How did they frick up MCU Wanda this much?

How did they frick up MCU Wanda this much?

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  1. 10 months ago
  2. 10 months ago

    Same way they fricked everything up after Endgame, they didn't have a plan after Endgame, they're just aimlessly milking everything and resetting character arcs/development.

  3. 10 months ago

    there was nothing to frick up in the first place, she was a cardboard cut bimbo that got some popularity only thanks to her actress' looks, but as soon as Olsen walled Disney desperately tried to salvage the character by making her actually nuanced. Too bad they did in the most moronic way possible

    • 10 months ago

      Must you incels stink up every thread?

    • 10 months ago

      Cinemaphile trannies dont like 'women' over 13 years old

  4. 10 months ago

    Didn't let her do House of M

  5. 10 months ago

    If she wanted children, why didn't she just find a guy and ride him like a rodeo bull?

    • 10 months ago

      I know it's difficult being moronic, but try to understand; she wants her children back, not new children.

  6. 10 months ago

    They fricked her up by being obsessed with Disassemble and House of M. They wanted that Wanda and they were determined to have her get there somehow. Waldron pretty much said Marvel had plans for her to be a villain so he did it first.

    • 10 months ago

      Basically this. Whedon got Wanda and Vision added to the MCU because they were a big part of Avengers when he was a reader in the 70s (and briefly added Pietro too, but he wasn't really in Avengers much by the 70s so Whedon had no attachment to him and killed him). But right from the start Feige just wanted to build to turning Wanda into a crazy villain just like in his Benis comics. She wasn't supposed to become one of their most popular heroines, and when it started happening Feige refused to change course, even now he seems unaware just how badly they've screwed up here, especially if those Deadpool 3 rumors have any truth to them.

      Didn't let her do House of M

      They've done their own version of it, and still people like you aren't satisfied and want to keep adapting it until she says the damn line.

      • 10 months ago

        How much of a frickup do you have to be as a creator that Whedon seems based in comparison?

        • 10 months ago

          When he was telling origin stories and a very VERY loose adaptation of The Infinity Gauntlet, Feige had good source material to work from, was mostly surrounded by talented writers and directors, and it all made him look like a man of vision and talent. But since Phase 3 ended the man's laser-focused on adapting bad characters and bad material from the last 20 years of Marvel's comics, and has surrounded himself with a combination of absolute morons, and people who have just been given too much creative freedom to mess things up.

          I think they have to be exceptionally stubborn or exceptionally moronic to not understand how they've dropped the ball here and ruined one of the few popular characters they had left, but the rumor mill keeps telling us they plan to double down on it, while nothing official is announced or planned for the next several years, instead they want to string fans of WandaVision along with an Agatha Harkness show, and a Vision show that's supposedly going to be about him building a new family, the absolute opposite of what any fans would want to see, but it happened in a 2010s Vision solo book, so it's probably the one Vision story Feige knows.

          • 10 months ago

            imo Feige's an egomaniac, and the quality of the MCU has noticably gone down hill ever since they pushed out Ike and the creative committee, which happened during CW's development. He shat on a lot of different characters, directors, and writers in his effort to be the sole head of the MCU brand and it shows.

            A lot of the MCU's best stories occured in spite of him, not because of him.

            • 10 months ago

              Ike yes, the creative committee no. The committee was full of morons like Bendis and Loeb, they were better off without input from the very people who'd made such a mess of the comics. I do think Feige and Ike working together balanced out each other's worst tendencies. Most of Phase 3 was already planned when Ike was forced out, things rapidly went downhill afterwards.

              There are stories about one or more members of the committee using it as their own stepping stone into Hollywood and annoying movie execs by making calls direct to them, even if that's not true, we know the committee were trying to block the mix tape soundtrack for GoTG, and there were claims of them trying to block AoU adding Vision and the twins just because none of the committee cared about them.

              • 10 months ago

                Not saying the creative committee is blameless, just that I preferred its existence of a bunch of different voices all with their own perspectives and visions, more than one voice who doesn't have any real vision beyond pillaging the Ultimates comics until there was very little left to adapt.

                >Ike and Loeb
                Loeb was instrumental in Marvel Entertainment, Marvel TV, which had some of the best serialized capeshit out there. AoS, Daredevil, hell even (most of) Jessica Jones. I know some people have an axe to grind with either of both of them, but their role in live action MCU stuff was fantastic.

              • 10 months ago

                >Not saying the creative committee is blameless, just that I preferred its existence of a bunch of different voices all with their own perspectives and visions, more than one voice who doesn't have any real vision beyond pillaging the Ultimates comics until there was very little left to adapt.
                I'd be more supportive of the idea of a creative committee of Marvel Comics talent if there were any comics writers or editors left you could actually trust to do this job well, and not be motivated by their own personal biases towards characters. Even in better decades in Marvel's past it would always be a risky prospect. Feige just needed someone who could say "no" to him when he had ideas that were moronic.

                >Loeb was instrumental in Marvel Entertainment, Marvel TV, which had some of the best serialized capeshit out there.
                Loeb was also instrumental in ruining Marvel's cartoons, so it balances out.

              • 10 months ago

                Jessica Jones was dreadful and I'm tired of people having low enough standards to eat up that slop and say it was any good.

          • 10 months ago

            It's hilarious to me because Wanda is one female hero everyone seemed to like. Meanwhile Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, that Skrull chick who will probably never see again are divisive at best, hated at worst.

            • 10 months ago

              >Wanda is one female hero everyone seemed to like
              hoe many issues lasted her solo books, iwhere is her related merchandising. in how many side media like vidya, kid books etc did she actually show up in? internet chuds only make noise but they count nothing

      • 10 months ago

        what Deadpool 3 rumors !?

  7. 10 months ago

    Bendis is cancer and all his contributions are inherently bad. Failing to understand that gives you villain Wanda.

  8. 10 months ago

    A lot of morons didn't understand when WV came out that they were planning to write her out/kill her off. Buncha dumbasses.

    DS2 was fine. The Darkhold is fricking evil and makes villains out of anyone who reads it and she was fine as a villain

    • 10 months ago

      Humanoids like you refuse to accept that nobody working on WandaVision thought they were making a "villain origin story", and expected that her next appearance would be some kind of redemption arc.

      Even before that show she was getting popular, turning her into a villain was a narrative dead end, and an absolutely moronic waste of one of the popular characters they had left by Phase 4, made astronomically worse by how popular WandaVision made her. They should have known even before then not to do this.

      The people defending MoM are a weird mix of Sam Raimi fanboys behaving like he can do no wrong, and comics casuals whose knowledge of Wanda extends to just those two Bendis stories and think the character is meant to be a villain most of the time. Anyone who seriously thinks one bad movie was worth wrecking a popular character for is an idiot.

      • 10 months ago

        Every surviving main or supporting character post Endgame has been either killed off, or used as a prop to introduce new characters (whose actors are less known and likely willing to work for less of a salary).

        Natasha is weird and shitty because they needed to make Yelena look good. Falcon's entire character is weirdly handled because they needed to cast US Agent in a good light.
        Hulk was already treated as a joke character, and only existed to prop up She-Hulk.
        Ant-Man 3 propably got the best possible post EG story, and even then, that series is perpetually treated as an afterthought by Marvel Studios.

        And main characters who either cost to much, like Olson or Cobie, are flat out killed off.

        Anon, you're just coping. She was reading the darkhold at the end of WV, how can you not understand that's telegraphing her villain arc for DS2? The darkhold fricks with you.

        • 10 months ago

          >She was reading the darkhold at the end of WV, how can you not understand that's telegraphing her villain arc for DS2?
          So what? Nothing pre MoM telegraphed "reading this book will instantly turn you into a villain". You're using later material to justify how audiences should have known something was going to happen. All audiences had to go on during WandaVision was Agatha having possession of the Darkhold for over a century without having changed at all.

          >The darkhold fricks with you.
          And that wasn't the story anyone working on WandaVision thought they were building to. I don't know why you're even arguing this when they're on the record about it. It wasn't even the original plot for Wanda's role in MoM.

        • 10 months ago

          >they needed to cast US Agent in a good light
          They did? Because it felt like they tried to write him like an butthole and kept failing at it.

    • 10 months ago

      Also we're headed toward a reality-reboot event so it doesn't really matter in the long run. Even if they don't just pull an alternate timeline Wanda like they did with Gamora they can just say "in this new timeline, that story never happened".

      • 10 months ago

        >Also we're headed toward a reality-reboot event so it doesn't really matter in the long run.
        Olsen's not currently under contract with them, and has said in several interviews about being happier doing other work now. There's a chance they've actually lost her over this, especially if all they have planned for her character is more villain appearances. You can read between the lines with earlier things she'd said about the direction MoM took Wanda in, too.

      • 10 months ago

        Okay, so you're asking for people to not care about the MCU then, gotcha.

        The concept of the multiverse is narrative poison, because unless it's dealt with extremely carefully, shit like what you describe will happen. That you don't see an issue with this is concerning.

        • 10 months ago

          >asking for people not to care
          i still like MCU Wanda. i *love* the fact that she was even the only person to be able to 1v1 Thanos and he had to cry to his mothership to save him from her. i can still rewatch any of her appearances and enjoy them again. i would very much like to see *that* Wanda come back, but at the same time she did make a really scary villain because her powers are straight out of classic Twilight Zone horror.

          And also, just to throw it out there...
          The Wanda that she was controlling, the one in Earth-838, is still a good woman whose children love her and she's still alive and uncorrupted. If Elizabeth Olsen were willing, she could just show up on Battleworld as a non-ruined character. And since the Loki series (and Spider-Man: No Way Home if you want to count it) confirmed alternate versions of the same person being played by different actors, they could bring in a new Wanda played by someone else if they want.

          Yes, having a multiverse and reality reboots to undo drastic or unpopular changes to a character does cheapen the stakes a little, but ... welcome to cape comics.

          • 10 months ago

            >The Wanda that she was controlling, the one in Earth-838, is still a good woman whose children love her and she's still alive and uncorrupted. If Elizabeth Olsen were willing, she could just show up on Battleworld as a non-ruined character.
            If the Deadpool 3 leaks are true, their plan is to turn that Wanda into a villain to do No More Mutants on that world's X-Men. And to make her Magneto's mutant daughter because confusing audiences with conflicting character origins is OK and not stupid so long as X-Men fandom gets what it wants. And while they didn't care at all about including Wanda in any of the X-Men movies, doing this is for some reason of vital importance to X-gays now, like they want to mark her as their territory.

  9. 10 months ago

    I do feel bad for Liz... or well, for anyone involved in Dr. Strange 2... except the writer and Feige.

  10. 10 months ago

    >any reason
    >any year

  11. 10 months ago

    Looks like I triggered some jeet. GOOD NIGHT SIR.

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