How did he get beaten?

How did he get beaten?

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  1. 7 months ago

    he was a angry moron with a sub 60 IQ

    • 7 months ago

      Being a moron.

      projecting much

      • 7 months ago

        >projecting much
        No, he just was an angry moron who lacked critical thinking skills.

        • 7 months ago

          >lacked critical thinking skills
          -mastered almost all lightsaber forms
          -talented general in the clone wars
          -learned at an outstanding pace compared to his peers

          he was very talented but this caused him to form a giant ego
          his IQ was at least 135

          • 7 months ago

            >being really good at something means you’re smart
            Have you never heard the term savant

            • 7 months ago

              yes but I don't think it applies here
              Anakin would have mastered almost any field if he chose another life
              at age 10 he was already building pod racers lol

          • 7 months ago

            yes but I don't think it applies here
            Anakin would have mastered almost any field if he chose another life
            at age 10 he was already building pod racers lol

            You also forgot the part where in order to protect his wife he aided the guy who spent three years trying to kill his wife.

            • 7 months ago

              it's always the people you least expect

          • 7 months ago

            Anakin was the Jedi equivalent of a superstar athlete. Incredibly gifted physical skills and aptitude while making life decisions that any moron could see are bad choices.

          • 7 months ago

            >his IQ was at least 135
            If that's true why couldn't he figure out a way to purchase his mother's freedom?

            • 7 months ago

              Shoulda' put his feet to pavement and worked his way up the ladder and got some responsibilities so he could support his family like a real man

          • 7 months ago

            >his IQ was at least 135
            Ehh, that's unlikely. Probably somewhere between 110 and 125. He was just good at assembling all sorts of technical stuff and devices (it doesn't take much intelligence, especially in the Star Wars universe), and the Force in him made him learn all the Jedi tricks faster than usual, but if he'd been born without midichlorians in his blood, he'd have been a regular slightly autistic slave boy from Tatooine, able to build droids out of spare parts and nothing else. Even his flying/driving skills were given to him by the Force.
            Obi-Wan, on the other hand, probably had an IQ of 140+. 130 was the requirement to get a seat in the Jedi council. Obi-Wan was one of the smartest Jedi there, only Yoda and maybe Ki-Adi-Mundi (look at his head, his brain must've been really big) were smarter than him by 19 BBY. Don't know about Qui-Gon, he was probably smarter than Obi-Wan too. Although Obi was definitely not smart enough to use condoms when fricking Satine, and that's how Korkie was conceived. Or maybe condoms were in short supply in the 2 decades of the Republic's existence or maybe Jedi were forbidden from using them.

            • 7 months ago

              >use condoms when fricking Satine, and that's how Korkie was conceived.
              what fanatic is this and does it turn into porn?
              >my son corky
              frick you i don't believe it

              • 7 months ago

                >what fanatic is this and does it turn into porn?
                Well, it's pretty obvious that Korkie was their son, Satine's only sister was Bo-Katan, and she was pretty much a femcel and anti-natalist, and besides, the boy looks a lot like Obi-Wan, and it's clear from the TCW storyline that Satine does everything she can, to keep Obi-Wan from seeing Korkie and learning about his existence, and is generally overprotective of the boy, and people don't take care of their nephews the way Satine does, so it's most likely that she wasn't an aunt but his mother, and who would be his father if not Obi-Wan, her only love?

      • 7 months ago

        >my self-insert is being insulted!

        • 7 months ago

          >>my self-insert is being insulted!
          Wait do people actually self insert as anakin? My fricking side are in orbit right now.

          • 7 months ago

            I self insert as Padme.

            • 7 months ago

              I insert myself in Padme.

              • 7 months ago

                >self inserting as anakin
                what a loser

              • 7 months ago

                He could be self inserting as clovis

          • 7 months ago

            I self insert as plo koon

  2. 7 months ago

    Being a moron.

  3. 7 months ago

    The high ground

    • 7 months ago

      remember when earlier in the prequel trilogy obiwan was dangling from a pipe and Darth maul stood above him poised to strike and then obi wan did a 25ft super jump and flip and cut Darth maul in half with one move? why didn't anakin do that?

      • 7 months ago

        >why didn't anakin do that?
        too busy thinking about naboo pussy

      • 7 months ago

        Because anakin had his legs cut off

      • 7 months ago

        His force meter was too low

        • 7 months ago

          This but unironically. The Force didn't allow him to do that. He told Obi-Wan that Obi-Wan had underestimated his (Anakin's) power just before jumping, but in fact it was he, Anakin, who overestimated the degree of control HE had over that power.

      • 7 months ago

        nice to see some french actors in SW

      • 7 months ago

        Ummmmmm well actually you see in the expanded background lore Obi Wan actually specifically trained for years to develop a counter move to use in case he was ever in the same situation Darth Maul was in so uuuuuuhhh actually it all makes sense okay?

      • 7 months ago

        Obi-wan had the jump cancel tech, shit Maul didn't.

      • 7 months ago

        He tried and Obi-Wan did the smart thing and sliced him in the air. The better question is why didn't Darth Maul do that.

  4. 7 months ago

    The plot demanded it.

    • 7 months ago

      No, the scene demanded it.
      The prequels have no plot. They were written as a series of ideas for "cool scenes" which everything was then railroaded towards.

      >Why didn't the Trade Federation just poison the Jedi's drinks? Why did the Jedi just hang out in a gassed room waiting for the door to be opened?
      >Because Lucas wanted a scene of them erupting from the fog.

      >Why did the Trade Federation land on the opposite side of the planet from the Naboo?
      >Because Lucas wanted a scene of the Jedi traveling through the planet underwater.

      >Why didn't the Trade Federation hit the fricking ship with its shields down instead of picking off the droids on the wing with pinpoint accuracy?
      >Because wouldn't a scene with R2-D2 saving the day be great?

      >Why are the Jedi a-OK with slavery on Tatooine when they aren't OK with the Trade Federation threatening the Naboo with a trade treaty that's not in their favor?
      >Need a scene with POD RACING and a much later scene of Anakin being DARK!

      >Why try to assassinate Padme with worms?
      >Wouldn't it be a cool scene if we had yet another excuse to pull out a LIGHT SABER?

      So we have a fight between Obi-wan and Anakin which makes no sense in terms of Ep IV because it would simply be "cool" if they fought.
      It's not really "plot" that Vader was obviously injured and Obi-wan not in the OT, which dictates that Anakin lose; merely the only nod to continuity in the entire prequels.

  5. 7 months ago


  6. 7 months ago

    >loses to obi wan in every duel they had despite being hailed as a prodigy and the chosen one
    I still don't get it, how was obi wan so op?

    • 7 months ago

      >loses to obi wan in every duel they had
      If you watched the Kenobi series last year, you'd remember that Obi-Wan actually lost the fight when they met the first time since Mustafar, like, really lost, and he would have died if that Indian woman hadn't saved him, only thanks to her Obi-Wan survived and got a revenge duel during which he won. But yeah, I'd say Obi-Wan probably wasn't the greatest Jedi Master when you consider his fighting skills, but he was a very skillful and intelligent fighter, and he obviously knew his former apprentice better than anyone else, so he knew Anakin's weaknesses and his tendency to rush things.

    • 7 months ago

      What's going on with that doge?

      • 7 months ago

        he saw a real one burn local

      • 7 months ago

        probably got into someones gummies

      • 7 months ago

        He started to notice certain patterns in the media owner last names

    • 7 months ago

      Obi-wan is a defensive fighter. For him it's a war of attrition, he'll just keep blocking until the opponent gets tired or makes a mistake, then he'll strike. Anakin is all about fast and heavy kill strikes, trying to end the fight quickly. Essentially they cancel each other out until, finally, Anakin loses his patience and Obi-wan takes him out. It's a play on the whole "the dark side is quicker, easier, more seductive" thing that Yoda says. But it's not stronger.

      • 7 months ago

        So basically, Anakin = Russia, Obi-Wan = Ukraine, right?

        • 7 months ago

          Sure, anon, whatever.

        • 7 months ago

          if Russia was anakin Ukraine and probably most the world would be smoking radioactive holes

          • 7 months ago

            >if Russia was anakin Ukraine and probably most the world would be smoking radioactive holes
            Russian nukes are as effective as the second Death Star though...

      • 7 months ago

        >they cancel each other out
        so anakin being the chosen one doesnt mean he is the most powerful? it's all about le tactics?

    • 7 months ago

      eternal skill vs talent. Obi Wan was the weakest force user of all the masters but he had the quickest promotion due to his dedication to training and study. He was better tempered than Anakin. Also lightsaber dueling was like his big thing

  7. 7 months ago
  8. 7 months ago

    Because he was fighting the only person who knew his weaknesses and also knew how to get under his skin.

    • 7 months ago


  9. 7 months ago

    He was trying the same move Obi used on Maul. There was no way it was going to work.

    • 7 months ago

      >The Obi-wan manoeuvre? Come on that's one in a million.

  10. 7 months ago

    I unironically recommend reading the novel adaptation and some other books, especially from the EU, it says that the Force itself punished him for switching sides, and he just had to become a complete cripple after turning into Darth Vader just because if he could have continued living with all his limbs (without the arm already lost to Dooku, of course), the Dark Side would have gained the upper hand and win in the end. And his prosthetics, which were attached to his suit, were never part of his body itself, so his power, i.e. his full potential as a Force user, decreased significantly when he lost his legs on Mustafar and thus he also became less agile and fast, In addition, his phantom pains in the future prevented him from focusing on his goals and being 100% effective during his missions, and also contributed to him remembering in the Episode VI whose fault it really was that he lost everything (his wife, his limbs, his friends, his padawan even, if we remember the way Ahsoka had been expelled from the Jedi Order and who actually tried to frame her), that it wasn't Obi-Wan or anyone else, but Sidious.

    • 7 months ago

      Lightsaber duels themselves are just extensions of the force's will. They just let the force act through them as they are dueling.

  11. 7 months ago

    Lucas wrote himself into a corner, like the Toei writers with Broly. They had to think of some really stupid shit for them to lose to that was unbelievable because they were much too strong. There was no way Obi could defeat Anakin. Obi couldn't even take Count Dracula and got bodied

    • 7 months ago

      I never watched it, but didn't Obi-Wan also beat him again in the Obi-Wan show?

      It wasn't just Lucas who did it. It was everybody who has even touched the script of star wars.

    • 7 months ago

      >Lucas wrote himself into a corner
      Lucas wrote Vader getting beaten years before the release of the original trilogy. I remember sitting in my garage, reading old movie magazines my dad had. They had an interview where he described Anakin losing to Obi Wan when they fought on top of a volcano. He was always going to lose, it was what set up the rest of the "episodes"

  12. 7 months ago

    1. Anakin has to get horribly mutilated at some point so he can become Darth Vader
    2. Obi-Wan has to survive with all his limbs intact because he's in A New Hope
    3. 20th Century Fox gets angrier with Lucas every minute the film runs over 2 hours because their profit margin is decreasing

  13. 7 months ago

    Overconfidence and anger. He lost his head and did stupid shit. Literally left himself open to getting his legs sliced off because he thought he was in control. He wasn't

  14. 7 months ago

    He couldn't concentrate because he knew at that very moment I was balls deep in Padme in the guest cabin of the Millennium Falcon.

  15. 7 months ago

    Why didn't Anakin just simply jump off the droid draft onto the lava river bank, then run up and engage Obi again? It isn't that wide a jump

    • 7 months ago

      Sabine can force push Ezra further than Anakin can jump, why is the worst jedi padawan ever stronger than the most powerful jedi knight ever who was prophecized about and shit?

      • 7 months ago

        Power creep. Choking somebody from a few feet away and blocking a laser with your hand was considered some big shit at first. Now, I don't even know what they are capable of anymore with modern writers. Someone in control of the Force should be so powerful, they cannot be defeated by normal means. What is stopping them from levitating you, ripping off your arms and legs, then compressing your torso like a can in deep water pressure? If they wanted to go full Mortal Kombat fatalities on people, what could deny them?

  16. 7 months ago

    I had the craziest Anakin dream last night. I was myself and caught up in the big "betrayal". Basically me and Anakin facing the emperor, but he was still kinda good. He initially used dark lightning to illuminate a hallway to reveal the emperor and then all hell broke lose. Imagine grey Anakin fighting the emperor, blue lightsaber, light and dark side powers but still jedi. What a dream. I was wounded by a lightsaber, btw. hehe

  17. 7 months ago

    Someone post the Obi Wan high ground analysis screenshot

    • 7 months ago

      It this one?

      • 7 months ago

        No, it was a 4ch post, an anon had a shitty hand drawn graph, plus an in depth analysis of Obi Wan's high ground power kek

        • 7 months ago

          >No, it was a 4ch post, an anon had a shitty hand drawn graph, plus an in depth analysis of Obi Wan's high ground power kek
          Ahh that sounds funny.
          Hopefully someone will post it. Im going to bed.
          Frick Black folk lads.
          I love you lot

          • 7 months ago

            No, it was a 4ch post, an anon had a shitty hand drawn graph, plus an in depth analysis of Obi Wan's high ground power kek

            Now I'm also interested on that post

  18. 7 months ago

    Didn't read this thread, but I guarantee it's some perma virgin saying how Obi Wan had a great defensive fighting style and a akin was overly aggressive. Like mate, it's star wars there was a few movies, there was no discernable style from one Jedi to the next beyond one being more angry.

    • 7 months ago

      >I don't like this explanation because I've heard it before

  19. 7 months ago

    When you see the full deleted parts of the fight it becomes really obvious. It's nearly twice as long and everything makes sense in the spinning. They mainly kept the spinning and threw out the in-between.

    Anyways. Obi wans got there with his wife. Anakin just killed mace Windu, murdered hundreds of children, murders thousands of people and droids at this base then proceeds to choke his wife to death
    He's existing on pure sith rage and is exhausted and he's having problems control his power. He didn't meant to choke her out ge lost control.abd exerted to mich force. He's been up for days.
    Obi wan goes on defense the first 2/3rds of the fight and Anakin is beating his ass and obi wan is just trying to survive.
    Obi wan keeps backing up the entire fight letting Anakin exhaust him self and get more deranged. The last 1/3 obi starts counter punching then the close droid fight and Anakin complexly exhouses himself throwing lava waves at obi. Yes lava waves. Anakin gets desperate just right on obi whose entire form is close protection and countering while anakins is about controlling distance and battering. Obi times it to jump off. Anakin not realizing how drained he was shorts the jump (which he does in the deleted dooku anakin fight but he doesn't short it) obi knows Anakin's moves and it's a yoda thing, obi also learned it from Darth maul who tried it on him in phantom menace it's got some name and is forbidden by Jedi and sith because it involves cutting your opponents limbs off. Lol

    Anyways there you go. Tldr Anakin burnt himself out and overestimated his abilities and lost 3 limbs and skin and penis. His penis burnt off badly

    • 7 months ago

      i figured his dong was gone

      • 7 months ago

        We talking full Renner?

    • 7 months ago

      >Obi wan goes on defense the first 2/3rds of the fight and Anakin is beating his ass and obi wan is just trying to survive.
      >Obi wan keeps backing up the entire fight letting Anakin exhaust him self and get more deranged.
      Pure cope. Doesn't hold up whatsoever, because Obi-Wan tried to kill Anakin multiple times throughout the fight. Pure head canon. This duel is so shit.

  20. 7 months ago


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