How come Miles doesn't have a definitive parent status?

How come Miles doesn't have a definitive parent status? His initial appearance in the comics had his mom killed soon after before being brought back. Insomniac spider-man has his dad killed and his dad's (potential) death is a major plot point for Into the Spider-verse. The Cartoon with Horizon High has a dead mom

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  1. 9 months ago

    Real answer, they're still figuring the definitive Miles out from what works, he hasn't really been around that long

    • 9 months ago

      He's been around for more than long enough. He doesn't have much shit that's his own signature runs.

      They desperately want the character to catch on and be popular even though he isn't, so they keep rebooting him to see what sticks

      All they need to do is have him go yo MIT and make him the spider-man of Boston but for whatever reason they insist on trying to replace Peter with him

      They still won't give him his own War Machine name.

      • 9 months ago

        >They still won't give him his own War Machine name.
        Funny enough the woke propaganda cartoon that's suppose to normalize Miles to kids from an early age (alongside shit like Trannies=good Republicans bad!") gave Miles his own name.

      • 9 months ago

        He doesnt need his own name if he's in his own city
        In peters absence he can fill in as spider-man, Ben did it, Otto did it, kaine kinda did it but not on purpose
        but when Peter came back they fricked off to different cities
        So either change the name or go away because as of now
        "hey I saw spider-man catch a bank robber today on the way to work"
        "Oh yeah which one?"
        "The black one!"
        "No thats not what I mea-"
        "Sorry but you're fired, we don't tolerate that kind of bigotry around here"

        And miles is in a perfectly fine position to take over those teenage Spider-Man in school stories, some people like young Peter some people like old Peter, well now you can have Peter doing the older Spider-Man stories miles doing the younger Spider-Man stories and there's no problem
        Just do it somewhere else

        • 9 months ago

          How come I only ever hear this complaint with Miles and not like... Green Lantern, Robin or Flash

          • 9 months ago

            Well green lantern is a group, Robin's do give up their names all the time, and flashes are replacements

            Peter was given the name spider-man
            Miles took it for himself

            • 9 months ago

              >green lantern is a group,
              doesn't matter to an average citizen like your example
              >Robin's do give up their names all the time,
              It happened once, the second Robin died and Tim is still Robin alongside Damian. Steph got booted.
              >flashes are replacements
              Yet Barry Allen is still running around

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah it’s annoying that DC ruined Barry’s perfect death, but that’s life. Now why should I like a character that’s peters replacement when you can’t even give me a general time in peters life he shows up?

              • 9 months ago

                are replacements
                >Yet Barry Allen is still running around
                And see how badly that fricked up.

                's do give up their names all the time,
                >It happened once, the second Robin died and Tim is still Robin alongside Damian. Steph got booted.
                Causes problems for them. They pushed Tim to Red Robin.

                Same with Batgirl. There's really only effectively one batgirl at any time. Everyone else gets pushed off to a different name. Black Bat, Spoiler.

                >doesn't matter to an average citizen like your example
                One thing that they ABSOLUTELY want with miles is for him not to be Peter's sidekick, but his own heroic identity. They've tried all sorts of shit with the GL's. Making John a Darkstar. Making Guy Warrior. Different colored rings. And what happens when they're all green lanterns? They default to their name, and they're never going to get the chance to be their own independent thing, without sidelining or skipping Hal.

                They don't want miles to be an understudy, or a dude in the spider squad. They want him to be his own man, but not enough to give him his own name. I mean they could change Peter Parker's name, or give him another new ID, but that's never going to stick.

            • 9 months ago

              Red Robin, Nightwing, red hood. The only current Robin for me is Damian and I love that there's been growth to their own roles for the former Robins.

          • 9 months ago

            What the frick are you on about. The lanterns are literal army type of deal. Not only are they meant to work together or separately to policy the galaxy but its already established that they get assigned sections and missions by the nerd gang of oa.

            Stop comparing Spiderman to the green lantern corp of all capeshit. This is the most idiotic comparison of all times, it's beyond stupid it highlights how stupid the concept of the spider verse is when you consider the origins of spider-man and how it initially started as a literal random freak accident.

          • 9 months ago

            >How come I only ever hear this complaint with Miles and not like... Green Lantern, Robin or Flash
            I swear you Milesgay use this same talking point over and over then ignore the answer or pull some bullshit "nu-uh" out. Just go back to twitter, you'll have more people who agree with you there and think that's still a good gotcha.

        • 9 months ago

          >And miles is in a perfectly fine position to take over those teenage Spider-Man in school stories, some people like young Peter some people like old Peter, well now you can have Peter doing the older Spider-Man stories miles doing the younger Spider-Man stories and there's no problem
          No, frick off, he should find his own niche not steal one of Peter's

          • 9 months ago

            It's not stealing a niche, Peter is having his own identity crisis where they refuse to let him grow up
            So he's kept in limbo unable to be an adult

          • 9 months ago

            It's not stealing a niche, Peter is having his own identity crisis where they refuse to let him grow up
            So he's kept in limbo unable to be an adult

            >they're still figuring the definitive Miles out from what works
            Him being Peter's sidekick and studying Underhim. it's literally what people fricking loved from the spider-verse and insomniac adaptations and it's something even Marvel realizes that Miles works better when studying under a Hero because he's currently Misty Knights student.

            we won't get that because it also requires writers and editorial to get Pete's shit together and actually act like an adult which we know the manchildren at spidey editorial can't live with

            Lmao do you really think they will let Peter get older or Miles be his follower? Last Spider-Man show had him as a teenager and Miles just 2 or 3 years younger than him, the games had Miles as an young adult just like him.

            Outside of Spider-Verse they don't want Miles to be "the second generation" nor they want Miles to be his sidekick or apprentice, they want Miles to be his complete equal which means no Peter fanboy, no Peter apprentice, no Peter sidekick, he's just another guy who calls himself Spider-Man.

            • 9 months ago

              >the games had Miles as an young adult just like him.
              Miles was a teenager at age 16 no need for deceptive and obtuse wording. Peters 23 as of the first both of them a 7 year gap.

            • 9 months ago

              >they want Miles to be his complete equal which means no Peter fanboy, no Peter apprentice, no Peter sidekick, he's just another guy who calls himself Spider-Man.

              This only ever works in the context where peter dosen't exist or is out of commission. The most highly praised miles media is whenever he's in an apprentice role. Marvel editorial should know by now that replacing peter or establishing some other spider person as his equal(we all know how that went with ben reilly) will never work, even if he is "le marketable zoomer poc"

        • 9 months ago

          >He doesnt need his own name if he's in his own city
          Isn't he also in New York?
          >In peters absence he can fill in as spider-man, Ben did it, Otto did it, kaine kinda did it but not on purpose
          Because Clone Saga and Slott's shit are considered great runs?
          >So either change the name or go away because as of now
          They can't have Miles stand on his own two feet, that would be racist.
          > And miles is in a perfectly fine position to take over those teenage Spider-Man in school stories, some people like young Peter some people like old Peter, well now you can have Peter doing the older Spider-Man stories miles doing the younger Spider-Man stories and there's no problem
          Peter was always able to do both. The thing is that People like Peter. They want to read about Peter. I don't know why Peter has charisma and other character don't, but it is what it is.

          How come I only ever hear this complaint with Miles and not like... Green Lantern, Robin or Flash

          Same reasons that are given every thread that's brought up. Every fricking thread since the 2010s.

      • 9 months ago

        >They still won't give him his own War Machine name.
        Everything about Miles being Spider-Man just feels off both in the current comics and the games. Miles has no reason to want to call himself Spider-Man, and for some reason seems content to just sit in Peter's shadow. And what's stranger is that the world around him also doesn't care and has just accepted that there is a separate but equal Spider-Man running around and is completely fine with it, with most citizens just calling both of them "Spider-Man" like they're the same person and it doesn't matter and barely any of them even comparing the two

        • 9 months ago

          Some memetic scp type of shit. Black person-man is a spook tbh ngl.

        • 9 months ago

          > Miles has no reason to want to call himself Spider-Man
          >Miles looks up to Spider-Man
          >Miles has the same powers as Spider-Man and a couple of extra ones
          Why wouldn't he call himself Spider-Man, especially after Ultimate Pete died?

          • 9 months ago

            >having the same powers as someone means you get to steal their name

            • 9 months ago

              Not necessarily but it's not "no reason" to not take on the name.

            • 9 months ago

              Quick anon. How much can you lift. If you have the strength of a 14 years old girl, I'll let you borrow my name. Dead serious

          • 9 months ago

            So if you're a big Michael Jackson fan and can sing and dance it's ok to go around calling yourself Michael Jackson and dressing up like him? Especially after the man died?

            • 9 months ago

              You do know there's a bunch of people who also go around dressed as Elvis who also use his mannerisms as well right?

              • 9 months ago

                So you're saying Miles is on the same level as an Elvis impersonator?

              • 9 months ago

                I just replied to an idiot who thought society doesn't do a thing where they mimic beloved heroes.
                You clearly don't read comics, but that's no surprise.
                In his first outing as Spider-man after Peter's funeral people looked at him and said, "Dude bad taste."

              • 9 months ago

                Miles always carries a dead Peter around with himself in order to justify stealing someone else's name

              • 9 months ago

                That's not a war crime so stop being upset over that

              • 9 months ago

                It's terribly shit writing now present in every single Spider-Man story

              • 9 months ago

                >I just replied to an idiot who thought society doesn't do a thing where they mimic beloved heroes.
                You can honour someone's memory (kind of strange when you don't actually know them but moving on) without just straight up taking their identity.
                >You clearly don't read comics, but that's no surprise.
                Me reading comics is why I have this stance. Miles has no reason to still want to call himself Spider-Man. Peter is alive and well, and as part of Miles's retconned in 616 backstory he always has been, Miles just decided one day that he too can be Spider-Man because he has a suspiciously similar power set.
                >In his first outing as Spider-man after Peter's funeral people looked at him and said, "Dude bad taste."
                Yeah and any normal person would take that as a hint to change the name as well as the costume (which he didn't even change, he was just given a new one)

                Tell me right now why Miles would want to call himself Spider-Man when he lives in a world where Peter Parker is still alive and kicking as Spider-Man

              • 9 months ago

                >Tell me right now why Miles would want to call himself Spider-Man when he lives in a world where Peter Parker is still alive and kicking as Spider-Man
                It triggers you so much you do Marvel's marketing for them by reminding people he exists.
                The real reason is to sell comic books, movies and video games.
                If you don't like the character stop taking the bait and trying to whip chuds into a frenzy.

              • 9 months ago

                Then why doesn't Marvel just make and sell new "Spider-Man" characters and nothing else, why waste money making and printing e.g. Black Panther or Hulk comics and movies when they could just have 20 different guys called "Spider-Man" making money for them at all times

              • 9 months ago

                >Then why doesn't Marvel just make and sell new "Spider-Man" characters and nothing else
                pic rel

                Well I mean obviously the real reason is "cos money" but I was hoping he could try and mental gymnastics his way into a story reason

                Yeah but that's actually very difficult when the universe has a backlog of history that dwarves a new character's time. It's an unenviable position.
                They can't retread all the story beats Peter Parker did in the 60s because of intertexual knowledge meaning people who don't even know the original very well would go "What is this they're just doing the same stuff and acting like we don't notice".
                They can try doing some stories where they throw a twist into it but you see how mad people get with "I'mma do my own thing"
                The main thing nolstalgiagays keep on forgetting is that there were decades of mid Spider-man comics about Peter Parker. Some good stories, but plenty that aren't actually compelling. It's fine to remember the good parts, or fine to misremember something as better than it was (hint: you thought it was awesome because you were younger and hadn't read something like that before).
                But Marvel constantly shits the bed because they tell themselves a sliding timescale is necessary and no original characters can retire and be happy.
                But they do try to appeal to a child audience first and foremost so what can you do I guess.

              • 9 months ago

                >>Then why doesn't Marvel just make and sell new "Spider-Man" characters and nothing else
                >pic rel
                Funny how the diminishing returns both start and end at Miles, real convenient stuff

              • 9 months ago

                Because if they're going to do that, they're better off making THREE peter parker spiderman books. Usually Amazing and Spectacular. Then something like Teamup. He's not alone in this. Batman obviously.

                >>Then why doesn't Marvel just make and sell new "Spider-Man" characters and nothing else
                >pic rel
                Funny how the diminishing returns both start and end at Miles, real convenient stuff

                We've been through this merrygoround with Ben, Kaine, and more spider girls and women than I can count.

              • 9 months ago

                Where are the Ben, Kaine, and Spider-Girl movies and games?

              • 9 months ago

                Well I mean obviously the real reason is "cos money" but I was hoping he could try and mental gymnastics his way into a story reason

              • 9 months ago

                LOL this homie doesn't understand what impersonating and identity theft is. homie, when someone make a parody of a known celebrity they're not claiming to be that person. Miles LITERALLY runs around calling himself that. It's the intent that differentiate them. Like the difference between bottom G and top G. Meanwhile miles is like those israelites who made a skin mask of some French official and fooled different companies into making donations using his name. Shit was crazy.

                None of that matters though. Miles was created to be a replacement and like all replacements he's meant to recycle old stories with new aesthetics. it's what legacies do. But none does it so disrespectful ngl.

              • 9 months ago

                Kek your fricking moronic chudbucket


                >Editorial brings back clone to replace Married!peter

                >This is fine bruh no cap 🙂

              • 9 months ago

                I know the blight of autism won't let you develop reading comprehension skills becuase clearly you mistook my comment for some initiative of discussing these godforsaken brain fart sheets you call entertainment. But anon, understand that my point was to clarify the difference between parodying a person and schizophreniclly thinking you're that said person.
                I won't bother to ask you where i even remotely brought up "ben replacing Peter" as an ok thing (as if it'll last, there's a status quo to uphold and that ship sailed already).and I know how the fans reception of ben was like back when he first appeared. so I'm not even gonna bother discussing about that.
                This thread is bland. Characters are archetypes and they all follow a certain definitive model. Miles model is being a usurper of Peter's legacy (more like a usurper tbh). But I must admit, it's so hilarious how these so called "heroes" are the root cause for the fandom turning on each other. Antagonizing one another when they were meant to bring them tougher.

              • 9 months ago

                >Antagonizing one another when they were meant to bring them tougher.
                Dude the vast majority of people don't care.

              • 9 months ago

                The vast majority of people don't read comics. And as much as i hate anecdotal evidence I have to disagree with your statement. I've seen many who call it out and likewise many who religiously defend it. But like I said, that is my observation.

              • 9 months ago

                >The vast majority of people don't read comics
                You don't need to read comics to be part of the fandom. That's how there are so many people in the fandom.
                Reading comics doesn't inherently mean you side with any of the fringe groups that are "turning on each other" as well. They can *gasp* read comics and not care.
                Of course you've "seen" many who call it out and likewise many who religiously defend it.
                Outcry culture is very poriftable on social media. Drive that engagement waaaay up.
                Nothing wrong with being in an echo chamber, it's easy to find one that works with your confirmation bias.
                But also in this day and age recognise your rage is being monetized by people who make mountains out of molehills because it makes it easier to retain a viewerbase.

              • 9 months ago

                >You don't need to read comics to be part of the fandom
                We call thet a causal. Not necessarily a fan. But again that's just arguing in semantics.
                >Of course you've "seen" many who call it out and likewise many who religiously defend it.
                Outcry culture is very poriftable on social media. Drive that engagement waaaay up.
                Nothing wrong with being in an echo chamber, it's easy to find one that works with your confirmation bias.
                "Outcry culture" Hence my anecdotal evidence previous statement, nothing to confirmation bias or echo chambers. I do not seek these remarks being made. I simply stumble upon them from all over social media. I'm not actively looking for a pattern recognitions.
                >But also in this day and age recognise your rage is being monetized by people who make mountains out of molehills because it makes it easier to retain a viewerbase
                Kek. No rage here, rather something akin to indifference. And Let's just say I wouldn't even know who yellowflash was if not for this board plus I don't consider myself a fan neither so I care little about poeple who capitalise on the opportunity to squeezd money for some ragebait. Free market and all that.

                Tldr : I'm just the guy who likes to play devil advocate.

              • 9 months ago

                >We call thet a causal. Not necessarily a fan.
                but they are fans
                if they're not and anyone gatekeep such a term then when the gateekepers first got into it theyweren't a fan either
                how come gatekeepers get to go from casual to fan but others don't?
                >I'm not actively looking for a pattern recognitions.
                That's how pattern recognition happens, your brain is wired to look for it without you trying
                But also, on the flipside when you spend time looking into why diversity is bad you're going to get that kind of content more often anyway so it seems like it's a more common point than it actually is.
                >Tldr : I'm just the guy who likes to play devil advocate.
                I like to play devil's advocate too.
                But I don't see any reason to play devil's advocate on behalf of people who endorse the great replacement theory

              • 9 months ago

                Fans stick around, casuals don't. Fans were invested heavily and involved in the first place, ask for the characters faithful portrayal in the real world and in-world. Casuals are there for entertainment. Fans can be over protective like the whole troony-gwen and bbc cuckold peter memes thrown at each other all day. Fans are natural gatekeepers much like the Peter fans who didn't like ben replacing Peter after the clone saga. much like the miles fans who don't want him to be portrayed as a gay character.

                Gatekeeping is neither good nor bad. It's only natural when you form an attachment to something and cherish it, that you'd want to keep it the way you like or improve upon it by choice. Not by external force.

              • 9 months ago

                Recognizing patterns allows us to predict and expect what is coming.matching the information received with the information already stored in the brain. Making the connection between memories and information perceived is a step of pattern recognition called identification. You're trying to say that I have patterns recognition BIAS simply because I see responses from diff sides. Which is inevitable since I'm making a judgment with the gathered information that I am being presented with. But the difference is that I'm not pasaing any judgment, I am Merely replaying what is mentioned. For instance, some anon called me a moron for correcting him on that miles was meant to be a replacement for peter. which were not my own made-up words but as stated from the wiki :

                "This new Spider-Man would replace Parker as Spider-Man only inUltimate Marvel, an imprint whose storyline is set in a universe separate from.The replacement of Ultimate Peter Parker was considered as a possible part of the..."

                >I like to play devil's advocate too.
                But I don't see any reason to play devil's advocate on behalf of people who endorse the great replacement theory
                It's not a theory. Change happens all the time. Hell, you're not the same person you were 7 years ago as your body cells die and get replaced with new ones during that period . Cultural and ethnic compositions change and so it'll happen and continue to happen. It's not an opinion. It's not a hypothesis. I'm not trying to form my worldview based on what I observe + bias, but when it come to facts like what you call the great replacement, these are not only observable but also inevitable. Things change. reason is based on self interest, concluded disposition is not necessarily based on LOGIC as logic does not equate to reason. so from a different point or view it's not unreasonable for anyone to endorse anything or not.

              • 9 months ago

                Why did you post five Michael Jackson impersonators?

              • 9 months ago

                Did you not read what I was replying to?
                >So if you're a big Michael Jackson fan and can sing and dance it's ok to go around calling yourself Michael Jackson and dressing up like him? Especially after the man died?

              • 9 months ago

                Are you pretending that's some kind of gotcha? Do you not see the difference between someone acting like Michael Jackson for cash and someone taking over someone else's name and identity?

              • 9 months ago

                >difference between someone acting like Michael Jackson for cash and someone taking over someone else's name and identity?
                It's not a gotcha it's just proof that society does a thing where people mimic beloved heroes.
                You're also forgetting the difference between real life and fiction.
                It's fine for an imaginary person to be a legacy character
                These stories have plenty of them. Miles Morales isn't the only one.
                It's a staple of the genre.

              • 9 months ago

                So you've got nothing and you're backing down because your one excuse doesn't work when looked at for even half a second.
                I accept your concession

              • 9 months ago

                >noooooo you conceded and backed down even though you replied and didn't actually say anything to that effect I win I win I WIIIIIIIIIIN

              • 9 months ago

                >n-no I'm just talking about something unrelated
                >a-and none of this is real anyway so stop trying to apply logic to it
                >miles isn't the first shitty character anyway that makes it ok
                >it's actually really common even though I have nothing to back that up
                Yeah, I accept your concession

              • 9 months ago

                >something unrelated
                The question was
                >So if you're a big Michael Jackson fan and can sing and dance it's ok to go around calling yourself Michael Jackson and dressing up like him? Especially after the man died?
                Michael Jackson impersonators do sing and dance to MJ songs after he died.
                If you ask them their name they will say it's Michael.
                Therefore posting a picture of MJ impersonators is not unrelated

                >stop trying to apply logic to it
                Didn't say that
                >so that makes it ok
                It's as ok as any other legacy character
                >It's actually really common
                Seethe, dilate, and cope hun

              • 9 months ago

                >Michael Jackson impersonators do sing and dance to MJ songs after he died.
                Yeah that's their job. They don't actually think they're Michael Jackson or they deserve to be him. They're impersonating him as a gag. It's literally in the job title
                >It's as ok as any other legacy character
                Other ones at least have the benefit of at least knowing the person they're meant to be honouring, and even then it's rarely done well AND to top it all off they don't do it while the original is still running around.

                Did you actually read the thing you just linked? Because before Miles it actually wasn't that common at Marvel. There were the Ant-Men, but that tied into Hank's whole thing of constantly swapping identities, and the Captain Marvels, which was basically just them squatting over the name, and that's about it.

              • 9 months ago

                >Yeah that's their job. They don't actually think they're Michael Jackson or they deserve to be him. They're impersonating him as a gag. It's literally in the job title
                cool, still answered the question didn't it
                >Other ones at least have the benefit of at least knowing the person they're meant to be honouring, and even then it's rarely done well AND to top it all off they don't do it while the original is still running around.
                laughs in batfamily

                >It's fine for an imaginary person to be a legacy character
                >These stories have plenty of them. Miles Morales isn't the only one.
                >It's a staple of the genre.

                A staple of shitty DC characters, not Marvel

                >Because before Miles it actually wasn't that common at Marvel. There were the Ant-Men, but that tied into Hank's whole thing of constantly swapping identities, and the Captain Marvels, which was basically just them squatting over the name, and that's about it.
                >Before Miles they were doing it but it doesn't count
                Also here I'll paste it for you from the page because people can't read properly
                The Wasp
                Crimson Dynamo
                Red Guardian
                Titanium Man
                Vision II
                Vision III
                Green Goblin
                Electro II
                Electro III
                The Human Torch
                Radioactive Man
                Ben Reilly
                This isn't just from the first half of the page I linked and just for Marvel

              • 9 months ago

                >It's fine for an imaginary person to be a legacy character
                >These stories have plenty of them. Miles Morales isn't the only one.
                >It's a staple of the genre.

                A staple of shitty DC characters, not Marvel

              • 9 months ago

                They call each other Hawkeye

              • 9 months ago

                >posts shitty Marvel characters

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm going to lie and say legacy characters don't happen in Marvel for some reason
                >even though it being a staple in the genre doesn't care what company publishes
                Don't throw your back out moving the goalposts so much, even though you've been empirically proven wrong

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm going to lie and say legacy characters don't happen in Marvel for some reason
                No one said they never happen, just that they aren't common. And posting Johnny as an example proves you don't know anything about the FF or the Invaders

              • 9 months ago

                I listed a handful

                >Yeah that's their job. They don't actually think they're Michael Jackson or they deserve to be him. They're impersonating him as a gag. It's literally in the job title
                cool, still answered the question didn't it
                >Other ones at least have the benefit of at least knowing the person they're meant to be honouring, and even then it's rarely done well AND to top it all off they don't do it while the original is still running around.
                laughs in batfamily
                >Because before Miles it actually wasn't that common at Marvel. There were the Ant-Men, but that tied into Hank's whole thing of constantly swapping identities, and the Captain Marvels, which was basically just them squatting over the name, and that's about it.
                >Before Miles they were doing it but it doesn't count
                Also here I'll paste it for you from the page because people can't read properly
                The Wasp
                Crimson Dynamo
                Red Guardian
                Titanium Man
                Vision II
                Vision III
                Green Goblin
                Electro II
                Electro III
                The Human Torch
                Radioactive Man
                Ben Reilly
                This isn't just from the first half of the page I linked and just for Marvel

                that's not exhaustive.
                It's not uncommon.
                It's staple.

              • 9 months ago

                >Posting Johnny as an example
                >Johnny has the same name and powers despite never being trained or knowing the original
                >Miles has the same name and powers, and then some and wasn't trained nor didn't know the original

                What next?
                All the other people who took on the same name as Captain America don't count as well?

              • 9 months ago

                Johnny has nothing to do with Hammond, and as a result is a completely different character than him that does completely different things
                Miles exists only to crib on Peter's popularity. He is very closely tied to Peter despite not knowing him or being involved in his life, and yet still covers a lot of the same ground as him.
                As for Captain America, that was a retcon to try and justify why more comics starred him after WW2 when he was meant to be in the ice as established in Avengers

              • 9 months ago

                >Johnny has nothing to do with Hammond
                Apart from the name and powers and look when either is on fire
                Which the editors gave a green light to for the sake of sales
                Which they have done with Spider-man before Miles Morales
                >As for Captain America, that was a retcon
                After Cap was defrosted, he had two incidents where he took a different name, and others took the costume and name of Captain America. None of them lasted very long. With Cap dead, the name and shield passed to his Back from the Dead ex-sidekick; when Cap finally came Back from the Dead himself, he decided to let Bucky keep the title and adopt a different name again.
                This gets a little complicated at this point, but stay with us. One of the guys who replaced Cap after he disappeared was the Patriot, a name that would later be used by the grandson of the real original Captain America, Isaiah Bradley. After Eli retired, the Patriot mantle would be taken up by a teen named Rayshaun Lucas during Secret Empire. Meanwhile, one of Cap's alternate identities, Nomad, the Man Without a Country, was adopted by Jack Monroe, and later by Rikki Barnes, the female Bucky from Heroes Reborn's Counter-Earth. John Walker wore Cap's "The Captain" costume to become USAgent, and during his tenure as Captain America was partnered with Lemar Hoskins as Bucky (who took the name Battlestar after the Unfortunate Implications of a black man going by 'Bucky' after the use of the word 'buck' about black men in the Antebellum South was lampshaded).
                Later on, Steve was temporarily aged into an old man, resulting in Sam Wilson, The Falcon, becoming the second black Captain America; Steve's rejuvenation resulted in both Steve and Sam sharing the name. During the period where Sam was Captain America, a Mexican teenager named Joaquin Torres became the new Falcon.
                Face the facts chud, legacy characters are not unheard of in Marvel

              • 9 months ago

                They actually make it a running joke.

                It's also fricking stupid here, especially if they want Kate to be a headliner that holds her own solo and has her own games one day. In fact, look at what happens in this run when they try to have it be a solo kate book for a while, transitioning from fraction to tomphson. Everyone who was there for hawkguy checks out. They try giving her a completely different support staff and a new location, which is completely disjoint with his.

                They move clint around a bit in identities, and then bring them back together.

                A spiderman book with the both of them together in the same vein as hawkeyes would probably be better than his current book concept.

        • 9 months ago

          Especially when you consider the number of parties in the marvel universe that have a VERY strong opinion of Spiderman, both good and bad.

          At the very least they should be getting mistaken for each other ALL the fricking time.

          You do know there's a bunch of people who also go around dressed as Elvis who also use his mannerisms as well right?

 which case Peter should absolutely give a shit, and give Miles his own name. Given Miles's and peter's respective personalities, a sidekick relationship really seems like it would be more fitting. Does miles want to be his own man, or does he want to follow peter?

    • 9 months ago

      >they're still figuring the definitive Miles out from what works
      Him being Peter's sidekick and studying Underhim. it's literally what people fricking loved from the spider-verse and insomniac adaptations and it's something even Marvel realizes that Miles works better when studying under a Hero because he's currently Misty Knights student.

      we won't get that because it also requires writers and editorial to get Pete's shit together and actually act like an adult which we know the manchildren at spidey editorial can't live with

      • 9 months ago

        >Him being Peter's sidekick and studying Underhim. it's literally what people fricking loved from the spider-verse and insomniac adaptations and it's something even Marvel realizes that Miles works better when studying under a Hero because he's currently Misty Knights student.

        Spiderman was literally created to eschew the corny kid sidekick tropes of DC

      • 9 months ago

        >Peter’s sidekick
        now that have Spiderboy for that

      • 9 months ago

        Nah, he should be Pete's partner that share his name like the Double Riders.

    • 9 months ago

      >he hasn't really been around that long
      10+ years
      12 or so to be a bit more precise.
      In the same time period, Gwen died two years ago in Pete's comics.
      Saying he hasn't been around long enough is utterly false.

      • 9 months ago

        NTA but the nature of comics has demonstrably changed since those early Peter days. Arcs are far more decompressed and writing staff changes over far more. This isn't just a Miles thing, ALL books suffer from this problem now which is why so many new big two concepts fail to find their footing.

        • 9 months ago

          Yost wrote a great Scarlet Spider run in the 2010s
          Hastings wrote the definitive version of Gwenpool in the 2010s
          Spears wrote one of the best Carnage stories in the 2010s
          Both of these were at Marvel.
          In the 2010s just like Miles.
          Miles has no excuse for not having a good story in his 12 years.

          • 9 months ago

            >Hastings wrote the definitive version of Gwenpool in the 2010s
            If it were truly definitive this joke wouldn't have worked.

            • 9 months ago

              >joke wouldn't have worked.
              It didn't. Gwenpool strikes back was garbage.

    • 9 months ago

      A legacy character (i.e. all the heavy lifting already done by the original) not being figured out after 12 years is pathetic

      • 9 months ago

        The idea that this poochie diversity hire is "legacy" is hilarious.

      • 9 months ago

        >A legacy character not being figured out after 12 years is pathetic
        To be fair, he was created by Bendis.

  2. 9 months ago

    They desperately want the character to catch on and be popular even though he isn't, so they keep rebooting him to see what sticks

    All they need to do is have him go yo MIT and make him the spider-man of Boston but for whatever reason they insist on trying to replace Peter with him

    • 9 months ago

      >All they need to do is have him go to MIT and make him the spider-man of Boston
      This is actually a good idea. To bad Marvel are morons and it will never happen

    • 9 months ago

      Bostonians are racist though.

      • 9 months ago

        The real reason is probably because he's a newer character. He doesn't have decades of concrete lore so different writers don't feel beholden to keep things exactly the same

        and New Yorkers aren't?

    • 9 months ago

      You're asking why a character has a different backstory in different mediums? That has to be the dumbest and most random thing to make a thread ab...

      >They desperately want the character to catch on and be popular even though he isn't, so they keep rebooting him to see what sticks
      Ohhhhhh! It's just another excuse to complain about Miles. At this rate Miles could get his own board and half of the traffic for Cinemaphile would migrate over there.

      • 9 months ago

        >You're asking why a character has a different backstory in different mediums? That has to be the dumbest
        yeah most Mediums adaptations keep specific parts of origin consistent. Peter and Batman having dead parents, Iron Man captured by terrorists etc etc
        >Ohhhhhh! It's just another excuse to complain about Miles
        NTA but I am OP, I actually like Miles but your a gigantic sensitive homosexual

        • 9 months ago

          >most Mediums adaptations keep specific parts of origin consistent
          Most of those characters are way older and cemented through multiple retcons already. In addition, they were original conceived in a different time that doesn't have 70 years of comic book history.

      • 9 months ago

        I think everyone on Cinemaphile can smell milesgay a mile away, it's the same exact posts and images every single time

        He's basically a tripgay at this point

        • 9 months ago

          Sorry not everyone is a schizo paulbroke n petergay

      • 9 months ago

        >You're asking why a character has a different backstory in different mediums?

        Dumbest cope I've ever seen

    • 9 months ago

      >Spidet-Man 2099 exists as a future replacement to Peter
      >This is fine
      >Ben Reilly literally created by editorial for the sole purpose of replacing Married Peter (Quite literally for a few years)
      >This is fine
      >Superior spiderman taking over Peter and replacing him
      >This is fine
      >Miles morales taking over for an ALTERNATE version of Peter (one from an extremely shitty edgy 2000s universe)

      • 9 months ago

        Why is it always the same nonsense that hasn't worked in any other thread that gets repeated?
        Miguel is no equivalent to Miles.
        Ben is not equivalent to Miles (and also was hated)
        Otto is not equivalent to Miles (though he was admittedly loved by people who enjoy Slott's writing. Or absolute morons in other words)
        Miles is in Cindy Moon's side of the arena, and she was hated too.

        • 9 months ago

          >Ben is not an equivalent to Miles
          >Miguel is not an equivalent to Miles


          Miguel quite literally takes places in a (now) Alternative universe but at the time was presented as Spider-Man's future in the MU,

          Even more-so for Ben, an obscure 70s storyline being brought back for the sole purpose of replacing MAINLINE 616 Peter because if editoral being pissy about Spider-Man's marriage and long history.

          But Miles replaces a Spider-Man from an alternate Universe and it's a big deal, we all know why racist chuds can't accept Miles (hint hint his skin) but can accept Miguel (he was white before ATSV) and Ben chuds can't refute this, so many complaints against Miles are so easily applicable to these other variants but chuds never really consider this because their racism is too strong

          • 9 months ago

            >an obscure 70s storyline being brought back for the sole purpose of replacing MAINLINE 616 Pete
            No Ben was brought back for the drama and then when he proved to be popular they tried to push him as the new Spider-Man which resulted in everyone hating him

          • 9 months ago

            Miles apes Pete's origin story like Cindy Moon does.
            He's in her camp.
            Miguel does his own thing. Ben is a clone. Miles and Cindy just go "OH, I was also bitten by a super special spider and got powers but slightly different and better because reasons"
            They're absolute garbage.

            • 9 months ago

              Kek frick off Ben was quite literally brought back in order to replace peter yet you gays gleefully make up excuses for this constantly, but Miles replacing an Alternate Universe Peter is sooo wrooong

              >an obscure 70s storyline being brought back for the sole purpose of replacing MAINLINE 616 Pete
              No Ben was brought back for the drama and then when he proved to be popular they tried to push him as the new Spider-Man which resulted in everyone hating him

              >Miguel exists in a future timeline
              Yes that is fine
              >Ben was transitioned into being a replacement for a married Peter
              This was not fine and was why Ben was literally killed off
              >Superior Spider-Man
              Was also not fine but was at least obviously temporary from as early as issue 1
              >Miles replaces Ultimate Peter, a teenager
              Not fine and a permanent change

              If Miles was white you gays wouldn't complain and Spider-Boy is quite honestly proof of that seeing you gays go "wow spider boy is interesting his powers are unique and he has no webs" in Spider Boy threads or story times has been pathetic and real proof of the massive hypocrisy 4Chuds have for Miles (Conveniently ignoring the fact Miles had no webs' for 20 issues)

              • 9 months ago

                >If Miles was white

              • 9 months ago

                That's a whole lotta wrong, so the only appropriate response is 'no' in a generalized way.

      • 9 months ago

        How many of them have theatrical movie trilogies dedicated to sucking them off at the expense of every other Spider-Man ever, greenlit in the first five years of their existence?

        • 9 months ago

          Still no answer but I think we all know what caused this

      • 9 months ago

        What bullshit. Were you even alive in the 90's. Do you know how much fricking nerd rage there was over Ben, or other replacements? Does HEAT ring a bell?

        >Ben is not an equivalent to Miles
        >Miguel is not an equivalent to Miles


        Miguel quite literally takes places in a (now) Alternative universe but at the time was presented as Spider-Man's future in the MU,

        Even more-so for Ben, an obscure 70s storyline being brought back for the sole purpose of replacing MAINLINE 616 Peter because if editoral being pissy about Spider-Man's marriage and long history.

        But Miles replaces a Spider-Man from an alternate Universe and it's a big deal, we all know why racist chuds can't accept Miles (hint hint his skin) but can accept Miguel (he was white before ATSV) and Ben chuds can't refute this, so many complaints against Miles are so easily applicable to these other variants but chuds never really consider this because their racism is too strong

        We have Bendis's thoughts on the matter. You're out of your damm mind.

      • 9 months ago

        >Miguel exists in a future timeline
        Yes that is fine
        >Ben was transitioned into being a replacement for a married Peter
        This was not fine and was why Ben was literally killed off
        >Superior Spider-Man
        Was also not fine but was at least obviously temporary from as early as issue 1
        >Miles replaces Ultimate Peter, a teenager
        Not fine and a permanent change

    • 9 months ago

      >"spider-man of Boston"
      This sounds good on paper but honestly I feel like Boston doesn't have the type of skyline to make web-swinging as natural as it would be in New York.

      If Marvel really cared about pushing a new diversity character that people would be interested in just make it a cute Japanese girl web-swinging through Tokyo. People would eat that up but they don't care about actual diversity.

      Blacks trump all other races in the victim hierarchy. That's why they keep getting pushed even though they're technically over-represented in media compared to the size of their population. Hispanics and Asians are under-represented but nobody gives a shit. Miles actually illustrates this well. He's supposed to be half-black / half-hispanic but when was the last time anyone called him the Hispanic Spider-Man? He might as well be full blown black because that's the only thing anyone cares about.

      -t. Hispanic sick of seeing blacks getting all the attention.

      • 9 months ago

        >If Marvel really cared about pushing a new diversity character that people would be interested in just make it a cute Japanese girl web-swinging through Tokyo.
        You mean Sakura Spider?
        >People would eat that up but they don't care about actual diversity.
        Yeah. People like you always default to "but what about asians". Funny how you never ask for them outside of the context of complaining about blacks

        • 9 months ago

          Sakura Spider is in no way comparable to Miles in terms of the push he's getting trying to make him popular.

          >"People like you always default to "but what about asians". Funny how you never ask for them outside of the context of complaining about blacks"
          Because most people actually don't give a frick about the race of characters. They do care when it becomes obvious the people producing media are themselves obsessed with race and trying to push some agenda. It becomes difficult to ignore race when you see things like people insisting Black Panther should win Film of the Year when it was just another generic MCU movie but with black people in it.

          • 9 months ago

            Or insisting that Killmonger was right when he literally colonized Wakanda and tried to exploit its resources to start a global race war, not just against the colonial powers who meddled in Africa, but everyone.

            • 9 months ago

              He was right tbh, he saw how wakanda abaonded the blight of its neighbours and sought to rectify that injustice. At least you know where he stands.

  3. 9 months ago

    Don't forget the usm cartoon had mules dad die and then miles went to live in Peter's universe

  4. 9 months ago

    Nothing about Miles is definitive, we don't even know if he's a normal kid or a genius like Peter, we don't know if he's an artist or not, we don't know if he's a Peter Parker fanboy or just don't give a frick about him, we don't even know if his crush on Gwen will stick.

  5. 9 months ago

    they're still trying to work it out. That's probably why they gave Rio so much screen time in the sequel, now they're gauging which death will have more of a reaction

  6. 9 months ago

    hey its Lil obama!

  7. 9 months ago



    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          Don't stop me now

          • 9 months ago


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            • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago

    >How come Miles doesn't have a definitive parent status?

    he doesn't even have a definitive personality

  9. 9 months ago

    Miles worked very well the Ultimate Universe. His whole schtick was about struggling to be Spider-Man in a world where Spider-Man is dead. He was more insecure than Ultimate Peter (who was kinda wienery and had girls falling for him left and right). He represented hope in a very dark and devastated Universe. His best friend knows his secret identity and supports him, which is pretty unusual in Spider-Man storylines. His father hated superheroes because Magneto launched a tsunami against New York. His girlfriend is a Hydra agent.

    The problem started when they brought Miles to the 616 universe, which they clearly didn't think through very well. It got rid of a good portion of Miles' supporting cast and, most importantly, Miles' whole schtick as well. Peter is alive and well, so Miles didn't have very clear logline anymore. For a while it wasn't even clear if Miles even remembered the Ultimate Universe and if he had a new origin in 616.

    Since then it's just been throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Bendis clearly was out of the ideas when the book got relaunched after Secret Wars, but I think Ahmed was more damaging because all he ever did was multiverse storylines and rehashing Peter's storylines like the Clone Saga.

  10. 9 months ago

    In his first 12 years, Peter introduced classic villains such as Chameleon, Vulture, Rhino, doc Ock,Kingpin, Lizard, Sandman, Electro, Mysterio, Green goblin, Scorpion, Kraven, Shocker, Hammerhead, Tinkerer, and Silvermane.
    He'd graduated high school
    He'd met Gwen, Betty Brant, Liz Allen, and Mary Jane Watson
    Gwen's dad had died.
    Gwen had died.
    There's probably more stuff

    What's there to say about Miles?
    He introduced Frost Pharaoh and Sparrow?
    He met Ganke.
    He went over to the main universe because he couldn't keep up sales in 1610
    He got an electric sword.
    He has electric finger webs.
    He can propel himself like iron man.

    • 9 months ago

      >H-he couldn't keep sales in 1610
      He was the only thing keeping the Ultimate Universe alive, what you think people were buying All New Ultimate X-Men in droves? Kek Miles haters are so delusional, Miles sold soo bad and was so hated he somehow has his own films and game at what point do you just admit absolute cope

      Miles Won
      Lana Won
      Ganke Won
      Paul won

      Peter lost.
      MJ lost.
      Aunt may lost.

      • 9 months ago

        >milesgay literally admitting he's here to stir shit and that he doesn't actually care about the characters
        Shocking news milesgay, we know

        • 9 months ago


          >Miles was keeping the Ult U alive
          >He is one of the most successful marvel characters in the modern era
          >Miles far more well recieved thaj Peter parker who is currently having his wife stolen


          KEK sorry I speak truths? You gays have been buttblasted about Miles since his inception while gleefully ignoring how so many of the other Spider-People you praise suffer the same problems you gays constantly critique Miles for ((it's because he's Black))

          • 9 months ago

            Anon I'm sorry but you broke character, there's no reason to take anything you say seriously

            • 9 months ago

              Okay lol sorry I called you out for your hypocrisy on the character sorry you can't take it

      • 9 months ago

        >He was the only thing keeping the Ultimate Universe alive
        It dies though.
        Miles didn't keep it alive.

      • 9 months ago

        Anon he’s has two multi media conglomerates at his back, Sony owning the rights to Spider-Man means they have a limited number of things to draw from in order to sell movies based on Spider-Man and the propagandists who made spuderverse understood what bendis wanted with this character to be. An empty self insert for sad homies with no imagination, hence why he’s given EVERYTHING and adds nothing to any given situation he’s found in. So congrats bendisgays you make everything worse

        • 9 months ago

          What?? If they have such a limited pull of the spiderman IP why didn't the adapt 2099 or Ben Reilly Before Miles?

          Is it because be Reily is a nothing character made to revitalize reader interest in Spider-Man?

          I love how you gays claim Miles was handed everything as Spider-Man while ignoring how In universe he was Hated by Spider-Woman, Captain America and some of the Ultimates, actively tried not to be Spider-man and leave it to Peter and never had web shooters until 20 issues in. Oh wait you gays don't read anything just complain

          • 9 months ago

            No I read the ultimate shit, it’s awkward story o flash him having an “evil uncle” who dies in his arms was meh. Him being used to reintroduce peter (invalidating HIS b***h death) only to have pete tell him HE’S the real Spider-Man. Only vague interesting development was his mom dying to venom, but that’s mostly because cheap drama is fun. So of COURSE it gets completely invalidated by the story. You miles gays just choose to tear everything down (like spiderverse does) to prop up miles because you like a boring character who has nothing to add to a story that he’s designed to devalue

    • 9 months ago

      literally who
      i'm being serious, who the frick is silvermane? is this a psyop?

      • 9 months ago

        In the 90's TAS, he's the one who makes a giant pyramid to become young again.
        In the comics, he becomes a cuborg and his head is a focal point of Superior Foes
        I think it also gets kept in a kid's closet at some point.

        • 9 months ago

          Too old for zoomers. Try spectacular Silvermane

          • 9 months ago

            >Too old for zoomers
            My nephews have, of their own volition, seen TAS
            Hell, they've watched black and white looney tunes or the super mario cartoons.
            It's not like it has to be on cable to be seen by kids.

            • 9 months ago

              >"I know a guy"
              Come on man!. I'm talking in general terms here. you REALLY gonna act like the majority of zoom zooms would know of TAS if it weren't for "ends of the earth" type of memes?.

  11. 9 months ago

    Personally, I think killing Rio Morales is stupid anyway. Miles already loses his dad in every timeline, why his mom too?

  12. 9 months ago

    because miles is shit and they have to keep radically changing him to make him work

  13. 9 months ago

    >hey how come some variations of miles has dead parents and some don't


  14. 9 months ago

    I think we should post some of Miles awesome moments to show people why he's a totally cool character.
    C'mon, Miles-fans, dump your best Miles material.

  15. 9 months ago

    good news everyone!
    dev interview confirmed miles is a sidekick B-plot in the upcoming game
    he's going to have his own story but peters story is the spine of what's happening

    so we can relax, he's just playable robin basically not peters equal

  16. 9 months ago

    Remember that time when Miles's evil clone from another dimension conquered Brooklyn and turned it into some dystopian shithole. Not the entirety of New York, just Brooklyn, and apparently no one on Earth was able to stop him because um they just couldn't. And somehow Ganke was the leader of the resistance and was a cool military guy while still being fat. Oh and also the clone was using that dimension's version of Peter as some sort of immortality battery somehow

    • 9 months ago

      The futuristic resistance leader of a carnage infected New York lead by EVIL miles. Tougher with his trusted friend from the past gwenpool. They must put an end to the tyranny of spider-MANG and his evil minions.

      Idk just something that popped in my head when I read ganke and resistance.

    • 9 months ago

      I can't say that I did. But at the very least it wasn't a copy of shit peter did. I think.

      • 9 months ago

        It was a direct follow up to Miles's own Clone Saga for what it's worth

  17. 9 months ago

    >His initial appearance in the comics had his mom killed soon after before being brought back.
    Unkilling her was the worst thing they could have ever done for Miles because it was the one thing they did better than Peter. The whole bit where his dad became his own JJJ made the whole thing perfect.

  18. 9 months ago

    Family was the worst thing about Peter and it shouldn't be a thing for Miles. Miles just needs well-written (mainly plotted) stories. Then maybe everyone will like him, or maybe the stories will start to be readable.

  19. 9 months ago

    Why do you want a definitive parental status?

  20. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Love how peter isn't even here and it's a bunch of shitty fanfic characters (other than spider-ham i guess)

      I've yet to see a reason why Miles should still be called Spider-Man. All you people keep saying is "well he just is, deal with it"

      miles is so shit they can't even give him an alternative name. They could've done Spider-man:Ultimate if they weren't so moronic to put him in 616. Like obviously no one actually calls Miguel spider-man 2099 but it's a good way to tell him apart from peter

      • 9 months ago

        I always thought people call miggie "99". I know I always did.

  21. 9 months ago

    I've yet to see a reason why Miles should still be called Spider-Man. All you people keep saying is "well he just is, deal with it"

    • 9 months ago

      It's clearly racisim.

      >from an upper middle class family, attending a good school in a good neighbourhood
      >idolizes ghetto culture shit
      Miles's background is schizophrenic and pathetic.

      It really smells like the product of white writers who came from well off families, who "rebelled" by going all hippy commune shit, but hippy shit and ghetto shit aren't equivalent at all.

      Really just one. Bendis's massive BBC fetish with Power man has been infamous in the industry for decades.

      • 9 months ago

        Since these clowns are all about subverting expectations for the last ten years (haw haw what you THOUGHT would happen didn't happen, GOT YA... frick off, writers who do this are trash), they should have the third movie start off saying Gwen dumped Miles for having a micropenis and became Miguel's slampiggie.

  22. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Look at the replies, prick. The baited clearly do care.

  23. 9 months ago




    Don't stop me now



    And we have a winner!

  24. 9 months ago

    I want to see fanart of mayday mogging miles in basketball

  25. 9 months ago

    >another miles seethe thread
    You guys really need to get over yourselves. Miles isn’t going anywhere and you going have to deal with that.

  26. 9 months ago

    >from an upper middle class family, attending a good school in a good neighbourhood
    >idolizes ghetto culture shit
    Miles's background is schizophrenic and pathetic.

    It really smells like the product of white writers who came from well off families, who "rebelled" by going all hippy commune shit, but hippy shit and ghetto shit aren't equivalent at all.

  27. 9 months ago

    "...and I couldn't stop laughing when he pulled it out. Maybe they should call him Centimeters Morales."

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