How come the Futurama episode about Napster and Lucy Liu is so fondly remembered while the episode about Twitter and Susan Boyle is one of the worst e...

How come the Futurama episode about Napster and Lucy Liu is so fondly remembered while the episode about Twitter and Susan Boyle is one of the worst episodes of anything ever put on national television?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Because falling in love with a fictional image of an actress projected through films and tabloids is a timeless subject, even if the specifics have aged.

    • 1 year ago

      This 100%, today it's parasocial relationships with streamers and stuff like that keeping that ep relevant

      • 1 year ago

        How come there hasn't been a single piece of media about how harmful that parasocialism is? Hollywood would benefit greatly from demonizing it. I know Hollywood is mostly out of touch boomers, but they can't all be completely oblivious to why ticket sales and streaming services are dropping while Twitch is skyrocketing, they?

        • 1 year ago

          Because parasocialism is what drives celebrity worship and they don't want to hurt their own business. That being said there was that one John Travolta movie about a fan obsessed with a celebrity so it kind of counts.

        • 1 year ago

          >Hollywood would benefit greatly from demonizing it.
          What? That doesn't make sense. Hollywood directly benefits from parasocialism. That's how celebrities work.

          • 1 year ago

            With the level of parasocialism that Twitch streamers and Onlyfans thots are capable of, there needs to be a new term to differentiate Hollywood celebrities. I want you to think about how legitimately insane it is that some random butthole can shoot off a Twitter message to the president of the united states and there's a legitimate chance he'll get a response. There's nothing in Hollywood that compares to the parasocial relationship between a Twitch user and the streamer who might be on a legitimate first name basis with each other.

            • 1 year ago

              The user could have delusions about the relationship, but if the streamer is familiar with them, it's not parasocial.

              • 1 year ago

                Then there needs to be another term for where it's the borderline when I know Mike Matei's name and address and he mentions me on stream, but where he doesn't know me by anything except Retrohomosexual69. The problem with the dictionary and Hollywood is that neither of them are fast enough to keep up with reality.

        • 1 year ago

          The only reason American culture has held Disney in such high esteem is because Walt used television to forge a parasocial relationship with the entire country that continued even after he died.

          • 1 year ago

            To a degree but I think it's probably more about being an early trendsetter and never letting it go

            Then there needs to be another term for where it's the borderline when I know Mike Matei's name and address and he mentions me on stream, but where he doesn't know me by anything except Retrohomosexual69. The problem with the dictionary and Hollywood is that neither of them are fast enough to keep up with reality.

            The issue is when you use that information like it's an actual relationship. Not that it just exists. The internet didn't invent this it simply made the information more prevalent and the interactions have more verisimilitude.
            You can't stop people from being sad homosexuals, at best you can just educate them and hope some have the self-awareness to pull back.

            But wasn't that about how great parasocialism is?

            Yeah he really felt great when he came to terms with the fact the one good relationship he had in his life was literally all in his head and took his idol making shitty jokes at his expense so personally that he shot him in the face.Then people projecting their own wants onto the Joker leading to a murderous riot. Parasocialism isn't a good thing in that movie but was the logical conclusion of the desperate and disaffected.

            • 1 year ago

              >The issue is when you use that information like it's an actual relationship. Not that it just exists. The internet didn't invent this it simply made the information more prevalent and the interactions have more verisimilitude.
              >You can't stop people from being sad homosexuals, at best you can just educate them and hope some have the self-awareness to pull back.
              You are defining parasocialism. I think you just don't understand what the term means and are arguing about what you think it means. Or maybe that's what I'm doing, but I'm saying that if that is what I'm doing, then there should be a different term for what I'm doing so I don't know.

              • 1 year ago

                I wasn't arguing that wasn't parasocialism, I was just arguing against your implication that the issue is on the existence of that ability rather than an issue with how people fall into these pits because of how they engage with celebrities.

              • 1 year ago

                I wasn't arguing that wasn't parasocialism, I was just arguing against your implication that the issue is on the existence of that ability rather than an issue with how people fall into these pits because of how they engage with celebrities.

                Just continue this discussion without using the word "parasocial" and derivatives. Say specifically what you mean instead. That goes for everyone.

        • 1 year ago

          Joker (2019)

          • 1 year ago

            But wasn't that about how great parasocialism is?

  2. 1 year ago

    The first one was funnier, for one.

    And I also think people replacing real romantic relationships with artificial ones is something that has aged pretty well more than it being a commentary on piracy. Since for some people that seems to be the way our future is actually heading.

    While the social media angle of the Eye phone episode is still relevant to this day the Susan Boyle one is bafflingly dated and not even that funny or clever. It's just annoying and weird.

  3. 1 year ago

    Have you not seen the AI Voice threads where people's Rapunzel lust has resulted in a pretty solid Mandy Moore simulator?

  4. 1 year ago

    Get it her last name is Boyle and she's a Boil now laugh you simpletons.

  5. 1 year ago

    Lucy Liu is America's sweetheart

    • 1 year ago

      I wasn't convinced until I saw the Kung Fu Panda shorts and heard her giggle. I had an f-list profile and roleplayed as Master Viper a few times 🙁

  6. 1 year ago

    Could you actually frick these robots because it seems like Fry just made out with it the entire episode.

    • 1 year ago

      Farnsworth wanted to show Fry the film "Electro Gonorrhea the Noisy Killer" so presumably yes
      Any robofricking was just kept off-screen

    • 1 year ago

      Since Amy and Bender got it on in one episode...DIBS ON RECTAL EXAM BOT

  7. 1 year ago

    Because it was better written and wasn't a shitty pun.

  8. 1 year ago

    A man falling in love with an artificial being or inanimate object is a long-standing trope in fiction, even pre-science fiction; going all the way back to the story of Pygmalion. This is just Futurama's comedic take on a timeless concept.

    The Twitter, Iphone, Susan Boyle episode is terrible because there's nothing else the episode has going for it besides "remember thing?", and the references were already dated by the time the episode had come out.

  9. 1 year ago

    Because it took a premise of people pirating content and futurized it by you being able to download a personality of a celebrity. The celebrity is one he would remember and like because he is from the 90s.

    Susan Boyle makes no sense because its referencing something from the late 2000s which Fry has no context for and uses it to make really bad jokes that make no sense. Oh and they have social media now so they can share videos like that instantly that's the joke.

  10. 1 year ago

    >Susan Boyle
    Fat, British, can sing alright
    >Lucy Liu
    Hot, Chinese, can put her foot next to her ear

    How is that a fair comparison

  11. 1 year ago

    Because I said so

  12. 1 year ago

    Literally because the first was well written, unlike the second. While the Comedy Central seasons had some good moments, the quality of the writing wasn't anywhere as consistently good as the pre-cancellation era

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