How badly are Netflix going to frick up Conan the Barbarian?

How badly are Netflix going to frick up Conan the Barbarian?

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  1. 11 months ago

    It won’t be about Conan. The first episode will have 1 cool scene at the end to get you hooked but they’re gonna make up some young black woman character who gets most the screen time and Conan will be there just for promotional material. He’ll even say shit like “here take my sword, it’s better in your hands”. The lead writer will be some fat b***h who says “the 80s Conan films just didn’t explore the women at all, in fact they were just prizes to be won! So we wanted to make the female characters front and centre for once”
    I’m willing to bet a lot of money on this

    • 11 months ago

      you are one hundred percent correct
      the hilarious part is that the first conan movie already had a strong female character who they somehow managed to not make insufferable (rather, she is the most honorable of all the characters)

      • 11 months ago

        Throwing shade at my man Subotai. I never saw Valeria cry on Conan’s behalf. Get a grip.

        • 11 months ago

          She came back from Beyond to save his life in battle. I'll take that in leiu of tears any day.

    • 11 months ago


      How badly are Netflix going to frick up Conan the Barbarian?

      People make lists of "sexist, racist, misogynistic, transphobic" ect films on Letterboxd but the Conan films never appear. But movies like "Under the Silver Lake" is considered prime "misogyny".

      • 11 months ago

        That's because Milius' Conan manages to steer away from every imaginable stereotype. It's still a prime example on how to make a movie with a diverse cast and leave out all stereotyping of the,

    • 11 months ago

      A-a-are you from the future?

    • 11 months ago

      Don't forget the sex scenes with homosexuals and disgusting looking bulldykes.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          that's why there are no more cimmerians, gayget

      • 11 months ago

        >and disgusting looking bulldykes
        well, i think she fricked Drago but still

    • 11 months ago

      usually i would call you an idiot, but then i remembered He Man and WILLOW

    • 11 months ago

      duh, Frank Frazettas artwoork is deeply problematic

      • 11 months ago

        >gets buff so he can draw himself instead of other guys
        Absolute chad

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      You forgot about the interracial sex scene.

      • 11 months ago

        If it is white Chad/black sexy nubian queen I'm ok with that

    • 11 months ago

      You forgot that all the men will be scantily clad, but the women will barely show any skin. They will throw in some quick nudity in episode 1 as bait, but never again

    • 11 months ago

      Are you Nostradamus?

    • 11 months ago

      >He’ll even say shit like “here take my sword, it’s better in your hands”.

    • 11 months ago

      How did you get a crystal ball?

    • 11 months ago

      >the 80s Conan films just didn’t explore the women at all, in fact they were just prizes to be won! So we wanted to make the female characters front and centre for once


      Robert Howard was a typical white conservative. Close to Milius.
      Fragile and oversensitive, enemical to workers and class struggles. Adhering to the romantic ideal of the noble savage, which can be argued to have been contemporary with him.
      Conan can't be something else. If it is, then you are appropriating him. In this case, that wouldn't be bad or good from first glance.
      It feels to us more realistic that the people of the hyborian age would be racist, as in, seeing the other peoples with suspicion. Conan however is a white hero who prevails with force. His stories are exalting the white supremacy and in a world that is chaotic, only he prevails. They are meant to be escapism, both for the reader and for the author. Nothing can be really taught from them.
      Does this mean that social values can't be taught through Conan? Yes, that is what it means.

      • 11 months ago

        Howard wasn't a conservative, he was a reactionary. His entire outlook on life was defined by seeing capitalists transform his wild west Texas town into a bourgeois suburb and resented civilization for it.

        • 11 months ago

          Those are interchangeable terms and, by your post, you describe him as a conservative.

          >the noble savage
          Literally never proven to exist; only naïve/disingenuous anthropologists pushed this term.

          The noble savage is a literary notion/vehicle. I don't know if "vehicle" is the appropriate term.

          • 11 months ago

            >Those are interchangeable terms and, by your post, you describe him as a conservative.
            Conservatives are a type of Liberal, rhe right-most end of Liberalism.
            Reactionaries are not Conservatives, since they reject notions of "Progress as an unalloyed good", which is fundamental to the Liberal worldview and Whig historiography.

            • 11 months ago

              Are you sure you don't mean neoliberalism? The Thatcher/Reagan era type?

      • 11 months ago

        >the noble savage
        Literally never proven to exist; only naïve/disingenuous anthropologists pushed this term.

        • 11 months ago

          The term "noble savage" came from westerners encountering native americans who had good morals. Back then "savage" literally meant "not civilised" i.e. people who didn't live in civilisation, nomadic hunter-gatherers. Of course people like this existed.

          • 11 months ago

            >The term "noble savage" came from westerners encountering native americans who had good morals.
            No it didn't. It came from city-folk who had never met the people they were writing about writing political screeds against the moral decay of their own people. People have been writing about the noble savage since at least roman times, and authors writing about noble savages always stop doing so the second they actually encounter said savages themselves.

    • 11 months ago

      If numerals the show will be based
      Conan will kill big nosed villains
      Women will be treated like property
      And chuds will win

    • 11 months ago

      then she troons and goes on hormone therapy

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      In one.

      I had zero knowledge Netflix were making a Conan feature/series. I can't believe Robert Howard estate allowed them to do this. This is the worst company to take on the barbarian.

      • 11 months ago

        Look at what has happened to Tolkien and his estate. The people who inherit the work are so disconnected and infected that they don't care beyond getting paid.
        At least good copies exist of his works at the moment. I just started to read them and while they are pulp they are enjoyable pulp and Howard has a way with words. You can really see the effect of Lovecraft as well on the stories.

        • 11 months ago

          Lovecraft & Howard were buddies. There's a story Lovecraft was b***hing about having nightmares caused by the things he thought up & Howard told him he couldn't imagine anything that Conan couldn't kill &don't worry about it

        • 11 months ago

          I don't know if it's your thing, but I recommend reading Howard's sailor Steve Costigan stories. They are his funniest and Costigan is a fun doofus with heavy fists. All of them are about him having these titanic heavy weight boxing matches in every harbor he gets´.

          Also, The Vultures of Wahpeton is one of his best stores. It's a western and stylistically it could have been written by Sergio Leone.

          • 11 months ago

            I will order the Costigan stories next. They look interesting.
            Thanks for the recommendations anon

          • 11 months ago

            >Steve Costigan
            My friend completely loves the Costigan stories, he's always telling me about them and how funny they are. I'm going to read them after I'm done with Conan and Soloman Kane.

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah, they are a fun read, though might get a bit repetitive towards the end. But they did show that Howard had a knack for comedy as well which made him even more versatile writer in comparison to many other pulp writers.

      • 11 months ago

        Nobody allowed shit, it's public ip

        • 11 months ago

          The stuff they’re dealing with isn’t, the studios purchased it from a holding company. Nothing to do with Howard’s estate or anybody who gives a shit though.

    • 11 months ago

      god damnit I threw my back out kneeling because of this post

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      MFW I want to argue but I know what you say will become what is true

    • 11 months ago

      They frick EVERY single thing they touch up deliberately as much as possible

      Just imagine the worst possible outcome and yeah.

      Yeah, what this guy said sounds pretty spot on.

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Anon is right in that Conan will take a backseat to the other female characters, just like Geralt in The Witcher did.

    • 11 months ago

      >*record skip*
      >*freeze frame*
      >*zoom in on baboon*
      >Yep, that's me. You probably never knew, did you? That's the male gaze for you.
      >*looks directly into camera*
      >Look who's gazing now...
      >*fog horn*
      >THIS FALL...
      >*cut to sheboon massacring white males*
      >*wilhelm scream*
      >*record skip*
      >HuueuUuh?? *sound from home improvement*
      >*Conan stubs his toe, slips and hits his head and falls into a coma*
      >...IS IN TROUBLE?!
      >*cut to sheboon pushing Conan's arm away*
      >"Sigh... Typical men, never there when you need them."
      >"Don't worry brother, I will save the realm, it can wait no longer!"
      >AND. HIS. SISTER...
      >*cut to sheeboon sliding down a dragon's tail ans the dragon toppling over*

      • 11 months ago

        >cover of Beck's Debra by all-female band

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      It's going to be Grace Jones' character's daughter or sister some shit.

  2. 11 months ago

    its going to be unwatchable garbage
    there's going to be a girlboss that tags along with conan and teaches him about privilege and toxic masculinity

    • 11 months ago

      >tags along
      no she'll be leading him, calling most or all of the shots, and emotionally manipulating him into doing things that are really boring for the storyline

  3. 11 months ago

    Conan won't be white and there will be interracial lesbians (one ugly so you can't coom, see Willow).

    • 11 months ago

      Conan is basically Iberian

      • 11 months ago

        Cimmerians are proto-Celts. Howard says as much towards the end of "The Hyborian Age":
        >The Gaels, ancestors of the Irish and Highland Scotch, descended from pure-blooded Cimmerian clans.
        Conan is a blue-eyed, dark-haired, primeval Irishman.

        • 11 months ago

          his skin is dark

          • 11 months ago

            >his skin is dark
            It's bronzed from being out in the sun all the time and Howard writes that numerous times. Not sure why we need to have this conversation ever Conan thread.

          • 11 months ago

            Not really, just sun bronzed. It comes up a lot as a descriptor in the stories.
            In the Kull stories, Bruce is a dark-skinned Pict, and is the direct ancestor of Bran Mak Morn, another proto-Celt on the British Isles. The Kull stories take place long before the Conan tale, so dark-skinned characters don't really mean much unless they're wxplixitly stated to be eg Stygian.

            • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              Howard's picts weren't celts

              • 11 months ago

                No, but they were native to the same general area surrounding Valusia, iirc as Kull's Atlantean hill tribes. Brule is explicitly stated to be Bran's direct ancestor. Not Proto-Celts, but maybe some kind of Indo-European.

              • 11 months ago

                >Atlantean hill tribes.

                WHOAH. Imagine that: a story about descendants from Atlantis

                >Have you heard of Atlantis?
                >The lost continent.
                >That is right, the lost continent. And, as with any continent, it had a variable geography and a multitude of peoples. You see, nowadays, people speak of the "lost civilisation of the Atlanteans" as if they were one unique and integrated nation. But that was just the most advanced Atlanteans...nobody knows, or conceives, of the more primal peoples of this world...

                Am I a fascist for liking phantasy? Am I reactionary?

              • 11 months ago

                >Am I a fascist for liking phantasy? Am I reactionary?
                If you enjoy Conan and you are not some form of Reactionary, then I don't know what to make of you.

              • 11 months ago

                Well, I do. Maybe I am a reactionary and don't know it.

              • 11 months ago

                Being a Reactionary today is as easy as seeing the absolute clownshow of modernity and thinking "maybe things were better in the past".
                Bonus points if you can acknowledge the differences between sexes and races.

              • 11 months ago

                But I am historically aware. We probably clashed metpahorical swords in many threads before where I was trying to convince you that class struggle mives history and can't be replaced with any reform nor any party. But generally these phantasy writers were reactionary one way or another...

              • 11 months ago

                Class struggle is a poor man's word for federales ruin everything regardless of political stance.

              • 11 months ago

                >class struggle mives history and can't be replaced
                Class struggle has been supplanted by gender and race struggle in the West: Democrats, Labour, Sinn Fein are all pro teanny, pro open borders freakshows.
                If you want a state that cares for the people without reference to foreign hordes or gender freaks, then you're practically a National Socialist. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you.

              • 11 months ago

                >Maybe I am a reactionary and don't know it.
                Welcome to the club friendo.

            • 11 months ago

              This is a common “misconception” (quotes because they know the truth) modern producers have. In Howard’s time and dark skinned at most meant swarthy or possibly Arabian. Dusky skinned meant dark Arabian. Black skinned meant sub-Saharan African.

              • 11 months ago

                and brown skinned wasnt a thing since that didnt exist back in the 20s

          • 11 months ago

            t. moron who never read conan and is pre-primed for the pozzedflicks edition

            • 11 months ago

              you must be moronic then because I did read Conan and it's stated every other story that his skin is dark
              I don't know how you possibly could have missed it

              • 11 months ago

                His skin is dark from being suntanned.

              • 11 months ago

                ok, all I said was his skin is dark
                why does everyone immediately think I'm calling him a Black person?
                he's definitely not Scandinavian or Irish style white

              • 11 months ago

                >he's definitely not Scandinavian or Irish style white
                you haven't seen scandinavian or irish people who spend their time outside working all day with their shirts off. they have exactly the same skin colour as conan. maybe brits turn red, I don't know about them. but scandis turn bronze.
                t. scandi with a dozen "bronze" old timers in his family

              • 11 months ago

                there's nothing to indicate he's Irish or Scandinavian
                he has black hair blue eyes and deeply tanned skin
                it's likely he is olive toned to begin with
                it's more likely he isn't than he is either of those subraces
                In fact the irl Cimmerians were from Annatolia
                again, for some reason you people think I'm saying he was black, I'm saying he's white but one of the more 'dark' varieties

              • 11 months ago

                >there's nothing to indicate he's Irish or Scandinavian
                Proto-Celt. Howard spelled it out explicitly in his autistically detailed essay on the history of his setting.
                You actually are just plain wrong if you continue to argue this point. He was a Cimmerian, decendant of modern Irish/ Scottish, with blue eyes, black hair and skin tanned bronze from the time he spent adventuring in the sun.
                I look forward to you disregarding all this and pushing ahead with your wrong opinion in spite of all the evidence, though.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                except a proto celt is not an Irish person

              • 11 months ago

                What point are you trying to make? Most of the races of the Hyborean Age are ciphers for IRL peoples.
                Stygians and Kushites are Africans, Aquilonians are Italians, Iranistani are Arabs, the Shemites are israelites. They're not 1:1, because Howard believed in the rise and fall of nations, stating, I believe, in the Hyborian Age that the Atlanteans became a race of feral savages after the cataclysm, slowly rose into semi-civilisation again, before collapsing into ruin once more.
                Conan is not a modern day Irishman, no shit, but a throwback to a purer form of man from which modern Irish/ Scots would descend.

              • 11 months ago

                literally all I said was he was dark and basically Iberian
                that's it
                the rest is me defending the position because people can't handle it
                why can't you people accept basic stuff about the story?

              • 11 months ago

                He was tanned from being in the sun all his life, and had nothing to do with Iberia. So, you’re a stupid homosexual.

              • 11 months ago

                Don't bother he's a stubborn moron dying on his hill

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                t. moron who never read conan and is pre-primed for the pozzedflicks edition

              • 11 months ago

                are you seriously going to argue he is never described as having dark skin?
                I don't want to but I eventually will take screenshots of the 80 times it's stated in the books

              • 11 months ago

                lol he thinks taking pictures is reading and has the gaul to call someone else a brainlet

              • 11 months ago

                what point are you even trying to make
                either he's described as dark skinned or he isn't
                Pro tip: he is

              • 11 months ago

                "burned brown by the sun" yes, moron, you know what you were doing when you said he was dark, have a nice day and stop being obtuse

              • 11 months ago

                yeah I know what I was doing, being accurate
                you're so schizophrenic you can't see a benign comment as anything beyond a racial attack

        • 11 months ago

          why do Amerifats do this?

          • 11 months ago

            back then it was commonly used to refer to both people and the drink, only in the last 50 years or so have they started seething and dilating about it

            • 11 months ago

              wrong, in classic mutt form

        • 11 months ago

          And Irishman are just Iberians than couldn't handle the sun, see the Miletian myths.

        • 11 months ago

          >Conan is a Cimmerian, who are descendants of Atlanteans, and son to a blacksmith. Characterised as chivalric due to his penchant to save damsels in distress, Conan also displays a humorous nature and enduring loyalty.

          • 11 months ago

            And Atlanteans were native to the same geographic area in Howard's ancient Earth as the Picts, who would later be the inhabitants of the British Isles.
            Conan, Kull and Bran Mak Morn were basically genetic cousins, forming a fairly direct lineage through Howard's fictional history. The Picts were usually savage and degenerated, depending in where you find them in the timeline, though. I've only read of them being sewhat civilised in the Kull stories.

            • 11 months ago

              in his own stories he describes picts as practically not white

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, I'm well aware.
                I think that at some point I lost the thread on this and just started dumping what info I could from memory, regardless of how it related to other posts.
                Been a long time since I've seen anyone discussing Robert E. Howard's stuff, got a bit carried away.

              • 11 months ago

                No, but they were native to the same general area surrounding Valusia, iirc as Kull's Atlantean hill tribes. Brule is explicitly stated to be Bran's direct ancestor. Not Proto-Celts, but maybe some kind of Indo-European.

                in his own stories he describes picts as practically not white

                And Atlanteans were native to the same geographic area in Howard's ancient Earth as the Picts, who would later be the inhabitants of the British Isles.
                Conan, Kull and Bran Mak Morn were basically genetic cousins, forming a fairly direct lineage through Howard's fictional history. The Picts were usually savage and degenerated, depending in where you find them in the timeline, though. I've only read of them being sewhat civilised in the Kull stories.

                Howard's picts aren't celtic or indo european
                They're a robust pre celtic race who descend from a once noble proto medditeranean people. They were in Britain before the indo europeans
                The picts at the time of bran mak morn have slowly been degenerated into neandertalish people from breeding with a race of proto germanic giants however
                >for Bran came of a race that was very old, which had spread over western Europe in one vast Dark Empire, before the coming of the Aryans, when the ancestors of the Celts, the Hellenes and the Germans were one primal people, before the days of tribal splitting-off and westward drift

              • 11 months ago

                Well, okay then. I need to read all of the stories again. For fun, if not to be more informed about my fictional genealogies.

              • 11 months ago

                >there's nothing to indicate he's Irish or Scandinavian
                Proto-Celt. Howard spelled it out explicitly in his autistically detailed essay on the history of his setting.
                You actually are just plain wrong if you continue to argue this point. He was a Cimmerian, decendant of modern Irish/ Scottish, with blue eyes, black hair and skin tanned bronze from the time he spent adventuring in the sun.
                I look forward to you disregarding all this and pushing ahead with your wrong opinion in spite of all the evidence, though.

                which is why 'proto celt' does not mean Irish
                especially considering myriad dozens of ethnic groups have come and gone to produce what is considered a modern Irish

              • 11 months ago

                Maybe the confusion is not being aware Howard's 'Picts' are different from real picts: Historical Picts were a brittonic people related to the Irish.
                Howard's Picts were degenerated ape-men Native Americans that were unrelated to Cimmerians. Cimmerians admixed with others and eventually evolved into Irish, Scots but not 'Picts'.

              • 11 months ago

                Howard’s Picts were quite similar to the Atlanteans, they were neighbors who suffered the same fate in the Cataclysm. The Atlanteans became ape-men but evolved back into barbarians (Cimmerians), whereas the Picts never quite went that far back, but never evolved much past being savages either. I don’t think he ever connected them with native Americans, it wouldn’t make any sense, but maybe later authors did.

            • 11 months ago

              We were Atlanteans. Makes sense the British Isles being in the Atlantic and all.

    • 11 months ago

      >there will be interracial lesbians
      >(one ugly so you can't coom

    • 11 months ago

      newbie detected

  4. 11 months ago

    >no news for 3 years

  5. 11 months ago

    it will have Florence Pugh

    • 11 months ago

      As Conan.

  6. 11 months ago

    zero cruelty

  7. 11 months ago

    We have seen The Witcher. Translate its production decisions to Conan.

    • 11 months ago

      youd think they had learned their lesson by now

  8. 11 months ago


    I'm re-reading the books and I just finished A Witch Shall Be Born.

    What now b***h homie? Run on home to your nappy-headed daddy.

  9. 11 months ago

    I wouldn't even bother watching it for laughs, see how bad they messed up. The Witcher sucks ass and there was a whole storyline mapped out for them. The only thing they had to do was adapt it, but no, they had to introduce witch-demons, obelisks with vague magic in them, a convoluted Redania subplot where the royals are idiots and homos, Emhyr is hanging out with dwarf innkeepers swearing like a common soldier, no mystique whatsoever, side-lining Geralt on his own show, and there's no end to it. Conan will probably be worse, thanks to spiteful writers.

    • 11 months ago

      >obelisks with vague magic in them

      Those things exist in the game though

  10. 11 months ago

    Conan is male power fantasy at it’s purest form, of course they won’t allow it

  11. 11 months ago

    You know full well what will happen. It will having nothing in common with either literary Conan by Howard or the Schwarzenegger Conan. At best it will have some of the iconography however, chances are that will be undercut with an overall poor art direction; even if the art direction is somehow brilliant it will be wasted with the writing being terrible. The writers/producers will either not be familiar with Conan or just hate it. It will fail, either through incompetence or just not trying, to capture the spirit of Conan and so will be a Conan show in name only.

  12. 11 months ago

    A fat Black person sidekick
    A homosexual quirk companion
    White guy that betrayals the party

  13. 11 months ago

    >Conan takes on a group of sorcerers and guards
    >Spins around with a final swing
    >His sword strike is stopped by a small teenage black girl with a shaved head holding a dagger
    >Conans mouth opens in disbelief

  14. 11 months ago

    A show to surpass the shitness of The Witcher, Rings of Power and Wheel of Time combined.

  15. 11 months ago

    >Conan has a gay sex scene.

    • 11 months ago

      I was about to say, an butthole is getting penetrated in ep1 ~~*they*~~ can’t help themselves.

  16. 11 months ago

    Cuckflix doing a show about unabashed masculinity homie please.

  17. 11 months ago

    it'll be unnecessarily woke with nig cimmerians an shit even though the Conanvsrse already has nogs with a nog empire

  18. 11 months ago

    they're going to cast Viola Davis as Conan

  19. 11 months ago

    Will she make an appearance?

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, but she will be black.

      • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


      In a burka.

    • 11 months ago

      >red head

      black woman confirmed

    • 11 months ago

      Where the hell is that picture from? Is this a porn? The only Red Sonja I know was played by Stallone's danish wife.

      • 11 months ago

        you never heard of cosplay?

        • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      dayum, look at that codpiece. sonja must be hanging some long ladydong

    • 11 months ago

      I am now devastated we never got a Gillian Anderson portrayal of Sonja.

      • 11 months ago

        Gillian is 4'11

      • 11 months ago

        >Wait a minute Conan: are you implying that these dead villagers, obviously dead from an attack by something huge as the huge bites on the remains of their bodies attest to, and this slimy path that runs through the village, and the scattered parta of what appear to be scales and drippings of this venomous substamce, SOMEHOW mean that this village was wiped out by a giant snake?
        >Red Sonja, my eyes have seen many things.

        • 11 months ago

          Get yourself a good illustrator and get to writing, man!

    • 11 months ago

      Too problematic. Red Sonja is raped as a young girl and it's verboten to have a sexual assault be a woman's motivation or even occur at all.

  20. 11 months ago

    >Conan has no nuance and is portrayed as being an absolute idiot.
    >Conan routinely gets upstaged by a female warrior.
    >Red Sonja is played by a black actress and most insultingly an ugly one at that.
    >Despite the diversity of people and places the setting could allow, everywhere Conan visits feels the same and has an ethnic mix like that of NYC or London.
    >The costume and set designs are terrible.

    • 11 months ago

      >The costume and set designs are terrible.
      this is the one thing that is for certain set in stone
      people like to pretend like GoT had good costume and set design, when it was the same fiberglass and cement garbage as everything else before and after it
      i have yet to see a medieval world believably portrayed onscreen in terms of costumes and set design.
      there are some who have come close, but they all stumble on the finish line
      the two who have come closest imo are The Virgin Spring and The Name of the Rose, and they achieve that by narrowing their scope quite a bit

      • 11 months ago

        It will be interesting how they dress Conan. Howard's Conan actually wears amour frequently however, the popular conception of the character is he is like Tarzan in a loincloth.

        • 11 months ago

          Thats a good point. He is usually wearing some type of clothes, not running around naked.

        • 11 months ago

          im gonna guess some form of studded leather

        • 11 months ago

          it’s unlikely they will cast someone ripped enough/willing to cycle enough to be in a loincloth often enough for a show. I would introduce him like that with the actor fully roided, and cover him up mostly with armor for the rest. I’m guessing they’ll go for the Samoan phenotype established in the last movie, so it’ll be a fat guy in a lot of armor for most of it.

      • 11 months ago

        The Court Jester. 50s though, sp I guess it doesn't count.

        • 11 months ago

          What an underrated, funny movie. The final fight with Rathbone is hilarious.

    • 11 months ago

      the diversity of people and places the setting could allow, everywhere Conan visits feels the same and has an ethnic mix like that of NYC or London.

      This is the most moronic decisions these shows make. Conan lore has so many races and cultures to explore but for them "diversity" is just a grey blob without any character

  21. 11 months ago

    here's your Conan

    • 11 months ago


  22. 11 months ago

    >What's best in life?
    >To crush patriarchical geneer norms, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of cis white men

    • 11 months ago
  23. 11 months ago


    i have read the original stories, though i forgot a lot of them. i should reread them.

  24. 11 months ago

    like everything else on netflix, they're going to subvert expectations by making the show about woman empowerment.

    • 11 months ago

      That's not subverting expectations if it's what you and everyone else expects

    • 11 months ago

      Subverting expectations would be making something not israeli

  25. 11 months ago


  26. 11 months ago

    By Crom tell me you are trolling. I won't even be mad just tell me you made this up and Conan is not being adapted in current year.

    • 11 months ago

      F-Forgive me Conan-Sama but it's true

  27. 11 months ago

    Oh God, why does this exist?
    Conan was macho, chauvinistic, racialist and disregarded neurotic homosexualry in favour of just cutting through his problems with a sword or axe.
    There is literally no chance of any Current Year Conan adaptation being even remotely faithful to the character.
    Frick this gay Earth.

  28. 11 months ago

    Conan will be female to male transbarbarian played by Elliot Page (Formerly Ellen page)

  29. 11 months ago

    You realize the rights holders can veto anything and already cancelled a show that would change the essence of Conan and "update" it?

    • 11 months ago

      Rights holders can also be spinless homosexuals, like the Tolkien estate.

    • 11 months ago

      Once they'll throw enough money or once the old man keeping things afloat retires or dies (that's often the case), it'll get made.

    • 11 months ago

      Only if that is written into the contract, and even then they would have to care about quality over money & Netflix being involved ready says they don't

    • 11 months ago

      Did you not just see amazons rings of power. They dont give a frick as long as they're paid.

  30. 11 months ago

    >princess Jehnna will be a troony

  31. 11 months ago

    Reminder that Conan literally slaughters an entire African village who was in the middle of celebrating him as an honoured warrior just because their chief had the audacity to enslave a white woman.

    • 11 months ago

      It was a shitty village full of savages. Solomon Kane saved a bunch of redbones with Nlonga and was devastated when a village of mulattos he tried to protect died. REH's view is complex, on the one hand clearly black blood makes you worse (the former atlantean priest in the Nkari story goes insane with how he's a la creatura) but there are still virtuous and decent blacks.

      I’ve read a bit of Conan the Cimmerian (his granddad?), I liked it but where should I start with Conan? Is there a Cinemaphile reading guide or am I gonna have to go blind and pick up pulp novels or something? Is there an overarching story or is it like 2000 AD?

      Del Rey compilations. They are uncensored and unedited beyond the barest minimum from the original manuscripts. Edits being like "making a sentence actually end" sort of deal. Explicitly in the openings to one of them explains how they were made specifically to counteract the edited and censorious Conan republishings of the 60s-80s.

      That the one with the assault on the fort at the end? The wizards shoot bubbles of instant death and I think there's a gold ore in the walls Conan has to follow or he dies?

      Yeah it's black circle. Vendhyan princess. The orbs if they touch steel just explode and turn whatever was there into ashes.

  32. 11 months ago

    >Robert Howard was a typical white conservative. Close to Milius.
    >Fragile and oversensitive, enemical to workers and class struggles. Adhering to the romantic ideal of the noble savage, which can be argued to have been contemporary with him.
    >Conan can't be something else. If it is, then you are appropriating him. In this case, that wouldn't be bad or good from first glance.
    >It feels to us more realistic that the people of the hyborian age would be racist, as in, seeing the other peoples with suspicion. Conan however is a white hero who prevails with force. His stories are exalting the white supremacy and in a world that is chaotic, only he prevails. They are meant to be escapism, both for the reader and for the author. Nothing can be really taught from them.
    >Does this mean that social values can't be taught through Conan? Yes, that is what it means.

    • 11 months ago

      Conan starts out as a thief and a mercenary, and slowly evolves into a heroic character

  33. 11 months ago

    Probably have conan fight a woman and cast magic missile at some friendly dafari refugees

  34. 11 months ago

    Pretty bad per usual. I just want some cool ancient civilization/pre-history/lost continent kino

  35. 11 months ago

    Please make it accurate. I want to own the Chuds.

    • 11 months ago

      Make it accurate to what? Conan isn't real.

    • 11 months ago

      is that the pajeet from Foundation?

      • 11 months ago

        No it's an interesting story. The archeologists who found a pre-historic body in Cheddar, England had a forensic artist recreate his likeness. Then this guy who's family has lived in Cheddar forever became well known because he looks just like the forensic recreation, only pale.

        • 11 months ago

          >forensic artist
          i read this as foreskin artist at first. just so you know.

        • 11 months ago

          >source for the body's skin color being dark: nonexistent
          every time

  36. 11 months ago

    The Conan we know is actually a bastardization by de camp who edited the books and even changed other books to become Conan stories. Ie replace laser gun with sword.

  37. 11 months ago

    I’ve read a bit of Conan the Cimmerian (his granddad?), I liked it but where should I start with Conan? Is there a Cinemaphile reading guide or am I gonna have to go blind and pick up pulp novels or something? Is there an overarching story or is it like 2000 AD?

    • 11 months ago

      The first story written takes place years after most others. Timeskips are a part of Conan, really, and you gain nothing from trying any specific order. The stories were intended as loosely-related Pulp fare and are still best experienced that way. Some of the stories are particularly good, a lot of people say Rogues in the House is their favorite. Others say Tower of the Elephant but I think it's a weaker pick personally. I'd grab an omnibus of many short stories and just read whichever ones have the most interesting titles for the TRVE pulp experience.

      • 11 months ago

        Ah shid alright, that does sound fun, thanks man

      • 11 months ago

        I bought two books when I was a teen, circle of the black wizards had me on the edge of my seat. I think I lost this book however.

        • 11 months ago

          That the one with the assault on the fort at the end? The wizards shoot bubbles of instant death and I think there's a gold ore in the walls Conan has to follow or he dies?

          • 11 months ago

            I think you are 90% on the money with the bubbles. I remember that they kidnap a princess and Conan has to travel at night so that the Wizards won't see him.
            They live outside of a city, in the mountains past a desert.

            • 11 months ago

              It's people of the black circle

              • 11 months ago

                I stand corrected

      • 11 months ago

        Shadows in Zambula is the most fun story. I was also a fan of one I can't remember the name of but there's tall black humanoids on a tropical island capturing sea farers. IIRC it starts with Conan swimming for miles to catch up with a pirate ship captain by a dude called Zaparo? And it ends with Conan fleeing the island with some crew from a magical water construct.

        • 11 months ago

          >Conan swimming for miles to catch up with a pirate ship
          ah yes, when you grow tired of the slow ass sailing ships and just start swimming to save time

      • 11 months ago

        How does the Conan reading community feel about the comics done by Dark Horse in the early 2000s?
        I've read through the first few volumes and it's really good, but I don't know how everyone else feels about them or if there's much better versions of the stories

        • 11 months ago

          I know one of the dark horse gays is a woke butthole. I can't remember which one, but I saw one of them sounding off on twitter like a gay. It might be Kurt Busiek, but I can't remember.
          The only comics worth reading were done by Roy Thomas. SSOC had some great stories.

        • 11 months ago

          I know one of the dark horse gays is a woke butthole. I can't remember which one, but I saw one of them sounding off on twitter like a gay. It might be Kurt Busiek, but I can't remember.
          The only comics worth reading were done by Roy Thomas. SSOC had some great stories.

          What about the new comic?

          • 11 months ago

            I don't know, I stopped reading comics in the 90s when marvel went bankrupt and ssoc was shut down.
            I still have a trunk in the closet full of copies of it though. I did buy the first run from i think kurt busiek and cary nord, born on the battlefield but it sucked.

        • 11 months ago

          I quite like them, but they turned bad after Kurt Busiek stopped writing as he couldn't keep up the publishing pace. But the Busiek written stories are some of the best sword and sorcery fantasy written.

        • 11 months ago

          The Busiek run is up there with Roy Thomas's Savage Sword

      • 11 months ago

        I sure like that part of Tower when he's struggling a bit fighting the giant spider and he's like frick it and hurls a big chest full of israeliteels at it and mushes it

    • 11 months ago

      >his granddad?
      Conan is a Cimmerian. The "Barbarian" thing came later, probably with the Schwarzenegger movie.
      There's an omnibus collection called "The Complete Chronicles of Conan" containing every story, as far as I know. Picked up the hard copy, then downloaded the ebook somewhere so I wouldn't ruin the spine, since it's a huge book.
      You can probably find a digital copy fairly easy, but it does contain quite a few typos, probably from the scanning process.
      They're excellent stories, hope you read them.

      • 11 months ago

        It was a comic book, he looked a lot scrawnier than Conan but no less braver. Thanks for the tip about the book, I’ll try looking for it at my local bookstores, if not EBay.

        • 11 months ago

          I picked mine up from Amazon. It was a little pricey, being a hardback omnibus, but it's well worth it imo.

    • 11 months ago

      Buy the 3 anthology volumes that contain every Howard story. They are like 20 bucks each. Everything else is cash grabbing fan fiction

      • 11 months ago

        Edited garbage. You need to find the original editions.

  38. 11 months ago

    You already know it's going to be complete shit with tons of woke stupidity. Why even make this thread, just to have us suffer?

  39. 11 months ago

    They gotta get rid of that pesky "toxic masculinity". It's gonna be pozzed as hell.

  40. 11 months ago
  41. 11 months ago

    They can't
    Conan has already been ruined
    Frazetta and the comics has given people the idea that Conan is some nakedd berserker in a bronze age world where in reality he is intelligent, always chooses to wear armor and the hyborian age resembles more the late middle ages than mesopotamia
    Conan becomes king of what is basically medieval France and dresses up in late medieval armor in the stories

    • 11 months ago

      >where in reality he is intelligent, always chooses to wear armor
      Crazy how that escaped the popularisation. Guess naked grug appeals to people more.
      >the hyborian age resembles more the late middle ages than mesopotamia
      It's weird, because the Hyborian Age can be whatever Howard needed it to be: one story was basically set on the American frontier.

    • 11 months ago

      Conan as king is a tiny fraction of the books, the Cimmerians were described by Howard as a degenerated race and people viewed him as a barbarian, Conan used that to his advantage. He was cunning that way, but did not think of himself as particularly intelligent. He wore armor often, but sometimes wore just a girdle or tunic. Howard frequently described his muscular physique so it’s appropriate to show that off. The Hyborian age was not much like the late Middle Ages, a few isolated areas were further advanced in a fantastical manner, but there was nothing of the agricultural and economic revolution that marked the late Middle Ages. Howard set it in a vanished time on purpose.

      • 11 months ago

        Conan is intelligent. He knows well over ten languages, it's only because people see him as a dumb barbarian that he uses to his advantage
        Conan always wears armor when he knows he's going into combat. The only time he doesn't wear armor is when he is deprived of it, is trying to be stealthy or swimming.
        Most kingdoms of the hyborian age are at a late medieval level of technology. Aside from the most primitive of people iron and steel are known everywhere, knights from Aquilonia to koth to Khoraja wear full plate armor and even footmen and archers wear advanced armor. Certain places resemble even later periods like the Aquilonia frontier which is basically colonial America, certain seas which resemble age of sail pirates and afghulistan which is intentionally reminiscent of 19th century Afghanistan. The hyborian age even has gunpowder with signal flares being used but does not have firearms

        • 11 months ago

          Lol ok, just ignore everything I wrote and reiterate your own beliefs. Great talk.

          • 11 months ago

            You have not read conan
            >IN THE EARLY haze of dawn the streets of Khoraja were thronged by crowds of people who watched the hosts riding from the southern gate. The army was on the move at last. There were the knights, gleaming in richly wrought plate-armor, colored plumes waving above their burnished sallets. Their steeds, caparisoned with silk, lacquered leather and gold buckles, caracoled and curvetted as their riders put them through their paces. The early light struck glints from lancepoints that rose like a forest above the array, their pennons flowing in the breeze. Each knight wore a lady's token, a glove, scarf or rose, bound to his helmet or fastened to his sword-belt. They were the chivalry of Khoraja, five hundred strong, led by Count Thespides, who, men said, aspired to the hand of Yasmela herself.
            If it has full plate armor and chivalry then it is late medieval, homosexual

            • 11 months ago

              Late Middle Ages describes a world, not a single kingdom, moron. That was the nature of the Hyborian world, as I fricking said, a few fantastically advanced kingdoms, many more in the Bronze Age, and many in the Stone Age and before. Show me the agricultural Revolution that sparked increased urbanization and literacy and population growth which signified the late Middle Ages. Frick you’re moronic.

              • 11 months ago

                You get this guy on /tg/ when conan has come up. On the one hand he is correct - the terminology for armor and arms is explicitly high or even late medieval. Conan even has age of sail tier clothing described in The Black Stranger. On the other hand you do have explicitly Iron-Age Asshur (but also the Asshur we encounter is arabian nights bedouin), and obviously Stygia that is pure and unadulterated ancient Egypt.

                The classicalification of Hyborian kingdoms (not the world of hyboria, the Hyborians) is more a result of the marvel comics and especially Funcom, since there is not an iota of classicalness to it save maybe I guess in Names - Palamedes isn't exactly a Frankish name. But no senate, no togas, no coliseums, no gladiuses.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s why Howard created the Hyborian age in the first place, to not get tangled in historical anachronisms and to have a world where anything could happen. To compare it to any actual time is pointless, but comparing it to a Europe united by Rome with advanced economic and political ties is just silly.

              • 11 months ago

                >dude it's a single kingdom
                Howard described multiple kingdoms like that, moron
                >muh bronze age
                The only "bronze age" kingdom in the hyborian age is arguably stygia. Every other kingdom uses steel and iron
                >many in the stone age and before
                Not really, you have the picts and a few kingdoms in africa and in out there places but that's all
                >muh urbanisation and agricultural revolution
                Howard wasn't some autist who wrote pages and pages about the exact society of every kingdom in his setting
                If a nation is described by howard as having knights dressed in full plate armor then it is late medieval, and many hyborian nations are described that exact same way. I know you're some moron who gets his knowledge about Conan from the trash comics but you don't have to cope like this

            • 11 months ago

              Late medieval is gay as frick. 12th century is the best.

              • 11 months ago

                12th century is late medieval

        • 11 months ago

          >The hyborian age even has gunpowder with signal flares being used but does not have firearms
          cucked, not interested

    • 11 months ago

      >Frazetta captures the raw, visceral spirit of Conan's barbaric virility
      You are such a a shallow fricking pseud, I'm furious. This is the most reddit post in this thread. Tell us more about how vikings didn't REALLY have horned helmets too, you absolute fricking midwit.

      • 11 months ago

        >raw, visceral spirit of Conan's barbaric virility

        You might just be a homosexual

        • 11 months ago

          >masculinity is queer coded

          • 11 months ago

            >Frazetta captures the raw, visceral spirit of Conan's barbaric virility
            You are such a a shallow fricking pseud, I'm furious. This is the most reddit post in this thread. Tell us more about how vikings didn't REALLY have horned helmets too, you absolute fricking midwit.

            >frazetta was le based manly man
            >let's just ignore the fact that he drew interracial porn

            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Why does she have a fat stomach? Preggers?

              • 11 months ago

                Gary Kwapisz was my man, he was no Frazetta, his work could be a bit rough and raw, but I loved his style and the way he made use of whitespace.

            • 11 months ago

              Manlets aren't interracial

              • 11 months ago

                Black folk are

                He probably didn't draw interracial porn for his own jacking-off purposes, you know? Artists get commissions. If this porn of yours exists anywhere else than in your pornrotted mind of course.

                Just search up frazetta porn on Google it's literally the first result
                Don't pretend frazetta was some based poltard when he drew Black folk fricking whites. I like frazettas art but I don't delude myself into thinking he was politically "based"

              • 11 months ago

                >Don't pretend frazetta was some based poltard when he drew Black folk fricking whites. I like frazettas art but I don't delude myself into thinking he was politically "based"
                Where is this argument even coming? You have autism.

              • 11 months ago

                You don't make sense, he had white-on-white porn too. If a single sheet of interracial porn makes him a cuckold or a leftist, then this [...] should qualify to make him based and redpilled as he extols the virtues of european supremacy against barbarian hordes. Where does that put us now?

                I'm not the one pretending that frazetta was "redpilled"

              • 11 months ago

                Frank Frazetta wasn't redpilled? I think he was. He was also accused of being racist thanks to the very same drawings you mentioned lol

              • 11 months ago

                I don't need to pretend all the people I like are "redpilled"

                No one is. This entire conversation started because you don't like Frazetta's Conan not wearing armour then you brought up Black folk out of nowhere.

                No, it started because I rightly pointed out that Conan wears armor, somebody got butthurt and seethed at that statement and tried to pretend that frazetta was some based ultra masculine figure and I disproved it by pointing out his drawings of Black folk fricking white women
                I like frazetta as an artist, I like his Conan paintings but his Conan is not book accurate and anybody coping by saying "it doesn't matter what Conans sword looks like" is moronic because that same argument could be used by leftist trannies trying to subvert Conan and making the TV series into a politically correct woke shitshow

                Post the interacial port if its true

                >just get yourself banned
                Go on israelitegle images l, search frazetta porn and look at the very first result

              • 11 months ago

                > I rightly pointed out that Conan wears armor
                You’re such a sperg, in like half the stories Conan has just escaped from imprisonment and is naked or wearing rags or whatever, the one thing they all have in common is a detailed description of his extraordinary physique.

              • 11 months ago

                Conan never goes into battle without armor, secondary
                Frazettas depiction of Conan in rogues in the house fighting thak is one of the greatest depictions of Conan because he is actually without clothing in the story, but the rest aren't canon and never will be

              • 11 months ago

                Conan has had many skirmishes while bare chested in the books.

              • 11 months ago

                True. And in almost all of them he laments not having armor

              • 11 months ago

                No he fricking doesn't. He's swift and agile, he's constantly described as a panther or a tiger.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes he fricking does. Just because he's agile doesn't make him stupid. The lack of armor is frequently brought up when Conan is deciding how to or whether he should fight something.

              • 11 months ago

                Frick right off, from the books I've read he's none too concerned when in combat.

              • 11 months ago

                If I wasn't at work I'd take the time to skim some stories to prove you wrong and dab on your corpse after you commit sudoku in shame of your defeat, but you'll have to settle for me telling you to reread some OG Conan stories (del rey collection). I don't know why you're so against it either. It speaks to Conan's intelligence as a fighter and Howard's attention to detail that armor is regarded so highly.

              • 11 months ago

                if he isn't wearing armor he always complains about not earing armor. in some stories he even brags about how his amazing speed and agility makes him ABLE to wear armor where other men wouldn't be able to (e.g., while sneaking through the brushwork). the famous one with pic shaman and the aquilonian that isn't seen from conan's perspective being one example of that.

              • 11 months ago

                Obviously crop and/or censor the art when you post it you colossal moron

              • 11 months ago

                Post the interacial port if its true


              • 11 months ago

                >zesty and apish looking Black folk
                lol based Frank

              • 11 months ago

                Not gonna lie, this is strange. Why did he draw this shit bros? Did he jack off to it in secret?

              • 11 months ago

                Most likely a commission that never ended up being published, you can even see some printing instructions on the drawings.

              • 11 months ago

                No one is. This entire conversation started because you don't like Frazetta's Conan not wearing armour then you brought up Black folk out of nowhere.

              • 11 months ago

                Post the interacial port if its true

              • 11 months ago

                You don't make sense, he had white-on-white porn too. If a single sheet of interracial porn makes him a cuckold or a leftist, then this


                should qualify to make him based and redpilled as he extols the virtues of european supremacy against barbarian hordes. Where does that put us now?

              • 11 months ago

                Okay, mentally blacklisting Frazetta after that quick Google search.
                What a fricking homosexual.

            • 11 months ago

              He probably didn't draw interracial porn for his own jacking-off purposes, you know? Artists get commissions. If this porn of yours exists anywhere else than in your pornrotted mind of course.

      • 11 months ago

        I like frazettas art but it is not an accurate depiction of the hyborian age
        Only Howard's words are canon. Nothing else, homosexual secondary

        • 11 months ago

          The sword Conan uses is the least important aspect of the stories. You are such a a redditor.

          • 11 months ago

            You are a secondary who hasnt read a conan story
            Only what Howard wrote is canon. Stop seething over it

            • 11 months ago

              I own 2 volumes of Conan, Solomon Kane, and Bran Mak Morn.

              • 11 months ago

                You dont
                If you did then you'd realise that frazettas art isn't accurate, which you're seething hard over


                Frazetta literally drew porn consisting of Black folk fricking white women
                There's your "based" artist for you, homosexual

              • 11 months ago

                >man is a good artist
                /misc/ induced psychosis.

          • 11 months ago

            One of my favorite issues of SSOC was disciple. Where Conan takes on three Khitan students at the behest of the eastern master who taught him.
            One uses a sword, one uses two swords, one uses spears, they're very attached to their weapons.
            So Conan works them like dogs until eventually they're deadly, and in their culture you kill your teacher, so they come for him.
            It isn't even a contest of course, he blinds the swordsman, cuts off the arm of the dual swordsman and takes a leg off the spear guy so they can't use their chosen weapons and are forced to learn to use any weapon they can get their hands on. Conan and his old master agree this will ultimately make them stronger.
            This was a Roy Thomas story, but this is exactly what Conan is about and this is why the homosexual writers at netflix will never ever in a million and one years be able to make anything that isn't a vile and disgusting abomination.

    • 11 months ago

      >Frazetta captures the raw, visceral spirit of Conan's barbaric virility
      You are such a a shallow fricking pseud, I'm furious. This is the most reddit post in this thread. Tell us more about how vikings didn't REALLY have horned helmets too, you absolute fricking midwit.

      >raw, visceral spirit of Conan's barbaric virility

      You might just be a homosexual

      Conan has been depicted wearing armor AND only a loincloth by both Frazetta AND Howard

  42. 11 months ago

    >Conan in the "Wyman should be strong" era
    LOL. LMAO even

  43. 11 months ago

    Has anything come close to girl power being properly portrayed as in the arnold conan?

  44. 11 months ago

    Early medieval Europe will be more black, Indian, and gay than what it really was.

  45. 11 months ago

    For me it is The Tower of the Elephant.

  46. 11 months ago

    I'd recommend you lads read the Solomon Kane stories, too. More than half of them seem to revolve around a pious English Englishman taming the savage jungles of Africa, cleansing it of evil prehistoric magic and monsters.

  47. 11 months ago

    Didn't the netflix conan get cancelled?

  48. 11 months ago

    If Marc Bernardin is writing it, it should be great and true to the comic but it also depends on Netflix's demands.

  49. 11 months ago

    In Robert E Howard's Hyborian age (where Conan the Barbarian is from) Conan's people canonically descended from the Atlanteans, the superhuman master race, but later on "The Gaels, ancestors of the Irish and Highland Scotch, descended from pure-blooded Cimmerian clans."
    so therefore
    Gaels are the master race.

    I wonder if his friend H.P Lovecraft ever connected the dots on that. He'd probably lose his fricking shit

    • 11 months ago

      Atlanteans weren’t a superhuman master race in Howard’s stories.

      • 11 months ago

        This, the Atlanteans were primitives, the Valusians were the Master Race.

  50. 11 months ago

    >Read Beyond the Black River (Best story)
    >Characters keep mentioning how no white man has ever crossed into the Pictish wilderniss
    >Author interjects to explain that the Picts are also white just not perceived that way
    What did Robby mean by this?

  51. 11 months ago

    So Conan is the ultimate right-wing fandom, same way as Star Trek is the ultimate left-wing equivalent?

  52. 11 months ago

    Seeing the word Netflix attached to any project is basically a radioactive sign saying stay the frick away. Every show Netflix has made has been hot fricking garbage.

  53. 11 months ago

    Its ok, the Conan Netflix series isn't actually happening

    • 11 months ago

      Thank god, Now to just have the film die off.

    • 11 months ago

      >Conan is too based for Netflix to control


      And double based.

  54. 11 months ago

    If they do, it will be MCU style, lots of jokes, women wearing burkas and lots of gays

  55. 11 months ago

    confirmed? it sounded better in the original amazon guy's hand (cancelled) Netflix has 'never' adapted anything good, ever. It's debatable if they have made a good series.

  56. 11 months ago

    Company like Netflix can't really do a character like Conan justice. Everything about them fights against what makes Conan great character.

  57. 11 months ago

    I know it'll never happen and any serious thought I lend to this idea would be pure delusion, but wouldn't it be hilarious if they went absolutely apeshit and was made as it should be? People being decapitated left and right, tubs of gore, breasts & ass all over the place, completely rejecting societal norms of today? What makes me chuckle is the tidal wave of seethe it would create. God...the beauty bros. The beauty.

  58. 11 months ago

    Im glad its not being touched. Yet.
    Everything steaming services turns to an incoherent mess of transexual feces. Its hard to say if even HBO would be able to do it justice the way things are now.
    Im only vaguely familiar with the books and comics, Ill put it on my to do list. But as an everyday enjoyer of Arnold Conan I feel like anything new wont be allowed to be done right.

  59. 11 months ago

    Well if we're going for historical innacuracy, he'll be white lol.

    • 11 months ago

      >we wuz cimmeruhns

  60. 11 months ago

    >Muh problematic artist is not based and redpilled because he made Black porn
    If this is you, suicide is the only way out.

  61. 11 months ago




    • 11 months ago

      It isn't being done at all. And no, that seemingly based guy went to work on House of Dragons instead.

  62. 11 months ago

    cant for the life of me find a torrent for a high resolution collection of all frank frazetta art.
    anyone got a clue where to look?

    • 11 months ago

      Buy an artbook to support his hot granddaughter

      • 11 months ago


  63. 11 months ago

    I'm starting to notice how Netflix doesn't give a shit about creating new and original shows just rehashing old shit.

  64. 11 months ago

    Most people don't know that Conan series is filled with badass babes. Capable badasses even. They're badasses but they're also flawed and they don't take the spotlight away from Conan. They also have damsels, which is important to the world building and setting.
    I think for the series to be successful they must include both without shying away from having damsels and without the badass babes taking away or somehow belittling Conan's male prowess; unless its to showcase Conan providing correction to their uppityness immediately afterwards.

    • 11 months ago

      >bêlit, a israelite that dies at the end of his own story and valeria, that dies during his story
      Truly packed with "badass babes".

      >b-but red sonja!
      Not canon.

      • 11 months ago

        Valeria doesn’t die. You mean the chick from Red Nails?

        • 11 months ago

          >You mean the chick from Red Nails?
          That's Valeria, you double Black person.

          • 11 months ago

            That’s what I said.

            • 11 months ago

              Turns out I was wrong about her dying, you gay. Still she never comes back.

  65. 11 months ago

    They'll add the medieval filter to it. Everything will be brown and covered in layers of wet mud.

    • 11 months ago

      No it will be middle eastern filter and everything will be orange because DUDE DESERT LMAO

  66. 11 months ago

    very badly.

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