa, miyazaki and naked anime breasts.
    >Japanese were master craftsmen all throughout history, their mise-en-scene is unmatched.
    >Ishii, Ichikawa, Itami, Somai, Tsukamoto, Obayashi, Furahata, Fukasaku
    >"well... Koreeda is the only japanese director... he won the palm d'or!!"
    >/film/: I love Wong Kong Wai films!

    I hate you /film/ zoomers so fricking much the way you overrate Wong Kar Wai.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    What are some wierd HK kinos?

  11. 3 weeks ago

    China makes kino historical movies

  12. 3 weeks ago

    Taiwan is cool

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