How did he get away with tanking Star Wars?

How did he get away with tanking Star Wars?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Look at his career. He didn’t.

    • 9 months ago

      He went from making a 2 billion dollar blockbuster to making straight to Netflix slop. I'd say Star Wars did not do his career any favors.

  2. 9 months ago

    He was Kathleen's boytoy.

  3. 9 months ago

    TLJ was based and kino and I'm tired of this board pretending it's not.

    It's one of the best Star Wars flicks because it not only was entertaining but it also made soi babbies seethe because of how different it was, and that killed the franchise. Disney gave in to the seething manchildren.

    • 9 months ago

      The subversion was fine unfortunately it also made the film kind of boring. I did like how he wasn’t afraid to make references to the prequels though. I bet the mouse hated that.

  4. 9 months ago

    Your Snoke sucked

  5. 9 months ago

    He didn't his career is garbage now

  6. 9 months ago

    white people convinced themselves that violence was always unacceptable, and so rampant cultural vandalism occurs without recourse

    • 9 months ago

      white leftists

  7. 9 months ago

    He lost his trilogy and his Knives Out franchise is a flop. The only accolade to his name is Ozymandias which was handed to him on a silver platter. Even a monkey with a typewriter could've delivered gold on that.

    • 9 months ago

      >his Knives Out franchise is a flop
      Lmao what kind of cope is this
      The first one made like 8x its budget and Rian now has a contract with Netflix to make more.

      • 9 months ago

        >Rian now has a contract with Netflix
        Truly unimaginable level of career success
        From helming the most anticipated sequel of all time for the top film company in the world to an exclusive Netflix contract for whodunits

        • 9 months ago

          A contract is guaranteed money no matter how well the film does, and I'm sure it did well in terms of streaming numbers because every normalgay has Netflix.
          To say the franchise is a flop is just a Quartering-tier cope.

          • 9 months ago

            >his career is fine because he's making money
            So does a waiter. Face it he got elevated to the highest stage, delivered a movie that pissed most people off and began the decline of a $4 billion franchise, then spent weeks on twatter trolling everyone who was complaining while spearheading a "marketing" effort to blame all complaints on the fanbase, poisoning the brand further.
            Nobody is sticking anything major in his hands again anytime soon if ever. Doesn't matter if he "makes money" with his Netflix contract, he's fricked his own career up unfixably.

            • 9 months ago

              You're really trying hard to make it seem like everybody gave a shit about him making TLJ, but no one did outside of some Star Wars fans.
              How did Knives Out do so well if there was such overwhelming backlash against him? Even the limited theatrical release that Netflix did for the second one was the biggest they've ever had.

              • 9 months ago

                >You're really trying hard to make it seem like everybody gave a shit about him making TLJ, but no one did outside of some Star Wars fans.
                You're missing the mark entirely. He fricked up his career by destroying anyone's ability to trust him in that kind of major endeavor. He acted like a fricking child and cost Disney billions more than he made. Not even THEY would work with him again.

              • 9 months ago

                he's a politician not an artist, he only gets work because his handler (look him up) a literal israeli, uses him to push culture destroying garbage on the masses
                TLJ destroyed blond haired Luke the hero, knives out was apparently some pro immigration garbage, he's a 5' tall redditor who should be working in a sewer cleaning the pipes instead of 'directing'

              • 9 months ago

                He's less politician than lefty troll, imo. Practically every decision he made in TLJ seems based on whether it'd piss somebody he hates off or not. And seeing how he was on twatter with people reinforces it.

              • 9 months ago

                The Last Jedi was his response to the generic bullshit that JJ Abrams was trying to introduce. He was signed on well before TFA even released and probably expected something that wasn't just a remake of A New Hope with some mystery boxes sprinkled in. I remember him responding to a lot of people complaining about TFA being a shitty remake and that the sequel would be the same way.
                As for helming the franchise, I doubt it matters to him anymore since he now has his own original one to work with.

              • 9 months ago

                JJ did not leave him with the strong hand to work with, but he still played that hand in the worst way possible.

              • 9 months ago

                The only two routes he had would be to either give in and remake ESB or attempt to undo the stupid decisions that JJ made.

              • 9 months ago

                He tried both and did neither of them well.

            • 9 months ago

              this, he's honestly the greatest and most damaging troll in the history of cinema/television. He cost Yidney billions, BILLIONS in future earnings for nu-wars.

              People were still mass-huffing copium over TFA being mid, if he had actually delivered it would all have been forgiven, instead he made the shittiest possible film he could, amplified every complaint i had about TFA, and splattered woke ideology over it so Yidney and the internet troony brigades were forced to shill for and defend literal dogshit.

              Honestly, i hated nu-wars from the moment i walked out of TFA and wrote off the whole universe at that point, and if they had put me in Rian's place, and i felt like tanking the entire franchise, i doubt i could have done more damage to Yidney than Rian, his masterpiece of garbage is a work of trolling art.

      • 9 months ago

        >a contract with Netflix
        You could unironically email porn to Netflix right now and there's a 50/50 shot they'd sign you to a contract

  8. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago
  9. 9 months ago

    Disney wanted to kill of snoke so they shopped around for scripts that had that element in them, picked one, and then handed it to Rian. Literally every single treatment that got leaked involved snoke dying in some way.

  10. 9 months ago

    daily reminder that all anyone has to do is find an archive of his over 20,000 deleted tweets to get him cancelled

    also good job not replying to the (you) farmer, im proud of you Cinemaphile

  11. 9 months ago

    It should be really telling that practically the only people left here who love him and TLJ are the worst, lowest tier of (You) bait trolls.

  12. 9 months ago

    >Killed star wars
    >Made Cinemaphile seethe for over half a decade
    >Jew'd netflix out of several hundred million
    Idk seems pretty based to me

  13. 9 months ago

    Reminder: OP is rian johnson. Rian johnson shills himself here. It’s the foundation of his entire career.

  14. 9 months ago


    fool, you always hear about white supremacist shooters or whatever

  15. 9 months ago


    Pretty ballsy to tank your own career for the lulz, no wonder trolls here adore him.

  16. 9 months ago


    >simping for directors who don't know you

    Please don't tell me you seriously do this

    • 9 months ago

      It's all about the (You)s, as is the case with everyone who multi replies.

  17. 9 months ago

    Reminder: OP is rian johnson. Rian johnson shills himself here. It’s the foundation of his entire career.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't doubt it. He fits right in with the lowest tier eternal contrarianist (You) bait trolls.

  18. 9 months ago


  19. 9 months ago

    I don't even think they expected that. He's a sick person.

  20. 9 months ago

    Rain Jounson will finally canonize Yoda’s true full name. Those who know what I mean will understand.

  21. 9 months ago

    Reminder: OP is rian johnson. Rian johnson shills himself here. It’s the foundation of his entire career.

  22. 9 months ago

    Has anyone made an edit where it's Matt Groening, Ian Maxtone-Graham, or someone Simpsons-related holding up
    >Your Sneed theory sucks (& fricks)

  23. 9 months ago

    "Your Snoke Theory Sucks" was a major red flag. When people speculate about the plots fictional movies they love, they are not hurting anyone, and I believe that most people understand that most speculation won't pan out, and that the actual movie will set all of those things to rest anyway. In the meantime, its free advertising that builds hype in advance of the movie's release.

    So when Lucasfilm staff started piling on with the "Your Snoke Theory Sucks" meme prior to TLJ's release, it should have told us what sort of people we were dealing with. Not shrewd businesspeople, not people who enjoy being fans, not folks who can just shut up and let others enjoy a bit of harmless fun.

    Just petty, self-important manchildren.

    • 9 months ago

      This little shit fricking googled "snoke theories," watched every fricking youtube video, and read every fricking twitter post in order to make sure that no one was "predicting" what he would do. Obviously, they all said something, so his brilliant response was... nothing. Snoke just dies and he didn't matter lol.

  24. 9 months ago

    Reminder: OP is rian johnson. Rian johnson shills himself here. It’s the foundation of his entire career.

  25. 9 months ago

    israeli wife
    israeli producer friend

    it was a mossad job

  26. 9 months ago


    episode 7 was such garbage that I'm glad he had the balls to kill star wars early on. especially with how Disney continued to mistreat the franchise with stupid expensive hotels, sequel trilogy only attractions and so on. for that I am truly thankful, JJ managed to kill it so Disney couldn't profit of it

  27. 9 months ago

    This talentless troony homosexual made a garbage SW movie sure but how can you say he did it? It was Disney, and JJ Abrahams. This rat faced creep just did what they told him to do. Saying this gay killed SW is lauding the creative decisions of Kathleen Kennedy and JJ Abrahams. Two terrorists trying to kill us. This guy is a fricking nobody.

  28. 9 months ago

    Reminder: OP is rian johnson. Rian johnson shills himself here. It’s the foundation of his entire career.

  29. 9 months ago

    It's a double issue, with Snoke. On the one hand Rian killing him off in the second act did essentially tank the trilogy because suddenly there was no bad guy for the final act, necessitating the atrocious revival of Palpatine for that role.

    However, Snoke himself was conceptual trash. An Emperor knockoff, but a stupid cgi monstermash on top of that. He had no charisma or energy to carry the weight of being the villain, and that's all JJ's fault for being a hack.

    Now, obviously Rian's intent was for Kylo to be the main villain. But this fails since Rey had already beaten him twice, and he has no imposing presence as a bad guy, especially without even the mask. He was also the only popular sequel character.

    The only way to salvage the plot would have been for Rey and Kylo to swap roles in the second film. She goes high on power and joins the Dark Side, while Kylo recognizes Snoke's manipulations and leaves. Then the third film could conclude things between them. But Rey was supposed to be a self-insert role model, so this was made impossible.

    • 9 months ago

      >However, Snoke himself was conceptual trash. An Emperor knockoff, but a stupid cgi monstermash on top of that. He had no charisma or energy to carry the weight of being the villain, and that's all JJ's fault for being a hack.

      ironically, the only part in the film i actually liked, was Snoke absolutely BTFOing Darth Emo, his dialogue was pretty much what i would have written at that point, he was honestly pretty funny in that scene and i was warming up to the guy, then Rian subverted my expectations and eliminated him right when i actually started to find him somewhat compelling.

      that's when i realised i was being trolled.

  30. 9 months ago

    >TLJ was based and kino and I'm tired of this board pretending it's not.
    >It's one of the best Star Wars flicks because it not only was entertaining but it also made soi babbies seethe because of how different it was, and that killed the franchise. Disney gave in to the seething manchildren.

    Someone actually typed this homosexual LMAO

  31. 9 months ago

    I respect what he was trying to do. He forced Star Wars into a corner at gun point and tried to force it to do something new. He just didn't know what to do with it.

  32. 9 months ago

    Reminder: OP is rian johnson. Rian johnson shills himself here. It’s the foundation of his entire career.

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