
Men, how the FRICK is this flopping this bad

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    It's a movie no one asked for made for nobody.

    • 11 months ago

      It's made for ESG dickslurpers like Larry Fink.

    • 11 months ago

      This. Normies are finally becoming savvy to recognizing that studios are just pumping out soulless cash grab goyslop with no care for the franchise or artistic value. and it is beautiful.
      Years ago I could've never guessed that Disney would have taken itself out so fast, they seemed invincible and like they would own all of Hollywood soon.
      Disney - dying
      Reddit - dying
      Twitter -dying
      Meta - doa
      What else I know I'm forgetting some.

      • 11 months ago

        Twitch was planning on killing itself but it backpedaled.

        • 11 months ago

          I forgot about that. What do you mean backpedaled last I checked they were still fricking up and everyone is jumping ship fast.

          • 11 months ago

            They changed their TOS and were basically forcing third party ad companies to cripple themselves by severely limiting ad presence on streams, which included huge esports events.
            Then they realized how moronic that was and probably got a shitload of calls from a shitload of lawyers and reversed it completely.
            Status quo restored shortly after that.

            • 11 months ago

              Oh so they went back on the cucked ad space? Theyre probably still fricking over streamers with garbage contracts though right?

              • 11 months ago

                Nope. Turns out they brought 70/30 back for big partners (was a dismal 50/50 for everyone for awhile) as a not-so-subtle makeup play.

        • 11 months ago

          there is no backpedalling their site is slow and trash that run a thousand of scripts just to make sure you watch stupid ads, been watching livestream from youtube or rumble.

          • 11 months ago

            There was literal, objective, and desperate backpedaling on TOS changes they made recently.

      • 11 months ago

        You're beyond delusional.

      • 11 months ago

        You're right. Comfy times ahead.

      • 11 months ago

        >Reddit - dying
        >Twitter -dying
        Neither of these are dying.

        • 11 months ago

          Reddit made some garbage decisions that is going to definitely hurt them in the long run and Twitter is most definitely dying. Dipshit ceos don't realize that it's a user's market if they start giving shitty deals and tos another site will take its place.

          • 11 months ago

            What actually happened to reddit anyway? Last I heard they were having mass lockouts

            • 11 months ago

              They stopped because everyone involved realized that reddit jannies are even more pathetic than ours and the admins have all the real power that they’d use to simply replace the mods if it went on too long.
              Meanwhile twitter kills its primary income source (shoving ads at every user whether or not they’re logged in) and makes the site unusable even for legitimate users, I can’t see any reason for that aside from the rumor that their server provider was just about to shut them down if they didn’t pay up or do something to reduce costs

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago
            • 11 months ago

              Reddit basically banned third party apps by making api access prohibitively expensive.

              • 11 months ago

                Ah, so like twitter?
                >make shitty site
                >people use third party ways of accessing the content in a non-shitty way
                >make the website even worse

              • 11 months ago

                Yes and then all the refugees come here and start complain about muh racism and muh sexism.

              • 11 months ago

                It's our fault for having a site that just works.

            • 11 months ago

              >getting close to time to cash out and become tech billionaires
              >have to bump up numbers to prepare
              >app isn't getting nearly enough daily users
              >a lot of them don't use it because it's based on the modern, ad-friendly design instead of the early 2000s wall of text design, nothing you can do about that
              >another big chunk use ad-free 3rd party apps with more features
              >decide to start charging the people with open source apps supported by tips $2,000,000 for API access
              >say it's to counter AI devs scraping the website too much
              >one of the 3rd party apps was just a screenreader interface for blind people
              >whole thing comes off as shitty and it's been a while since they did some performative wokeness, so the mods stage a protest
              >mods decide to spend a couple days publicly planning their protest in full view of the administrators
              >mods users decide to lock all of their subreddits for 2 days to cost reddit ad revenue
              >admins don't give a frick because they were already aware it was temporary
              >mods decide to try something else
              >half of them cuck out right here because they don't want their subreddits to lose activity
              >the rest decide to start a second, indefinite blackout
              >admins say they'll remove any mods that are keeping a subreddit blacked out
              >some of them open up but turn their subreddits into shitposts like only allowing photos of John Oliver instead of whatever the subreddit was actually about
              >others refuse to open back up, lose their modhood and their accounts, and have autistic meltdowns on every other social media because their karma is all gone and they had spent over $5,000 on avatar costumes on each of their alt accounts
              >random shmucks happily take the moderator positions for free in exchange for agreeing to open up again
              >nothing changes

              • 11 months ago

                Did it hurt the traffic though?

              • 11 months ago

                That short open window between the two blackouts was apparently full of mod posts saying "what do you, the community, think we should do?" and all of the screenshots I saw were people calling the mods gays (in reddit-friendly terms) and saying to give them their funny internet posts back. It's probably unrealistic to assume the average redditor actually stayed off of the site, instead of going to whatever scab subreddits were up.

              • 11 months ago

                Find some loyalists and tell them to take on more moderation duties in exchange for more social credit? At least/our/ guys do it for free

          • 11 months ago

            >Reddit made some garbage decisions that is going to definitely hurt them in the long run
            People will still use reddit despite no third party apps.
            >and Twitter is most definitely dying
            People are trying to meme this into existence but it's not true. I question your motivation. Do you want less competition? Do you want israeliteberg to own more social media? Do you love censorship and government meddling in speech?

      • 11 months ago

        >What else I know I'm forgetting some.


    • 11 months ago


      Men, how the FRICK is this flopping this bad

      In a normal world, this level of a flop would result in lucasfilm shutting down and several heads rolling.
      In clownworld, Kathleen will go on to pretend like everything is fine and declare what her grand vision for Rey's new trilogy is

      • 11 months ago

        It's wild how much shit is flopping and how little effect it's having on the studios. These fricking companies have too much money to fail.

        • 11 months ago

          >how little effect it's having on the studios.
          Little effect? The entire industry is on the verge of imploding. Movie theaters are becoming an endangered species, while streaming is proving to have been a mistake for pretty much every production company. Writers are on strike, with actors about to have their turn next. The reason why you're not hearing any alarm bells from Hollywood is because they're trying to hold off stocks from plummeting. You're going to see some serious hanges go down in the next couple of years, changes that will affect the industry for the rest of our generation.

          • 11 months ago

            The changes should have already started a few years ago. I'm not saying we're not in for an implosion, but you can't tell me it's not bizarre how little effect this has had as of yet. People should be fired. Studios should go under. Movies should change completely.
            And yet, we still have the same people working for the same studios making the same movies. Effectively, nothing has changed. It's remarkable.

            • 11 months ago

              It's like a car engine running on fumes. The car's still going at full speed, so it looks like nothing is changing, but the gas is almost out. And when the gas runs out, then shit gets real

            • 11 months ago

              >writers have been on strike for months, shutting down all live tv in the meantime
              >actors are probably joining them soon, which means the ENTIRE industry shuts down for the foreseeable future
              >wb and disney are both perilously close to a financial reckoning, and other studios aren’t doing great

              • 11 months ago

                Member when a PMC run by a pringle violently revolted against a nuclear nation, only to sudeldenly give up right before reaching the capital?
                Happenings aren't allowed in this universe anymore. We already severed the thread of prophecy.

              • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              They're not thinking like a business. They're acting almost like a branch of the government or something where they can just impose some unpopular mandate and force everybody to work with it whether we like it or not. But we can opt out of this shit and we are.

              If they don't stop trying to dictate terms to the audience Hollywood *will* die and they'll fricking deserve it

              • 11 months ago

                this is spot on. what gives them the confidence and tenacity to do this shit is that they are basically a branch of the government. all these failing woke companies are being propped up by an uncountable number of government grants, funds, stimulus, etc. And that's all before wall street and ESG funding kicks in.

              • 11 months ago

                just think of how it came out that twitter was operating at a net loss every year, but surprisingly was doing favors for gov agencies by suppressing information and banning users

            • 11 months ago

              The changes you're looking for require the elites to fire themselves or quit which is never going to happen. Change is only going to happen when the purse strings are closed tightly and investors frick off and even then the elites will draw it out for as long as possible out of spite.
              Those who rule simply do not excuse themselves when it's time nor can you politely ask them to leave. They must be forced out every time.

    • 11 months ago

      This, literally not a single person thought “gee I want to see 80 year old Indians Jones hobble around on screen”

      • 11 months ago

        Everyone was already thinking he was way too old to play indy for the last one and then they doubled down on the oldness with this. They should've just left the classic trilogy alone.

    • 11 months ago

      Men, how the FRICK is this flopping this bad

      You know it worked for a second when we had the first wave of old ass reboots, Crystal Skull and such, now we’re ten years past that and people know this shit is stupid. Trying to play the same trick twice, or for the hundredth time

    • 11 months ago

      it was made for people in their late 40s 50s who possibly still give a shit after crystal skull and the 15 year gap

    • 11 months ago

      Wrong. It's a movie that left wing progressives and social justice warriors asked for made for left wing progressives and social justice warriors. Problem is, that group isn't as big as the media would have you believe and those type of people don't actually put their money where their mouth is, something SJW Hollywood is finding out again and again.

      If it weren't for bat soup eaters and poo in loos propping up the ticket numbers the industry would've collapsed 10 years ago.

    • 11 months ago

      >for nobody.
      Wrong. It was made for straight white males. The objective, of course, was to shit in a beloved character.

  2. 11 months ago

    >hollywood accounting

    • 11 months ago

      ngl greta is probably a beast in the sheets

  3. 11 months ago

    What do you lads think it will end up making by the time its had its run? I'm predicting 350 million, 400 million at the very most

    • 11 months ago

      250 tops. If it doesn't pass that by this weekend then its toast.

      • 11 months ago

        Alright I'll lower my estimates to 250-300, guess I was being too generous

    • 11 months ago

      >Already losing daily box office takes to fricking James Caviezel
      >Mission Impossible 7 out in less than a week, probably going to do even better than expected with the 99% Rotten Tomatoes hype
      >Barbenheimmer both hot on MI:7's heels
      It's absolutely Joever for Indiana Jones.

      • 11 months ago

        How does Tom cruise do it? He seems to be the only one steadily surviving this reckoning.

        • 11 months ago

          basically by producing his movies himself, he can't be pushed around by moronic studio execs

          • 11 months ago

            You're right, except I think Barbenheimer will flop while MI7 will succeed.

            >How does Tom cruise do it?

            By not putting gay woke shit in his movies.

            >He seems to be the only one steadily surviving this reckoning.

            You're right. Based Tom will save Hollywood (for now, at least). Can't bruise the Cruise.

            Best thing stiller has ever put out

          • 11 months ago

            He's assertive and does what the frick he wants. Example: for the Burj Khalifa wall-run scene, the safety guy told him NO and that it was too dangerous.

            Cruise fired him, got a new safety guy, and did the stunt anyway lmao

          • 11 months ago

            is he the George Lucas of our time?

            • 11 months ago

              No, that's unironically Zack Snyder
              >makes hollywood and critics seethe while audiences love his films
              >is loved by his actors and crews that he works with
              >is crafting his own autistic universe to tell fun stories that he wants to tell because he just wants to tell fun stories

            • 11 months ago

              I'm not sure there's anyone comparable to Cruise, and I mean that. People will be asking "is he the Tom Cruise of our time" about OTHER actors.

        • 11 months ago

          Because he still makes movies not woke propaganda.

      • 11 months ago

        You're right, except I think Barbenheimer will flop while MI7 will succeed.

        How does Tom cruise do it? He seems to be the only one steadily surviving this reckoning.

        >How does Tom cruise do it?

        By not putting gay woke shit in his movies.

        >He seems to be the only one steadily surviving this reckoning.

        You're right. Based Tom will save Hollywood (for now, at least). Can't bruise the Cruise.

  4. 11 months ago

    we gotta save this movie indybros. free applebee’s on me!

    • 11 months ago


  5. 11 months ago

    Could never be my boy Miles.

    • 11 months ago

      Mario has made nearly double Black personman

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah but Mario is also woke

    • 11 months ago

      Oh man, it's such a financial success. I guess replacing Peter with a Black person was truly a smart move because
      >Still outgrossed by Raimi's Spider-Man films even without adjusting for inflation
      Wow, it's almost like Peter Parker is a much more popular character than his Black-Hispanic diversity replacement

      • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >Black-Hispanic diversity replacement
        that Black person is literally one on a thousand universes, maybe you should stip seething and enjoy the movie, its quite decent animation, we cant see the Raimi ones forever.

        • 11 months ago

          have a nice day, snoy.

        • 11 months ago

          >that Black person is literally one on a thousand universes,
          And in every one of those universes and the thousands upon thousand of variations they can have, Peter Parker is still a more profitable Spider-Man
          >maybe you should stip seething and enjoy the movie, its quite decent animation,
          Maybe you should refrain from consuming your slop for a few seconds and understand that Morales was only created to pander to people who don't read or care about comics
          And also bc Bendis has a Black person fetish

    • 11 months ago

      >gets absolutely MOGGED by Super Mario Bros
      How pathetic

    • 11 months ago

      why does it stop at 700 million?

    • 11 months ago

      Black person worshippers deserve to hang

    • 11 months ago

      >ok the goyim didnt like shy the buff
      >but Han Solo's geriatric
      >how about a woman?
      no said the audience.

      If israeli propaganda had to compete against white Art not even blacks would watch it.

  6. 11 months ago

    Most fans of Indiana Jones were OK with it ending at the third film, and more became OK with it ending at the third film over the years. When Indy 4 released people went to see it because Spielberg and Lucas were in charge of it, and long-term sequels were pretty new as a concept and it was nice to go back, at least until it ended up being fairly shitty and phoned in.
    15 years later nobody wanted a new Indiana Jones movie at all, especially from Disney, the company that grew a reputation for ruining old characters while introducing new far shittier characters as replacements. When the trailers dropped it immediately looked like more of that gay shit.
    As far as I'm concerned, pic related is the last thing we got to see in the true ending of the Indiana Jones adventures.

    • 11 months ago

      Took the words out of my mouth.
      I love the way the Knight's Theme (if that's what the quiet and pretty part is called) as it plays over that ending.

      This bit. God. It makes me feel like that young boy who saw this for the first time, every time.

      • 11 months ago

        Godtier taste. Knight's Theme is my favorite track in the whole franchise next to the March. Holy Grail theme is right there with it. Just pure beauty.
        Last Crusade might be my favorite film soundtrack come to think of it.

      • 11 months ago

        >*close eyes*
        Why can't they do this anymore? It's not that hard.

        • 11 months ago

          I feel it is hard, but there was a time when Hollywood was the creative forefont of the United States, and only worked with the best of the best. Truly talented and learned men who were tasked with entertaining millions. Not a theater full of people, not an arena, an entire country--an entire world. They took up the task with a confidence and fearlessness you'll never see in the industry today.
          There was a time when filmmakers created wonders.

          • 11 months ago

            spielberg and lucas are the reason movies are shit. Hollywood just made those stupid dumb big movies. Thats all they make now dumb down kids movies for adults.

            • 11 months ago

              No, Bob Iger is.

    • 11 months ago

      >When the trailers dropped
      I think the title alone already killed it before any footage did

  7. 11 months ago

    Nightly news is legit more entertaining rn
    there's the tail end of a global plandemic, ukie war, Frenchmen having a tantrum, China baiting the nips etc.
    I'm just not interested in israeliteslop sequel #27 of whatever old franchise they resurrect for a quick pay day.

  8. 11 months ago

    It's probably just not a good idea to make these massive budget movies anymore, MCU was the last hurrah.

  9. 11 months ago

    >already made half its budget in one week

    • 11 months ago

      >It's a shill tries to claim studios get 100% of the box office again episode

    • 11 months ago

      The movie needs to make around $600 million to break even. It's not going to do that.

      • 11 months ago

        The movie cost 330mil before marketing. It needs at least 800

    • 11 months ago

      >$300m budget
      >include roughly estimated marketing costs (50% of budget): $450m total cost
      >domestic box office take is generally around 60%
      >international is 20-30%
      >so far, has made about $90m domestic, $70m international
      By very rough estimates, it looks like the film has made about $75m out of a $450m production cost. It has a long way to go.

  10. 11 months ago

    Indiana Jones is a boomer franchise that's had one film (that was controversial) in the past 30 years. It's not like Star Wars where it constantly releasing new films and existed in multimedia and TV for years and years keeping it in the public consciousness, Indiana Jones is basically just 3 movies from the 80s and then a sequel no one really liked that much.

    The idea that an Indiana Jones 5 would make enough money to justify spending $500 million on it was absurd.

    • 11 months ago

      Zoomer, there was a TV series, books, comics etc.

      • 11 months ago

        The tv show as canceled almost immediately and the ancillary material never had the popularity that Star Wars did

  11. 11 months ago

    more like the FLOP of destiny

    • 11 months ago

      I prefer the Dial of Floppiness

      • 11 months ago

        more like the FLOP of destiny

        For me it's the Dial of Bankruptcy

  12. 11 months ago

    Indy 5 is flopping so bad that it's making The Flash look successful even though The Flash flopped too. 2023 is the year of the flop and I love it. israeliteywood must burn. lol

  13. 11 months ago

    no shia
    ford is a bit too old
    and the woman looks ugly and seems annoying in trailers
    just looks like another disney film with them ruining the legacy of an old established male hero by making him pathetic in the latest entry
    if it was a proper passing of the torch from harrison to shia or even shortround ala top gun maverick, maybe it could've made a billion
    but they chose poorly

  14. 11 months ago



  15. 11 months ago

    >STILL less than Transformers opening weekend

  16. 11 months ago

    im glad ford is finally getting his

    • 11 months ago

      Oh I'm sure he got his money. It's Disney that's getting fricked here. Ford don't give a shit.

      • 11 months ago

        I don't know... I'm sure he'd rather the movie pulled Top Gun: Maverick type box-office and reviews. It is an ignominious end to his career. It's not like he's going to be the lead of anymore blockbusters. If he truly didn't like acting, he would have quit by now.

  17. 11 months ago

    >Through bizarre circumstances, Bob Iger ends up at your front door and offers you $1m cash + 1% of the gross box office if you agree to come and save Indiana Jones
    >You have complete creative control and a $200m budget (which must be spent on the film, there will be very litigious accountants watching every expense)
    What do you do?

    • 11 months ago

      >Indiana Jones (Ford) time travels back in time (time travel is an experiment with an artifact he found)
      >he and his young and cute lab assistant(female) both get send back into time, was an accident since they got a virus on the oc
      >meets his younger self in the first 5 mins of being there (soft reboot for next movies)
      >younger self is seeking an artifact thats different from the ones indi found in the original timeline (so new universe, no problems with continuity, can make new movies up as you want)
      >Oldie uses his wit, experience while Newdie his eagerness and youth to find mcguffin
      >thrown ina world with less tech fem side kick finds the beauty in the world, becomes Newdies love interest, shegets humbled by his pragmatism
      >McGuffin is found
      >Newdie and fem side kick walk into the sunset hand in hand, Oldie gets send back somehow but 20 years ealier and hes that 20 years younger
      >he uses the second chance to make up everything he may did wrong
      >walks into a bus, sees a dude reading a newspaper
      >some event that didnt happen in his original timeline us there (mexico send the first men to the moon)

    • 11 months ago

      >Logan but with Indiana Jones
      >basically he's a depressed old man and an alcoholic
      >his old students occasionally drop by but he refuses to see any of them
      >then an attractive young woman breaks into his apartment and tells him that Mutt's not dead and they need to rescue him
      >Indiana must travel across the desert, through the jungle and over arctic tundras looking for Mutt who has been kidnapped

      • 11 months ago

        This, but because a core element of classic Indy is religious artifacts that actually have the powers claimed by their legends
        >they find out Mutt’s actually dead
        >but not quite yet, the Greek underworld is real, he’s getting ferried across the river Styx soon, and there’s still time to bring him back if they hurry
        >the maguffin is something like the Oracle of Delphi or Prometheus’ fire

        >the attractive female sidekick is actually an amoral treasure-hunter searching for Pandora's box and tricked Indi into saving Mutt to find it, unleashing a terrible plague of evil on humanity
        >Indi realises that to save the world, he has to let Mutt go and close the box
        >gives Mutt a tearful goodbye and acknowledges that he has to move on

        • 11 months ago

          >the attractive female sidekick
          need a recast for that. they got the most anne frank looking israelite b***h for this movie. maybe the character would've been tolerable if she was actually hot, but that actress was not it and she just came across as insufferable.

          • 11 months ago

            We're talking about a hypothetical film to save the franchise after this clusterfrick. Pay attention

            • 11 months ago

              ah ignore that then sorry

      • 11 months ago

        but with Indiana Jones
        Logan was shit and have the same problems that all these modern sequels have. They have to post modern deconstruct the hero archetype. >Logan dies miserable passing on the torch to his female replacement
        >Solo dies miserable passing on the torch to his female replacement
        >James bond dies miserable passing on the torch to his female replacement
        If this thing didn't bomb they would've greenlit a sequel with that annoying c**t as the leas.

    • 11 months ago

      >Logan but with Indiana Jones
      >basically he's a depressed old man and an alcoholic
      >his old students occasionally drop by but he refuses to see any of them
      >then an attractive young woman breaks into his apartment and tells him that Mutt's not dead and they need to rescue him
      >Indiana must travel across the desert, through the jungle and over arctic tundras looking for Mutt who has been kidnapped

      This, but because a core element of classic Indy is religious artifacts that actually have the powers claimed by their legends
      >they find out Mutt’s actually dead
      >but not quite yet, the Greek underworld is real, he’s getting ferried across the river Styx soon, and there’s still time to bring him back if they hurry
      >the maguffin is something like the Oracle of Delphi or Prometheus’ fire

      • 11 months ago

        One thing I'd add is have Mutt not be played by Shia because I can't take him seriously

    • 11 months ago

      I cast mid-40s straight white male as Indy, redhead female love interest and foreign (maybe English, French or Russian) sidekick.

      Set in 1947. Indy goes globetrotting looking for a treasure and picks up a love interest and sidekicks. It’s a race against time against rival treasure hunters. Who aren’t evil, just another group of interesting treasure hunters.

    • 11 months ago

      Recast Indiana Jones like they do for James Bond. They should have done that in this movie since it already has the time travel elements (old Indy travels back in time to meet his younger self, but it's played by a new actor) but they were too fricking stupid to do that.

    • 11 months ago

      Demand 10 million and a percentage of returns.

  18. 11 months ago

    Because Disney`s approach is fundamentally wrong. Having the actors to hook the potential audience is worth squat if you are going to disrespect the characters.

    Reputation takes a lifetime to build but only seconds to destroy. What we are witnessing is people losing trust on Disney as a company.

    >MCU is dying
    >SW is being ignored
    >Pixar had gone from derivative to obnoxious

    This is not an isolated incident but a pattern and Disney is not addressing it (namely making big public changes of direction) so people are no longer bothering to check out new stuff. They just assume, based on the trend, that it`s going to be shit and don`t bother with the new stuff.

  19. 11 months ago

    doomwiener probably singlehandedly cost them hundreds of millions

    • 11 months ago

      How? He didn't do anything but report on rumors and speculate based on trailers.
      The blame is on Disney for being a shitshow, not some homosexual in a bin lid for pointing it out.

      • 11 months ago

        exposed how they were passing the torch to girl indy causing them to delay the movie for ages and have to do costly reshoots and by the time it was released, there had already been over a year of negativity swirling around damaging that vital opening weekend before word gets around how shit a movie is
        no delay, no reshoots and springing this trash on an unsuspecting audience i'm sure would've yielded much better results for them

        • 11 months ago

          Right. He pointed out their mistakes. It's still their fault for making those mistakes.

    • 11 months ago

      No he didn't homosexual. The people who watch Doomwiener weren't going to watch this in the first place. What cost them hundreds of millions was premiering at Cannes to terrible reviews. It then had a month to stew in the public consciousness as a shit film before it even released

      • 11 months ago

        if normies didn't hear the shitstorm for a year about the reshoots, they sure as shit didn't hear about cannes reviews m8

        • 11 months ago

          Normies would know about the big green splat on Rotten Tomatoes though

  20. 11 months ago

    Sometimes I listen to podcasts while doing chores around the house. Out of morbid curiosity I listened to a ringer podcast where a couple roasties and some beta cuck discussed the film. And of course they all praised it because Disney owns their fricking company but what was interesting is how their enthusiasm for the Phoebe Waller-Bridge character was genuine. I remember specifically one of them describing her as "the smartest character in the room" and being almost smug about it, as if it were like some kind of personal accomplishment because she was clearly self-inserting.

    And that's when I realized they'd done to Indian Jones what Mattel did by introducing She-Ra into MOTU back in the day. They took a very successful IP that was clearly appealing more to boys than girls, tried to even the scales to appeal to everyone, and ended up chasing off the target demo because even though girls *did* like the new addition boys fricking hated it and they lost more fans than they gained.

    All these old franchises were made for men by men. Princess Leia might have an important role but the force isn't female. Indy might have a female sidekick but they're not equals. You turn them into something they're not and they cease to be what they are (i.e., popular). If you want to appeal to nostalgia stop shoehorning in modern ideas because one has nothing to do with the other

    • 11 months ago

      The "thinking" was that the males were going to show up no matter what. They did up a point. It takes lots of work to aggressively alienate your core demo but they found a way.

    • 11 months ago

      >Out of morbid curiosity I listened to a ringer podcast where a couple roasties and some beta cuck discussed the film
      Are the roasties at least cute?

      • 11 months ago

        >Mallory Rubin and Amanda Dobbins

        Based a quick google search, I'd say both are just sort of normal looking but they seem in decent shape and don't have the dreaded SJW look. Also they were both clearly into old man Indy's shirtless scene and I appreciate any woman who digs older men

        • 11 months ago

          Ford is in good shape for his age.
          Nothing exceptional but pretty healthy
          It's a shame this is his last outing as Indy.
          A non-gay director from a non gay company would've insisted on making it a full feature version of the Young Indy Saxophone episode

  21. 11 months ago

    I went wensday. Mostly full. A couple of empty seats in the front row. I think it's doing fine. 160 million is fine. Its just moronic accounting tricks. God forbid they have to pay taxes in today's world. I usually don't respond to box office nerds, but i am taking a shit so there you go.

  22. 11 months ago

    because it isnt very good. also disneys destruction of star wars has cursed them.

  23. 11 months ago

    >the most transparent cash grab of 2023 featuring an 80 year old hasbeen in a fricking action movie
    No way

  24. 11 months ago

    >dial of dusty knees

  25. 11 months ago

    I'm 45. I never heard of Indian Jones until 2008

    • 11 months ago

      You need to go back to whatever shithole country you crawled out of.

  26. 11 months ago

    KK Deserves a bonus, frick she deserves Igers job, give people what they want

    • 11 months ago

      She needs to run for office. Imagine a nation where she's in charge. It'd be an uberpower

      • 11 months ago

        it would explain a lot if she had already been secretly in charge of Russia for the last few years.

      • 11 months ago

        >President Kennedy (No relation) dissolved the constitution and will be replaced with an Imperial Charter for a thousand-year reign

        I am ready for clown world to ascend.

  27. 11 months ago

    >not counting by the 100Ms
    >not counting by the 50s
    >counting by the fricking tens of millions

    • 11 months ago

      gosh imagine the celebrations when it crosses $170M

  28. 11 months ago

    I like how you all just believe these numbers.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah Disney wants to lie and have the biggest flop of all time

  29. 11 months ago

    He dies, isn't it?

  30. 11 months ago

    Indi is a dead franchise. Zoomers literally don't know him, boomers are too old to give a shit, millennials are split between hating Disney or hating Crystal Skull. Same shit with Star Wars, Trek, Doctor Who, the list goes on. Hollywood culture and lack of talent is hellbent on crashing this industry with no survivors.

  31. 11 months ago

    It never even entered my mind to go see this. I never asked for it, don’t want it, and got burned by the last one when I didn’t listen to my gut. I knew that Crystal Skull was going to be shit but the nostalgia pulled me in and there I was sitting in that seat waiting to see something that I knew didn’t really exist. Frick me once shame on you. Frick me twice shame on me. I ain’t falling for that shit ever again.

  32. 11 months ago

    All they had to do was have Indy go an adventure around the world looking for treasure. He’s old as frick so they could have a subplot about him getting ready to retire but that’s it. Instead we get a depressed Indy who hates life and is constantly humiliated but the c**t he’s forced to spend the movie with. Crystal Skull sucked but at least Indy wasn’t character assassinated in it.

    • 11 months ago

      And him being old as frick wouldn’t have mattered as much if they had written right. Look at pic related it’s, a really these exciting movie even though all the main characters are played by geezers.

      • 11 months ago

        james powell is a boy from brazil

  33. 11 months ago

    Girlboss co-lead and her mystery meat sidekick ruined the movie and word got out it's absolute shit after the first 30 mins (which managed to capture the classic indy FUN of the first 3 movies, something that's severely missing in the entire rest of the entire movie)
    Also white america is boycotting and ignoring shit that's even remotely woke nowadays, which is the demographic that makes hollywood (and companies in general) money as the minorities and liberals they pander to DON'T ACTUALLY SPEND MONEY ON THEIR SHIT

    • 11 months ago

      imagine turning your back on nerds
      sure, it's a fringe demographic, but the only one obsessive enough to see your film multiple times in cinemas, then buy the dvd and a ton of toys and other junk collectables
      all you have to do is not spurn them because then they're like a jilted lover

  34. 11 months ago

    Someone post the reddit cope

  35. 11 months ago

    Only $640,000,000 to go before Disney makes a profit!

  36. 11 months ago

    It's a boring movie with annoying characters and a beaten to death theme - nazis are...are LE BAD. Boo fricking hoo. Boring.

  37. 11 months ago

    More like
    >Indiana Jones and the Dial-ing down of expectations

  38. 11 months ago

    Crystal skull bombed so bad no one wanted another Indy film made.

  39. 11 months ago

    Universal Sony shills trying to corner the summer market.

  40. 11 months ago


  41. 11 months ago

    Various reasons.
    >> Ford is too damn old, Mutt joked about him being 80 in KotCS but now he literally is 80, 7 years older than Sean Connery was when he decided to retire after League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
    >> Kathleen Kennedy's reputation has gone to shit after the Sequel Trilogy and Solo, she's regarded as one of the most incompetent people in the industry and the investors/share holders have been pressuring Disney to fire her for the last few years. Any film with her name attached is bound to have a lot of skepticism around it.
    >> Phoebe Waller Bridge isn't funny or attractive, she's box office poison and the British female equivalent to Pauley Shore.
    >> Rumors of reshoots really hurt the film early on, especially after Ford admitted it and the ending makes it blindingly obvious the movie was heavily reworked at some point, possible because Iger was desperate to avoid another Last Jedi situation.
    >> An old movie hero being a washed up, broken loser is a tired, cliche and utterly loathed trope thanks to TLJ.

    • 11 months ago

      > Phoebe Waller Bridge isn't funny or attractive, she's box office poison and the British female equivalent to Pauley Shore.

  42. 11 months ago

    I'd lean in to how old Indy is now, have Marian be dead, not divorced (Indy is happy for the years he had with her). Mutt is alive, but in a bad way from injuries in war.
    For the treasure, I'd lean hard in to this and have some kind of Tibetan legend, and have a lot of lore inspired by the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
    Also, free Tibet and frick China!

    Another idea would be to have Indy be a grandfather, who tells his grandkids about all the adventures he's had over the years, but they think he's just making them up. Story will be Indy and one of these grandchildren (Who could be about 15-16 if we play with years a tad) on an adventure, as the young one sees the magic in the world that they thought was just fantasy, but Indy would basically be lament the closing in of the world.
    Sort of a "world's the same, there's just less in it" thing.

  43. 11 months ago

    It’s filtering the plebbits and exposing the competitions shills. Fantastic film for a 5th installment of a 40 year old franchise

  44. 11 months ago

    Just make a new action adventure IP with a new hero. Who is the Gen Z Harrison Ford?

  45. 11 months ago

    For all the cgi shit in the movie, they should've cgi-away'd those old man saggy earlobes Harrison Ford has. Disgusting.
    What they should've done was shot the film on location, not that green screen shit that gives the whole movie a weird bloomy sheen. The entire cgi budget should've been used to de-aged Ford to something modest, like to make him look 60. And give him a smoking hot love interest. And retcon the putrid Marion. Don't mind Mutt as long as he's past his greaser phase.

  46. 11 months ago

    This is the Bud Light boycott continued. We all heard it was some girlboss bullshit and are choosing not to see it. I think the bow broke with the last Star Wars movie. It sucked, it was girlboss shit, and everything since has sucked as bad so we know there is no hope. Plus it's summer and we are not desperate for entertainment. The idea of the summer block buster has always been moronic. Save this stuff for February when we are going insane and salivating for any escape from winter boredom.

  47. 11 months ago

    >israelite money laundering
    >gib us more shekels goy!

  48. 11 months ago

    >Yo Bob, throw me another 600mil will ya?

  49. 11 months ago

    >Want to watch a CGI clusterfrick with some old grumpy man who doesn't give a frick? It also has your mandatory woke nonsense, brain-dead writing, and brand recognition. It's a sequel to the last CGI clusterfrick that nobody liked. Available on streaming before you can blink. So go see it now in the theater!
    I thought Hollywood was greedy, but not moronic greedy.

    • 11 months ago

      It's said that our greatest enemy would always be above us on the ladder until the last rung, where he's doomed to slip and fall.
      These days it's feeling like they're starting to slip.

  50. 11 months ago


  51. 11 months ago

    The trailers were abysmal.

  52. 11 months ago

    >new indiana jones? oh cool maybe ill go watch it
    >see trailer
    >oh right hes old and doesnt give a shit
    >wheres shia? he did well in crystal skull and thought hed be the new indy
    >oh, a feminist looking lady...
    >iTs CalLeD cApItAlIsM hurr durr
    >punch le nazis xD
    >kathleen kennedy
    i gave the middle finger to the screen in the middle of the japanese theater around a bunch of nips quietly waiting to watch fast x

  53. 11 months ago

    they made it for 30 plus white men who don't have the balls to go outside these days

  54. 11 months ago

    What the frick were they even thinking making this movie?
    And I’m not talking about plot whatsoever. They made the last one in ‘89, tried rebooting it with a sequel everyone hated and forgot about a few decades later, then they try it again another 15 years after that? Half the target audience from the 80s are dead or don’t care. How are they expecting to draw in new fans when the actor is 80 something

  55. 11 months ago

    IJ 1-3 are overrated. Good but not good enough to be this culture icon like Star Wars.
    Crystal Skull is overhated. It wasn't the best movie ever but it wasn't bad at all. It was just as enjoyable as the original 3.

    Indiana Jones fans are weird

    • 11 months ago

      They're bitter Gen Xers who never appreciated what they had and threw a shit fit when it wasn't just a repeat of what they'd seen before as children

  56. 11 months ago

    1. Nobody wanted it
    2. LucasFilm/Disney ruined their rep

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