How did they drop the ball so hard on an extremely developed franchise?

How did they drop the ball so hard on an extremely developed franchise?

Just rewatched Endgame and I realise that that was a closing chapter for the first "saga", but why is there absolutely zero hype and the franchise seems all over the place after it?

It seems like they are doing what Star Wars did for ep 7-9 where you just throw anything at the wall and hope something sticks.

Its so backwards, because it seems like they had a good general idea of most of the phases in the MCU pre-endgame, then post-endgame everything feels so shit

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  1. 5 months ago

    Feige had people to tard wrangle him up until endgame, not so much after it

    • 5 months ago

      You're asking the wrong question. The real question is how the frick did it get so good to begin with?

      And this is the answer.

    • 5 months ago

      i think it was the other way round. feige was stretched thin after endgame, he was being roped in to star wars to save that and they were trying to make 50 disney+ shows, leaving others to run shit with less over sight from him.

    • 5 months ago

      i think it was the other way round. feige was stretched thin after endgame, he was being roped in to star wars to save that and they were trying to make 50 disney+ shows, leaving others to run shit with less over sight from him.

      No it's both

      >Favreau, Gunn, Ike, the Russos, Markus and McFeely all left or were forced out. Say what you will about Ike (and there's a lot of it) but the conflicts to justify the budget might've helped.
      >Feige did get spread too thin when he was given control of all Marvel along with a mandate from Iger to do more Disney+ Marvel shows.

  2. 5 months ago

    Because all the movies before were a setup for End Game. You actually had to watch the Marvel movies to be caught up for the Avengers movie. The marvel movies after are basically independent movies that don't setup for anything

  3. 5 months ago

    They removed both Whedon and Feige. I still don't understand how they fired these dudes that literally developed Hollywood's biggest quirk and open them to a new world of interconnected movie world's is beyond me.

    • 5 months ago

      Feige is still there, what are you talking about

      Are you thinking of Gunn?

    • 5 months ago

      Feige is still there, what are you talking about

      Are you thinking of Gunn?

      No it's both

      >Favreau, Gunn, Ike, the Russos, Markus and McFeely all left or were forced out. Say what you will about Ike (and there's a lot of it) but the conflicts to justify the budget might've helped.
      >Feige did get spread too thin when he was given control of all Marvel along with a mandate from Iger to do more Disney+ Marvel shows.

      What bothers me is that all the characters now have the personality of Tony Stark. That is a serious mistake.What makes Stark cool is that he's super smart but a very laid-back cynic.He doesn't take anything seriously and it's interesting... Favreau did well with him but later they adapted that same personality to the other heroes like Dr Strange or Thor.Why the hell did they make Thor a brain-damaged idiot comedian? That's what I call lazy writing.

      • 5 months ago

        Watching Thor, and then watching Thor Ragnarok is depressing.

        • 5 months ago

          Because of how boring it makes Thor 1 look?

        • 5 months ago

          Because of how boring it makes Thor 1 look?

          Taika Cohen refreshed the character a bit but making him a complete idiot was a mistake that cost the character in the long run.Disney literally missed the opportunity to show a space Viking aesthetic around the character.

          • 5 months ago

            It's particularly awkward to watch Ragnarok, and then the next time you see Thor is Infinity War, and he's so different.
            Ragnarok had some funny moments, but ultimately I think the titular character should have had the same tone as when he and Loki are in the elevator.

            • 5 months ago

              Making Planet Hulk a skipped B-plot wasn't a great choice either.

              They could have used Christian Bale's character and made a special Conan the Barbarian movie in space with touches of John Carter and pulp comics.

              • 5 months ago

                Hate art with Conan looking like a roid-monkey, he was never described remotely as such, it's just dick-sucking Arnold and Frazetta.

              • 5 months ago

                I've never read a Conan comic. What is he like canonically speaking?

              • 5 months ago

                He was burley , Square cut black hair and blue eyes. In general the movie was good but it did not really reflect conan from the book.

              • 5 months ago

                >So formidable was his appearance, naked but for short leather breeks and sleeveless shirt, open to reveal his great, hairy chest, with his huge limbs and his blue eyes blazing under his tangled black mane
                pretty much momoa, shame the movie was shit

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, Mamoa is almost perfectly his canon look (with added blue eyes).
                And yes it was a shame.

              • 5 months ago

                Mamoa was off , too lean. Agreed it had potential , but it just wasnt more than a C+. The McFarlane toy or statues are pretty accurate to what conan would look like at least in my opinion as a casual fan of REH short stories

              • 5 months ago

                I'm so sick of seeing this ugly mutt in everything. He's the will smiff of mutts. Every movie he's in he just plays himself.

              • 5 months ago

                >Every movie he's in he just plays himself.
                Pretty much like "The Rock" or Michel Rodriguez

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, but The Rock can actually fricking emote, unlike mimosa.

              • 5 months ago

                He was burley , Square cut black hair and blue eyes. In general the movie was good but it did not really reflect conan from the book.

                Conan as REH intended ladies and gents

              • 5 months ago

                Nah that's just Ye Olde cover art. He describes Conan pretty well in the books.
                REH never drew him.

            • 5 months ago

              To be fair he had a ton of shit happen to him back to back to back. These kind of changes do make sense in universe.

          • 5 months ago

            Making Planet Hulk a skipped B-plot wasn't a great choice either.

      • 5 months ago

        >What bothers me is that all the characters now have the personality of Tony Stark.
        Name 3.
        Lang is "goofy Dad"
        Strange is an angry dick
        Spider-Man is a sad lost boy
        Thor is a navel gazing hippie
        Black Panther is deeaaaaddd

        • 5 months ago

          She Hulk is an incel idiot .
          Hulk is a moron with very little testosterone.
          Reed Richards is Pedro Pascal.

          • 5 months ago

            Uh, I think She-Hulk is fricking everybody?
            Hulk is just le Nerd Scientist, HE may not be fricking anyone.
            Captain Marvel should have been a fast-flying brick stronger than Iron Man but weaker than Hulk (or Thor)(or She Hulk).

  4. 5 months ago

    I stopped watching those movies at infinity war. I just recently decided to watch endgame. Was pretty cool to see that the movie takes 5 years in the future in 2023. When I the viewer was watching! I had no idea that there would be a time skip. I felt like it was speaking to me. Saying…

    It’s all downhill. Endgame was laughably bad compared to infinity war.

    • 5 months ago

      >It’s all downhill. Endgame was laughably bad compared to infinity war.
      The pacing is horrible. It takes almost an hour for anything to happen at all

  5. 5 months ago

    >try to make thread about this movie
    >duplicate file exists here

    I’m 15 minutes into the movie right now myself and I was just wondering how long does Captain Marvel hang around for this? Her movie was the only one I skipped and so far she’s insufferable every time she speaks and is really brining my enjoyment down.

    • 5 months ago

      She shows up only at the beginning (up to the council) and then disappears until the final battle

    • 5 months ago

      She exists to fulfill 2 plot points

      • 5 months ago

        Tbh she didn’t even have to be there

        • 5 months ago

          Eh I can accept "Thor was too depressed to find Nebula and Tony" but yeah the ending battle could easily be reworked without her

          • 5 months ago

            The biggest problem with Captain Marvel is they powered her up too much too fast; she utterly lacks legitimate villains in her own flicks.
            She's like Hulk reduced to fighting Hydra soldiers.

          • 5 months ago

            she could easily have been replaced by a pissed off hulk in the big fight. banner gets his shit kicked in, starts to get angrier and angrier until he chimps out, hulk himself appears and starts wrecking shit

  6. 5 months ago

    >Endgame's Thanos isn't the one that did The Snap
    >AUUUGH TIME TRAVEL DOESNT EXIST! I mean...I've personally witness Doctor Strange doing it multiple times, but it's simply impossi--oh wait Jarvis figured it out. We're good!
    >Bitchmade Hulk
    >Avengers Assemble whispered as quietly as possible
    >Cap and Tony just solo anyway
    And that's not even going into the post-Endgame frickery like making Rhodey a Skrull the whole time.

    • 5 months ago
      AI DEGENerated Art and Porn

      >Avengers Assemble whispered as quietly as possible.

      Hey, it's me, ASMR, aveeengers.....Sssh.

  7. 5 months ago

    >spend 10 years building up to a payoff
    >pay it off
    >kill off your 2 main characters
    >wonder why everything after feels hollow

    • 5 months ago

      It's like that extra season of Scrubs. Everybody felt done

    • 5 months ago

      Well, if they knew how to create 2 good characters maybe they hoped they could do more?
      The death/retirement, sorta makes you appreciate them and diverges from comic book immortality trope, though maybe not for long, as they come to the realization that their replacements are not good enough.

      • 5 months ago

        feige used to think they'd just recast when an actor got tired of the role and carry on. they could have done that for cap, but rdj is much harder to replace. i don't really get why marvel has such an aversion to recasting, especially in the case of black panther

        • 5 months ago

          Falcon turning into Cap is a bit of a recast, but a poor one as he's pretty far from Chris Evans in terms of charisma and acting.

        • 5 months ago

          To be fair I kinda get it. They want fans to make a connection with the characters/actors. You can't build those connections if you just replace actors on a whim. It's really only when you get stuck in a Black Panther or Kang situation where it kinda gets fricked up.

  8. 5 months ago

    we wouldn’t be in this situation if they had gotten right to fantastic four and the x-men reboot but they absolutely INSISTED on ms. marvel and echo and she-hulk.
    it didn’t have to be this way but they did it to themselves.

    • 5 months ago

      I am glad they did not rush the X-Men or FF, they are the true future of the MCU and deserve time and care.

  9. 5 months ago

    It's a good wrap-up of the Avengers arc, and they had a couple years to complete the acquisition of Fox franchises and then set up production on them.
    Then Pandemic delays and suchlike, there was always going to be a couple-few years gap where the MCU slowed down. Their mistake was not taking a breather and trying to fill that gap with teevee show quality productions like Eternals and the Marvels, and "prequel" stuff like Black Widow.

  10. 5 months ago

    >How did they drop the ball so hard on an extremely developed franchise?
    They got too wienery and stopped trying. The Disney+ shows are probably the worst offenders. People cared about the literally who GotG team because they dropped the movie at the height of the MCU's popularity. They thought they could repeat the magic with shit like the Eternals, She Hulk, Moon Knight, etc. But the hype died down, people aren't going to tune in for literally who characters anymore because we haven't gotten a payoff movie since Endgame. The people who watched the Eternals didn't get their payoff of seeing those characters crossover with other MCU characters. Without that payoff Avengers movie, people just stopped caring, and rightfully so.

  11. 5 months ago

    Why was Doctor Strange phaseshifting while viewing the 14,000,605 timelines? Why did he only view 14,000,605? Why does Loki return to the audience's present when he timeslips, instead of his own? Why does he disappear at all?
    I get that there is obviously a visual language to film, and you want shit to look neat (I.E. the Sacred Timeline as a beam of light), but it still has to make sense within the rules that you write for yourself. Also what the frick was Old Steve doing all those years? Did he really hike all the way to the Time Machine in the forest just to give Falcon the shield? Why did he never interact with himself?
    Frick time travel, this shit doesn't make any sense.

    • 5 months ago

      >14 million timelines
      >None of them have Starlord able to keep his shit together
      That tracks, but I don't like it.

  12. 5 months ago

    Endgame is a victory lap and fan service movie. It's fun, but that's all it is. IW is the peak. Realistically, Endgame doesn't need to happen. They should just go back in time to when Thanos had all 6 stones. He sat on a planet before he snapped the stones away. You go back a day before that. No time heist, no BW dying, no nostalgia scenes showing off avengers 1 no neat cameos. Boring, logical. That's not Endgame, it's stupid, but fun.

    The rest of the MCU has just been stupid.

  13. 5 months ago

    Stark's greatest achievement was building the jericho, a multi staged rocket. By Iron Man 3, Infinity War, and End game Stark had invented (or perfected) access to the quantum realm, multiple sentient AI, super strength and ability to regenerate limbs, Magical Nano Technology, and literal time travel.

    Any single one of the inventions would have literally changed the world forever but they all go by completely unnoticed as if they were nothing. The implication of these inventions is huge and you could build multiple movie universes on any given one but instead we got End Game.

    The MCU is fricking moronic and anyone that actually likes this garbage has the critical thinking of a monkey.

    • 5 months ago

      >Quantum Realm/Time Travel is same shit, he "invented" neither, he just built a compass
      >First TRULY sentient AI tries to blow up the Earth
      >Super Strength was invented by Erskine and perfected by Banner
      Nanotech is his biggest achievement that worked, and he surely feared it's mass weaponization.

      Also: Comics logic

      • 5 months ago

        invented(or perfected) which he did for all of these.

        You could say Jarvis was the first AI since even after he was "killed" he was still around fighting Ultron. Then his second AI was a success so there's that.

        Super strength and breathing fire I was talking about extremis which he perfects in Iron Man 3 curing Pepper and himself in the process. He would have revolutionized the medical field with that one.

        He also invents a new element which perfects clean energy that no one ever talks about or uses.

        The Quantum Realm thing he just does without needing any training or research, something that took Pym his entire life. As for time travel, he says "I figured it out by the way, Time Travel." so he invented practical time travel. That 100% works and could be used for a million different purposes.

        As for worrying about weaponizing this tech, isn't that the entire thing that he wanted? So he didn't have to personally fight all the wars and the reason why ultron was being created in the first place. Ultron would have been sentient, so I see no reason why he wouldn't trust the UN (which he did) to protect the world using his tech.

        All of this and none of it has any impact whatsoever in universe.

        • 5 months ago

          >All of this and none of it has any impact whatsoever in universe.
          throw in all the shit wakanda has done with vibranium that they think only they're allowed to have too.
          it's going to get worse when reed and doom show up too

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty sure after The Eternals there's a gigantic celestial corpse parked on Earth and I don't think anyone has mentioned it.

  14. 5 months ago

    Why are you even asking this question anon? You know what happened, everyone does. Like fricking autist, asking the same fricking thing over and over relentless.

  15. 5 months ago

    Can this homosexual save Disney's Marvel universe?

    • 5 months ago

      No, because they'll turn him into an illiterate Black person.

  16. 5 months ago

    >It seems like they are doing what Star Wars did for ep 7-9 where you just throw anything at the wall and hope something sticks.
    Isn't that the same they did for the first few movies?

  17. 5 months ago

    The MCU got overconfident and tried to replace their predominantly male audience with a female one because they thought they were bulletproof. Writing also took a shit.

  18. 5 months ago

    >extremely developed franchise
    >nearly every other movie recons the last
    >”Main villain” doesn’t actually start his plan until the last movie of his decade long “saga” because they decided he was going to be the big bad at the last second

    Yeah ok.

    • 5 months ago

      >at the last second
      The end of the first Avengers?

  19. 5 months ago

    The time travel / greatest hits part spoiled it AND pre-emptively fricked Kang.

  20. 5 months ago

    Kind reminds me of this television show called Heroes. After season 1 they dropped the ball in season 2 because they returned to slow build up (then the writers' strike happened). But once you reach a certain "high" audiences expect you to maintain it. (But doing that also leads to the multiplication effect where stakes are always bigger and people burn out.)

    What Marvel tried to do is a palate cleanser of slow build up. Unfortunately it was quantity over quality. Phsae 4 (2021-22) had a LONGER screentime than phase 1-3 put together. Disney+ pressures fricked things up. They said you wouldn't need to watch the shows to see the movies and that statement is both true and false. You didn't need to watch WandaVision to see Dr Strange because the main plot points were a repeat of what happened previously. But with shit like Ms Marvel the set up was in the show.

    Really 2 movies a year would have been fine, despite the stumbles. 3 movies and Disney+ shows? No thanks. Why care about Dr Strange? If you liked the first one you wait years for the second one and then all the plot points are ignored. (Sure he appeared in other movies in the meantime but the momentum was lost.) Too many projects and no one cares.

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