How did this shit get 7 emmies?

How did this shit get 7 emmies?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    I can never tell if the general consensus on this show is negative or positive.

    • 7 months ago

      The creator of EEnE loves this shit and the French.

      • 7 months ago

        the French?

    • 7 months ago

      General consensus is positive but autists like Mr. Enter that are obsessed with "muh mean-spiritedness" vehemently dislike it.

    • 7 months ago

      personally was never that big on it, but I know a lot of people that liked it

      The creator of EEnE loves this shit and the French.


  2. 7 months ago

    Because it was great, unlike another animated production from the same year 2004, called Shrek 2.

  3. 7 months ago
  4. 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    It was a really good fricking show, anon. I've wanted to go back to finish it for ages but I've never found the time. I'll certainly say this, though: of all of the shows that I liked in my childhood, it's the only one that really entirely holds up, and I kind of knew it would at the time, too. It's purestrain kino. All the complaints about it entirely miss the point. Blind idiots writhing in envy that someone made a work of art better than anything they could create. Pitiful.

  6. 7 months ago

    The artstyle carried the series.

  7. 7 months ago

    Threesomes involving Mac, Goo, and Frankie

    • 7 months ago

      Mac, Bloo and Terrence*

  8. 7 months ago

    The first season was good and teased the notion that the show might go somewhere beyond the standard episodic cartoon when that was a real novelty.

    Obviously those teases of plot never panned out and the longer it went on the more audiences disliked the show and the annoying characters that never grew or learned lessons.

    • 7 months ago

      >teased the notion that the show might go somewhere beyond the standard episodic cartoon
      No it didn't. The frick you on?

      • 7 months ago

        NTA but I explicitly remember as a kid feeling like the show was going for something that took itself a little more seriously than other cartoons on the network. And by “seriously” I mean trying to go for unironic emotional and sweet moments, stood out in comparison to its CN brethren like Billy and Mandy.

  9. 7 months ago

    >How did this shit get 7 emmies?
    kids liked it ?
    and it had a unique creative premise?

    • 7 months ago

      >kids liked it ?
      It's an Emmy, it doesn't mean jack shit in there
      >and it had a unique creative premise?
      Yeah but it got stale quickly

  10. 7 months ago

    It had a unique premise, a very unique and vibrant artstyle, and the first season was just full of likable characters. It's only when seasonal rot kicked in, and the executives demanded that Bloo be more of a jerk, and the characters in general act more stupid. Compare Bloo from the movie to Bloo from season 2 onward.

    >movie bloo is nice, calm, treats Mac like a friend, feels like a new guy trying to fit in
    >post season 2 Bloo is a gigantic butthole who treats everyone like disposable waste

    • 7 months ago

      >kids liked it ?
      It's an Emmy, it doesn't mean jack shit in there
      >and it had a unique creative premise?
      Yeah but it got stale quickly

      The first season was good and teased the notion that the show might go somewhere beyond the standard episodic cartoon when that was a real novelty.

      Obviously those teases of plot never panned out and the longer it went on the more audiences disliked the show and the annoying characters that never grew or learned lessons.

      I fell off of watching the show when I was a kid because I went through a phase where I felt like I was too old to watch cartoons. But I was definitely watching long past the first season and I don't remember getting any sense of seasonal rot whatsoever. I do remember that there've always been a bizarre number of truly fricking obnoxious people on the internet with incomprehensibly bad taste complaining about the show, though.

      • 7 months ago

        moronic zoomers don't have to post their moronation.

  11. 7 months ago

    Industry needed to convince itself that flash/puppet rigging wasn’t horse shit so they could save a buck by piling slop on your plate.

  12. 7 months ago

    Hottest character?
    Aside from Frankie

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Why are you aging her up then?

    • 7 months ago


  13. 7 months ago

    The show puts on an extremely saccharine vibe despite actually being pretty cynical. It’s weird.

  14. 7 months ago

    >house for imaginary friends
    >not a single Jesus

  15. 7 months ago

    Fosters is an interesting show

    Those who dislike it tend to like House of Bloo's, Good Wilt Hunting, Destination Imagination, and Wilt in general

    Those who like it tend to hate Everyone Knows It's Bendy, Fosters Goes to Europe, the surprise party one, the goofball McGee one, and the character of Bloo

  16. 7 months ago

    it's a show with an amazing concept and really fantastic visual design. sure, the writing wasn't always the best, but there were more than enough hits to balance out the occasional miss. if a show's got a 10/10 premise, 10/10 art, and 7/10 writing, that still comes out to a 9/10.

  17. 7 months ago

    by being good

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